HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-12, Page 5•Y{,
Ooeurraneee of the least week IrkreutOP-
out the NeippilbOrkood In a Verxe1Se
St, Marys council] have proeured a
Piece of land to be 11604 for athletic
During the recent camp at Stratford
the volunteers consumed 47 head of
cattle and 51,260 pounds of bread.
The corner stone of Christ church,
Forest, will be:laid about the middle
of July, with appropriate ecclesiaetical
I actually believe that Everest'
Cough Syrup saved my life.— Janice
Kirkpatrick, Merchant, Forest, Ont.
Mr. Alexander Rusk, aged 23, died
the other morn.ng at Goclerioh after
•an illness Of several monthe' duration.
Theeeceased was a printer by trade,
havii)g-served his apprenticeship in
that town.
W1IiarnFitzpatrick, of Wawanosh,
was thrown in front of a mower Wed-
nesday afternoon, the horses running
away. His legs were out oo badly that
amputation may be necessary,
Wells, gentleman, vice Charle:3Creigh-
ton Ross, left limits. No. 7 Company,
Porter's Hill, to be 2nd Lieutenant,
provisionally, Private Edmund George
Courtice, vice Russell.
Mies Ella A Rupert of St. Marys won
the silver medal and diploma in the
comeroial course, at Ontario Ladies col-
lege; also diploma. from Pitmans phon-
etic society, London for short -handwrit-
1 had a bad cold on my lungs for
two years, everything I tried failed
me till 1 got Everest'Cough Syrup
and it cured me. —Mrs, D, A. Erases,
Parkhill P. 0.
At the last meeting of the St, Marys'
Collegiate Institute Board the salary
of Mr. T. U. Follick, Natural Science
Master, was raised, in appreciation of
his superior abilities and indefatigable
labor. -
Mrs. Richard Green of Hibbert died
on Sunday evening after a brief atteck
of inflansnsation. She and her hus-
band were among the earliest settlers
of the township. coming in sometime
in the fifties.
1Vir. John Dulmage, of Wingham,
has lost by death his imported Rysdyk
Hambtetoman she by inflammation;
also a yearling coil by a cut from a
scythe. The value of the animals is
said to be about $3,000.
Mrs. Peter McKean, of the lOth
con. East Williams, the victim of the
runaway accident died at the residence
of Mr,,Peter Stewart, Center Road, a
fel"days ago. Her funeral was largely
Mr. Nathaniel Johnston died at the
residenee of his son James, on the
second concession on Friday last,
having reached the gOcid age of 77
years. He was one of the pioneer
isettlers of Tuckersmith, and, at one
time, an energetic and useful citizen.
On Wednesday last a cow belonging
to Mr. Granyille, of Exeter, entered
the orchara of Mr. James Sanders,
2nd con., Stephen. It is supposed the
dog saw the cow enter, and a.t once
took after her, and instead of the cow
coming back to the gate she jumped
the fence and in jumping over she
was caught in the bowels by the barb
wire,and the intestines badly torn out
She died shortly after.
At the last meeting of the rukey
smith iovvnship council Mr. John Mc-
Kenna, civil engineer of Dublin, was
appointed engineer for the township,
under the Ditches and Water Courses
Act, in place of Mr. H. B. Froudthot,
of Clinton, wno has accepted an en-
gagement from the Ontario Goverment
and has removed, at least from this
coun try,
Died, at the home of her husband,
on the Goshen line, Stanley township,
on the 28th day of May, 1888, airs.
Rosey Armstrong in the seventy-
second year of her age, and thirty-
sixth year of her residence on the farm
where she died. She leaves a husbithd
and seven sons to mourn her loss, one
son and two daughters having preced-
ed her to the tomb.
In the last Canada Gazette, the foll-
owing among other changes were not?,
ed: —33rd "Huron" Battalion of In-
fantry, No. 1 Company, Goderinh, to
be captain, Robert Crockett, M. S.
from retired List of Captains, vice
John Robertson Miller, who is hereby
permitted to retire retaining rank; to
be Lieutenant, provisionally, Dudley
Holmes, gentleman, vice Beck, ap-
pointed Quarter-Master,to be 2nd Lieu-
tenant, provisionally, James Henry
As the ll o'clock passenger train on
the Grand Trunk line was leaving the
Brush Street Depot, Detroit, on Sat-
urday evening, David Fisher of God-
erich, had his pocket picked of $224.
The money consisted of two $100 bills,
one $20 and two $2 bills. Three men
were seen to lump from the train, but
although the train dispatcher notified
the police at once no clue to the thiev-
es could be obtained.
The Brussels Budget says :—Some
pump vendore from I,ondon' went to
Sir. John Little's place, on the 4th
eon. of Morris, last week, and asked to
be allowed to put in a pump, which
they would give him and as a guaran-
tee gave him an itieknowledgercient,
/. written in pencil signed by W. J. Mill -
lay, ageet for the Iron Pump Co., of
London. The next day he reeeived a
load of one dozen pumps, for which
he signed an agreement to pay for a
11 of them amounting to $165, vvhich
amount he is responsible for.
On Monday morning, Dr. Wood
performed a Critical operation on Mr.
A Meehan, of Hibbert, whieh consisted
in removing it cancer froin the lower
bowel.The,dhanees for the patient
Were few Weeks terrible sufferiegand
certain 'death without the operatioa
on the one side, and a dhance for pro
'bilged life with comparatiY6 comfo-t
or ienmediete fatal consequencesOn
on the other, The deceasil;c1 chose
the latter chance, and urged the Oper-
ation that relief of Some kind might
come The Operation was skilfully
performed and the patient ,clid well
until Wednesday evening, When per-
itonetis set in and resulte 1 filthily.
On the oocasion of the departnre of
theReV. T, L Campbell and family for
St. 1VIary'd a garden Party was given
in the grounds of the IVIethedist chur-
oh at Owen Sound. After the entdoer
performances Mr, Campbell was pre-
eented witb a very complunentarY ad-
dress and a beautiful gold watch, bear-
ing the inscription,"Presented to Rev.
T. M. Campbell by the congregation
of the Methodist Church of Oanada,at
Owen Soond,as a token of appreelation
of his services asipastor.' The rev.
gentlentan and family bave won gol-
den opinions in Owen Sound in their
two years' residence. And the highteet
wishes of all follow them to their new
home in St. Marys.
In Brussels, on July 9th, Kenzey
Scott, son of F, 8, Scott, bailiff, and
Thos, Wilson, son cif Tames Wilson:
were arranging a hunting expedition
for this evening and were getting
guns in order. One was an old mus-
ket which had a charge in it since last
summer. After several unsuccessful
efforts had been made to explode the
oharge the gun was left standing
against the garden gate with a cap and
fresh powder on the nipple. Wilson
went of to dinner and as lie returned
Scott opened the gate. The gun fell
and exploded, the charge entering
Wilson's head near the right temple.
He afterwards walked 50 yards, . and
then with help was taken home.
Doctors were immediately called but
he died shortly after.
Everest's Liver Regulator worked
wonders on me and made me feel like
a new man.—Levi El. Slipper, Forest.
Mr. j. W. Lawrence assignee in
the case ofMr. John Madili, an insol-
vent St. Marys merchant, has declared,
a second and final dividend. ',Ur.
Lawrence, in a circular to the creators
says : "1 have great pleasure in call-
ing the attention of the creditors of
this estate to the conduct and actions
of Mr, Madill, You will perceive that
you have been paid in full, a very un-
usual circumstance in an insolvent es-
tate. Mr Madill finding in the last
two years, notwithstanding his exer-
tions, that he was going behind, deter-
mined before his surplus disappeared
to make an assignment, having at the
time anominal surplus. He expressed
a determination when he made the as-
signment that he would pay in full any
shortage in the estate out of future
earnings, At the sale of the stock a
large price was realized, viz.:73.1 cents.
This enabled me to tpay 90 cents on
your claims. He has now paid me the
other 10 cents, which has enabled me
to pay your claim in full.
"Wake AILFI TOO?" You don't know?
Then why don't you try WARNER'S
SAFE; C URE 9 Oh my kidneys are
all right! "Are they?" You perhaps don't
know that Consumption, Neuralgia,
Rheumatisna, Stomach Disorders
Malaria, Chills and Fever and
Ague, Head -etc lie;Liver Disor-
ders, Impaired Eye Sight, Con-
stipation, Abscesses, Eruptions,
Impotency, Lame Back, Lum-
bago, Boils, Carbuncles, and among
etomen, Female Conaplaints prevail
mostly among people who, like yourself,
insist that they have no -kidney disease!
They have an don't know it. You will
never get well of the above anil countless
other common disorders, which would never
prevail if the Kidneys were all right, unless
you restore the uneuspectecl dieordered
Kidneys by that greatblood tonic and purifier
'Warner's Safe Cure
1.••••••57,6 --es •
T.Che Orangehien of the district of Bid-
dulph are making preparations for holding
it grand demonstration at Parlthill oia July
To most children, the bare suggestion of
a dose of castor oil is nauseating. When
physic is necessary for the little ones, use
Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They are safe and
pleasant to take. Try them.
.A. bill which has passed the Federal Coun-
cil of Germany provides Lor the pensioning
of all woriciug people who aro incapacitated
or who have arrived at the age of 70.
Fortify the system, by the use of Ayer's
Sareaparilla, against the diseases peceliar
to hot weather. Dais medicine induces a
healthy action of the etomanh, liver, and
kicineye, causing them to prevent the
accumulation of the poisone which produce
Levi II. Morton was officially notified on
Satnrclay of his nomination as Republican
candidate for the Vice-Presideney.
wag troubled with Liver Complaint
for it number of years, finding no cure, I
tried B.B.B. I took four bottles and am
now perfeetly cured, atrong and hearty."
Mrs. Maria Askett, Alma, Ont.
•Sir John Maeclonald has sued Nathan
Michael, it Montreel tobacconist, for using
his name for advertisiug purposes.
For Scrofula, Impoverished
Blood and General Debility,
Scott's Evralsion of Cod Liver, and Hypo -
phosphites, has no equal in the whole
realm 01 medicine. Read. the following : 'I
gave Scott's Emulsion tomy own child for
Scrofula, and the effect was mervel1ous."-
0. Gray„M. D., White Hall, Ind. Put
up in 50c. and gl size.
Fire in Bowmanville destroyed the Alma
hotel. Triniti*Congtegational church and
the residence of Mrs. Shaw.
• - --
ADVICE TO MOTICERS.—Are you distarbed nt
night and broken of your reet by a stoic child
suffering and crying with Pain of Cutting
Teeth? If no gond at once awl got a bottle
of "Mrs,Winslows Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teethin.g, Its valte is incalculable.
It willnineve the poor 'Me 5ufftwor im
mediately 1.),enend upon 11, mothers ; there
is no mistake about it. It cures Dyeentery
vice Diarrhcea, regulates the Stomach and
:Bowels, aurae Wind Colic nottene fine Gums,
reduces Inflautmation, ahd gives tone end
energy to the whole system. 'Man. WingleW'S
Soothing Syrup" for children teething is
pleasant to the taste aud is the prescription
of one of the oldest and best tense's)
pbysiciens and tutees in the 'United
States, mid is for sited by all druggists
throughout the world, Price twenty.fivo
cents bottle. Po etre and ask foi".111as.
Winnower; Peeernrect s-ntre "and take uo
other kind. .
' An old physician„ retired frera practice,
having hailepleced in his hands ey en least
endiren nalesionary the formnla o/ a simple
vegeseble remedy for the speedy aria perma-
nent cure 'of Cons tunption, 13ronehitis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma and all throat and lung
affeetions, Bab a potitivo aini radical cure
for Xervotis Debi:16y tendrill Nervone Corn-
plaintee atter hem g tested itfe wouderful
eurative pewee's in the:Amide ofearfee, hat
feSt it hie defy; to tren kelt: knosvp to bis
enderine telleweisettuttedby cane uctotiVe
101(3 a clean% to relieve bunk an intiteribp,, X
'sc.') send free of elle rge, to eel who dot:311'0'a
Ibis reeiptein Germe lernfieb kInglish:
with hill direCtions for Ilrellt rind 11.11d using,
Sent by mail oy eeitleees.he w ith stamp,
earnieg thiS eat) er,W, A . Notes 149 Posses
Moe, eceheeter
VATAL AocinIntril An» It41164 F111/48
eel often occur that ehonld be Avoided by
using more eaution. The same with your
health; it on be, preeereed by using Impel',
id Cream Tartat' Baking Powder. Sold
by all grocers. 141annfftetiarefl by
EW GILLXTT, Toronto, Out,
Feur persons were burned to death in a
fares henee near See lit Ste. Merle,
reances S. Smith, of Bresciale, Meskoka,
Writee:—I was troubled with vomiting for
two year and I have vomited as often ae
Ave tinaes a day, One bottle of Burdock
Blood Bitters completely cured. me,"
The judgment of the Privy Council con-
firms Mr. Patriek Purcell in his position of
M. P. for Glengarry.
Dr. Fowler's Extract of 'Wild Strawberry
is the best, most prompt and safest cure
for Cholera Morbus, Dyeentry, Sick Stone.
itch, Cramps, Colic, Diarrhosa and Cholera
Infantiann that has yet been discovered.
Its popularity increaser; emit' year. All
medicine dealers sell it.
Matthew Leonard, a Tyendinaga farmer,
fell while working in a burning fallow and
was fatally burned.
F. P. Teener, of Neebing, Ont., eays he
has not only found B, B. B. a sere cure for
Dyspepsia, but has also found it to be the
best medicine for regulating and invigorat-
ing the system that he had ever taken.
B.B.B. is the groat syetem regulator.
Pope Leo ie said to be makiug strenuous
efforts to suppress slavery throughout the
"I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry Fuld found it the best
remedy I ever used for Dyspepsia and all
Summer Complaiuts among children, and
I think no household should be without et,"
Mrs. A. Baker, Ingoldsby. Ont.
Miss Grace Polley of Goderich pasesd
a highly creditable examination at the
recent closing exercises of Alma Col-
lege, St. Thomas, taking 110nOrs in 1.
tEilian, French, German, andphilology,
and passing in Latin. We cong ratulate
our young townswoman on her success.
The ravages of Cholera Infautum, Chol-
era Morbus, Diarrhcea, Dysentry and other
summer complaints among children during
the lint weather, might be almost totally
prevented by having recourse to nature's
sovereign ienaecly for all bowel complaints,
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Whit Stiawberry.
'Sarnia July 10.—Chief Sherwood, of
the Secret Service Department, with an
assistant drove to Thedford durieg last
night and arrested W. 0. Parsons, a pro-
minent contractor, on a charge of counter-
feiting. Parsone was brought here this
morning and remanded for one week.
There was found in his house and on his
person about $600 bills an(' America silver.
Parsons is mixed up in the counterfeiting
work on which Chas Johnson, now in jail
here, is held.
Read the Next
7. •?•-•,..-
Colum.n Article.
holera MorbuQLds
Ft A. 1M PS
Ras a world-wide re p a trt Mon as a physician
and author. !is kat.; i'iltke Dandelion Liver
Curo is a triumph of medical skill, curing
all diseases oi the Kiudey and Liver,
Kidney Complaint, ,..1,'„it;teg,rg
pains in the buck ; a dull paiu or weight in
the bladder or base of the abdomen; scald-
ing uvine oftee ol,truotd fioqnent desire
to urinate, espeoially at night, among aged
persoes ; hot, dry slam pale 1:n111111e:two rod
and white clep05it.4, drop dizziness, 50111
stomach, constipation, piles, liver sisal
swellings, &c.
Liver (3ornplainti sUalUtt,cti:
inua.diaa, tatnew emni)lexion,it \veers , Reece
feeling, 00 1110 or energy,ltorid ache, dyspop.
sia, indigestion ,'spo te, pimples Axl,
/amid rake en d Dandelion ar nature'sli vow
cures, and 'Who combined with kidney tem -
dies, Elgin Dr. Olinse's Liver Onto, will most
positively mire till troubles. It
acts like a charm, stimule.tlog the ologged
liver, stingthen thq Iti (hie:Vann hinvigor.
ating the .whole bed SOld by all Oftiers itt
on e donee, w ith reeeipt e 00k, which alohe im
worth the 1110110y.
Chase's Pills are the only
-LN-L""vj Lidney.Ideor nisoo ; thoy
NA gently yet oIietl, elly. May
be taken derise any employ.
pillqmerit. They core Itifiner.liver
• troubles headache. b"..ionsneas
costiveness &o (inc Pill it doto. Sold by all
tlettlerS, i?rioe2q coots,
T. Lit' 0,111A NtiONZ..(z CO,.
Bradford, Ont., Manta,
(Oorrectedatao'cleckp.rn. Wednesday.
3?al1Whea 1 ••• ... ... ... 0 02 to 93
Spring ;iWnottt ... ... ,,.. ... 0 70 Po 0 70
klarley ... ,,, .., „. „, 50 to 50
0 43 19 47
Clover See d .„ ... ..., ... A 00 1 o 4 00
Timothy " ... ••• ... ..• 2 BOmo 800
?GRA •• • 0 -*4 0 00 1 0 9 00
OQII1 ... ,,.. (1 58 to Q 00
fegge .. 0 14 to 0 15
Butter .., ... ... ... *A to 0 15
Flour nerblel . ,. ... . .,. 00 p o ti 55
Petatoes,per buthiel ... • p • • 65 Go 70
Apples,per bike... . 40 to 05.
DrledApplespr b ... ... 0 0410 0 00
tioese ger lb. - ... 0 03 to 0 05
Turkey per lb • ,, 0 07 to oa
Ducks per pr ... 0 4s to 050
Chickens per pr ... 0 20 to 9 30
Etogs,dressedper10 „. 6 80 1o7 00
Beef ... .. .. 4 00 10 5 00
Hidesroulag, ..„. ... „.. 5 50 to 0 50
" dressed ... ... ... 6 00 to 000
Sheepskins each .., 0 75 to 1 GO
Calfskins... ... 0 80 to 0 70
Wool per lb ... .., 0 18 to 020
aypei ton ... ... 800 to 8 00
Onion snerbush . 5
Woodper oord ,„ ... ........25 t P 3 00
Fall Wheat . - ... . .. . ..... . „.,
Spring Whoa. t ....
Bar•ey 50 53
Oats.... -
..,—. . ... .. ... . ... . ........... ...— .,ee 48CloverSeed . 450 500
T11110thy .. „ , ,..1 es 2 00
Peas .50 03
Eggs....... . ..... . . .,..... .....„.... ... . ... ... 12 13
Butter 14 15
Potatoes per bag'.,..„ ....... . ..... . . „..„ 75 90
Apples per bush 30 43
Wool perlb . 20 23
HaY Per ton 800 850
Bran per tou 14 00 14 00
Shorts " " , 20 00 20 00
Oatmeal per bbl, . 6 00 7 00
Loudon, July 9.—The Mark Lane Express,
in its weekly review of the British grain
trade says :—English wheat is steady. In
the provincial exchanges from 6d to is or
more is obtained. The sales of English
wheat during the past week were 29,289
querters at 31s 5d against 16,707 quarters at
34s 25 during the corresponding week last
year. Foreign wheat is stronger. Buyers
are obliged to pay a fraction advances in
values. Sellers at Liyerpool have obtained
an advance) of ed per (=tee Flour is firm.
Corn in Liverpool is scarce. Spot corn has
risen 3c1 per contr.'. Linseed is a turn dear-
er. There were twenty six arrivals of
wheat cargoes, seventeen ware sold, twelve
were withdrawn and eight remain. At to-
day's market wheats were weaker. Last
weeks edvanee was barely maintained. Corn
was 3d dearer. Oats were 65 dearer.
July 10—The receipts of live stock at the
Montreal Stock yards at Point St. Charles
for the past week were 1,075 cattle, 500
sheep, 158 hop and 158 calves; left over
from the previous week, 317 cattle; total for
the week, 1,392 (Attie ; ezported and sold
during the week, ,1,376 cattle, 500 sheep, 158
hogs and 158 calves; on hand tor sale, 16
cattle. Tim experts for the week were 1,148
cattle and 190 sheep, against 1,902 cattle
and 121 sheep for the previous week. Busi-
ness was unusually dull during the week.
Thole were no sales of export cattle, and
the receipts of good butchers' cattle were
very light, with no demand. There was the
usual supply of poor animals on the market,
which sold readily but at lo e prices. The
general impression is that although there
are plenty of cattle in the country, good grass
shippers will not be so plentiful, owing to
the dry weather which has dried up the
grass in certain parte of the West. The
demand for bogs, sheep. lambs and calves
rdia.s been good, and all the offerings have
been taken at steady meow. We quote the
following as being fair average prices:—
Good export °attire averaging from 1,580 to
1.400 lbs. at 50 to 5ire medium do., from
1,100 to 1200,at 4c to 53; gond butchers'
from1,000 to 1,100 at 4ie to 4o; medium
do.. at 3Eic to 4e; and cuff at 30 to ne, per
lb. live weight. Sheep sold at n. to 4ec per
lb. live weight. Hogs brought 6ec to 6io
per lb. live weight. Lambs sold at from
33.50 to $4 as to size, aud calves at from el
to $7 accordin g to quality.
rarmors, Ationiloa-1
The undersigned would respectfully infur
he co 113 muniby that they havoloased the above
, mills for a term of years; and will be pleased
to have a call from 8,11. The mill has recently
beenimproved,by the addition of new mach-
inery. It is the intention of t'xe subscribers to
add a sot of rolls as soon as possible ; and all
combined, the
Woodham G-rist Mill
"Will be second to 0000 10 the West.
Gristing and Chopping Done'
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand fOr sale or
exchanged for oats.
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises 011E1 door
north of Browning's drugstore, whore
there will be found it '
Wi assavted Steck
Scotch., English,
Irish, Frenola and
Canadian Goods,
Madan') on. the
7. .r.41 V' Vitra,
61t wittate 0± Clevetatint
Cutting Si.th6o
1—T1tIt THE --
Goods Dominion Laboratory
lam in receipt ole choice and well -
selected stock of
Fresh Groceries
wouldaliainforni my numerous
.friends and customers that ',will be on
the road next week with iny peddling
House 6e Lot
FOR SALE—Opposite Town Hall
Fishing Tackle, Floats, Sinkers,
Reels, Fishing Lines, Gaff Hookst,
Landing Nets, Jointed Rods,
Trolls, Fly Hooks, Tripple hook
And the Celebrated CorkFlo
Bait, and Skeleton Baits.
GAMES.—Rubber Balls. Base
Base Ball Bats, Laorease
Balls, Caps and Crouet Setts.
,Tapanese Kites, Dominoes,
Playing Cards, Chess, .Authors, Fire
Crackers, FireCracker Morbans, an
1121 s 8 (DI 1.1
At TorontolEvexy Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used ou all machinery during the
Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last throe years
Ita-See that you get Peerless. It is only mode by
S6.2.117EL 11.0a7P1-1,8 c& CO., TORONTO
Are Yu Looking
The oh.eapest spot in. town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, &a., , if yoa are, a •t call at
We are now offering the balanee of our stock of Axes,
Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lantern, at cost
30 ID:A.:"Y'S 01\1-1-1-Y
We would call your attention to it few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design
A Good Tubular Lantern
A Good Axe and Handle
An A 1 AIanure Verk
And everything at Rook Bottom Prices for Cash.
$2 50
31 00
$0 50 .
$.1 00
$0 80
A full stock of the following lines always on halide—Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An..
calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing.
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in it position to supply
at the lowest possible price.
A full stocs of tinware of L11 kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec-
ialty. Agents for the B ik 11 Aletalic Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the
celebrated Raermoncl Sewing Machine.
,.., . :„.,...„
e, ...... „. . 0_ . .42,,
00' c•Prt' SP ' ''4' 'CC)
,05oN.c.," -e:b'''' c'N'd °'.
b • .Z.o• 4, \. i..'
o or*
`45c*4s- o'
e °s.
qr ttp kJ,
4 c,e,"v" ,.„‘g•
e c.**'
0 e' ,,;;" •<,Og
"4;'"e'?‘ ..,cfb' • $3. .
Manufactured only by Thomas Bolloway, 78, New Oxford Street, 1
late 533, Oxford Street, London.
ar Purchasers should look to the Label on the Boxes and Pots'
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious,
18880 SPRING
Car iets.
Now that House-cleaning tinie is near we invite your in—
spection to our BIG stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Faney Window Blinds, Szc.
Whet) buying Wall Paper don't forget that the Old
Establ sh ed citrties tilt. Big;rest Stook and Latest Ain-
eriean Patterns.
Lots of Fancy Csilin7, Papers wit/.
' Corners to match.
Window Blinds 'Vail Papa.
..JAMES P1(JiRiD, Exeter