HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-12, Page 4• .4i114..til• t foto 15iTato. ratrIieSDAY, I2nr, ISSS, EDITORIAL NOT]. Wzr.n, the removal of the duty fruit has not cheapened Caned- itux strawberries to any extent; has ? TEMPERANCE people will be glad to know that the American whis- key pool has decided to 1,imit the ply this year to Ii.000,00 TR s work done by the commit- tee to investigate frauds on farmers has already resulted in much good. No doubt the extirpation of the swindlers who prey on confiding men an only be affected by string - TRERE was a report at week that pleuro-phentnonia had broken out in some cattle ia Bruce county, If this were true it waeld be a ser- ieUS XIIEtter for farmers in Canada, as it would prohibit the export of live cattle to Britian. The Dom- inion government were prompt in making an investigation, and a post modem examination of tbe cattle disclosed no trace of the dread disease, they had died, from an affection of the blood due to local causes. journalists who pro - ent legislation ; but the villains are already getting frightened, and many have already abandoned the cooritry or taken to honest work. A gentleman ot prominence writes to Mr. Brown, Mr. P., chairman ot committee, as follows: "I am corxvinced that your committee's investigation has acoomplished a great deal ot good. The public mind hatobeen stilled up and a Grit fess to believe that the government 1iVlk loterOst has been and. 'will l is "leading" money at Iper cent continue to be taken in the" furth- I er investigation and report. There are very foolish if they do not bor. is not one "dead beat" for every row some of it. If they can get it half dozen formerly met with from the goverment at i per cent tramping the concessions in each township. Farmers are now on the lookout for such fellows so a good deal of good has been done in this way." Why that Kr. Spragnp after being allow- ed to go on with the work of the °Moe for scene thne, fully relyingon the jaremiees of the Government and Mr,, laishop, ignominiously dismissed and Mr. Ballan- VII° appointed. No people were ever more grossly duped, ill-treeted, and flatly insulted then tho temperence people of South, Huron, have been by Mr. Biehop. At Mr, liishop's own suggestion these meetings were held end a selection made, Mr. Bishop hinmelf being present. And thee after Mr. Bishop leading the taw perance voters by the nose fte long as suit- ed his purpose, to give thesis BUOil a gross ipsult,.exeeede in treachery the act of any politician I have ever known. No wonder that the righteous indignation of an out- raged people is being vented on the author of the oetrage. Mr- Sprague can rest as- sured of the sympathy of all true men for his inselting dismissal. I am yours respectfully Exeter, July Qth, TZWEVANOF, FInsm. they can easily get 5 per cent for it and get rich. Tan latest accounts from the United States confirm the rumors that CandidateCleveland has beat- en his wife with an ii eh of her lite with a chair, and that Candi- date Harrisou ha.d been caught stealing pennies out of a blind man's hat. The farmers of Minnesota are in great luck. The state authorities haye decided to pay a dollar a bus- hel for grasshoppers. The erop is immense, and, at the price indicat- ed, hoppers will pay much bettei than wheat as long as the money in the state treasury lasts. PRESIDENT Cleveland and Gen. Harrison are both Presbyterians. This is pleasant. Should they be promiscuously- thrown into each other's society by reason of a rail- way accident during the campaign there will he one subject at least that they can talk about without embarrassment. IT is said that Hon. G. W. Ross, 1E1:lister of Education, will, as soon as the requisite tunds can be obtained from the Legislature, establish carpenter shops and pro- vide appliances tor teaching other trades in the Normal Schools of the Province at Toronto and Ot- tawa. Such instruction is now being given in parts of the United States, and also in France. TEE United States senate have taken a step towards making the pen mightier than the sword, by passing a resolution giving the President power to adjust all dis- putes with foreign governments by means ot arbitration. This good example might be tollowecl by those nations who burdeu their people with taxation to keep up their immense armies. Tins Ozer• and the Emperor of Germany are said to he on very good terms with each other, so good that they propose to embrace shortly and pledge eternal friend- ship. But the friendship of kings is very unstable, and it would not be surprising if a falling out should speedily follow the meet- ing. Kings as a rule are supreme- ly selfish, in which, however, they do not differ from other men, and the question the English papers are now discussing is not when will the Czar and Emperor make compact, but how long it will last when it has been made, and what objects have the mon arohs in view in making it. o the Deaf. -A person cured of Deafness andnoisas in the head of 23 Years standing, by s^Ample remedy. Willsond a description of it pm to any one applying to Niooesox, 30 St. 3ohn-St., Montreal. For Sale. A. good farm for sale on easy terms lot 02 con 2, township of ilsborne, 100 acres, Foci buildings and, fences, wellendordraffied convonient to ohurches and sehool. Apply to Elliot d•-• Elliot, barristers,br John Exeter. AN esteemed correspondent at Elginfield writes to the Free Press in advocacy of country fairs, as of great advantage to farmers in bringing in direct contact with consumers, instead of having to A HORRIBI.E outrage has been committed in Chicago. One of those dear, good, gentle people, the an- archists, waved a red handkerchief and shouted Hurrah for anar- chy !" Whereupon he was seized by a party of men, • carried into a store, bound, gagged, and painted red, white and blue from top to toe. Then, having donned the national colors of free America, he was turn- ed loose. REFORM journals are comforting their readers with the sta.ternent that "the gross debt of Canada has increased from $273,187,626 in x886 to 2813321,855 at the preseut time." They conveniently forgot to say that while the gross debt • hasincreased $8,134.22g, the assets -cash in bank -have increased by $8,87g,861, so that there is a decrease of the net debt to the ex. tent at three quarters of a million. FOR SERVICE. Shorthorn bell,"Prince Albert," winner of first ortze four years in succession at Western fair London and eenally successful as a stook getter. Also an imported Berkshire Boar, "Real Briton," (488) winner of first prize at Toronto Ontario Provincial and Quebec Pro- vincial Exhibitions in 1886. Terms -Bull $10 Boar $4, a limited number of' grades at $3 and $2 respectively. Choice Barks for sale. IL &W .1). SMITH, on the Lake Road, adjoining Exeter, Hay P.0. 2 mos. pay tribute to middlemen. The Lunen agricultural society purpose to communicate with other societ- ies of a like nature with a view to- ward establishing four fairs ann. ually at stated periods; and as one tOwn or village fair would not be of sufficient magnitude to attract pur chasers, who themselyes are large consumers, they would invite Ailsa Craig, Exeter, Parkhill, St. Marys . . . and other adjoining agncultural societies to take part in the scheme. They also propose to hold those fairs consecutively, say Lucan on Tuesday, St. Marys on Wednes- day, Exeter on Thursday, Ailsa Craig on Friday, and Parkhill on Saturday. This would make it an object to buyers of horses, cattle and sheep, to be present themsel- ves. It would do away with the third party, or middlemen ; then the producer would get more for his article, and the consumer would haye it for less money. By dispensing with the mrddettien there would be a saving of at least twenty five per cent., which wonld be divided between producer and consumer and when crossing the line the duty would be less, for the consumer • would not have to pay duty on tne middleman's profita. Fairs work well in the mother country, and now that there is a' larger proportion of money to re- present our wealth than in the ear- lier days, by all means let the farmers use every legitimate means to abolish the objectionable sy- stem. --Free Press REPORTS from many portions of the Province give promise of abun- dant crops, arid that means plenty of money in the fall. Still it takes a good big yield to make the far- mer truly happy. Througout the •United States the crops, which in • the earlier part ot the season look- ed good while ours indicated ad- versely, now give promise of yielding far below expectations. Tim vote in fa.vor of the propos • al to disestablish tlee Church of Scotland grows steadily. In x886 the vote in favor -was in5, and the hostile majority in the vote about a week ago, the number in. favOr of absOlution was WS, and the hostile nigjosity had dropped to 50. One more such drop and the friends of the tata5lishe,d Church will hasten fo milke the most favorable ferrn8 possible for this generation ot pastOrs., "".. The M. P. P. for South Huron. To the Editor of the Exeter Tinzee. cann refrain, under the ex- treme, provocation others end I received, from calling p.ublic attention to the dos- picable way in which the tempere pica nee people of South Huron have been treated by our representative. To he as bi lei as possible we eay : The Scott Act Associa- tion after the utter failure of the first year undertook to have the Act more rigidly enforeed. It was necessary to get a good Inspectdr. Mr, Ballantyne refused it. Mr. 0. H. Sprague was the only man to step into the breech and offer to fill the position, The association reoomm ed him and lie was appointed. For the last two years he has, eerier extreme diffi- culties tried to do his whole cluty. The Soott 'Act was unexpectedly repealed. New officers bad to be appointed. Mr. Bishop was hitervieweci as to the appoint. ment of a temperance man. He asked the tetnparance people tO meet and nomin- ate a man and he would see that such man was appoirited. The tenmerance people in et twice and nominated IVIr. Spragne. A ccordieg to Mr, Bishop's promises end professions not one of the teMperance people bat' fully eepected Mr. Sprague's p•ppointreent. Mr. MoWat wrote prom. merit temperauce reformer e that no chetige would he made. Mr. Preset writes that tb,e Government eould not dismiss Mr. Spra de for the perpose of making room for another pereon. Ballantyne pro. foSsed net to want the appoititment, Aed ri 6.Rev the (.4-Overnment aria Mr. Bis- hop fully peutuNing Mr, Spra gee the offtee,by virtue of itiftitily being fuspector, being it good officties and being asked for by teinperanee votera, What do we find? THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS IN CANADA. OVER 100 STYLES OP IlOysitL lifing xsissmese'e, ,'10 Reward, for the Ocrivietion OF DEALAEAS ZIT OFFER M cCoirsIINTRIATACATPE C.1701ert Xii4LEVINE MACI-1INE OIL Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- I I MeCo1113ros, •& Co,, Sutting & Wool Oils. I For sale by all leading dealers. I Toronto. BISSET:Pr EROS., Sole Agents, Exeter. I • • • • • I. • I NV M.1 1.1. I M.11 • - Ing who can write it, and three "Or `Mar those have told me that ley have no in- 0 ation of atternPtipg the task, For ex- t Our SpeobeeNo,23 permanently restoreS riple, to take one aspect only, the Canadian ; EXHAUSTED VITALITT, LOST 111A2itt00D and GENERAL DERILITT When otlitb, treat- oerrtell.,d-WbyetsatZiti ra:easploanwsliebsisp arpepdesbellitc4oapclomittint: Tres tise an d Directions for home cure: To-- went fails . Send 6 eerts in stamps tor our k provisional Governmentprobably never 3 normo Aim:norm: Co., 543 Spadini).* Ave., To - 'en heard a in Ragland, andyet this state e route, uut. 'things existed no longer ago than 1868. t. that time the country was inhabited EvereSt's Cough Syrup r :may by Indians, and the principal white dustry, consisted- a the occupation of CANNOT BE BEAT EPI. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A. marvel of pur- • . tWolfer,” the men Who shot bisffeloes, T 't and lie oonvinced of its wonderful viels ahrychnine en6 'Y Lay, tr u al and wholesomeness. Mora econ• moiled them carcasses oillicalthauthe ordinary kinds mid cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, abort weight, alum or phoaphate pewders. Sold only in °ans.-ROYAL BAK- D1GPOWDER 0O..108 Wall stre et N. T FARM FOR SALE. -The un- dersigned offers for' sale his farm, being lot se. cou. s, 01.111W:tip of lIsborn.e, two miles elide half frvn Exeter,100 acres, about 83 acres electron and in first class state of cultivation, the remainder hush, in which there is some very valuable oak and black ash rail timber;the farm is also well fenced and drainedithere are upon the premises, a first class brick dwelling house, Nvitb first class cellars, two good barns; two never failing springs d one first oio as orchard. Forpartiaulars apply. an the premis 6 E, to THOMAS smrrn, Exeter P, 0. Out. HAY SCALES, - 1RAIN SCALES, FARM SCALES. -EA SCALES, .. .....1 ?mat, IMPROVED SHOW CASES WHEY , DRAWERS bat Choppers AND BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES .1)IIIIESS IN FULL, Write for terrat pumi C. WILSON & SON, .I.A.i ESPLANADE STREET EAST TOFIONTO, ONT lention this paper every time you write. , md4 k li 1 PRE:E:E.P.,..WS Vir 0 r arArgaetipvl:rtsIrleitttoc.t ,1,-..,.t.,..,C,..,-,1?!:,i,7 tel.itercircotzui liCatroyer of worzn.. In t: .111,11 f.,z or A.duitst CURES t'''ki,,,k, t!....,.. D , ,„, . _ Liver Complainl Dyspepsia, BiliouSness Sick Headache o I Kidney troubb Rheumatism Skin Diseases, And all im '''''';''''', purities of thi blood fron-t-wha ever muse axis Mediairn The Great SPang _ PRICE 7o Cts. (with Pills $1) ----TRY-- . ZXodder's Little - Liver - Pi I Is Very Small and Easy to Take. NO GRIPING. NO 'NAUSEA Sold everywhere ; price 25 cts. Union Medicine Co. Props., Toronto, CAT • THE PIONEER FurnitureUndertakinl wilnEala s returning thanks to our emtnerous customers for past favors it affords as great pleasure in stating that we have got nieely settled in our new and ,commodious premises, arid are . prepared, (if quality and ,selectiort of stock, and honest dealing will do it) to supply the wantsof the people of this district, in the furniture and undertaking line, with voods AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES. The finest stock in Harem county to choose from, For oroof positive A4 to tlie exteet of oer stock and the low prices nt which we WIS INVITE.' AN ISABIY INSPEUTION. We" publish no clap 'trap nonsense, but produce facts, a hich can be verified in a practical way Onr took of undertaking goods is vety complete, embracing funeral furnishings from the highest to the lowest grades, and et prices fa; below any in town. ----e- ll) Inspection of our goods ie respectfully solicited. • 5. GIDLEY MACK1 AC. tninIbidEpii°io (gireeeoun) to 0 44 8. Giclley) •OPDFELLOW'S BLOOR. July "t38. Palms+ Steamers. Low Bates. 'Sour Trips per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC • And Every Weak Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated, Contains Particulars. Mailed Free. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nav. CO, cro. WHITCO m rO, GEN. PASS. AGT.. DETRO1T. MICK. llan - Line ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS, T.Alverpool and Quebec Service, calling at Der- by. Days of Sailing.---Parisiam, May 24. Poly- nesian. Priday, juno 1. Sardinian Thursday, June 7. Circassian Friday, Juno 15. Sarma- tion,Thursday, June 21. Parisian Thursday, June 28. Polynesian PridayTuly 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday Tune 20. Sarmatian Thursday July 26. Parisian Thurs- dah Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Aug.! 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian Friday, Aug 24. Sarraatian,Thursday, Aug 30. RATES. Oalljn 830, 865, $75, according to.po- sition, Return 5100,5123,5150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 530 ; re- turn $60. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage Passengers hookedto andfrom Glasgow, Bel- fast Queonston or London at Liverpool rates. Buy tichots to go home, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan Lino. For further Partioulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized stgent in Exeter. 'When I say Cerra I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CURE. I leave made the disease et MTS., EPILEPSY or FALLIN.G SICEENES Alifelong study. I wenstAnse my remedy to Cram the worst cases. Because others have failedisnoreason for notnow receiving a cure. Send at on ee for a treatise and a Palen Emma of na,_v INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give ExpresS and rest Oflace. • It costs you nothing lor trial, and it will curls you. Address Dr. H. G. ROOT, 37 Yong° Ste Toronto, Ont. vq-asbington, Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, T.TTMS. 3171,4"2" 17th From 2 p. m till 5 p. m Catarrh, Bronchitis, Astha., Consumption, etc, permanently and effectually cured. 000s a 0 One Door South of Post °face A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures: 'Mrs. John'ilifcKay, Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John INIcKeltry,Kingston,Ont., catarrh. 'Mrs. A. Hopping. Kingston, Ont., .Broncho Centuroption. Mr. E • Seott, Kingston, Ont,, Catarrh, head and throat. _RR HAS -- A NEW AND COMPLETE --STOCK OF -- Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MANSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER & CABINET-liAXER, Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS Os' EVERY DESOR/PTIOE, curative properties. Pries 25 ets• (Trade Mark,) Everest'8 LIVER REGULATOR, ForDiseases of the Liver, Kidneys de., and Purifying of the Blood: Price $1. Six bottles, 83. For sale by all drug- gists. Manufactured only by G. M. EV 3111,ES0.‘, Chemist, Forest A Complete' Stock of Robes & Trimmings • Always on hand. FTJNERALS FURNISHED 6- CON- DUCTED. AT LOW' RATES. Read W. IL Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W II Storey, Esq„ of the firm of W )1 Storey Son, Acton. Eleve Ma,nufactur- e.rs, also President Manufacturers' Association of Canada. Do, WA SIIIN'GTON, 215 Y011 ge-at, , Toronto, DEAR 5In.-1 assure you 1 feelgrateful for the radiai l cure you have effected n my throat trouble, and though I dislike having in/ ninon?' ap i Pear n dour; ecti On With the testinioniel bus- iness, ,et, having regard for those who are sitailarly affected as well as having a desire to reengnise therei:lte yam- treatment Itnake a departure In ±lii drior to my aceueinte /moo with yril. I , ,,,uffered for two years from rents ti-nl • c!..,; of eatarrlial sore throat each syeceedit • I tack being mere prolonged and violent • o r the former. Atthesotimes had Violent t, i•oughitig, end would di s- chargc large 111.,, 0, Was Of inueous, alarmed. I tl,ebe,lit medical skill avail- able, bleb:Am; ‘, ;It ,oilomo fed Specialist, and took almost ot ine known to medimne without experi,nrell b11 enetiele of relief. Last spring I went t; lOiOl0. The change did me good, but oe rny :a a:I, tbr olcl -trouble was re pawed. 'Seeing yoa i•illsed to 'visit thiS place. I though ±1 'i -u11.1 ceuSul I; you ,,althotigh aonfesswith not t- Teil, hops of rooming any bebefit. However, o,..1.• fa voi ably Impressed with yOur candor., a • •or rod '0 give YOur treatment a trial, 'I Ito le: t, I 1.0 latipp3fr to inform you. is a emni t.io solve. sr„; roio go Marked in its charaetti n..; to oirozio, e,.tb MY' self and my friends, l'rem the first voer wed- icirte seemed adapted tf., u•s.,,a se met inee re- lief. In trIoli Mos', I ivaP on I ireiy 'have so continued through LIlO lt,,at tuifnvccablo Aoo,sot or year. Yee flre et :amity to make What usd you please of this totter, Mut/ .0,01 he pleased to answer any enaniriter to • MY tate. Yours 'very trulj tr li.s'rextEs! Aden , Jan, 106t 1897. T0NStiLTATI0V ntEg,lady. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. ME A CALL s. c. Hersey's IS The Place TO Buy Cheap GOODS. AT ULMAGE S )4888re For July -Cheapest Su- gars, cheapest Teas, cheap- est strainer dress goods. For July --Will pay you a better price for Butter and tggs than you can get in other places. For July -You can get some low drives in Boots & Shoes, Don't, fail to call during this month, wp are bond to ondersell town or vil1. age in sugar this mouth, • PUREST, STROHOEST, BEST/ • CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, • or any injurious materials. E. W. GILLETT, Tc)ItgrilM'oT,rfa. tian'rr of theOLEBBATED ROYAL YEAsm rung, CENTRAL Drug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on • hand. 'Milan's • Conditim Powd- ers the best in the mark- et and always fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at CentralDrug Store Exeter. C LUTZ 500 vms Butter Wanted J'e Matheson, EXETER NORTH, Our Stock is 'Well Assortea FOR TEE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED,', GROCERIES ! 16 lbs., sugar $1.00; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We ean't be utdersold in Teas from 20 to 75e. per lb. Boots & Shoes All Styles at Low Prices A. nicely asSorted stock of HAR DWARE. 17011,1KS, SCV.CIIES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) Best Mad:dile Oil 60o per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS TI -ITh LOWEST Irs- A dee Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75 A ood snit of ready-made clothing co $6 Ordered snits got tip in Good Style. Dirt Uress Good are 'narked dowh to the Lowest Notoh, COTTON, 20 YATIMS.1101; ONLDOLLAli &ROMP and Lot, also S. Pam for Sale' Apply to SOIIN IVI.A.TAEN SO/4. IILY P. 0.