HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-11, Page 2400„, r 0/ 404 rodkoz,2 - TO nyiswit, pt ThUI DAY, SEPTEMBER 11,, 1980 OPEN HOUSE - At the i10114av Home, 108 OntariqSt., Clinton, Vriclay, Sept. 26, frotn 2-5, lionoring Mrs. MODOugall: celebrating her, 90th birthday. MSG birthday celebrations for Mr. Russell White and. Mr. Barry 11elunnings, All friends welcome. -47 BAKE AND USED Book Sale, on Saturday, Nov. 29 at the Town Hall, Also a dance on March 29th at the Clinton• Arena from 9- 1, music •by 'Pleasure Pack'. Sponsored by Clinton Chapters of Beta Sigma Phi. -37 HURON PERTH LUNO CLINTON Legion Binqir every Thursday 8 P.m, First regular card $1:;, restricted to 16 years or. over..18 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many other specials. Jackpot $200 must g4 each week.---20tfar FESTIVAL SINGLES Dance, Friday, Sep- tember 12, Victorian Inn, Stratford. Dancing 9:00 1:00. Welcome all singles over 25. . NO' blue jOan- s.--37 OPEN RECEPTION for Brian Van 'Biesbrouck and Pat Thomas (bridal couple) in Bayfield, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1980 at 9 p.m. -37x MONSTER 131NOO Monday, Sept. 15 at 8 p.n. Under the -.Clinton Grandstand sponsored by the KinsMen Club of Clinton. Proceeds for Scout Jamboree 1981 Fund,. -37 MOLSON'S CROWN MIXED EstoirLiNe LEAGUE' commences Wednesday, Sept. 10, 1980 at 9 p.m. New bowlers call Donna Collins 482- 7188 or Elizabeth Foster 482-7229,-37 BINGO every Tuesday Evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5 Clinton, 8 p.m. First regular card, $1.00; 15 regular $15 games„14 ee share -the - wealth. Jackpot $200.O0 must go! Admission restricted to 16 years and over.-52tfar sponsoring "Special Breathing Classes For Adults" Thursday 'evenings beginning Sept. 18, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. at Vanastra Recreation Centre. Mrs. Carol Bowker will conduct classes. If you have breathing problems contact your doctor for consent to attend. -37 ANNUAL Fall Fair Dance and pork bar- becue, Seaforth Com- munity Centre, Sat., Sept. 13, 1980. Dinner 6-7:30 p.m. Dance to 'Star Trex' 9-1. Tickets $7.50 each, dance • only $3.00, available from directors 2, Keatings Pharmacy Seaforth. Information 527-0137.-36,37 MORNING MARKET - Saturday, November 1, 1980 - 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wesley -Willis United .Church, Clinton. -37 • HURON FISH & GAME Bingo every Sunday at 1:30 p.m. First regular card $1.00, restricted to 16 years or over. Jackpot $100 must go each week. 15 regular games of $10 - $5 least on split.-37tfar STAG FOR George Thompson on Sept. 20th .-37,38 THE SALVATION Army Thrift Store, 80 King St., Clinton, penny or bag and flower sale for the month of September. -36-39 50'S DANCE sponsored by Vanastra and District Lioness Club. Sept., 20, 1980 at the Vanastra Recreation Centre. Music by "Special Appoint- ment". $10 couple in- cludes buffet meal. Dancing 9 p.m. - 1 a.m.--36,37ar The Huron County Health 'Unit invites you to attend the Expectant Parent Education' Classes being held in the Seaforth •Hosp;a1 Board Room corn encing Thursday, Sept. 11, 1980 from 7:30- 9:30 p.m. These classes will run for 8 weeks. Would . anyone who is interested please register by calling 1-8007265-4252 toll free or the .Health Unit office at. 527-1243. Both husbands and wives are invited to attend and . participate in the discussions. The winter series is to begin the week of January 5, 1981.-35- 37AR BROWN 1E'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE Beech St., Clinton BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 8:00 P.M. • FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY- SEPT. 12.13-14 'THE FIRST EPIC HORROR FILM" RESTRICTED The PAVE Baby was only the beginning ITSALLVE now there ore three of them r•-1, •,^..t it's a fact ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" Al, Star Tours • ' EXTENDED AUTUMN TOURS 23 Day California and Tho Historic West October 25 9 Day New England & Cape Cod September 13, 27 5- Day Pennsylvania Dutch Treat September 22, October 6, 20 7 Day Smokies & Blue Ridge Mountains September 15, 29. October 20 , Day Williamsburg & Washington September 22, 29. October 20 7' Day Kentucky Horse Farms 4. Music City September 29 FROM '869.00 FROM '399.00 FROM '229.00 FROM '299.00 FROM '309.00 FROM '299.00 AUTUMN COLOUR TOURS k*, 4 Day Agawa Canyon September 15. 19. 92, 26, 29, Oct. 3. 6 FROM '189.00 3 • Day Clovelconds House Sept. 28. 30 FROM '150 00 3 Day 1000'Islands Sept. 30, Oct 2. 4, 6. 8 FROM '149.66 3 Day Gatineau Hills Sept. 27. 29. Oct. 1, 3. 5 1 FROM 115.00' 4. Day Elgin House Oct. 7 FROM '179,00 THANKSGIVING WEEKEND OCTOBER 10-13 Now York City • FROM '174.00 Washington D.C. • day or night tirno departure FROM '179.04 or '159.00 Wheeling West Virginia FROM '119.00 Nashville FROM '189.00 NOVEMBER DEPARTURES 3 • Day Frankonmuth & Ford Museum Nov. 7, 14 FROM '145.00 3 • Day Whealing 8. Jamboree U.S.A. Nov. 14, 2$ FROM '109.00 3 - Day Toledo, OHO, Nov. 11. 23 FROM '119.00 3 • Day Nashville Nit;hthawk fvov. 14, 21 FROM '129,00 14 -Day Florida Sunshine • in saving season Hou. 8. 22 FROM '349.06 ASK YOUR TRAVEL AGENT FOR OUR NEW 19E1 BROCHURE For More Information See Your Travel Agent ALL STAR TOURS 1400 Bishop St., Cambridge Wet 623-3030 or foil free hot yOu 1001Y 1 800 265 8620 Next time you start typing, remember that in a normal workday a typist's fingers travel 12.6 miles. -from Encyclopedia Brown's Record Book of Weird and Wonderful The Ferniiy of BEV & HIELEN WALLACE , - • f i i wish to Invite ; Family, Friends and i i Neighbours to help celebrate their 25* WEDDING ANNIVERSARY on 1 FRIDAY, SEPT. 12 ; inBlyth DANCING 8:30 p.m. -1 a.m. CO%W 41 0 C0t6e '05 iik‘e ?6 01X1.14 POOL PARTY SATURDAY, SEPT. 13, 1980 CLINTON COMMUNITY CENTRE BEEF DINNER DANCING FUN FOR ALL A *25, DONATION TO THE POOL FUND GETS YOU A TICKET TO THIS EVENT The "Gala Pool Party" is an event planned t raise money for the new swimming pool. It is being sponsored by the Town of Clinton, concerned citizens and the combined efforts o the Clinton and area service clubs. Separate donations, if desired, may be made at the Clerk's office, Clin- ton Town Hall. • SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL POOL PLAN TO ATTEND Facts. ,40000140110~.01.10010111*. * Where .the . * action HAV * * * * MOTORHOTEL * * * Come on out and listen to the * * best in top 40 dance * * hits—with our neW disc * * jockey, * * * -0( "Ray Hewitt" * 4: ' 8 p.m. • 1 a.m. Thursday -Fri •Sco. * 4: By Steve Cooke Well, the Legion has a new personwriting up the Weekly report for the News Record, and I hope I do as good a job for you, as Rene has done in the past. 1 will, however, need YOUR support. I'rn not as close to the inner workings of 5 the organization as Rene was, so if you want some activity or event reported in this column, you'll have to let me know. The easiest way to do this will be to leave a short note for me at the bar, detailing the five "W"s" who, what, when, where and why (or how), and I'll pick it up. Deadline for the week's activities will have to be Monday night et 6 p.m. in order for me to get it nto the News - Record in time. Comrade John Deeves is also a good receptacle for in- formation which will be passed on to me, so there's no excuse for the news not filtering through somehow. Now, down to last week's activities. Apparently we started off at a slow pace, but picked up dramatically by the ' The Family • of 1. ELSIE & ALVIN PROCTOR ' invite ( Family, FrienOs and Neighbours C, to help celebrate their ? , 50th ANNIVERSARY lc ON c SATURDAY, SEPT. 13 at,SALTFRD • • Dancing 9-1 ?: Best Wlshes Only Please •••,/ • to. „ eporte end of the weelc. Thur- sday night held its usual well. attended bingo with a normal crowd for this time of year. Fridy night was "THE" big night, however, with the Cox - Hill reception being held upstairs and catered to by the Ladies Auxiliary. The overflow also helped out our Pub Nite and rnacle for a capacity crowd downstairs at the same time. All in all, Friday night .is the way we'd like to see the Legion operating all the time. We've also got a full slate of coming events for you. Saturday night, of course, is the Gala Pool Part at the arena, and it Is hoped that Legion members will oOme out in • tr, Po 1r, looking for news, tips full force to support thiS what your `dariS should be too, The other big event for the year is the 50th an- niversary (plus 1 year) of Branch 140 and will be celebrated with a dance on September 27th. 'nekets (available after September 5th) are $10 per person and include music by the Royal Aires worthwhile cause. As you .know, the Associates are inVoived with the organization of this big event, and the Legion as an organization is making a substantial donation to help meet the cost of the pool. Sunday will see the members of Zone Cl meeting at our branch with the opening pArade commencing at 1300 hrs. This meeting is open to all Voting delegates and hopefully Will see a good representation from other branches, so plan to attend. Euchre begins Oct, 17th at 8:15 and the darters will start chucking Oct. 8th at, according to the bl ack bo ar sharp", and I guess that's ' I i 1..L.Juuul OLE isieLh RESTAURANT 7.)k & TAVERN LICENSED UNDER L.L.B.O, BAYFIELD RD., GODERICH 524-7711 APPEARING FOR TWO BIG WEEKS FRI. & SAT, SEPT. 12, 13, 19 & 20 "DESJARDINES" mticommummeni from 9 tin 1 and a banquet served at 7 p.m. We sincerely hope ell you Legion members will be out to support this event. Don't forget, if you want a Legion event noted in this column for' next week, let me know. • Without you, I don't have any news, • SOIS DANCE! sponsored by VANASTRA and DISTRICT LIONESS CLUB. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 AT THE VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE MUSIC BY: "SPECIAL. APPOINTMENT" '10. per couple Includes buffet meal T.n.m GLAMOUR CLINIC; Learn to apply make-up like professionals - one and a half hour class will include shadowing,' high- lighting, and corrective contouring. Admission $2.00 with this ad at the BENIVELLER INN THURSDAY, SEPT. 18 at 7:30 P.M. r Highway No. 8 West, Clinton Mr. It's the Colonel's 90th birthday. And since he's always felt that it's just about as nice to give as it is to receive, he wants all his friends to help him celebrate with this special offer. Thursday, September I I th only, pick up a Snack Pak, containingiwo pieces. ofhis_good .chicken and French fries, for—what else— only 900! Just think of it as a happy birthday present from the Colonel! • I '80 STRATFORD FAIR i I Wed., Sept. 17 to Sun., Sept. 21 I ' • • SPECIAL ENTERTAINMENT FEATURES • • • 1 1 • 1 • • • 1 1 a • 'FREE' WITH GATE ADMISSION E is • 1 ADULTS *2.00 CHILDREN 7-13 50` • • • i1.... • • • • • TEENAGE HEAD _1. also (DEMICS) • • • • LIMITED ADVANCE TICKETS FOR ABOVE SHOW AVAILABLE AT • STRATFORD COLISEUM, MUSIC, SHOPPER'S RECORD & TAPE MARY, ' ' "TRACKS", M & M ST. MARYS • • THE FOLLOWING EVENTS ARE • • • Friday, Sept. 19 admission '5.00 per person includes gate ontry SUNSHINE EXPRESS BILL KING & JACKIE Saturday, Sept. 20 • 1 • 1 • • 1 • 1 1 1 1 • 1 • • • 1 1 1 Sat., Sept. 20 DEMOLITION DERBY SUN., SEPT. 21 • ENTRY FORMS AVAILABLE AT STRATFORD FAIRGROUNDS FIRST 40 CARS ACCEPTED 1 CAMPBELL AMUSEMENTS I Featuring The new 1IIMALAYAN" I TUG-OF-WAR 1 THURS., SEPT. 18 WED., SEPT. 17 Horse Show & Queen of the Fair Competition THURS., SEPT. 18 HORSE SHOW Trans Canada HE11.1.1)RIVERS • SNACIC PAK SPECIlil, (Regular 1.65 Value) / • ' 0 ve or yr vfri s Cal Sanders Pleoge entmek 9 ted Colonel Sandorc bo'' Arid rirriS rtlifro 11 fintrr 1(ktn qcY0 • r Itickett. 94 Elgin Ave:, East, Goderich 227 Main St., Exeter