HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-11, Page 23• Queen in conceit by Joe Lawson On August 30 we arrived in Toronto and went to pick up, our ticketsfor the CNE 'grandstand show at a friend's house. gradually faded as the day woreto an end our legs were worn out. The time finally arrived for Us to move into the exhibition for the evening concert. When we finally As the opening group arrived at the CNE begin to play the crowd grounds there wasn't an settled into their seats, overly large crowd The opening group, called around so three friends Dakota, played some and myself decided to really good songs. They scan the grounds. After have a new album and all an hour we had covered of the 'songs that Dakota the CNE grounds and had played were from their worked—up--enougly-nerve---album: to try out the wilder rides After they left the stage of the fair. there was a 10 minute Our interest in the CNE pause and then Queen exploded onto the stage. Lead singer Freddy Mercury perf orrned, spectacular vocal and' physical acrobatics much to the delight , of the crowd, He sang better than I have ever heard him sing before and the highlights of the evening included Bohemian Rhapsody, We will Rab You, and Crazy Little Thing Called Love. The group was called back to the stage for two encores with riotous applause and -it -lost people thorough enjoyed the concert which made our entire trip worthwhile. Jottings ,from Queen's Park Judging from the number of enquiries at my Constituency Office it is apparent that the implementation of the new Ontario Tax Grants for Seniors Program, has caused considerable confusion for senior citizens and 'I understand this is widespread across Ontario. We ' welcome these enquiries and we are only too = pleased to render assistance as I can well understand the confusion even though the Ministry has attempted to inform the potential recipients Of the details of the program through the distribution of pamphlets and other explanatory .material. Instead of spending thousands of dollars on election - campaign -like material, designed to give the government credit, it would be far more advantageous to 'allocate funds for seminars to be conducted by Ministry of Revenue employees at such places as Senior Citizens Drop - In Centres, Ontario Housing Senior Citizen Complexes and other locations where a significant number of applicants might congregate. We have made this suggestion to the Government .and if such a procedure was implemented, then relevant information would be available on a first hand basis to senior citizens and they would be spared the political propoganda which is now emanating from the Ministry. The govern- ment will also demon- strate that -this program is being put into effect "because Ontario cares". A Provincial incentive grant program has been established to assist farmers who wish to install ethanol stills on their farm for evaluation, demonstration and trial use of alcohol as a fuel. The purpose of this pilot program is _ to evaluate the technology and economics of ethanol production. Approved projects are eligible for grants of 40 per cent of the Capital costs including paid labour to a maximum of $15,000 for an on farm still constructed b an in- dividual farmer and up to $20,000 for a still installed by a small group of farmers on a co-operative basis. The program will be administered by Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Energy Manag'ient Resource Centre, which is now being established. General information and information on ap- plication procedures are available at 1c al Ministry Offices. Applications should in- clude a description of the process proposed, use of the ethanol and use of byproducts. . The Occupiers Liability Act and the Trespass to Property Act has now been proclaimed. This new legislation will in- crease the protection of landholders from trespass and at the same time encourage rural land owners and oc- cupiers to make portions of their land available for recreation activities. Pamphlets, booklets and posters as part of the public education cam- paign to explain the new legislation can be ob- tained at my Con stituency Office. Restricted area zoning orders controlling d veeloprnera of land' in tl' Townships of derich and Colbo ne ahaie been revoked by Housing Minister Claude Bennett, The Order-s..were imposed in 1973, .mainly to `regulate large scale commercial development on the periphery of the Town of Goderich. The Province no longer sees a need to be directly in- volved in controlling development in the area. A new telephone access program will be in effect ?in all Ontario con- stituencies by September 30, 1980. Zenith service will become operative at that time and all blue pages listings will be on the Bell Canada Infor- mation network. Bell Canada directories for the Province are published at various stages throughout the year. My Constituency Office number will ap- pear in the next edition of each directory covering telephone exchanges which form part of the Huron -Middlesex Con- stituency. As it may be up to a year before this in- formation appears in the Blue Pages section of the directory., covering our area, I am taking this opportunity to advise my constituents of this toll- free service. The Huron - Middlesex Constituency, which I represent, has been assigned Zenith Number ZN14730. Con- stituents living in telephone exchanges which are long distance to my Constituency Office in Exeter, may contact my office by dialing . the operator and asking for the zenith number. »Tor those constituents who wish to contactmy office this number will become effective Sep- tember 30th, 1980. Gastronomical with Marjorie Simpson Hi again, all you adoring . fans. Its. been a couple of months since my last article. You see, darlings, I've just been spending a fun filled vacation in beautiful downtown Hillsgreen. Now;. lucky readers, you are again among the privileged, throng to partake in another exercise in good taste. CLINTON NEWS-RECOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11 19$0 i CX Today,' I'll be reviewing the' latest gourmet restaurant in Clinton, called. TheB lue Fountain. How 1 carne to hear of this new taste tickling treat is quite hilarious. I was standing at the corner, outside Bartliff's with a . few female acquaintances, when two middle aged gentlemen halted in front of us. The gentlemen conversed for a minute, walked over to my acquaintances,, gave thein $20 and disappeared, into the Blue Fountain with the., ladies. This sparked my interest so 1 also entered. 1 found myself in a long, exquisitely and expensively decorated room in .a style I did not recognize. It is set on two levels. The upper level had a•. more carefree and ' in- formal air about it. At the council picks committees by Susan McKay The first meeting of the 1980$1 Student's Council was -held --on Septe mt er--9- with president Ed Bullen presiding. Marianne Menzies is the vice president, Wendy Bell is the secretary, and the treasurer is Susan Jefferson. Mr. Moore and Mrs. Stubbs are the staff advisors. The committee heads were chosen at this meeting. Val Lobb in charge of com- munications, Brent Daw is the head of the Dance Committee, the Special Events Committee is ' headed by Dianne Bromley, Chris Carter heads the Assembly Co-na -i-thee, A-nd-re-w— Davidson is the head of Promotion, and Peggy Jones is in charge of Fund Raising. F ach student .will be asked to donate $1 to the Terry Fox Marathon of Hope Fund sometime next week. The last week of Sep- tember will be Student's Week at CHSS. On Monday, September 22 an ass bl will kik off em y wi c o ;_ this week. Welcome Grade 9 Day will be held on Tuesday.,, Each senior Chronicle quiz A train consisting of a locomotive and four box- cars travels down a single track. Behind the train is a large passenger train moving faster than the small train. To avoid inconvenience to passengers (well, -this is fiction), the small train must let . the passenger train through. There is a small siding intd' which the small train may back into, but the siding can only hold three box cars at a time (or a locomotive and two cars) . The passenger train may couple cars to it. How does the passenger train get through7'- (AntWe ` `next week.) Incidentally, if you have any problems you would like to see ub ishedin this spaice, otify; the Chroni le. ri e : Ifame. student will be able to buy a Grade 9 student to act as his -her slave all.day -long. W-ednesd-ay--Wi11--be— Dress -up Day. Thursday, which is thelast day of Student's Week, is going to be Punk.Rock Day. The first . dance, featuring Sheriff, will be held on Friday, October 10. The band costs $1,200, therefore admissions will be $3.50 with a Student's Card and $4.00 without a card. Smile One can always tell when one is getting Old and serious by the way that holidays seemto interfere:, with one's work. - Robert C. Edwards, Calgary Eye Opener, 191,3 CHSS this week School pictures will be taken on September 11 (today) in the gym- nasium during the day. Cost is $5. which is to be given to the photographer when "''your picture is taken. , Forty-four students left Tuesday at 4:30 a.m. for the art trip to New York. The group will arrive back at-ytlinton late Pridaynight. Mr. Brownridge and Miss Twiss will ac - FRIDAY - SATURDAY - SUNDAY SEPT. 12th - 13th 14th STARTS WEDNESDAY 10th - 13th SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 P.M. 'ABSOLUTELY • WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT." EVERY FRAME • A MASTERPIECE." —Fred Yager, Associated Press "AN ENTICINGLY BEAUTIFUL MOVIE." —Rona Barrett, ABC-TV SHOWTIMESf FRI. - SAT. TWO SHOWS 7&9P.M. PLUS: SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 P.M. FRANCIS FORD COPpoL4 rkES£NTS_Sl1� LdS31dlk») STARTS SUNDAY, SEPT. 14-18 ONE SHOWING SUN. - THURS. 8 P.M. NEXT WEEKEND: SEPT. 1941 If you're not back by midnight... HWY. 8 GODERICN AT CONCESSION RD. 4. • PHONE 524.9981 0 H PHONE 524.7811 AIR CONDITIONED PR • G11AM. SUBJECT T •' CHAN E WITH + UT NOTI E company all English -250 students to Stratford on September 10. While there they • will see the Shakespearean play Twelfth Night as well as a film at the Stratford Library called Stratford Adventure. Yearsbooks have arrived and are available in Room 111: during participation period and before 9:10 a.m. Students who have lost their receipts can pick their year books up next year. junction between, the 'two levels is; t a4. lovely miniature fountain adding r tthe s .o atmosphere a touch of mystery. I seated' myself in the lower level, because it was more attuned to my sense of high class. I' ordered my favorite. gourmet dishes Of "Le cheeseburger avec le works, avec les grands 'petette (rites avec gr..avie, Aussi une Pepsi et un Sundae au Chocolat. It was magnificent. A meal fit for a king. The waitresses, who.by the way do not match me in beauty, were courteous and recognized me as an aristocrat and a proper lady: After I paid the modest check, I burped politely, to show my great delight in the repast. As I approached the door, I heard nature call, and walked briskly toward the commode. I found these to be elegantly decorated with patterned linoleum on the floor and tile orl,�the walls. The fixtures areplain but match well with the entire decor of the restaurant; There were some pipes appearing out. of the wall for some purpose or other., They must be useful to someone. Over all 1' enjoyed myself immensely and recommend it highly to connoiseurs of good food. Bye for now. 500 WEDDING ANNIVERSARY RECEPTION for. Margaret & Helmer Snell FRIDAY, SEPT: 12 In Soafor'th at &OO p.rrr, Dancing & Lunch mast wishes Only. GODERICH POWER SQUADRON a unit of CANADIAN POWER SQUADRONS ANNUAL COURSES_. In Boating, Seamanship, arid Piloting for -Power A Sail Registration at CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL CLINTON WED. & THURS., SEPT. 1 7th & 1 8th 8:00 to 9:30 p.m. �.. Canadian Power Squadron will teach safe boating to over 10,000 Canadians this year. Will you be one of them? 4J-lvin,LER\-1\A' WELCOMES YOU! DBUFFET ur NOON -AY MONDAY thru SATURDAY 12 NOONto2P.M. Come, relax and enjoy Benmiller today. We've prepared a special Noon -Day Buffet just for ' you! You will enjoy a choice of two main cour- ses. Soup, Salads, Dessert and Coffee, served if you wish in our beautiful gardens. All the food & ambiance you can take in. and all for just one very low price! For Reservations please phone 524-2191 $1 0 50 ONLY• RESERVATIONS REQUESTED Benmiller Inn Nestled in Benmiller, Ont., just 7 kilometres east of Goderich on Huron County Road 1, just off Highway 8 LICENCED UNDER THE L.L.B.O. 26 oz. (750 ml.) bottle WId E ERtr PIZZ,i: PURCA D from now 'ti I Sunday, September 14 — we'll give you a FREE 26 oz. (750 ML.) BOTTLE OF COCA-COLA ACROSS FROM SUNCOAST MALL 360 BAYFIELD RD. • GODERICH OPEN: Dally 11 a.m. -13 midnight: Friday & Saturday aeon 'HI 2 a.m. HURON STREET • CLINTON OPEN: Daily 11 a.m. - 12 midnight Friday & Saturday apart 'tit 2 a.m. A-1 witAts ORa MIAS 8.10/NitAinIt 9