HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-11, Page 20PAQE r'• NTON NEWS•1 ORP, TITURSDAY, S P .MBEI 11. 0 A w H, :PIP {,. . bro o*y . a, Articles for sale DRY SLAB. WOOD, cam- pfire wood, body. 'wool, delivered, Phone 442- 9250.--19tf ORGANS - PIANOS. Wurlitzer; the best in keyboards.. One year's free lessons included with organ purchase. Pulsifer Music, Seaforth. Closed Wed- nesday.- 34tfar DRY HARDWOOD - Will deliver. Bob Thompson. Phone 482-7171.----36-39 URINE -ERASE saves carpets! Guarantees removal dog, cat, human urine stains, odors from carpets! Free brochure. Dept. A, Reidell Chemicals Ltd., Box 7500, London, Ont.•, -37b c 1976 FORD 900, 45 ft. Hi Boy, 2% yd. loader w -grapples, c - w 15,000 cord short logging contract. Phone 403 675- 5506.-37 FILL YOUR freezer with fresh killed heavy hens, dressed weight 5-6 lbs. $3 each. Please order ahead. Phone 482-7224.---37 UTILITY TRAILERwith enclosed top on it; double wide tilt bed snowmobile trailer; 12 ft. fiberglass fishing ' boat.. Phone 482- 9223.-37 '75 SUZUKI 500 excellent condition less than 1,700 miles call 482-7842.-37 AVOCADO GREEN two door frost free fridge, matching deluxe stove also dish- washer; blue convertible baby buggy. All items in excellent condition. Phone '' 482-7600.--.37x • FRANKLIN STOVE with brass trimmings. $90. Phone 565-2668.-37 COMPLETE Oil burner, one season old, manufactured by Aero Environmental Model F95-110. Serial No. 437064 firing rate 85 - 1,00 List new $385. will sell $125. firm. Phone 482-3512.-37 COOK WOODSTOVE and chimney 26 inch console colour TV. Phone 482- 3124.-37,38 NURSERY STOCK for . fall planting .trees, shrubs and evergreens. Baker's Nur- sery phone 482-9995.-37ar CHILD'S CRIB with mat- tress and bumper pad like new. Two metal trunks. Brass coal scuttle. Console Hi-Fi, radio and record player with new turntable. Phone evenings 482-7826.-37 FRESH . CAULIFLOWER 3 miler west of Exeter oh Hwy. 83 50° PER HEAD Bert Visscher 'Open Daily - 9 a.m. - 6 p.m. Closed Sundays PHONE IN LARGE ORDERS 237-3442 SWIMMING POOL _ MANUFACTURER OVERSTOCKED Most erose out all 1980, models and skis. Huge savings on above ground and in -ground pools of steel and aluminum. No monthly payments until 1981. Call IMPERIAL POOLS toll free 1-800- 268-5970. VANASTRA HOME FURNISHINGS 2 miles south of Clinton on Highway No. 4 St V �d- *NEW OR, War HOME FURNISHINGS •APPLIANCES •LAWN ORNAMENTS Open: 6 days $•week 482.7922 !N( Y " . Th CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES & DATA DEADLINES: Classified Word Ads Tuesday Noon Display Advertising _ __Tuesday 4:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS 1. Articles for sale 2. Yard sale 3. Garage sate 4. Antiques for sale 5. Cars for sale 6. Trucks for sale 7, R.V.'s for sale 8. Marine 9. Automotive 10. Pets for sale 12. Real estate for sale 13. Mobile homes 14. Recreational properties 15. Out of town properties 16. Articles,for rent 17. Apartments for„rent 18. Houses for rent 19. Rooms'for rent 20. Room & board 21. Cottages for rent 22. Lots for rent 23. Commercial property for rent PHONE 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46, 47. Wanted to rent Wanted to buy Help wanted Wanted (general) Business opportunity Tenders Employment wanted Servicedirectory Personal Notice to creditors Announcements, notices Mortgages Auction sale Educational Lost & Found To give away Death notice Births ' Engagements Marriages In .memoriam Card of thanks 482-3443 MONDAY TO FRIDAY - 9:00 a.m. to 5 p. 1. Articles for sale 2.. Yard Sale SUNDAY SEPT. 14th to Raise money for a bchool trip for the Grade 8 at Clinton Public School at 55 Mill Street, 3 houses down from the race track. -37 5. Cars for sale FOR SALE 1975 Monte Carlo Sports ..Coupe, ex- cellent condition, tape -deck, - Michelin tires. Ziebarted and safety checked. Phone 482- 3312.-30tfnx 1972 CHARGER. V8 fully cequipped one owner, ex- cellent second car. $400 or best offer. Call 482- 7612.--37bc 1973 CHRYSLER Custom Newport as is $500. Phone 482-3283.--37 1973 LTD country squire stationwagon. Fair condition $700 or best offer.. Phone 565- 5250.-37,38 1974. PLYMOUTH Dus er good motor, as is. Phone 4s2- 3567.-37x 7. R.V.'s for sale 17' CAMPER TRAILER, all conveniences. Asking $2,.000. ' Phone 524-8048.--36,37 SHOT GUN 20 gauge; "Sportspal" canoe; 2 plywood boats. Phone 482- 3866.-37x DELUXE MODEL Franklin fireplace by Enterprise in excellent condition. Phone 526-7763.-37 CHOICE LEAN BEEF by .the,side, ready for freezer, government inspected, farmers prices. Frank Falconer. Phone 482- 9128.-37,38 FOR SALE - cucumbers for pickling located on Highway 8, five miles east of Clinton. Johp Segeren, 482-9214.-35- 37 FARMERS, craft and flea market every Saturday 8-5 at the Theatre 'building Vanastra, something for everyone, dealers invited 482-3762.-37 10" BEAVER ROCKWELL Bandsaw with 3/ h.p. motor, one year old; rocking chair, other furniture and dishes; copper boiler and chrome kitchen suite. Phone 482- 7497.-37 Attention Farmers 1980 HONDA 650; 1500 km. $2700. or • best offer. Phone 527-027'2.-37 JULIETTE AM -FM 8 Track turntable 2 speakers asking $100. In good, condition, phone 523-4268.-37 28 RABBIT CAGES with feeder for hay and pellets, plus complete automatic -watering system. One Kawasaki motor cycle 900-21\ -21\ excellent condition. Ph ne 482-3295 after 5:30 p.m. -37,38 HONEY for sale. Phone 482- 9283: after 4 p.m. Fred Deichert.-35-37 W OOD'STOVES AT PRE -SEASON SPECIAL While present supply lasts, fuel efficient wood burning stoves regularly priced at '489.00 now available for a limited time at only '268.70. Call toll free at 1.800-468.5970 Cr 1f within our local calling ... area 746-3340. SWIMMING POOL CLOSEOUTS Manufacturer has new 1980 pools, regular price of '1;190 now at end of season special of '1,488. Pools equipped with pump, motor filter, fen- cing, patio and walk around deck. Call IM - AERIAL POOLS toll free 114414 141.841'11. A. For Sale MASSEY FERGUSON 35, 4 cylinder gas tractor $1850. 460 John Deere with loader $1650. Phone Peter Hummel 482-7552.-37 INNES model 500 AR bean windrower with cross con- veyor ready to go. Asking price $1,200. Ross Dobson, '-Iensall 262-2822.-36,37 1980 NORTHERN STOCKER and FEEDER SALES WIARTON - Thurs., Sept. 18 - 10:00 a.m. 3500; THESSALON - Wed., Sept. 24 - 10:00 a.m. 1400; MANITOULIN (Little Current) - Thurs., Sept.' 25, 9338 ,a. rh.-3400; SOUTH RIVER - Fri., Sept.- 26 - 10:00 a.m., 1000; AMOS - Man.,, Sept. 29 - 11:00 a.m., 1200; LA SARRE - Tues., Sept. 30 - 10:30 a.m., 2500; LORRAIN- VILLE - Wed., Oct. 1 - 10:00 a.m. , 700; NEW LISKEARD - Thurs., Oct. 2 - 11:00 a.m. , 1500; EASTERN ONTARIO (Galetta) •.Mon., Oct. 6 - 1:00 p.m., 1000: RAINY RIVER (Stratton) - Mon., Oct. 6 - 11:00 a.m., 3200; WMARTON - Thurs., Oct. - 10:00 a.m., 3500; SOUTH RIVER - Thurs., Oct. 16 - 11:00 a.m., 500; AMOS - Mon., Oct. 20 - 11 a.m., 1100; PETERBOROUGH (Lindsay) • Wed., Nov. 5 - 11:00'a`.m. , 1000. Advertising Manager S. MacDonald, Box 130, Huntsville, Ontario POA 1K0. Telephone 705-789- 5441. 111111111111111.111111.1111111111111.1111.1111111. YANMAR DIESEL POWER DOES IT BETTER 13'/1 h.p. - 33 h.p. Huron County's Yanrnar Dealer 0 I]H. I AND 30N3 LtD. CWNTON 4$2.3409 1111111161.1111110001111111.111111111111 A. For Sale 10' FORD 230 wheel disc; George White 20' - 3 point hitch sprayer complete with drop nozzles; forage blower; 3 section harrows and pole; 3 point hitch scraper blade; two - 3 point hitch cultivators. Phone John Kassies 982-9957.-37x SEED WHEAT will be in short supply this fall, place your order now at Verbeeks Farm and Garden Centre. Phone 482-9333.-35-37AR B. Custom Work CUSTOM SWATHING and SILO FILLING. Phone Henk Re in ink 521-9202.-23tfar CUSTOM BIG round baling CoZondag 565-5308.-23tf CUSTOM COMBINING - grain and corn. Phone Peter Slotegraaf at 524-4734 or Jack Slotegraaf at 524- 7082.-32-39 C. Wanted WANTED TO BUY good first or second cut haled- hay. Phone 527-1645.-37 D. Livestock TWO GOATS - Billy and Nanny black and white, 6 mos. old. Alpine. Phone 524- 7081 after 6 p.m. -37x E. Farm Services FARMERS: Let us help you plan your fall drainage requirements now. Don't be caught next Spring with wet land, Grey -Bruce Drainage Ltd. Durham, Ontario. Call collect 1-619-369-3040.-37bc 9. Automotive 9. Automotive s 4461i464frifiM CI,%tO111. /Vali% automotive specialists since 1974 NO .INE -UP! Cali now for immediate service! . PHONE 34.$4169 MITCHEI.L anytime (evenings too) VAN, PICKUP, AND 4 x 4 iNTIf RIO*S (economy to d.f04 • AUTOMOTIVE SOUND SYSTEMS (export installation) OPEN: 9-6 DAILY Wednesday till noon Saturday till p.m. 60 POLICE CARS, trucks, vans and stationwagons. 18 - 1978 and '77 Plymouth and Fords. 2 - 1977 Plymouth stationwagons. 18 - 1974-'77 1/2 and 34 ton trucks, Dodges, Fords and Chevs. 7 -1975 and '76 Super Club and Crew Cab trucks. 12 - 1974-'77 1 ton dual wheel trucks. 2 - 1975 Dodge Maxi -window vans. 1 - 1974 Ford Bronco"4 x 4 as low as $795.00. License No. EX 6042. Mighton's Car Sales, 6 miles east of Hanover on No. 4 Highway. Phone Durham 369-3136.--37 10. Pets f r sale HUNTING D GS - Blue Tick and Black c1 Tan, (Rac- coon), Trig and Walker (fox). Ready to run. Call Doug Westecott, 529- 7558.-37 12. Real estate for sale DUPLEX for sale in Blyth. Rents carry mortgage must sell quickly $26,000. Phone 523-4203.-36,37 50' x 12' NEW YORKER with "add -a -room. sit up inMeneset Mobile Park. Phone 482- 7066.-37,38 Hensall 'Livestock Sales SALES EVERY 'THURSDAY AT 1:30 P.M. All classes of Livestock WE INVITE YOUR CONSIGNMENTS Victor Hargreaves Clinton - 432.7511 14erry Miller 'rotor. 235.2711 Klrktan -229.35415 nouglat Cerruthars . 537-3734 Or.gory Hnrgroraves • 262.2614 5 ACRES with split level home and 90 sow barn, near Seaforth. Phone , 527- 1269.-37,38 HENSALL - Two storey solid brick home completely redecorated 3 bedroom eat - in kitchen dining and living room. Full basement with new rec room. Forced air oil heat. Lots of mature trees. Priced to 'sell in the 40s as owner is moving from area. Phone Jerry Prout 435-1866 or 686-7100, Canada Per- mianent-Trust Realtor,1775 Ernest Avenue, London. -37 11 1 1 ', c LAUCKNER REALTY INC. Member of the London St. Thomas MLS BAYFIELD VILLAGE: 3 bedroom winterited home on 1.4 acre lot. SUMMER COTTAGE: Overlooking the river and valley on hand - seeped lot: Lots for -Sale -_ LISTINGS WANTED ADAM FLOWERS Box•41, Bayfield , 565-2813 12. Real estate for sale NEED TO tovE SEE OUR LISTINGS UNEMPLOYED?: Start your own business in this centrally located store. Reasonable rent. 12 Isaac Street.. BAYFIELD: J.ust listed. Cottage on Tuyli Street near the main beach. Enclosed by privacy hedge. List price 531,000. BRUCEFIELD: 11/2 storey family sized home on good lot. 530,000. EARLY POSSESSION: Need accommodation soon? Buy this good 3 bedroom home -at 128 Townsend Street for payments as low as renting. 5000 SQ. FET.: In- dustrial space. Quonset building at Vanastra availabt'e immediately. JOHN ST. CLINTON: Excellent 3 bedroom brick ranch with fireplace and Rec Room $52,000. RETIREMENT " SPECIAL: Don't want to pay high apartment rents? Let us show you how you can own this 'cosy one floor home at 357 James Street, and still retain your in- dependence. Listed at 528,000. BUILD YOUR DREAM HOME: Excellent quarter acre treed lots at Bayfield. $14,900, includes water hook up and paved streets. EnjoVi a relaxed living style year round at "Harvey's Place" Ask us for a free brochure. CALL: JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 LEAH OR BUDD KUEHL 482-7304 VAL GILBERT 482-7833 OFFICE 482-3766 G. K. REALTY INC. 14 Isaac. Street, Clinton Ontario. OFFICE: 482-9747 AND 482-3721 D. CLARE SAGER PETE BOS 524-8995 524-7081 CLINTON Beautiful brick raised ranch, featuring finis'hedn, family room, 11 ! baths, 4 bedrooms, 24' above ground pool, built n al1914 Owner tr sferred 1')9 Wintercourt Cres. S. List price 85R.400 00. , HAL HARTLEY 482-3693 CLINTON - new listing. Ten year old three bedroom one storey, ""angelstone and alumina, on newly' paved street, recreation room, well landscaped. Well built , heats easily. Owner moving away. 240 Queen St. Call Hal Hartley for price. SEE our full ad in current issue of the "Real Estate".• IF YOU ARE THINKING - OF BUYING OR SELLING- CONTACT G.K. REALTY INC. 12. Real estate. for sale , 12, Real estate for sale \/ORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINTON: HAROLD WORKMAN 482-3455 PETER DAMSMA 482-9849 SEAFORTH: HENRY MERD • 577-0430 See our Brochure for: , Dairy, Poultry, Sow, Hog, Horse, Cash crop, Hobby and general farms, as well as homes, Tots, recreational, in- dustrial, income and commercial properties in Seafor- th, Clinton, Blyth and surrounding areas. 17. Apartments for rent APARTMENT for rent suitable for single =tut.* person,. fridge and stove ;Supplied. Phone Sharon 482- 971 1 82-9711 after 6 p.m, 182- 9573,--33tfar ulligan REAL ESTATLTD_ BUYING OR SELLING Have YOU Noticed How They Go Together? Clinton High St., large corner lot, fireplace, 4 bedroom centre hall . plan, a solid home with real= good renovation possibilities. -Try your offer today. Clinton - Pugh's_Terrace, modern 3 bedroom solid brick bungalow on a large well treed plot, very neat inside and out storage shad, Targe family room with wood burning stove, neatly landscaped. '41,500. Bayfield - Ali the rustic charm of the Lakeside Village is captured in this 4 bedroom cottage near the lake. Large well treed lot just steps from the beach, livingroom has fireplace, separate sleeping cabin, garage, etc. '58,500. a BAILEY Real Estate Ltd. Clinton r Phone: X482-9371 Residence: 523-933P BLYTH- - 2 bdrm. brick bungalow, electric heat, carport full basement. Everything in new condition. Priced to sell. HULLETT TWP. Red brick school house, 2 miles south of Auburn. Excellent condition. Treed lot. NEW LISTING - Goderich Twp. - 13 acres with 1 floor bungalow. Farrowing barn will handle 50 sows. 4 acres Wooded. REDBRICK DOUBLE HOME - on Rattenbary St. Low down payment con- sidered. 4 MILES FROM CLINTON - 15 acres wooded properly with private lake, stocked with trout. Exceptional new ranch type home with all the extras shown only by ap- pointment to serious clients. CLINTON - Joseph St., 11/2 store y`fram e duplexed-home on' large lot. Reasonably priced. Severed. 90 ACRES - 80 workable. No building. Londesboroarea. LOND.ESBORO '- 1 floor brick home on bungalow with finished basement. Two fireplaces, carport and swimming pool. Double sited lot. 11/2 STOREY floor brick home on Victoria St., new siding, well decorated, double garage, extra lot. 50 ACRES - Colbourn Twp. 6 acres new producing or- chard, drilled well and, hydro service. FOUR I Ing lots in Londe FOOD FOR THOUGHT Drive as if you owned the other car. 13. Mobile homes 2 BEDROOM Mobile Home for rent. Morgan's Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.--4tf FOR SALE or Rent - 44' x 23' bungalow set up in Morgan's Mobile Home Park. Phone 482.7066.--37,38 16. Articles for rent :FORMAL RENTALS -Dress up! Go formal! We have the complete Wedding Service at `Campbell's Men's • Wear, Main St., Clinton (Formerly Pickett and Campbell's Ltd.)-14tf PLYWOOD FORMS; wedges, portable cement mixer. Power trowls wheelbarrows, etc. Form ties stacked. Call N.J. Corriveau, Zurich 236- 4954.-16tfar PROFESSIONAL CARPET Cleaning system by U -Clean. $12 per day rental, hourly or weekly rentals also available. Norholme Decorating, 482- 3528.-37,38,39,40 17. Apartments for rent TWO BEDROOM Apartment for rent close to hospital. Phone 482-3722 or 482- 7261.-28tf . THREE BEDROOM air conditioned apartment, carpeted, heat supplied, available July 1. Phone 482- 9417 after 6 p:m.-25tfar 2 storey Duplex, lovely, renovated 2 and- 3 bedroom apartments, with private entrance and yard, frig. & stove supplied, close to down- town Clintpn. '.180 - '210 Plus utilities. Call: 529-1949 ELIZABETH COURT Located in Hensall-- • 1 BEDROOM available now, October 1 or Nov. 1 PRICE '225. mo. FEATURES: Shag carpetin throughout, Appliances, Laundry Facilities, all Utilities paid. FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262-3448 LONDON 453.2280 48 if 18. Houses for rent UPSTAIRS one bedroom stove and fridge flupplied $145 a month. Call 4824304 or 482-3766.-34tf TWO BEDROOM all utilities included. Adult Building. No tis children. No pets. 201 King St. 482-7028 or 482.9237.-36tf TWO BEDROOM apt. available Oct. 1, reasonable. Reply to Drawer 20, c -o The Clinton News -Record, Clinton, Ont. -37,38,39 IDEAL FOR Working Girl. Newly decorated apartment, including fridge and stove, heat supplied $160. monthly, downtown Clinton. Phone 482-3305.--37tfar NEWLY DECORATED one bedroom apartment, broadloomed, air con- ditioning and heat paid. $190 0 monthly. Available now. Phone 482-3533.--37tf 18. Houses for rent HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. • Available im- ' mediately,. Phone 482- 3278.-31tfar • TWO BEDROOM semi- detached home in Clinton. Close to shopping. Available im mediately. Phone 524- 4226.-36x, THREE BEDROOM house, rec room with Franklin fireplace, 4 pe. bathroom, new oil furnace, % mile east of Varna on paved road available Oct. 1. Phone 482- 9102.-36 - NEW 3 BEDROOM brick house in Brucefield. $225 per month. Phone 482- 7561.-37,38 THREE BEDROOM House, rec room with Franklin fireplace, 4 pc. bathroom, new oil furnace, 1/2 mile east of Varna on paved road. Available October 1. Phone 482-9102.=-37tf TWO BEDROOM House, 3 pc. bath living room, kit- chen,_storage porch. Availale immediately, For rent, with option to buy. Apply 125 North .St.' Clin- ton. -37,38 RESTORED 3 BEDROOM Victorian home in Dungannon on large double lot with mature trees. Beautifully decorated, pine floors, country kitchen, large living and dining rooms, 2 piece and 5 piece..bath main floor laundry. $375 plus utilities. References required. 529-7935 or 524- 2874.-37,38 THREE BEDROOM House, garage and paved drive, available Sept. 15. $250. month. phone 482-7088.-37x 25. Wanted to buy 0.4 -WANT-ED: --Good used fur-, niture. Phone 482- 7922.-8tf ar LOGS AND STANDING TIMBER. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, NOM 1A0 or . phone 232- 4450.-35tfar 26. Help wanted CANADIAN TIRE, Parry Sound, seeks class 'A' mechanic, or 4th year ap- prentice. Prefer scope ex- perience. Flat rate shop, 6 bays. Contact Paul East, Service Manager, 60 Joseph Street, Parry Sound. P2A 2G5. 705 746-2133.-37bc FORD DEALERSHIP in _prosperous, growing farm community needs aggressive licensed tune-up mechanic. All company benefits, wage negotiable on experience. Send resume to Box 360, Provost, Alberta or call 403 753-2266.--37bc FOR RENT jhroo bedroom townhouses, ' newly' decorated. located Irl Vanastra, 2 miles from Clinton, quiet surroundings. '229. per month including heat and hot wetter. TV cable available. Ideal for retired Poole, close to Lake Huron. APPLY Aroma BLOCK A UNIT 1 OR PHONE 4112.3821 8ETINEEN b , OH WEEKENDS PLEASE PHONE E 492.7898 "silk 3