HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-12, Page 1""e• 1. ; - • •,•
s'aesSSIISSme'essweelseeereess.eiSsemes..-sT'se'nrc'S'es...!reaesrensa _ ...seelle!sSessee age- s'emsesespesesem.e'sa."
1-10114011, HUrein as Belies..
NonT4.1,- '
Liman Crossing
Clentralio, ,
EiPPen •,.
"(ippon ,•, •••
lAxeter .
- 7.451a. tr. 4.98).' ,ex
8.28 5,2Q
.. -8.31 5,25
8,45 5.45
• 8.56 5,07
„ 9,08 6.00
.„ 9.14 6.17
9.22 6,29
9.40 6.45
... 10.00 7.03
7,38 4.15
• 7:47 4.25
• 8.07 4.45
zo 8.20 5,04
• 8.34 5.12
• 8.41. 5,14
... 8.56 5,33
... 9,07 5.45
• 0.18 5,56
• 9,24 6.02
eae, LEGAL.
LH. DICKSON, Barrister, So1is.
e'soiter of Supremo Court ,Not arykablie
Conveyancer Comm issiener, Om. /Honey to
Office in Eansou'a Bloch, EXeser,
I-1119 H, COLLIN S,
Barrist,er, Solicitor, Conveyancer,
OfaceSamweIrsDiock Dell sone effice.)
Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyancer, Oonnnissioneri .3sc„ ece. Special
attention given to the collection of aims in
the United States: Patents procure , money
to loasi At lowest rates. Office : Opel ;House
Block St Marys Ont.
. .. ,
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public,
Conveyancers &c, &c.
it'Broney to Loan at Lowest Rates of
- interest.
4.10F.FACE: ovek 0,.1rELL'S Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
Sannvell's Block Main -St, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without pain,
_ by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
,. . Filings and. all other dental
•',5,,,,t ,,-,;,, work the best possible. Goes
to amnia on last Thursdayin
',.., each month:
ri LUTZ, D. M.
%J. Offic ea t hisresiden eg Exeter
T W. I3ROWNING'• M. D., M. U
t., 4. g. S ,GraduateVictoriatTniversity.Office
liesidene e,DoranionLa borator V, EEG ber
' R. HYN.DMAN, corner for the
' County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
* .•Carling's store, Exeter.
-FIR. J. A. ROLTIII•1 ti, M.0. P. S
...s..,-0. Office, Main S.,..Exeter,Ont.Residen
ee h ous °recently Occupied by I'. McPhillips,
-LI- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, an a McGilli-
rray:Townships: Sales eon duoted at moderate
rates. Office -At Post-offiee,Crediton, Ont.'
-1" OHN GILL, Auctioneer:for the
ei Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales prom-otly
attended, and satisfaction. guaranteed. Bales
arranged at this office.
_ .
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. .
OFFICE: One door South of Town Hall, 1
per cent, .825,000 Private Funds._ Best i
Loaning Companies represented.
L. lit. DICKSON, 1
• Barrister, Exeter, ,
FIRE nest:MAN° E 0 0 .
Establishedin 1863.
1 J
This connany hail been over Eighteen (
"ears in successful operation in 'Western On- ..
ario andeontinues to insure againstloss or `
lama'ge by Eire ,Haudings,merchs.ndise ,Man. t
tfactoriecand all otherdeacrietionsoflinsur- I
able property. Intending insurers have the e
ption of insuring on, the Premium. -Note or ,
) ash System . , ;
During tbe past ten years this Company x
Las iSsued 57,096 Policies, covering property 3
o theamountots40,872,038 ;anaemia inloss- e
Is alone eeee,752,00
AssetS, $176,100.00, consisting o f cassia a
l lunk, Go,:veimrdentDeposit,and the unman- ti
seed Premium Notes on handamdin force. J,
V WALDEN M D. Presider.t, (1. Et. Timon, r
ecretary. 3. B. Iluouresuh ,Inspector. CEA 8. '
NELL Agoutfor Exeter and vicinity, 0
---, ----...-...•
Fite sGteesest English Preseripticeici. 411
--,,, A. successful Medicine used over _ ,.... Iv
A.` 80 years in thousande of cases. LI, , 1
k o ' Cures Spermatorrhea, Yervousf, '' 4 t
'Weakness, Zmissions, impotency .;k. - i;
es- and all caseams caused by abuse. '''-'-'1,. -"'
intsimil indiscretion, or over-exertion, terrine el
lar packages Guctrotteed to Cure when art °there al
rail. Aelt your Druggist for The Greet Entrusts e,
Preeerlptlen, take no sebstitute. One package
Si, six $8, by Mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address 0
itnireica Chemical Co., Detroit* Melts w
Barber Shop, tiia l'
;allaying and Hair cutting in the latest styles
of the art.
'Ivory attention paid to cutting
Ladies and Children's Hair
Market Square
Tiede' and fled. Two nights atterwarcla as
James Shay was training Steward Taylor
in the beck • part of his alma islaop, he
General Store
Ihnne.-Quite a nuraber of colts have
died in this vicinity from rheumatism,
Mr. Thos, Ileacting lost two. -Mr, P. Hardy
had a horse HO badly hooked by a cow one
day teat week that'llfr. Gibb was called to
sew the wound. -Mr. and Mrs. D, Walker
have returned from from their visit toFlint,
Mieh. • They were pleased with the country
bet like their own country better. -Haying
is not as good as last year.
Burzrs.-Farinere sae busy haying,
Most of the clover orop will he hound this
week. --The crops in this vicinity have
been much improved by the recent rains
and bid fair to be above the average. -Mr.
John Coupland has put a new roof on his
barn which has improyed the appearance
considerably. -Aft. W. Kirk has put stone
stabling under his barn and otherwise im-
proved his out buildings. • 1Vhep finished
they will be ameng the very best in the vic-
The crops are looking much better than
was expected a few weeks ago.
Mrs. John Gogill and, three children, of
Chicago arrived here on a visit to her uncle
Mr. James T. Wilson.
At the Magistrate court held here last
Saturday, the case of Vanvolkenburg vs.
Mackintosh was adjourned for one week.
All Canada thietles on our roads should
be out at Once; it is contrary to law and a
great binary to our farming interests to
tallow them to go to seed.
' Just reoeived at the Boston house, 40
,bags flour ; case canned beet; tomatoes,
digby chicken; Boiaten ood fish; balloon fly
traps; :attack of harvest tools. Dry geodes,
boots rk shoes, groceries &a., are being re-
plenished every few days.
heard senates unearthly and calf lake, and
at mace rushed to his front door, and there
suspended by his big tees, was the form of
a mati swinging to and fro in the irdd.
night air. James yelled like a demon and
the vision at 01100 disappeared, On ,the
following Sunday evening as Dan Mo0Osh',
Aljo O'Neil, T. C. Frank, T. B, Grant, Ed,
Mara and 0, B. Edwards were returning
from the Bauble where they had been
taking their half yearly bath, saw, as theY
passed the buijding, a large serpent, which
seemed to 140,0i:imposed entirely of fire, glid-
ing to and fro ,pat the window. James
McMahon and little Bela who had been
out for•their usual streill, paned about
three•quarters of au hour afterwards„ also
eaw the tame sight, The news 1411,8
oircuSated through the village and • reeve,
Ellwood at once took steps to find out the,
mystery. He swore in as special , collate.
blest :-Uharles Haskett, George A Stanley,
John °essay, Joseph Simpson, Dau Bear-
er. P• Ross
• • ley, Richard Mountain, Thomas Anderson, -
Geo. Parker, Wm. Bell, Yorkey, Ikey and
Willie Taylor. These he detailed to watch
the building for three successive nights.
(Concluded next week) • •
Mennen Noehs.-A grand pic.nie was
held in Hanigan's groee on Thursday last,
A large crowd was present from Granton,
Lnean, Biddulph Ana the surrounding
country ; everybody seemed to enjoy them-
selves imtnensely. Wm. Whalen acted as
master of ceremonies', while John Carrigan,
Pat Dawn and John Brien acted as
assistants. A large platform was erected
• and all who were inclined to dance en-
joyed themselves to theirheart's content.
Thomas John Blackwell called off, while
John Levitt played the &Mime.) Jame• s
Maher acted as usher. The feature of the
dttY was a grand danciug tournament be '
tween Tommy John and Dan Shea, but.
owing to the fatigue of Tommy John after
calling off the first six dances he fainted in
the first Contest, and was of course defeat-
ed. The affair on the whole was a grsind
Wm. Hickey is out with a ohallenge for
any pedestrian in the Dominion for from
$100 to $500. ,
Jas. MoIllhargey thinka he will flood the
European markets with wheat this fail.
More money in that than selling eggs Jim.
Martin Collison flatters himaelf that he
oan beat any man in the township at a hop
step and jump. •
Pat. Quigley, of Elginfield, lost a valu-
able cow a week,ago ; Stewart's, a Durham,
valued at 6140. -
• The unmarried men Of the Roman line
challenge the Coarsey line bsiya to a game
of base ball. The ,garee tcr,!!heAllayed in?
Inman any day within the coming two
• Joseph R. Collison after having scoured
'Western States in the short time of eight
days, returned to make his home in Bid-
dulph. for evermore, a much wiserland better
man. •
Jas. Ryder, 7th concession, is erecting a
very expensive dwelling, he having sent to
Lanark for a mason to build the cellar
and Stewart Tailor, Yorkey's antagonist, is
doing the carpenter work, '
Mr. Revington acknowledges that he is
no match for Mr. Jonathan Hedging talk•
ing polities; but he is able and, willing to •The Council met on the 7t1t mete All
speak against Mr. Reaford, of Grafton, on .the Members present. Minutes of previous
commerciel union, at any time or plaee meeting were read and approved. A cirou-
that gentleraan may name. Wm. Case lar from. the -Provincial Land Surveyer's
Esq., to be referee. •Association with reference to proposed
John Dorsey and Thomas Breen purpose amendments to the 43/itches and Water -
leaving for Scotland in a few weeks to pule courses Aot 01 1883" was read and laid on
Chase some clydesdale homes. They al- the table.
ready have orders for several. the Coursey Moved by J. Shier eeconded by W. Xydd
line having formed a syndicate to take one that with reference, to the circular from P.
and a gentleman in Blanshard also intends L. S. A. with regard to proposed amend.
taking on. We wish them a pleasant voy- ments to the "Ditches and Watercourses
Act of 1888" that thia Council approves of
Timothy Dorsey, the transfer agent from the proposition to constitute the Court of
Port Huron, having just attained the age of Appeal under said act. Three competent
21, consequently received what waa beques- persons, one of.whom shall be a P. Lt. S.,
ted to hien by. his ancestors. But Tina instead of resting said power in the County
wishing to add to his $100 hired with a Judge, and alao that, the deoision of said
man in Bidclulph to work the two harvest Court should be final. -Carried,
months for the paltry snra of $27, in order The plans and award of a watercourse
that he might have a partner in life on •commencing in Fullerton and extending in -
leaving. •'•• •, to ITsborne was laid before the Council for
P 4.- 4 examination.
(11a,ndebOVe. . Moved by J. Hall seconded by 1'. Cam -
In reply to Unit naughty little pleas) of eron that the engineer's award in re
semen from our brother Mike in our gar d to the Fullerton and Usborne water.
lister village, wevviedi publicly toexpress our course be amepted and our share of the
astoniehment at a man possessed �f all the expenses connected therewith, amounting
grand principles of bug, a fly, a serpent, to 83.00, be remitiqd to the treasurer of
or a lizzard, concieseending te ,stoop so low Fullarton.
as to recognise tin article of an lineages' Keyed by W. Kydd aeconeled by T. Cana -
idiot. We feel heartily sorry that he should eron that Geo. Forguson be paid 613.50 for
IS compelled to descend from this high keep of T. Bennett up to July 7th, and
alevetion 'upon which nature has placed that T. Brimemonabe receive 89.00 ear keep
L101, t� address enlightenment such se is Of A. Carmichael. -Carried. •
found in this obeoure region. We wish to On motion of J 1. Shier seconded by J.
beence of , Christopher H., who has gene be permitted to Condole snth him in hie Hall the following orders . were granted,
Europe to sell the July make of the perplexity arising frora a necessity to shield viz Richatd;s, 850,M Samwell, $e6;
orth Middlesex cheese factory, Tonttny himself behind decency and respectability L. Hardy, $177; B. Eston, $1.50;
Art was 'appointed referee, and gave Vier- as the contrast is go striking as to enable Station, e2 110; T. Vail, 622.50; W. Vail;
end entire eatisfaotion. The fight us at once to distinguish the gold from the 86.46 Jno. Paton' 83.00 ; T. Brima.
arted at 1.35 p. m. and lasted till 4.10, dross. Moreover We are prepared to state combo*, $8.O0; E. 'Hewitt, $10.00 ; W.
remade having been fought. Yoilley that the clergyman in question feels by no Nay, $17.25; A. 'Temkin, $3,00; J,
main the best of condition and was ably means hurt. At the 'same time we are Hunkin, 86; E. Stone, $1; T. MeOlocklin,
andled by James Mayo ad his old an- compelled to comalimeet brother Nibbs' e2.25 ; W. Moody, $2 D. Brown, 16.50 ;
gonna, Ikey, while James Shay and on having written lad week's article him- G. Ferguson, $18.50; 'J. Statton, $3; H.
obert Guest, 3un., looked after the inter- self as no power •on earth could persuade Beeem, $1,30;•• S. Horn, $11 ; Lothian
ts of Stewart, Yorkey Was heautifully us to believe that the entire brains of our $6 80;• R. Robmsori, ; G. Hogg, $19 66;
tired an a lineal duster, et pair of Arctic eister village had boon gotten toeether to G. Harrah, 810; A. Harrison, 814
ershees and a erinieon skull cap, while prodeoe such an effusion. Yes! dolabticse Wiseman,' 616 ; E. McDonald, 8114; A.
eivart's eositume oonsisted• Of a pair of he wrote it himself as honor takes another Arksey, 68 12; W. Milne, 898 97; R. Qin
bit cotton tiooke, linen belt arid a Waxed form and gentlemanly conversation enemas ton, 886; 0-. T. R. freight, 816 60 IVira.
oustache. Banff George, who bed bor. different clothing. Yet still as we /eve hint Moody, 821156; Treassurer, Fullerton, 88;
wed 111e, Benovan's Franklin watch, and respect him much. we'll .overlook his e, Jenne, 88110; Pollen, 08 50, The
tea as timekeeper, The fight was to a faults and take him to our hearts at every above ,• orders were for bridges, culVerts,
nigh ; tendon prize ring talkie, and wars opportunity. We love him. Why? 13e- grading, ditches, cedar, charity, &c.
most terrific slugging match ever mien cause there doth some force of man remain On motioia of T, Cameron seconded by
this section. Yorkey won in the forty-
, even though there be nothing distinguish- 3. Shier the weaned adjourned to meet
th round, Stewart being totally used ' able but the brute fore; tberefore. we cher- sole. the lst•Saturday in September, at 11
ish the hope of a better nature and we will o'cloek a, in,
d unable to come to time. Yetkey
ims the light.weight chemplenaliip: be roost pleaSectto wept his .apology suede •G. W. Holman, clerk,
Tint I-Dantenia Housh,-On the first of as it was, ae his brain at the time he wrote The vital statistics of the toweehip of
it was undergoieg process of feredentation. 'Osborne for the half yeat ending 801h latue
as William Kent; Jam Dag and Again wi
0E1E10 ,Ctibbings were returning home before wo take came of ear- ',will be of intermit of the publim-Registrat-
m L. D. Stariley't stares where they had
selves for old acquaintance sake ,asi we have lone, 10; Bitths, 43; Illatriages, 14; Deaths,
,,ee peen given to understand that eve ate in I& Avetage age of males married, 28 yrs;
n alsenseing 0°11111nel8d tint"; I's' the boat tor another sail 80 that AS, like fornalea, 24; oldest Wale, 40; youngest, 22;
sed by the btvullUct b°118e. 16' It'nt Ott bretber Nibs, we object to personalities oldest fenaales 80; yeengest, 19, Of detains
rly petrified him en the apet, for theta
Petting to Jeek uPi emy e sight 'Whi°11 018 principle and inyite bur friend to come ' 7 were males and 6 &metes. Plaoes ' of
ough the blindleee Windolv he EA* and have' eemething Along witla U. birth, trigland. 7; Ieelendo Cilinida,
(Note, --The pet'sonal controversa be, Canso ot death, apoplexy 1, heart disease
itt he thought to be the form et nunaan tween the them and Clandeboyeenrreapons 3, general &jetty 4, cerebtal enotintaitie 1.
liveireomplaint 1, ,parelysie 1, inflatannation
1, convuldione 1, Average age at death,
excepting two ititants, 65 years,
G. W. it elmetn, Division Begistro,
The unclersianed would,inform the pub-
-lio that he has Just receissee his
8P1?ING :2.4; STOCK
A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Claps, and
Crockery, Boots and Shama
Those wishing anything in my line will
find it to their advantage to eall and in
spect ray geode and prioes. •
Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
•kinds of produce.
By Our Own CorreePondents.
W. S. Seed of Strathroy, paid Lucan a
visit on Sunday last.
George Cathcart says he can boot any
man in town.
John Hawlsshaw of Exeter, paid Lucan
a flying visit on Sunday,
The manager of the Irish nine base ball
club, is still alive, the growlers of Homan,
club to be beard frotn.
• Robert McLean, who has been away
spending ,his sumnaer holidays; has re-
turned home looking well.
jonathan Hodgins has dispelled of his
black team for the sum 01 8520, to James
Bell of London township. The team is to
be sent to Winnipeg.
Hugh Toohey arrived home from Man-
itoba on Saturday night Hugh parposes
returning soon, and rumor says he will not
go back alone.
It le rumored that Kit Walker of Allies
Craig is wandering loose somewhere up
around Hensel' looking for a half -dollar
he lost up there on July 2nd.
Everett Butler has returned home from
Cleveland where he has been spending the
peat few weeks. Everett is very much
Riohey Cooper, "the tired lad" arrived
home from, the queen's bush on • Wednes-
day niglat last. Richey looks ae verdant
Harry Ccllins has invented a new mills
can with thermometer, barometer and
cream indicator combined; It is a gem,
and Will he the means of making a fortune
for the unassuming Harry.
It is reported that John Ryan, Esq., is
about to start an oleomargarine factory at
the north end of the village. johnny is a
hustler and no doubt will make the new
venture a success.
Parties in search of the Leman Times -
correspondent will find him by calling at
corner of Bath Brick and Starvation streets
The correspondentis loaded and at alleinies
prepared to entertain his friends.
George A. Stanley has been out through
Lobo the past week delivering his new
book, entitled 'ten minutes in the kitchen,
r who kissed the cook.' Geo. has taken a
lot of orders through Lobo.
Billy Endicott thinks he is a Ryer. He
wont to Craig one day last week ito fly in a
alloon ; theballoon flew, but Billy not,
eying wings sat on the station eteperchew-
g the cud of reflection.
Albert Carrol has severed his connection
ith the central hotel and has again joined
he Salvation Army. • Albert • purposes
oing out to China with a nmber of other
ecruits to chriatianize the orientates
Noddie Dight and Gideon Doupe are
bout, we believe, to form a partnership in
he milling business, in Inman. Gideon
urposes starting out as seen as the har-
es* is over, to hold his evangelical meet-
nge. Noddie will have full charge of the
ill in Gideon's abeence.
The long talked of fight, which has been
dvertisecl for some 'time, between Yorkey
n(1 Stewart Taylor, took place at Hill
ohne; gravel pit on Monday 2nd of July.
reat preparations had been made for the
atoh, Hill John having fenced the pit and
e gates were placed, one at each end,
ill John selling tickets at one and John
tout at the other. The priee of the
ekets was 82.60. Richard Simpson and
rank Kent acted as peace officer's while
ohn Rent, astside of his Mexican pony,
mat order inside the ropes. Owing to the
SWITCHES MADE TO ORDER I Icliti:trl 1"'1°‘tling`giira88 86Y14. K t
eme log t enn a. on a once
theca and dots wittk the rotort abovo Involt.. come to
a close. They both have brka their my
ealled the attention of his eompanions to
._ Vtnt:ea realize any
A CALL SOLICITED I the phantom, and thaY all tookand neitner, e pate
, te tbew gpeeiet etaisSeetetele.4m,)
Corporal Riley, of No. 6 company, 33rd
Huron, is an old British campaigner, and
was a sergeant in the 63rd Foot, of Man-
olaester, which served in Afgharifitan in
s78 '79 and 80. The regiment was on
convoy duty during these years between
Candahar and Sibbi, and was only twelve
miles from Candahar the day it was taken
by Sir Fred Roberts. The brigade was
commanded by General Fair, and was on
ifel way to reinforce Sir Frederick at thee -
time. Corporal Riley also served with the
63rd Foot in the Egyptian campaign of
1882lunder Sir Donald Macpherson, cora-
-mender- of the Indian contingent, which
marched across the desert from Ismailia
to Alexandria in the not month of Sep-
tember. • For this he received a medal
and a star, and also holds a medal for
having served in Afghanistan. Mr. Riley
is still young and is considered to be the
best drilled non-commissioned officer of
the camp. He has resided in Canada but
sixteen months and is now a well to-do
termer at Hensall.
Usborne Council.
The Molsons Bank
Paid up 04Pita1 $0.009t000
BOSt 'Rand ' 875,900
Offers the l'ublie 4.ER OENT,INTBltal
P1.I ANNIIMfor money oii'
For Money in
Savings 13 ankDep.'in't
(Lately Re -Opened,
For further particulars apply at The Bank
Main Street, Exeter.
10 a, Ill. m. Saturdays, 10 a, ra. p.m
,Exoter , Oct,, 25 '87. Mandoef
Stephen Counon.
Council met on Tuesday July 3r11, at
Town Hall, Crediton. All memberspresent
Minutiae fof last meeting lead and signed.
Moved by HEilber, seo by .1' Sheritt, that
the reeve and treavurer borrow $1200, to
meet running expenses. Keyed by D.
French, sec. by 0 *Silber, that reeve and
elerk be appointed to send and teeny°
correspondence on all matters in connection
syith G. B. D. After the eollowing ordere
were granted this council adjourned to
meet lat Moeda)? in August. 3 Hartman,
work E 8 1t819.50; 8 Hogarth, engineer-
ing 810; J G Wine, corn and culvert, 68.87;
G Wine, °entreat E 5 R, $16; 1 Rollins,
work in pit, 836.38; J Wade, culvert 19 88;
q Lewis, cone 011 E„, $2; 3 Rollins, pit for
gravel, $25; F Clarke, work ist 5 R., $3,75;
G Tapson, contract, 6173,20; 3 Hearnen,
work 0 Re $5; A Geeser, ditching, $2; R
Hodeins, road work, 82; J MoKeever, con -
track, 841; G. risestreieher, road work, $3;
M Winer teaming cum, 827; M Finkbiner,
pit salary, $10; S Stanley breaking stones,
611.75; J Dimon contras:it 881.75; J
Keever, cora $7.50; W Gower, grading 1st
El II, $10; Tapson, contract, $98.65; J
Walker, gravel, $14.25; j. B Hodgins, cone,
$5; j TaIlot culvert, $4; 0 H Wilson, S.
B coin $21.25; FE Willert, gravelling cora,
$5; P Eilber, 3rd S R $5.25; J Gould 'lum-
ber, 812; It Barry, contract, 646.80; T
Shapton, culvert, $10,60; P McLane con-
tract, $41.93; B Rowett, rep bridge, 83;
R Barry oontraot, $175.70; T Clarke, work
E 8 R, $8.50; D Baohanan, oem, $6.50; 0
Either cone, 812; J Schrader, ditching, 182-
j Elliott, [ditching 82; F Trieubner, con-
tract, 824: W Hill, centred, 818; A Win;
ner, grading E 8 11 66,50; W Finkbiner
COM $100; J Pope E S B 610.90; Mrs. Ran-
som, $5; Jas Carty culvert 83; j Finkbiner,
°one 6.25; R Mitchell; rep bridge, 63.25; W
MoCann, work in pit, 64.50; P Shroeder,
Coin, 848.36; W Milne cedar lumber, $148.
80; R Hicks, ditching $3.50; H Doyle cul-
vert, 62,50; P McKenzie, cam,. $4.37; J
Steeper, gravel,$51.75; P Schroeder, 88;
Solioitor, $15; 00E2 expenditure) N B, $118;
O Stody, bridge, 3rd 5 11 $12; 0 Gaubour.
$2; N McLellan, $2.
C. PROIITY, Clerk.
• Creditors
A. number of .th-e--me-naleers of Orediton
Court of Foreaters attended an annivers-
ary sermon preached 'at ciamialseye
Sunday last.
Sehool closed on -Friday last inctethe
little ones are in great spirits. Just stvait
a few weeks boys until fiax-pulling ,starts
then.yeal wil1 be as anxiouteete•go to saihoot
A number of young ladiea and gentlemen
from Clandeboye and Lucian en route for
home from tbe lake, passed through here
on Saturday evening after having had a
week's camping. Some of our boys here
took a fancy to the young ladies, but their
hopes were in vain.
is visiting her father, Mr- M. Ginter.
We underetand a petition is being circu-
lated and e xtensively signed to have the
county judge commute the sentence of
traleftse.t. gee
imprisonmentepassed upon Mr. Mittelholtz.
It is utterly useless as the county judge
the magus -
has nothing to do with the matter, the
affair having been settled by
after which she goea to Toronto to attend
es visiting friends in the neighborhood.-
the Normal sohool.-Mrs. Suhrtof London,
has left for home for midsummer vacation,
Mies Hawkins, one of our school teachers,
PERSIONAL.--MiS0 Schneider of Mildmay
it Act was defeated there was
a great deal of epeculation as to whether
Ciediton would get two licenses, it having
been rumored that one of our hotels would
be cot off. Now we understand we are
to have three, that is both hotels and a
shot> license; so it seems Sprague is not
a bad sort of a fellow at all, as he saw fit
that we ehould have extra facilities to
proettre strong drink in our village. In
this agaiii we differ with him as we think
two lieensea are enough in Crediton.
Our hotel -keepers were somewhat ;disap-
pointed when they heard that they would
• have to go or send to Seaforth for their
license, Inspector (protem) Sprague having
promised to distribute them at the one
horse hotel at Xhiva. It appears, ho waver,
that the old man did not get them to die -
tribute. However we think he should
have notified therd all al we nnderstand
they were making preparations to tender
• him a grand banquet on the occasion and
had had considerable expense. It 18 too bad
Archy went back on such a faithful servent
and we thiuk the old man will feel his loss
Chsranew's DAY. -On Sunday last the
annual children's day feetiyal was cele-
brated in the German church. The church
was handsomely decorated to suit the
°oculars ; a sernaon was preached au the
morning to the children by the peeler and
in the afternoon and evening addresses
were delivered by yientieg ministers and
theological students, who all gave yes/
interesting dimoursee. The epeaking was
interspersed with ramie reedered by the
choir in excellent style mid especially for
the occasion, •Colleetione for the child -
reties raissionary fund were talon, in all
making a total of almoet 860,00. A large
numbet of strangers from the neighborieg
airouite were prement.
We hate juet heard that two or three
parties eencling milk to the cheese factory
have been caught in sherp dealing. It
tippears the manager steepened certaie
parties of watering the nsilk and. after
few elaye' obsetvatieue and trying ef the
milk he tient inspeothes to the said parties'
houses at the time the °etc% were milked,
A. sample anon was taken in eaeli ewe
and nonapated, mad afterwards the parties
Were informed about the nmeageeti 808-
p1010185, Ono of them at once confeeeed ;
the other did se after eetiag that he could
not do otherwise. Thies as a Yea, serious
matter when taken to a eourt of law and
eve think that the perties W1'C 1.e1t h
in too lenient a tneemer W
• Stephen.
Quarterly report of S. S. No. 6, Stephen:
-IV. olaes-eneuks obtainable 2545 -
Annie Collins, 1480; Mary Dinney, 1320;
Clara Granville, 1158. III. clase-raarlis
olatainable 2545 --Katie Lippert, 14(14;
Annie Barry, 1093 ; Alexander Neeb, 988;
II. °lass -ranks obtainable 1645 -Carrie
Finkbeiner, 1524; Willie Mawhinney,
1468; Chis. Dinney, 1367. Part II. class
-marks obtainable 1845 -Katt Barry,
1898 ; Thomas Dinney, 1385; Adeline
1434tz. The above report is baised on gen-
era proficiency, regularity, and good con-
duct. H. P. Kinsman, teacher.
• 40.4
General News.
The French revenue surplus for the first
six months of the year amounts to 28,000,-
000 franc*.
At a meeting of Unioniet peers it was
decided to support Lord Salisbury's bill to
reform the House of Lords.
Mr, J. S. McCuaig, ex.M. P. P. for Pie
ton, is slowly recovering from lib. long
illneis. • -
There were 187 deaths in Montreal last
week, a large proportion being due to
oholera infantum.
John Wenz. a Dayton, Chia, grocer,
was found in the Miama River on Monday
morning with his throat cut.
There is every indication of a serious war
in Zuland,:the boers showing signs of ris-
ing against the English.
Rev. Dr. McTavish has ;intimated his ac-
ceptance of a call to the Central Presby-
terian Church, Toronto.
On the Canadian side at Sarnia the G
T. II. tnnnel shaft is down about 70 feet
and on the American side it has reached a
depth of about 40 feet.
The University of Cambridge has con -
Bishops of Fraderioton, New York, and
!erred the degree of L. L: D. upon the
Mr. F. H. Skyes, Pd. A., modern language
master at the Collegiate Inotitute, left Streth-
roy on Wednesday for Leipsic, Germany, to
perfect himself in Genuine during the holi-
days, .
The Ceovernment's resolution to grant
one-third of the cost of surveys for the Que.
bee bridge across the St. Lawrence, provid-
ed they do not eiceed 830,000, passed at
midnight in the L'esielative Assembly.
Some forty leastifke. Conservatives of
Winnipeg have" rediested Mr. Aikens to
accept the leadership of the party, in Mani-
toba, but as he is still Lieutenant-Govere
nor, he refused to discuss the matter.
Two serious a,coidents are reported from
-Petrolea. James Paul had. hialerid. caught •
in the machinery of an engine and had his
skull fractured, and a young lad named
Stile fell on a scythe and almost severed
his hand,
David . Goselin, of St. Lauveur, was
killed at Lotbiere, Que., while aiding in
the construction of a church steeple, by a
plank falling upon his head, accidently
dropped by his son, who was working
Washington, July 9. -The Committee of
the Whole of the House has rejected, by 37
to 18, Mr. Cannon's amendment placing on
the, free list sugar not above No. 16 Dntch
standard, reducing the rate on other grades
and granting a bounty to the producers of
• Mr John Hoskins!, of Rodney, died
Sunday morning from injuries be reoeivea •
last Tuesday morning. He fell down an
open stairwey, which was without any rail-
ing, while in the act of getting up for a
drink of water. He leaves a wife and five
As Charles Bowles, sr.. of Sarnia, was
driving over a railway crossing on the
Grand Trunk between Point Eldward and
Sarnia on Saturday the 7 30 morning ex-
press coming from the east ran into his
buggy, pitching him nut. Mr. Bowles was
hurt seriously. The buggy was„a complete
wreck, but the horses escaped unhurt.
James Elsie,sthe twelve-year.oId -ot
Mr. 3. Elsie, of Fingal, six months ago fell
on the sidewalk and injured his left kuee.
The leg began to swell until it reached
the dimensions of a man's body, the little
fellow suffering excruciating pain. The
ease' baffled the skill of all the doctors call.
ed in, who were linable to reduce the swell-
ing. Two or three weeks ago it burst,
and death intervened at noon Sunday.
Samuel Richardson, a Toronto lad of
about 13 years, clied Friday night from
lockjaw. A few days before, while playing
with another °Dieted lad, he fell upon a
sharp-poiated stick, which entered the calf
of hie leg. The sock beconaing saturated
in blood some of the dye stuff entered the
wound and caused blood poisoning. On
Thursday the eufferer was eeized with lock-
jaw, from which he died after 24 hours'
agony. ,
South Huron Licenses.
At a meeting of the cotntnissiozers held
in Exeter on Thursday last, the following
licsettiespeisiOWnetroeurgnrsahoitpe.c-1 tc-s-T. 3. mofrat, Tho
Ilodgies, John Grant, Walter Clark, Wm,
Holt, Win, Cunningham, Patrielc Hail,
Joseph I3renner and Henry Willart for
tavern, and John Mitchell foe shop.
Hay townehip.-Riehard Reymalds,
Wm. Hudgins, James Coxworth, Henry
Nine, Cliee,les Grebe, Wm , Raker for
tb''vSetralii;leer township.-Jeeeph, Abell, Wile
son Cook, 'teary Shaeffer for taverns.
• Tneket,smith township . --Wm. Dixson,
John Daley, Mrs, Knox, Win. Kyle for
t"IY6srbliosree township -Jno Math,
ew Kellam', John Brock for taverns,
Village of Exeter,- ,Abel Wa,lpoe, j'amos
Oka, Wesley liawksliatte, W, L. Dame -
come for tayerns, Imarmer Bros. awl S. C.
c%':611:11,Yal f6:fto8sf c. -1 lel 811 SI rl °, °I (T1' I ojs-1
Swartz for taverns.
Stephens Wm, Simpson, Wm, liatirksh%w
olookupon Carrol, Ale*. naVidson It. P.
the matter 8 theft from the other mem, Kennedy for taVerus Winnfred
bets of the eon:many And thiok it should W, 1, Dawson for sh'ops,
be dealt with hi the same manner. Wat, 13Attitwrymt, inspector,