HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-04, Page 19A fair wouldn't be complete: without the midway and the Bayfield Fall Fair was no exception. The village Lions Club operated several rides, hot dog booths and games. of chance including' the popular turtle races .at the weekend event. (Shelley McPhee photo) Q.) n.r J',uron chr avl Hartman, editor 0 +CLINTO . r IsIEWSR gC+ Murphy says Back here in the hole by Paul Hartman Well here we are back in this. hole (forgive the expression) for another year. To those of you who've been here before - welcome back to this so- called "Hallowed Halls"; and to those who are just entering this beloved institlation (girls) welcome and good luck in the coming year - 'cause your gonna need it. Now it's time to ac- custom ourselves to the of nine to three -fifteen '"grind. - Back to homework, essays, projects, tests and eventually (ugh) exams. Still, it's sure good to see somefamiliar faces along with some new ones as well. The Chronicle like to offer a would warm welcome- to one of those -"new faces" .in particular - that of our new principal Mr. Herb Murphy. We hope his stay here will be a long and.enjoyable one. .However just as noticeable as the ne* faces are the familiar ones that are missing - most notably that of our former principal, Mr. Phillips. We wish Mr. Phillips as well as all those who have departed from CHSS all the best in their new endeavors. A good luck wish should also go out to this year's Students' Council, headed by Ed Bullen, who will be devoting the bulk of his time attempting to fulfill the wants and needs of the student body. Meanwhile, "yours truly" along with the rest of the Chronicle staff will .be doing our best to'keep you up to date and in- formed on all school news (? ! ), sports and en- tertainment. So, good luck in the corning year and here's hoping it goes fast. TTiTJItSAY, SM&gR4.1980** 9 ^ i CHSS needs s •ir=is` by Darryl Fox As you probably already know Central uron has a new prin- cipal, Mr. Herbert ,T. Murphy . and most students are how asking themselves - what is he like? Mr. Murphy was born and educated in London. He did a year's work at Waterloo and took his CHSS this week Students once again invaded CHSS halls on Tuesday, September 2. Afte-r a shoe speech by new principal Mr. Herb Murphy, normal classes - were held. +++ . School photographs will be taken on Thursday, September 11. +++ Forty-three students CRMP9FW4 TOMATO SOUP 10 FL. OZ. TINS CARNATION FROZEN 41 6 FRENCHIMES_ LARGE SIZE -4 LB, BAG SIZE -4 LB. BAG GRANNYS" DELICIOUS CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES 350. g. PKG. 1.19 BADEN - FARMERS OR COLBY CHEESE 12 0#�. �� VACHON FRESH CHOCOLATE HALF MOONS of 6 s �. /� LAURA SECORD MINI- PUDDINGS s. r ASSORTED FLAVOURS PKG OF 4 5 oz. TINS BLUE BONNET COLOURED MARGARINE DIETRICHS COUNTRY STYLE FRESH ROLLS YORK - 1 Kg. JAR SMOOTHYOR CRUNCHY SMOOTHYOR CHIINCMY 3 Ib. PKG. OF 12 s PEANUT .BUTTER L.47 WEIGNT•WATCHERS TDM/A�TO CLAMr79° CO�/��1� 628 ml. S12E WHEEL��NWHEEL WAGON • J II BUTTERSCOTCH CHOCOLATE DOUBLE CHOC. MINT CHOCOLATE 350 g. PKG. 3 VARIETIES FINAL NET HAIR SPRAY =oamY X2.39 ,� =F1 $f.39 6 LITRE 2.4 Kg. �OX LAUNDRY DETERGENT sizE TIDE /' FRESH..BA AVAILABLE ONLY IN STORES HAVING A COUNTRY OVEN BAKERY KED- WHITE . BREAD 24 ozLOAF _ 590 FRESH BAKED FRUIT BREAD OR RAISIN BREAD 16 oz. LOAF TOTINOS PIZZAS 10" SIZE DELUXE OR _ PEPPERONI 350 g. PKG. 7 - ZEHRS FRESH . CANADA 'A' GRADE - DOZ. J PLASTIC FOOD WRAP HANDI WRAP 60m ROLL f�9 KLIK COOKED CANNED 1.29LUN HE0N. MEAT ,2oz. , MEDIUM BISCUITS MILK BONE • 900g. sts9 DETERGENT CONCENTRATE BORATEEM 2.29 2.2 Kg. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS . REGULAR "C" PLUS WINK. CANADA GINGER OR DIETLIGHT ORANGE OR DRY 1� ALE T50 ML. BOTTLES PLUS DEP. SCENTED UR UNSCENTED BAN RaLL-ON DEODORANT CAMBRIDGE TOWELS PATTERNS & SOLIDS BETTY CROCKER SUPER MOIST and four teachers will be • travelling by bus to New York City on Tuesday, Sepienrber tt•T% view a collection of Picasso's art. Students are advised by Mr. Walker to take approximately $200 in U.S. currency. The trip will cover three days and will in- clude a bus tour of New York, a boat tour of Manhatten Island and a tour of the Whitney Museum. CAKE MIXES Teams picked ASSORTED VAR IETI'ES 510 g. SIZE 'HIGH LIN R FROZEN COOKED HADDOCK IN BATTER OR FISWSTICKS 14 �r.., F 9 IDEAL BRAND FANCY QUALITY GREEN PEAS TANS Oz. . "Pt SOLID AIR FRESHENER • ASSORTED SCENTS -25 g. TWICE AS FRESH= $1.29 ZEHRS OWN BRAND PLAIN OR SALT TOPSSS' CRACKERS 450 g. MRS. SMITHS • APPLE PIES REGULAR OR APPLE CRUMB FROZEN 26' oz. SIZE by Phil Cornish With school for this year only days old, several sports have started already. Gi ls' basketball has started as well as boys' volleyball and tennis. Basketball will ,,.be coached _ by Mr. Clynick and Mrs. Reid. Volleyball is under the direction of Mr: Allen and Mr. Jankowski, while Miss Burch will handle tennis. Hopefully we can start this year with a full slate of quality teams. It seems that - every year someone is always telling people to join a team and this year is no exception.. By joining a team you will improve yourself and probably add to the strength of the team. For those who still are not convinced, you will at least get time off of school. Master of Edugation degree in Toronto.. After teaching at Brantford he Game -to Qodei'ich in 1966 where he was science department head and taught chemistry as well as some biology. In 1972 he went to Seaforth for a year and then to Exeter for seven years. This year at Clinton he doesn't plan to do any teaching but 'states he will try to visit classes and talk to students in an effort to get to know them better. Mr..:Murphy would like to see a school where students have the op- portunity to develop to their fullest potential and therefore he would like to see a large range of programs and courses. Also Mr. Murphy would like a close harmonious work relationship bet- ween staff, students, -,and administration and he would like to see students taken seriously - and listened to. Mr. Murphy sees school spirit and the school image as being the main things needing im- provement at CHSS. He says the school does not have a positive image and he wants the school to take a leadership role in the ommunity and would like o hear people talk of how good the quality of stud nts and staff is and .to h v a e people see the cho�l a pdsitTve'thing in the. community. To do this thestudents must become proud of the school and proud of the. school's achievements. Mr. Murphy believes the major cause for the lack of student par- ticipation is a. lack of, self esteem. The school can only be what the students make it and if they are negative and apathetic then all they can expect is a negative school image. Teachers gradually become disgusted with such attitudes, and as a result, teacher in volvement, drops. Students then become u— CCC —CCC .cec—ccc_ccC.—ere u u u 1 u u u BETTY CROCKER 6-14.5 oz. ASSORTED VARIETIES FROSTING -MIX . D9 STAFFORD CHERRY • APPLE OR BLUEBERRY /� PIE FILLIN'19 TINOZ sir V 9 NATURE VALLEY 4-VARITIES-275 g. PKG. #Lt -9 RANOLA BARS PLAIN OR FLAVOURED SEALTEST YOGURT -1 Kg. LIGHT �N' LIVELY St �9 minurE mato ORANGE JUICE COLORLOK SIDING ALUMINUM SIDING SOFFIT AND FASCIA u BUILDING SUPPLIES 1 CLINTON COUNTER CASH & CARRY PRINCESS ST., WEST 432-9612 • even more negatve and the whole tiling :spirals negatively downwards. CHSS' new principal • wants to reverae Wig trend and hopes students are willing to try as well,. Mr•1 Murphy Would like students to see hixn as an educator I first and foremost. He does not want to be strict and a disciplinarian unless he has to a but he will if necessary. He wants the school to ;r£iin' smoothly and quietly. Mr. Murphy sees his job as establishing an at- mosphere in the school conducive to the profit c ion . o quality education. He wants to make.it so students want to learn. He does not want to remain aloof and separated from students. He wants to be ap- proachable and to be able to be talked to by students. Mr. Murphy believes students. should be able to express their views openly and be able to discuss new ideas with him. He wants to be seen as fair and reasonable yet he does not want to be a friend with the students. Although he is willing to listen to students, they should not assume he is. "buddy -buddy" with them. As a personal message to students, he would like to welcome them back from the suinnier. `FIe' hopes they are coming back fresh and revitalized and ready' ,to work. He wants this to be the best year of education students have had yet. Mr. Murphy fully ex- pects to enjoy being principal of CHSS. He has received very positive attitudes from the staff he has met. He is grateful for the help he has had in adapting and adjusting to the school especially since his appointment was so sudden. To sum it up Mr. Murphy is looking at the new job as a challenge and a . new experience, one in which he, as well as the school and students, have a chance to grow and develop. It's a fact According to Encyclopedia Brown's Record Book of Weird and Wonderful Facts, all the people in the world would fit into a box a mile high, by a mile wide, by a mile long and the box 'would fit easily into the Grand Canyon. FROZEN CONCENTRATED 12.5 FL. OZ"TIN '299.NORMNL OR OILY BODY ON TAP SHAMPOO . 450 ml. SIZE CAREFREE PANTY SHIELDS Elmira Stove Works builds the Oval Fnsert to keep you warm. Th.e airtight _ construction and fully gasketed door, enables the insert to burn four times longer than a conventional' fireplace. The face of the insert extends into the room by ten inches to offer the user an extra radiating heat surface, an emergency cooking surface and with a kettle of water, a humidifier. A thermostatically controlled blower, 7 amp, delivers 125 cu feet of . heated air per minute to the room. Best of all, a large door of Cnrn'ng PVroceram or Vycor space age glass does not interfere with the view of your crackling fire If "your fireplace is 27" to 44" wide, 21'• to 28' high and 19" or deeper, the standard model will fit. Custom sizes may be ordered 30 �f, PKG. OF 30 � 79 JUICE DECANTER UTILITY TUB WASTEBASKET DISH PAN CUTLERY TRAY FACE BATN CLOTH TOWEL S .29 ; .99 EA. EA. DURABLE PLASTIC OCHRE, FLINT OR SAND ENGLISH, STONEWARE OR ENGLISH IRONSTONE STORAGE0 COFFEEono BIN EA. 99 MUGS Ea. 8 QUART CAPACITY PLASTICAILEA. , P OVAL SHAPED LauNORrs19 9' BASKET EA • .IMPERIAL BRAND SPONGE $• 4 119�so MOP EA. so.‘c, \oP ske IMPERIAL SPONGE PKG4. MMOP OF 2 $1. 9 REFILL . • EA. HWY. NO. OUR MANAGER IS; RAY HURD GODERICHHURON RD. OPENWED, THURS,, FRI., EVENINGS ire Options • 4" Decorator Brass Balls. - • Variable Speed Blower Control. • Removeabte Ash Catch below fire door. YOUR DEALER: GODERICH APPLIANCES R.R. 2 GODERICH 5241-1040 "YOU'*& SEEN THE REST, COME AND SEE THE IiIEST. YOU'LL LtICE THEM." I x• Y rr :1114.Ii`',.-kil: JL_ .. �u�upilw..�lu :_.J.. .V :W__ 1• ., , _. y. _ .�