HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-09-04, Page 17• wf Iv T ICON% lfi�li4I •.oW I 'ediele .Oct, • 961.122©0, .U4. L Inform e• - •r •.8 Ir fa .aaMlf�4 " .•76 " .�,fl•$24,5 r' n .. `` Ads... 11.!EES 1 7 Apartments• fbr rent UPSTAIRS one bedroom stove ' and frid$e supplied $145 > month. Cali 482-7304 or 482-3766.-440 TWO BEDROOM apart- ment, reasonable. Available Oct. 1, Reply to Drawer No, 17 c -o Clinton News -Record, Box .39, Clinton, Ont. NOM ILO. -=:;36 Rte:...4. .. irlpFCT 141i • 4+Or4N' YN f,AK • 1 7 Apartments for rent NEWLY DECORATED one bedroom apartment, broadloomed, air con- ditioning and heat paid. $200,00 monthly. Available now. Phone 482-3533.---35,36 TWO BEDROOM all utilities included. Adult Building. No children. No pets. 201 King St. 482-7028 or 482-9237.-36tf .1.4$ .75 . .@"C, A Qu1n. N Y • 26. Help wanted FULL TIME office clerk required. Please send hand written resume detailing education and experience to: Drawer No. 18 c -o Clinton News -Record, Box 39 Clinton, NOM ILO.. ---36 FULL TIME kitchen help required. Phone 482- 9727. -36ar 1'qn AMlM GR $ i1. 1A AV C ,MON NEWS- ECORD, THURSDAY, 1URSDA,Y, SEPTgli;1 „Iv LASSIFIEDADSI N 30 .Employment wanted WILL DO babysitting in my own home. Phone 482- 11480,--38,36 EXPERIENCED babysitter, my home for preschoolers. Phone 482.9508.-36x 31 Service directory 31 Service directory .18 Houses for rent Houses for rent FOR RENT Three ;,bedroom townhouses, newly decorated. Located in Vanastra, 2 miles from Clinton, quiet, surroundings. '229. per month including heat and hot water. TV cable available. Ideal for retired people, close to Lake Huron. APPLY AT OFFICE BLOCK A.UNIT 1 OR PHONE 482.3828 BETWEEN 6 & 10 P.M. ON WEEKENDS PLEASE PHONE 482-7095 HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im- mediately. Phone 48.2- 3278,--31 tf a r TWO BEDROOM house for rent in Clinton, r fully redecorated. Phone Brussels 887-9024.-35,36x FOUR BEDROOM house in Londesboro. Available• immediately. Phone 482-7314 afters 26. Help wanted NEED EXTRA MONEY for travel, decorating, Christ- mas? Earn extra income as neighbourhood Amway :distributor. All products guaranteed. For ap- pointment'call 527-1167.-36- 41 TWO . BEDROOM, semi- detached home in Clinton. Close to shopping. Available immediately. Phone 524,-4226 or 524-9131. - Ask for Don, --36x THREE: BEDROOM house, rec room with Franklin fireplace, 4 pc. bathroom, new oil furnace, 1/2 mile east of Varna on paved, road available Oct. 1. Phone 482- 9102.-36 20 Room & board TWO COSY bedsitting rooms main floor with private ba 4s: Thirteen dollars. Thr a meals included. Phone 482-3685.-36 24 Wanted to rent SINGLE CAR Garage, preferably within walking distance of Downtown Clinton. Call John at 482-7023 ' anytime..- 36ar 25. Wanted to buy WANTED: : Good used fur- niture. Phone 482- 7922. -8tfar LOGS. AND STANDING TIMBER. Apply Robert Eagleson, Ailsa Craig, NOM - IAO or phone 232- 4450.-35tfa r WANTED: Old brick buildings for demolition wrecking and salvage purposes. Contact Ross Lumley, 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia. 1-542-4088. Ontario's largest supplier of reclaimed bricks. -a r-eow �k� e 11a wonted LADY Bayfield. Call 565.2404.-36 MECHANi.CS OPPORTUNITY Vincent Farm Equipment at Seaforth continues to grow and offers a rewarding op- portunity for mechanics. Experience and aggressive individuals are required. Ideal working conditions, fringe benefits. Excelleint opportunity for the right people. To arrange an interview con- tact: Marlep,.Vjncent Vincent Farm Equipment Ltd. Seaforth, Ontario Telephone (519) 527-0120 The Huron County. Board of Education requires SCHOOL BUS DRIVER Howick Central Public School R.R. 1, Gerrie Written application will be received by Mr. R.L. Cunningham Transportation Manager The Huron County Board of Education 103 Albert Street Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 or Mr. Bruce Robertson Principal Howick Central Public School until 10 a.m. on Thur- sday, September 18, 1980. Duties to co mence as soon as possib , . �1. ! i nald Chai man D.J. C chrane Director HURON COUNTY MUNICIPAL POLICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM requires FULL TIME DISPATCHER At the Goderich Dispatch Office Duties to include radio communication, police dispatching, switchboard operation and computer terminal operation. Applicant must be willing to work shifts and also possess touch typing skill. For further details please contact the un- dersigned. Applications will be accepted until Septem- ber 10th, 1980 at 12:00 noon by the under- signed. Larry J. McCabe Clerk' -Treasurer Town of Goderich 57 West Street GODERICH, Ontario. a BARTENDER -- CLEANER required by CANADIAN LEGION If interested please apply to: CANADIAN LEGION c/o GEORGE YEATES CLINTON, ONT. 28 Business opportunity EARN a second income. Learn Income Tax Preparation. For free brochure write U & R Tax Schools, 118 Roxborough Drive, o Toronto, Ontario M4W 1X4.-36bc ESTABLISHED income tax preparation business. Good seasonal income. Reasonably priced. Give details of experienceif any to Drawer No. 19, c -o Clinton News -Record Box 39; Clinton, NOM 1L0. -36x 30_ Employment wanted NEED SOMEONE to care for your child? Tuckersmith Day Nursery (Vanastra) will do it for you. 'Open 6:30 a,m.. to 5:30 p.m. Ages 2-6. Hot lunch. Trained staff. Educational toys. Nursery School or full day program. $6.50 per day; $4.25 half day with lunch; $3.50 half day. Fees income tax deductible. Phone 482-7634.-33-36 SCOTTISH girl ,requires employment (for six mon- ' ths) as position of Mother's Helper, Experienced with children. Write' to Miss Arlene Gray, 14 Leith Building, 30 Dinkeld Rd.; Perth PH1 5AJ, Scotlan- d. -3 5,36x 2o -Tenders KENS CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - ,Pella windows .and patios doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676. -Ken McNairn.--12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin ton.-,-22tf LIGHT BULLDOZING, landscaping, backfilling etc. . Larry Bailey. Phone 523-4438 or 482-9210.-23tf MOBILE SANDBLASTING - Paint, rust removal. Brick cleaning, pointing and waterproofing. Free estimates. WHITE'S SANDBLASTING SER- VICE,_ Wingham 357- 3637.-34-36 , MOXAM'S PAINTING and decorating, 12 years ,ex- perience, free estimates. All work guaranteed. Phone 482- 3533.-35-38 WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available for loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 or Mrs. . M. Batkin 482- 3866 .-36ar GEO. A. BAiRD BACKHOE SERVICE TRUCKING - EXCAVATING & - TRENCHING - SEPTIC BEDS Geo. A. Baird Brucefield 482-3390/482-3042 29 Tenders Township of Tuckersmith TENDER FOR WINTER SNOWPLOWING Tenders will be received by the undersigned until 12:00 o'clock noon on Monday, September 15, 1980 to supply a 1976 or newer, 190 •HP grader for winter snowplowing operations 1980-1981. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tender documents may be ob- tained from the undersigned. ALLAN NICHOLSON Road Superintendent Egmondviho,, Ontario. Phone: 527-1838 , FOR SALE BY TENDER BAVARIAN RESTAURANT Tenders may be submitted to the below mentioned ad- dress until 4:00 P.M. on SEPTEMBER 12, 1980 for the purchase of this business property which is located at the south Bayfield town limit, and is legally described as approximately .48 acres, the South 122 feet of the East 172 feet of Lot 1, Range N. in the village of Bayfield, County of Huron, Ontario and ap- proximately .94 acres, the Easterly 166 feet of the Nor- therly 246 feet of Lot 1, Range K, in the township of Stanley, County of Huron, Ontario. The Restaurant is of concrete bio and frame construction with a total floor area of approximately 3,900 sq. ft. Attached to the Restaurant is a two storey (no basement) 4 bedroom, brick, veneer and frame house which con- tains a kitchen, dining room, den, office, family room, living room and two b'18throoms. Both the restaurant, and house are electrically heated with water supplied from a drilled well. The premises are being sold under Power of Sale by virtue of default in a loan secured by a realty mortgage. Arrangements to inspect the property may be made by contacting R.D. 'McClinchay in Stratfbrd, Ontario, Rita -phone (519) 271-5650. Sealed tenders with 10% deposit by certified cheque should be addressed to Mr. R.D. McClinchey, C/O 1036 Ontario Street,. Stratford, Ontario, NSA 6Z3. This payment will be returned without interest if the ten- der is not accepted, or forfeited as liquidated damages if the tender is accepted and the sale is not completed by the purchaser. The highest or any offer shall not necessarily bo accepted. Financing may be available to a qualifying purchaser. �f JACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LID. *Farm *Commercial *Residential__ , Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-7290 HANK'S SMALL ENG.iNE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 * Lawn and Garden Equipment * Repairs * New Lawnmowers and JHers in stock. Custom Slaughtering • and Processing Kill Day Wednesday' - LERNER'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 S.J. SHANAHAN Liquid Waste Ditposai • HOLDING TANKS • SEPTIC TANKS • LAGOONS • GREY WATER HAULAGE RESIDENTIAL , COMMERCIAL FARM Serving Huron County and Surrounding Area Call Collect .: (519) 565-2795 SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns -Gardens - Flowers) ALSO •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel • Cement Gravel •Pit Run Gravel Rack h ee Work - LYLE MONTGOMERY 482.7644 evenings JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations PHONE 482-3063 /S j 31 Service , directory . HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-35$6 CATERING FOOD FOR Luncheons Dinners Parties For more information call 482-3189 1 A► DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service , Phone 527-1398 527-0606 Y Complete Custom Framing' t for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, bit pain- tings, etc. Regular or non -glare glass. Ready to hang, 48 hour service. Harold Tyndall 482-7409 CLINTON eow WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 34 Personal PREGNANT and DISTRESSED? Married or single, free • positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 If you have read the book DIANETICS: THE MODERN SCIENCE OF MENTAL HEALTH call (416) 699-6618 or write Milestone Gallery & Bookstore, 3460 Danforth Ave., Scarborough, Ontario MIL IE1.-36bc '35 Notice to creditors • NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE Estate of Lenora Laving Corrie, late of the Township of, Tuckersmith, in the County of Huron Creditors and others having claims against the above noted who died on June Ilth, 1980 are required to send particulars thereof to the undersigned on or before Friday, September 12th, 1980 after Which date the' Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to those claims which have been received. DATED at Sarnia, this 12th day of August, A.D. 1980. MAYNARD CORRIE, -Executor by PETE R -EUGENE MELNYCHUK Barrister & Solicitor 635 Cathcart Blvd., Sarnia, Ontario N7V 2N1 Solicitor for the Estate.-34-36ar HENDRIK GELOK -- ELECTRIC - RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL I-VDUSTR,AL MAILER AND' R V SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLATIONS PHONE 519-482-3700 or 482-7007 38. Auction sale het R4 , 98G-,PAGJ CO. 421.. '4d1: .1 or, . t', AvN9 38. Auction sale adeedi Vdlioceated W.INGHAM BUSINESS LIQUIDATION We have been'' instructed by the owners to sell by Public Auction all equipment and remaining inven- tory of the Red Front Grocery store, 14 Victoria E., In Wingham on Tuesday, September 9 at 6 p.m. Sale Consists of: 2 used and 1 new NCR cash registers / Toledo 8203 digital weigh scales / .JB Boyle produce wrapper / Hobart 16-12 meat slicer / Hobart meat wrapper /' Hobart 50.12 meat cutter / Hobart scale / two 25,000:. BTU comfort air conditioners / two Hussman 8' x 8' walk-in freezers / 16' Hussman refrigerated produce counter % Hussman 16' refrigerated meat counter / Hussman 16' frozen food counter / Universal ice cream freezer / Hussman 3 door upright storage freezer / 18' dry produce counter / Tyler portable spot freezer / two Hussman check-out counters / 120' Hussman double shelving / 50' Hussman single shelving / 2 NCR produce labelers / Dayton produce scale / Toledo scales / 35 grocery carts / Shilco storage shelving / 5 sections redi-rack 24" exhaust fan / 6' auto luffers / 2 cigarette counters / plus many more items too numerous to mention. Auctioneer's Note: All equipment has been well maintained and is i?, excellent condition. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: SALES MANAGER - DICK ROBINSON 527-1458 OR 527-1336 (2» ad et� ..10Cteae.1 AL)CTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS (519) 527.-1458 J �IIIIIIIIIIIINIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111flllllllllllllhll15 Large Consignment AUCTION SALE Arena Auditorium, Zurich, Ontario EE TR law, 17 38. Auction sale AUCTION SALE Thurs., Sept. 11 Anyone wishing to put anything in on consign- ment phone 482-3291. Located -on Reynold -- Road, between Brucefield and Varna. Watch for list of items next week. AUCTIONEER:, GERI RULE Saturday, Sept. 6th at 1 1:00 a.m. Over 300 items, Targe amount of glass and china Depression, Amethyst, Noritake, numerous primitive items, large iron kettles, apple pealer, tin ware, copper boiler, sealers, crocks, irons, brass hanging scale, wicker, iron and brass trim beds, cabbage cutters, carpet beater, old bottles, canes, goat's bell, etc. FURNITURE INCLUDES: very old pine wardrobe, two-piece pine corner cupboard with paned win- dows, spindle chairs, pressbacks, old Pigeon hole •drop front desk, Cobbler's bench,walnut poster bed, circa 1890 - 8 ft. table top, showcase from general store, treadle sewing machine, high chair, pine preserve cupboard, finger oil lamp (Late Petal), Skater's lantern, brass blow torches, fire ex- tinguishers, quilting frames, etc. GENERAL HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: oil space heater, lamps, odd chairs, picture frames, books, rocking chair, other items too numerous to mention. NOTE: Preview from 9,00 a.m. to sale time; Cash or cheque with suitable I.D., lynch booth; parking; Auc- tioneer or Owner, of Hall not responsible for ac- cidents AUCTIONEER Don Van Patter Zurich (i5 19) 236-4547 �tlllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllltllIII(11111flllllllllll1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111rr • CLEARING AUCTION SALE Grain Dryer, tractor grain bin, forage equipment machinery, etc. to be held for Harm Thalen at Lot 3 Concession 8 Morris Township 11/2 miles north of Blyth on No. 4 highway and V. of a mile east. , Saturday September13 GRAIN DRYER: New Style M -C 675 continuous grain dryer, PTO drive bought new in 1976 in like new con- dition. GRAIN BIN: M.F.S. 5000 Bushel round steel grain bin w/aerator. TRACTOR: White 2-85 diesel w/cab, heater, over un- der shift front weights external outlets run 1200 Hrs. MACHINERY: FOUR ROW ROWCROP CULTIVATOR, JF 11 ft. Cultivator, Little Rhino 6 ft. blade, Hagedorn 9 ft. auger snow blower w/hy turn hood, 2 small Eber- sol gravity bins on wagons, 200 bushel bin on wagon, Cockshutt 123/4 ft. wheel disc, hyd. cylinder, New Holland hay rake, Starline side spread flail manure spreader, 2 wheel trailer, Hutchison 52 ft. 6" por- • table grain (sugar w/PTO drive, 5 HP electric motor, Hutchison 41 ft. 6" portable grain auger w/PTO drive, Versatile 10 ft. self propelled swather w/air cooled motor, White 508 four furrow x 18" cushion trip semi mount plow w/trosh covers and spring coulters, 4 section diamond harrows & pole, Cockshutt four row corn planter w/fibreglas fer- tilizer & seed hoppers, New Holland 69 PTO baler, IHC 3 furrow 14" mounted plow, Owatonna 95 PTO mixmill, New Holland 110 Bushel manure spreader, Smoker 32 ft. hay & grain elevator w/electric motor, small egg grader, used roofing steel, misc. lumber, fiat rack, 10 Bundlers' of new asphalt shingles, old fridge, '24" stove, school desk, Plus other small Items. For information Phone Evenings 523-9418 Days 523-4259 FARM IS SOLD LUNCH BOOTH TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Also Selling For Casey Van Amersfoort: Now Holland Super 717 forage harvester w/single row corn head; Greve three beater forage box on ten ton Joel' wagon; Dion three beater forage box on eight ton wagon; New Holland 27 forage blower w/whirl feed, 5S ft. 9" pipe. - For information Phone 323.9457 TERMS: CASH AUCTIONEER: Richard Lobb Phone 482.7898 Clinton, dot. Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER clintoq, 482-7898 AP CTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE SAT. SEPT. 6 10 A.M. Antiques, Furniture, etc. for the estate of Mrs. Earl Lawson at Richard Lobb'sBarn. SAT. SEPT. 13 1 P.M. Grain dimer, tractor, machinery, etc. for Harm Thalen 11/2 miles north of 'Blyth and 3/4 miles east. - AUCTION' SALE Friday, Sept. 12 at 7.P.M. at ' the Auction Room 1 mile' South of Goderich on Hwy. 21. 1976 Mercury Meteor PBPS . / 1963 inter- national Step Von with all aluminum body / 17 ft. Fiberglas boat with motor and trailer / Plus Furniture and Antiques. Complete listing next week,. Call Paul Cummings 524- 9064. Marie Salm, Mike Cum- mings Auctioneers. .to a I To give away TO GIVE AWAY 3 spayed and neutered cats, all shots to good homes. Call 482- 7391.-35,36 827391.-35,36 a2 Death notice GLEN Paul, one day old, infant son of Gordon and Joanne Glen of RR 5, Clinton passed away at Clinton Public Hospital on Saturday, Aug. 30, 1980. Dear grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wild gen of Goderich and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glen of RR 3, Clinton. A private family funeral service was held at the Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton on Tuesday, Sept.'2, 1980 with Rev. John Oes fire-i-eher o-ff-ieiati'ng Interment Baird's Cemetery,-36nx - a i Births SMITH Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Smith of Goderich are happy to announce the safe arrival.of their son J mie Johnathan 7 Ib. 2 oz. boin; Aug. 28,1980 at Alexandra Marine Hospital, Goderich brother for Natalie. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Patterson of Clinton, and Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Smith of RR 6 Go der is h. Great grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. 4. Foster of Mark dale and Mrs. Mae , Morrell of Clin- ton.-36nx PECK Larry and Marlene are proud to announce the safe arrival of •their daughter Bonnie Lynne, born on August 19, and weighed 6 lb. 12 oz. A little sister for Billy. The proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W.M. Bakelaar and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Peck.---36nx SHROPSHALL Brian and loan are happy to announce the arrival of Leonard David, born August 25th at the Wingham and District Hospital. Weight 8 lbs. Proud grandparents are Fred and Ruth Shropshall of, Clinton and James and Iona Schill'of Teeswater. 36nx