HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-5, Page 8— - —
INSURANCE., glend u� lost one of its, most liberal Personal-
Wivisitiag .
supporters one -who showed his faith Inspeetor Sprag,ne spent: July 1st in
fiiends----N. Dyer Hui--
Rt\h-trr ELMO r, AGENT FOR
1`,4 VIE WES'eninN SSC &O QOM-
PANY, of Toronto ; also tor the PRiENIX
EIDE, INSInertli0E 00afinan'n, erontlon,
, amenora, tne Boani, ore eTAIDIAN, of Mon-
treal, 41; a the LIVE AASsuneaeoEcomeaNaa or Irendon. England,
eetabliehed 1817, Semite ce401` 4$1Q00,000;
oLam nd, honeses paid, over $1.0,000,00Q.
LOCAL :',U2/1"S.--1/7e shall behappy tort
sive at tat times, front an -y part of tho
County, ttents of tocat news, nh 44 ac-
cidents,or any interestiev inoident what,
ever, from, any of our subscriliere or read-
ers generally for tho purpose of Ridalic
•b y bia wor6 c,s the eeriptnre coil -neaps -
THE Undersigneri would enuounce to
f:he public that he has now on hand oue of
the best assorted stocks of harness, boots
and shoes, &c. in town, mid would call
special. attention to his Seotch Collars,
Children's Carriages, & Express Waggons,
as they are the best in the market, and at
prices to salt the tunes. Boot & shoe re-
pairing promptly attended to, Call and
be convinced. C. g.l.onErT, 'Exeter.
Potato() bugs, Me said, ii,re more
numerous ththan ia year an ever before.
We pity the 'eaters.
Owieg to the edvence in the price of
flour, the bakers have increased the
priee of brod ono cent per entell loaf,
If yota don't \vita to be robbed of
your good ileum, dotal heve it engraved
on your umbrella.
For bathing in the river contrary to
to the by-laws of Exeter, a couple of
youths were, last week, called imon to
pay the statutory fine. "
The promenade concert in the skating
rink to -night promises to be a grand
aimless. it is under the auspices of the
Trivitt IVIemorial church.
The well rat the school hauee will be
oleened. out,. For some months tho
children have lied to orry water from a
neighboring well.
Ib woald no doubt amuse some people
to tell them there was anything said in
the bible abont advertising. But there
is. The word 'advertise' appears twice
Numbers 24, 14 ; and Ruth 4, 4.
Mr. Harry Samwell says he spends
his spare moments stoning potato() bugs
off his garden. He says it is doubtful
whether ho or the buga will get the
football match between the Exeter
and Centralia clubs was kicked on the
latter's groends on July 2nd. After a
two hours' hard battle the Exeter club
was pronounced victors by a score of 1-0.
The strawberry festival in conneotion
with the Cavan Presbyterian church, on
Wednesday evening last, was a fair
success. The programme rendered was
varied and entertaining vehile the speeches
were amusing and instructive.
If you require bill heads or state-
ments call at Toe Times office. Neat
printing at the lowest prices. We
have also a fine stock of envelopes,
which will print with your name and
address cheaper than you can buy at
the stores.
The sound of the mower may now be
heard throughout the land, and the
sweet perftnne of the newly mown hay
prevades the air, inciting a full feeling
in the breast of the few -months -ago
down -heartened agriculturalist.
Mrs. V. H. Verity, Mrs. D. Johns,
and. Mrs. Koddy and daughter, Susie
His services A.ppreelated.
Some people in Exeter would 'be in
a sad plight were the Rollo force cut
off. Their serviees are in great demand,
so much so in fact the.b some imagine
that the police should be at every quarter of the village at the same moment.
The cry for the constable has become
chronic and utterly disgusting, some of
th.e most silly complaints being lodged
with him, daily, About one week ago
a citizen of the North End complained
that a neighbor's -hens were in his
garden and wanted the constable to
drive them out. Hundreds of trifling
and childish complaints of which the
above is a sample, are made daily; but
the major grievance of all was carried
to constable Creech the other evening,
• in which was displayed, in a markecl
degree, the nervousness and stupidity of
the complainant Having a suspicious
• eye in an aggressive head, some of
citizens unwarrantably prejudged the
character of a young lady who has re-
cently come to town, and with agility
• and presumptive cleverness rushed to
• the constable, instructing him to en-
quire into the damsels. case. Constable
Creech repaired to the lady's boarding
place, land. felt like crawling through
the eye of a needle, when he founcl
that the:lady was none other than . the
truly resolute daughter of a highly res-
-peoted farmer of a neigerboring, town-
ship. Such conduct on the part of
aome of our citizens, in so tumidly pre-
ferring vile charges, is not only mean,
• but unclever. The busy bodies have,by
this last act, been taught a lesson,
At the last session of the Ontario
Parliament, the subjoined was added to
the Municipal Ant :—The council of
every town, township and incorporated
village, shall hold a meeting on the
fifteenth elay of December in each year,
or if such day happen to be a Sunday,
then on the Monday following, and
shall immediately thereafter publish a
detailed statement of receipts arid ex-
penditure for the portion of the • year
endino on the day of such meeting,
togethen with a statement of assets and
liabilities and uncollected taxes. The
said statement shall be 'signed by the
mayor or reeve and by the treasurer,
and -shall be published forthwith in one
or more newspapers of the, municipality
(if any) and in such other newspapers
,circulated in the municipality, as the
areuncil may direct. Instead of publi
a said stateme
don spent Sunday and Monday at Sarnia,
Meeday he angled from the shore; Of
flk the Pt. Edwara pond and reporte a good
catch of fish, "OW hugest of which nfeaser-
ed 411, feet, a stergeou,--Mr. M. 3, White
took a trip through a portion of lelichigtin
last week,. The crops do not look nearly
so well as in Ontario.—Miss Goths, who
has. been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. S.
O'Neil, in Exeter, for some time, returned
to her home in Eagle River, Michigan,
eue daylast week, ----A gentleman
of Louden s in town in the interests of
tho telephone company. Be is endeavoring
to establish the system in Exeter.
Oor Volenteera.
The yolunteers boar resemblance to
the aborigines, thet is as far as color of
phiso is concerned. Their general
appearance when marching down street
on their retern home Seturclay evening
was imposing. The band met the noble
fellows at the station and. eeoorted them
to the tune of excellent music, to the
more central part of Exeter where they
dispersed for the time being. r We must
congratulate No, 6 Company, of Exeter,
ahd the newly appointed officers of
said company upon their progress while
in camp. Considerable cold water was
thrown upon matters military, hero,
the past for reasons well known. Re -
costly Messrs, ekaldrews, Dickson and
Billings were appointed to the positions
of captain, Int and and lieutenants
respectively, and at much cot to theme
selves and at considerable sacrifice of
time and business uladertoek to re -or-
ganize the scattered forces. On the
inth ult., with 38 men, they embarked
for camp at Stratford, and on their
arrival were presented with beauti-
ful white helmets for each man costing
$2.50 each. The company was second
to none in camp and, the officers were
specially complimented upon the appear-
ance, and the eplendid drill of their
men. We understand that our officers
were made the recipients of many bo-
quets at the hands of their lady admir-
ers. Capt. Andrews has proven him-
self very well fittecl for the position to
which the government has appointed
him and all the boys say he is a splendid
fellow in camp. Lieutenant' Dickson
was elected vice-president of the brat.
mess, and we hear was specially honor-
ed by the ladies of Stratford, holding
more boquets at the end of camp than
any other officer; Lieuteria,nt
we also learn, acquitted himself in his
usually gallant manner and supplied
all the lady guests for mess. It is S -aid
he has a host of lady friends in Strat-
ford. We rnight mention, as hereto-
fore, No. 6 Company, Exeter, captured
the broom at the rifle practice, Sergeant
Kerr, of Creclitort, carrying off the prize.
Though the weather was remarkably
hot the boys report favorably of their
camp life and all will go again, and
more, we understand will join.
ny news -
the nti may cause the same
e posted up not later than the 24th
of December, in, the offices of the clerk
and of the treasurer as -well at all the
post offices in the municipality, and not
less than twelve conspictious places
therein. The :clerk shall not procure
less than one hundred copies of the said
statement, and shall deliver or transmit
to the electors +rho first request him to
-do so, one of these copies not later
than the twenty-fourth da.y of Decem-
ber in each year, and shall also see that
the copies of the said, statement are
produced at the nomination.
Bomoved by
Seltzer Aperient.
Sold by Torrent ft Co
and Druggists everywhere.
'%,7J_, ke:VTIP,1-1 Five,intelligent Inc-
"ehanies,fifteen clerks
thirty farmers, fif teen teaeliers, meteor female,
and a number of preachers or Christian work-
ers. From SOO to $500 per month for bright,
capable persons. Only Guise open forposittens
and are bone, fide appliefints will be answered.
Write fully, T. S, LINSCOTT. linorPonn.
TADVERTI$ERS.-Lowest Rates for
4- advertising in <1000 good newepaperg
Sent free. Address GEO. P. ROWELL A: CO
10 Spruce $t,, N. Y.
Exeter left for Winnipeg and other
points in Manitoba, on Tuesday, for the
purpose of visiting friends. They -will
bo absent some months
The excursion 'on the L. H. & B. R.
to Port Stanley, which was to take
place on Thursday, was cancelled owing
to the web weather. • A number had
purchased tickets before orders to cancel
were received, and with reluctance pass-
ed them back.
Canada's birthday was spent very
quietly in town, the citizens • visiting
other places, and vatious attractions
elsewhere. . The town was' deserted,
and wore a truly holiday appearance.
The majority of the citizens morticed at
Grand Bend, and spent, it is said, a
pleasant time.
Some one recently evolved this pro-
found bit of home philosophy: The meh
who condemn their fellow citizens for
goine abroad to purchase their dry goods
and groceries seem entirely oblivious to
e fact that they are •committing the
e offence -when ordering their com-
mercial printing from some distant city.
• Rev. B. Clement who leaves for Exe-
ter to -day, preached his farewell sermon
in the Methodist church on Sunday
evening, his text being Acts XX -32.
Tips sermon was an able effort, and i
his concludin
Death of Goo. Case, 'Esq.
After an illness of only six days, an
old and very much respected resident
of the county of ;Huron, in the person
of Mr. Geo. Case, died at his residence
in Seaforth on the 21.st ult., atthe age of
61 years. Deceased was born in the
oourity of Wicklow, Ireland, but left
the Emerald Isle while yet a boy and
Sealed on the London road in the
county of Huron, a shortdietance north
of Exeter, when it was an almost un-
broken wildernees. His first occupa-
tion was farming. Be was one of the
pioneers of what is now the Eden of
the Dominions and consequently takes
his rank as one of nature's noblemen,
the aristocracy of Canada. IVfr. Case
went to Australia in 1852 and came
back in '54 on aecount of bad. health.
Upon his return to Exeter he went into
the stove businese with his brother
Francis. Mr. Case went to Seaforth 23
years ag,o where he has lived ever since,
having been engaged extensively in the
cattle trade in Whith business he be -
even° very popular, having earned a
reputation for truthfulness and sterling
honesty. He was never married. He
rode Ins home with his brother Fran-
cis, who is well-known and justly es-
teemed leyour readers. Mr. Case was
ssful n, • his worldly matters arid
.died. rich, Be was a Conservative itt
anslitice, and once contested South
Huron in the interest of his party, and
such was his personal popularity that
he was really elected, but was eounted
out by his opponents who had the reins
of =wort many of his Reform friends
having either voted for him or abstained,
from voting altogether, George Case
was a plain, honest, truthful, Unaffsurri-
ing man, who hed menye very many
frienda, arid few enemies, if any. Ho
was kind, benevolent earl charitable,
but, his good works were done in Bonk,
And He who knoweth the heart will re.
For Sale.
Three fi rs t -el ass farm s,-100 acres each -Lon.
don Boa, within one mile ef Exeter.
Solieitore, Ste., Exam%
ApplY lie the undersigned.
Xtine14,- • L CABLING.
over c large three
years the speaker was visably affected.
Rev. Mr. Clement carriert with him to
Exeter the kind wishes of a great many
besides thout "of his own congregation.
Ridgetown Standard. •
The two Methodist ministers of the
James and Main -Mt. churches were re-
ceived at their respective parsonages by
raembers of the congregations last week.
Both insta,nces were characterized by
kindly feelings and the artinisters by
their amiable manner readily courted
the favor of all. The introductory ser-
mons were preached on Sunday, July I,
and if they are samples of what the
congregations will get during the year,
they vrill have no reason to complain.
The cumuli° is now working sad
havoc amongst young plums, causing
destruction -much sooner than fruit
growers generally imagined. The most
effective -way of destroying the pest is
to spread sheets upon the grass under-
neath the trees and jarring the trees
suddenly with either an axe or mallet,
when the pest will come tumbling down,
when they can be easily deetroyed.
This should be attended to at once to
Oave the plum crop. So says an old
fruit grower.
The annual strawberry festiyal of the
Centralia Methodist church, an July
2nd, was the most succeesful yet held
under tbe above auspices. The weather
was fine and the attendance large. The
Rev's. Messrs. Martin,. Clement and
Wilson, of Exeter, and circuit ministers
were present and. each gave stirring and
pithy addresses. The autograph quilt
was sold by auction, and purchased by
Mr, P. Curtin, of Biddulph, $95.75)
who, upon receiving the quilt, returned
. qui
to the Ledies' Aid to be turned into
money again. $189 were taken ab the
gate; but the proceetle from all eources
amounted to over $230.00.
A ehort time ago the eoritnedruin was
asked, in print, "if a hen and te half lays
an egg and it half in it oay and it half, how
many eggs will six hene lay in seven clays?
A mall boy sends in the following answer:
"I have worked a day arid a half and have
got the answer to that puzzle and a half
aboitt the hen and a half that layed the egg'
and a half in s day arid it half. I haee
earned a dollar and a half for 1 have worn
Otlt three peocils aricl a half and covered
three slates and a half to get the anewer
whieh le thirtpotte end it half ego. If
you own that hen and half that toed
the egg and h half in a day mid a half, do,
in my behalf, kill her rind send Me half.
It is eow fax mid it half and I have set
hour and a helf to iiiiish this side and a
half about the hen and a, half that layed
the egg and it half in it day and it half.
If you have any morn seell tmestiona aend
Farm for Sale.
Ninety le6T418, betng lot 6. eel. 4; in the town-
itereS eleared,b; balarteeiti bush: Sell is first -
ship of Stephen, six miles f Exeter. 80
elms. Good rick house„two diarinl, orchard,
two -wells and springs. ell fenced and crerY-
thing handy. Will be soldebainiVe Apply en,
the premises.
June 1,1. • QEEDITOE, T. 0,
0.„ Elli1)111,11.
The front gate season is on. And 10ne
making goes on at the same old gait.
John Vail is home from limbo, having
receved his ticket of dismissal yesterday.
The examination for entrance to the
High School is now in progress the candi-
dates being numerous.
Public school closes Friday. The names
of those promoted at the recent examin-
ations may he found in another column:,
Considerable quantities of weal have
been marketed here during the week.
The average price Was 20c per lb.
We learn Mr. Ballantyne, of Seaforth,
has received the appointmeet of License
Inspector for South Huron, under the
Crook's License 'law.
The opening meeting of the Hensall
&lying park association was a fair success.
A large crowd in agneelanag_nneles end
due horses
The Exeter salt well has shut .
until the fall. Tte Meek of salt has h
completely sold otit and th e works will
not be operated until fall.
Mr. G. F. Dyer has returned from
Algoma. He ' reports favorably of the
country and has a strong notion of going
there to permanently reside.
A gang of men are in town erecting
poles and wires tor the telephone line
between Clinton and London. Exeter
will be eonnected.
The latest thing envelopes is an
article which will turn black, bine and
red when any inquisitiye person attempts
to opeu it by steam or water.
The new R. C. church at Offa is nearing
completion. It is a flue structure and
reflects great credit on the Rev. Father
Kelly and the members of the church
The rooster would be a much more pop-
ular bird if he could only be induced to
feel that there is no real vital necessity
for reporting his whereabouts between
midnight and 3 a. m. We know that he
is at home, in the bosom of his family.
The county of Middlesex magistracy
ceesure P. M. Noble's appointment of
James McFadden to the constabulary, he
having been dismissed by His Honor
Judge Elliot for cruelty to one Cusick
of Ailey, Craig, The P. Mat appointment
will possibly be revoked by the Provincial
At the Caledonian garnes, Goclerich,
Monday, Mr. 'Wm. Follend, of Exeter,
won 1st in the 200 yard race and 2nd in
the 100 yards race. There were eight
competitors in the fltst and seven in the
lattet. Mc. Folland is becoming quite a
sprintet and will yet make his mark in
the athletic world,
on G. Al B. fdr Groceries
• Spices
" Dashwoqd flour'
"Petty gams and
Smoking tobacco a
five cent piece with every a plugs.
xeter Lumber Yard
The I.7ndersletied wishes to itiform the public in geno al that he keeps
—constantly m, etock-a
Ben $buff,'Flouing, Siding, dressed—inch, inch -and -a -quarter, 11101:and-a
half and two inch. Saeh Doors, Blinds, Mouldings and all FinisInngselffitterial,
Lath, &e.c.
, SHINGLES A SPECIALTY. ---Competition challeoged, The best and the
largest stook, and at lowest prices. Shingles A 1. 4
All dressed, lumber thoroughly sellsoned and ready for use. No shrinkage
assured. A call will bear out the above.
THE , OLD ESTA13LISHED, Jas. Willis,
AgentsWanted Immediately
IL L, 'HERRICK, &Co,, - Naeserymen,
. nnitrueox,
Beady for use in any quantity. For
snaking Soap, Softening -Water, Disin-
fecting, and a hundred other uses.
.,11. can equals 20 pounds Sal Soda.
,Sold by all Grocers and*Druggists,
W. (1114.212; TO3OBTOntalD 08,10143.
GO and see Doupe & Co's New Spring
Goods. $est their Prints, their Cottons,
their Ginghams, their Dress -Goods, their
Shirtings, their Pantings:, their Suitings,
their '.12weeds, '
Their Laces
Main t.
Dress -Making!
Mrs, Bissett and 1\lisS Welsh beg to in -
forte the public that they are opening out
business, and ean be found on the corner
William and Gidley streets.
Dress -making done in all the Latest
• Styles.
lessons on Fancy Work given,--StatePing
it epoialty. Orders promptly attend-
ed to. A eall solicited.
A Great Tum.bIe.
In Prices
Their Millinery.
Bought for Spot Oaela from the beet house
and managed by.,a Practical Milliner,
of Twelve Years' experience.
And you will be oonvineed that you can
save from
10' to 20 PER CENT.
By buying goods from us. Highest prices
prices paid for Butter and Eggs.
House and Lots &IPSO@ Cheap.
The direct routebetweenthe' -West and .11
points ou the lower Bt. Lawrence and Bate
01ns:tour, Province of Quebec, also for
New Brunswielr, Nova Scotia, Prince 311dward
and Cape BretonTslands,Nowforindland and
St. Pierre. •
Allthe popular 'summer sea bathing and
fishing resorts are along this line. _
New and elegant Buffet Sleeping andDay
Cars run on through Express train. be-
tween Montreal, litalifax audSt.
Canadian European Mail and
Passenger Route.
raseengersfortGreat Britain orihe Conti-
uent by leaving Montreal on Thursday, nvill
ioin outward , steamer at Itimouski
-4,1an.apane evening.
rene-a-t-rotiion_ef shippers is directed to
-the superior tacilitielkeffered by this route
for transport of dour airel gsneral....rnerehan-
diet) intended for the Eastern Provinces sod --
Newfoundland, also for shipments of grain
and produce intended for the European
market. • ,
Tickets maybe obtained mid all informs-
tiou about the -route, freight and passenger
rates on application to
We sternPreight &Passenger Agent
93 It eosin House Block,York St, Toronto
• ward him • openly. The Churoh af 1 them. to D.
Broderick's store will be opened out
again to -day (Thursday), and the balance
of the 'Bankrupt Stock must now go.
This Great Bankrupt Sale will continue
for five days "Bargains, Bargains, Big
Bargains will offered in order to make a
elerni sweep in the five days' sale. Tub
butter taken in exchange for goods.
Exeter, July Lith 1888. 'AMU
Many are beginning to be seriously
alarnied at the threatened spread of
Cenada thintlee, which, in many parts of
the county, are elready causing serious
loss. The law povirling for the eating
of the thistles seeme to he a dead letter,
the officials appointed in Many catieff never
pretending to. enforce its ptevitions, and
the consequence is the thistles are allowed
to flourish and spread wherever the wind
carries them.
Counterfeit 85 bank tato, purporting
to be the issue of the Batik of British
North America, are in circulation. A
greenish tinge covers the surface of the
helps bill, and is dated July dth, 1887,
whereas the good ones are dated July 3rd,
Chief Superintendent.
Railway Office, Moncton, NWITarch's8
, .
Central • Hotel Exeter,
On Thursday, July 5,
From 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., oneeday Only. N
13ring '88
Stmwoll 1 Pickari
Thos. Speer ir,cp
M, C. I'. S. G. S. & L-. T. 'C.D.
The Greg Ent lfflhia,Spaidist.
eon mite *,
Treatment of all Chronic Diseases.; '
30 --Years PraetWe-
Head Office, -ST. TITOMAS'.
The Doctor has been educe:tea in. neatly
• all of the leading medical Colleges end • hos-
pitals in Europe; bee served as Surgeon in
the British Army in the Bast Indies' Par -
goon in the American Army duringthe late
war from 1681 to the clews& the same, bas
treated all nationalities and Circumnaviga-
ted the Globe. ills thorough education,
Tate°, and varied prnete and experience
entitle him to rank as a. specialist anemia to
none On this continent -for the treatment
of theiie dolorous omit difficult diseasee
Are now showing fulllines of Dress
Goods, Silks, Satins, Marveleaux, and in
all the most fashionable colors.
Cheap Store, Creaiton
Dry -Goods, Boots & nhoo, Felt and Straw
Bats (abotik 400 to select frorn.)
Also it fine assortment of Black Silks,
including the special make. Durablenvar-
ranted not ts cord.
New Goods arriving every
week, and prices to suit
Hard Times. •
tills° a fine assortniont
Laces, Erabroiclery
-Bead Trimi,nting
Gloves, Ilos-
The highest price for
• any quantity of
Butter & Eggs.
• Cheap Store Crediton
Our stock is complete in everydepartment
and will be sold at hard -time prices.
1877, The row of fives at the lfottoin . of
that have ba ed tile skill of a local jphygle-
The 1°114:mi13g diseases with many °there
euecefisfully freritedt-Aethraft, Bronchitis,
Catarrh, diseaeo of the Lunge, Dyspepsia,
Diseases of the Eye or Dar, Heatt Dieceset
Epilepsy, intralyrier, erervous Eetritity, Goitte
hover and:Ague, Malarial Affection, Bitten
matiseSIS 0155105 Syptililt, Strietures, itim4
ture. Shin Diseases,Ptbos4 etc,
Electricity usedwhen required.
Tim following testimonials find dipletuae
may be seen &trey °Moe, with many others
from Dowd* all the medical Scheele in Elyse,
one f Trinity College, Park.et. School of
Medicine. and Boyal college of Surgeons,
Dublin; Born College of Surgoone, Deli cat,
Ireland ;Royal College of Surgeons, Loudon,
England; Royal College 01 Suageous,
burgh and Glasgow, Sea Mend ; Licentiate in
Midwifery, and eudorsed by the hignest
needteal attlaoritiee hi the VnitedS kateS and
h ti lettere from
tr k ,And examine Senior's Show Window
4' where you will see some firstclass pho-
tos, equel to any City Work.
for your money everytime. -
,And you can rely__lon getting value
Cabinet Photographs $3 a
• $1.50 FOR CARDS.
He also has a fine line Of Photo Frames
and Mats, at Right Prices.
•wCall Seeva
Opposite H. Spackman's Tinshop,
I el
RLING'S 331.100K
Visitors to Exeter
---Would do well to call and inspect--
One ofthe Newest, Cheapest & Best Stooks in town.
Blank and, Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Sating)
and Mourning Goods, •Woollen shawls and Fascinators, iI2 011 Colors,
and prices,
Alsoli fine range of Staples. Fine lines of gloves in Kid, Cloth and
'Colored Plushes. Melton Cloths, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials
the good bill has a black green& sv.ith cieinffIrtliaai pants of the ttibbc, 6 medical
white enaine turning, while the Other pa6Port.e-Withpt ettegtinattlie,eva 1doubtysnoar
has s white ground with blaelt spots quih 0,10.iit'Avorif
Everybody ishould look out for the court. fr6ointi:rllaisilOsugg676S1166iittiti?Inigbeeitththenitclgtie,
tot -faits.
Gents' Furnishings. —Fine Display.in Hats, TieS, Braces, 'White _and
Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. • 1:
Sootch and Canadian Tweeds, Overcoatings, Pautings
BOOTS AND SHOES. --A Very large eonsigtnent just received, of the
very best styles and`quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's.
A fall line of Glassware and Crookeryware always on hand.
0112: Clro6ery Depart:newt is Complete.
Butter, Eggs and all kinds of Prodnee taken in exeliange, atd the
very highest price paid.
vv.rA ,CALL solacitxxo. •
1. CARLING, Mainrst., Exeter;('