The Exeter Times, 1888-7-5, Page 4s* • tht kttx$ticv Vino. l'HURSDA.Y, Juan turn fiTo, 1888. ,EDITORIAL NOTES, _- Tele recent rains have been fhirly general and there must have been millions in them for the country. IT Looxs as if the Governmeii were hesitating tretween one Peter White, an eastern Ontario mem- ber, and Mr. C. Patterson, of Essex, for Postmatter General. Mr. Patterson will likely get the portfolio. MR. A. Blue, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, says that if no un- ln' avorable coeditioS appear during the next two weeks all reaiOnable fear of a failure of crops Will be over, PROFESSOR Brown, of the Ont- ario College of Agriculture,. Guel- ph, has sent in his resignation to the minister of Agriculture. Ever since Mr. Mills has been made • head of tile school there has been more or less feeling between the two gentlemen, Mr. Brown was In charge of the farm stock. CANADIAN Gazettee--Reports re- ceived from. Algium show that the interest in the Canadian North Wes $ is steadily increasing. One large party of 13e1gians has already made a successful settlement, and the favorable reports now being z-e- ceived from thee people are hav- ing an excellant influnce in per- suadiug many who have hesitated between the yarious emigration fi,itds to follow their countrymen tcyanada.. If the present stand. ard be maintained, Belgian emi- gration cannot fail to be beneficial to the Dominion. Nearly all of those who have hitherto proceeded to Canada are either practical agriculturists, or are proficient in some trade which will enable them to maintain their footing in the new country. Manitoba is now being vigorously advertised all over Belgium, and the encourag- ing remarks marks made by His Majesty at the recent opening ot A MERCHANT in town recently complained of.en outsider coming M and retailing flour. In this there is a valuable lesson fur the mer- chant, who declaims against pro- tection, and who by the way is a Reformer. 'We have not heard him arguing free trade so vehemeM: ly of late, and . rust that he has seenthe folly of his previous con- tentionand become a 'confirmed protectionist. THE Yankee fish pirates are at it again. Notwithstanding the privilege of license which the Can- adian Goverrienent has granted to American fishermen, they are re- ported as openly violating the law and even going so far as to destroy the nets of Canadian fishermen. This being the case there will be plenty of work for the cruisers, and prizes should be plentiful. The Canadian navy is small, but it is generally beheved that it can be depended upon to do its duty. a FRANK 14SLIE'SPOPVLAR MONTH,. LY FOR JULY, The Supreme Court of the United State is a tribunal that exercisee an immense influence, but is little known to people. ,Ausburn Towner, in Fname Tannin's Pon.. 'man M.oarmstrat for July, gives a very intereeting account of the Jurstieee, the room 'where they sit in judgment, their residetiVse, est well, as portraits,vieevs, th4t wiS1 open up the judiciary to all. In "The Rides of the World," Neol Ruth - von takes up an attractive subject, and treate it in a moat fascinating manner. The famous rides : Boia de 13oaloene at Peril, Rotten Row, London, Central•iarlt. • New -York, the Vienna Prater and Berlin's renowned "linter den, Linden." day by day see the wealthy and fashionable dash• ing by in elegant turnouts drawn by splendid epeeimens of horsefieSh.' "Ken- thekey's Birthplace" •has an antiqoatian air, but is capital reading "The Adarnses of Massachusetts" is an account of a fem. ilyvshich is exceptional in this country, being one of the few that has for three'cr four generations been prominent lin politi- cal life. Hare we see the Braintree homes of John and John 'Quincy Adams, tilde tombs, the portrait and home of Charles Francis Adams, as well as notices of the members of the family now honored and tie Brussels Exhibitien will do esteemed. "Ancient Irish Metal Wo.ik, much to direct public attention to a"IP-ears;leoerteWr ruetn'a:t'tr'agrethievetl-eZlesLang the Many advantages offered by one of tile most remarkable in this exeell- the varions Belgian Colonies across ent number is 0 mine Doul's "Adventures the water. of a Young Explorer." It is a story of the six months ea tivity of a young French - THE high school question is be. man among the Nomad Moors of Western Sahara. It is a thrilling narrative of real coming more dormant. Since the experience in a country hitherto unknown meeting on the reth ult the matter to civilized men. The POFULAR IVIONTHLY dropped as suddenly as a falling still leads, the rest of the monthlies not. star. Some claim there is too °lily in variety of articles but in the Merit of the stories. Clarence M. Rontolle be - much money spent in education, ginning in this a new novel, "The Grave that practical knowledge is prefer- Between Thens;" while the shorter stories able;others say that a public school by Inde, Crannell, Shaekleford, 'Oassedy, course is sufficient, for the young, Betio rd. and Noe Daly are adapted to the tastes of all classes of readers. people in -general. This may ap• pear well in the minds of some, but practical reasGriing is laking with those Whose contehtions are as above. Notwithstanding the fact that the Province, muoicipali• ties and private citizens expend large sums of money to provide educational facilities for the mass- es of the people, it is notorious that very many of the children of the country tirp' very badly equitt• ed for many Of the industrial pur- suits. The intemion of those in authority may be good, but when the test comes and those who, have been "crammed" with all the knowledge in the. public school course, take a .turn at an occu- pation a little out of the Hoe of what is known as "education," they find themselves weighea in the scales of practical life and found wanting. In -Vrance this defect in popular edocation was long ago detected, and a remedy. . provided. The action was so in- telligently taken that to-decy, in the opinion of a high • authority, there is not a country in Europe or anywhere else which has such a perfect system of practical, useful education for all as France.. A fea- ture of the system in that country is that from the Kindergarten to the highest schools the instruction is absolutely free. Books, writing material, and tools are ,supplied at the public expense, while those awho are very poor are fed and clothed. The whole ideas ot the authorities is to form out of the growing g'eeerations of Frenchmen a population of educated and skil- ful workers, wilt will be compet- ent to outstrip all other people by their inventive and constructive genues in the battle for cbrnmercial and industrial supremacy. Can- ada may well learn the lesson from old or rather new, France on the lines mentioned, atid the people in this-letiality accept a portion of it. RAILWAY 11/TATTERS seem to be at a stand still and are likely to be for a period, It was thought some time ago that Exeter would assuredly have increased railway. connection, ourehopes being built upon the- belief. that Bt. Marys would bid tor a similar privilege. But it transpires that St. Marys people do not want the road at all. The reason assigned for such a re- volutipn in feeling in St. Marys, is that, owieg to their having bonto sed the Maxwell works to the ex- tent of $3e,000, and the G. T. R. having made' liberal concessions to them, with regard Cheap *rates, .-convealence or freight sheds- &c., . they are perfectly satisfied and not 'disppsed to. grant a bonus to any line of railway. In the matter of increased railway facilities, Exe- ter will tenuire to look up anther route. On Monday a little girl, the daught- er pf Mr. Wm. Leek, Logan,. went out into a field where a mare and her colt were pasturing. The mare knocked the child down and stamped upon the girl's breast, breaking several ribs. • BORN. .1lIcIesnemt -In Exeter on the 24th ult., the wife of Alfred McIntyre of a clatighli. er. BISSETT--411 Eseter, on. the 19th ult., the wife of GeorgeBissett of a son. • 'MARRIED. THE Mowat government robs the people. It has compelled pr. . chasers of drawing r,00ks to.pay ten cents- for each book.' It now reduces the price to five cenesithus proving that five cents on each book have been unnecessarily- and dishonestly "exacted. If the mon- ey so extorted had gone into the provincial treasurk it, would mat be so bad; but it, has gone into the pockets of political favorites who haye. been endowed by the Ontario goyernment with, this monopoly. The Mowat ,govern- ment continue to yob. the people by compelling them to pay double price for other school books. The people paid for the, compilation of these books, for' the engraving of the cuts, and even for "'the, type. setting and the steroetyping of the plates. Then Mr.. -Ross* gave a monopoly in the books to certa,ro political favorites who are permit- ted to charge double prices fora them. Our publishers gra forbld- den the privilege of publishing them, though they offer them at lower prices. The people of Ont- ario are robbed of hunareds of thousands of -dollars iu Elias' man - The money is taken from thermand given ten politioal' favor.- ites of thee. governtrient. One ot athese favorites 'is not eyee a resid- ent of Canada, eald the money un• instlY extorteel from the ratepayers of Canada is carried off to,So. land. Never was a more mon- strous robbery perpetrated eine° representetive governments were established. -. a >- ROYAL Watt% ils KI Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength and wholesomeness, Moro econ- omical thau the ordinary kinds and cannot be soldin competitionwith the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In Ctltift.--IWYA.L BAK- ING POWDER CC.,100 Wall street N.Y Mc0Airry--kliaimn ;Hay, on the 2hd iust., by Rev. j. W. Ortwein, Mr. Davicn McCarty, of Stephen; to 'Miss Elizabeth Smith of Hay township. BEnsmtn-Winson.-It the residence of the bride's father,Goderich, on the 27th, ult., by the Rev... G. R. Tark, Mr. .Jabez Beesley, of Maple Creek, N. W. T.,, to Lizzie, eldest daughter of Mr. J. Wilson. NASII—JANE.—On tbe 27th ult., in the Holy Trinity Church, by the Rev. J. Dow- nie, Mr. Richert' Nash, late of Bidclulph, ett present of Tnronto, to Miss Eliza Jane, daughter of the late John Dagg, Esq. LITTLE—BROWN.--A t the residence el the bride's father, TuekersMith- township,. on the •26tlt ult., by the Rev. T. W. Magathy, Seaforth, Mr. Andrew Little, to Miss Helen, fourth daughter of Mr? Jos. Brown. . A 18-4-111-4-4 DIED. The Exeter Public School. The following are the Baines of the pilpils who have been recently promoted in the Exeter public schools :-Promoted from Miss William's room- H Handford, R Hicks, L Huston E Howard, B Hag - A lialsden, A Handford, M G Brawn; E Piper, N Peterson, L. Lea- B,EL0 Al GS TO thorn, A Stewart. From Miss Croley's room -F Sweet, E Higgins, A Davidson,A Welsh, V Hinds, M Sanders, W Weir 13 Bee, H Phair, E Collins, M Walters, J Taylor, L Taylor, VIT Powell, L Ea.erett. From Mils Gregory's romn-F Fish, M* Sweet, T G Nelson,F. Lutz, L Caves, E Hill, L Howard,-RMattice, R Howard, G Horn, H Brawn, A Ramsay. G Hardy, M Willis, M Nelson, 0 'Pte. vethick, A Kemp, G Hicks. From Miss iVleCallum's room -R Sweet, E aifeCailum N Martin, N' Dayidson, T Handford, A Fish, I Snell, M Pickard, W Gillespie, F Pickard, II flarding, N Creech, J Snell, W Dignan, M Ryan, E Evans, G Oelquhoun, T Braund. From Miss Vosper's roorn-E Gould, N Creech, A Hayes, J Sweet, W Grigg, E Whose ,Advertisement Sanders, FE Fitton, L Trevethick, G Hyndinan, N Dorward, T Collins, A Snell, L Glanville, D Crocker, 13 West. cott, Gregory's room From junior fourth, to !senior fourth -C. Currelley, W Higgine,sW Hill, K MeFaul. L Gregory, R Caves, IV Legg, A HollondaE Folliek, A°Colquhoun, M Pickard, A• Lovett, V Treble, M Welsh, J Pickard; M Christie, A MeLaughlineP 13awden,' 11,teissrs, Harding .and. Leathoroe have been awardedthecodiract for the'eenstrue- tiot of the Goderich avaterworke, at a cOst of between 58,000 aid. $9,000. Niagara Falls, Ont', July 4, --true to idaannonticerneot, 'Robert 'William Flack, of 4yraetise,l' N. Y., with „ Weaving boat, Phantonn attempted to 'ehtlet the Whirlpool Rapids elle afternoon and his foolhardy trip Cost him' his life. . The annual games of the Parkhill Cale- donian Assodation were held on their grounds Ttiosday before a large and fash- ionable gathering, Many Were in costume and the Scottish charaeter of the inhabia tants of the vieinity was plainly apparent -The pipers were luirnerous. The demote 7 t4Oine thirty, were tinder the management of Prof, 8; Realm FARMdersigFOR SALE. -The un- ned offers for sale his farm, being lot lt 000. 8, township of Usborne, two miles and a half from ,Exeter,100 acres, about 85 acres cleared and iu first class state of cultivation, the remainder bush, in which there is some ver valuable oalt and black ash rail timber; the farm is also well fenced and. drained; there are upon the premises, a first class brick dwelling ,house, with fast class cellars, two good barns; two never failing springa and one first me ss orchard. Porpartioulars apply on the premis e F3, to THOMAS SHUTE, Exeter P. 0. Ont. REM:Y.—In St. Marys, on the 22nd ult., Annie, second eldest daughter of mr.- Dan Kenny, aged 28 years. SKINNER.—In Blanehatd , on the 26th ult., Arthur, on of Charles Skinner, aged 10 years. -.0.1126/...••••••••••••••.....Mti÷Ml For Sale., - A good farm for sale on, easy terms lot 32 con '2, to wiisnip of Usborne, 100 acre s, gcoo buildings and fences, wellunderdrained convenient to churches and school. 'Apply to Elliot & Elliot , barristers, Or John 'T rick, Exeter. FOR SERVICE. Shorthorn buln"Prince Albert," winner of first prize four years in succession at 'Western fair London and equally successful as a stock getter. Also an imported Berkshire Boar, "Real Briton," (485) winner of first prize at Toronto. Ontario Provincial and Quebec Pro- vineial Exhibitions in 1886. Terms -Bull $10 Boar $4,.a limiteel number of grades at 83 and $2 eespectively; Choice Berks for sale. 11. te W. D. SMITEE, on the Lake Road, adjoinin g Exeter, Ila,y P • O. 2 mos. • This Space r. Salt 1 Eilly MACKINAC. Tho Neat Delightful SUMMER TOUR Talcum Steamers. Low Bates. Dour Tripe per Week Between DETROIT AND MACKINAC And Bvery Week Day Between DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Write for our "Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated, contains Fan rartiaulara. Maned Free. Detroit & Cleveland Steam Nay. Cot ..C. 0. WI -I ITC° 13, GEN. PASs. Adr., DETROIT. 'MICH. 7-^ t110 Reward for the OcAviotion OF DEALERS WRO OFFER M ,,r‘ „, ',INFERIOR OIL OF QTRER AND SELL leo ‘ea lifeeeNuFACTUBE FOR lanumorge=regnIMISININ 44111,11#08' ' MACHINE:: .0IL„. Eureka Cylinder, Bolt-,MeColl Bros. & Co„ aCuttieg & Wool Oils. I Fr sale by all leading dealers. I Toronto. BISSETT 131100., Sole Agents, Exeter.. ••••••••10111•11•1k PRACTICAL Watch -Maker & Jeweller For theFinest StocleandeCheaptEGNejadAsetd be foundin Ontario ea. on 0, sc Wateh -mak or, Jeweller & Optician, Eine Assort :; verware. Ro all kinds satisfaetor work sent to but all exe outed in his own establishment, under his perso»al super- vision. .A trial solicited. C. REICHENBACH., !CURE I SI Parkhill. A ment of SR - pairing of promptly & ily done. No the cities, Allan - Line ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liv erpool and Quelic.c—Service, calling at Der- by. Days of sailing. -Parisian, May 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, Jame 1, Sardiuian Thursday, June 7. Circassian Friday, June 15. Samna- tion,ThursdaY, ,Tune 21. Parisian Thursdan, June 28. Polynesian Friday July 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday Juno 20. Sarmatian Thursday filly 26, Parisieu Thurs- dah Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Aual 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Cireassia,n Friday, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 30. RATES. Cabin 850. $65, $75, according to po- sition, Return $100, $les, $150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 830 ; re- turn 860. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, Bel- fast Queenston or London at Litrerpool rates. BrolayttgeksebtsyttohgeoAhnoannieLibnroing out frien ds or For further Particulars auplyno JOT -1N SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent in Exeter. When L say Cuins I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, and then have them re- turn again. I IYIEAN A RADICA.L CURE. I have made the disease of I'M, EPILEPSY or EA.LLING SICKNESS, " A life long study. 1 wivinAivx my remedy to OITRE the worst cases. Because others have failed s no reason f or not nowreceiving a euro. Send a,t once f or a treatise and &FEB III BOTTLE Of My INFALLIBLE RInIEDY,. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing for it trial, and it will cure you. Address Dr, IL Se ROOT. 37 Yonge Eta 'Toronto, Ont. mussEmBaintaxamingswe DR. Washington, Throat &iLung Surgeon, UNDERTAKER dABINET-MAKER Will..appearaext week .THE LARGEST HALE., WORKS IN CANADA OVER •100 STYLES OF HAY SCALES, GRAIN gtAL FARM SCALES. TEA SCALES, IMPROVED SHOW CASES MONEY DRAWERS Meat Choppers *(0040 I), a SIM One Door South of Post Office Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, • TTTES, Jtrx.Nz 17th. From 2'p. in till 5 p. m • Catarrh, Bronchitis, "Astlia, Consumption, etc, permanently and effectually cured. ----- A few Promin.ent Testimonials of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay,Kingsten, Ont., Catarrh and Consumption'. John McKelvy, Kin gsten, Ont., catarrh, Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., Droneho Contumption. Mr. E. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, head and. throat. ------ - Read W. If. Storey's Original Testimonial, Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W H Storey, Etc „ of the firm of 'ye H Storey & Son, Acton. Glove Manufactur- ers, also President Manufacturens' Association Danea , lValasnaixemissis 215 Yon.gezst.. Toronto, DEAR SIL -1 assure you I feel grateful for the radical cure you have effected ih my throat trouble, and though I dislike having ma y nme appearin connection with the testiinonial bus - mess, yet, having regard for these who are similarly affected as well as having it desire 15 recognize the results 0 your treritmen t.I make a departure in I b 1$ ,: 1r, . Prior to my aequaint- ° ance with yeu, 2 t , guffered for two Years from repeaied . ado of, catarrhal sore throat each sudeeedIr , taeltheing more prolonged and violent • et I the former. At these tittieS 1 bad violent t tr. ,,I eotighing, And ,awould diS- detkarge large ntioilitieS Of mucous, Peeling &grimed, I sought tht; best medical skill avail- iiiilioniact udins il inueh-noted Spam list, and nolic almost' et or aline known to medicine wititontexperistatina a particle of relief. Last spring 1 went tc 4,'..ureti.e. The change did. me gtled, but on my rot urn the old trOuble was re- newed, 8eeing Yen fal fertised to visits thin place, I thought 1 wail al coomill you, although, I confees with net Yr itch here of receiving an' benefit. ItOweVOra Wets 01/y11'51)1y Inipressed withyour. candor. ar,.1 reAlved ,ti Stye your treatment a trial. 1 lin t ertll t , 1 ;t in happy to inform 7,oititl a coral It fe cure, a ho one so marked in its ehareetet a to eurerise neth inn seif arid ins+ friends, From the first yonr mod - I ne seemed adapted to ii, v on se and gave re- ; lief, In two:trios. I wai/ cut irolY weii,and have SO continued through the titott n IVE season of year, You are a t liberty to make what use you please of this letter, en:1,1 .s hal 1 be bleated to answer any entiniriess OA am tO my case. Yours very• trills ot W. H. STOREY Acton , Jae, 10th,1887. soiroxstaitA.TAN FREtt -Wit. --IIE HAS— AI NEW AND COMPLETE --STOCK OF -- Boots & Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly atteoded to. GEO. MA.MON, Our Specifieeso,2,3 permanently resOres EXHAUSTBD VITALITY, LOST MANHOOD and 0 ENERAL DEBILITY when other treat- ment fails . Send 6 eer ts in stamps for our Tree tise an Directions for home cure. TO- BoNTo MEDICINE Co., 343 Spadina- Ave , To- ronto, Uut. EvereSt's Cough Syrup CANNOT RE 'BEATEN. Try it and be oonvioced of its wonderfol curative properties. Pries 25 Ms. JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER a CABINET-MAKER, MW IMITCHESS' SUPPLIES knortzs$ itg rota, Write for Miami IAA Co WILSON & SON; 1LN ESPLANADs STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT. getition this paper esters time you write. k Walnut & Rosewood Caskets ALSO CIOFFINS OF EvERY DESCRIPTION, A Complete Rock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISHED ,a.S" CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. (Trade Mark ,) Try Everest's LIVER REGULATOR, For Diseases of the Liver, Kid;ieys Sc., and purifying of the Blood.. Price 81. Six bottles, 55. Por sale by all drug- ' gists. Manufactured only by G. M. RN ETIEST, tlhemist, Forest My stock of Furniture is un - PUREST, sTrtomossT, BEST!, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious 'materials. E. W. GILLETT, . r of thz catanneen meat YEASM AXES, A full stock of all .kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan's excelled. I Condition ° r.C1IVII ME A CALL s. c. Hersey's Is - The Place TO Buy Cheap GOODS. DRAMA! SCENE L Enter Mrs. Enquiritiveness. Well Mrs. Sensibility, as I have jose finished washing my tea &Sites I thought I woeld walk in, and ask you where you bought that tea I borrhaved from alone this morning. Ml -s, Seneibifity. L 'Why, look „ here, to tairidon and enquire where Diflmage -keeps and if you buy his 5o'd, YOUNG HYSON TE Aa you will smile more than yeti have to•trtht, for then you can pay me beck with as good a8 you borrowed. (TO DE CON'tilitItn.) L. Powd- eTs the best in thepark- et and. always trash. Family recip- es carefully prepared at. Central Drug Store Exeter. C 1.41013ViZ 500 TUBS Butter Wanted J. 1%/Catheson, EXETER NORTH, Our Stock is Well Assort% FOR THE SEASON'S TEADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINET, • es !.0 GROCERIES ! ! 16 lbs.:sugar $1.00; 13 lbs. white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Teas from 20 to 75c. per lb„ BOOtS & Shoes All Styles at Low Prices ni;ely assorted stock of I -I A: DW.ARE. FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (Cheap.) Best MaChine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST W' A nice Tea Sett of„.44 Pieces, $‘2.7:1 ' A' ood. suit of roady-made cl;thizig, co 56 Ordered suits got up in Good 5 -tyle. Our Dress Good alto inatked down to° the Lowest Notch. COTTON, 20 YARDS P01301313 DOLLAII. A Renee nod Lot, also it erm for Sale Apply to • ,TOHN IVIA1kIEN'S024. HAY P. o,