HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-5, Page 3WIT AND WI$DOX
Monenx usAnes.
Sing a song a nonsense
Silly Mary Ann:
Maw is in the kitchen
Working like a man,
• Paw is in the counting house
Toiling hard for money
• You are in the parlor
Don't you think it funny?
Sing your song of nonsense ,
Some dine, Mary Ann,
You'll be in the leitehen
Working like a man.
Husband in the counting house
Earning little money;
Deughter irethe parlor
Th it won't be funny.
-Chicago gun.
A married man belonging to Washington
refers to his bachelorhood as " befo' the
A philosopher, who was recently lost in
thought, was afterwards found in a brown
study. .
Leaf petterns in platinum and gold are
much in favor for sleeve links among people
of taste.
"Fine day," said the judge, is the seven.
ty.fifth man went through the mill for "$5
and costs."
The moequito bar is the only bar that gets
a licence without application. -[Marion
Customer (to Mr. Teaaostein)-" The coat
is about three sizes too big."
Mr. Isaa,cstein (impressively)-" Mine
bn da,t coat make you so proud you vil
grow into it."
A young lady of Albany has named one
o her admirers HOOSCtO Tunnel because he
is such an everlasting bore.
"You don't mean to say that you under-
stand Frenoh, Tommy?' "Oh yes, I do,
when ma and pa speak French ab tea, I
know I'm to have a powder."
He-" Your friend, Miss Wabash, is quite
chic,Miss Breezy ?" Miss Breezy a (trifle
enviously)-" Yes ; Clara may be a trifle
chic,' but she's no chicken."
Fond Father: "Don't you think I ought
to have my daughter's voice cultivated l'
Tortured guest (impressively) " I think
you ought to have something, done with it."
---EDetroit Free Press.
The story from Indiana that a. boy had
found a • neat of gold and silver coin while
" grubbing" will be accepted with caution
by other boys whose fathers have patches of
ground to grub."
The Prince of Wales wears a billycock
hat, smokes a short pipe and drives about
in a hirekcarriage when at Cannes or Nice,
and cuts EVerybody who attempts to treat
him as a prince.
Neapolitan braids are arranged in Tam
O'Shanter fashion, and make very becoming
headgear for young faces. Those in black
have the side trimming of a lace bow and
quill feether finished by a buckle.
"1 know I've got a vein of poetry in me,
sir," confidentially asserted the young man
to the editor, "and all I want is a chance
to bring it out. What would you suggest,
sir ? " think you had better see a doctor
and have itlanced."
The Italian sleeve is much used in artistic
evening dress, and also in the making of
picturesque gowns for children. Oriental
effects also prevail in the creation of sum-
mer gowns for garden parties and other
summer fetes.
Flattery -
An old Toronto Doctor used to say, "We
all like flattery, the only difference is as to
• how it is laid on. Some can stand the but-
ter thicker and more rancid than others
would care about." The old fellow was not
far wrong. How people laugh at the flat-
tery others are receiving and are tickled by
while they have not tha slightest idea how
others aft ' laughing as immoderately at
the way in which they are receiving
far grosser compliments and are tak-
ing all the mocking works as the most
solemn and serious gospel! Just notice how
a woman takes all the soft nothings address-
ed to herself with the greatest relish and the
profoundest faith and yet 'she can at once
perceive how absurd the flattery when these
very compliments are addressed to any other
of her own set. In fact those who are most
frequently heard boasting how impervious
they are to flattery, are generally the most
notable examples of persons who are led
captive by the words that are smooth.
er than oil. George Second was not
by any meens the only husband who boast-
ed vehemently and with brutal frankness
that his wife could not lead him, while all
the time the weaker vessel wrought her own
sweet will with her bragging, blustering,
independent lord, There are such poor
creatures, and so are women when taken on
their weak side. Mathew Arnold was con-
smnedly vain but then he knew it and in a
gentler way pleaded guilty to the soft im-
peachment. It was nice yet funny for
him to say to a very gushing admirer you
ought to know my wife, she has all my
sweetness and none of my vanity." And
very likely poor Mrs. Arnold, like thousands
upon thousands of less fortunate women, had
to do a good deal of hard work in the way
of feeding the self.esteem and soothing the
ruffled vanity of her domestic aseociate.
Buying a Cow,
We now sport a nice milele cow. How
did we get her ? Paid forty dollars for her,
the whole amount being ten cents per day
saving since March 6, 1886. On that day a
friend of ours ineistecl on treating us to a
smoke, as it was our birthday; but we re-
fused kindness, informing him, court-
eously, t at we had never smoked a cigar,
to which ne replied that he averaged from
one to three per day, at a cost of five to
twenty cents each day, and that he never
missed the small change. We told him then
that from that day on we would lay away
ten cents per da Y as long as we were able to
do so, and see how much it would amount to
each year. We have kept it up to date, and
aa a consequence we have a fine Duxham cow
and calf, bought with four hundred ten cent
pieces, Small businees, isn't it 1 Well, pro-
perly kept up, it will remit in something
large ; and while our friend, who, no doubt,
'will see this article, can show nothing for
his thirteen menthe of emoking, but cigar
situbs and perhaps impated health we can
t3how a good cow and calf worth $45.00 in
• cash.
An Extended Experience,
Contagiousness of Run= Emotions,
Every day's experience may supply freele
illustration's of the lonesome influence of coe
tagion hi rthe developement of ell human
emotions. Nor is it by any imams to be set
down as a weakness peculiar to or character-
istic of a feeble mind, to 1.-m blindly suecept.
ible of such contagion, Even the strongest
wills are bent and warped by the winds of
ether nen's passions, persistently blowing
in given. directions. Original minds, gifted
with what the French call 'esprit prime swat -
lea‘, are perhape, indeed, affected rather more
than less than commonplace people by the
emotions of those around them, because their
larger natures are more open to the ayes -
pathetic ohmic. Like shipwith every sail
set, they are caught by every breeze. It is
a queation of degree how much eamh man re•
mimes of influence from his neighbors.
Miereover, be it carefully noted, it is only
by contagion, and oot by any kind of antis.
ority or command, that emotions cen be com-
municated. It is a matter of common °beer.
vation that any efforb to direct the emotione
to order has a tendency to produce the op.
posite effect to the intended. To challenge
a man to be brave is to make him nervous; to
bid him admire a person or a work"of art is to
suggest to him to be critical; to command a
young man or woman to love the elect of
their parents is to chill any nascent inclina-
tion in the desired direction and to make
it a duty for 11/Iontagues to hete Capulets is
to start the loves of Romeo and Juliet. We
must give the feeling we desire, We cannot
possibly impose it.
His Own Fault,
"This is about the slimmest dinner I over
eat down to," he said as he surveyed the
table • " but I s'pose onght to make cer-
tain eillowances."
"Yes, John," replied his wife, " if you
would make certain allowances you would
have no occasion to quarrel with your food.'
Highly nattering.
Mr. Hopper-" May I have the pleasure
of this dance, Mise Snob ?"
Miss Snob (wishing to show her prefer.
ence)--" Thanks, Mr. Hopper, I don't dance
with every Tom Dick -and -Harry, but I'll
make an exception of you."
Taking no Chances.
Pa Jones (soberly) Clara, young Mr.
Sampson came to me to -day, and said you
had promised to be his wife if he could gain
my consent."
Clara -"Yes, papa."
"But you are already engaged to Mr
"Yes, papa (with drooping eyes and
beautiful blush), but I wanted to be on the
safe side."
An Average Cook,
"How do you like housekeeping, my
dear," inquired Mrs. Matron of Mrs. New-
lywed. .
"Oh, it's just lovely Charley thinks it's
delightful! It's such a pleargint change, he
says, from boarding-house fare, and he just
raves over my cooking. I love to plan and
prepare our little meals. Do stay for tea.
You really must. It won't inconvenience
me in the least. All I have to do will be to
lay another plate. have everything all
ready, and will only have to speak to our
girl, and tell her there is to be one extra."
And when she spoke to the girl she said:
"Run around to the. baker's and get a
dozen fresh rolls, a pound of assorted cake
and some lady fingers. and stop at the
grocer's and get some canned beef; and get
some cold boiled tongue at the delicatessen
store; and a jar of raspberry preserves, and
seine tarts. I guess that'll be all we want
but the tea -and you can make that."
He thought it Was Shortcake.
Boarder -Strawberry shortcake, Mrs.
Mrs. Stew -No, Mr. Fickle; it is plain
strawberry cake.
Boarder -Ohl I thought it was strawberry
shortcake, as I find my piece rather short of
Young lady -I heard somebody kiss you
in the dark hall last night. Maid -You got
kissed, too. "Yes, but that's the young
man to whom I ani engaged to be married.
There is no harm in that." "I'm glad to
hear it. He was the young man you heard
kissing me in the hell last night.' Young
lady faints.
"Ye," said the general, "our Indian
allies were very helpful, although their lack
of knowledge of the English language fre-
quently gave rise to embarrassing situations.
I remember particularly at the battle of
Tippo Tibati an alarm was sounded and 1
gave the order 'To arms,' and every mother's
son of them mistook my meaning and took
to their legs."
That vulgar'bustling, purse proud Ameri-
csnized Scot, Andrew Carnegie, is still at
his work of astonishing the lieges in the old
land and of laying all he can put his hand on
under contribution in order to show forth
the honour, glory and greatness of his own
particular magnifieence and puddle mighti-
ness. He has been driving four in hand, not
'personally, but by his own proper coachman
from London, to Clive Castle with James G.
Blaine and his wife as captives to his sword
and to his bow. He has cheek for anything
and one might wonder at his popularity were
it not to be remembered that there was once
another Andrew of the name of Hudson, be-
fore whom nobles grovelled and on whom fair
women smiled, and that for the meanest of
all possible reasons. Let all such go their
way. The rocket in some cases rises pretty
high but the inevitable stick in due season
comes down aa a matter of course and the
old, old "1 told you so " is the final and fin-
ishing remark.
Writes a wellknown chemiet, permite mete an
ray that Putnam's Pei:bless Cern Extrtictor a.w
never falls, It melees no sore epots in.the an
flellrn and consequently panilees. Don'b co
Recent news from Australia tell of the
petition of something like a combined
se of Robinson Crusoe and the Mutineers
the Bounty, with all the disageeeable
atures of the latter left out. It seems
at there is a small island called Palmers -
n, not very far frorn Tahiti, which has
nerally been regarded as uninhabited, but
hich the captain of the barque, Queen's
land, has found to have a population of
persons principally made up of the family
a miler who ran away from a ship a
arter-eof a century since, and who, hating
ken a native wife from Tahiti, has lived
d thriven in this lonely place ever since.
course the young people are described as
very fine race, all speaking English and a
rt of fee -simile to the dwellers on Pit-
irn's Island, Thie may all be, but it deo
t seem very likely that this could all
ve taken place, and how the island could
ve been planted with bread fruit treen
d a trade have Swum' up end embody
are of the fad until this Captain :Rtelti
de the discovery. Petriareh Marston
um not have been for years doingurt good
de with small 'mole in copro thout
ybody knostieg of the fact,
yo forget to get Putnam's Cotn Extractor, tra
now for tale by Medieine dealers everywhere, , an
How Loug a Child Oould
A healthy' baby for the first tyre Mouths
or so spends moat of he time eeleep. After
that a baby should have at least two hours
of sleep in the forenoon and one hour in
the afternoon, and it IS quite possible to teach
almost any infant to adopt this as a regular
habit. Even to the age of 4 or 5 years a
child ehould have One hewr of sleep, or at
least rest in bed, before its dinner, and it
ehould be put to bed at 6 or 7 in the evening
and left undisturbed for twelve or fourteee
• Up to the fifteenth year most young peo-
ple require ten hours, and till the twentieth
year nine hours. After that age everyone
finds out how much he or she requires,
though as a general rule at leaat six to eight
hours are necessary. Eight hours' sleep
will prevent more nervous derangements in
women than any medicines can cure. Due-
ing growth there rnust be ample sleep if
the brain is to develop to its full extent,
and the more nervous, excitable or preco-
cious a child is, the longer sleep should it
get if its intelliictual progress is not to come
to a premature standstill or its life be cut
short at an early age.
He Disliked Dark Complexions.
A merchant of New York who availed
himself of the services of a metrimonial
agent the other day, was unlucky in his
experiment. When the usual "professional"
fees had been paid, he was placed in corres-
pondence with a lady who was reputed to
be handsome and -wealthy. He forwarded
her presents, and eventually sent a rellway
ticket to bring her to New York, "On her
arrival," to quote a newspaper paragraph,
his condition of animated expectancy was
suceeded by one of suspended amimation,
or the sprightly charmer waa jet black I"
Thy Company.
Gather to thy heart such friends as are
Worthy of honor and attention;
For the company a man chooseth
Is a visible index of his heart.
Truth lies deep in a well, that she
By day as well as night may look
To heaven, its starlit wonders see
And read her name in God's own book.
Perfeetly Natural.
"Sharply, what do you ,think of the
young lady who sits opposite you at the
table ?"
"Miss Brightwit ? Oh, she seems to be a
very pleasant sort of girl."
"Bat hasn't she rather a tart tongue?
Isn't she given to casing reflections?"
"Nothing more eatural, my boy, than
that she should cast le fleotions ; she is such
a polished girl, and such a good looking -
Mars the General Effect.
Salesman (to young lady) -You will find
these stockings of excellent quality, ma'am,
and the colors are fast.
Young Lady -Haven't you any without
the manufacturer's name stamped along the
top? that doesn't look very well. •
Salesman -Ahem -but nobody will see it,
He Wanted Somebody to be Sony.
Dying Benedict. "1 bequeath every dollar
to my wife. Have you got that down?"
Lawyer. " Yes."
Dying Benedict. "On condition that she
marries within a year."
Lawyer. "But why insist upon that ?"
Dying Benedict. "Because I want some-
body to be sorry that I died."
In his fraternal address to the Presby-
terians last week, Dr. Storrs told of a good
Boston woman who, when some one spoke
to her about Sullivan the pugilist, replied, -
"The pugilist? A h? Won't you please
tell me what the pugilists believe ?"
" That's What lay Wife Says."
"How are all the folks?" asked Brown
of Jones. "All well, except my wife," said
Jones. " I'm worried about her. Shtires
out so easily; she complains of a backache
about all the time, and she is so low-spirited
that she don't seem like herself at all.' "My
dear fellow," interrupted Brown, "1'11 tell
you exactly what she needs. My wife had
the very same symptons a few months ago,
but to -day she is the healthiest woman in
town. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
curs d her, and it will cure Mrs. Jones, too.
There's nothing on earth like it for the com-
plaints to which the weaker sex are liable.
That's what my wife says, and she knows."
Guarantee to give satisfaction in every case,
or money returned, printed on the bottle
Acoordeon pleated blouses and skirts in
light wo el fabrics are both very popular for
summer wear.
Are you bilious and dyspeptic?
Does your liver sluggish seem?
Is your slumber often broken?
By a hideous, nightmare dream ?
Friend, be wise : The Pleasant Pellets
Made by D. Pierce procure,
And they'll bring you back the sunshine
Of good health, you may be sure.
Old fashioned sprigged muslins, weft,
sheer, and cool :in effect and coloring, are
again in vogue.
"Doubting Thomases"
remarked an eminent divine, "must exist in
ratio to the too credulous." The habit of
cautiousness is not, as a general thing, in-
born, but is the result of a naturally gener-
ous and confiding nature repeatedly victim-
ized eby the ounning and crafty. So the
many disappointments, and often injurious
effects, arising from the use of various
vaunted remedies, have induced an undue
cautiousness, and, in many cases entire
abandonment of the use of any. We call
attention so the remedies of Dr. R. V.
Pierce, of Buffalo, which physiciana are em-
ploying in their practice with the most
beneficial results. His "Golden Medical
Discovery," for diseases of the lungs and
kidneys, heart affections, fever and ague,
dropsy, and all diseases of the blood, has
never failed when put to the test.
Jack roses are in demand.
Consumption Surely Cured,
• TO TEE EDITOR :---Please intorm your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above named dis-
ease, By its timely Use thousands of hopeless oases
have been permanently cured. I shall he glad to
send two bottles of my remedy sans to any of your
readers who have consumption If they will send me
their Exprvis and P. 0. address. Respectfully,
Dre, T. A. Wants, 87 Yonge St., Tenant° Ont.
The knitted Tam o' Shanter cap in red,
white or blue, or the three colon oombined,
is the most correct and becoming wear for
the head at sea,
Smocked or tucked blouses of light surah
or China silk and of wash fabrics are popu-
lar and pretty for house wear,
Whenever your Sternal% or Bowele get out of 01
der, emitting Biliouenese, nytipepole, ot Indigestion
and their attendant: evils, take at once t dee° of Dr.
(lateen's Eithmach Bitter% Beet bunny Medicine.
All Druggists. 60 mite
Tho Bank. of Toronto,
ON WEDNE$DAY, 20eee Juatz, 1888.
The annual general meeting of the Bank of Toronto
(being the thirty-second sitce the commencement of
bsinesa, victe held, in pursuance oi the terme of the
eloarter, atthe banking house of the institution in
Toronto, on June 2001*, 1888.
Od motion George Gooderham, Fag., was called to
the hair, aud Mr. Coulon was tequested to aot as
Moved by Henry Qawffira, Esq., seconded by W,
Wadsworth, Esq , and
Reeolved, "Tat Messrs. T. G El:whet:14r andAlfred
Gooderham be appointed Small/leers, and that at the
cloee of the poll they report to the -Cashier the names
of the gentlemen °looted Directors of the Bank for
the year,"
By request of the Chairman the Secretary then read
the following
The Directors of the 13ank of Toronto have pleasure
In Submitting to the Stockhol erd a statement thew.
ing the results of the oporations of the Bank for the
past year.
The burliness of the Bank has been well maintained
during the year, both at the Head Office and Branohes
and although oiroomeances rendered it desirable to
ket p the reserve of available aesets at a larger figure
than usual, the profits realized are such aa the Direct -
ore believe will be Ballet dory to the Stockholders.
Your Directors have satisfaction in reporting a con-
siderable sum recovered from debta which had been
written off in previous yeas, whioh with the surplus
profits, has enabled them to add $100,000 to the Rest.
The following is a sinninary of the results of the
transactions of the Bank for the year ;-
The balance at credit of Profit and Loss
on 31st May, 3887, was $ 20,054 32
Net profit for the year, after
making full provision for all
losses and deducting expens-
es, interest accrued on de -
p0 its and rebate on current
disoounts, amount to the
sum of 8260,460 55
Amount recovered from debts
written off in previous years 80010 00
-- 290,410 55
8310,514 87
This sumo has been apprepria'ed as follows :-
Dividend No. 01, tour per cent.$ 80,000 00
Dividend No. 61, four per cent80 SOO 00
Bonus of two per cent 40,000 00
-Q200,000 GO
Added to Rest Account., S100,000 00'
Carried forward to next year10,514 87
110,514 87
• $310,514 87
Since last annual meeting branches of the Bank
have been opened at London, Petrolia and Oman-
oque, and the business done at these places has fully
met the expectations of the Board.
The various oftieers of the Bank have fulfilled their
reepeotive duties to the satisfat tion of the Board.
The whole respectfully submitted.
(Signed), GEORGE emonanuAlif,
3155 MAT, 1888.
Notes in circulation. $ 987,659 00
Deposits bearing in-
terest $ 3,946,073 28
Deposits not bearing
interest 1,424,794 89
--- 5,370,868 17
Balance due to other banks 201,633 09'
Unclaimed dividends $ 144 00
Half yearly dividend,
and bonuses pay-
" able let June, 1888, 120,000 00
Total liabilities to the public....
Capital paid up $2,000,0 0 00
Rest 1,350,000 00
Interest ao.
erred on
receipts, 838,078 00
Rebate on
notes dis-
counted, 66,820 00
Balance of Profit and
Loss account ear.
Lied forward
104,808 00
120,144 00
$6,889,304 28
10,514 87
8,465,438 87
• 810.145.715 11
Gold and silver coin on hand $232,233 55
I oininion notes on hand869,433 00
Nobtaen193,421 68sioa,nd cheques of other
Balance due from other
banks in Canada 55,055 33
Balance due from agents of
the Bank M Great Britain 108,088 38
Balances due trent Agents of
the Bank in the United
States 274,281 14
Municipal debentures...... , 150,141 12
Toatvelliiabalt:iie.ts. immediately
... 71,083,604 20
Loans and - bills d is -
Overdue debts, secured 68,1025:6 5
Ove,due debts not ism M-
elly secured (estimated
loss provided for) • 2,592 61
Mortgages on
real estate
sold by the
Real estate $4,520 61
oBothoke r than
bank pre rui-
6 048 62
- - 11,278 23
• Bank premises - 212,110 93
,145,715 13
(Signed) D. COULS0840,
After the reeding of the above, it was moved byr
George Gooderharn, Esq., seconded by William H.
Beatty, Esq.'and
Resolved, That the report of the Directors, which
has just been read, be adopted and printed for dis-
tribution amongst the Stockholders.
Moved by Hon, J. R. Gowan, seconded by T. G.
Blaokstook, Esq„ and
Resolved, That the thanks of the Stockholders are
due and are hereby tendered to the President, Vice.
President and Directors for their attention to the in.
tenets of the Bank during the past year.
Moved by Henry Covert, Eeq., seconded by W. R.
Wadsworth, Esq., and
Resolved, That the poll be now opened for the
election of Directors for the year, and continue open
until two o'clock to -day, unless a period of five min-
utes shall elapse, during which no vote is tendered,
when the Scrutineers may declare it closed.
The Scrutineers subsequently reported that the
following, arned gentlemen were unanimously cleat-
ed Directors for the year:
The new Board met the same afternoon, -when
George Gooderhem, Esq„ was unanimously elected
President, end Wm. H. Beatty, Eaq, Vice -President.
By order of tho Board,
f(Signod). D. COULSON,
A Cure -1711"4"-Iliwor Drunkenness.
The opium habit, depsomania, the morphine habit
nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco,
wakefulnese, mental depression, softening of the
brain, eta., premature old age, loss of vitality caused
by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural
strength, from any cause whatever. Men -young,
old or middle aged -who aro broken down from any
of the above causes, or any cause notmentioned above
send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's
Treatise, In book form, of Diseases of Aran, Books
sent sealed and secure from observation. Address M.
V. LURIA 47 Wellington Street East Toronto, Ont.
Hun I Coney OureN 011[09 In one minute,
The Kerry or Irish peasant cloak, in light-
weight flannel serge, is an excellent steamer
People who are °abject to bad breath, font mate
I ongue, or any dieorder of the Stomach, cum at ono
be relleVed by using Dr. Carson's stomach Bitters
bh old and tried remedy, Ask your Drugglet.
Black horsehair bonnets embroidered in
egioldsare among late imported Parisian /WV"
CINGALESII HAM RENEWER rostores'grey and ded
hair to its natural color and prevents falling ou
Denote each day to the object thee in time
and every evening will find something
done. -[Goethe.
irrantsti miss.
SirtirlOMS-Molsture l Intense itching arid stinging;
most at night worse by scratching. 0 allowed to
retinue tumore form, which often bleed and ulcer.'
to, beooming very sore. SwAvan'ti OINTMENT dope
the itching and bleeding, heals ukeratlore and ni
Many oases removes the tumours. 10 1* eettially MB.
endow in outing all skin diseases. DR. WAYNE&
SON. Proprietors, Philadelphia. SWAYS'S% Ourtmerrr
earl bo Obtained Of druggiste. Sent by mail tor 60 "
A. P. 404.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
IMES Nervoue Prostration, Nervous Head.
ache,Neuralgia, Ne'rvousWeakness,
Stomach and Liver Diseases, stud all
affections of the Kidneys.,
"For two years I was a sufferer from nervous de.
bility, and I thank God and the discoverer of the
valuable remedy ORLI PAINE'S CELICRY Ocarronten
cured me. 12 is a valuable remedy. Long may It
live. Let any one write to me for aaViee."
"I believe PAINE'S ataxia' COINSPOIMM 98006 my
life. 'MY trouble seemed to be an internal humor.
Before I need. itI was 00 70006 with au eruption from
"head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healing.
and I am five hundred per cent, botMr every way."
A. a BnArr, WHITE Rrysn JuncTrom, VT., EVE:
For two years past I have been a great sufferer
from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys-
pepsia and constipation. Before I began to take
Csmnoty COMPOUND it seemed as though everything
ailed rae. Now I can say nothing ails me.
"I bave boon using Pattan's CELERX coetroinen
and it has clone me more good for kidneys and lame
back than any other medicine 1 have ever taken,
Efundreds of testimonials have been received from
persons who have used this remedy with remarkable
I benefit. Send for circular.
Price $1.00. Sold by Druggiate.
WELLS, RI CHAR DSO N & CO„ Proprietors
Montreal, Que.
PATENTS procured, P009 110 at'i o we an e tpses,
Fat'd 1867. Donald C t ttle Co., To ro n t
PATENTS L'°48.:1, -.P. 1.'11 te:icif,i,Ptroe 084
CANOES. W Send for
ktittuoei:o, Ont.
AGENTS'WANTED over the entire
Dominion. Address GEO. D.PERRIS,
37 Church Street, Toronto.
free. P.O.VICREIET, Augusta, Blaine.
• ance Company 01 Canada,
Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents.
G. 0. Roes Chief Engineer. A. FRASER Seey-Treas.
TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates.
No delay. Correspondence solloited•
E. W. D. BUTLER, Financial Ag,t.,
Established 1860. 72 King -at. E„ Toronto.
the oarn to hold bags must be too mean to buy
the "Dandy " Patent Bag Holder, which will last a
lifetime, and costs only 75e. Sold by agents. Terri.
tory still open. C. W. ALLEN & CO.,
"World' Buil this, T n
elANAHA. SHIPPING CO.-aeaver Eine of
Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
740, 850 and 860. Return tickets, 980, $90 and $110
according to steamer and accommodation. Inter-
mediate, 730; Round trip tickets, $60. Steerage, 820;
Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and
to secure births, apply to H. E, MURRAY, Genera.
Manager, 1 Custom House Square, hiontreal, 00 00 the
Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities.
Toronto Safe Works,
OUR AGENTS tftrioce,n
Canada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's
"Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words,"
'The Cottage Physician," MAKE MONEY
Gough'e "Sunlight and
Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc., Popu-
lar Books 1 Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, terms
etc., to WILLIAM, BRIGGS, PRIllisher Toronto.
GITELFIE Business College, Gomm,
This popular Institution, DOW in its 40h Year,
is do.ng a grand work for the education of young
me 0 and women in those branches, a knowledge of
which is so essential to the intelligent ard successful
management of practical affairs. Its graduates are
every where giving signal procf of the thoroughness
of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to
the m onetsry value of its course of study. The
For th Annual Circular, giving full information, will
be mailed free. Address M. MacConsucs, Principal.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAIN Speolflo has been used for the pas
fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex -
ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing In
the ears, palpitation, eto. For sale by all druggists.
Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sent by
mall on receipt of price. Pamphlet on applleation
When I say CURE I do not mean merely to
stop them for a time, and than have them re-
turn again. I mnAer A RADICAL CURL
I have made the disease of
A.1110 long study. I WARRANT my remedy to
Orem tee worst cases. Because others have
failed isno reason for not now receiving a cure,
Send at once for a treatise and a Fan n EarTmo
and Post Office. It costs you nothing ror
trial, and it win cure you. Address
Dr, 11, G. BOOT, 87 Yonge Ste Toronto, Ont,
GANGER 711,itirvit4uAtiresr,nifTh
pamphlet. W. L.Issfa, snen,1332,4 guS:enndE6.tAnoTonlonr.
IAMUSE STOCK of Machinery to select from.
Send for Mate.
IL W. PETRIE, Brantford, Out.
-2; AND 502A
SAULTER BROS., itoofers
Pelt and Gravel
Estimates given. Country,woric a SpeolaitY-t
Saloon Tiokets, $40, $50, $60. Return, $87, $90
$110. Intermediate, $30. Steerage, 720. Apply to
H. E. MURRAY, General Manager,
1 Custom House Square, Montreal:
We will send by 01211 80 ap-
propriate gift to cacti maiden,
wife, mother or cook -one to
a family- who will try tee
Cut the red circle froin the
label and send it in a letter
stating honest 'opinion after
fair trial. Either a5, lOor 25
cent size still secure the gift.
Any grocer or storekeeper
..knows where to getitif asked
for by yom-Address-
R. Parker & Co.
Works and Head Offices :
759 TO 763 YONGE ST.
209 Yonge Street,
City Offices4 393 Queen St. West, -TORONTO.
225 Queen St. East,
. 100 Colborne Street.. Brantford, Ont.
4 John Street North Hamilton, Ont.
IX years' trial, and over
5,000 in use bee proved
this machine the best;
sizes Send for oiroular.
Inventor and Manufacturer,
577 Craig St.
P.O. Box 915, Montreal, P.Q1
Bicycles 1
Second - Baud Bicycles
and Tricycles.
Send for Lid. New oataloeue
eady in April.
Allan Line Royal Mil Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpo:I, and in sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,calling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Hall
fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly
during. summer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow sines sail during winter to and from Halifax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum-
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glee.
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel-
phia fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other Information apply to
A. Schumacher a Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard a Co.,
Halifax ; Shea Co., St. John's, Nfld., Wm. Thomp
son A; Co., St. John, N. B.; Allen ek Co., Otleago
Love Alden, New York ; H. Borulier, Toronto
Aliens, Rae Si Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadeb
phia ; II. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, Montreal,
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evll habit% the
result of Ignorance and folly, who find themselves
weak, nervous and exhausted; also MIDDLE-AGED and
Onn Mins, who are broken down from the effects of
abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send for and read
M. V. Lubon's-Treatise on the Diseases of Men. The
book will be Cent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 3c. stamps. Address •
M. V. LUBON, Wsllington St. E., Toronto, Ont.
Have al the latest improvements, and are unequelled
for durability, style and convenience. The leading
carriage builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM and
Whaley,Royoe ez Bo
283 Irongc Street,
The Cheapest :place in
Canada for
New and second-hand.
Agents for
and "HIGHAM'
Repririag of Buil Is
sGra 1.11 319 a sp nutty
Send for Citelogaz
111/1E greateet Ells.
AY ..'-‘ oovery of the
preeentage for EMU.
Wattre TRH ROW=
f>1).L ' Myna AND ETDPEX
Peet Blood Purifier. A
few in Hamilton who
BLOOD Keenan, 102 Robert
St., ourod of Erysipe.
y its mu •. Mrs. M.
have Nee benefitted
as of 2 years" stand.
sypikurp , tg ; Robert Cornell,
24 South St , duh.
ter of Epileptic Fits
ft6r six years' sutler -
rig ; Jennie Birrell,
eo waled ,, Sat turd Of weakness, end Lung
Trouble ; Jobe Wood, 05 Cathcart eit, cured of
Liver Complaint and Bineeseeas, Used °ley three
a fitteeoent bottles; etre. el, Beal, 6 Augusta elle
troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, ti 0
sineli bottlee gave her great relief. Sold at boo. &7L01,
F. F. DAILEY & 00., Proprietore.
A SIllatiTITIME FOB 1111E1'I. rimiep the warm weather it la
not good to eat much meat ae it overheats the hody. Our advice
18 est leas meat and take inetead regularly 40111NST01118
10111.10 litEr, which is a perfect substitute for *eat, be.
GRUSe It euppliee every cOustituent of meet that nentishee
and strengthens without any of the euperflitous uortiOns thot Only
clog and irritate the stomach. By drinking it the eystent will be
kept in toite told physloal exhaustioe and many other evlis late
dent to the steamer will be avoided,