HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-7-5, Page 11.40114Ort kluron, 4 13rucet Gorma Netoma— . Passenger. 7.451 Lucan Crosstng „. .., „, 8,20 . ' Clandeb,0YO , ,.. —8,84 • 5,25 t .„ .., 8.45 . 8,20 ' 5.57 ' liKie1.liVaeall11 -": — — 9,98 0,09 ... ,.. 0,14 5.17 13incedeld ... Clinteh ..• .. 0,20 tiA ... ... 9,49 0.45 • Londesboro• ... „. ,.. 10,00 7.93 , . 080N8 SOUTH , raSSOUgOr 7,ss 4,15 1.40adeabOTO' ... -4.25 Cl' t ,•., Ikirpttpcoeft_eld . -...."- ...',' "." '''88:`307 64:4004 4 .. • ... ... 8.34 5.12 Hensall Exeter ,„ Centralia ... Vlandeboye .. LuoanCrossing 8.50 9,07 19.18 9,24 0,14 5,33 5.40 5,50 0.02 LEGAL . , -H. DICKSON, Burister, Soli - _I4� $ °Aar c f Supreine Court,Notary Public OenVeyaneer Commissioner, cbc; MeneY to LiAtt. Officein Fanson's Block, Exeter, T1, H. COLLINS, Barrister Solicitor Conveyancer, nc , , i "i 311 XII WEB , Oftlep'SamwelPsBlock Hall a old'oftlue.) A Itmou,B, W. Foitu, -Lk.. .Solicitor ie tb.e Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Comnalssioneri &rt., &c.pecial attentlen given to the collection of catums in thealnited.States: Patents. procured!, money to loan at lowest rates, °dice : Opet'a ;House Block, St, Marys, Ont., ,ELLIOT SL ELLIOT, .Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Coilveyaucers &c, &c. 1:-Motiey to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. OFFICE, . MAIN- STREET, EXETER. E. V.'ELLIOT. ,T, ELLIOT. ilENTAL.- 111..L. BILLINGS, _ 3DEl\TTIST, OF.r./CE: Ovek 0,..IrEIL,S Baltic Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. H. KINSMAN ,DENTIST.L.D.S Sainwell's Block, Main-st, Exeter,. Extracts Teeth without pain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold ; Filings and all other dental , work the best possible. GOOS . to Zunron on Last Thursday in ' each month: * -----.. . '- . MEDICAL 1 1 ri LUTZ, D. M., ' NJ • ofemeat hisresidence Exeter 1 T W. -BROWNING M. D., M. el El • P. 8 ,G radua,teVictoriaUniversity.Office ttc11residauce,DominionLaboratorv, Ex° ter. ' DR. B.YNDMAN, coroner f or the LCounty of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. .. Carling's store, Exeter. I -, ri.R. J. A. ROLLI.Nts, M. O. P. S 1 ...1-, 0, Office, Main S.,111xoter,Ont.Residen cehouserecently occupied by P. latcPbtllips, Esq. . t AUCTIONEERS% - es HENRY EILBER, Licensed Atm- .1 tioneer for flay, Stephen, and IdcGilli- c 7TanTONTusliips: Sales o on duoted at moderate e rat a Office—Atioet-offloe.Crediton,Ont. a V . L, Auctioneer for the t t ships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne a an e Village of Exeter. All sales promptly 4. atteilded, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales ' arranged at this office. n .....--,...--........, a VETERINARY. P _ t TENNENT & TENNENTI t: Is VETERINARY - SURGEONS, a ti NS Ihil o b it Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. it Orrnon : One door South of Town. Hall, a ...—...----. ir MONEY TO LOAN. I it ONE./ TO LOAN AT B AND 61 13 per cent, '$25.000 Private Funds. Bost fi Loaning Companies represented. , T L. H. DICKSON, . 01 Barrister., Exeter, ' MO, ,,........w....emare•ge. INSURANCE. — THE WATERLOO eMUTUAL FIRE INST./BANC E C O. '113 — 2 Established in 1863. R HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. oc This cot:annul, has been over Eighteen 03 ears insuccessfui operation in Western On- as ;ario,andcontinues to insure againstloss or cc lanciage by Fire,Buildings,Morchandise,Man- A ifactcoiee,and all otherdescription A offinsur- „. tble property. Intending insurers bay() the zc tpt ion of insuring on the Premium Note or vi, e ash 8yetem. ' C( During the past ten years tbis Company „ las issued 57,056 Policies. covering property l‘c o theamount of $40,872,038 ; and paid in loss. to 15 a lene$70.9,752,00 at AssetS, $178,100.00, consisting of Cash 18 I -dank, Gp,vernmentDeposit, an d the unease- , ttsodPreniiumNotosonhandandin force. 3, Jol A, WALDEN M D. Preside a t. 0. 5I . T &mon, 01 tecretary. .T.B. EttrOITES,IimpectOT. CHAS. yr' NELL Agontfor Exeteratta vicinity, the Great English Preseriptioie. in A successful Medicine used over ‘ 30 years hi thousands of eases. -t, 7 Cures Spermatorrhea Nervous .): ti0 4., , WqaMness., Emissions, impotency ' AM " and all cbseases caused by abuse. • - foi ronn] indiscretion, or over-exertion. (Aram] tot packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others . Wt. Ask your Druggist for The Omit Nitellelt 28 ["roserIptIon, take no substitute, One package off 11, Six $5,.by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address tot Eureka cleemical co.. Detroit. Melte lot .. CENTRAL on W. .... la. el Barber Shoo' '28' e is ... FANSON'S 131.400K, A. Hastings, Prop; Shaving and Hair cutting thelatest styles of the art. Everyattention paid to cutting Ladies and Children's Hair. WA/ITCHES MADE TO ORDER A. CALL SOLTOITle'D 11 00 11 11 1 the To poei eas hop cur of tr who lot . ,_ ,,, .AND HURON :&) ,MIDDLESEX GAZETTE.,* a , , "HEW TO THE LINEeLET THE CIMS FALL WIIBBE THEY MAY." la . , , .. ., . VOL. XV. NO 8. EXETER 0 , NTA.RIO THURSDAT MORNING JULY 5 188R: JOHN Wien= & SDS e roma:ter e a, nd rropri etors ',Market Square . . ( • Geileral Store . . Litlean. . . ----- George Eacrett emit Sunday iti-Elloan visiting,his best girl. ' Shyloek ie powdered up on his own form -poor boy. . , , e R. S. and (Tenethen were in ilona°n. 13n Saturday. ' . ( Dickey Bryaragot his finger squashed in a Presa on S6'bIlraaY. , The Liman band furnished Musket the Granton pionio on Monday. ,• . There is to he a big time at the. Cedar SWAMP school house on Thursday next. George Armitage, otherwiag known as hold time rooks," was in town oyet Finn. .a • e a , • -an ': ' , Wan. ,Hichey.; the .Biddulph pedestrain, walked from Orangeville te Elginfield . iu three days last week. , . Tommy Kitt has invented a matey comb which works by water power. Tommy claims it is the best in the Market and lis, having it patented in Canada andtlee Theits (id States. ' joe Davis and D. Tait, of Exeter, eame ,do . -to Liman Sunday in a dog ort, - w.44,- They wore a pleasant smile and apparently rather pleased that they tad mailed down to see us. Lunn ie quite a summer resort and oilers Especial inducements to gentle- men of leisure from,small rural villager like 'Exeter. A cyclone blew it into town, it was 11 bundle caparisoned with rags, a hickory' stick and a carpet bag. It wore green gog- glee aetride of its nose, bleated. behind two antediluvian lugs with a cable cord, It wandered up ancl down the street. ha feet were enciteed in a long boot and an Indian toiliber golosb. The town dogs bay'd it out of town at stindown, it was apparently lost and walked off in two apposite direc- Cons. MAD Amus. -The esthetic dada who wears the constabulary baton for Exeter proved to have the deteoti,hve inetincet,ts yery largely developed 'when he gave meacso to , , a genteel again -and wealted to arrest liar ou' the frivolous pretence of- Mad again -being a man in disguise, and entered la private dwelling on Botany Lane. Mad again -made a Creeoh and the- . . . . . sonata/el* went and hide hie diminished head. If this royal !nibs with brass but. tone and side whiskere had tied in Bid- dulph he'd never gee Mad again, , THE • HAUNTED Hous. -But Mr. Mo- Loed jolts deep in the .raystiotil as hix ine quirers and though anxious to communi- cat° all he knows, Boerne very reticent and uncommunicative for the simple reason that he cannot fathom the affair. Their is an over -hanging cloud of murky darkness that canuoi be cleared away. The haunt- ed house stands in the eame place audios- a mantled one, with the same covering, no one for the past week. daring to enter kg portio. ;. ,. ., , . , ' ,.„- e. hee --(Finished next week-) , _ The Irish Nine, of Luoanavisitecr Hen- sell on July 2nd to play a friendly game of ball. The'game was played but was any - thing but friendly, as the Hensel] players who were behind almost from the start, kicked and kicked in a way no team cone- posed of gentloraen would do. The captain ottani teeth, a large and loud mouthed individual, kicked to a Queen's, taste. "He is a dandy in that line and was kifid enough to inform the members of the Irish Nine that he could lick any , . Rennie, and Mmes. Snell, Footer, Irwin and others, addressed the meeting and ex. . . . . Pressed them gratitude to the Most High forblessing the Sunday school work in h' w heb. they were all engage . a , . , Chiaacleboye. ---• Ramos -Mr Gilmer claims to have '. ' ° . .. 'the best Piece of potatoes en Clandeboye,-- Our neighbor, Magnus, of Gladiatorial famea.00ntemPlates potting his annual coat .. 'of coal tar on the roof of his residence; he alsollarebtene to give hie neighbors cows a toueli -.bp if they \don' t stop. thinning his mangoide. for Iiirm-afise Thomson, (of Lobo; paid our torten 'ABU laSt 'week. -.Lt that either the farmers in this „part or their prudence( are oettine poor; titer a - , drive their cattle out into the toad to live -or die, which ever melte them best. Then when they leave the arose cronperl nearly to the roots along comes .a flock ,of sheep • . • wmolt pull up retest is left on the roots. . nod at laat cornea a drove of f igs to root oyer the remnants. ---There was a party at John Istout) Hedging one night last week,. A. great many /rem this place and vioinity, who love the light fantaatio, attended. Some of elm partioiaatore got home in time for ' work next morning, -Although our village ;lees nee beast f very many young men(aannot boat of what w' 0 have) still they make up in quality what they lack in quantity:- A. number of there asserable every night on the street corners ancl make the nighi hideous with their screeching and howling almost equal to the Leman haunted house. ,,If the nuisance is not (stopped, and pretty 'soon, eome of the young gents (two) may have the pleasure of geeing their name e in print. --The Ann- ual Strawberry Festival of the C. M. alaurch -was held here on TneadatY of last week. Loads from Lucian, Granton, and Moores. villa were in attendence. The church and grounds were handsomely decerated with fiovre a and bowe.. The strawberries were all thee could be desired, the only draw- ' , baok being that the weather was rather cold to sell much hie -cream or lemonade. ' After being physically (satiated the crowd proceeded to the churoll and were treated to a long and splendid program consisting 1 ' of songs, by the home choir, soles, duets ' , ] readinga, recitations, Boaeches, and musk ou month organo, Samuel Sellery, B. D. 1] & D. D. ()tinged the chair. The proceeds 4 amounted to nearly 840. The entertain ' ment - closed at .10 o'clock and every one ! went home pleased. -The road, work is go. 1 ing oil now and we are getting some better ( . ' endow:elk ; we need them too, The people leitelgot to taking the road not daring to trust their litab, s to the tender mercies of - our so called sidewalks -The excursion to ' the Pott last week was not very well ((Men- , ded, and all that went were from Claude. ' boye. Nioe day too (for rubber emats.)--- Miss Clara Miller, ef the e2nd line of He- 5 Gillivray, is in lown.—Don't forget the Foresterts spin:ton next Sunday in the St. 1 .Temes Claurch,T Clandeboye.--The harvest N premixes to be. a short and •very busy one . . . / as Most of thee grain will be hp° at the . , Entree time.-aaSeVeral of the farneem have ' their grow all out. ---Quite a menebetia4tbehe here attended the feetiyal in Lucien on ° Friday evening last. They report having had a good time. -The and was spent very ' • ti g ' e f eb ' 'I' ' t qua/ y ere, mos o e ei mons going o a Centralia and elsovhere.-Quite a load of t Luoanites pasma . through here last Mon- ; day en route for the Grand Bend, Oland°. boyeai the watering alarm: They again a passed through Rein; lacitne at a very early " hour. They enjoyed therneelyee immense- ; ly judging by the racket they made while going past the village. They were singing ,, Hang • Jim McFadden ta a sour apple a tree." -The annual pi.c.nic under the ens -it 4 picas of the Mar's Hill Methodist Charch, 8' was hold at Brinsley on the 2nd of July. 00 An interesting game of base ball was played a' in the afternoon by:the Wolverines and' a, Maple Leafs resulting in a victory for the '", Ifaale Leafs by a score of 4 to 6. J. Ma- a' Kay, of the famous Ailsa Craig Stars, um- ea: pired the game to the satisfaction of every t't person. After the game the crowd retired bi to the f/T090 tor refreshments after which they despersed without carrying out the ec • literary pregramme, the hour being very ' late. tt NT The, undersigned would inform the pub- le that he has just received his SPRING *no STOCK te -INCLUDING--femme t. full line of Dry -Goods, Hats & Caps and, • . ' ae a Crockery, Boots and Shoes. 1 Those wishing anything in my line wIll ind it to their advantage to call and in poet my geode and prices. Highest prices paid for But- ter aud Eggs and,all - b kinds of produce.- .. eT. P. Ross.' — \ - lienteaLl. - ---- - gDIT011 Trites.-Your regular corms- Pondent will give yen tl.e items of the rims e d '' . ou.210e 2n . A fairly good crowd eras on tuthel to witness the events, which were not exhictly dret.o.lass. . The ruiner on the m - . w'.n9.4go. was h little tame, alio day eVohld hav, e be. en soraeithat dull, but for the ex 'pleats of a short, squat, red faced eierson." age from Exetet who came up to see the , la . . , , fun., After imbibing freely of .Take's best, lae(went to the traek, where, after getting , settiewhat'excited by the hilarious bever- ages and his surroundings, he mounted hie yeleiele, and ;proceeded' enthusiasticselly to defend hie character against the slanders ettgoine foe. 'With wondmful eloquence, great volubility, impassioned. and forcible 'language, chaste expreseions, waving theo . Minns aloft, while the evening. sun glinted eit Ilia Pinning pate, he delivered an ant:tieing and instenctiee oration to the *enabled people. • The eye rolled, chat heaved, the face purpled, the arms swung aloft, while imprecations loud and deep . . welled from the pure and outraged borsom. 'Teems, a treat rich ,and rani, that Barnum cettld,dtardl out -rival . The crowd ap re- Y ' ' P eiatedethe fun, leud. 'laughter, and boaater- enstalan , „ lease testifying.to their 81iht. ' ' - 8 .-* After the main exhibition closed, 'the era - Or' beteok himself to a hotel, Where a side- show was held for sometime. Tlais was Partially reeereed for chosen • friends. 11 was more choice than thee main show. When the orator has uffi ent y lel PP a ai 1 0 ad his head and meted off, if he is really in OftillaBt about that bet he was so anxious ittit3 malaikehevithe another tEaxeterTfin.han,,lheooftin. . a,y -e a conerehea.ea. -. he ant 1.1.4 name a stakeholder and name a tribunal the Matter can- ethsity, be settled. ' Your am.. A SPECTATOB. Henson, july 3rd, 1883. . " 'ROUND THE COUNTRY.. -- By Our Own correspondents. -7-- Uranton. — Dr. Lang vieited Exeter last week on onsultation. Hugh and Will; our blonde dudes, shin. eg like ie,wels in a muck heap, strayed eto Exeter. enquiring the name of the 71mEs' correspondent, The Rev. Christopher Hamilton . Meth°. , a ist arrived laet week to take el:argot of ae Granton circuit. , J. E; 'Murray, merchant, has been aosen by the brethren of Wildey Loelge 'o. 153,1.0.0.F., as repreeentative to the rand lodge to•be held at Barrie some- um in july. . - ' ' The stravrberry festival uuder the ans. ices ,of the church of England was decided. ' superior in many respects to any held in As Bectioia int'past years. The chilly . at. iosphereeprevented a number from attend- ig also the making away with the largo ipply of ice cream, lemonade, &o. or -4-•4-4 Creditor). " --- . The fie mll bout through with x 1 s are awe theft winter's work- and will seen prepare for the ihreshin of this year's orop which g - . ' le in a fine eenditien. Our band h ' ml) t '''' a/18°26114a as no le ed rr to go 00 Batfield on the 1221x. The boys Are a "edit to our town and are haying hainerous calls from • far and near, which speaks well. . - . ' On Saturday last Mr. and 'ItIrs. S. Wood entertained themselves by hoeing a picnic a . the Bend, :with a number of friends ieli. . . ire t d . • a ,,,,:, , we ten rs, au ,e:was a anemia ana, "a 'Pleasant' thne °Pent' ' - Bili and Jerry had a glorious time in town on Timed/lay. f thown lon,1 f. One °- 'he- 7- I- trip to "Eu --Rope" but eyentutally found himself on dry land looking a little worse for the journey. ' DOMINION DAT. -Out village was almost deserted on Monday last. Many went to the Grand Bend to enjoy themselves by the lake ; °there to Hengell t° gee the meg ; some to see the caledonian games at God. erioh ; but the majority spent the day by attending the Annual Strawberry Festival at Centralia. All seemed to have enjoyed themselves. . - • The Crediton Court of Foresters hay e made a(speeial iudiniement to parties wish - ing to join the society during the last month and have had their. labors crowned with the initiating of almost twenty members, This makes the Court here very strong. We wish them prosperity and hope they will secure the prize effered for the Court securing the most new ntembers for the above inhentioned term, Here is a solution of the death of Mr. ,r Carter's goat viz. -A number of er ons ' ' P 5 wauted to join the Foresters. The said persons are told they must ride the goat, to be initiated; we alsothear that the old court goat died of dyspepsia, and that the court intended securing brother Carterat goat in its; stead. Now these persons not denitiona of this exereise found a waa °Iit of the diffiealtY• There was no other goat the vicinity and so they conspired to destroy the said goat. The young men who attended camp at Stratford with the Exeter Company of the 33rd battalion have returned, and we are glad to hear that they acquitted themselves honorably while in camp. We naust 'con- gratulate Sergt, Wm. Kari who accom. panied them, for having won the handeome medal for the best marksman in the beta having made the most point% Will is a keen ohot end this is cenite a feather in his cap as lie never before competed in a target practice of this kind. elociantea.- On Saturday last odourred what might Mut) been a fatal accident, in the ems end of the village. It appears that a eon of Mr. Cann and another little fel- low were amueing themselves by igniting gun powder After having put consider. able on a board they ignited it and getting .fiell too close to it the Cann boy had his hoe and eyes severely scorched. Medical aid was Secured and his eye -sight will be saved although severely Mjured, We hope the boys have learnt a leeson and will in fut. ureiceop away froni Rua powder. We also that none of oar merolvente sell Pow- dor to boys. , Peasowaa.--Rey. Mr. Fife and family arrived on Friday to take charge of this of the Methodist Clittreli.--alre. Veale, or Dolman, is the gtiest of Mrs, 8, Wm, tales, of Alpena, Mich., .81 thie place, is in this vicinity ilig friends alai acgaintancesah-Mr. A, H. Gaiser, of Sarnia, paid his palmate 4 visit on the iet.--illies Kate Dinney rettienecl home after a shoot visit to he London. -Messrs, C. Eilber, jr , Eilber, 50., and Won. Saleer, have arrived from St. Pani and the North . west and report Wotk very doll. They fifty 'cities are overstoCked with laborers and many aro coining back fione them not to , able to aeoure work. -Mrs, I. W., right; is home again after a very pleasant to Toronto, to too her parents.-ltlisii daily SWeitAINT who hao been visiting at Imam for ihe plutt *Itrati. week, has re. horbood, Woo Rollins, wholos been a- _........ -... ... . . . Elimville. ----- Haying is, being 3arried on briskly. Our village blacksmith poi a shoe on a (Yen weeks old -colt on Tuesday last.. MISSCharlotte Eacrett of Exeter, spent a w days 'visiting Mende in the village. Mr. Thom Veal had new potatoes for uner on. Iuttr,lat Some wore no bigger tri'12 114.3}A egfik but some were (fine ones. _..., ...e.h.,,„ . . . . atieeyiceet of tbe Elan- lhe . . • tililiniday and Monday,, ily lit and 2nd, were 'pleasing and sue- seful. . The Sunday services were ' exoell it and largely attended, the collections nounting to 10.95. On Monday the miher was all that could be desired, and e grounds in excellent condition. Soon ter 12.30 o'clock the people began to pour to the grounds and when the platform lading was begun !at large crowd haa enabled. One hour and a half was eagantly and profitably spent m listening singing, reoitations, and dialogues by O scholare, ;and addresses by Rev. Mr. (Andrew's, assistant pastor of the circuit, d Rev. D. A. Moir of Woodhata, Tea os served from 4 p. so, until 7 p. ro. ; er five hundred partook of strawberries lioli vvere pronounced delicious, having en all picked after sunrise Monday morn- e. The afternoon was pleaeantly pent varione amusement's, base -ball, - foot -ball d the tug of war, seeming to attract the ;erest and attention of the majority. le anniversaries here !seem to be growing favor as the attendance inoreasee groat- frora year to year. The proceede of the tival reached the bandeome sane of 882. is, with the collection and proceeds from ter ennees, will amount to about $100. , — —.-.0ne of them. The Hensall men talked money and wanted to play for $50 a side, but when the money was put up they weakened. The Hensel] team play *air game of agricul- tural ball but are a complete failure when playing against a good team like Liman. The manager of the Irish Nine has depos• ited $15 to bind a bet of $50 to play a game of ball with Heiman on Tueaday,July 17t11, on the Exeter grounds. The Heusall club is to be heard from soon. The raoney is deposited in the, hands of Mr. Wesley Havekshaw. The same players to be play - ed on ceetali side. 'We apologize very humbly and meekly to the people of Clandeboye. We aoknow- ledge that we were the innocent 081180 of having that peaceful little burg disgraced for all time to come, by having to own such an unmitigated ass as the missing link that oorreaponds from there. We merely gave him a little good advice as we objected having ladies or clergymen introduced into the correepondence. We started to correspond from Lucian for pure amusement ; we intended to injure no one. We have distributed our favors pretty even- ly and even the Clandeboye correepondent cannot but say that our feeble efforts have all been original. When we . gave the Olandeboye correspondent a little touch up a couple of weeks ago we believe we did eall hitn an uneaged idiot. He has been kind enough to agose with us and aeknow- ledge that that is what he is. Wo glint( now since finding out who he is that he should at °nee be °aged, as 11 18 dangeroue to have a specimen ouch as he its 'wander- ing around loose. We again apologize to the people of Clandeboyo and hope they Will accept our apology. AS to the corres. pondent we do not think it necessary to ., deg,rade ourselves by apologizing to him me we do not think he is endowed with any of those pious feelings human beings gen- erally possess, he being only au exam, for e linmen being 'of course is devoid of all sensibilities usually possessed by men. it-itilt.-.11 Biddulph CoUalCil• Elie Council met pursuant to adjourn- nt in tbe Temperance Hall, Granton, at aolook p. ne., on the 18th inst. The ev,e and all the members present. Ac- LR to the araount of $592.82 wore pass. A communication from Mr. Hogan - e. grant was read and referred to the araiseioneis of Nod. 3 and 4, Moved by Beaton, seconded by G. S. H. Hedgins, it the clerk is hereby instructed to ;ad ) the G. T. R. authorities that this mail is prepared to grade and grade and vel Station. street in the village of Gran- if railway company will supply grave/ :amatory- Carried. By-law No. 4, of 8, was duly passed. The Council ad - rind to meet again in tho Court room, ndeboye, on Monday July 2n6, at Itha. COURT OE IIIIVISION. 110 Court met pnrsuant trOdjournment the Temperenoe Hall, Granton. All abers present. The following altera- ,s and correctioas were made in the element roll :-T. Simpson was assessed lots 1, S, 3, W. B. St., village of Gran- ; W. Dowan was put on as oot, on lot eon, 10; Ti. Mowbray had a dog struck W. B. Stewart dog stretch off; 3. Sut. 11. D., was put on as oat. on part of 14, 6011.1 ; Rev. C. Hamilton was put es oct, on lot 12, W. M. St., Granton; afros, M. Steel, and S. Hudson wore on as L 0, S., oct, and wagoarner, lectively, The pereonel property on lot eon. 0, Was knelt off ; A:BroWer was on etS tenant for the .Grantone flour mill. lie roll wars taken as finally revised auct wing adjourned. gir. D. stgajay, , olgi a, • 11( Zurich. se ---- CC Bismarolc and family, accompanied by his in wife and a number of friends, were rustioa- cc ting on the breexy shore of lake lefaron, on er 2nd hid. , la The eldest son of Mr, let, Bossonberry is lying seriously ill. .At present writing, T there it little hope of his recovery. sv We are sorry to see that oar youug P. Mend, Mr. MeNevin is troubled with a st lame lag; we hope 12 15 nothing eerious. yc Be careful, dear boy, and you may yet be 11: all right by Sunday, p. tn. gl Last week Mr. and Mrs. Faust, acoorn- go pealed by Mrs. G. Holtzman, attended the lie camp meeting services at Itlihimay. Mr. /31 F. reports a large crowd in attendance and R.) good accommodation. Mr. Ed Bosseuberry brought his trotting HI mare, Maud B., from Seaforth la,st Satur- lat day, where 0110 has been under medical eit treatment for a strained leg, euel, we are siv happy to say that she has so far recovered sh that Mr. 33. intends to fit her up for fhb stc racers. lat Quite a nutnber of onz. sports Attended pia the Hansen -aces on Moaday, 2nd ink., ou and from what they say we can cengratu. oot late the Hensel' rnoe course association on tor their suocessful management of the days see proceedings.7,The race course was iu anion. pre did condition, and for esteieg pueposes etr. stands second to note ht. tvestern Ontario. tie Pansegam-aliss Shannon, who has had as charge of D. Steinbaolge !millinery alepart. Sir MCA this spring, left bete on Tuotiday for }Ti Exeter, where she Will epend n. few days He with Miss Edith Dyer previone to return- km to her home at Walkertom-Mhe ad old Mee. itl. Pfaff left here for their home at ly ' Berne Jametion Huren Co. Mich. Ho While air, 'Phil Sipple was driving om arceind the eortier Oppoeite. the Commercial chi on afenagy ever, last, by SODIO means ot the other, tha Iniggy tipped ' over, tbrowing on Mr. 5, on the • hard gravel,. bruising and pro Marking, hie face considerably, and other- izte wiee alightly injuring him. We are glint Inn sea that Phil is able to get around all die; - ea 1 Mowiag machine?) oaii be heard teed aeon cid( passing through the Villege &OM one to t to the other in the inemediate neigh, ma The, betty season for farmers,' tier has made ft start stud Prospects of a good istb . Bdbylon Line Notes. , trust , Mr. SOl. Martin retnrued home were attending circuit ; they report aomttttaigt at eeteaa,__Ide faemerly of others, with visiting were rusticating enjoying the short and taking. in hag wbioli were friends . Einrrj* Geo. Broder. just . lifter hie late about two Weekt the no house he tliat a distance being hoPth feet inut 'Grant Walk fee some tip . DOM attended Rantburg tiocids on turtied.-ltfrd. .te ---, Mr. Rennie and wife,. nod daughter have again from Mildmay wherethey anneal canto meeting service It good time, and aegrythtua the grounds, , lelialoeter, and a number their wives and families, ou the shore of Lake a.Hurou, balmy breeaes of the lake, eights .at Grend Bead, Wo are pleased: to see Mr. . . getting around agate aecident which happened ago.. While working on his from the top scaffold floor, fifteen feet, and injured end *as not tiblo te . A large -twin -bet' of Babylonites Iiinderfoot in England's &today. the nova. the ONSUMPTION SURELY CUDED. ,may. ME EDITOIG lease hiform your reeders that I have a ick tive remedy for the above named dis- ,. By its tiinely ' use thotisande 'of Meoa 011(103 INIVO been nernianently fell it I ehall be glad to send two betties of iy reined) rate: tO any of your readere Ibis hate conatimption ii they will send tirrie. ;heir Exprese and P: a, addrese. , espeolitilly, ' Due T. A. SLOCUM, - the alto, Ont.' ''.3Z Yorigo'street. , 1" SUO 00000 51000 10 010W17 r000teri 24yorop b d to e getyefair. TIM vrheat The Niolsons Bank 101dAltTEBDD 13Y PA,ItLI4ME7T,3855) Paid up Capital „, „„ ele,000,e0e Best Eneat'870,1302 0 ffe re eel() Poblie 4'PER Q:ON II,ITUBFAll, 21312 A NNT.n11 tor money on ' DEPOSIT RECEIPTS AND etPER CENT-INTEEE EST PEA ANN0M Por Money in " Shvings BankiDelD'ilalt (Lately He -Opened. For further particulars apply at 'The Ban); Main Street, Eeter. 001+1011 TIOUltS 109 m. to Up 121. Saturdays, 3,0 a,xn, to 1P.TO A. A. C. DENOVAN, ''Exeter, ock, 96, '02. %image, Itsurourramompourmariormimeme, crop is looking oonaiderably better than it aid Ave or six weeks ago, and if the present proapects oontinue/a good yiel'l wilt yet be harvested. ' Mr. H. Tlapple has purehased the bus. Mess of Meath's. tWagner &Axt and ha$ taiten possession. Goods to be eold at low priees. All eacounte due the late firm ate to be paid Mr. Preppie, who will assume liabilities aof the late firm to wholesale house The season of pin-nies has fully set in ; one or two pass through here every day en route for the Grand Bend or Taylor's grove, Sauble lane. Zuriebites are not behind hi enjoying themselves in this manner. The children have had their pio-nic, the 'bloods' have had theme, black smiths and wagon makers have hadtheir day's outing, as deo the' flax employees . whioh ;Was' probably the largest pio-nie from here this season.' - OdiVedneaday last, June 27211, burglars entered the Zurich woollen mill; dhenectby afessrs. Johnston Broe. , by raising a win- dow ou the 9E121 side of the building and commenced operations on the safe, which etood in the office in front part ot the mil/. Two holes were drilled in the door; one above the handle a little to the right; and the other in a direct line about 8 or 10 inches below, Mark of a punch on the top hole can be seen by whioh Rill supposed that the would-be-burglare tried to force the combluation ; failing in thia, it is supposed that thebottona hole was made n hopes of striking the bottona bolt and nserting powder in order to blow off the door ;but before aocomplisbing their Tile urpotie they must leave been frightened by eine noiee, ae no farther injury was done o the safe. And it was thus aft. T. John - on found their safe on Thursday a. 02, 'he question nosy is : who are the vile per - one who lower themselvee to euoh a low, ean, sneaking and contemptible °coupe - ion ? There is plenty of honest raoriey 121 our town and it eau be got only by honest abor and honest dealings. Safe crackers aye a good financial opinion of no, and ell they might, after the recent haul from . , Steinbach which amounted in all be - (Veen 800 and 1000 dollars which is very ood earninge in one night. The hottest lace in hades is none too good for such rooks. Bidclulph. Crops look good in this yiainity. The wife of Michael Twohey, policeman ondon, is visiting friends in Biddielph. Mr. 8, Langford is off epending his mnmer holidays in Westminster. Miehael Sullivan of Nebraska, is also ere, and there is talk about him taking a ayward partner bank with him. We are glad to hear 01 124 recovery of r, S. Fulton, framer, who got hurt at a wising some time ago, e - Thomas Twohey ha's reecorered frora 00 evere attack Of rlieumatiam, and now akes his usual stand on Sunday, on the ridge near the emigrant'x cabin. John Bennett challenges any man in iddlesex to build Russel'a patent fence, e says in fiVe days he built very close to rty rods, Mr, Wm. Thompson avers that he will aye to give up farming and go sellifig pins something, that the fall wheat is gone this country. Seines Cain and R. Casey started to dig well BOTO6 time ago and 11 10 thought that is a cave they are digging now. They aided it /Our feet and a half in diameter d now it is eleven feet four inches in di- eter. John Whalen has Ivo the surveyor hone mien. bekase the line fence between him d Mrs. Cain was not in the right place, d the result wee the widow had to move e fence in on her farm three inches and yen sixteenths. A bad wind blows no- ly any good. John Kent, while returning from Lori- n some time ago, sae s he was met on e road near Birr, by what he supposed s five highwaymen and they stopped leis rse. Although John not being a name to ear, he admits that he was very nearly =sitting sin by taking the Lord's name vain ; but when John gained sufficient neap: to speak to the supposed maraud - s to his great Surprise he found them to* only poor hermlees little elcunke. EXIT Beath -A plonk is to bo held on ursday /July the fifth, at the cedar amp school, and a big time is expeoted. Grace and D. McDonnell ere to dance a p dame for the hand and heart of a fair ung lady. WM. Jaokeon and Daniel der are:to fight six ronnele with fourounce yes, gooseberry rules to govern, for the te receipts, a thetmand dollars and the htweight obampionship of America. P, eau backs batmen, and P. Curtin backs (der ; R, S. Bodging is chogen referee. Tho inatobiography of Mr. Samuel Rill doing. The many fiends of our poem. Deputy Reeve would be interested in a rt sketch of his life. He is au extene importer of short horn cattle, Berk - re hogs and plymouth rocks. 1:16 nsa meg advocate of representation by popn- ioia, whieh caused his heart to go pita on seeing the way money was layished briclgoe and . paltry offices aroun6 the nty building ; so he promised the else - ate that if eyetect he would ocoupy e t at the county board himself, which raise he fulfilled to the letter. He ie 10 ng advent° of high schools and educe - o generally. He was formerly known. .ed Sam, but on the dearth of his uncle, Thoinas Hill and also Rev. Rowland 1, the title Hill descended to Samuel. is also related to the Hodgins of Bun:, Hill of who there ate several of the land inarke left ainonget as yet, 302152] - 112000138, bettor knowu no Tommy 0. hies, who tney yet prove a formidable onent of Samuel II. in .the mime as mirloubtaaly he min eall out • full forces ;of Wellington add, Bluclier a inoine.nte notice at any tiine aud may vet more theti a match for the dieorgan- Inigade tilSannul H, Ttodgios,90 let call the roll. The title, Hill. Was mad for 4 time by Mitchell alonntain eing next of kita, but it was Elnelly de - d by Arbitration 1241 1* was to descend mina, Sainuelis very pronainent noted for his sincerity of manner and Mildness, in fact a general favorite, It e general opinion ho will bowardon nez yeat it Tommy 0, sparea WM.