HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-28, Page 5OTTRES
Liver Complaint
Sick Headache
Kidney trouble
• Rheumatism,
Skin Diseases,
And all' im-
purities of the
blood from what
ever cause aris-
The Great Wing Medicine
PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills Pl)
Dr. =odder's,
Ltttle - Liver - Pills,
insirRiar Donpas.
thieurrancee of the least week Through-
out the ereeehborhood tii a Concise
July 1St, liquor licenses will be is-
sued in Huron.
Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in
the country.—Duncen Puma, Forest.
The early closing by, law Las been
repealed in Clinton, so far, at least,
as the grocers are concerned.
The buildings for the Maxwell works
in St. Marys, are being rapidly pushed
forward to completion,
The Government will shortly adver-
tise for tenders for the erection of the
new post office and custom house at
Avery fierce storm passed north east
last we. In Hibbert and Fullerton
township's much damage was done,
several i.00f's of stables being destroy-
G. W. Thomas, V. S., left Parkhill
last week between two days, leaving
several anxious 'enquirers as to his
whereabouts, On "Wednesday he was
seen in Port Linton.
Mr, John Stoyer, Dover, killed is
67Ib wild cat the other day. It meas-
ured 3 It. 4-e inches from tip to tip.
Before his cat -ship succumbed he
killed Mr. Stover's bull -dog.
On Monday of last week, Mr. John
Gettler, sr., of Fellarton, had part Of
his first and senond fingers taken off
while attending the slashing knife in,
his mill making cheese box stuff.
Hon. Mr. Laurier has written to
Mr. Jas. Trow, M. P. that he will not
be able to undertake his promised
tour through Ontario this summer,but
may be able to deliver two or three
• addresses in August.
The plan of the proposed new opera
house Stratford, has been prepared,
and it highly probable that the work
of erection will soon be entered upon.
This is one of the city's most pressing
The Mitchell papers will soon 15e
well.up in the libel business. The
publisher of the Advocate instituted a
• suit against the Recorder man and re-
cently the latter has filed a retaliatory
suit against the former.
• After about a week's illness of in-
flammation, Mr. John jamieson, a
young farmer of the Russeldale road,
died on Saturday night last. The de-
ceased was married and highly respec
ted in the neighborhood.
Mr. Wm.Graham, of St. Mary0, left
last ,)vselefor Scotland on a horse pur-
chaqng tour. Mr. Graham invariably
imports first-class horses, and his im-
portation this -all promises to eclipse
all others. 5.
The liat of convictions of the County
Perth for the quarter ending June
13t1r, contains 26 cases, embracing the
v4rious infractions of the lavv,principal
amongst which being for the unlawful
sale of liquor. The list is is compara-
tively small one.
Lillian Goodfellow, the fourteen -
year -old daughter implicated in the
Aylmer scandal, arrived there from
Buffalo Wednesday evening. She was
• advised to keep her lips sealed res-
pecting the case •forevermore, and It
• is understood will make no statements
to any person whatsoever.
We regiett to hear that Mr. John
Dople. of Bornish, met with a severe
• accident on Wednesday of last week.
Ort stooping down to fix some tack-
• ling in connection with the plow and
vvhifiletree, one of the horses kicked
him on the back, inflicting serious in-
juries and causing considerable eater
nal hemorrhage.
In the hose race at the Caledonian
games, Brantford, on Wednesday last,
Dunnville get first money, making the
distance in 54e, seconds, second best
• time was 541 seconds, by Caledonia,
and Seaforth men got third place in
55e seconds, but they ran the fastest,.'
the difference in the tune „being lost
in coupling.
Thr trotting mare, •"Peggy Jane"
owned by Mr. hillier, of Beniniller,
near Gederich, which won first money
in the 2.45 class at the St. Marys' and
London races, has been taken Mine,
• her off front foot, the quarter of which
was severely out some tune ago, being
so sore as to cause Careen° lameness.
The meet of the St. Mary's Turf
club on the I9th June, is said to have
' been is success. The races were keen.
ly contested. During the races, Mr.
Stafford's Molly B. cut one of her
• quarters and otherwise injured the
same linsb„ She was withdrawn, and
will be unable to enter a race for some
time. ,
The St. Maryle council has suc-
ceeded in selling the $30,000 five per
• cent Miexwell debentures to Mr. eiii-
espie, of Hamilton, for $30,400. They
are very well sold considering that
• the money has not to be paid over to
• Mr, Maxwell until fall, the council
making bank interest on the amount
for seyeral months.
A young mail, of Clinton,of unsound
naiad, named Wm. flurchill, about
twenty-two years old) committed sui-
cide by shooting himself through the
head with a British bull -dog revolyer
edneady, 20th inst., near Gibbing's
• , nsh, just east of this place < When
onnd by three small boys about 11 is.
m,, who were picking strawberries, he
was qui te dead.
An accident that may yet prove to
be serious happened at Kippen the
other aay, when Mrs. McMordie, ' the
mother 01 Mr. Robert lelchlorclie, had
the miefortune to break her leg.
About five years ago she breke her
leg near the ankle, and this time she
was unlucky enough to break the
other leg, As she is up in years, being
niore than 80, it is feared that the
last accident may be too much for her
to stand.
Over is year ago Messrs. Wanless
end Govenloek and other magietrates,
acting as magtetrates for the enforce;
inent of the Scott Ant, adjudged about
O dozen hotel keepers to be guilty of
violating the Ace The hoteekeeperis
appealed against the decision, carry,
ing their ceses before the county
judge, who alter hearing the evidence
lidjourned them frOin time • to •time,
• and finally gee° judgment IMO, week,
. dismiseinee all be caSes but two.
ACCIDENT, —One day recently Miss Lucy,
an eleven year old daughter of Elije Jory,
of the toemslep of Stephenp met with it
painful aeoident. While dritmg along the
buggy passed (tier an unnoticed obstaele
throwing the oeild to the ground, and one
of the whells passing over her leg. The
bone is completely broken ancl the severed
parts protruded through •the skin, The
limb was set aud the child is now doing
well under the care of Dr. Browning.
The anniversary and strawberry festival
of the Elmville Methodist Church will be
held on Sunday and Monday, July let and
2nd, when an enjoyable time may be ex-
pected. On Sunday there will be special
sermons. On Monday a picnic, will be hold
in Mr, Andrew's grove, There will be
amnsements of all kinds—as well as base
ball and foot bell nuttehee. Admission
25 cts., children not of the school 15ets.
See postere for further particulars. --Rev.
W, H, Gene who was announced to preach
anniversary sermons at the Sunshine cir-
cuit appointment was unable to be present,
consequently the pastors of the circeit had
to fill his ' place, Rev. J. E.. Holmes
preaching there in the evening after filling
his regular appointments. This was Mr.
Holmes' last Sunday on the circuit as he
leaves this:Arcot: for Melrose followed by
the best wishes of those to whom no has
ministered during the past two yeare.—Mr.
E. Stover is visiting friends in the 'village.
—Some boys have indulged in window
breaking and have the coots to pay.
Bninrs.—"Ah there, Harry! who is the
con for the Exeter paper? You know
very well who he is. Say Harry tell them
to go to Seaforth and they will find out all
all about it.—T. Windsor and John Hod-
gius are the only two men in town who can
keep cool (to each other) these warm days.
--John Peen:Ian owns end wears the only
pair of wigwams in town e He says he has
the (shle) right for doing so; one would
judge so.- -The McCerthy man is out on
pastime on is farm near Crediton, hSe is
getting a little unruly rusd took a coat from
a young man ot this village last week. ,Tno.
you want to be more careful.—Tone Pap
has secured the services of is professional
trainer from Now York, named Porteous,
for his corning wrestling match with the
Chinese wonder. Ah Sin ? Tom you will
require a gooddeal of rubbing down or you
will get left.—Qeorge S. onr muscular voc-
alist is also a poet of whom we may well
feel proud—we would lave announced this
before but we did not like ta ppiing it on
his friend too suddenly this warm weather.
—Our hotelkeepers here are well pleased
with the appointment of 0, IL Sprague as
License Inspector—as they should be, why
not e --Robert Craig drove his trotting horse
"Bay Jack" from home to Parkhill and
back, in ail a distance of 40 miles, in 3
hours and 9 minutes. Considering the
warm weather this was good mbvinge—W.
• J. Moffat has one of the neatest hotels on
the London road, while the manager of the
same Billy M. is always willing to cater to
the wants of man or beast who give them is
crill.—Now that our brave defenders, the
volunteers, are absent at Stratford we trust
Big Bear and Olubber won't invade our
peaceful village.—Quite a pleasant time
was spent at the residence ef Mr. Rich.
Neal, 1st -con. Biddulph, hist Friday eve-
ning. The event being it whey social. We
noticed some of the young folks of Adare
were up. --Billy Boyle would liked to have
goue with the volunteers but his mother
would not let him go. Too bad Billy:—
, Mr, J. Parsons has boon back to Lake lem-
on rusticating for some time. John looks
well. He soya he did a good deal of Bowing
while there.
littencien—In Usborne on the 4.75h inst.,
the wife of F. Thenkiu, of a daughter.
Cleve.—In Exeter on the 21st inst., the
wife of Thos. Cave, of a daughter.
Eeeter oa the 21st inst., the wife
of Mr. John Vail, of a son. '
OTTDIVIOBE.—Iu Usborne on the 22nd inst.
the wife of Mr. Thos. Ondreore, of a
Mont.---Intsborne on the the 13th inst.,
• the wife of Mr. Zahn Moir, of a sou.
ELLIOT—OARLItie.—On the 21st iust. at
the residence of the bride's father, Exe-
ter, by the Rev. S. F. Robinson, Reginald
Elloit, of Molson's Bank, Toronto, to
Jessie, daughter of Isaac Carling Esq.
Bictdulph on the 23rd hat.,
Percy Diekins, aged 14 yearit,
Health with many years may easily be
attalised. Temperance, Abstinence and
care in food eaten are the main eonditions.
Always use Iniperial Cream Tartar Baking
Powder in biscuit, cakes see, and that part
of food will be all right. Sold by 4 -grocers.
Avoid the mie of calomel for bilious cons -
plaint's. Ayer's Cathodic Pills, entirely
vegetable, have been tested fcrty years, and
are acknowledged to be the best remedy
for torpidity of the liver, costiveness, and
• Francis S. Smith, of Ensedale, Muskoka,
writes; was troubled with voinitime for
Iwo years and 1 have vomited as eau' as
five times a day. One bottle of Burdock
Blood Bitters completely cured me,
ADV1031 TO MOTHERS.—Are you disturbed at
night and broken of your rest by a sok child
suffering and crying with pain of Cutting
Teeth? If RO Send at once and get a bottle
of 'qtrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren Teething. Its value is incalculable.
15 will relieve the poor IlttIe sufferer fill
mediately impend upon it, mothere ; there
is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery
and Diairlmai regulates the Stonaach a,nd
:Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums,
reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and
energy to the -whole system. ,eirs. winslosv's
Soothing Syrup" for children teething ig
pleasant to the taste and ig the prescription
of one of the oldest and best female
physiefaus and nurses in the Mite cl
States, and is for Hale by all druggists
throughout the world, Pile° twenty-five
cents a bottle, 13o sure and ask fon"lqns.
WittsLoW's P.3nnuNG, settee "end take no
Other kind.
An old physician, retired from practice,
haying had placed in his hands by an Ilalt
Indian missionary tho formula of a simple
vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma-
nent cure 'of constunptioe, .13ronehltis, Ca-
tarrh, Asthma, and 011 throat rind lung
affections, also 33, positive anti radical cure
for NeryouS Debility andall Nervous Com-
plaints, after having tested its wonderful
anrative ,poweril iti thbusands Ofcasee, has
(.111•,211 Ws' duty to MA() it known to hie
Suffering follows. Actnateclby tul4 motive
Slid is desire to relicito narri 011 sufferim,,
send free of charge, to. all \V 110 des ire; t,
th Is rocine, in 0 orinan,Fro och oi P,
full direetions fcrpropt ring end -using,
Sent by mail try address.xil w ith 'Fita
naming this oaper, W. S,. Nertse 1,49 Pewees
DZocie ncehester e
A. great revention.
Christie, 13rowu & Co., thp well kemen
biscuit manufacturers, have epurebesed a
eve tons automatic °eel scale from C.
Wilson dr on, 100 Esplanade etreet, Toron-
to. The scale dispenses with the use of
loose weight, and subtraoto the vi eight of
the wagon from the load without the use
of eny figures. They aro also malting
improved grain and farm 04:aloe on the
name principle. A free catalogue is sent to
uuy person requiring first °lase scales at a
neoderate erioe.
The value of the export of hfanitobe fish
this season, it ie estimated, will reach $200-
Ayer's Sarsaparilla operateo radically up-
on the blood, thorougbly cleansing and in-
vigorating it. As a safe and absolute cure
for the various disorders caused by cop-
ditutional taint of infection, this remedy
has no equal. Take it this month.
Dewar's tailor shop at Essex Centre wart
eutered on Saturday morning and between
fifteen and twenty suits of clothes stolen.
The thieves are believed to have taken re-
fuge in Sr. Thomas.
"I was troubled with Liver Complaint
for a number of year, finding no cure, I
tried B. B.13. I took four bottles and am
now perfectly cured, strong and hearty."
Mrs. Maria Askett, Alma, Ont.
Simon Elijah, au Indian, was ohort, and
it is feared mortally wounded, Sunday
afternoon by lames Pettey, a hanger-on
of fleees'il Wild Wein Show, at Peterboro.
"I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract of
Wild Strawberry and found it the best
remedy I ever used for Dyspepsia and all
Summer Complaints among children, and
I thing DO household should be without it."
Mrs. A. Baker, Ingoldsby, Ont,
A water famine threatens Toronto. The
consumption per day is about 13,000,000,
while the engines pump per day is less
than 14,000.000.
F. P. Tanner, of Neobing, Ont., says he
has notonly found 13.8. B. a sure cure for
Dyspepsia, but he has also found it to be
the best medicine for regulating ancl invig-
orating the system that be has ever taken.
e3. B. B. is the great syetem regulator.
Pittsbnrg, Pa, June 20.— Josephine Mars,
aged 26poisoned herself and two children
this morning. All are dead. Cause un-
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry
is the best, most prompt mid safest cure
for Cholera MorbiseDyseetreP, Sick Stomach.
Cramps, Colic, .Diarluna and Cholera In-
fautum, that has yet been discovered. Its
populatity increases each year. All medi-
cine dealers sell it.
The ravages of Cholera Infantuus, Chol-
era Morbus, Dierrlicea, Dysentry and other
summer complaints among children during
the hot weather, naight be almost totally
prevented by having recourse to nature's
, sovereign remedy for all bowel complaints,
Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry.
Scott's Emulsion of Pure Cod
• Liver Oil and Hypophosphites
Dr. W S Hoy, Point Pleasant, W. Va..
says: "I have madeva, thorough Net with
Scott's Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles,
and geberal debility; arid have been as-
tonished at the good results, and as is
ietnody for claildi en with Rickets or hstants-
mus, it is unequalled."
VnlocIts allthe clogged avenues of the
Bowels, Kidneys and Liver, carry-
ing off gradually without weakening the
system, all the impurities and foul
humors of the secretions; at the same
time Correcting .A.eiditer • of the
Stomach, curing Biliousness, Dys-
pepsia, Headaches, Dizziness,
Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness
of the FOrin, Dropsy, Dimness of
Vision, jaundice Salt Rheum,
Erysipelas, Scrofula, Fluttering of
the Heart, Nervousness, and Gen-
eral Debility; all these and many
other similar Complaints yield to the
happy influenee • of BURDOCK
NIESIllt7i A• Proptletem %trout&
'Fins a. world-wide reputation as a physician
, and author. Ilis Mandrake Dandelion. Inver
'Cure is a triumph of medical skill, ouring
all diseases of the Kindey and Liven,
Kidney Oomp amt DisSreisizig
3 aches ancl
pains in tha back; a dull pain or weigh t in
the bladder or base of tho abdomen ; scald-
ing urine often obstructed ; feccinerit desire
to urinate, especially at night, &mous aged
persons • hot, dry shin, ale complexibu red
and white deposits,drop dizziness, sour
stomach, constipation, piles, lever sieal
swenines, &a.
Stikt 1,1.01\IS OP
iem p Pain wider tho
Liver ' C tint, shouicler blades,
jaundice, sallow oonijloxlon a waars , tired
feeling, no life or onergY,,hcad ache, dY0PeP •
sia, indigestion, spots, pimples 4.,e,
mend rake end Dandelion ar enti,ture'sliyor
c tiros , and who t, combined with kidney rem-
edies, min Dr. Clhase's Liver Cure, will MORR
pORRIVOly cure 111kidnerliver troubles. It
acts like a, eh arm , stimulating the clogged
liver, strengthening the ici d eys an 5i nvigor.
athlete° whole body. Sold by ell ,lealers 05
0110 clollal, w i 111 receipt o epic, which o Ione is
worth the money, ,
• they 3), dhase's aro the only
• act gontly yet. effectay
ually, M
T_11Ver be taken during any cm Noy-
-704vic, ment. They eure tdduny..iiver
••LI-ta tonbles-, headache, 11',011,01egs
costiveuort Sc. One P511 11 dos-, .4old by all
R•1( , an ey•Litter Pi] s Med() ; the
t f• P
e, ri 1 ce 1 051118.
LEV N sON cv, ()O., Grain:14e ot Clevelattet.
Bradford, Ont., INLinfs, CUttilig SJtocs
(Elorreeted v.t5 o'oloeEp.na, wedneedity.
FallWeiee 5 .., ... ,, 0 92 to 93
Spring;11Arnea t ,.. .., •., ... 0 19 to 070
nerley ... ... ... ... 50 to 60
Oats ... • 4 0 ... 0 43 to 47
mover eee it... ... 4 0,0 t o 1 00
Timothy ., ... ,.. 2 50 co 3 00
0 60 to 0 60
Corn ,• .,. 0 58 to 0 69
Eggs ... ... — 0 14 t,0 6 le
Butte, . ... „.. 13 to o 14
Plourperbbl.... — .., po to 5 55
notateeenier buseel —
Apples,per bag —
eirtedoepplespr b „..
Geese per lb.
Turkey per 113
Ducks pet pr
Chickens per pr
flogs ele essedpe ri o
Flidesroubg, .,
e dreesee .- "
Sheepskins 00011
Wool per lb ,..
flayperton ,..
Woodper cord
65 to 70
40 to 0±0
0 045o 0 00
0 00 to 0 05
0 07 to 08
0 405o 0 50
0 20 to 0 30
6 80 S07 co
400 to 5 50
50 to 5 50
6 00 to 6 00
0 75 to 1 GO
0 50 to 0 70
0 18 to 0 20
800 to 8 00
0 50 to 0 75
28 to 3 oo
ST, MArrrs
Fall wheat 00 to 90
Spring Wheat„, .. . .. ..... .. .. . .. .... . . ....,85 93
Barley• 50 53
48 48
Clover Seed..., ..,..........,......, ...... 45e 508
Timothy i 50 2 00
Pease—. ....... ,...... .... , .,...,.....,70 75
Eggs. . .... . ..... . ........ .....,..,
, .. . . 14 15
Potatoes per bag,: • 70 90
Apples pat,bash , 30 43
woolperes 20 23
Hayperten soo s ou
tru the Deaf.- -Aperson cured of
Deafness andnoisoo in the head 01 23
years standing, by a etmple remedy. Wilesend
deseription of it ram; to any one ap9inng to
Nmeesoe, 30 $t. John -St., Montreal,
Are pleasant to t ke, CrAitain their own.
'Purgative. Is it, R -IP, a•,ro. anti effectual
fattroyer of W01221S o (IniltIrott or Adult*
Very Small and Easy to Take.
Sold everywhere ; price 25 cts.
Union Medicine Co. Props., Toronto, Can.
•X154132TRIA L MILT.g3
The undersigned would respectfully !n2oi-
he S
comraunit ythat they haveleasedthe above
mills for a terns of years ; and will be pleased
to have a call from till. The mill has recently
been improved, by the addition of new =oh-
incry. It is the intention of tl‘, e subscribers to
add a sot of rolls 55 8000 as possible; and all
combined, the
Woodham Grist Mill
Will be second to none in the West.
Gristing and Chopping Done
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
J. & A.. MoNEVIN,
Merchant Tailor,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drugstore, arbor°
there will be found it
Well AsseRt Steel's
Scotch, English,
Irish, French and
Canadian G-oods.
Made up on the
ain in receipt of a choice and well.
selected stock of
Fresh Groceries
I would also inform my numerous
friends and customer e that 1 evill be on
the road next week with my peddling
House /sc Lot
Town Hall.
T DE.e.axwa
Dominion Laboratory,
Fishing 'Tackle, Floats, Sinkers,
Heels, Fishing Lines, Gaff Hooks,
Landing Nets, Jointed Hocisi
Trolls, Fly Hooks Tripple book
• And the Celebrated CorkFlo
Bait, and Skeleton Baits.
GAMES.—Rubber Balls, Base
Balls, Base Ball Bats Lacrosse
Balls, Gaps and Croquet Setts.
, Japanese Kites, Dominoes,
Playing Cards, Chess, Authors, Fire
Crackers, FireCracker Morbans, aa
J. w, BROWNING-, l'rop'
At Toronto.tEvery Barrel Guaranteed, This Oil was wee on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years
1:"$ee that you get Peerless. It is only made by
BA.MUL11.00Z1R.S dr. co., TOIR.OZTTO
Are You
The cheapest spot in, town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, Sc., sec., if you are, a t
call at
We are 1.10Nr offering the balanoe of our stock of Axes,
Cross -out saws, Lamps an.d Tubular Lanterns, at cost
30 ID.A.,-Y-S 01\,TI.IY 1
We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :—
A _Handsome Brass Library Lamp, $2 50
A Large Glass Stand Lamm, new design. $1. 00
• A Good Tubular Lantern - $0 50
A Good Are and Handle $1 00
An A.1Manure mirk 40 80
And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash.
A full stock of the following lines always on hand ---Barb wire, Plain Galvanized, An
calent and Viled wire, and. Buckthorn Fencing.
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply
at the lowest possible mice.
A full stems of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec -
laity. Agents for the B & 11 Metalie Shingle Roofing. Ask for prices. Agents for the
celebrated Raymond Sewiug Maceine.
cc3c., •
s. .scs•
.az," oSo z,•Cvo
• Nc!o e'P secce- see:c eee
e • d C
° C c e417
• .c‘'
17 .•
•s.;\ ,,,e§*1,eeee ies.0C" dee ceNei`et'
.sees ss sec' ee, oess eseee
0 y
(5S§'d •
„siNe2 \e,s
eP 0 '4' • re'"'
te • e,`P
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•se• o'c%
0 0 es
•SfP447 ..1>1
0° co
•SP" Cfr NNe,
CP CAV to.7'
cs," cs. -eeess
'‘F5c 6°1' •,;•8,' esor
'eN eseS". 0 6is 5
.40` ••'9"
Manufactured only by Thomas Irolloway, 75, New Oxford Street,
late 533, Oxford Street, Loudon.
fa- Purchasers should lookto the Label on the Boxes .and Pots1
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, London, they are spurious.
1888, SPRING
1.-1 -A- DIES:•
Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in-
spection to our BIC r stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Fancy Window Blinds, tke,
Wit,m buying Wall Paper don't forget that the OH
Estabdiftlfted carries tlic Biggr?st St001.< alla Latest Am-
erican Pattorns,
Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers witl
Corners to match. •
Window Blinds all -Papel
JAMES ARC), Exeter'.