HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-08-07, Page 15CLINTON NPWS-RECQRD. T,H XttSDAY,.AtIO 18T7.,198O 1 AOE 15 Y. '14991,90u *1 T 8 RCi • a l► Av. Rii `ediate Ocr 961.1200 ►Ln 4 into.-, 4 Fr19;4cT M„I r :yo, 074 .44 12. Help wanted 12. Help wanted TOWNSHIP OF GOD. ERICH Applications. will be received by the undersigned until. 12 NOON on MONDAY. AUGUST 18, 1980 for the position of Township road employee: Applicants should state age, experience and wages expected. FOR FURTHER DETAILS CONTACT: ROAD SUPERINTENDENT: J. POTTER 482-7412 or 482-9290 R.E. THOMPSON CLERK TOWNSHIP OF McKILLOP requires a ROAD SUPERINTENDENT Applications in writing stating qualifications, age curl, employment history, etc. will be received by the un- dersigned until 12:00 o'clock Noon on August 29, 1980. Duties to commence October 1, 1980. QUALIFICATIONS Specific experience in management and maintenance of road construction and municipal administration. DUTIES To successfully plan, direct, co-ordinate and control budgets, people, material and equipment. ' SALARY Salary commensurate perience. Apply in writing with ful particulars to:' with qualifications and ex- Mrs. Marion McClure Cleric -Treasurer R.R. 1, Seaforth, ant: NOK 1 WO TUCKERSMITH. DAY NURSERY. (VANASTRA) requires a teacher, E.C.E. trained, and preferably with ex- perience. Send written application and resume, including references, before Saturday, August 9 to Miss Karen McEwing; Tuckersmith Day Nursery, R.R. 5 Clin- ton. 482-7634. WE REQUIRE an Automotive Journeyman for large car and truck. dealership in Northern Alberta. We offer stable employment, group benefits and an effective hourly rate of . $12.25 per hour. Com- munity offers excellent living conditions, full recreation facilities and excellent economy. Suc cessfui applicant must possess a Journeyman's License, be in good health and have the ability to organize work, diagnose properly and work well with others. A full complement of working tools is required,,,__ Phone Brian Lewis, 403 532- 8865 between 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. For full details write Mr. Lewis, c -o Trumpeter Pontiac Buick, 12308 - 100 St. Grande Prairie, ' Alberta T8V 4H7. This opportunity affords , good advancement poten- tial."-32bc G.M. DEALERSHIP requires bodyman, $12.00 per hour, good benefits. Contact Stan 403 227-5322 days or 403 227-2450 evenings, Innisfail, Alberta.-32bc JOUINEYMAN automotive G.M. mechanic wanted immediately, $10.50 per hour good benefits plus dental, 40 hour week guaranteed. Expanding Calgary satellite community. Call Hal Lust, Strathmore Motors, Box 262 Strathmore, Alberta 403 934- 3334 .-32bc 14. Employment wanted COLLEGE STUDENT desires Rummer em- ployment, full or part time. Painting, cleaning, anything. Phone 565- 5034.-20tfnc r WHO CAN DO IT? WE CAN! HIREA STUDENT 524.2744 Canada Employment Centre for Students 14. -.Employment • wanted CONSCIENTIOUS GIRL 19 will graduate in August from Westerveldt College, executive secretarial course shorthand, dictaphone, typing, accounting -ete. looking for employment. starting September. Phone 482-9849.-31-33x WILL BABYSIT in my home. Phone 482-9740, Holmesville.-31,32 WILL DO TYPING or Bookkeeping in my own home. Phone 482-9651.-27ar GRADE 12 graduate seeking secretarial position - fully qualified. Phone 482- 9915.-32x 15. Tenders OF /MINISTRY j�( HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference No. B05 PT 80-128 For Landscape and site Maintenance (janitorial services) at the S.C. building Alexander St., Brussels, Ontario (OH -1). Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, August 22, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Corporation c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das Street, P.O. Box 5600 Terminal "A", London Ontario N6A 2P3 (519/679-7110) from whom details and specifications may be obtained. Details a specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderich, On- sario N7A 1M5, (519%524- 2637), quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482.7898 AUCTION CALENDAR fl Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE SAT. AUG. 16 10 A.M. Tractors, boat, sawmill and machinery for Edith Bell, 1 Yz miles west of Hensell. SAT. AUG. 23 1 P.M.. John Deere combine tractors, machinery bean equipment for Ron Kingsbury. 1 mile south Belgrave. 17. Auction sales 17. Auction sales GIANT AUCTION SALE of brand new quality furniture gift and hardware items, Saturday, Aug ust 16 at BRINDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON 7:30 P.M. Partial listing: chesterfield suites, bedroom suites cot fee and end tables, .diningroom sets, bed sofas, clocks. lamps, china cabinets, oil pointings, fern stands stereos, tools, captain's beds, bunk beds, brass beds, box springs and mattresses plus much much more'. . All items are brand new and carr, manufactu-rer 5 warranty. Terms: Cash personal cheque Charge'x and Mncrer Charge.. BRINDLEY SALES YARD CLEARING AU TION SALE Did --s -wrr�hi- t-ractars- a, rner- boat- etc. -to'be- held b ,.rn h Y• c e held for Mrs. Edith. Bell at 20 concession 3 Hay Township 1 1 !.miles west of Hensall on the Zurich road. Saturday,, August 16 at 10 a.m. ANTIQUE TRACTOR: McCormick 'Deering WO 40 diesel tractor in running order; antique wool car ding mill; old sawmill selling as a unit to be removed from building; old pulleys, line shafts and iron water drive wheel and shaft selling separate. CAMPING EQUIPMENT: 14. ft. Peterborough' aluminum boat, Johnston l0 HP and.3 HP motors, homemade utlity camping trailer, some fishing equipment, tent. • TRACTORS: WD 45 Allis Chalmers tractor with chains; CA Allis with front end loader; 4 row scuffler: and two row bean puller; C Allis Chalrnet-s^ with •twa 'row 'scuffler 'and bean 'pulter; tire chains'; Steel wheels for WD Allis. Chalmers. MACHINERY: 3 furrow IHC trail plow, 8 ft. stiff, 'tooth cultivator, Flury Bissel trail disc, AC PTO side rake, post hole digger, 3 drum land roller; .3 section diamond harrows; buzz saw; ground drive manure spreader'; ACI ft. hay mower; wagon and flat rack, 2 AC round bakers for parts; root pulper; two wheel trailer; snow thrower; tarp. approx. 12 x .30:gravity box and wagon; MH 13 run seed drill, - lime spreader; 2 14 ft. gates; 2 ton chain fall; srnall hand logging tools; hammermill; old implements for scrap. Quantity of used steel roofing material Plus a large offering of small items. TERMS CASH • Estate or auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 18.' Services available 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Additions * Renovations PHONE 482-3063 '7. 18. Services 18. Services available 18. Services available KENS CARPENTRY Remodelling renovations, cupboards, 're'c rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn.-12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild recover or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.-22tfn LIGHT BULLDOZING, landscaping, backfilling etc. Larry Bailey. Phone 523-4438 or 482-9210,-23tf WHEELCHAIRS: The CP & T Fund of Clinton Oddfellows Lodge have wheelchairs available fur loan free. Contact Tom Chuter 482-7652 or Mrs. M. Batkin 482- 3866,-32ar HOUSE PLANS apd MECHAICAL DRAFTING 48-21-3-5-8-6- 1- FREDBISSET LOCATION AND WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY PHONE EVENINGS: 524.7233.,,..._ ACK GERRITS CONSTRUCTION LTD. *Farm *Commercial *Residential Buildings *Additions *Renovations PHONE 482-7290 available HANK'S SMALL 40'`f°ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK FOR YOUR CONTRACTING NEEDS... • Backhoein'g I • E.scavating • Bulldozing • Gravel •• Sand iCONTA,CT7""'" -' MERNER CONTRACTING R.R. 3 CLINTON "12 years of experience working for you" EVENINGS 482-9212 DAYTIME 482-9926 HENDRIK GELOK ELECTRIC RESIDENTIAL - COMMER('IAL IVDUSTR/AL TRAILER AND R V SERVICE QUALITY WORKMANSHIP AT A REASONABLE PRICE MAINTENANCE - NEW AND OLD INSTALLAT)ONS PHONE 519-482-3700 or 482-7007 give yourself a lift! 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 * Lawn and Garden Equipment * Repairs - * New Lawnmowers and Tillers in stock. S.J. SH..NAHAN L ia►tid eiSt: Di son..-.• • HOLDING TANKS • SEPTIC TANKS • LAGOONS • GREY WATER ° HAULAGE RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL FARM Serving Huron County and SurroundingArea Call Collect (519).565-2795 PRICES START AT Custcrn Slaughtering and Processing fill .lay Wednesday lardiritt DASHWOOD 257.3677 $1 VS holiday INCLU6ING FREE 100 KM w••keiid & weekly Itaf•s Available rent-a•cor system 524-8411 STRIKKLANOS • 334 HURON RB„ Got*ICH WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: _SEAFORTH NEIL': 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service Phone 527,1398- 527.0606 27-1398 ;527.0606 - Complete Custom Framing for needlepoint, crewel, photographs, oil pain- i tings,. etc-. Regular- ' or . j non -glare glass. Ready to hang, 48 hour service. ?.` Harold Tyndall i 482-7409 CLINTON eow GEO. A. BAIRD BACKHOE SERVICE - TRUCKING -.EXC-AVA.ti6 G B. TRENCHING - SEPTIC BEDS Geo. A. Baird Brucefield 482-3390/4824042 SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns -Gardens - Flowers) ALSO. •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel •Cement Gravel •Pit Run Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE • MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings 20. P.ublic notices • 18. Services available 27. J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR * Cu toiWBb It Homes * Renovations *Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS 21. Personal PREGNANT AND DISTRESSED? Married pr single, free positive con- fidential support. Help is as close , ps your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 TOM'S DRIVER TRAINING RA NG M.T.C.: (Motor Transport Canada) licensed., Private lessons—for all ages. Dual -controlled cars, fully insured. Call; Tom Burley. 482-7041 Between 5 p.m. 8. 7 p.m. 24. Business opportunities HOUSE BOATS Dual -use water or camper. Be a dealer, investment only display unit. Jonn's Marketing, 3105 - 30 Ave, Vernon, B.C. VIT 2C4. Phone 604 542-5366.-32bc 26. Births HOOGENDOORN Giving thanks to God for the precious gift he has en- trusted to us, we John and Nellie announce the'birth of our son, Nathon John born at St. Joseph's Hospital London on July 25, 1980 weighing 8 lbs. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. John Hoogendoorn and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Valkenburg.-32nx FRANKEN Charlene and Harry 04axtken are pleased to announce the safe arrival of their daughter Tanya Marie in Clinton Public Hospital on July 23, 1980. A sister for Cheryl.-32nx ' CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH PUBLIC NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Minicipal1 Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith proposes to. enact By-laws to stop up, close and sell that part of the original al$wance for road set out and described as follows: All and singular, those certain parcels or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith in the County of Huron and in the Province of Ontario, and being composed of part• of an unnamed rood allowance according to Registered Plan No. 5 for the said Township of Tuckersmith which, said part may be more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the poinfr of intersection of the South limit of the unnamed road allowance and the East limit of London Road, according to Registered Plan No. 5.: - Thence easterly alo' a the South limit of the said road allowance o distance of 5.2 metres (17 feet) to a • point, the said point being the point of commen- cetnent of the herein described parcel; Thence easterly along the South limit of the said road allowance 819.62 metres (2689 feet) more or less to the point of intersection of the easterly limit of the said road allowance; Thence northerly along the easterly limit of the saki road allowance a distance of 10 metres (33 feet) to the point of intersectio,► of the northerly limit of the said road allowance; Thence westerly along the North limit of the said road allowance to a point distant S.2 metres (17 feet) from the westerly limit of the said road allowance; Thence southerly a distance of 10 metres (33 feet) to the point of commencement of the herein describec,4 parcel. The proposed By-laws will come before the said Council for consideration of its regular meeting at the Brucefield Public School in the Township of Stanley, on the 19th day.of August, 1980, at the hour of eight o'eclock P.M. and at that time the Council will hear any person or by -his counsel, Solidifor, or agent, any plerson who claims that his land will be prejudicially.affected and who applies to be heard. DATED this 17th day of July, 1980. Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Tuckersmith , • Deaths. 28. Engagements LAWSON FARNS WORTH - At the Clanton Public VAN AAKEN Hospital on Friday, August Mr. and Mrs, Gerald Van 1, 1980, Rose Ann Aaken RR 3 Bayfield are (Waymouth)awson, in her ,happy to announce the 80th year. Beloved wife of marriage of their daughter Earl Lawson. Dear mother Wilma Elizabeth Mary to of Elinor ()/Irs. Raymond Carl Abraham son of Mr. and Neill) of Wingham and Mrs. Melvin Farnsworth, Dern s -. Wagmoutlt .of - Har-_--- Gode-rieh on Friday Aug, a2, court. Also survived by a 1980 at 5 p.m, St. Boniface step -daughter Doris (Mrs. Church, Zurich. Open Ted Warren) of London, a reception. -32 step -son Reg Lawson of Londesboro, two brothers Charles Waymouth, Sebringville, Arthur Waymouth, Killarney, Manitoba, seven grand- children and three great- grandchildren. Predeceased by her first husband Charles Sundercock and one son Donald. Funeral service was held_ at the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, 2 p.m. Monday, August 4. Interment Blyth Union Cemetery.-32nx ROBINSON Suddenly at her late residence 10 Britannia Road, West, Goderich on Friday, August 1st, 1980, Ethel lsobella Campbell, in her 70th year. Beloved wife of the late Alfred Joseph Robinson, Dear mother of Grace (IVIc.s, Gordon Overholt); Goderich; Mary (Mrs. Scott .Langley), Doris (Mrs. Reg. Black) Helen ._ (Mrs. Bill Forest) all of Port Colborne; Gary Robinson, Goderich; Jim Robinson, Oxford, Nova Scotia; Gerald Robinson, Vanastra; Dave Johnston, Galt; Bill John- ston, Manitoba; Gleri Johnston, Sterling Heights, Michigan; Jack Johnston; Huntsville. Sister of . Helen Campbell, Goderich; Ina (Mrs. Herb Staffen), Clin- ton; Mrs; Florence Warnes, Seaforth; Margaret (Mrs. John Toth), Listowel; Mrs. Mary McMichael, Toronto; Stuart Campbell, Goderich- Harold Campbell and John Campbell, both of Blyth. Also survived by 36 gran- dchildren and nine great- grandchildren. Rested at the Stiles Funeral Home, Goderich, after 2 p.M. Sunday. Service on Tuesday at 2 p,m. Interment Maitland Cemetery.-32nx MCMILLAN-STANLEY Mrs. Audrey Stanley of RR 5 Clinton is pleased to an- nounce the forthcoming marriage of her daughter Shelly Anne Cavell to William Thomas McMillan son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McMillan of • Seaforth, Ontario. The marriage will take place August 22, 1980 at 7 p.m. in First Presbyterian Church, Seaforth, Ont. -32x - 30.- I n memoriam COOK At the Huronview Nursing Horne, Clinton, on Tuesday July 29, 1980, Mrs. Myrtle (Scott) Cook of Huronyiew Nursing -Home, formerly of Exeter and Tillsonburg, in her 95th year. Predeceased O)C her husband Will Cook several.' years ago. Dear sister of Mrs. „Daze!, Turn- bull, St: Thomas. Dar stepmother of Lloyd Cook of London. Also survived by several nieces and nephews. Predeceased by two brothers, Robert Scott (1973), Harry Scott (1980). Mrs. Cook rested at the H.D. Verhoeve Funeral Home, 262 Broadway Street, Tillson- burg; where service was held" in the chapel on Thursday, -It 2 p.m., con- ducted by Pastor Linn Losh- bough of the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Exeter. Interment Tillsonburg Cemetery.-32px LANSING At Victoria Hospital,South Street Campus, on Monday, July 28,, 1980, Amy A. Lan- sing of 758 Kipps Lane, in her 59th year. Beloved wife, of Howard P. Lansing, dear 'stepmother of Virginia apd William Lansing, both of London. Ai'so survived by a brother Horace and a sister May, both in England. Cremation, followed by a private family service and interment, Bayfield, Ontario. Geo. E. Logan and Sons Funeral Home in charge of arrangement- s.-32nx 28. Engagements MAH -JOHNSON Bill and Bea Johnson of Whitehorse, Yukon Territories 'are pleased to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Debra Margaret o thomas K.C. Mah. The wedding to take pla'ce on August 16, 1980 in -Whitehorse. ----32x HORN COLLING Mr. and Mrs. arty Colling of Ripley w to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Carol Ann to Kenneth William Hohner soli of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hohner, - Clinton. The • , marriage will take place August 23, t980 at 4 p.m. in Ripley United Church. -32x COLQUHOUN With fond and loving memory of my dear son-in- law Danny Colquhoun who passed away four years ago August 6, 1976. Beyond life's golden sunset lies that citybright and fair, b t _'Tit .Fie__.-Lnd ' -6'fG.bds_... tomorrow we shall meet our loved ones there. My heart' still aches with sadness, my- eyes still fill with tears, Only God knows liow much 1 miss you at the end of four long years. Loved too dearly to ever be forgotten. Hazel McDougall. -32 COLQUHOUN In loving memory of our wonderful dad and grandpa, Danny Colquhoun whodied suddenly on August 6, .1976; We never ask for miracles, But today just one would do, To have the front door open And see our Dad walk through. We miss him in so many ways, -We miss the things he used to say, And when old times we d.o.,, recall It's then we miss him most of all. Always ' remembered and sadly missed by the family. -32 31. Ctard of thanks CALDWELL The want to say a very sincpre thank you to everyone who helped to make our 25th anniversary such a happy and memorable one. For all the gifts, cards and ' personal congratulations at the dance and at home. It was an un- . forgetabld. weekend. Thank_.,. you again. Wilma and Shorty Caldwell. -32x - Auburn news Mr. and Mrs. Steve Watt and Christopher of Mitchell visited over the weekend with her grandmother, Mrs. Florence Daer. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Roorda and family of- Clinton visited last Thursday with Mrs. Myrtle Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley McNall of Welland visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Johnston and Miss Laura Phillips. Mrs. Myrtle Junco visited Iast week with Mr. and Mrs.' Donald Youngblut, Lorie, Bradley and Barry at London. Mrs. Elva Straughan is visiting, at Meaford with her daughter, Mrs. Clayton Robertson and Mr. Robertson. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Clark and family of Goderich moved into their new home on Goderich Street recently putchased from Mr. and Mrs. Tan Clark and family. Mrs. Eleanor Bradnock attended the 75th an- iversary dinner and " program of the Oxford North . District of the Women's Institutes at Embro last Tuesday. • 4)