Clinton News-Record, 1980-08-07, Page 5• •Midc1ktoi news by Blanche Deeves Holy Communion was celebrated on. Sunday morning at 11:15 in St, James Church Middleton " and Canon. Pauli read the Epistle. The theme of Rev, Bennett's sem- was qa prophet without honour" and the offering was received by Edward. Wise. Next Sunday, the an- nual nnual C alilean service will be held at • Stewart Middleton's Park at 11:15 a.m. The Huron Church: Camp 'will lead in singing. The Rev. Blair Dixon to be the guest speaker. Come one and all and enjoy this outdoor service and picnic ring your. favourite ood, dishes, cutlery, chairs and table. Drinks will be provided. Personals Angel& Orr spent a week's holiday with Gramma and granpa Middleton, Ross and Mabel. Recent visitors with Ross and Mabel Mid- dleton have been Rossanne Middleton and Joan O'Callahan of Toronto, Jackie Adshead of ' Clinton and Drew Middleton of London. Bill and Arlene Hulls, Jason and Jonathon of Cornwall are visiting with Delores .and Alvin Dutot. Mrs.. Fred Middleton, Barbara Grindlay, Don and Audrey .Middleton,._ Kay and Bob Campbell, Dave and Marie Mid- dleton went to Stratford on Saturday evening August 2 to attend, a lovely surprise party at Mr, and Mrs. Don Misener's home given by the family and friends to honour Ted and Emily Middleton on the occasion of their 35th wedding anniversary. It was a most interesting and enjoyable evening for about 40 guests. Mrs. Fred Middleton spent Monday at the Grindlay's summer home in Snowden Acres. Many from thearea attended the celebration in Dungannon on the weekend. Edward and , Blanche Deeves went to Chatham on Sunday to visit their daughter June Cooper, who -lust got hone from hospital. Mrs. Mary Steenstra hss returned from a very enjoyable trip to Holland to visit her mother, relatives and friends. CLINTON ,NWS -,R CORD, `l' UR AY, AUGUST 7 058 AGE 5 n4 ArraFt inneris Macaroni&CheOSO Kraft Macaroni & Cheese Dinner 2.25g Paper Towels Leaver Pieces & Sterns Mushrooms for Weston Raisin Bran Muffins pkg. of 6 .79 Universal . Cohoe Salmon 7.75 oz. 1.49 Fleischmann 2 Ib. Corn Oil Margarine 2.49 K'ingford 10 Ib. Charcoal Briquets Heinz 19 fI. oz. Fancy Tomato Juice 2.49 2/.88 Featherweight 10'11. oz. Diet Mandarin Oranges .89 Hereford 7 oz.. Beef Corned 1.69 Cascade 50 oz. Automatic Dishwasher Detergent 2.59 Nestea 24 oz. Regular or Tropical Blend Iced Tea 2.39 Mix Kraft 500 ml '1.29 Mayonnaise Mc('ormicks. Chocolate Chip. Creme Assortment & Assortment Cookies 700 g . 3 Mother Parkers 100's Economy Pack, _. (40c Coupon in Pck) Tea Bags 1.69 Chase & Sanborn 10 oz. Instant Coffee 5.95 Sunny Froit'n From 4-nncenirate Clear or Pink - Lemonade WI 11. 01. 4 9-9 for • Purina 2 kg Dog Chow 1.88 Alpo 141/2 oz. Assorted Varieties Dog Food 4/1. 44 Coca- Cola ,750 ml ° (Plus .25 per btl. deposit) 3/.99 PERmAUZE Suprci Kote Pratt & Lambert Permalize Supr'YKote House Paint Quench 614-660 g Assorted Fruit Flavours Drink Cr stats 2.19 Heinz 128 fl. oz. White Vinegar Kotex 30's Regular or Deodorant Lightdays Pads 1.49 Kotex 12's Regular, Super or Plus Feminine Napkins .99 Kleenex 100's Assorted Colours Ti sue 2/.88 1.29 McCormicks 350 g A'Cookies°t 1.09 High Liner 1.4-16 oz., Frozen Cheddo Fish Stix or (Vlackere•N:. Fillets .69 Pastry Plus 16 oz. Frozen 9 Inch -. Pie 'Shells .99 Kraft 64 fl. oz., Pure Juice 1.88 Orange or Grapefruit Care Free 30's Regular or Super O.B. Tampons 2.99 `il� rl {� lilies Sara Lee 1012-14 oz. Frozen Pound, Banana or Orange Cakes Side Bacon 1.49 I1 ori • Liquid Dish Detergent >Illl till . 89 Monarch 1 Ib. Soft Magarine .79 Shredded Wheat ti110 g 1.09 WEEK AT IGA Maple Leal 3-1 Ihs. S%%(1't Pickled \lap e Leaf l l.) g pkg. Cottage Rolls lb 1.48 Cola 16 oz. Glass - 4/1 . Tumblers Colgate 200„mI Regular or Winder Fresh 29 Toothpaste Assorted Flavours Chaht7��i-�`.w__ Ice Cream 11 ("1 \ 19 Maple Leaf 250 g 8 varieties Party Sticks Maple Leaf 500 g pkg. 4 varieties Sliced Bologna Maple Leaf 500 g pkg. 3 Varieties ' Slibed 1.48 Side Bacon 1.58, Top Valu 1 Ib. pkg. Skinless Wieners • Ib.. ■ 8 • White t1 Bright in One (slat • E name•Ilied House, Paint for siding Trim and Ejorir% • Resists Peeling and BI ste'rrng • Flr),As ',motif hlN, • Ones (tui( kl$ • rnitorm Nigh (Joss finish • Stays 1lhiu' longer $4,60 PER OFF GALLON " Price Effective until Saturday, August 161$0 STORE MOL RS MON. 8:30-6:66":: Till R S . 0:30-6:00 11 ES. •8:30-6:00 1 R 1.8:30.9:00 ' % 1.0.8:30-6:00 SAV8:30-6:00 ranges NORHOLME DECORATING CENTRE 54 King St., Clinton (Just opposite the Post Office) 482-3528 OPEN: 6 days a week.. Monday to Saturday 9 a.m..6 pain. Friday nights until 9 p.m. VISA U.S. No. 1 Sweet California Nectarines Canada \o. 1 Ontario (.r)% 11 Fresh Green, 2 Cabbage Canada \n. 1 Ontario (inmn 1 n sh ( rlsp ('.,arrots 16. pkg. \o. I ( altinrnra Salmon [• I('.h Canteloupes 8 ea. o1 1 .ti. \o. l `$%%e(q U('d Cardinal (;crapes lb. 1 • 19 • • • ALL MERCHANDISE 100% satisfaction guaranteed product replaced or money refunded P11I( F" 1 i t t( 1 I\ F E \11I (I tltil\(. 'S11'1 R0\ 11 (.1 .1 n. Ingo 111 441,0.1411' 1441 1414,111 40 1111l1 Qi 1\TITI1s to 11 F I4 \(.F 1 11111 1 OF (11 11(1 MI. \Ts' • SUPPLIED AND SERVICED BY DEB