HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-21, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS, Occureanees of the Past week Through, out the Neighborhood in a ionise Form COI. McKnight, of the 28th Bett, has decided to remove hie family to Stratford, His many friends in erioh will regret his departure and that of his estimable family. He pur- poses removing about the' 19th inst. We are glad to learn that Mr. el. E. Wilson,. of St, Marys, has secured a very pleasant and lucrative position as traveller for Carruthers and Mason, wholesale grocers, Toronto. Mr, James Norris, who removed from Hibbort to Dakota last summer, nao met with a serious loss, his young ewife (daughter of Mr. fhOmail Brooks, eHibbert) having died on Saturday ' last. "Everest's Extract of WthI B lack- • berry never fails to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, eve."—the statements of scorers who have tried it. 250 per bot or sale byeall druggists. A novel feature of this year's West- ern fair (London) prize list is an Indian department, :competition open to all tribes in Ontario. There are nearly 150 classes in all, embracing agrioule tural products, butter, bread, honey, fine arts, ladies' work, etc. Mitchell depends upon the vocel powers of oats, the squeaking of the hand organ and the yelling, discords and thumping of the big drum by the Salvation Army for their open air musical festivals. .The band. has' die- • banded. A petition is in circulation in Olin - „ ton to be presented to the Council at its next meeting, asking that the Me- chanics' Institute be aissumed by the town and converted into a free library in accordance with the provisions of the statute. A well attended meeting of the citizens of etoderiCh has decided that the route that should be taken by the Canadian Pacific in extending its line from Guelph to that place is the northern one via Listowel, Brussels, • Blyth and Manchester, Conrad Johnston, the second eldest 'son of Mr. John Johnston, of the township of IHay, who, a week or so „ ago received a serious kick in the face fromone of the horses which he was watering, is still lying in a very criti. cal 'state and suffering great pain. • It has been announced and is ex- pected that there will be an eclipse of the moon to -morrow, (Friday) evg., an eclipse considerably more interestsng 4 than that of• the 28th January. it Will take place about: midnight and will be visible in this locality. An order is expected to be issued soon by the Dciminion. government to thkeffeet that rural postmasters must prepay the department for postage • stamps and cards; issued to them. The rule with the rural postmesters has been to pay quarterly for the garage. • A young man named Ryan, of Mit- chell, left last week for the west e He hae got as far as Goderich, and ,the hotels being crowded,slept with a strenger. In the morning the stran- ger had gone, as had ale° a large sum of money which Ryan was takingwith hide The thief has not been cap - One Bradford, claiming to be a representatiye of a lumberiag firm of Hamilton, has been in, Luckuow for some time and many of the citizens claim to be victims of his duplicity. He borrowed money and forgot to re- turn it, left his board bill unpaid, and neglected fulfilling a host of other' promises. Watch him: , I had tried many doctors and was given up by them as faegone into con- sunption, but was permanently cured by using Everest's Cough Syrup.—Jas. Simpson, Aberarder. A very sad acoident occurred just outside St. Marys, last Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mr. Wm. Henderson and daughter, of the River Read, were on a visit to his fatherwho is quite ill, and while driving home., the hold -lack • broke, sending the buggy upon the horse's heels, the animal began kick ingi striking the child who was sitting at the front .of the huggy, upon the • head, killing it instantly. The following is an exact copy of a message found in a bottle, which was picked up on the lake shore by Steph- en Martin, of Kingsbridge, on last Sunday evening : "Lost, about 15 -• miles from "Gocierich, the schconer • Tiffie, of Bay City. If this be found, let our friends know that we are all •. lost. Captain MoD— --. •Written by Cecilia, MeGitrick.” It was signed by a name that was illegible, but which appeared to be MeDunn, MeDonah or McDonald. A recent letter from Leipzig, speak- ing of Miss Nora Clench, St. Marys, says : "She played her Spohrconcerto in the Abend enter tamment on Friday and of course, as usual, had great success. Her teacher was • delighted. Be said 'Famous!' after each move- ment. • Evetyone says they have not heard anything BO exquisitely played the adagio, he has really a perfect tone ; there was not a harsh note Clem the beginning to the end. When she Can please Brodsky she has not much to fear from any audience. She , re- ceived immense applause." People generally icve that if the Blomis pure, the hvalth will be good. The purity of the blood is guaranteed only When the kidneys ere eaturally active. The fluids may flow freely, an(e.t._.the kidneys fail to keep theW clean. • This will be iudicrited if you have Malar- ia, Stomach ....Troubles, Rheuma- tism, Salt Rhenna, Scrofula, Skin Diseases, ImpotenCy, Headaches ' Larne Back, Neuralgia, Carbun- oles and Bolis, ,AlaSc_eSSes Weak Eyes, NerveruSteSS, bite, mid iu woincle Vernal° Trorab- Theve disorclets show that your bleed is full of uric, kidney, acid peion, e and you Can never get well until you clue • out the blood with the only recognized eeientific bleed tohio, "Warner's Safe Cure." For chronic catarrh, induced by a rof. uleus taint, iyer'S Sarsapariiia is ihe true remedy. It stops catarrhal discharges, removes the sickeeing odor, and hover failing to thoroeghly eradicate every trace of the disease from the elood, Seld by dealers in medicine. Frank Leslie's Sunday 111agazine For July. Which brings the 24th volume is a bright and entertaining summer num- ber, full, as usual, of interesting reading mid beautiful illustrations. Among the profuselyillustrated Articles are "Ancient i Greeks n Modern Cyprus," by A. L. Wessell ; t'Sunday in the city of the Czar' by the Rev. Frederick Hastings; "A Stomp Charity—the Sheppard Insane' Asylum, Baltimore," by y.13, DensloW; and 'Henry Huisoue by Wm. Seton. In this number are portraits of the Punditia Rarnabal Sarasvati Dr. Alexander Camp- bell Mackenzie, Dr. Valsamalsi, Moses Sheppard, Mary Howitt, Monseigneur Leon Bouland, Bishop Thomas I3owrnan and the Rev. B, B, Warfield, D. D. Mac- donald's story, "The Elect Lady," is con- tinued, and "Her Ring" is a beautiful short dory by Noro vlarble. Dr. Tal- niaq's Sermon treats of Parental Mistakes are included by Theodore • Martin, Lucy Darwin, Ruth Alleye and Adelaide Stout. These, with the numerous short articles, art pictures, music and miscellan, make up a yery attractive number. BUFFALO BILL COMING. • with his Wild West Show caeses im- meeso exeitement, nearly equal to thet caused hy the introduction of that Ivhole. setae Rad pure article known as the Imper- ial Cream Tartar Baking Powder. Sold by all grocers. The need of merit for.piomoting personal comeliness+, is due to J. C. Ayer 8t Co., whose Hair Vigor is a universal beautifier of the hair. Harmless, effentive, and agree- able, it ranks among the indispensible toilet articles. London, June 12.—The new Canadian loan iS favorably viewed in the city, Yes- terdays reports seem to leave no doubt that the issues will be successfully made. The scrip is already quoted at 2 to peem- ium. A $E'VERE TRIAL. Francis S. Smith, of Emedale, Meskoka, writes:—I was troubled with vomiting for two years and. 1 have vomited as often as five tines a day. One bottle of Burdock • Blood Bitters completely cured me. . Investigation nf the swine plague show that, of all farm animals, swine more than any other should have pine water from a e ell. GET THE l3EST. Dr. Fowler's 'Extract of Wild Strawberry is tbe bee, most prompt and safest cure -for Cholera Uorbis, Dyseutry, Sick Stomach Cramps, Colic, Diarhort and Cholera In- fantum, that has yet been discovered. Its popularity increases each year. All medi- cine dealers sell it. Success iu farming is not lottery, but labor mad good management. • Teo little items must be watched, the pennies saved, the details kept well in hand. • A VALUABLE DISCOVERY F. P. Tanner, of Neebing,, Ont., says he has not only found B. 13. 13. a sure cure for Dyspepsia, but ne has also found it to be the best medicine for regulating and invig- orating the system that Ise hes over taken. B. B. B. is the great system. regulator. QUITE CORRECT. "I have used Dr. Fowler's Extraet of Wild Strawberry and found it the best remedy I ever used for Dyspepsia and all Sinniner Complaints among children, and I thing no household should be without it." Mrs. A. Baker, Ingoldeby, Out. One mistake made with selling fowls is in growing them to a le.rge size befoie selling. • The best weights are from three to four pounds each. A party of five Spaniards, stopping at the plifton House, visited the Whirlpool rapids park Canada side. They got iato the car on the incline railway without the attendant being at his post, the Car with the weights of the mute- desceuded at a terrific rate of speed. When it reached the bottom of the track it crashed into the woodeit structure below, injuring the whole party, one lady so severely that it is said she will not recovers • AFTER LONG YEARS. "I was troubled with Liver Complaint for a number of years, finding no cure, I tried B. B. B. I took four bottles and am now perfectly cured, strong and heerty." 1\ Ire. Maria Askett, Alma, Ont. CONSIIIKETION CURED: Assad physician, retired from practiage having had placed in his bands uy.an Bast Indian missionary the formula of a simple vegetable remedy for the speed.y and perma- nent cure Sof Consumption, Bronchitis, Ca- tarrh, Asthma and oll throat and lung affections, also a positive and radical cure for Nervous Debility anaall Nervous Com- plaints, atter having tested ite wonderful curative powers in thousands of oases, has felt it his duty to meke it known to his suffering fellows. Actuateclby tuis motive anda desireto relieve hum an suffering, ew...1 send free of °barge, to all who desire it, this reeipe,in German,French or English, with frill directions fax prepnriug and using. Sent by mail by addressmg w ith stamp, naming this imper.W. ,Noxes 149 Pover's .731oele Rechester N 7 • Sealed Tenders, addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Post Office, Jse., Lindsay Ont.." willbe received at this office until Tuesday, June e6th, 1888, for the several works required in the erection of Post Office „at Lindsay, Ont: Speciecations and drawiugs can be soon at the Department of Public Works. Ottawa , and at the office of Messrs. lIedspeth Ss Jackson, Barristers. Lindsay, Ont., on and after Friday, 8th of Stine, and tenders will not be considered unless Made on the form supplied and signed with actual signatures of tandems. An e.ocepted bank aeon°, payable to the order of the Minister of Publie Works, equal to five per cent of amount of tender, must accompany each tender. This cheque will be forfeited if the party decline the contract, or fail to complete the work Contracted for, and will be returned in ease of non-acceptance of tender. The Departinent doge not bind itself to ac- cept the lowest or any tender. By order, A. GOTIEIL, Secretary. Department of Public Works, 2 Ottawa, Lith ,7nue,1888. • 1=t,M.A.ID TIMMIoCT "ea C01,-C7aT-1\17- 4TXCX,M I Farm for Sale. Ninety acres, being lot 0, cot. 4, ih the town- ship of Stephen, six miles from Exeter. 80 acres bleared ; balm -ice in bush, Sail ie• first, - *lass. Good brick house, two barns, orehard, twe. wet IS and springs.' 'Well faded end every- thing handy. Will be sold ()Wieldy. Apply On the PrenuseS FRANK EVANS. „ June 14. Cioneree, e, Dr. Waollipeton'e Visit a Few IlrhetS to be Xtemensbered, 1st. lir, Wesliington is the only Throat and Lung Surgeon in Canada devoting his whole time to dieeeses of tile 'air Passages.' 2nd. He has devoted 7 years to his "Specialty." 3rd, He makes monthly vieits. 4th. He represents his own .Specialty.' 5th, He consults, examines, and treats all oases personally, and denounces the system of doing business by "Precirr." title Tie gives testiinonials of the most reliable and, prominent eharaoter of resi- dents of Ontaiie of the Arose \Teem:Bern. oases every recorded, with whom a large number of the citizens of Exeter and viein- Ay are acclimate • Me He gives the name in full and P 0 address, (not the mere initiels whieh might refer to any Tom„Diok or Harry) and in- vites any one interested to writo for par-. Unitas. 8111, His next yislt Monday, June 25th at the Central Hotel, Exeter. 9th. Dr. Waehington is a native of this Province (Ontaiir) graduating at Toronto With honors in 1782. Also the mite yr pas- . , • Pall Wheat 00 sing the primary and final examinations of Spring wheat . . .. , .... . . .. ,.... 83 the Counoil of Physieians and SUrgeons of es.r,ey, 50 Ontario—in 1880 taking a Speohil Polocily. Oats•••••• .. • .. ••• .... •••• ... • ..... •••••• • • • ••••4 17 Die course in Basta, and New york. on di_ Clover Seed Timothy seases of the Throat and Lungs. 10th.—He resides in Toronto. line—This is the most favorable seasen of the year for treating Catarrh and its kindrod•diseases, which, if neglected, will in 99 oases out of 100 lead to consumption. Consultation Free. —ADV. - REA,R,ItIvr REroRTS, Is.;.,, ri(iicnv %rod li:e,..lcvel :1,,i,100ad ta ., ..t. 5. o..Bie xl 0:j...01.1T1.1):::":. : W...........,0....., d 0004000115045,70 :83000: 1 bbtitk 00100000 . ;01007014070;7000 ,OPo: aeoa :rtlnee° Y - - rlionlvoatib• Sye a ft Buttes .. ,.. - - 14 80.0 10 Plourporb1.01... ... ages ,• ... .,. ... . 0 co to o co ' ... 2 00 E 0 3 00 00 to 5 66 Potatoes,per lausliel - •,, Apples,per bag — Dried 0 0480 0 00 Applespr b - Geese per lb. — :::10 to 0 50 0 05 to 0 05 Beef ... - ,fliclearoulig, ... ... 139 LI ,f.' ) 114: ,irgcks I:, : : IlaYien Pres se e:sr es eelri lb:p re. . r. I 0' - e. 0 20 to 0 30 4 00 to 0 00 0 80 to 7 00 0 07 to 08 'Reeks per pr . 0 45 to 050 Sheepskins each ,. 04 50 05 t o 5000 0 Calfsicius ' .• . .. . . . .. ' ' 050 157805 It 00o 010 /CI 80C Woolnyppe te. tr 01 uh. ,,,.... ... 800 to 8 00 ()Pion suerbusix .............0 60 to 0 70 Woodper cord ... ,., ., 0 to 800 ST: mAnYs Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in the country.—Duncan Panel!, Forest. , Las.t Sunday a two year ohl heifer belong- , . iug.to Mr, Dalton, sr., of Brd con. Gesfield, Was relieved of a great curiosity. It was a calf with two distinct heads neon two dis- tinct necks which meet at a short elistanoe from the shculder. The heads have four ears, fonr ayes, Ewe tostguee, and are mark. ed exactly alike, each having a white strip in the leen. There aro two Windpipes oath leading into the lungs. The front logs were bent the reverse way being bent as the bind legs should he, Etna tol'e hind Ligs were bout as the front legs should be. The back bane was •so bent that the rear half of the calf was doubled over road lay on the front past so that the bind legs, which We're grown together as fa s ria the hooks lay between the two heads. A READY RECOURSE. The ravages of Cholera Infanturn, Choi. era MorbusDierrhosa, Dysent+ y and 4.)ther summer complaints a eoug children during the hot weather, might he almost totally prevented by having recourse to nature's sovereign* remedy for all bowel complaints, Dr. Fowler's Eetract of Wild Strawberry. Thomas Cameron. of Kingsville had a chicken die, and as it appeared to be heal- thy when it "pegged out," just for curiosity he cut it open and found inside the bird Iwo pieoes of plate glass nearly an inch square, some smail pieces of crookery and a few small nails. The edges of the glass were worn very smooth. SCOtt'S 'Enatelsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil and Etypopb.ospItites Dr. W S lloy, Point Pleasant, W. :Va., says: "I hare made a thorough test 'ysith Soott's Emulsion in Pulmonary troubles, and geueral debility, and have been as- tonished at the good results, alld as. iemedy for children. with Rickets or Maras- mus, it is unequalled." WILL CURE ,OR RELIEVE DIZZINESS, BILIOUSNESS$ DYSPEPSIA DROPSY INDIGESTION) FLUTTEFIING JAUNDICE, OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF • THE STOMACH,, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, OF THE' SKIN, And every species of disease arising fromdisordered .LIVBB, KTRATEYS, • STOMACH, BOWELS' tele BLOOD. T. MILBURN & CO TVT51.4.T0', to 02 02 60 42 5 00 ..150 208 75 Bggs 32 15 Putter 14 15 Potatoes per bag ° .00 100 Apples per bush......,.. --... . .... 80 , 48 Wool per lb 20 22 Rayteartou. ... . . ...„. .......... .... ... , .. ....... 8 00 8 50 To the Deaf. --A persen cured of DerifUessmaidnoises in the head of 23 Years standing, by a 'Ample remedy. Will semi a desoription of it vole to any one ,applying to N-Iooesox,,80 St; john -St., Montreal. TV 0 it.wiz po-srx) ER _ _ Are pleaeceatio t Conteee their own Purgative. es a F,C or. Ltd e.efflGtilai goviroyer or wormd 1 ;:41axou or Admit* CURES, LiverComplaiiit • Dyspepsia, e Biliousness; Sick Headache ,•• Kidney trouble • Rheumatism, kin Diseases, . And •all 'im- purities.' of •,the blood froni what ever cense' aris- ing. The Great Spiting .1W edicine PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills $1) --TRY-- Dr. Modder's Little, Liver - Pills, Very Small and Easy to Take.' NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA. Sold everywhere ; price 25 etc. Union Medicine Co. Props., Toronto, Can, rarraor. p IMPRIAL MILL WOODHA1U. The undersigned would respectfully intot he cons mu nit y th at they have ls ased the above mills for it term of years ; and will be pleased to have a call fro= The raill has tecently 'been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. ltis the intention of the subscribers ;to add s set of rolls as soon as possible; and' all • corobined, the • • Woodham Grist Mill Will be seaond to none in the West Gristing , and 'Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constartely on haud for sale or exchanged for oats. SATISPICTION GUARANTEED. jA ntrAL somarrtp. 3. & A. AilcNEVIN3 Dr. aTIASE Has is world-wide rep lite:eon as a physician and muffins e, ift efaudrake Da n delion Li per Cure i a triumph of Medical skill, eurieg all diseases ofthe leindey and Livers, SYMPTOMS OF Kidney Conaplaint aches anti pale s in the back ; a dull pain or weight in the bladder or base of the abdomen ; Beata - in g urine often obstructed ; feequent desire to urinate, especially at night, among, aged persous ; hot, dry skin, pthle complexiou red 1111a avlatto tlepositse drop, diezinese, sour etemach, conetipakon, piles, liver steel swellings, dec. SYMPTOMS OF Liver e)012p1de., I, /Pain the 'shoulder biede , Jatunlice, sallow toiriplexion, a weain ; eired feelin gene life or onergy,,head ache, dyspep. Sia, indigestton , loots, 'missiles &a, HOW : ereildi..nke and Dandelion ar en eter e'en v or tetras, ft d whet conabined with kidney rem- edies, as in Dr.Ohase's Liver Care, 11I most positively cue° all ttidnoy1tv5r trouble's. et acts like a etiarm, stimulating tbe clogged liver, strengthening the ki dneysnei I i levig o r• atirig the whole body, Sold by all defaces ee, one dollar, with eeeeipt n ook, which alone is Werth tlio money. 1-rs ,4 Dr, b ase's Pitts aro tla •13-leeeevee leidnertiver Pins ei.ade ; tliey T A ,„ k, iiatgen.tly ytt. afity lede tes be talion daring ally bbiploy- -00411.4, niont„ They eure iciapoy-liver 1."1-11) trenblos,liearleclie,b eioasness eestieenerin eso. (me Pilla <lots,: ;Iola 'by rill denim's. Price 87 cents. T. 1..,tiquA.r.isoisr & co, 1.3radfc)rti, Ont, IVIanfs J. SNELL Merchant :T"Q''j Has removed to, premises one 'door north of Brownings drug store', whare there Will be found IlAsserl4ed•Stook OF SPRING TWEEDS. FOR.SUITINGS Sze. Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. up on the SHORTEST NOTICE. CONSISTENTLY IOW PRICEES ! A 0A,LL WILL GON)tiNCp.. 5NLIAL0 Greqltate of Cleveland Cutting Seltoo LOOK OUT FOR —TRY Ti— I am in receipt of a choice and well. selected stock of, Fresh Groceries • , letVould also inform my numerous friendS and •Customers that I will be on the road next Week with .my peddling wagon. House & Lot FOR SALE OR TO RENT.-0aosete' Town Hall. DE.A.RIZTC e•deigAINIMIONI•••••=1.11•1•10110.11% v-70 Fishing Tackle, Floats, Sillkeral Reela, Fishing Lines, Gaff Hooks, Landing Nets, Jointed Rods, Troll, Fly Rooks, Tripple hook And the Celebrated CorkFlo gait', and Skeleton Baits. GAMES. —Rubber Belie, Bae Balls, Base Ball Bats, Lacrosse Balls,aelneens se 3KPLicitesQ,TpotimeitSnoeesttt ,s PlayingcrlaeuC ksebriaser, s, Fs r eolaChess,ekAe ruivit hr , ooit anFsi,r n J. 11.V. BROWNIN,u, Prop. QUEEN OITY NVORTS'.. ••••••••••111i. S CDI it Toronto.lEvery Barrel Guaranteed. This 011 WaS used on all machinery during the Exhibition: It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDALS during the last three years I"See that you get Peerless. •It is only mode by &worm',•aocirits cs4 co., Tonpwro FOR BALE BY JAS. PICK.A.B,D. youLockin The cheapest spot intown for Hardware, Stone and Tinware, paints, Oils and Glass, sec., ifyoa are, t ecu at, BISSETT BR Weave nowoffering the balanee of our atock of Axes, • Cross -cut saws, Lamps and Tubular Lauteine, at cost • 30 ID-A:YS 01•1-1-1 We would call your attention to a few of our specialties :— A Handsome Brass Library Lamp, $2 50 A Large, Glass Stand Lamp, new design $1 00 • A Good TubularLantern - $0 50 • A Good Axe and Handle 0- $1. 00, An A 1 - 00 80 thing at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash: Manure he'ovrely A full stock of the following lines always on hand..—Barb wire, Plain galvanized, Am- calent and Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine.early we are now in a position to supply at tne lowest possible price. ' ' • • A full stoosnof tinware of all kinds always in etock. Eavetronghing and roofing a spec- is.fty. Agents fpr the B eletalic Shiu gle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents fOr ther celebrated Raymond Sewiug•Macnine. • ' • BISSETT BROS., Exeter. co..; • y n\h' 4.4'. •07.0 OS' • ,03() 4e, • 'V `0.' e • r4s,5. ,xe.2 • c>4. 6e''b• see,'s cs,>c\'' `e°ee•4 c -e) ee\`'°` eee° irdOl e-se°0 e o N ,i'CV° 41C' 0.i. -)C3‘ \Z" 4,0 0 e e 0.e‘, es „se, s'e• ee ,e0 e,• ece • % eei' •81 `1\ .0 ,z,en, , tie,S0' ee C.) ' -eb Cb,,cj6i°S.. z\',.'vb-''s. :* §'\"1'K;'Xe v ....,cC" .„•ej' 'L'-''.. t• ,.. N'''' '7;> • • 4, ,c,,0 '.,„CP: ''.' N.`' ---,' •$"' ..1.6 'ON '; 0 ,,, *V: . • s ••,','P , 74 `i 60' '.. .4,• '''-'sS‘ •sliC d* , . ltianufacturicl only by .Thomas Holloway, 78, Now Oxford Strtet, late 533,1Dxford Street, ,London. , • ' ;ePurchasers should look to tee Label onth ' e noires and l - Pots; If the address is not 533,,Oxford Street, London, they ere spurious. SPRING 101•••••••14.1111(001••••411.1.111114 Carpets. Curtains. ID 1 S Now that House -Cleaning time is nea'r, we invite your in- spection to our BIG- stook of Carpets, Curtains, mad. those. Fancy Vklindow &c. When buying Wall Paper don't forget that the Old Established carries the'Biggest Stock and Latest Am- erican Patterns. •LOtS- .Of -'0Orters.tolnatob; Window Blinds JAMES PI.U.K.A.RID Exeter.