HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-07-17, Page 51W.J. Hughes, Realty.Ltd... 38 EAST STREET, GODERICH .524-8100 or 524-9131. ES ROSS NORMA TAYLOR DON MCCA1U1-1rY ALLEN HAROLD ERB DEB SHEWFELT SHARON ELLIOTT HIIJGO VERMEESCH BILL LOUGHEED ALFREDA 'MCCAUI.EY CHRIS HOLLOWAY KEN THOMPSON: JPM7HOMPSON VIC FOX BONNIE JOHNSON GODERICH'HOMES • 52,4.8186 524.8480 '4244224 524-6480 565.2828 524.95811 5294281 482-3805: 524-6063 524.4226 245.3444. 524.7514 424-61174 523.9525 524.4546 T VANASTRA - 10 Regina. Blvd, Low cost 3 bedroom 114 BROCK STREET. 111•1 homeroom and 4 pc,"bathM121.1 pMc-10 mortgage. 2 "128 WEST STREET; percent mortgage, Hurry! Owners relocating. c-10 ' 6 r , .Y " < bedroom brick home Prestige Home, . 5-6 SHADY RETREAT -838,500:00. 1 mile south of Clinton. {` featuring a double bedrooms, new modern A spacious yard and 2 storey brick 3 bedroom home livingroom,. 2 baths, new kitchen, hardwood floors, with separate dining room, enclosed . parch and mud furnace and completely new large lot -- mature trees: room. Owner must sell. 'J-51 kit hen ' with dishwasher Close to square. P-128 LUCKNOW - Four bedroom., 2 storey home. Has 101 WEST STREET, Home for a Successful Family -- Entertain with Pride, in this immaculate 3 or 4 bedroom home, featuring formal dining room, Targe living room, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, sauna, exercise room with whirlpool tub, Old English Pub, recreation room 9•nd much much more. A real dream home that must be seen! D-101 241 TILT STREET, Lovely 3 bedroom semi-detached on quiet street. A-1 featuring many extras including paved drive and rec. room. S-241 303 CAMBRIDGE STREET - - Immediate Possession. Owner transferred. Like new, $39,500.00., 11' i percent mortgage. Mc -303 CHRISTINA CRT. - 837.,900.00 modern 2 storey, 3 bedroom home. Quiet area. Close to schoels. B-255 c included #8-114 sunpprch and large attached garage. Situated on nice 345 SUNCOAST DRIVE - Lakeview, spacious 4 bedroom home, separate dining room with patio doors. Attached garage, fenced• in yard. Mc -345 GOQ.E,RICH - 3 bedroom family home with formal dining room, 2 - 3 pc. baths. Full basement with family room and • workshop. Covered patio. E-150 308 REGENT STREET - Come See -- Come Save! Priced winthin your budget Jvith a mortgage at at 101 percent. W-3,08.,• 121 BENNETT STREET - Semi-detached -- 3 bedrooms, 11 2 bathroom in this 2 storey home for only 835,900.00 C-121 QUEBEC STREET Completely renovated 4 bedroom home. Excellent landscaped 104' by 104' lot on a quiet street. J-155 Pal NT CLARK LAKEFRONT COTTAGE. Trees in the backyard and sand in the frontyard. 2 bedrooms, taxes $313.11. Has electric fireplace and. wooden deck. Asking $39,900.00 so. HURRY!, L-774 POINT CLARK Yearraund Cottage. 3 bedroom .home. Nicely treed lot 71' x 145'. Taxes $289,68. K-706 BLUEWATER BEACH - Lake Front cottage. 2 bedrooms - partially fur - finished • affordably priced. M-Io1 ' 152 CAMERON STREET - 2 bedroom one floor home on quiet street for just $34,500.000 5-152 GODERICH -.FRAME AND BRICK VENEER -- 3 level split, 3 bedrooms on quiet cresent for only $45,000.00 P- 44 ELGIN AVE. - More, than just a house in this • 3 bedroom semi-detached home with income from adjoining 2 bedroom at- tached home. Mc -104 115 ST. DAVID STREET - CLOSE TO UPTOWN -- 4 bedroom home with large garage B-115 • 186 HURON ROAD - Finishing touches needed on this 3 bedroom; one storey home -•on large lot. B-186 COTTAGES POINT CLARK - Year-round cottage with lots of extras. 3 bedrooms and attached garage, Brick fireplace in living room. Furniture in- cluded. Asking $31,500.00 H-9 BLUEWATER .BEACH - Lake -view cottage. 2 bedrooms - partially fur- nished. $29,500.00 M-101 BRINDLEY'S BEACH - Lake' Front cottage. 3 bedrooms, 'insulated. Ranch style, $27,900.00 including furniture. B-17 POINT CLARK - Only 834,900.00 for •this 2 bedroom winterized cottage in im- maculate condition. Situated on large treed lot. ' Good access to sandy beach. H-19 HURON HAVEN - Relax in this 12' x 68' Bendix mobile overlooking Lake Huron. T- 115 DUNGANNON + Worlds of Space in this 2 bedroom 12' x 58' mobile with 10' x 12' addition. 66' x 132' lot in- cluded in price. R-134 MENESET - Cosy Starter Home. 12' x 60' 3 bedroom mobile; Large living room. $15,000.00 R-56 GODERICH - Building Lot on Brock Street. 813,000.00 H - L114 `WHITEf HURCH - 87,000.00 W-4 LURGAN BEACH - 5 Tots at $10,000.00 each 64 ST. VINCENT ST. - Beauty close to River, traditional family home, generous , bedrooms, fireplace, Tots of sunshine and private patio. M-64 VICTORIA ST. • Exceptional family home super for en- tertaining professionally, decorated throughout. Could be separate apartment, double garage. B-157 ST DAVID ST. - $30,500. 2 bedrooms, cosy home, 11' percent mortgage,, P•194 BRITANNIA RD - $35,900, 11 : storey, 3 or 4 bedrooms, vinyl .sided, large lot. F•30 let. Asking $45,000.00 M-20 "' V.L.A. - Give your lungs a fresh air treat! Well kept 3 bedroom bungalow on 1'2 acre lot. $49,000.00 mortgage' at 101, till 1983. B-15 V,L..A, - Entertain withpride in this beautiful 4 level split. This quality home features 4 bedrooms, family room, rec. room, fireplace, 2 car garage and many more. All this on a large private lot with beautiful mature trees. R-2 PORT ALBERT - 4 bedroom redwood ranch style home on 1 1 acre lot. Double garage, fireplace, quality car- pets throughout. J-3 KINBURN - COUNTRY LIVING, 1978 Bendix 14' x 64' mobile like new -- on your own lot and drilled well. W-6 R.R. 5, GODERICH - Rural Rarity, Close to town, Why not offer a. trade on this large remodeled home featuring -3 bedrooms, 2 baths, attached garage, fenced inground pool and 10-11 percent mortgage. D-2 PORT ALBERT - FISHERMAN'S PARADISE. Year round living on one acre -- taxes $110:00. Extra lot - severed. E-25 BENNETT ST. • 10 percent .AMBERLEY - Country living 2 bedroom bungalow, A-1 mortgage. Decorative condition. Located on highway S6. D-3 delight, close to park, quality BLUEWATER 'BEACH - All brick winterized home. built brick, home, many Lake front view, sundeck, fireplace, garage. 'extras, includes extra bath. Beautifully landscaped. Immaculate condition. *F-21 C 256 AUBURN • Four season scenic view, 11 7 storey 'cheerful bright home. Renovated, prr acy. Country setting,.rn.thirties...D-28_.• _ �_.•._ SALTFORD • $27,500.00 Completely renovated, log burning fireplace. Immediate possession. L-2 DUNGANNON $36,000.00 Buys you a• home in, a quiet village. 1' 7 storey, 3 bedroom home including extra lot. J 49 POINT. CLARK Like the RR. 5, GODERICH Split Lake? Try this 4 bedroom log 2 bedroom winterized cottage,. with fireplace and cottage on well treed lot. '3 beautiful lot. Priced under miles north of Goderich. B-5 540,000.00 J-37 ,. POINT CLARK • Year round 3 bedroom home with full basement situated on large lot. 1.0' percent mortgage. G 19 MAPLE GROVE - Win-. terized 3 bedroom cottage located on a treed lot. Only a few steps to sandy beach. M- 18 BLUEWATER BEACH -.- K I NGS B R I DG E - Country home on + acre with -barn. Highway frontage. 12 Percent mortgage available. V• BLUEWATER - BLUEWATER BEACH - 107 Live in quiet comfort. Well R R. 2, GODERICH - Attention Sun Seekers! Have insulated, vinyl .sided, 2 year round living in country setting only a few steps to bedroom home and taxes sandy beach. Nearly new 3 bedroom home has central only $108 per year. J-92 vacumm .and built-in dishwasher plus much more. M- 12 PORT ALBERT Gardener's Dream. You will have lots of room on this ' 7 acre lot to grow all your own 'vegetables and live in this luxury of a spacioussplit level. Home is within walking to a good fishing spot. J 19 CLINTON • 170 VICTORIA., STREET . Duplex, 4 bedroom and 2 bedroom apartments. Pricedin•thirties. E 170 R R. 2, ZURICH - Reduce your grocery bill! Grow your own vegetables and meat on this 5 acre property with 11 7 storey yellow brick home and small barn. G-2 DUNGANNON - Single storey 2 bedroom home with attached .2 storey steel shed 20' x 40' and barn 18' x 33'. Lot size 72' x 165'. 5-9 R.R. 5, CLINTON - Catch your own breakfast from this spring fed creek that surrounds this 14 acre -3 bedroom house and barn in the quiet country side. U=25 PORT ALBERT - Fisherman's Paradise! Only steps away from this elegant low maintenance home. V-39 R.R. 5, GODERICH - Af- AUBURN • 4 bedroom house on large lot with double fordable living in this 3 garage. S-8 bedroom Pyramid mobile on DUNGANNON • 2 year old home with 3 bedrooms, full treed lakeview lot .in basement, large kitchen and dining room. F-151 Meneset Park. Includes 4 DUNGANNON COUNTRY LIVING -- close to appliances. G-20 Goderich. 3 bedroom home with finished rec. room in MENESET PARK Where full basement. B-153 • R.R. 2, ZURICH' Lake` Front, South of • Bayfield. 3 bedroom cottage. Well landscaped with private steps to 'beach. K-2 , LAKE FRONT - 120' with beautifully treed lot. Very private location, 3 bedroom Priced to sell! Immaculate cottage is ,insulated and cottage on large treed lot. L- comes completely furnished. 120 Priced right at 832,50,0. S-23 MOBILES HURON HAVEN -- $12,900.00 R.R. 5, LUCKNOW - Mobile Move into this 2 bedroom Home just outside of mobile with appliances in- Lucknow for sale. 3 bedroom cluded and do away with Glendale. Asking $11,500.00. high payments. Attractive 13 Must be moved from percent mortgage -- Make an property. H-152 offer. H-6 R.R. 6, GODERICH - Just MENESET - Newlyweds, what Mother wants! A 3 Start Out Right! A home you • bedroom 14ft. by 70 ft. can afford. Immediate Liberty Mobile at an af- possession. N-61 forda'tle,price. Put your rent HURON HAV E N = 1975 money, to work for. you. K-132 Marlette. 12' -1(-1;0' with 8' x 24' addition including 3 bedrooms and raised kit- chen. C-4 MENESET _PARK - 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, sundeck, tip top condition. $12,500. K- 53 R.R. 6, GODERICH - 1975 12 ft. by 63 ft. Marlette with 2`3 ft. by 8 ft. expando, giving a large 17 ft. by 18 ft. living room M-32 LOTS GODERICH - Building lot, D,UNGANNON - Building Lake view K-14 PORT ALBERT - Lakeview lots priced at $8,.000.00 J-9 MAITLAND RIVER - Seasonal , treed lot. Very private. Mc -14 HURON HAVEN 2 bedroom ,. 1976 22' x 36' Bendix Double Wide Home. Large 24' x 11'. Deck at rear. Situated on good size lot. M-3 Leaves sparkle in Autumn Colors around this beautiful 12 ft. by 68 c ft. 3 bedroom Bendix Mobile home. C-73 HURON HAVEN - 1975 Marlette with expando and deck. Furniture included $17,900.00. P-106 GODERICH - Two Tots 81' x lots as low as 83,500.00 M-8 132' each. Asking 820,000. S-4 DUNGANNON - 6 building lots at $22,000.00 each 5-75 GRAND BEND - Private Estate -- 15 acres on the lake. Just north of Grand,Bend. C- 20 LAKEFRONT lot - 80' x 386 Horizon View Estates. P-25 VANASTRA - ' Custom woodworking business, good volume. Potential for growth over 5000 square ft. floor space. 200 and 550 amp service. 0-28 GODERICH - 30000 sq. ft. plus Prime Commercial Property on Highway No. 8. M-308 VANASTRA - Fireball anyone! Good solid building, 4,000 sq: ft. suitable for business or living ac- comodation. Asking $32,500, F-34 NILE LOW, LOW, TAX ES -- on this •3 bedroom home. Only 10 miles from Goderich. Situated on well land- scaped lot. S -W13. R.R. 3, GODERICH - You Dreamed It --We. got it!' Three Targe bedrooms and living room with franklin fireplace on spacious lot in Port Albert. 10 percent mortgage till September 1983. 0-27 R.R. .3, GODERICH - Two Bedroom Home on '•2 acre lot in Kingsbridge. Priced under 840,000.00 8-3 CARLOW - Home and workshop 36' x 27' unique at- tractive solid built home 5 rooms, full basement. MC -1 PORT ALBERT - Dream home, exceptional quality, priced under 60. All the extras over 1 acre. W-1 PORT ALBERT - Farm house, brick, 3 bedrooms plus den, utility room, extra bath. Excellent buy. C-5 BLACKS POINT ROAD - Rancher, attached garage, 1 z acre lot. Ready to move in. Priced irnt.he 40's. F-2 SMALL HOLDING - Approx. 9 acres, located just south of Goderich. Brick burg atow is nestled in the trees, making this a very private setting. Call today for personal showing. A-10 DUNGANNON - Modern rancher, 3 bedrooms nearly new. Owner transferred can give possession im- mediately. Priced in 30's,.. T-3 w..