HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-21, Page 1• 1,011dori, Huron 84 Bruce,
<lame lfortm-
Lendoe, depart ...
Liman Creeping „
Claueeboye •
Exeter ..,„
Happen • .„
}3rucel1o1d. • „.
0 onia Soteru,
Clinton ...
Iienstill ... .
Exeter _
C eutrali a ...
Clandeboye ,..
lateen Crossing
7.49 A, X. 4. 261.
... 0,28 0,20
... 8.45" 5,40
... 8.06 5.57
9,08 6.09
• 9,11 8.17
,„ 9.40 5.45
10.00 7.03
7.38 1.15
7:47 4.25
8.07 1.40
tp 8.26 ' 5,01
8.84 8.12
8.41 5,14 ,
• ... 8.00 5.33
.., 9,07 5.45
10.18 • 6,06
... 9,24 6.09
T. R.,PICESOIst,"Birrister, Soli-
. I •eit)ref Supreme Court Notary Public
OonveyaneJi • 07111.111:118eioner. Sic. Money to
Loan. •
Oillee in Faneene4 Block, Exotex.,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Rte.
- ONT. •
OillceSarawell'sBloek flail sold offtee.)
A RMOUR, W. F()R1),
Solicitor it' the Supreme Court of Ontario,
Conveyancer, Conamisaioneri cee, acc,. Special
attention given to tbe collection of claims 121
lihe United States:. Patente procured!, mopey
tcrloan at lowest ratee. •ce : OPel'n :House
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers, Solicitors Nota,riea fulls
/ I
Conveyancers iSze, &C.
armoney to' Loan at Lowest Bates of
33. V. 34L7I0T. nericer.
OFFICE: OVeZe cr.irilatils Bank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless etraction.
Sam -well's Block, Main•st, Exeter,
Extraets Tooth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
-, Filings and all other dental
work the best possible. Goes
to Demon on last Thursday in
each month.
ITTZ , '
• bfliceathisresicl.enee *Oxeter
T W. BROWNING M: D., M. (3
• P. S'GraduateVictorielnivevaity.Office
moidireeidemee,DoitinioeLo.boratozv, Exe ter
... .. .
-FIR. i
l,RPMAN, coroner. for Ile
-11.-/e County oftturon, Office, Opp °seta Ur.
. °aline's store, Exeter. •• A •„
, ,
J.•ROLIal.N,0,. ,M; O. P. S
-11,-/ 49. Office, Main S.,. elnyter,Ont.liesiden
ea houserecently occupied byip,
TENRY EILBER, Licensed Atio-
"tioneer for FlaYi Stephen, and McG4111-
7ray:T0wn8hi1)8: Sales ooxiduotod ittmodera be
ra, tee. 011ie—At Post-offiee,Crediton,Ont .
TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the
V Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the VeIlage of .1i1Ieter. All sales promptly
attended, end satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
Oerier, : Cice eoor'Seuth of Town Hall.
liar cent, $25,000 Private Funds, Best
Loaning Companies-reptesenterl.
Barrister, Exeter,
Ustablished in 1803
This come any has been over Eighteen
years in successful operation in Western On-
tario'andcoatinue a to insure againatloss or
• a ataage by ir9 ,Builclings etlerchttUdise Olean-
uf actorieeetnd all otheedescriptions oflinsur-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option of insuring on the Prerhiura Note or
Cash System . ,
During the past ten years this Company
' hits issued e7,096 Policies, covering property
to the minount of $40,872,038 and paid 121 1088-
08 alone $709,752,00 .
Assete, 481e60.00.00, consisting of Cash
i3ank, GovextinientDeposit,and the wises-
eesedPreiniern Noteson handandin force. 3,
W,WantnnaM t,Prealc1eL2. C. al. TAYLOR,
Elecretary. J. 3. Hudixes,Inspector. CHAS.
• NELL Agoistfor 'Exeter a,nd vicinity,
The Great PregeOptiop.
A successful efeclicine used over ' '
80 years in thousands of cases.
Curers ,Speiviatorrhea, Nervetch
Weakness, Emissions, Impotency
and all diseases ccuised.by abuse.
a vlatl indiscretion, or over-exertion. [arme]
•Skagee Guaranteed to Genie/len r others
;14q,',Ask your Druggist for The Groot Enemas
I 41/4,00hon, take no substitute. One package
et Six $5, by lean. Write forPamphlet. Address
ieltikeka Chemical Co.. Detroit. niche,
Barber Sho
• A. Ha8tings, Prop.
Shaving and Hair cutting in the I atdat styles
of the art.
Every attention paid to butting
Ladies ana Children' s Hair.
A CALL Soritaltgri
VOL. XV. NO. 37.
Joesue -ciehrree se SONS
Publisher sand Proprietors.
• . Market Squaire
General Store
The undereigned would inform this pub-
lic that he has just received his •
A. full line of Dry -Goode, Hate es Caps, and
• °rookery, Boote and Shame
• Those wishing apytbing in my line will
find it to their advantage to cell and in
sped ray goods aud prices.
Hivhestsprioes paid for But,
.ter,and Eggs and all
,kinds of produce.
J. P. Ross.
• Miss Nellie Oraig ia away visiting in
Prakhill this week,
Jas. M. hal not got his sulky fixed yet.
Our boys don't kiok the football quite so
much lately—too warm, .
MSS MeFalls, of Biddulph, is visiting at
the Dufferin House.
Spring orops are.looking splendid around
the village. • The.prospect for fruit, except
plume is good. '
Mr. T. Hodgins paid Exeter a yisit last
Saturday. Tom don't go that way as often
as usual—friends gone—eh Torn.
• Mr. and Mrs. Obese:Neil, of Exeter, were
visiting old friends in McGillivray hot Set-
urclay and Sunday. •
T. Ceillins and W. 'Mindy, of Leant,
were visiting at Mrs. Maguire's, 3rd oon.
McGillivray, on Sunday,
Bobbie C. bas gone into training and
wonld like to arrange for a foot race with
some of the.Lucan flyers.
lir. H. Miller, 3rd cm McGillivray, had
new potatoes on his table last week. Good
for you Henry. e„ •
Mr. Rufus Oobblugh says "he has the
'West horse in Centralia. if it can go any
faeter than 13. can talk hoiseethen its a good
Mr G Simpson gave a concert at the
'Bache last Friday evening to a full house.
Goo. who has been with Prof. Moody for
the last few weeks, says that this vocal
powers are very'sfrong ;and also his mus -
de. ,
, As Jas. Afolllhargy,2nd con. McGillivray,
was about to retire the other night he
thought he heard SOnie0110, trying to'gain
an entrance into the back doer, of his dwel-
ling. ArmingereasselfAvith elev.:slyer and
going out lie came upon it lean on the
grimiest on bis hands and knees. The sup-
posed robber made to run away, but James
covered him with the revolve -IS The poor
fellow pleaded piteously to be let go, and
said his name was John Anderson, of Fern-
hill, and that he was only getting some
grass and Canadian thistles to gond to his
little girl in Manitoba. , Mr. Mallhargy
then let -the man go. It seems he had an,
ecconsplice with him—who had it horse
and buggy .on the rcad—Jas thinks they
meant to rob him as he was known to have
it large sum of money in the house, he har-
ing sold some eggs that day.
• Bniees.—Thermoneeter slightly • above
zero at present.—Messrs. ,J. J. Denise and
G, L. Money are away at present attend-
ing camp in Stratford.—k baseball match
bettveee the Hard Heads, of Niasouri, and
Rangers, of Kirkten, resulted in ah easy.
victory for the former. Return match
Saturday next.—The picnic held in Mr.
Wiseman's grove in eonnection with the C.
P. churoh was a successful event. Proceeds
amounting to nearly $100.—The wife of
Mr. S. Riodan, base line, committed sui-
eide on Saturday evening last. About 9
• o'olook in the evening she Hut her young,
est son to the store at Woodham, to pur-
chase some rat poison and wheedle return-
ed with it see proceeded to mix up a
quantity with some water when the young
boy, about ten years old, iemonstrated with
her againet taking it but without avail.
The boy then destroyed the remainder of
the poison and went to arouse his father
who was in bed. Dr. Irving was sent for
but nothing could be done the woman
dying abent four hours after conamittitig
the rash act. No cause is assigned for
it.—Observation leads ne to believe that
the Exeter millers are slightly averse to
cutting thistles. Welcome hornet-PERSON-
Ab.—J, J. Doupe returned from Stratford
C. C.—Miss E. Stephens is on a visit
across the border.—Bev. J. Chelton Wee
moved to Bluevale by conference and lieV.
• Mr Kenner appointed eucceseor.—J2 Bry-
aim, tailor, intends leaving • Eirkton.--
Wedding bells expected to ring heavily
before long. Wonder who it will ' be, His
lielinose or Paddy ?--The Methodist picnie
on the 2nd prox. promises to be a grand
enemies. • Come along boys, lots of nin
ehinge on hand, such as preachets,
cream and StraWbOrdiad Only two York
ehillings. • •
The Sabbath wheel phinic of Grove
church, was held Wednesday, Juno 13111.
A very pleasant time was Resent at Lake
lefesere.Isafte, A.:Wilson and Willie Elena
started for Stratford last Monday, where
they are engaged for a week or two, to play
in the 32hd Battelle% bend. '
A wornamhailing from London by the
name df Mary Clerk NV/18 around from h sus°
to houee, begging contrary, to law. She
told a pitiful story and gathered up coneici-
treble money. It ,turne Out since that
she an imposter.
Bee. James Huner preached his ferowell
oormon here lest Sabbath, He ie an able
aud.eloquent sneaker, tied daring his stay
here be bee reads, many warm friends.
He goes to Revenswooci circuit. The Lon.
d'on conference of the Methodiat clime' is
eleort of young insu. A tunneler 01 doublo
citeuite aro left at present with one man,
gland Bend being one of theni.
THE fleorreen House, --On the Main
street stands a delapidated old frame build-
ing! In• the structure itself there is
nothing remarkable'other than it has
stood the storing and breezes of many a
81.11:01110r and winter'e blast : in many places
the clapping boards ere loose, •while the
rents in the rooe let in both tho sunshine
ancl the rain. Removed hom the grouud
by four posts he tottering appearance gives
one the impression of danger, aa yQU VIONV
it from the "'four points of the compass.
And the many rents which open out like
port holes, invited the cyclones, blastand
the suninier winds te play their sad direful
moaning as they vibrated along 'the walls
and through the vacant *chambers, which
send cold chills of fear to creep through
ones veins. And there are but few belated
travellers or midnight marauders but that
give it a wide berth, and none are they
who -have had the hardihood to pass it in
the dead hours of night unless they tools
the emposite side of the street, and only
then at a break neck speed. Stratge and
'thrilling stories have been told from •time
to time of eights blood curdling, seen by
people whose Termite, could not be called
into question. Of signal lights " moving
from chamber to chamber casting rays of
pale blue reflections, eiekly and deathlike;
like will -0 -the -wisps or goblins out on a
midnight orgey•; unearthly 'telltale would
burst forth like the undertones of muffled
thunder to silence itself and give way to
strains of musical melodies unnatural.
Then a clamoring noise like the clinking of
cheine, would sally forth as if bedlum itself
were let loose, only , to be eucceeded by
voices of feline wrath,that, would ereet
ones hair to a standing posture. The
building was erected some fifteen years ago
by Mr. Richard Dr•Obt, who uurposed using
it for a cabinet factory ; but owing to
impecuniosity did not finish it. -Mr. Mc-
Leod then rented the buildingand has
since had it -lot of„new carriages and buggies
stored in it. Mr.. McLeod was the first
gentleman who uoticecl anything strange.
On. the evening of January the loth last
at 10:20 e'cleck Mr. IsfoLeod was , about
retiring to his couch, when he beard
strenge antl startling 'sounds issuing from
the building. Hifi firSt imprespion was
that some thief was stealing his buggies
and he at °nee went over to ascertain if
such was the Vase. On, arriving at the
front of the building', he met Mr. Ione
Hodgins, who had also 0013:03 out, and to-
gether they entered the buildingand there
a marvellous aightneet their view. Three
carriages were overturned ,and two were
standing straight up on their front wheels;
they stood awe strieken and amazed and
•their very hair arose on end. They at
once hastened to the residence of Mr. John
Bawdens out village constable, and there
metenetiSiely'llrelliterden, but his deputy,
Mr. Thos. Robinson. They at once pro-
ceeded back to the building and there forted
the buggies all in their place as they had
been the day previous. The two bold
constables smiled in derision at the story
which the frightened men had told them.
But their anneement may be better inn
agiued thau described when a two wheeled
cart began te rah up and down With no
visible agency.' They -all at once . retreated
eseppt Mr. Thu: Robinson. who, being a
man of iron nerve,decided to, remain and
see out the mystery. • Strange and un-
earthly sounds proceeded from the whip -
socket of one of the brigmee. and made
even Abe lion-hearted Thomas tremble, and
he too retreated., and all went home filled
with terror at the strange sights they wit-
nessed, resolving at the same time to keep
it a secret, to see if it would occur again.
The neat night about half past eleven as
Mr. Wellington Hodgins rind Mr. John
Neil, butchers, were returning termite from
Mooresville, remarkable sounds • atraok
their ears as they reached the Sauble hill,
and when thity arrived in front of the
Boyal hotelegroans, screams and hisses and
other diabolical noises, were issuing from
the haunted house. Their horse became
uumaixageable and they were obliged to
turn round and drive back to The Royal
hotel,. They metered the house and -asked
Mr. Hodgins the reason of these strange
sounds, and he informed them that belied
also head the game soundsthe previous
night. John Neil raade knOwn his inten-
tion to at once investigate the (Weir'and
together with Wellington Hodgins, Isaac
Hodgins, James Boland. Thomas Anderson
and Thompson Murdock, at once repaired
to the scene. •eacb armed with a stout
bludgeon. But when they arHved at the
building all was peaceful and serene. Im-
mediately upon their entrance, a great
commotion ensued, the windows rattled,
•the stairs creaked, the cellar' door opened
and shut, the roof raised and at once seek
back again, while mournful voices were
heard 'crying blood, blood, blood. They
were completely terrorized as if from a
pestilence. In half , an hour they again
rettithed, but everything •wits no quiet as
the grave itself and nothing enaocoentable
•could be notieed exceptnag a • pale sickly
'bletelr light whioli continued H dance up
and down the stairs with great rapidity and
a noise as of a elap of thunder again drove
them front the scene. They were terribly
alarmed ; in fact Mr. Wellington Hodgins
was so terribly frightened that his nerves
are even yet unstineg, and the leant un-
accustomed sound eauses biro to start and
turn pale ; and he invariably takes •hie
dog Nibbe, wall him for protection when
he goes abroad.
(To be continued)
Ionathan Arltinsan, Esq., was in town on
bush -loge on Saturday.
Will nothing Mettle° Mr, Bravest to get
hia heir c et.
• The old relieble Christopher B. will act
as referee between Yorkey end Stewort
Taylor in their coming eight,
The autobiography of ;Jonathan' Hodgins,
Esq., will be written to next week, Look
out felt something rpiecy.
The editor of the Enterprise and his
Devil were out for all airing in the park ou
Thureday lege They both appeared dazed
as though they had been laborieg under a
Tommy Chester is the worst mulled
masher in town; in fact he is so fer gone
that he stands on Charley Basket's berme?,
.counting his VOA bIltt0110. TO31113147
an ivory headed cane to meek.
Some wretch stole ,a bottle of Billy Tay-
lor's mineral water out of Johnny Stout's
buggy Saturday night,
Cabe Ryan has been elevated to the
position of pathmaster in the place of
thchard Thorapeon, honorably clischerged,
Now that the summer has arrived, Mr.
James Sprat has got dewn to 'his regular
diet:, rhubarb; which be procures from
the 16911 of London township.
Me, Doupe has kindly oonsented to act
as umpire in the series of base ball games
to be played here during the summer.
Au ebony colored gentletnan, Elder
Toote b natne, was in town last week
whetting aid to 'nimbus, a tea store chrome
to dewiate his ohms% with. What is the
matter with the Lime Eiln Club? .
Eli liocIgius, of the 2n11 of Bicldulpit, s
about inventing it ziew postage stamp that
will stick without gam. Eli purposes,
visitiug Ottawa lo interview the Postmastet
General in connection with his intentions.
Thomas Oinebing,s, the well known dan-
delion herb doctor, has removed Ms, place
of reeidenee to the corner of Buckley at.
and Woodward avenue, where be will be
pleased to meet all suffefere of chronic
diseases. Office hours from 10 a m to 3
, •
p. charges moderate, '
Oal. Jackeon and Geo. Bawden , ran a
foot rue to deoidethe claim to walk down
street with a 'prima donna. Bawden won
but wits so faint hearted that he staggered
against a hitching post and allowed his
*lee to walk by unheeded, Cal, waxed
wrath and still repudiates Bawden's
Willie Sproule perambulated' up and
around. the,liond stand Wednesday evening
listening to the far away- strains of our
shoofly baud. Willie was eo absorbed
with the rausie that he could not afford the
• time to wipe away a mosquito that had
perehed on his left ear.
The vile atom of ignorant stupidity who
corresponds from Clandeboye should not
introduce the natnes of respectable clergy-
men, in the low clap , trap rubbish he
writes. Doubtless the entire brains of
(Mandeb -eye were gotten together to an-
nounce to the public that Mr. Percy
Macklin; preaehed in Olandeboye • on
• Sunday last owipg.to the, 'absence of Mr.
Downie who wsivattending the conference
at* Toronto. Your correspondent does not
care if the tender feelings of Mr. Macklin
'are ruffled by the -item or not, but we do
object to an rimmed idiot writing senseless
liea about it Christian gentleman. The
more immutable people of ' thie section
object to anything which thuds to lower a
ministH of the church who is reopected by
all classes. Will the person who wrote the
item in question please answer ?
A garden party, concert and danee Was
held••at Donnelley's school house On Friday
eveninglast, and a very enjoyable time was
• spent by the large audience. The Lamm
bend vas there and discouesed sweet Music.'
AlberiCaitroleand,Win. Whalen wore .aleo
there aud delighted the audience with a
dancing competition, the winner to reeeive
O silver headed cane. George Armitage,
John Kent and George Hodgins, (better
known as Aunt Ellen's George) were
appointed referees. John Casey officiated
as timekeeper. Three dances were to be
deuced, each contestant being•lirnited to
five Minutes for each trial. The dames
were a mord dance, Italian polka and a
Tennesee hoe dOwn. When the referees
had taken their seats, John Casey, time-
keeper, called on Albert Carrot, who at
once stepped on the ylatform attired in a
pair of white kuickerbockers, pink .stoek-
ings and wigwams. Owing to the extreme
beat of the egening he,discarcled hie shirt
and wore a red handkerchief mound his
neck., , He was loudly oheered. He at
once started the sword dance and surprised
everyone by his agility and grace. Joe
Thompson gigged for him ana Bobbie
• Collins accompanied him on the kettle
drum. When time was called he was
nearly used' nn, but was quickly revived.
with a dose of Willie Taylenes mineral
water. Mr. Oasey then called on William
Whalen, who at once stepped to the front
and was also loudly cheered. William was
beautifully attired in an evening suit of
black felloloth and although ins did re-
markably well the referees deeided in favor
of Ur. Carrel. Mr. Casey again called
and Mr, Carrel again appeared but it
could be noticed at a glance that he exerted
himself too numb in tbe previous dance.
William then appeared and danced to the
accompaniment of a mouth organ played
by Rebut Guest. William was Warded
this dance. The excitement was now high1.
each having wcin a dance. Mr. Carol who
had been well rubbed down by Eli Armi-
tage appeared fresher for the last contest,
but after dancing for two „minutes com-
pletely breke down, and Mr. Whalen • won
the third contest with ease. Dennis Me -
Margit has challenged the winnertefor $50,
the contest to take place at the Cedar
Swampecho'ol 111 ttto weeks. R. B. Hod-
gins, Jonathan Hodgins and Thomas Cul-
bert lost heavily On Cerro]. John Kent
also gave a pleasing act with his trained
Mexican pouy.' 'Thos. Ryder sang'it" song
"The Gipsy Girl," and Mr. Beeford de -
livened a short address on do'nsmercial
Union. The fai519 on the whole swas a
grand. success. •
XIATMell A ETOAX.—Ona night lad week
when this peaceful burg was wrapeed up in
the arms of morphette and all was as still
as the midnight hours of serenity could,
demand, Jemes T. awl hie happy little
family lay sleeping the sleep of the
just, when he was arbused by diabolical
noises issuing ,from his baking liaise in
the rear of his store. lames beinq
courageous mite e.t once arose and fighting
the lamp, seizedthe first missile, that eame
to hand, which proved to be a large beteg-
ne ,sauge after the Xing Wheelin Kiser
make, ti9d proceeded down Haire, hie
nether' .garments flappitig in the breetes
that blow, andboldly edvanced to tho bake
house deer and eantiously ensiling it onen
it sight Met his eyes which completely,
warmed the weltlee of his heart ; for there
seate(1 ou tho bread board were three of
bis 'anciene and bilious chums, with • a
basket containing 13 bothee of Labattet
best XXX ale. ,Tames' first thought was to
at once ere tho maraudere mit, but after
oaItnIy onsiderthg the ease, be conoluded
to stay and etjoy a pleasant evening with
theist. Two bottles were quickly Opened
mid dispensed with, • James being it
hoopitable entertainer, , retracted bit stepo
up-stsite after a loaf of qiise best (treated
hread and it'eltunk of Stillon cheese, of
which he keeps the best in stook. On his
return two more bottles Ware quickly die -
nosed of, vehen a panpan orgey ensued for
some few Minutes. Jaime appeared to be
thoroughly enjoying himself, one of his
chums on bis.brain the ale scented to hare
an exciting effect, loudly insisted on jamas
procuring wine pepper and Hit as he
thought the ale was flat. James being an
obliging man once mare seconded to the
store and after procuring the pepper and
salt, again retraced his steps to the bake.
bouse. In the meantime the popping of
the corke had awakened Billy Bell an'
antiquated old gentleman who resides With
ja133.68. He imagining what was going an,
stealthily Hole down stairs, cautiously
opened the bake house Owe and silently
sneaked over‘to where the basket lay,
collared it and its aonteuts, and glided, like
a spectre, back le his room and hastely
Jacking the door 'winked his bleary eyes,
smacked bis benzine lips, and clapping his
hands bu his stonmeh, exelaircied. 'ain't 1 a
oute.ousse and straightway got outside of
two bottle. The unsuepioions Jihnes re-
turning with the groceries, meandered into
the bake house, and said, 'whoop bet up
old sports'; but the sports looked vacantly
at him. Tames then advaneed to where
the basket hacl.been and angerly demanded
that it should at ones, be produced, But
the ohunte declared thet 'they knew nothing
of Its whereabouts. Jas. who thought they
were fooling him said, "ah there let her go
MeGargle" but the chums were unable to
Id t her go. Consequently James buome
very indignant nnd catching a pieoe of
dough lambested one of the Minnie in the
eye; the other °hum thinking diectetion the
better part of valor, unconditionally fled.
After it most careful search of the bake
house and being unable to find the basket
Jamee fired out the remaining °hum and
locking the bake homes door, slowly pro-
ceeded back upstairs. muttering curses lend
and deep, and completely disgusted with
the whole nights proceedings and complete-
ly convinced that man'a inhumanity to
man bad by stern experience niade one
man he knew of mourn.
BIewer, of Lees% spent
a few days in the village.—John Murray's
a"1nr1F41W4-8 a: Ct. owg elefltegdr—anjtaoniu"l Bs trwg jet! ikw fi ot er
Muskoka. --Mr. Charles Baynes called to
see his many friendsen the village, Sat-
turday,—Miss Lottie Langford is vieiting
friends in edueltokre—A. sample of the
Sherwin patent gate can be Hansen Alfred
Ironside's farth Meth of the village.—Mr.
Thomas Lawton, reeve of 131aushard, found
his best horse dead in the field on e -Wed-
nesday morning Hernia was the Olin's's,- of
death.„—A number -of. our villaWpeople
are more aliye to their neighbor'a inteteet
than their own.—Our enterprising towns -
81211113, Mr. 3, Lovett, is now the patentee of
the raostt durable, easily built and oheapest
fence in Canada.—One day leo week a
' valuable horn belonging to M. S. McKen-
zie, ran into it wire fence, and although in
a critical condition for some time from the
injuries reeeivedos at present about all
right.—Dame rumor says W. B. Stewart
received word from Wisconsin about a
wash -bill nnpaid.—We are pleased to see
John Forest on the street again.—The
village people are thankful to Mr. ForiMann
for the privilege of playing ball in his
paature field.—The game of base ball be.
•tween the Fish Creek and Revere °lithe on
Saturday last at Mr. G. Hangfordeteproved
an Hey victory for the former.---james
Foster,, butcher and baker, has built a
kitchen to his house, and painted the front
of his place of burliness, thereby improving
the looks of Main street. The inorth side
leather merchaut will hear from your
correspondent in'another issue.—The band
serenaded the town regularly, trying to
-keep the blue mold off Simon's quaok
horse, but failed. It was noticed packed
up and crawling out ?sue night receetly.—
Aarom of ferret fame, whose phisog is
much like a full moon with it gallaher
touch on the lower side, is the choice of
Granton's baseball men.
8 -4 -411* -4
Nowise wenn is it? Thermometer 100 0
in the shade.
Miss Miehelltree, of London, is spending,
it few days in town.
There is going to be several fine crops
of mustard around here next fall.
=The "antis" will be delighted to hear
that the world famous Jim McFadden has
been reinstated as Scott Act constable.
• A number of the elite of this pike de-
parted, for- it two days sojourit to the Grand
Bend, Olandeboye'e watering place. They
retinue(' happy, sunburnt and delighted.
Miss Josephine Hodgins, who has been
in London for some time taking lemons in
stenography is at present visiting her par-
ents in tine place.
A great rulth here every Thuredity to see
who will be the first' to get the Timm.
Then standing around in groops reading
it aioUd. • '
The members of the Clandeboye Metho-
dist clturoh intend haviiig a straw -berry
festival to be held 011 the evening of Tues.
eday June 2645. They are making groat
preparations and expect an excellent time.
A. well known sportsman, while visiting
the Young Mon's Athletic Association of
this place, said that Clandeboye had the
beet amateur boxers of any place he was
eVal: 171 for its size. "
Our Maeksitlith was considerably excited
when be saw the piece about him in last
weeks Times front the Liman correepoudent,
Be says he did tell some thst ho coul(1 eat
flvo poautis of beefeleak brit he denies the
peak of potateee, The next time he catches
to ry
o Chociesnays he is going to ----- I lied
Last week a deputation of the ciana.
boye base ball club surrounded your oortee-
pendent and demended to know' why he
had teken it epee hineeelf to challenge
tenth an etteellent team as Exeter'e. I
managed to escape however and they con-
soled their wounded feelinge by issuing a
challenge 96 the 13riusley boys; they how-
ever declined to play such it geed olub.
Perl,aps Exeter has Borne scrub team which
they could send down to us.
The Molsons Bank
LIA.It TI17.1E1) BY 1'A arsiAmEN 21,185e)
P a Out) Capital $,000,400
Rost Fund .,. ... 576,000
Offers Um Public 4 r= onz,TT,,,mTnarsT
PHU ANNUM f or money on
• For Money in
Savings BankDep'm't
For further particulars apply at The Bank
Main $treet, Exeter.
7.0 a to. "to 3p m. $aturdays, 10 a, an. to 1 p.m
• A. A. 0. DENOVAN,
Exeter oct, 01, '87, 34-anage/
G. McEwen's new. store is being com-
pleted. Messrs. Brown and Blatohford
are erecting a new residence.
Mr. Jas, Coxworth, :of the Centennial
house, is having his hotel repainted on the
grand musical and literary concert is
to be held in Coxworth's hall on Friday
evening. A. large attendance is expected.
Mrs. Gibbs, widow of the late Gavin
Gibbs, purposes leaving riensall to settle
in Listowel.
Some of the bojis donned the volunteer
uniform in preference to work ; but they
will find it's not all fun and glory. wearing
a "red coat."
As. Messrs. McArthur and McDonell
were out driving Tuesday, their horse, be-
coming frightened, ran away, leaving the
gentleman an the roadside, and badly de-
molishing tbe buggy. We are glad to say
that they were not at all hurt.
Robe, Peeterson Esq., of Itodgervill, died
• an Saturday evening last, at the age of
82 years, and was interred in the Rodger -
villa eemetery on Tuesday. • A very large
00110011988 of friends followed the remains
to their last resting place, atHeting the
high esHem in which he was held.
The race -course is now complete(' the
grand stand also, the judge's stand being
erected and all is in readiness for the "fast '
horses." A. better track is not to be fond
in Western Ontario, and Hensel, we are
glad to say, is far in advance of „London in
way of prizes. Come one, oorne all, on 2n9.
of July, when the course will be opened.
A. Baseball match will be played in the
morning and races in the afternoon.
A. gun elub was formed here some time
ago with the folio ring officers elected :—
Tres. James Petty; vice-pres, G Suther-
land; secy-trens., 3 T Wren; managing
conc., Messrs. Hood, Stoneman, MaCarthur
McDonnell, Goad and Evans. There is a
total membership of about 30. The Mall -
aging committee have purchased EN trap
from Messrs. McDonnell Je Waugh, • which
gives good satisfaction. Some of the mem-
• bers were out for practice and succeeded
damirably, it being their first attempt.
• _es.•
Brunpe.—The path -masters in the vill-
age have commenced to do roadwork and
have repaired considerable sidewalk se far,
which was badly needed.—The tile -yards
are at present very busy and, the inanufac-
fures can scarcely supply the demand.
Never before have they beau so busy as now
but the public will be supplied as their
capacityis very large audit would only be a
matter of a few weeks to manufacture it
large supply.—A number of young folks
from Clandeboye passed through inir village
•Friday "%Veiling last, enroute for the
• Gland Rend,- and on Saturday evening
they again passed through town on their
way home. They evidently had it goode
time as they appeared to be a jolly crowd,.
"Be careful John we aro anxious about
yeu."—During the last few weeks a great
many family Dictates have been held at the
Grand Bend by Our village 'bike and farm-
ers surrounding; and all report having
had a good time. --On Friday last the
teachers add scholars of the public reboot
spent a pleaeant day at the lakeside. Ser.
eral parents furnished teams so that all
who wiehed could go, whieh most of them
did. Boating arid fishing was the order of
the day and everyone seemed to enjoy
themselves. We are glad to hear that all
passed off without the least mishap to mar
the pleasures of the little ones, and think
the teachers did very wisely in getting up
the affair; and congratulate them on their
8110.0989.- The regular Division Court was
•held in the Town Hall on Tueeday last,
and a number of ewes were tried' before
the Judge.—A number of Indians are at
Present in camp about i miles west of
here and are busily engaged in basket-
• making.—Several young men from' this
neighborhood left on Monday to join the
Exeter Oompstny of volunteers, some Of
them celebrabrated the event by getting
gloriously drunk before leaving and giving
it fancy drill ethibition on the street. We
are afraid they won't be so high spirited
when they return, and if they continue to
aet111 camp as they dicl here theyt, will not
do much drilling but will bums well
acquainted with the guard-house.—The
quarterly services were held in the German
• 'Church on Sunday last. A. large number
of strangers attended. The eerviees Were
conducted by the Rev. Mr. TYmbach, the
presiding elder for the distriet.---We are
Berry to learn that Rev. Mr. 'Kennedy has
been stationed at Birr and consequently
leaves us. Mr. K. Was Well liked by his
• congregation and was a fearless and an
otitspoken maix on all questions religiously
or morally. However we wish him success
in his now field of labor. ---We are sorry to
hear of the death of Aire Jas. Short, of
Centralia, relict of the late Jas. Short,
formerly of Oreclitou, which ()Haired on
Monday, She leaves three orphan child,
ren to mourn her Sad deearture.
reagent, —Mr. Doneld Patterson, who
has been sujourniog in Marquette, Mich,,
for over a year, snrprised his friends by
putting M his appearance again. Donald
is a jolly, fine fellow anti we don't see how
we got along withOt him so long, He
was greatly missed 'especially by the fair
visIAingM nj'a'reS'G
nIrts 11lirla'onrte nis t°. -t•tMir).1.sYsiziin.
Coffman, of 13lyth, has secured an engage,
limb with Mr. Dellenbaeh.—Mr, Jacob
Pinkbeiner, of Ohio, is the guest of his sis.
tor, Mrs. Elber, Mr. F. likes our coun-
try and thinlas ws have as' Anal farming
lauds ay he ilea ever saw.—The crops in
vicinity present a good appearanc
save, fall wheat whieh suffered by the rc.
tarding spring. Everything imlicates
geed har'YeSt end farmers have so far no
reaeou to eomplain. —The weather here
ha S been extremely waroa since Friday laet
'and We eitpect it to eentintie f6 a Wtile
yet AS onr weather prophet regulates
Belt by the moon.
the frog fishing etmeon has opened,
and a party Of ainelcre wok oilb Settles
day, The eetell was good, but it would
have been Much better had not t.he
brickitakors, noon whose pppetty the
, anoders put tip d.titing their absence
deprived them of a neoessary adjunct.