HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-07-17, Page 23'from page *6A Grocery Products..,. Manufacturers of Canada, Canadians are spending no more of their income on food in 1990 ottings frons than they did 10 years ago despite inflation. lncon'les over the decade have risen faster than food prices. Canadians still spent sp k ar 4; +1► * 0 w, 4► ! ,.a CLINTO14 NEWS .RECORD, IU'RSDAY, JULY 17,1980 -PAG1 1, less of their disposable income on food than the citizens of any country exce tthe united States. . Canadians spent lust over 13 per cent of their in- , , come on` food at home in 1979. .. " When you count in money spent on food away from home (and Canadians are now eating, one out of every three meals outside the home), the average total expenditure was 17.3 per cent of ° disposable in- come. Only in the United Startes do consumers spend less of their income on food - about 1214 per. cent at home in 1979 and 16.1 per cent altogether. While ,food costs are a continuittg concern,. Canadian consumers are in a rnuch. betterpos tlo .i n than consumers in most other countries and we should be made More aware of the very positive position in which we find . ourselves. The,„ Grocer ' Products. Manufacturing g Industry in concert with producers and and • his week's reason youll do better . . . at ABP distributors have done an, outstanding job • in delivering an t, abundant. and highly nutritious food supply to Canadians at reasonable cost under difficult conditions• FARM LOANS, Amendments to the Farm Improvernent Loans- Act -had -speedy :-passage . through Parliament. The Act was due to expire June 30. It has now received Royal Assent for a threeyear renewal with the amount any borrower may have outstanding at . any one time, raised from $75,000 to $100,000. Under the Act, the Federal Government guarantees loans to farmers by Chartered Banks and- other 400111*. i= �*/,IImII ,1111\ White or Pink Nnimilmok SAVE 20i Ib PICNIC FROZEN LEMONADE 12.5-fI-oz tin Family Pack Contains: 3, LEG__ QUARTERS' with backs attch. 3 BREAST. QUARTERS with wings & backs attached 3 WINGS 3 NECKS -& BACKS., 3. GIBLET PACKAGES Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef designated. •Tend ng ]n- stitutions for .a wide range of farm im- provements. These in- clude purchase of ad- ditional farm land, fencing ' and drainage, construction of new buildings, buying of machinery- and livestock and major repairs to barns and equipment: Most loans are repayable over a ten year period .but a 15 year testi is permitted for pur- chases of additional land. The maximum rate of interest on Farm Improvement Loans is based on the prime lending rate of the Chartered Bank plus one per cent. In the first quarter of 1980, loans totalling $41..2 Million were madeounder the •Farm Improvement Loans Act. Since the Legislation was in- troduced _.' in 1945, the Government has guaranteed more than $4.2 billion in loans to help farmers expand and improve their operations. Exeter BIA INSTANT, ASSORTED VARIETIES 3.5 -OZ PKG `ROYAL PUDDINGS 3 99,ijfor Kleenex with supermarket prices, SAVE 70f/ Ib BOUTIQUE TOWELS SAVE 205/1 Your Choice! - "Great on the B.B.Q." Fresh CHICKEN QUARTERS LEG QUARTERS with backs. attached , BREAST QUARTERS with backs & wing attached MIXED QUARTERS CHICKEN HALVES Ib Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef BONELESS BEEF ROASTS Blade or Chuck Short Rib Roasts 69 (Our Regular Price Ib 2.391, (Our Regular Price 1.19) ASSORTED VARIETIES Lancia Pastas INSTANT COFFEE (Our Regular Chase & Sanborn BRAVO, PLAIN Spaghetti Sauce BUTONI, "FROM FRANCE" . > - Beef Ravioli ISLAND GOLD, CRUSHED, TIDBITS OR SLICES Price 1.29 -- SAVE 30c) 2 -Ib pkg 99¢ 10 -oz jar 4.99 ACTION PRICEI 28 -fl -oz tin 99¢ 800 g tin 995 MEDIUM GROUND BEEF"Great ontheB.B.Q. 1e1 69 A&P, SLICED Side Bacon SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REGULAR, MAPLE OR THICK 500 g VAC PAC 1.49 Side Bacon 500 g VAC PAC 1.69 SCHNEIDERS, RED HOTS, DUTCH TREET, ALL BEEF OR DINNER FRANKS, "B.B.Q. FAVOURITE" r Plneappie 14 -fl -oz tin 2for 99g STOCK UP Budget, 1 -Pty, White BATHROOM TISSUE • Wieners. 1 -Ib vac ,A.49 SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, REGULAR, ALL BEEF, THICK OR DUTCH TREET BoI'ogna 500 g vac pac 1.89 TOWN CLUB, SWEET PICKLED VAC PAC Cottage Rolls 161.49 In stores with Deli Shop UKRAINIAN, ITALIAN, VIENNA OR DUTCH LUNCH Swift Salami 113 1.79 SCHNEIDERS, Beef, Chicken, Steak br Pork 4 -oz pie Meat Pies 2or99' SHOULDER Stewing'BeefCUTS (STRIP OR CUBED Ib 2.09)SWIFTS PREMIUM, SLICED 175 g VAC PAC Ib 1■99 Cooked Ham '1.39 SWIFT'S SUGAR PLUM, DINNER STYLE, READY -TO -SERVE VAC PAC Hams Boneless 1b2.49 SWIFT'S LAZY MAPI E, PURE PORK • Sausages 500 g pkg 1.79 SWIFT'S PREMIUM, BROWN 'N SERVE Sausages 250gpkg 1.49 MARY MILES, HOT & SWEET sTLI age CANADIAN QUEEN, SLICED, CHICKEN, BOLOGNA OR MAC. & CHEESE 175 PKG Cooked Meats 59.' MARY MILES, VARIETY PACK 500 0 VAC PAC Cooked Meats 1.89 (350 g CARTON 79c) SHOPSYS, COLE SLAW OR 1441.4 Potato Salad Cut from Canada Grade "A" Beef ( Boneless Ib 1.99) Cross Rib Roast ib Cut From Canada Grade "A" Beef 'Great on e B.B.Q.' Blade Steaks 1e 1.59 Fr�zenMeats & Seafood FRASER VALE, FROZEN 24.OZ 'PKG Fish & Chips 1.99 HIGHLINER, In Cheese, Mushroom or Parsley Sauce, -Lemon -Butter or White 'Sauce Spinach- 1.4 -oz pkg Frozen Fillets 2.19 WONG WING, FROZEN Shrimp. Egg Roils SCHNEIDERS, Frozen, "Great on the B.B.Q." 1 kg pkg Beef B.urgers 4.39 24-01 PKG.. 1.99 1 et s tender EXETER. - Tenders' for the Exeter Business Improvement Area (BIA) redevelopment project we -re'"' opened recently, , with the lowest of the bids being $21,000 over estimate. However the com- mittee ' chairman Mike Williamsonsaid he thinks the project can be cut down to get the price to the $90,000 earmarked by the BIA. A landscaping firm from Kitchener', McLean- Peister Ltd., submitted the lowest of four bids at $111,282.23. The highest bid was for $145,200.55. Mr. Williamson said. that the cost of the project, "Is within the realm of reality," but he added that as businessmen they would attempt to set an example for public bodies by cutting the project to keep it in line -with the estimates and funds set aside rather than to merely go along with the extra costs. Included in the price is the landscaping and development .of the cenotaph park, the PUC office, municipal- office and the new police office. Two barns SCHNEIDERS 900 g BUCKET Frozen Chicken 399 • pkg of 4 rolls YOU'LL DO better WITH A&P BAKED GOODS From Concentrate moto DAIRY FRESH ORANGE JUICE ,Ri. Blue'Bonnet Margarine A&P, Sliced 16 -oz Loaf WHITE Ejfor77ji 6441 -oz bottle BURNS ROYALL Luncheon Meat MP, ASSORTED OR Sandwich Crea m Cookies 900gbox 199 3•Ibpkg 1.99 12 -oz tin 9951' (Our Reg. Price 43c loaf --Buy 3, SAVE 30c) YOU'LL DO better WITH health & beauty aids & general merchandise from -A&PI YOU'LL DQ better WITH FROZEN FOODS FROM A&P Regular or Winterfresh 100 m WLGATE TOOTHPAST'E99¢ (Our Reg. Price 1.29 SAVE 30c) Punic, Frozen, Concentrated 12.5 -f1 -oz ORANGE JUICE JANE PARKER, SLICED 60% WHOLE WHEAT 24-01 LOAF Brown- Bread 2or99¢ JANE PARKER, Hamburg Buns or` P1�6G OF 8 Wiener Rolls 2or99. ) JANE PARKER Apple 10full 8", 22-ozpie _ 90 ASSORTED TYPES PKG OF 40 Tampax Tampons 2.99 PHILIPS, STANDARD 60 OR 100 WATT Light Bulbs Pkg of299 NEWBORN PKG OF 30 Parnpers Diapers' 2.99 CARNATION, FROZEN 2 -LB PKG Tater Gems 9'9fi FARMHOUSE, FROZEN ACTION PRICEI ASSORTED V4RIETIES 8 -INCH, 12-01 PIE Cream Pies 9951 YORK, FROZEN 16-0; PKO n or ... Ings 99)i hit by stroke WINGHAM ` - Fire believed to ' have been sparked by lightning destroyed two barns and a driving shed on the farm of Bill Ross, in Turnberry Township on July 8' Firemen from Wingham and Blyth fire departments battled the blaze, but could do no more than • prevent it from reaching the farm house.. A few _animals, in addition to more that 5,000 bales of hay and some equipment, were lost in the fire, but most were saved. ' Mr. ' Ross reported hearing a'S'harp crack of lightning about 2 am when an electrical storm passed through the area and said he assumes that is what started thefire which broke out at 7 am after smouldering for several hours. 4