The Exeter Times, 1888-6-14, Page 91
'OK'D; FAY ARMED ON DEOK. EngBah Railway Speed.
The famous " Flying SmiteInnen " goes te
"The Sinking an Fable's Flakt in the For. York (I88 miles)in 3 boors 55 ;woo*, or at
, moon, Straits. , the rate of exactly 48 miles an beer. The
The China steamer has brought news to gontohnialt is tinlei to pass Donoafiter
San Francisco of tho"extraerdinarY wrack of (156 miles) 3 hours 15 minute' after leivvinq
the costly steamer San Prtblor which occurred King's Oro* ; the 1: 30 P. M. Leeds train
-on April '24 on a reef off Turnabout Island,
in the Formosa Straits, off the China coast,
-Only brief cable reports have been received
of.the disaster. The vessel struck a sunken
rock in a thick fog early in the morning.
Every one was aroused, and the Captain
soon saw that the vessel must be abandoned,
as she WAS filling fast, and showed a tendency
to capsize. Just before the life boats were
ready to be lowered, a swarm, of Chinese
piratical junks came from the neighbor-
ing meirlabd: The queer -looking vessels
sailed ittilskile of battle, and Capt. Reed, real-
izing the'd tiger his charges were in, made
preparatiOns to repel the attaok. The
pirates, however, carne in such overwhelm-
ing numbers that before any demonstration
could be made on board the sinking vessel
the pirates were climbing up the ship's
They were led by a man armed with a cut-
lass and a large revolver. His shipmates
were also heavily armed. Capt. Reed peered
revolvers and guns among the passengers
• and crew, and after a furious fusillade the
coolies were beaten off. They rallied, how-
ever, and made a second and
to board the San Pablo, whioh was fast 'set-
tling in the s water. Some of the pirates
gained the main deck, in spite of the gallant
stand of the passengers and crew, and were
swarming towards the promenade deck,
where the defenders were busy firing and
reloading, when Capt Reed brought the
ship's hose into requisition. The long coils
of hose were manned by the crew, and in-
istantly the pirates were again put to flight,
the torrents of boiliug water from the pipes
'weeping many of them off the decks into
the sea.
The coolies then beat &retreat, and, draw-
ing their vessels up in line, cruised half a
mile off the oinking vessel, with the evideat
intention of waiting for the abandonment of
the vessel. During the fight Capt. Reed
imprisoned all the Chine* among his crew
with the Chinese passengers in the forehold,
for fear they would aid their countrymen in
the attempt to loot the vessel. As soon as
possible the passengers, mails, and specie
were pub into the Ssn Pablo's small boats,
and then all bore away for the mainland.
When only a short distance from the wreck
Capt. Reed and his charges saw the pirates
aet sail and rush upon the San Pablo, as they
had den@ a few hours before. They
with grappling hooks, and were soars mas-
ters ofsonseof the finest boats that ever sail-
- ed the Piccific, Whether by accident or de-
sign, theysoon set fire to the ship, and when
last seen smoke was pouring from the wreck
in great clouds. The passengers were taken
to Hong Kong, and tugs were sent to the re-
lief of the San Pablo, but they found only
draws up at the platform ia 3 hours 4 min
utes. From Doncaster to Leeds is only
29& miles; but the gradients are heavy
for a large part of the distance, the line is
a network of junctions and crossings and
sidings, and there are stops both at Wake-
field and at Holbeck, se that to reach Leeds
in 3 hours 65 minutes is really a far filler
performanmethantortm along the flat valley
of the Ouse to York, 21. miles further, ha
the same time. But to Leeds and to Scot-
land the Great Northern has its rivals
well in hand. It is undeniably the shortest
and quickest route, and it has no great mot-
ive for further acceleration. To Manchest-
er, hewever, it is another matter. From Etna
ton to Manchester is only 189 miles, (by the
road IMMO of the trams take through the
Potteries it is 6 miles shorter still :) from St.
Pancras it is only 191i ; While from King's
Cross it is no leas than 203. Moreover, if the
Midland routeis somewhat harder, the
Northwestern is uadoubtedly a great deal
easier. For the Great Northern therefore
to hold ib.0 wa against the lying four -and
a quarter heur expresses of its two rivals
meant sially that it must run three mil*
an hour faster than what are almost, if not
quite, the fastest series of trains in the
world. And it does ib; but only once, it
mutt be confessed, each way in the 24
hours. To say that it reaches Mauchester
in the *me time that the " Dutchman"
and the "Zulu" take to Exeter, nine miles
nearer, is 'Only to give a faint idea of the
speed. For while the Great Western runs
along an almostdead flat, the road from:Shef-
field to Manchester is 20 miles up one side
of the roof of a house''immediately followed
by a second 20 miles dawn the other, and
on this part of the road very high speed
is, of course, impossible. Acoordingly, while
the "Flying Scetishman" takes 2 houre and
10 minutes over the 104 miles between
Grantham and London, and the fastest of
the Leeds trains only 2 miantes leee, the
2 P. M. et Maneheeter does the distance
in 3 minutes under the 2 hours, or at the
rate of a fraction over 54 miles an hour.
The "Dutchman," which long held the
palm as the fastest train in the world, only
averages 53 1 5 even as fax as Swindon.
The Pay -Bolls of Congress.
There IS one bill which, when it is intro -
ducted into the Senate and House of Repre-
sentatives, is always sure of prompt passage,
it is the one which provides for the expenses
of Congress. The tariff debate may delay
consideration of nearly every other measure,
but when musts/moue oopaent is asked for the
consideration of the bill which appropriates
the money for the pay of the Senators and
he members of the House and the officers
and employes of both, not even the greet ob-
jector, Mr. Holtnan, of Indiana, will whis-
per a word against its being brought at once
the hulk, burned to the wateee edge, and a vote.
stripped' df everything valuable. There are just 401 members of the House
and of the Senate, and to 'wait upon them
and run errands and hold open the doors as
they pass in and out, and carry the cards of
their callers and take care of the thousands
of bills they put in, they have employed
about 400 people, who are paid the snug lit-
tle sum -of s $681,000 for doing -sae 'Feet
ifireseunated that.,at least a score of
piratetiMat their lives in this stubborn fight
with CaPt. Reed und his men. During the
battle the womep and children who were on
board the San Pablo sought the staterooms,
where'they were in constant fear not only
of falling into the hand "of the pirates „bat
of being litpainal" in tile "witer Which' was Env member has one ernployee and for
The San Pablo was fitted ap in finer style r-oe of about $1,800 each. The snug little
the service of the same there is paid an axe -
than any steamer that ever left San.Francia.
co, and was valued at $500,000, which is a
total loss, as she was uninsured.
"When the Sall Palo ran on the reef,"
says Capt. Reed. "I knew from the force
of the shock thatsbe must be badly hurt. The
"leap reeks tore gaping holes in the plates
of the port bow and water was pouring in
them so fast that it was only a question of a
few hours when the ship would either cap-
size or slide off
and go to the bottom. As she rolled from
side .to side under the influence of the sea,
the water began to have its effect. First,
it shifted her cargo, and she laid so far down
on her starboard side that we thought sure
she was going clear over. It was in this
emergency that the order to lower the boats
wee given, and the men were climbing hitt)
their stations, when we sighted the squad-
ron of Chinese junks coming to ward us from
the land.
A single glandeaat the leaders of the tsp.
'vomiting fleet told us that they were pi-
rates, and the order to lower away the
boats was countermanded and one to pre-
pare to fight off boarders given. The sea-
men hurried down to the ship's arsenal,
where they were armed with guns and cut-
lasses, and then they were divided into
squads and stationed at the points on deck
where the pirates would be most apt to
come aboard. While the arming of the
crew was in progress the approach of the
piratical Root was serif t and sure. Their
arching decks were fairly swarming with
yellow warrior's; who were brandishing
gleaming knives and swords and guns and
shouting at the tops of their voices. As
they came nearer the din was increased by
a desultory firing of small arms, which was
evidently intended to drive US below, but
though bullets whizzed and screamed about
. the ears of my crew not a man retreated.
"Then the pirates came down on us in a
rush. Almost before we could realize it we
were surrounded, their grappling hooks
were aboard, and scores of
were clambering up the sides and endeavor-
ing to get over the rails on deck. The crew
and the passengers ;sprang at them, firing
very rapidly,
"Tho pirates went back over the ship's
sides fastpOntu they counted, but there
were 80 °1Y A them that they soon rallied
and gainOer 8deek in force.
"A portion of them made for the prom-
enade deck, evidently intending to get be-
low. Another detachment tried to reach
Slim of $380,000 is required to pay the sala-
ries of the Senators, and for the' compensa-
tion of the members of the House $1,695,000
is to be provided, and this brings the salaries
of our National lawmakers to a total of over
$2,000,000 per year.
It costs a little less than $150,000 per ses-
sion to pay the mileage of the members, and
the country pays $50,000 to purchase the
stationery for members and officers of the
House alone in any one sessioa. The treas-
ury pays $52,000 for reperting the debates,
whether Congress sits for one month or for
twelve, as the official reporters, like moat of
the clerks, are paid by the year, though
they seldom do more than twelve months
workain the twenty-four months that make
up a Congressional term. Right here is
where the geAtical workers come in ; over
$150,000 is appropriated for clerks to com-
mittees, who have about the snuggest place
isa Washington. One day's time each week
would in all fairness suffice for the perfor-
mance of their duties, and that only when
Congress is in session. When the adjourn-
ment takes place the good clerk goes home,
and the first of every month the sergeantat-
arms forwards a cheque for the salary due
him, jest the same as if. ^ were eggaged in
the Government service every working -day
in the year. It requires 084,000 to keep
up the animal pay -roll of the officers, clerks
and messengers who stand about under the
dome of the Capitol to do the bidding of our
401 working Congressmen.
A. Timely Suggestion.
Guest -Sirloin steak, waiter, well done,
and I'm in a big 'nurry.
Waiter -Yes, sah ; if yo' is in a big
hurry, sah, why don' yo' hab dat steak
cooked rah ?
Somebody Ahead of Thera.
First Burglar -Bin, the jig, is , up. No
cracking that bank to night
Seoend Burglar--Wota the matter, de-
tectives onto xis?
First Burglar -No; I saw the President
an cashier buyin' tickets for Montreal this
All run.
„New Arrival (at a Montreal hotel)-" 1
want a room on the second floor."
Clerk-" Can't have it, sir, the floor's
the bridge, where a defending party was N. A.-" Give me one on the third or
stationed, and still another gang began fourth."
climbing op to the hurricane deck. The Clerk -"They are Mihail, too, sir; every.
seamen were making a gallant resistance, thing is full,"
but the odds were againet them until the N. Give me a cot in the diningroom
engineer conceived the notion that hot or the parlor, then,"
water would be more effective than lead. Cork- " All hill, too."
"Pipes Were histattly run down to the N. A.-" Then 1 guests I'll sleep with the
°oiler room' the pumps then started tip, and landlord,"
a watch offiremen took the nozzles with Clerk-" Can't do it, sir. He's full, too;
ordinal to boil +Avery mother's son of them fuller than a goat, and has been for three
they could see. The hot water settled the days." •
fight. The Moment it wae turned against
the pirates they began to retreat, and they
went over the mile into the sea as if the
boat was afire. A good many of them load-
ed on the decks of the junks, and thoee who
wore uninjured lost no time hi cutting, loom°
from the San Pablo and getting away. '
Father (to would-be son-in-law)----" Young
man, will you be able to take dare of my
elanglitet in the style to which she ,has al-
ways been aeoulitottied ? " Young Man
(earneetly)-" /'11 guarantee it, sir, or re.
torn the girl,
Pain Cannot Stay
NI here Poison's NMOvirage is need. Corn.
posed of this moat powerful pain subduing
remedies known Nerviline eanno fail to
give prompt relief in rheumatism, neuralgia,
cramps, pain in the back and side and the
host of painful ellectiome, internal and ex.
tonal, arising from hiller -amatory actin. A
10 oetut sample bottle of Nervilind will give
sefficiont proof of its superiority over every
known remedy. Try NerViline. Largo bot-
tle29., cents; trial bottles only 10 cents.
Emperor William's Principles.
It is a eastern of members of the Hohen
zollern family to draw up, when preparin
for the rite of confirmation, a personal pro
fession of faith, and it is also held to be a
point of honor that the profession shall be
strictly original, and prepared without as-
sistance of any kind.
When Prince William, afterward German
Emperor, fulfilled this requirernent, he add.
ed to the paper a composition of wider ecope,
which he entitled, his " Life Principles." A
few extract's from them may serve to show
the inner workings of a Christian and gen
t 'eman.
With a thankful heart, I aoknowlege
God's great beneficence in permitting that
I should be born in an exalted station, be-
cause thereby I am better enabled to educate
my soul and heart, and was put in possession
of copious means wherewith to build up
worthiness in myself. My princely rank
shall always serve to remind me of the great-
er obligations it imposes upon nee, of the
greater efforts it requires me to make, and
of the greater temptations to which it ex-
poses me.
"1 will never forget that a prince is a nsan
-before God only a man -having his origin,
as well as all the weakness and wants of hu-
man nature, in common with the bumblest
of the people; that the laws prescribed for
general obeervanoe are also binding upon
him ; and that he, like the refit, will be judged
one day according to his deeds.
"For all blessings that may fall to my
share, 1 will look gratefully up to God; and
in all misfortunes that may befall me, I will
submit myself to God, in the firm conviction
that Re will always do what is beat for me."
Call Me Early, 'Wiley Dear.
" Now wake me ttp at six o'olock,"
Said he on going to bed,
"To -morrow is my busy day,
I'll get right up," he said.
His patient wife, who previously
Experience had tried,
Said nothing -only looked at him,
And softly, sadly sighed.
The night passed on, the morning came
At six she said, "My own,
WS SIX 0'0100k. YOU know you said-"
He grunted, "Lemme lone 1"
At seven she gently tried again,
But once again without
The 'slightest semblance of success -
He only snapped, "Get out 1"
At eight her courage almost failed
And turned to wholesome dread,
For as she spike she had to dodge
A boot flung ab her head.
She thought he swore at nine o'clock,
And gave up trying then,
And he whose busy day it was
Got up at half -past ten.
Then came the tide of bitterness
That overflowed her cup;
For he remarked, " What! half -past ten ?
, Why didn't you wake me up?'
Certain Unoertainty.
Stnith-" Xs your position in the sthre
permanent 2" •
Brown_-,." Igo, I arn just like a man riding
in a wheelbarrow."
Smibla-"Ah yes ; expecting every rain- get.,dumped.41-
A Good Idea.
Wife -What do you think, John, about
my taking up French?
Husband (busy with his paper) ---A very
good idea, my love, if you will only lay
down English.
Queen Victoria travelled through Europe
with so much luggage that it took an hour
to transfer it from the train to the boat at
Frank Solick, the boss bootblack of Chica-
go, is able to boast of a bank account of $3,-
0f0. A few years ago he was a newsboy.
He saved all the money he earned, invested
it in a bootblaeking stand, and now stands
every chance of having a modest fortune be-
fore he is 30.
Tramp, tramp, tramp, the months are.
Cheer up comrades, Spring will come,
And beneath the huddling trees
We shall catch the bugs and bees,
Tumstatum-thtum-ta turn- thtunati. tum
Some one has got up an alphabet of pre-
cious atone as follows : Amethyst, beryl,
chrysoberyl,, diamond, emerald, feldspar,
garnet, hyacinth, idocrase, kyanite (com-
monly oyanite, a blue mineral), lynx -sap-
phire natrolite, opal, pyrope,
quartz, ruby, sapphire, topaz, uranite, vesu.
vianite (a specie, of garnet), water -sapphire,
xanthite, zircon (a Chinese stone).
What Ails You?
Do you have obstruction of the nasal
passages, discharges from head and throat,
sometimes profuse, acrid and watery, at
others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent,
bloody, putrid and offensive; dull, heavy
headache most of the time, with occasional
"splitting headaches"; are your eyes weak,
watery, or inflamed; is there ringing in the
entre, with more or less deafnesfs; do you
have to hack, cough and gag, ia you efforts
to clear your throat in the morning do you
expectorate offensive matter, scabs from
ulcers, perhaps tinged with blood; is your
yoke charged and is there a "nasal twang"
to it; is your breath offensive; are your
senses of taste and smell impaired? If you
have all or any considerable number of these
symptom, you are suffering from that most
common and dangerous of maladies--chronie
nasal catarrh. The more complicated your
disease has become, the greater the number
and diversity of symptoms. No matter
what etage it has reached., Dr. Sage's Ca-
tarrh Remedy, which is 'sold by druggists
at only 50 cents, wfll cure it. The manu-
facturers of this wonderful remedy offer, in
good faith, $500 for a ease of this disease
which they cannot mire.
Youth isthe season' when natures soft and
pliant grow togethereach deeming part
of other, and colored by it thus becomina
one in heart.
People who are stbject to bad breath, foul orate
entree, or any disorder of the Stonsaeh, can at ono
be relieved by Wang Dr. Carson% Stonnich Bitter;
th old and Wed remedy. Auk your Driargiat.
Celia Taaffe, president of the Austrian
Council of Ministers, is an Rath viscount.
He has recently sent a large sum of money
to the Clergy of Dublin for distribution
among the poor.
flienannst if am Runk% restores grey and ded
hair to its natural odor and preVente falling cm
Ilxperimenla at Cape Town in signalling
with electric light reflected from the clouds,
were a complete emcees. Experiments
were also merle with a yeeeel at sea with the
result of -flashing a signal fifty miles away.
whenever your Stomach or Bowels get Out id 00
data Anteing billowiness, Dyepopsle, or indigestion
and their attendant evils, takii 51 Once it dotes Of Dr,
NMI'S Stoma Mann Beat family Medicine,
All Drup,elete, 50 centS,
Gladstone Met Parnell for the first thne
only two weeks age,
It*1 00ocor as cures in ono minute,
Deteetives Wanted,
to ferret oub and discover, if they eau, a
single 04036 where Dr. Pierce's Glolden Medi-
cal Discovery has been used for torpid liver,
indigestion, impure blood, or consumption
in its early stages, without Riving immediate
and permanent relief; provided, of course,
that the directions have been reasonably
well followed.
A popular dime novelist is said to have
slaughtered 18,000,000 Indians in the course
of his literary labors. Tell us the pen isn't
mightier than the eword.
The voyage from maiden fair to woman-
hood is often attended with many perils.
Mothers should insist upon their daughters
being prepared with every means of safety.
Universally acknowledged as the reliable
"Life preserver" on this rough !sea of Un-
certainties, is Dr. florae's Favorite PRe-
noription. It has averted many a disaster.
It has rescued many a periled life! This
popular renaedy is prepared especially for
Women, It is the only remedy of its class
sold by druggists under a positive guarantee
to give satisfaction. This guarantee has
been faithfully carried out by the manufac-
turers for many years.
There is a rumor that Cardinal Manning
is to be made a life peer.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To urn Eamon :-Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above named dis-
ease. By Its timely use thousands of hopeless cases
have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy yen to any of your
readers who have consumption ff they will send me
their Express and P. O. address. Respectfully,
Da. T. A. Loom 37 Yonge St., Toronto Ont.
Prince Alexander of Battenberga private
physician, Professor Langenbucher, ur now
rn attendance on Eraperor Frederick.
Srarroms-Moistnre : intense itching and stinging;
most at night ; worse by scratching If allowed to
continue tumors form, which often Ikeed and ulcer-
ate, becoming very sore. Swami's Ournmzsg stops
the itching and bleeding heals ulceration, and in
many caaes removes the titmours. It is equally all -
melons in curing all skin diseases. DR. SWA !NE Se
MU be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50
ciente. ,
A. P. 401.
CANOES Send for 111. Catalogue.
_. WM. ENGLISH, Peterbero, Ont.
1DERESHIRE PIGS, with pedigree -$5 00.
W. W. SCOTT, Moorefield, Ont
WORKpaid oau ate eakn d6npdaertiPe eurr se
free. P.O.VICKFM,14 Augusta, Maine.
E-LOAN on Farms. Lowest
y No delay. Correspondence solicited.
TO Rates.
E. W. D. numsa, Financial Ag5.,
Established 1860. 72 King-st. E., Toronto.
CAIJTION i-Farmere wisbihg to avoid a
Lawsuit are warned against buying or mune
an infringing bagholder monufaetured in
dlesex, Ont. The genuine article is stamped
P The Dandy" and 'Patented 1887 as required by
aw. W. C. Amain Si Co , World I3uilding, Toronto
1ff1011O1TO Cutting School -Scientific and re -
11. liable systems taught whereby stylish, perfect -
fitting garments are produced. Cutters having trou-
ble ebauld tame my systems and mere fetore sue.
seas, Entire eatiafaction guaranteed. Shirt system
taught separate A rare chance Inc young men to
acquire a lucrative profession. S. CORRIGAN, Prop,
122 Yonge St. Terms en application. •
C'ANADA. SHIPPING CO. -Beaver , Line of,
Steamships,. sailing weekly between tronsteal
andLLiverpool, Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
540, $50 and $60. Return tickets, ssO, 590 and $110
according to steamer and accommodation, Inter-
mediate, 830; Round trip tickets, 560. Steerage, 520;
Round trip tickets, $40. For further particulars and
to Bemire births,- apply to H. E, MURRAY, Gcnera.
Manager, l'Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the
Local Agents in the different Towns and Cities. .
e Sten-
cils, and Burning Brands, So, Send
for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00.,
224 KingSt. E , (in rear) Toronto.
/Public Library Buildings,Toronto. Students from
British Columbia, California, 'Kansas, Illinois, and
quite a number of other States and Provinees, now
in attendance. Write for Descriptive circulars.
President. Seo'y la Manager.
%-#61-12 ALBERS, bore 20 fee
per hour. Also izook itrms-riand, Horse or
steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
L,aidlaw Manufacturing Co.
sAFCondueting Doors
Es. 1)3215(8):
J. at J. TAYLOR,
Toronto Safe Works.
For The Nervatis
The Debilitated
The Aged.
O.R.E.S Nervous Prostration, Nervous Head.
ache, Neura Igia, NervousWeakness,
Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all
affections of the Kidneys.
GEORGE W. BOUTON, STAMFORD, cogs., eve : '
"For WO Years I was a sufferer from nervous de.
!allay, and I thank God and the discoverer of the
valuable remedy Mat Parleys Oausnx COMPOUND
cured me, it 0 a valuable remedy. Long may It
live. Let any one write to rae for Advice."
Ateozo Amore Wriresen ve ;says.
"I behave PAINE'S °mum comet= sated, me'
life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor.
BeforeI used it I 'Was aseared with an eruption from
"head to heeLe The, eruption is repiday healing. '
and I am Ave hundred per cent, hotter every way."
Per two years past I have been a great sufferer
from liedney and liver troubles. attended with dys.
pepele, and constipation, Before I began to take
CELERT COMPOUND it Wanted as though everything
ailed me. Now I caxi say nothing ails me.
GEORGE ABBOTT, SIGUE Orr!, Town, says:
"I have been using PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND
and it has done me more good far kidneys and lame
back than any ether medicine I have ever taken.
HundredsOf testimonials have been received from
persons who have used this remedy with remarkable
benefit. Send for circular.
Price $11.00. Sold by Druggists.
WELLS,RICHARDSON &co.,.Proprietors
Montreal, Que.
Saloon Tickets, 540, 560, 560. Return, 830, 500
5110. Intermediate, ea Steerage, 520. Apply to
H. E. MURRAY, General manager,
1 Custom House Square, Montreal.
FOSTER. Profusely Illuetrated
-Sales Marvellous -- Nearly
403,000. Sand 51.50 for a copy,
and go to work, , Agents wanted, Address,
A. G. WATSON, Manager,.
Toronto Willard Tract Depository, Toronto.
Larne Celebrated Han
cock Inspirator.
tZ'Gresham's Automatic
Re•starting Injector.
AarMorrison's Automatic
Sight Feed Lubricator.
MrEngineers' & Plunb
ers' Supp)ies of ever,
desoription. Send foi
76 & 77 Adelaide St.W..
..-•••- TORONTO.
Six Yeare' tato, and over ,
5,000 in use has proved
this machine the best ; .c
sizes Send fax circular.
Inventor and Manufacturer,
• 5'77 Craig St,
P.O. Box 945, Montreal, P,Q
420 to 426 King St West; TORONTO
fdan'age Se.- Cress
orchallts, Butchers mgc'eitlyE.11,s
We want a 0000 ttan in your locality to pick up
for U9, Catal fernalint on satiefactorf goaranty
Address, C. S. SAW; Hyde Park, Vermont, (10
The Shoe etd L 'waxer Reporter, N.Y., and Shoe
and Leather Review, Chicago, the leading trade pa-
pers is the U. S.L. in the Ilide line, hey° gent their
repreeentativei to investigate Mr. Page's bueiness,
and after a theroneh examinetion and comparison,
the.Reporter gives la itu this endoresment ;
"ire believo that in extent of liAblecight raw ma-
terial collected and carsied, lir, Page holds the lead
of any competitor, and that his present stock is tho
10gest held by ang hue us this country,'
And the ,Reniew says •
After a most thorough investigation of
Page's business as compared with others in sante bine,
we have become fully eatisfied that in his specialtg,
light -weight stock, he is tatrystionably the lagrest
dealer in this country, while en superiority of gual..
ity, he is confessedly at the head "
Quails ; It Mr. Page's business is the largeet in its
-line in the ITnited States, is it not the best possible
prestos his ability to pay highest prioes ? If be did
not do cio, would he no:brolly get more ;Wins than
any of his competitors la the seam lino?
Allan Line Royal Nail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax everySaturday to Liverpool, andin sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpoolosalling
at Londonderry to land mails and passengem Inc
Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Hall.
fax and St. John's, N. F., to Liverpool iortalghtly
during summer months. The steamers of the Glos.
gow awe sail during winter to and from. Halifax
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum-
mer between Gla,gow and Montreal weakly; Ghia-
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel-
phtia fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other information apply to
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard at Go.,
Halifax ; Shea h Co., St. John's, Nfld. Wm. Themp
son h• Co., St. John, N. B.; Alien Si'Co., fibleago
Love Si Alden, New York; H. Ilorulier, Toronto;
Aliens, Rae & Co, Quebee ; Wm. Brookie, Philadel-
phia ; 31. A. Allen, Portland, Basten, Montreal,
When I say Ctrrase I do not mean merely to
stop them f or a time, and then have t haat re»
I have made thedisease of e
. —
A nrs, E ILEPSY or
jr„iite Long study. I WARRANT iny remedy te
CURE t116 Wattt cases. ateeauset otherhave
failedis no reason for not now receiving neure.
Send at once for a treatise andaFrnec Bowzrzi
01 rax Ilreareaaan EltAIBBY. Give Express
and Yost Moe. It costs.yettnothing ler
trial, and it will Cure you, Address
Dr, H. G. ROOT, 87 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont,
WhaleyiRoyee St Go
263 rouge Street,
The Cheapeat :plac.e in
Canada for
1,7 e w and second-hand.
Agents for •
and [CHAIM!'
Repriring of Sand la
struments itsesitetta
Send for 0 se ilaatt
IT FROM ,THE MACHINE. No fanner should send
his machine into the field without one. Sample by
mail, 800. CLEMENT (a Co., Toronto.
Desiring t obtain a BUsinees Education, or becom
profic ent n Shorthand and Typewriting, should ab.
tend the
Arcade, ,0YYonge street, Toronto,
For Circulars, eto,, Address C. oTsgsa Seoretary.
ARTIES vviehing to purchate improved Manitoba
Farms, frcm fill acres upwards, with immediate
posseselon, call or 'write to G. 1. MALLSON, Mc,
Arthur's Block, Main Street, Winnipeg. Information
furnished free of charge, and settlere aseisted in
making selection. ,ilacinr TO to at current rates
of interest.
Second. Hand Bicycles
and Tricycles.
Send for List. Now Catalogue
eady in April.
Young Men
SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the
moult of ignorance and folly, who find thennelvers
Weak, nervous and exhausted; al4o Mientai-Aenn and
Orm Maar, who are broken down irons the effects of
abuse or over -work, and in advanced life feel the
consequences of youthful excess, send for and read
31. V. hubon's Treatise on the Diseasee of Men. The
book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt of
two 3o, stamps. Address
ra. V. LIMON, Wellington St, E., Toronto, Ont.
Nervous Debility.
Dil. mars Specific has been used for the pas
fifteen years with great mem, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diriertries raising from ex.
erases, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing In
the oars, palpitation, eto. For sale by all druggistt.
ring greatest die.
°every of the
present age for Rase.
LATINO Thu Polms
feat Blood Purifier A
few in Hamilton Who
have been benefitted
by its use : Mrs, M.
Keenan, 192 Robert
St., cured of trys:pe-
as of 2 years' stand -
"ng ; Robert Cornell,
24 South St, daugh-
ter of Epileptic Fits
Iter six years' suffer -
ng ; Jennie Birrelli
6 nut cured. of weakness, and Lung
Trouble; John Wood, 95 Catheart St, cured of
Liver Complaint and B liousnees, used on'y three
511 ty-cent bottles; Mrs. I. Deal, 6 Augusta 3m,
troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, tv o
small bottles gave her eeeot ,elief. Sold at 600. & al& .
F. BALLET & 00.. PrOpridork,
E R E AD made with this
Yeast took first prizes at 132
Township and County Fairs in
Ontario in 1837, at such. places
by, etc, Over 10,000 ladies have
sent us letters end postal cards
to say that it is superior to nny,
yeast ever used by therm It
makes the lightest, whitest,'
sweetest and most 'wholesome
take 51 per box, or 6 boxes for SS, of will be sent by
mail on reeelpt of price. Pamphlet on application broad, buns, rolls and litteksi
wheateaaes. Directions in ea '
package with full lostructoril
Johnston's• Fluid Beef.
This Valuable meat Prfparationt supplieg
every element of Meat that nourishes and sustains life, ,
It is Meat Itsett.i
an_ emettans 50 Per Cent of
Vlesh-ForMing Material. Invalids and conval-
escents cannot take any Pawl that win so quickly
strengthen and repair the themes wasted by disease.
Highly Recommended,
By the Medical Vacuity,
RBEES- Store.
A 111111.611 VOd in Butter bui.
ness se
Keepers and others engag.enveettn , „ ,„ u:„
e,,e time and money by inree
etzeS. Pri0o0 en 1141kr1i. 941iiare 0301T10.
There are many Intranet -Ts of
it p1 1),
e er es s
Ind none eqtal 15 IMiubricating prOpertiee, 1tnA14
trio, ItILLMEN, etti,' find Mine equal tri the enema
reerIdso made by, -,
sout by iltaTho 'avotraiatik