HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-14, Page 6OUtgl° TOMO« THURSDAY, JUNE THE 14Tii, ISS. EDITORIAL NOTES. IT is understood that the Hon. Mr. McLelan, the present post- ster•General. has decided to ac• cept the I.,ieutenant-Governorship ot Nova Scotia.. His successor has not yet been na.rned. 1_,ORD STANLEY, the new Gover- ner -General arrived last week and was sworn in on Saturday. He is credited with decidedly democratic conduct, ar,d is said to be a ma.n for the people. THE United States Senate Mon- day discussed the fisheries treaty in open executive session, Mr. Gray speaking in support of the treaty. At the close further consideration ..pestponed till. the 25th inst. A POETAGE ' LA PRAIRIE letter says: -The June rain is just mak- ing nature array herself in her richest robes, besides gladdening the heart of man and beast and diepelling the fears that were en- tertained for the coming crop. MR. ALEXANDER BEGG has offer- ed. the Imperial Government, on behalf of the Government of Brit- ish Columbia, to take over fifty Crofter families as a test, provided L.I20 be advanced to each. He proposes to form a fishing village in Vancouver Island, AN officialbulletin concerning the German Emperor's condition °--Stris that during the la.st few days the Emperor has had slight diffi- culty in swallowing, which, how- ever, has not affected his general health. The disgusting symptoms have almost entirely disappeared. AT a Democratic convention held at St. Louis, Mo. last week Grover Cleveland was nominated for President by acclamation amidst the wildest excitement. By a vete of 25 to eg it was agreed to endorse and reiterate the tariff platform of 1884. The minority desired to have the principle of tariff for revenue only amplified and made the tariffof the platform. IT is quite probable that the con- vention on Tuesday next -the day on -which the Councils of the, seer; eral municipalities adjacent te Ex• eter meet here to discuss the mat- ter -will eettle as to whether the southern part of the County shall have a high school. Indiyidually the members seem to be favorable to the scheme providing the cost be not too great, but collectively what their ideas of the project will be remains to be seen. Some claim that the southern part of the county is certainly entitled to a high school in view ot the fact of their -being three in the northern part of the County to which the southern people have to contribute; and that they might as well have • added to their taxes a few cents more and have a school convenient to their homes. It is urged, too, by others, and it must be confessed • with considerable force, that the • undue multiplication of High • Schools interferes with their use- fulness and lessens their efficiency; at the sameitirne there is no dou'et that placing such institutions with- in easy reach of all communities of the country makes it much easier for a larger proportion of the pop- ulation to attend them, without being compelled to reside too far from their homes. Many people have not the means to pay the board and incur the other unavoid- able expenses which the continu- ous residence of their children away horn home renders neces, sa ley. The jealousy of rival towns and villages where High Schools are already established and flour- ishieg is generally the strongest influence which has to be eontend- ed against in the formation of new districts. To establish a High School in Exeter the increase in taxes individually would be very light -some few cents annually - so thee besides having an educa- tional institution of the kind witle- in easy access, the cost would be small compared with the tax that is now being peed and will still have to be paid, for the maintenance of the High Schools throughout the county, from which no actual ben- efit is being derived, owing to their nefavorable location. Now that the matter has gone so far and in. dications look so bright. it is to be hoped that no biased or selfish mo. tives, such as will infatuate the scheme, will be acidueed; and that the school will be established and prosper, without seriously detract. mg from the usefulness and success of those now in existenee. Two miners arrived at Ottawa Tuesday with a lump of gold weighiog 42 pounds. They found it in British Columbia, They were offered $3,000 tor their find, but deelined it. The nugget will be placed on exhibition in the window of a Montreal 'broker. IT is stated that the Ontario Government have concluded the exchange of a portion of the Gov- ernment Farm at Mimic() for about sixty acres ot land owned by Mr. 13enjantin Goldthorpe, of Etibi• coke, fronting on the lake shore, It is proposed to erect the new asylum cottages on this property, which is siauated a short distance beyond Mimico village, SOME of fhe American Univer- sities are considering the establish- ment of a Department of Journal- ism, The only wonder is that the colleges in, 0a.nada don't equip such a chair --perhaps it is because newspapers are so fond of sneering at the idea of a college made edi- tor. The sneer is misplaced. Of course a journalist cannot be thor- oughly equipped in a theoretical class. Neither can a doctor nor a lawyer; but the fact does not cast derision on law or medical schools. To become an attorney, a physic- ime or an editor requires practice and hard work ; but schools to de- velop such tendencies and give in- telligent directions to such impel. ses and purposes are as valuable, as any other in the world. Eyery- body should prosecute the 'study of journalism as earnestly and as methodically as the study of any other profession. County Parliament. The equalization of assessment of the various municipalities' for county rate purposes was, as usual, the main besiness at the June session. The acreage of the townships having been increased some 16,000 acres in order to bring the area up to the actual quantity, the equalized yalue of the three most progressive towns in the county- was raised in •proportion to their progress and importance. $30,000 was added to Clinton; 820,000 to Seaforth; $10,000 to Blyth; with these exceptions values are the same as last year. Inspector of Public t Schools Malloeh presented a detailed report of school matters in North Huron. The diligence of the teachers was eyidenced by the. generally satisfactory progress of the pupils. A large number of those employ. ed during 1886 retained their positions for '87, thus giving an opportunity for better progress than where teachers are changed yearly. For entrance examinations to High Sehools 320 candidates wrote, of whom 251 eere successful. At non-pro- fessional exaninations there were 203 candidates, with a good percentage suc- cessful, and of the 73 model students 68 were successful. The Inspector thinks the time is near when the maximum fee of tt.l. will be charged for entrance examin- ations. ' At the present time there is a surplus of teachers in the country ; a nun-iber holding certidcates have no schools. On this account no permits, extensions: or temporary ceetificates are issued. The send -annual and annual reporte from the different sections are not sent in as promptly as they should be, but there is a noticable improvement in this matter. The statistics given below are prepared from the annual reports: • 00r,re st•-• o-3 0 ca a • cn eege., a 2 pa C:143 •Rte,CSF-S es. Le ye el 81 ed.umeter. ees,e...es OZ I. CO ee gtt?. fit tea McRxer or eqeale,^1 ta " 4,ZAP &I GUY - CH 0 TERNEPERP• Sga3 tigt.';1,2164 0,28eit2 E. WAWANOSIL. wo,or 1-10avroK. R2,gtt00 p 4 MORRIS. ULINTON. R-OgP".11 Cei 0,g 00 e,15,ts,g BRUSSELS, eSfeEBLyvi. 0000 S =SSE: else ye§ -. Wioxiriu ta8=ag`e° TOCAL5. eye% er.1 sess 'Number of ehildren ilot attending school kr 100 dAy8, as requit•ed lew, 165:3; nunse ber of treee planted, /74. The repoet of the county jailer Wa$ re' ferred to jail and court house committee. It shows 11 prisonere confined, 7 males end 4 females. Two of each are insane. Application by Col. Coleman for a grant of 25ets per man to the yolunteers Wes agreed to. Pr, Willfams report received and order- ed to be printed in the minutes. It is not deal, but was very near the mark, all the fees less 88 being accounted for, and all the flees less 8100. The P. M's. applica- tion to be allowed the fees for towns for whieh he had a commission was not entertained. Treasurer's reports showed receipts from non resident land* from Jan. let to May ist to be 8869.14, Statement of Lieense Fund account to June 5, 1888, RECEIPTS. Eines from P. M. at various times since Noy, 23, 1887 to May 21, 188$ 83986 00 Fines from W. j. Paisley .... 100 00 From commissioners -W. Huron * 2550 00 B, " - 2000 00 TOtal.. ...... 89286 00 DISI3URSENENTS. DiSeOunt ou P. M's. cheques 15 80 To commissioners -West Huron . 1172 64 " " • South Huron , 1275 33 '4 if East Huron . 1381. 43 P, M's. salary • 000 00 Balance to credit of license fund accoent . • . .. . .. .. 4548 40 $9276 00 o-e-seees According to the first draft of the stationing committee the following ministers will be stationed in this neighborhood ;- St. Marys Di4triet.-.St•Marys,IT. M. Camp- bell ; Grauton, 0. Hamilton; Lucian, S. eel, Iery; Alise Craig, john Hough ; Earktou, lames Charlton; Woodham, D. A. Moir. Exeter District, -Exeter (itain-st) J. evil - sou M, A,; Exeter (jaines-st) B. clement ; Parkhill A. G. Harris: W Penhall, one to be sent ; Centralia, W, Quance ; Crecl- itou W. H. Fife ; Birr, , D. m., Renneay B ry- anaton, H. H. Crews, BA: Melrose,ir , , Holmes ; Grand Bend P. W. Jones ,one to bo sent. Gderioli District-Goderich (North street), GRichardson; Goderloh (Victoria street), A. l'olter ; Clinton.(Rattenburg street) Jos Gall- oway, Clinton, (Ontario iStreet)Joseeh Edge ; Seaforth, one to he sent (G. R. Turk): Holines- villa, J. S .Pisher; Hayfield, ILE. Rill; Varna, Jno Hart; Rensall, N. S. Burwash; Renton north, B.A. Pear and H. Cousins: Dungannon, W. F. Campbell, Nile, H. Irvine; Benmiller, Jas. Kestle. CONSUMPTION SURELY CURED. To Tun nniTme : Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my reined) rune to any of your readers who have consumption if they -will send me their Express and P. 0, address. Respeotfully, Da. T. A. SI,OOLTM, Toronto, Ont. 37 Youge street. 110-4-04-41 ADVICE TO Moainnias.-Are you disturbed at nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with pain of Cutting., Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of"Alrs•Winsio-w's Soothing Syrup" for Chil- dren Teething. Its value is incalculable. It willtelieve the poor llttle sufferer im mediately Depend -upon it, mothers; there is uo mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, aottens the Gums, reduces Indammiition, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. 'Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste e,ndis the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty -ave cents a bottle. Be sure rind ask/OP-Mils.' Wisisnow's tqx-iemaing- svuor. "and take no other kind. Tio the Deaf. -A person cured of -I- Deafness andnoises in the head. of 23 Years standing,bY a irepleremody. Winona a description of it vain to any one applying to Nto oLs o , 30 St. Sohn-St.:Montreal. Our Specific N o 23 permanently restores EXHAUSTED VITALITY,LOST MANHOOD and G ENSBAL DEBILITY when other treat- ment falls. Send 0 cetts in staanps for our Treatise andDirections for home cure. T6- =11TO Mniaxonin Co., 313 Spadine Ave., To- ronto, Ont. PRA.CTICA.L Watch -Maker & jeweller For tlie Finest §tock and Cheapest Goods to be found in Ontario call on 0, REIOHENBACH Watch -mak & Optician, Pine Assort verware. Re ' all kinds satisfa et or er, Jeweller Parkhill. A merit of Silt Pairing of. promptly & tillyiedoneeit.iNcs but all exe o, work sent to °idea in his own establishment, under his personal super- vision. A trialsolicited. C. REICHENBACH. M A (7. itf, N tre' 7 74 VW \i Nest :Deligb trol SUMMER TO" Dt , 7alsee Steamer°. Low,ita' Xotit Trips Per Week Between DEVOIT AND ,MAOKINAG ,cala re.tery 'Melt DaSt :aetween. , DETROIT' AND CLEVELAND ' Writo for our " Picturesque Mackinac," Illustrated: Contains 1%1.11 Tartieulsra. 15aUo Pro°. Detroit & Ofuvelghd Steam Nev. C. WPI ;Too m a, Gt F4. Pass, /Ws., ' DETRoiT. Everest's Cough Syrup CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be eonvineed of its wonderful curative properties. Price 25 ate. (Trade dark,) Try Everest's 'LIVE!? REGUL4TO1?, For Dicta:See of the Liver, Kidneys e, and purifying of the Blood. l'rioe $1. Six bottles, SS, Por sale by all drug- gistilitanufaettired only by G. M. EVEREST, Olierniet, Forent . Absolutely Pure. Thi ity,strongth anmthd wholesomeness. More 00011. POW or never varibs A marvel of pur. animal than the ordinary kinds and cannot be sold in eompetitionwith the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in eans.-BOYAL BAK.• „ING PO NYDER CO..106 Wall street LY gaimmagaiaaw :- ... e 1,,M - k 1-0.-; YE - ` a_ ., -Hg •PREEIVIA11'S Nvonavz POWDERZ.. Are pleasant to take. Contain their own riirgatIve. Is e eefe, snro, said effectual gnawer or worzun in Children or Adults Allan Lin ROYAL MAIL STEALVIS.EIIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service, calling at Der- by. Days of Sailing. -Parisian, May 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, Juno 1. Sardinian ThursdaY, June 7. Circassian Pridaex.,Tuno 15. Sarma- Hon , Thursday, June 21. Parisian Thursday, June 28. Polynesian Friday July 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian. Friday june 20. Sarmatian Thursday July 26. Parisian ThurS- dah Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Augl 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian 1PriclaY, Aug 24. Sarmatian, Thursday, Aug 30. RATES. Cabin 850, 365,875, according to po- sition, Return $100, $125, $150. Intermediate Liverpool,Londonderry or Glasgow 330; re- turn $60. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage Passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, Bel- fast Queenston or London at Liverpool rates• Buy tickets to go home, bring out friends or relatives by the Allan, Line. For further Particulars apply to JOHN SPACKMAN, The only authorized agent in Exeter. THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS IN CANADA. - OVER 100 STYLES HAY SALES, GRAIN SCALEs, FARM SCALES. TEA SCALES, IMPROVED SHOW CASES F MONEY • DRAWERS Meat Choppers AND BUTCHERS/ SUPPLIES Ameness IN FULL, Write for tering 1,,ei Ca WILSON it SONg 1.1.,A,/ ESPLANADE pTREET EAST TORONTO, Ols.1T uention this paper every time sou -write. DR. Washington, Throat &Lung Surgeon, • Of Toronto, .will be at,the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, ZION. 4-trNn 25th. 0atarrh,Bronchitis, Astha, Consumpiion, 1 etc, permanently ant,effectually cured. A few Prothinent Testimonials of Permanent Cures : Mrst John McKay, ' Kingston, , Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. John McKelvy, Kin g sten, Ont., catarrh . Mrs, A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont.,- Broncho Conturnption. Mr.E. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Catarrh, heed and throat. Read W. II. Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to W II StoroY, Fog of thet firm of W H Storey & Son, Aciton, (Hove Manufaetur- orsralso President Manufacturers' Association DofeC,leynendsuar'Nee' ex, 215 Yonge-st.. Toronto, DEAD, Sin.—I assure you 1 feelgratefel for the radical euro you have effected in my throat trouble, and though I dislike having Iny name appear in connection with the testimonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affected, as well'as having a desire to recognise the results of your treatment.Imake a departure in this WISC. Prior to mo ttequaint- Wise with you, I hid suffered for two nevi from repeated attacks of catarrhal sere throat each sueceeding attack being more prolonged end violent than the former. At thesetimes I had vierent fits ef coughing, and would dis- charge large quantities of mucous, Peeling alarmed, 1 sought thebest medical skill avail- able,lecluding a much -noted Specialist, and took alined everything known to medicine without experioncmingaparticlo of relief.' Last spring I went to Europe, The change did me good, but on My return theuldi trouble WaS re- newed. seeing you advertised to Visit this place, I though t,T would eonsult you,aIthough m eonfess -with not uch hope of reeeiving any benefit, However, I avas favorably impressed with your candor, and resolved to give your troatinent a trial, The result, I am happy to inform you, is 5, complete euro, and duo so marked in its eharactor as td surprise both ihY seif and myfriends. From the first your mid - kiwi seemed adapted t� my ease end gave re- lief. In two Moe, Wat, entirely well on eld have so continued thrOugh the most unfavorable season of year, You ere at libelee, to make what into yen Please of this letter, rind I , shall be eleasial to answer anY enouiricer olative to my Cam Yoore very tribe STOREY Acton, Jam lOth,18870 *fir OONSTILTATiON PREElas, CARPETS. iminimmaimemmor Our stook for the season is now complete, our immense importations haying all arrived We are pow able to phew one of The Grandest Stock of Carpets TO BE FOUND IN CANADA.. Carpets of all grades from the lowest prioed Hemp to the richest patterns a Map ould wish to see. But a more important fact is that our stools of carpets stand to -day unequalled as • regards value. Having been bought personally by our Mr. Beattie for 0A$1-1 in theeee 013est Markets in the World, and marked at the closest prime Possible, we af- firm,- without fear of contradiction, that we eau and will give you the best value for your money that you can possibly get in Canada. Don't forger,the New Mammoth Carpet Hou ofthe West. Thos. Beattie St Cos) 176 & 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Richmond-st. LONDON', awls. $ 10 Reward, for the Conviction OF DEALARDS22 OFF ER WI C 0 1 1 I SINZEANAttgutOF XNE MACHINE -.....H.•0 LI. Eureka Cylinder, Bolt- I I McColl Bros. & Cutting Se Wool Oils. I For sale by all leading dealers. I Toronto. 13XS8nTT Emoe., Sole Agents, Exeter tte, vS(C) One. Door South of PoRt Office ---HE A NEW AND C01.01.P.LET E --STOOK OF --- Boots & Shoes. • Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attendee! to. GEO. MANSON, JOHN BRAWN, UNDERTAKER A, CABINET-MAKER, Walnut 65 Rosewood Caskets ALSO 00EFIIIS Or EVERY DESORIPTioN. A Complete Stock of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISFTED 4. CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. My stock of Furniture is un- excelled. e"GIVE ME A CALL S. C. Hersey's The Place TO Buy Cheap GOODS. SCENE .1. Enter Mrs. Enquiriti-veness, Well Mrs, Sensibility, as I have just finished washing my tea dishes thought I would walk in and ask you where you bought that tea I borrowed from you this morning. Mrs. Sensibility, - Why, look here, go to Kirkion and enquire where Duhriage keeps and if you buy his 5o ct. YOUNG HYSbN TEA, yon will smile mOre than yott have toqught, for then you can pay me hack With ES good as you borrowed. (To len CoNTMURD. PUREST, STRONCE.STp EST, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME,,PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. eri E, W. GI LLETT, Stan'Or of ths Grayi,BaAT4D ROYALITMT 0&3L OEN TRAL rug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly on hand. Winan.'s Condition Powd- ers the hest in the mark- et and always fresh: Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exetex. C 1.47.PT.25 500 TVES Butter Wanted J Matixeson, EXETER .NO1iTI-1, Our Stock is Well Assorte6 FOR TUE SEASON'S TRADE. - LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAIIT G.ROCIERI.ES I P 1(3 lbs.:Sugar $1.00113 lbs, white sugar, $1 We can't be undersold in Tees from 20 to 75e: pet lb, Boots & Shoes All Style's at Low Prices. & nicely assorted Stook of rorcKs, SCYTHES and GLASS all elem. (Cheap.) 13ost Machine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS THE' LOWEST' W.' A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2.75 A ood suit of ready-made clOthIng k, 36 Ordered eitits 'got up hi Good Style. Our DPeSe Gopo' are marked down 16' the Lowest Notch'. ,COTTON, 20 YARDS FOR ONE DOLLATI A House and Lot, aleo a oaten or Sale Apply to 30EIN* NIATHE SON. Hay Py 0.