HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-14, Page 4INSURANCE. P.'AGENT FOlt TEIB WSISS,'EltN ASSURANOB 00U- PalaY.sarrerente :aloe for atoll:lacliNIXPIRZ tTgAii (.1,11 0 =PA Y,oUou1�, lighted, the ataleaSS CANADIAN; of Montreal, ar,d, the 1ITJ131.1.2PIEKIala't1 4.38URANalil 0 01‘ts 1 ANSS,of hoflQ1. 1gaw1 establiehed 1847. Asseta aver $8;000,000; taillessuL bouuses o da eve): $10,000,0uo, &OCIX, YSTV8.-Ire sha/4 be happy to .:sive ot all times, from any part of the County, Items of local neve, mit as ae 4identstoi‘ any interesting incident what- iever, from any of ow subscribers or read, ,ers generally for'.the purpose of public- ation. ,t irliNalpaT'PS perline for erstinsertion, and, asSattn c tsarPS por lino for eacli subsequent in ni,6tiou will be charged to , no tioes appearing this o (Annul gip! ,eveter Pines. THUR8DAY, JAN. 5th, 1888. The Eleetion, Contest in Exeter. , -- 1 The election here on Monday as was exeiting, notwithstaunlingthat the reeve and' alepnty-reeve were elected by acclamation,. The contest was for the offices ot councillor, only, for wineh there were eight on the ltst, two of whom, however, deciding not to run, but their resignatious woe received too late to avoid their nemes appearing on the bal- lot, leaving six actuol aspirants. From the hour at which the polls opened till the time of elosiug, the streets were alive with cut- ters end sleighs, drawing voters to the polls. Owing to the location and popularity of some of the candidates it was impossible to detes miue, much less surmise who the auc- cessfulmen woald be. Thus the people were wrapped ap in a cloud of mystary. At 5.30 o'clock a large number congregated in the town hall to bear the result of the ,day's labor. About 0 o'clock the returns were all teceived by Mr. M. Beard% Returning -Offi- cer, as follows ia- couazonanus. The uudersigned wauld announce to the •'public that he has now on hand one of the test assorted stocks of Harness, Boot e & Shoes ever brought into Exeter, and would keall especiel Attention to his Scotch Collars, Felt 13oots & Over shoes as they are best in the Market, and at lowest prices Also a number of Children's Sleighs at e sacrifice. • Call and be convinced. Cas. Eionzar. A large stock of Fanny Goods, suitable lor Xmas presents for young or old at Cen- tral Drug Store, C. Lutz. A full assortment of Christmas and New Years eards,-latest design and at low zices, at the Central Dreg Store, C. Lutz, The annual meeting of the Stephen and I.Tsborne Ag'1. Society, will be held at the Town Hall, Exeter, on. Thursday, Jan, 1.2th at 2 o'clock, p. m. All iuterested should attend as importent basiues will be trans- acted. A. G. Drell, Sec's,, LO CAL HAPPEN INDS. torevities. The young folks, on New Ytar's, indulged in the health -lending exercise of skating, ion the river. • .A. snaak thief went into John Hender- lieu's bedroom in Parkhill the other night :and stole n purse containing 37 in bills. Miss Straight, lately an assistant teacher in Colonel Parker's school, hes an engage- _ anent in Japan at $2,400 a year. ---i'haNrural schools opened Tuesday, end schoolsain cities, towns and villages on the .Montley following. , Me. A. McDonell has purchased from B,obt. Fulton of Hensel!, the noted horse 4.'Wild Black Hawk." Young men who are bothering their mind 'trying to think of something, to give par- ticular youug ladies, are advised that znarriage licenses are yery cheap. A. report of the examination for entrance • to high schools may be found in another ,c °lame. The candidates wrote a couple of weeks ago. While Andrew Hunkin's team was en- deavoring to move a load of brick, which had been left npon the street, Monday, they broke the pole of the sleigh. N. Dyer Herders has got his toboggan icle in shape for the winter, providing a tine thaw does not set in. Many of °ling folks amused themselves at this New Years. caanot," said the cp-lxgol.mavi/e1", - the singular -.riddle; before plural zaa aisaseau.say a cows, a women.' car said the good bcy. "When to eharch we say a -men the taverns in the village were open Monday, aud liquor was sold openly. eh would seem strange to a person coming in a place where the Crooks Act is in ce. dog fight on the street the other day eted ponsi lerable excitement in the vicin- ty in which it occurred. The dogs fought to a .finish but neither was badly hurt. Yea had better buy a muzzle for your dog, Geo. The man who attacked Mr. Robt. Pick- zard of this place, in London last week, as related in these column s of a previous issue •has been sentenced to the Central Prison for 3 months. • New Year's Day passed off quietly, with the exception of the bustle consequent upon the election. Very little- visiting was in- dulged in, aside froin the calling done by the municipal aspirants. In school section No. 5 Usborne, Mr. John 'Heywood was re-eleeted trustee by acclamat- ion. The Arustees of the eehool ares -Thos. Russel, Samuel Martin and John Heywood. Miss Heise has been engaged to teach this sebool for the present year. ' Last week Mrs .Alex. Davie of this place :sold a draught colt, Eve months old to Mr. Henry Hogarth for $100; he also sold a fifteen months old colt of the same breed to Mr. Wm. Kycld for $150.. The prices are good and so is the stock. The January thaw which occurred on "Saturday night last was of short duration. The wind changed to the west during Sun- day hardening the temperature, as a result of which we still enjoy the best of -sleighing .although the snow is not very deep. Mr. Charles Wilson, an old and much re- apeeted resident of Fairfield, Stephen town - h• ip, died. Tuesday at the age of 69 years. The funeral will take place from his late :residence to -day, (Thursday) at one o'clock, :for the Fairfield cemetery. We have enterer' upon 1888. Our best t, wish is that one and all.May enjoy a happy I ind prosperous year throughout. • Those oft epeated resolutions might again be brought nto use, but with better effect, especially he onereferring to the paying of newspaper ;subscriptions in advance. . At the high school entrance exarnimitions the most difficult papers, accord- ing to the report of the candidates, were on biathey ,c1,11(1 spelling. The latter paper was little if any harder than nsual, but ten ,errors on it will "pluck" a • candidate in- ,flte51,1 of 35, th ,plucking number last July. Another sho ting match took place here on Sattuday, betweea Thos. 'Bisset% jr., And, W. :ffe, 8 mlers, at 15 birds each for a side, vie man pulling ,Ins own trap. It resulted hi Mr, 13issett killing 14 out of •iffteen 1irds, Mr. Sanders out of fifteen. , There was a goodly number present, tiet vr?thstanding that -the weather, was • Mut b- lfltc , • Christmas entertainment given ti acholars and friends of Christ Churel? Svinday &shoal was a thorough enceess, no , trEnzte as regards numbers present, but al bee as the programme being executed: The night was cold, and blustery end it is a 'wonder so many little ones turned out to, nee San fa, Claus in such a storm. The girls did them parts to perfection. Each qieliolar got a preSent-not ono being missed.' 'mat credit ina.y be given Mrs. Feirbeirn t Mv. Slerdon for the -way the ehildren trained., . div. 1 Carling, T. 13. 46 Christie, Ed. 42 Clarke, J. P. 40 Davis, Richard 39 Dyer, Alex. 1 Johns, David 1 McCallum, Thos. 34 Pickard, Jas, 52 Trustee Election, , The eleetion of school trustee a to fill the vacancy rendered by the remove), fsern town of Mr. John Bell end of those tartatees whose terms of office expired with 1887 wee held yesterday. During the day there was Ma netted exeitement but from early in- the morning, owing to the drift of the electors, ie was Well known who the successful ones would be. The following is a list of Sawn - dates, and the number of votes. polled for 'each J Taylor, 23 ; Dr Lute, 110 ; 3 Piekard, 45 W Grigg, 107; D Mill, 114 ;3 P Clarke 23 E Polliek 94, • Those elected ss -Dr Lutz, D Milis, WM Grigg, sr, and E Folliek. The above with Messra W H Verity and Thos Fitton will compose the trustee board for 1888 • T, M. Kay will be warden of Huron county for 1888. Mrs, Wharton Hodgson, of Toronto, is at present visiting friends in town, Mr. Herbal:Pa Elliott formerly of Exeter div 2 div 3 div 4 Tots a railway mad clerk on the Grand Trunk 84 54 04-188 I road, Will remove from Windsor, having ae 38 33___Ies been assigned to a run oat of London. 33 26 • •49--148 Now that the Municipal Election:is over 33 33 41-146 0 2 1--004 2 0 5-008 37 68 57-496 34 27 47--162 Messrs. johns:and earS Who were not in the field althstate; lemes appeared np- on the 139,1ffit, ree .al a few yotes. Mr. 141e9satihn headed le poll, Mr. Carling next ansi,IV Picker Thevillage council for /8:, will be composed of good men, viz: Reeve, r. Reline ; deputy -reeve, W. •G. Btssett ; cillors, Thos. McCallum, Thos 13. Carlin and Jas. Pickard. We are asleased at the north end having elected their man, McMcCallum, as it is perfectly proper and fair that they should have a re presentatiye to look after ;their interests and we might say that a better man could not have been selected, Mr. McCallum is a shrewd, liberal, and yet economical, per- son, and will without a doubt serve the north eud, as well as the citizens generally in a manner deserving of the honor which the electors have chosen to bestow upon him. It is unnecessary for us to say any thing conceruing the other members ; they have Sat at the Board daring the peat year and the people are quite capable of forming their own couclusions, by the past career of the men; and can judge as to how they are likelyio deport themselves during the pre sent yr. Suffice to say that the majority of the electors have old by their votes that the stewardship of these men has been quite satisfactory. ' 6.--••••••-.41 The Scottish concert. As per announcement the Edinburgh Concert Company gave one of their popular entertainments in Drew's Opera House 'on Friday evg. last. The program was varied and good, a.nd some claimed it the best ever presented to an Exeter audience, but we think this is slightly stretching it. The se- lections were old but were well rendered by the talented artists. The dancing, as well as the singing, Was lustily encored, espec- ially the dancing by the ifiveniles, and the singing of Gavin Spence. Mr. 13urton and Miss Stevens areexcellent singers, but their articulation being poor, the effect was bad. The dancing of the Professor, espec- ially the sword dance, was good. The en- tertainment was given under the auspices of the Mechanics' Institute, and was aexcep. tionally well attended. personal. Jas. Ramsay left for Guelph 'Monday. - 1.2.e, spent New New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Jno. dayesa-Mr. Geo. Manson has returned from visiting friends in Port Hope. -Mr. Horace FolIick occupied the pulpit in the Main-st- Meth. Church Sunday morning last, Mx. Braund conducting the service in the evening. Dr. Pascoe was absent at Parkhill, the occasionthere being the anniversary of the church. -The Misses Ida and Eva Sperling of St. Marys, spent the holiday week with their relatives here. -Mr. A. McQueen, who has been operator at this -station for some time, left Saturday for Port Arthur where he has accepted a similar and mere lucrative position with the C. P. R. Co. -H. • L. 13illings vistted friends in Toronto New Years, -Mr. and Mrs, T. M. White, of Windsor, who have been, visiting friends .bere and elsewhere, during the past couple of weeks, returner' home Tuesday. -Mr. J. 3. White, son of the proprietor of this journal, has been engaged to teach the Wslkerville school at a good salary. John obtained the highest number of marks hi the Modelite exc,mina- Lion at Windsor. Village council. The council met by order of the Reeve at the Town Hall, Exeter, 28th Dec., -1887. All members present. The minutes of the mevions meeting -were read and confirmed. Moved by T. B. Carling, sec. by W. G. Bissett, that orders be granted for the following, sums, viz :-A. McDonell, $2.00, for horse hire at fire; Wm: Welsh, $12.75, carpentering at town hall; Hart & 'Co, $5.17, blank forms; H. Speakman, $4.50, lanip at town hall; Clare Bros. .$100.40, furnace; George Eaerett, $35.00, salary as treasurer, postage etc; J. Creech $7.40, wood for town hall; Jas. Willis $16.09, lumber; C. R. Bissett $105.00, labor ; Bissett Bros. $3.30, per certified act. D L Stonehouse $31.50 blindsfor town hall; C. Lutz M. D., $5.00 med. alt &e., 3 Johnston an indigent; M. -Eacrett $121.65 salary postagn &c.; T .Bissett, $3.00 labor; 1). Ilritund $1, plank; D. Spicer 811.00 paint- ing ceilings at town hall; Ross & Taylor $1511.32, bal of contract with extras in full for building town hall; Ross & Taylor $22.48 lumber; J. Pickard, 823.00 'lamps for town hall; tp. Stephen $97.05, for hit. of indebtedness; tp. (Jsborne $110.00 .int. and pt. prin. indebtedness; Wm. Welsh $8.00, bal 111 full for inspection Town Hall; the 'collector $5.60 error in a-ssess't of J. Ryan' and J. Welsh, -Carried, Moved by \V. G. Dissett see. by D. Johns, that the lista amount 860 be granted to the Board. - -Carried. On application of Mr, 13rocler- ick tho..board path alongside his building on the right of way at Town, 1141 site was allowed to remain until ;further 'action of the council on motion of W. G. 13issett, sea. by 3. l'iekard. Moved by T. 13. Carling soo. by' J. Pickard that the Ilse of the library room in Town Hall be granted to the • Mechanics' institute ,free,-Carriecl. Moved by 1), Johns sec byW. G. Bissett that- the Agricultural Society be granted the use of Town Hall for holding their next annual mowing for the sum of tsvio dollars, -Carried. D. 13raund% aceonnt Was hand- ed beak for correction, The council ad- journed sino die. s On Monday while M.r. T. 13. Carling was drawing voters to the polls, there oeourred with him a slight misfortune. He had gone into the residence of Mr. :Brown, Exetet 1 ia Or th, leaving the beast untied. When he Minium' the animal was not where left -i; ad run away t but was can,glit near the reshyterian church after having broken the hafts and otherwise daMaged tbe cutter. let usjout hada with the °camel' and Make a big pull altogether for a year of • prosper ity. On Sunday neictthe offertory In Christ Church will be given to the Foreign Mis- sionary Fund, in response to the appeal of the House of Bishops read in Chrueh laot Sunday. Morning.: We are sorry to state that our calendars are not reedy yet for distribution. There is considerable work On them and we have been delayed 'anger than was exaseeteds They will, however, be ready for next Week. H. D Brush, veterinary dentist will be at Hawkshavv's hotel, Exeter, on Saturday, Jan 7th. Persons having horses not feeding well, will consrilt their own interests by having their animal's mouths examined. Exammation free Don't delay as his time here is Ihnited. • 'The installation of officers for Exeter lodge No 67, I 0 0 F, took place iu the new ball on Tuesday evening. Following are the of- ficers for the next term :-W G, Thos. Prior V G, Jno. Evans ; R Seey, J T Westcott' ; Per. Sec'y, E J Speck's -tan ; Treas.,. II Lam- brooke. The lodge is hi a prosperous con- dition. The Exeter Fire Company No. 2 met at the hall Tuesday evening for, the purpose of considering the matter of forming a new company. Some slight differences mese between the members and it was decided to disband and have the clothes returned to the hall again on Thursday evg., when it is thought the Chief will be able to re -organ- ize. • During Saturday night some mischievous youths .pelted the Salvation Army barracks with snow balls, breaking several panes of glass. Seals conduct is not at all clever on. the part of '.;the boys, and they should be punished for their nial-treatment to the Army. If they are averse to their . actions the boys should not express themselves in such an enthusiastic manner. . The old tine custom pf congregating at the various churchetaancl watching the ad- vent of the New Year, is no longer looked upou by the eitizeneof Exeter as a meter of necessity ; but ib being deemed merely as a matter of form :night-wateb, services are a, thing of the past.' The Salvation Army, however, adhere to the a-neient customs; for Saturday nigh t they were out -25 strong - parading the stifeets, after which, repair- ing to their barraCks, held service until late in ths. morning. The bell of Christ Church was rung for upwards of an hour. • , Ivars'Briclis, • of the 'diocese of Athabasca, will (D.V.) address the icongre gation of Christ Church, Exeter, on Thurs- day evening January 12th. The Wood and Cree ludiane form the people of Mr. Brick's numerous stations. With southern headquarters at Peace River his parish ex- tends to the North Pole and his work of preaching the gospel is necessarily an edu- cational work. The Dominion Government have promised him a grant of money for IndiawSehools, provided he can raise a cer- tain sum himself, and in the interests of this fund be now appeals to the peonle of On- tario. .Missionary work of sucli an arduous nature must be of interest to Christian peo- ple, and, . consequently, we ask for Mr. Brick a large and responsive congregation. VICK'S FLORAL' GOIDE.-A silver lining trig' every cloud. With the shorb chill days of early winter come to cherry -holidays gat Vick's beautiful annual, and lot spring..4- ready appears not far distant. We ciAal- most see the greening grass and •the bl6onia ing flowers. in the way of Catalogue Vick'S Floral Guide is unequaled in artistie ap- pearance, and the edition of each year that appears simply perfect is surpassed the next. New and beautiful engrayings, and three colored plates of flowers, vegetables and grain, are features for, the issue for 1888. Its lavender, with original designs of most pleasing effects, will ensure it a prominent place in the household and library It is in itself a treat* on horticalture and is adapted:to the vvants of all who are inter- ested in the garden or house plants. It Bargains! describes,the rarest flowers ant the choicest, B vegetables. Price 10 cents; including a. ar alas Certificate goocl for 10 cents worth of seeds. Published by Sames Vick, Seedsman, Roch.. Tauvramoit-Atinx-At the residence of Sight Ir. Blindness MARRIED. the bride's father, Thos. Ancey, on the 3rd by Rev, D. Mt geneedy, Mr. John, Trevethack to Miss Mary Amey, both of Stephen Township. l'ovvans-Locae,--At the residence of 0. H. Welper, iriltib, Mids., on Dec_ 27th, Mr. Louis TONVer$ 4f 1.3xeter to Pdi138 Annie TAWAS of Middlentiss, Ont. Suse-dratax-At the residence of the bride's father, 21st Deo., by Rey. D. M. , Kennedy, Mr. Francis Sims, to Miss Sarah J. Clarke. both of, McGillivray. Menss-Maxisiects-At the residence of the brides's father, on Dee, 27th, by the :Rev. J. G. Fellie, Mr, Robert Mains, of Toronto to Mise Alice id. Manning, of McGillivray. Murnomaxn---Moim-On' the 21s1 ult., at the residence of the br'ide's father, by Rev, R Y. Thomson, Mr. Wm. Mulholland to Isabella, daughter of Kr. Geo. Moir, all of Hay. STInvALT-STAPEOINSON.-At the residence of tne bride's father, on the 21s1 ult , by the Rev. Samuel, A.ehe' son Air. Walter Ste- • wart, to raise Lucinda Stephenson, MI of Stanley. 13nmxtraoonia-Baar--At Knox Churels Manse, St Marys onWed 28th ult., by Rev. Grans, B, A., Mr. Thee, 13rimumeorube of Ezeter, to Miss Lizzie, youngest daughter of Mr. Win. Bray. of Entwine. Beaurea--Wnewsrotin-At the residence of the bride's father, on Wednesday, 281h ult., by Bev, A. M. Phillips, BD., Mr. Harry Butcher, of Cleveland Ohio, former ly of St. Marys, to Miss Maths, daughter • of Mr. Josiah Whetstone, of St. Marys. TIAGAN--11AUSIT.-At the residence of the bride's parents on the 28th ult., by Rev. D. M. Ranisay, brother 01 the bride,, assisted by Rev, Mr, Martie, Mr. R. A, Hagan, of Hay. to Miss Jessie Ramsay of Exeter. Hexas-Rons.--On the 28th ult., by Rev. A. D. McDonald, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. Wesley Honey, of Lo- gan, to Edith, daughter of Mr, Wu). Robb, nf Tuckersmith. Ilecartr--Bearamet.--A.t the Methodist par- sonage, Isarklaill, on the 2011i ult., by the Rev. T. G. 'Paths, Mr. Henry • Eggert to Miss Elizabeth Belling, both cif MeGilli- vray, Bavnas--Lawis-At the residence of the bride's father. Win, S. Lewis, Esq., elerk of Division (sour% on the 23111 Dee., by Rev. D. M. Kennedy, Mr. Francis Rivers of Sombre., to Mise Mary E. Lewis of Creuiton. FYFE-HERD -At the residence of Mr. Isaac Bawden, E'xeter, on Tuesday, Jan. 3rd, by the Rev S. F. Robinson, Rector ot Christ Church ; Ur. Geo. Fyfe of Ailsa Craig to Wihnot K. 0., daughter of the late John Herd. Mr. 43. Johnson, of Canfield has been engaged as fifth teacher in the Std1lary's Collegiate institute. Miss Isabella, daughter of Geo. Moir, Esq., of Hay township, was married re- cently to Mr. Wm. Mulholland of the same township. We wish them long life and prosperity. The municipal authorities of Limerick have conferred the freedom of the city upon Mr. Sullivan, ex -Lord Mayor of Dublin. frvil London, Huron & Bruce. soma Nnamix- • 'Passenger. London, depart ... ... 8.16 A. m. 4. 25P .nr Lucan Crossing 9.00 5,2C Clandeboye9.10 5.25 Oentralia•.............928 5.37 Exeter ... 9.35 5.48 Hensall 9,40 6.00 Kippon ... 0.51. 6.07 Brucelleld 6.59 13,15 Clinton...................10,18 6.35 Londesbore• 10.87 6.55 Blyth 10.46 7 05 Belgrave 1140 7.20 Winghom, arrive ------11.20 • 7, 40 OorriG sown. rassenger Wingbaxn, depart ... • 7,10 Alt. 3.10 P.m Belgrave 7.17 3.33 ... 7.31 3.47 Lonclesbore'/.40 3.56 Clinton 8,00 4.15 BrucefieLl m 8.19 4.34 Kippen ... 8.27 4.42 H8115311 8.8 4,48 Exeter "" '5.02 Centralia ... 5.12 Cln.ndeboye 5 23 Luean Crossing.............9,_0 • 5.29 Tntending Advertisers should ad- dress GEO. P. ROWELL and Co., lo Spruce Street, New York City, N. Y. • For select list of 1,000 Newspaper. Will be sent FREE on application. ANTED.-LADIBto for our fall and Christ- mas trade to takeight, Pleasant work at their own homes. ;51 to Ssper duy can be qutiv made. work sent by in ail any distan- ce. Particulars free. No canvassing. Address at once, CRESCENT ARV 00,I47 Milk St, Boston, Naas, •Box 5170 ORNE HOUSE. -The Under- signedtaRos the liberty to inform the tra- velling Public that he opened his house for tne accommodation of all travellers, on October let. Those who favor himwith their patro- nage will receive the best attention. There is good stitbliug in connection, jOHN OALLANDEB., Birkton --------- Having made a settlement with his eredi- Lucan youth here named erEl, Daniel Shea suddenly became deranged In his mind while waiting on a Sick com`j pitmen He tv-ts seized with violent In- ternal prima, caused, it is supposed, by want of rest. He is a main support of a widowed mother. Quebec, Jan. young gtrt named, ClarinaLessa,rd, age 15, ot Ryland street, dropped dead on the street on Sunday morning. She commenced vomiting blood ist St. Roch street on her wo to 6 o'clock mass, and imtnediately expir- ed. , A very serious accident occurred at Lucan the other afternoon to Mr. John Deacon, a young man ot about 21 years of age. He went out on a fox-hunting expedition to the woods with a ecimpan- ion. It le supposed that snow Worked into Deacon's gun, and as a restili, th weapon burst, the flying fragmen s strikirig him about the head and ivy r- BARGAINS FOR YOU 1 ing him vary serious4,. One of am FOR YOTIR NEIGHBORS young man's eyes is entirely destroycd. BARGAINS FOR ALL 1 An accident 000urred to mr. Ewa h Remember and call early and bring the cash Ca Moore. a rpenter of Goderieh, Ratnr. along with you, for which you will day afternoon, Mr. Moore was staid- receive more than full value, ing on the market, with some others, when a boy in a grocer's sleigh droQe rapidly around the corner, causing the horse and shaft to strike Mr. Mooreso forcibly that hcsn e fell dwinsensible. He Was carried into Mynas' drug store, where, after a thise, ho reeovered con. Odiousness. His injuries around the head and back are very severe, and as he is an aged man, and not of a very strong cons4ution, the result ma, prove very scholia. T DEA.RING- Will sell his entire mammoqi stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRY CI-OODS, BOOTS 8c SHOES, GROCERIES, & CROCKERY, GLASSWARE ---AT LESS THAN ACTUAL COST Tie is bound to teduce his stock and will give bargains never before heard of in Exeter. Goods well assorted and eVerything fresh. a" No shelf -worn goods in stock. - C.11111STMAS GROCERIES ;JUST IN.- ' THE HOUSE -WIFE WILL FIND IT PROFITABLE TO CALL.. . • oultry of all kinds, and produce taken as cash. T. DEIARIOG, e er, Doc. 8. IVANSON'S 13LOCK, N. STANLEY'S 4.itetrattit 6211,11i511*.ettatie5 79 BAY8TrmBT,TDOLIONTO, CANADA, ____AN 18 JENVIN STREET, LONDoN, E. 0., ENGLAIM, RHICES . Wt4tchinnk7'IL3-11710elplo'ian. Kan the A.ger cy for the 8A1e of the above in EXOTEB. Nu speotaeles in the Market oval them in the Ern Ptinsrinvnse onerirriiss they possess, or thu GAgAT Mon and Confronts they confer on the. wearer. Their use will in actuality so strengthen the Dye that it does not beconse necessary to f°o4r4eDtglielor Tmany 9:11°Yar° Uwe - They Are the 13est in the World, They Never Tire the Eye., And Last Many Years Without Cnange, Thseed%igyhfittteted by our New Tent Card, same asit ading Oculists throughout the world. J S ELL Merchant Tailor Has removed to premises one door north of Browning's drugstore, where there will be found a Well Aise.ipvted, St (IA OP SPRING 'TWEEDS FOR STJITINGS &c. Scotch, English, Irigh, French and Canadian Goods. Made up on the SHORTEST NOTICE --..A1.1D AT CONSISTENTLY LOW RIMS 1 A. CALL WILL CONVINCE. Aim J. SNELL, Graduate ot Cleveland Cutting School. POLL() CREAM 1 iTARTAR PUREST, STRONCEST, REsT, • coNTAINs No ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOS HATES, or any iniudous materials: m gi.Loolvja. E. W. GILLETT, Haan of the OZLZIBRATED ItOTAL 744S7 NEL Piokari. Having this season purchased most of our, stock direct from manufaeturers in England' and Germany; to do so We had to give oar orders very early in the season, and as the prospects looked well, we bought largely.. -THE GOODS HAVE JUST ARRIVED. And we find that hard times are causing a great depression in trade, we have, therefore, decided to meet the times by marking all goods at such Hard Pan Prices as to ensure a speedy clearance. Therefore, we would in- vite all intending purchasers to call and in- sgpooeads,tour stook, and note prices of all new Ladies' Dolnians, Jackets and Uls Maids' and Misses'. Ulsters, Black and Gold silk and sat goods-, hi all the nowe styles, plain an rife Hosiery, GION -ALSO A FULL LI Ready-made 01 Hats & Caps. All will b Lowest Possible Pri B TO - And secure some of the Bargains they are offering if following lines :- LOOKS, HINGES, and all BUILDERS' HARD- • WARE. PAINTS, OILS, Soc. We carry the largest stock of Stoves ill the County: Call and see them, and get prices before buying. Tinware of all, kinds always on hand. Roofing awl. eavetroughine; a specialty An Immense Stock of Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels • Scoop Shovels at hard time prices. We are offeriiagLamps and IJanap Goods at cost, as we are going out of that line. -Leave your orders for Stove Coal, and save the high winter freights: -Verity's Plows and Plow Fronts always on hand. -Highest price paid' for .Hides and Tallow in Cash or Trade. --Agents for the Raymond Sewing Machines. BISSETT BROS Visitors to Exeter Would do well to call and inspeCt OUT? MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF D8E88-000D8, One of the Newest, Cheapest & Best Stocks in town.. Black and Colored Cashmeres. Black and Colored Silks and Satins, Colored Plusbes. Kelton Cloths, Jersey Cloaks, Black Dress Materials and Mourning Goods, 'Woollen shawls and Fascinators, in a and pikes, Also it fine range of Staples. Fine linos of gloves in Kid, Jersey. C) T GOOD ASSORTMENT D EXTRA. Gents' Furniebings.--Fine Display in Hato, Ties, Braces, W Colored Handkerchiefs, Shirts and Drawers. Scotch and Catihdian Tweeds, Overooatings, Fantings & Suitings. PA.NTSAADE TO ORDER IN THE LATEST STYLES A.ND AT THE LOWEST PRICES, BOC TS AND SIIOES.-A very large con sigment just received, of the very best styles and quality, in Ladies', Gents' and Children's. CALL AND INSPECT, IT WILL NOT 008T ANYTHING. A fu line of Glassware and Crook- r3inware always on hand, our et,oci)11. Do met izrnpXe Butte , "ggs and all kinds of Produce token in exchange, and the Very highest ride paid. . oY. L SOLICITED. CARLING, Main- -t ▪ Exeter*,