HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-14, Page 1London, Huron, & Br lice. bionsar.-. Passenger. 14ondon, dePart 7.45 A, 70, 4, 25X' Ducan Croashig .„, .. 8,28 0,20 (laudeboye 5.24 Centralia „„ 8,45 5.45 8.55 6.57. • Heasall „. 9,05 669 0.14 6,17 Alruoeitold „. „. , 6, ntinton ... 9,40 0,46 boadesborot .,. 10,00 7-08 oenier Sotarrt, Passenger 31Y011 ... 7.38 4.15 • Imndesboro' 7:47 445 Clinton „. „, 8,07 4.45 Brucedeld 8.25 5,04 r:pelL 8.34 5.72 • Reiman ,„ ... 8.41 0,14 .„ 8.56 5.33 .., 0,07 5.45 .,. 10.18 6,00 . .., 9,24 0.02 %actor „. Centralia .,. Clandeboye Taman Crossing LEGAL. -11. DIOKSON, Barrister, Boli. • Mot of Supreme Court,Notary Public Cronveyancar Commissioner, tto. Money SO Loan., Ofilce in Panson's 13loolt, Exeter, R coLLINs, Banister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc, - 014T..1,11,x • OfneeSamwell'sBlock Rall f3 old office.) ARMOUR W, Solicitor lathe Supreme Court of Ontario, Conveyancer, Commissioneri &e., Acc,. Special attention given to themollection of °llama in the:United States: Patents proouredl, money • to loan at lowest rates. Office Op0o,Illouse Bleck,St, Marys, Ont. ELLIOT 85 ELLIOT, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Conveyancers &c; &c. t.'Money p Loan at Lowest Rate� of interest. OFFICE, •MAIN - STREET, EXETER. )3. V. ELLIOT. •J. ELLIOT, DENTAL. T.:L, BILLINOTS, • aDmiNTTxsT, 0 EFIVE : ova co.rEncds Bank Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction. 1K1NSMAN ,DENTIST,1J.D.f3 • SanitvellPs Block, Main-st, Exeter, Extracts Teeth withoutpain, by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold Filings anct all other dental work the best posaible. Goes ?It #4,-4; ;•,' to Zuni= on last Thursday in each month: • MEDICAL Ci Li-UTZ , D. 11(r. V • ORM eat hisresidanc e 'Exeter ti-W. BROWNING IL D., M . 0 ‘ P.8 ,G raduat eVictoriatiniv era ity.Office indlresidence,Do=inionLa,boratorv, Exe ter R. EIYNDMAN, coroner for the County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr. . Carling's store, Exeter. TO. J., A. ROLLINS, M. 0, P. S -1-,F 0. Office, Main St.Exeter,Ont.Besideu ea hous erecentlry occupied by P. 'McPhillips, • • ATJOTIONEERS. misoma. tmartaiensaarrisaactra --,-^,•••••••aa- :AND LTURON & 1VIIPDLESEX GAZETTE. 1111EW TO THE LINE, LET THE CHIPS FALL WHERE THEY MAY." •VOL: XV. NO; 36. TTENRY EILBER, Licensed Ansi- tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and McGilli- Tray;Townehip a: Sales oonduetcd at moderate mtes. Office --At Post-office,Crediton. Ont. TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the V' Townships of Stephen, Hay and reborn° and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly attended, and satisfaction guaranteed.- Sales arranged at this °Mee. VETERINARY. • TENNENT & TENNENT, VETERINARY - SURGEONS Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College. Omen : One door South of Town Hall. IOW ^ MONEY TO LOAN. NIONE1 TO LOAN AT 6 AND 611 per cent, 825,000 Private Funds. Best Loaning Companies represented. L.E. DICKSON, Barriater, Ex eter, INSURANCE . rrHE WATERLOO elVELYTUAL FIIOE E C 0 . Established in 1863. • HEAD OFFICE - - WATERLOO, ONT. This coini:anv has been over Eighteen sears -in successful operation in Western Oil- bario,aridaoutinuea to insure agaiustloss or damage by Fire ,Buildings,Merchandise,Man- ufactoriesAnd all otheedescrintious oflinsur- able property. Intending insurers have the option of insuring on tb.e Premium Note or Cash System. During the past ten years this Company has issued 57,006 Policies, covering property to theanlouut of 640,872,038 ; and paid inloss- es alone8700,752,00 itssetS, ti1ee,100.00, consisting o f Cash 12 Sank, GovernmentDeposit,and the unasa- eased PromiuniNotes on handandin force. 3, W WALDEN M D. Presidet t. 0. at, 08sn0n, Secretary. 3, B. Huonns,Inspector. C}/ &S: ',TELL At:011V or Exeter and vicinity, EXETER ONTARIO, THUR§DAY MORNING, JUNE 14 1888. ..romq wurrE rithashersandieroprtetmee. IVIarket.Square General •Store The uadersigned would inform the pub- lio that he has just received his SPRING rino4 STOOK • A fuleline of Dry -Goods, Hats & Cape, and Crockery, Roots and Shaee. Those wishing anything in my line will • And it to their advantage to oall and in sped my goods and prices.: Highest prices paid for But- ter and Eggs and all kinds of produce. The Great Engelieli Prescription. A successful Medicine used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhett, Nervous • ectitness, Emissions, Impotency eel, all diseases caused by abuse. [MFG) indiscretion, or over-exertion. terrical Sic packages Guaranteed to Cur &when all others Pail, Ask your Druggist for The eeeesSeEstalligh rroserlytIou, take no substitute. One package El. Six $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet Address laukekse Chemical co.. Detroit, lelliche C 1.NTRAL Barber Shop, FANSON'S 131_100K. A, Hastings, Prop, • Shaving and. Hair cutting in tho latest styles of tho at, :0 vory attentinn paid tO euttihg Ladies and Oluldrenss Hair. SWITCHES 1VIADE TO ORDEIZ A Cat. J. P. Ross. • SirktOn. Mr. George Vickers' house is going up rapidly. Rev J. Charlton is away at present attending the Methodist conference. Milton is boss harnese maker for the present. Give him a oall. The Orangemen of South Perth intend celebrating the coming 12011 at Listowel. Mr. 'Jacob Taylor has left for a month's visit to Manitoba. The late rains have been very beneficial, and the prospects are very fair for a good harvest. Rev, Mr. Martin is supplying the Pres- byterian pulpit during the absences of the Rev. Colin Fletcher. The masons are at work on the Metho- dist church again and intend completing the brick work before leaving, Mr. O'Brien has quit the baking business , thus leaving, a good ,opening for some en- torprieing man. The eaoreenent of the • Holy Eucharist will be administered in- St. Paul's Angell - can chard]. (D. V.) on Sunday next. Our village has undergone deoided im- provements during the past week in •the way of grading and gravelling the streets, Capt. rainy sueerintending the work. • Mr. Hicks of Ushoene, seriously, contem- plates the entering of an action against the counties of Huron and Perth for dionages sustained through the inefficiency of Kirk - ton beidge on the boundary lines. The many friends and acquaintances of Mr. Geo. Stacey mho is now, in Cape Coronye $.- Africa were pleased to read his open letter to thera in last week's Tarns which proved very interesting and 11111(e:ll for- ward to a continuation of the same. Serviced • will be conducted on Sunday next in the Presbyterian church by Rev. 3. A. Turnbull, L.L.B., at the hours of 11 a,m., and 7 p.m. On the following day dinner will be served at 1 o'clock in Mr. Wiseman's grove. Every preparation has been made and a staff of good speakers are expected. to be present so that all look forward to a successful day. latiCan. Edward 131aoltwill loft for the Black Hill gold mines. Tho Haunted House next week. Thos. Culbert of Gtrautun has been awake for twelve hours, West Judge claims to have the fite40 moustache in town. Mr. Forbes: has arrived horne agein. Ho hag not had his hair int since elde departure. Louis Cann sawed 8 cords of hard weed lately, and is now laid up with lumbago the back. Daniel Shoff Esq., license inspector'of Clemdeboye, paid Luoan a vitit on SatuiP day last. et., Bobby McLeod visited Pontiac last weeli and returned on Saturday night with! Imo trotting mare, whieh he purchased from Mr. Donaldson. Bobby was greallY tanned by the sun on his trip. te. We understand Mr. Brewer pnrposei renting the grist and saw mills in Grantone The former he will run as a flouring mill, but he intends utilizing the latter for manufactory for his most celebrated Mit vigor. A. base ball match was played last weals between nines from the east and west sidek of our village. The west side mon by score of 14 to 12. Mr. Wellington Hodgins. is the manager of the east side club and lefr,' Jonathan Hedging of the west. A series op games are to be played throughout the, season, one being arranged for each Thurs.,- day. All are invited. • ATITO.BIOGRAPYX OF ANDY KEEFE, ESQ. The subject of this sketch was born in ti parish of Cloclifergus Co. Tipperary, Ire lend, in the year 1807, hie father being THE DANGER BEFORE US. We Lave already alluded to the import - am° of housekeepers paying more attention to the kind of baking power used in leav- ening their bread. This is a matter to which we cannot draw attention too often, be- cause it is something which involves tbe most serious consequences to the general body of mankind. Temperance apostles tell ns -and there is ample foundation for the statement -that there is disease, both moral and physical, in the intoxicating clip;: and in the same way there is disease, slow perhaps, but certain, in the lime and alum leayening agents employed in many of the homes on this continent: No punishment is too severe for those manufacturers who place these poisonous alum and lime baking powders before the public with the assurance that they are pure and wholesome articles. in the belief of the truth of sueh statements such baking powders are largely used in the ;reparation of food, and in this way the poisonous ingredients are taken into the system with- out a suspicion of their presence. By and by come spells of headache, distress in the stomach, lose of appetite, a fluttering of the heart; the child is seized with an apparent- ly causeless cough. The coating of the stomach is destroyed, perhaps; one of the vital organs is rendered almost useless; the kidneys aro attacked with Bright's disease. The health of the child is irreparably broken down; the adult becomee a chronic invalid. These are the doings of the mod- ern cheap baking powders that are compos- ed of lime and alum, or that contain sul- phuric or phosphatic acids. In view of these facts surely all housewives should exercise the care that is, we know, now exercised by some in the selection of a proper brand of baking powder. She who does not do so, whether the neglect is the result of ignorance or recklessness, cannot free herself from the reeponsibility for the health, perhaps life,thereby endangered. No housewife need bo ignorant of the qual- ity and composition of the article which olio uses to leaven hor broad, biscuit and cake. The official reverie of the govern - merit chemists, who are oortainly au pi °jet - diced, have been published and thew very clearly the quality and strength of all the baking powders in tho market. The Royal Baking Powder, vulgar is aceessible at every hend, is repotted obsoletely free from limo, alum, phosphatic add, or any injurious ingredient. It is further stated by the most eminent atthoritiett OE fwd hygiene that fetid loam:tea with it is more whole- some than when raised by any other method. Its use is therefore to bo coin - mended. It is to ho regretted that no other baking metier, when there are oo many in the market, some of which will find their way hate use, is free from all of those substances. The official analyste agave ua, however, , that all wept the Royal contain either alum or Time. The housekeeper who regards the health of hex loved ono olsould not only order the Itoyal but make peroonal examination to be sure that no other brand 10 mut ha in it place, The gentle Rillitrra John has a brand new pair of wigwams, size 11. , Johnny Stout was iu town on Saturday and states hie velenble oolt is rapidly re- covering. Thomas John Blackwill has retired from he conductorship of the Deadwood stage t� superintend Mr. judd's soft soap works. Eddie Flavin of Forest was visiting his young lady in this place hot week. We understand Eddie has purchased the ring. A number of our young peeple attended Gilmi oro's band concert n London bet Thursday. - James Mayo is training Yorkey foe his next fight with Stewart Taylor. which will take place at Hill John's gravel pit short- ly. John Bawdeu brioklayer of this -village With his two jars completed a story and a half brick house for Mr. James Lewis in three days. Beak time on record. , Candy Joe and James Whalen E.13.110 4 contract to draw 400 cords of gravel from Hill John's pit to put on the streets of Luau. Hill John himself has already taken out 150 cords. The McCarty -Battler rag chariot passed through here on Monday evening latt. 11 was strong enough to move without wheels. Our shoo fly baud could not be gotten to. gether ; consequently the dead merch in Saul was not played. A piece of would-be poetry was picked.uei on the street in Granton, and forwarded to yonr correspondent for publication. The. semi -idiot who composes Ruch poetry is a' fit subject for Dr. Bticke's hotel. The name of the poem is : "Ode to Miss Vietorse a Hayes." Victoria should hide her dinars. shed head and get someone to club fins-, lvritar. ' Wes. Windsor, Sblacksmith of Cle.nde- Colonel of the militia stationed at thee' °e.J.,03,,,. who recently fitted, nailed on and point and a brother-in-law to Lord Nelsons.. clinched 142 horse shoes in one day, MIME The youthful Andy spent his earlierre Yea to bet $100 to $50 that he can eat five around the garrison but at the age of 11'"'pounds of Mr. Black's beef steak, half- A years was sent to the oollege at 11Iaynorth„`Peoft of potatees and ope loaf of John Tinges where he was to undergo a atria eenree of' bread at one •meal. John Flannagan training for the priesthood. But at the;willing to furnish the stakes to any amount, age of 17 he fell madly in love with the.' Until lately Mr. Windsor was a weak, sidle - beautiful and talented daughter of Lord ly man but since taking four betties .of Mr. Windeymore and from that day all thoughts •medicine (of Gran -ton) is ono of the of becoming a priest were abandoned .by heartiest men. in the connty. him. His father not having sufficient means to make him independent, the mar- riage fell through, greatly to the grief of the fair young lady. Mr. Keefe emigrated to Canada in the fall of the year 1835 and settled first at Niagara, where he opened an academy for training young men for the army. In the follosving year the war broke out /dia.:Mr. Keefe at once raised a regie raeut of which ehe was appointed Colonel and signallly distinguished himself in Grand Bend. ' At 9 o'cloolt last Sunday night Ur, Bas (Aland started to hunt for his cow. Not finding her he mendered on and on all the night until he found himself lost amidst the rain and wind, and at last at daybreak he drew up at the cut about eight Milea be• low the Bend. Monday morning all the Bend throe(' oat to hunt for him, and about 4 -quarter to ten met him abont one mile below the Bend, coming home. • We hope Mr. Bachand is none the worse for his ex- posure to the rain, •11.-411/ Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. Flatlet and daughter have returned from visitiug friends in Goderioh, Mr. John Sneaks of Florence, was -visit- ing Mr. Thad. Jones last week. Miss Gertie Dempsey mill eetaye for Platteville, Saturday- Mre. John Gilson of London, , who hat been visiting friende here for some time, Beat No, 2 on 2nd concession, called •a' meeting to elect a pathmaster for the en- suing year. Three were proposed but FredFisher was elected by a majority o - five. • The following is a correet report of the etanding of the pupils of 8. S. • bin. 4, Uire returned home lard week. The IVIolsolis 13arIk coilArtumntnD I3Y PA.ELTAMENT,1355) PAW Clapttal $2.000,90 Rest Fund ,„ 875,000 Offers the P 4 PER CENT, INTEIVEST .1.14.3.ANNIMfor mo ey on • 4.3rIP1)3PVER°0F.SliviTorr.173IE0EnElloyNC)giVIEPRA.TS!UNI ,8arving Ivor further.nrar4r4titoeulYlaI:-LCSpPpelynesat. The 13a Kalil Street, Exeter. OPPXCE TEOUBS 1010 m. to 3 pmo . Saturdays, 10 a,m. to 1 p.m A. A. C. DENOVAN, Exeter:000,25, . .1.‘anaget '•.•••••••••••••••••lamomm••••••• Ap Bal333.-Mr. Thos. Hartnoll preached very acceptably to a good congregation on ' Sunday evening. ---Preparations are in pyo- gress for a strawberry featival on Dominion Day, in T. Andrew's orchard. -Mr. Thos. Veal and others have taken a contract to dean up a portion of Quinton's swamp at per acre .-The tinebm is being delivered for a new bridge on the 7th con common- ly known RS ErtElter'S bridge. -Master An. , drew Thompson is boarding at Mrs, Ben- nett's and attending Winchelsea. eohool.--: On Wednesday, June 60h, in reponse to the call of Mr, R. Hunter, path -master, the farmers and citizens in Effinville beat, with teems &o. commenced statute labor, and by Friday evening 250, loads of gravel were spread on the road, and -the pit. which was only opened a few days ago, WAS so enlarg- ed. that four waggonspould be loaded at onoe.-A. committee et three young ladies are looking for five young men to take charge of the tablet! at the festival on Do- minion Day. The qualifications( required in these men are that they bo good dish- washers, nice looking and gallant, Now, boys, if they honour you with p. repeat don't refit%) them. Clande hope. e Mrs. James Marr, of this place, left last borne, for the month ending May 30 'meek to visit her friends in Manitoba. CLASS V.--Tetal 820 -Edith Busmen, 670p, nix. Geo. Sellars is repainting the front .Arolne Hicks, 658 Eva, leecks,, 645. , of his hotel and now it possesses an attrac- ens) CLASS -Total 1000 -Laura Mick, 91en tive appearance, Atli° Kerslake, 872 ; Minnie Cave, 7'72-je Exeter is said to have the most good. Alfred Hunter, 596 ; Thos. Smith, 591e. looking girls of any town in Western On - jet. San Cuse.--Tetal 720 -Maggie Luxee'tario ; London of any city, and Clandeboye ton, .505 ; Percy Luxton, 429; Edwaa.of any village. Hurrah. for Middlesex. ;Walker, 303 ; George :Walker, 322; Jerry , $. E. Hooper, merchant, of this place, ,Reamen, 2 .19.-thert CLASS -Total 800 intends selling out his stook and moving to Nora Heitman, 616 ; Lottie Handfeed, 61 London, where he will follow his profession :Nellie Dempsey, 601 ; Hunter 5 us doctor. Malcolm Dempsey, 502; Lizzie Coates, 498e • Some of ottr village juveniles tell a big eVeax Reto Caess-Butler Dickens, 466 se fish story, that marred at the river mid - Frank Hunter, 378 ; Alma Dempsey, 338?..„" may between here and Lecan. We will Myrtle Vstalker,185 ; Ida Care, 170. The not tell it, however, an ru our opinion it 'above is basea on the merit of writetin happened a little tao near Liman to be true, examination. • J. A. Dineen; The case of Henry Mallard, who was Teacher. charged with interfering with it constable in :the discharge of his duty, will be tried at Whalen. :the fall assizes. And also the one against ^demos Gilmore, the 14 -year-old bridegroom it, 5. Hompsis, better kuovin as the pork Mrs. Sealer, of St, Marys, is at present: . iking of the west, was born at his fat:hares, evisiting friends in this. neighborhood. of the recent abduction case. ' Mr. Percy Macklin, of .Lueitn, preached horaestead on the 3rd concession of - Bid- Mr. Toe. Morley lost it fine Tontine col t n Clandeboye in the place of Rev. Downie, elulph, on the banks of the classic Seuble. ', last week. Several other foals have diet Three hours after his birth R. S. • who is a en mg e oron o onvon ion. • tt d' th T t c t• ._. ,19e. lbs., and has sinoo increased in grtrivgi weighee- ',in this ,,rieighborhoocl this spring. e MferJames Rayorafe; of Oxford los/nal:el . . Percy is studying for the- niefristry, -and- will doubtless prove a credit to the cloth, - - - lilt he is now one of the largest men in thee ' paithis friends u short visit- on Saluda s. country. He received the ruclinaents of bid Heessasysethe crepe there look very muck iety ... as he is noted for his 'truthfulness aucl ;education 'at Clandeboye Village Sehool eikminia thares4ain being much needed,. 'ee'. has struok Vrkrifeta 43 We. hear of soine pretty good shooting ., nepiernieitialities, Always coming .b.,`''have' sherliere we would, like to ' nielch e - Ilene down *Liman by Bob Gueet.... We ' 'where he distinguishee himself for his pug- 5 A': dria u a iRal,' AV MO several engagement& On the close of the, -4,0..v/ beorr,„„,.- out Res- Alieutaialf the'fathiliesi in the yilla ge. B' : tl - t wur hatwas collea to Englaue and there.' 11 -,Mrirtinirkel. Ize Bobefifsrlresin supplied witeprgans •durhIg thp fra-st - a • 4' garnet Bob. Mr. Ira 1130 men y go a publicly thauked by the Queen for his great A.CCIDENTS.-At the raising or .01.T. aiTuf3- . . , ,,,, ,.,,, , small boy to start a barrel rolling down tire wear& He then again visited Canada and -week. hill for him, whilet he stood back 40 yards loyalty and bravery. He was also present- barn in Uaborne on Tuesday Mr. T. Fulton, and put every bullet through the bung -hole ed with a bronze medal wbieh be still framer, fell off a piece of timber and broke his collar bone. -H. Davis, of Tesborne, also of the barrel. -... aettled in the then village of Delaware, had one of his finger pails crushed off. Blanshard Council. where he erected a large brewery which he MATRIMONIAL. -Min Sarah GlIttEillq, Conned met in the Council Hall, June ran for six years with great success. He third daughter of idr. James Gunning, of then sold out and with the proceeds of his Blanshard, -was united in the holy bonds 4th. The full board present, Minutes of apeoulation, some $47,000, removed -be the of metrimony with Mr. John Ashton, on previous meeting read, approved and sign - township of Biddulph where he purehased Wednesday evg., 6011 inst., at her father's ed by the reeve. A petition from Capt. Paisey and 26 300 acres of land and for a long time led residence. The ceremony vas performed others praying the board to exempt Ary. the life of a gentleman farmer. But his by the Rev. J. Campbell, of Granton. The Davis from statute labor was laid on table military instincts wore still strong within happy couple have taken up their residence the Amor- and read. Moved by Mr. MoVannell SOO. him and on the breaking out of in 'Varna. We wish them. every happiness kali civil war he at once went to South and success. by Mr. Hudson that the prayer of the pe - Carolina where he raised a regiment of • titioners be granted .-Carried. 400 men and being appointed Colonel at DashwoodCounoil adjourned for Court of Revision. . ogee got his men into a very effieient state. Court of Revision was opened with Mr. Bninrs.--Mr. Jos. Snell has been invest- MoVitunall in the chair. Half a dozen ing in real estate on Dufferin street. He appeals relative to assessment .1Vere heard intends erecting houses upon them ; not and disposed of when the court adjourned, for himself but for the convenience of and the wile as revised was finally putted. others. -Messrs. Weitzel & Cook have Council again met with the reeve in the shipped another oar load of flax. The flax chair. Moved by Mr. Dickenson see. by P Mr. Johnson tired Charles Bailey be ap- mill is closed down until the new oro comes in, which promises to be a good one. pointed to measure plank to road masters -BettscLen & Sinderfelt have lei t for Bia- in lien of Mr. McIntyre resigned.-Clarried. dalph, where they have secureci a large The reeve issued orders for the following has moved into his new shop, and be is culvert townline Blanshard and Biddulph; amounts :-Audrew McConnell, $1, rep contract for mason work. -Mr. Ed. Welton now prepared to do twice the amount of Irving Wallis, $1, rep bridge, drawing tile; work he was aisle to do before. -The Roller Mills Co. are buying large quantities of Thomas Duffield $2, culvert Blanshard and Biddulph; Edward Kennedy $50, salary as est prices. Some of the citizens are agitat- grading, ditching, rep :oulvert W, M. Re ing for new sidewalks. It is it very good Wm. Marriott, $40, right of way river road wheat? for which they are paying the high- assessor .1888; Charles Sleaforcl, $53.50 move, and it is to be hoped that- ., the coun vo•. . T. eecen.ex T 4.yre, l, measuring plank; oil may seriously. cansider the movement. David Creighton $19, rep onlveit Base line; e Some of the other smaller villages in the James Perrin $1, rep. culverts, Itiohare Bulyea, $8.75, an., George Beckett 82.45, it would be a disgrace for our fair and pros - vicinity have been building sidewalk& and do.; K. Lee, 95 gravel; Jae.. Neeley, $5.55, Graybriel, our respected townsman, is the postage by laws; Ruth Biota° 47.00 charity; porous village to be behind. -Mr. John Charles S. Ramer, 7,75. grading river happy father of a bouncing baby boy.- road. $ , dist church here last Sunday, Bishop Um- Council then. adjourned. to meet on the Quarterly meeting was held in the Mathes bach presiding. The church WAS crosvded first Monday in July at the hour of tea o'clock, a. in. younger days considerable maple sugar mite manufactured, and at the age of 9 years, (in the Spring of 1859) he alone and un- aided, manufactured 1464 'the of sugar and 2e gallons of syrup. When we take Into consideration that he had to raft all the sap across the river in a "dug out," and then carry it i of a mile with a yoke, the per- formance seems almost incredible. At the age of 14 R. S. took a contract from Mc- Nally & Co., of Ottawa, to take out 7000 cords of Elm bolts near Litneriok. He en- gaged the services of an Indian, and they two performed the entire work in thirteen weeks. R. S. netted out of this contract $600, thus laying the foundation of the oo- lossal fortune he now controls. At the age of 17 he bought the excluelve right of the County of Kent to sell the Chatham Fan - He served with great bravery during the ningmill, and continued in that business . entire war and was one of the most trusted foi3 years. He then sold that county friends of the late General Stonewall Sack- right for $3,333.00, and went to Granton son, also a near ad dear friend of Gener- where he started in the grain business. 11. al Robert E. Lee. After the battle of S. continued in this line 4 years, and while Bull's Run he was cleated a Brigadier- in Granton was one of its most respected General and received a medal kr his cool. oitizens and it shining example to all the ness and bravery on that occasion. On the young men of that section. Growing tired close of the war ho again returned to of a rural village like Granton he thought a Biddulph whore he embarked in the life of man of his flue business capacity could do timelier, he having purchased the first hotter in a larger place, so he migrated to threshing mathine ever used in this corm- Leman and bought out the business of Mr. ty. In 1866 he opened a large hotel on John Fox. He greatly increased the busi- the corner near where the Catholio church now stands but sold it soon afterwards the ness till he has now one of the finest grain society in that section not being congenial and seed businesses in Western Ontario. to him, He again retired to his farm B. S. has always had it great weakness for hogs, he having last year handled no less where he lived for some years but in the than 198 of oured hams. R. S. has estab- year 1872 again went into the hotel bud.- lished markets in England, Ireland, Ger- ms& He purchased the lease, stank and many, Spain, and even in Japan, and the good will of the Western hotel in this village. Mr, Keefe also had a large coil- children of the Cape of Good Hope cry for tract from the G. T. R. he haying built the his celebrated sugar-cnred hams. He has now at the' Cedar Vale' Cheese Factory 6,200 entire line from Granton to Thedford. He huge, eaoh particular 0110 being a pet ; in tlaere displayed great engineering skill be fact, they are so tame that Teff Teffery Laving built, the road through Torley'e cut etands :in the door and oalls by ono of the most extensive cuts on the line. their respective names, and they come up His stay in the Western hotel was short and eat whey out of a spoon. 11. S., in only about six months when he again re- connection with Bill Necthas alargeamount to tho door, quite A number from adjoining turned to his farm. Owiers to injudicious of stock in the Russel fence. R. S in poli- places taking part in the services. Services speculations he lost the most of his im- tics is it red hot Cfonservative, and is con- were held Saturday Afternoon and evening, mense wealth, sold out his kerns, and sidera,ble of a platform orator, and tnitkee a Sunday morning end evening.--ebliss Kerr, purchased that fine tract of land now first-olass critic at it debate. R. S. is a head milliner in Mr. Hall's millinery cle- kuown as the Cedar swamp, and is at the strong adherent of the Episcopal chnech, partment, has left for her home in Brus. present time engaged taking wood out, he and takes a prominent part in every vestry sels.-Miss Hannah Froid is visiting friends having secured a contract to supply 5000 meeting, ancl for a number of yeas was in Listowol and vicinity. -Mr. Jno. Freid cords to Messrs. Brewer & Doupe miller, the principal basso in the choir. 11. S. is it paid us a flying visit on Friday last. He of this 'place. He was recently loft a moral man ane is noted for his meekness 'has improved greatly from his trip to the legacy ,of 425,000 by his uncle, the lato rtna piety. No later than last mouth 11 S Western States. -The grand stand in the James Kelly of Ottawa. In early life Mr. donated $75 toward the purchasing of white baseball grounds was densely packed Mon.' Keefe was a strong Reformer but for the socks for the unohristianizecl Abysienians. day afternoon with spectators to witness a last ten years has boon a loyal Conservative R. S. is it total abstainer but objects on game of bell between the two clubs of the always taking pert in every election into- principle to a prohibitory liquor law. R 8 town : the Blue Stockings and Foarnots. paign, end though not mucli ot au meter is one of the most muscular men on the After nine innings for each side the Blue is one's)f the best electioneer% in Canada, continent, ancl is an adept at raising heavy $ tookings were declared the victors bythreet and is a Watill Weed of W. D. Meredith. weights. In .1887, B. S. competed against runs. Another match will he played short - Although new 81 year's of Age he is still Professor Miller, tho champion dumb boll ly, the receipts of which will go to buy the hale, hearty and strong and as quiets on lifter of the world, eind defeated bitu with (Anise new suits. -Miss Annie StaubaS Was foot as if be were only 26. Mr. Keefe has ORSO. The contest' tools place at Kalamazoo home last Sunday enjoying a day ender boen a life long temperance man but Mich., no less than $22,000.00 chaoging the parental roof. We wore glad to see her ntrongly °Weal to the Scott Acb, One hands tin the match, R. S. is ale° quite it sniffing feu again. -Me. Henry Willert was great peculiarity about him is that for the pugilist, he having defeated Joseph Berry- iu London ono day last week on busiuess last 62 yeare ho bias not Mort a mitt or a hill in a fouvrontel go,ao-you-pleaso, At pertaining to the connoil.-11. Cook, lumber sock and. although 4 'very strong and ise. Whalen's Corners on New Years eve: last, morchaet, was in St. Marys anti London bust men he netter Gets breakfast but sub- On the 15011 of May lest IL S. ran a half- last wools on beoiness anti pleasure. -Again sisto on two meals it day. He has been mile foot race with Shyloolc, for it barrel of it is our painful duty to thronicla the death t gice married, lo:the father of four ohiklren salt, but was defeatodsby Shylook, B. S. of one of our oldest citizens, in the parson only one of whom is new living with him, not being in condition, he having walked of Mrs. jobb. Holt, who died very suddenly his son Joseph who is a fine young man, from London the previous evening. 11, S. Saturday night about ton or eleven eolock, who is a perfect simile ai Igo illrloViouri WM commissary under Mr. O'Keefe On the The deceased lady hixa been complaining father. [General Keefe and his fine antvey of the CI. P. it., E. S. at that time for several clays of a pain Pear the heart, brown horse are a familiar sight in the having porehased twO entire townShipS, but not so bad as to doter her from her village as the old gentleman drives in whieh hove sine° so increased in Value as tweet household ditties. She retired to bed, nearly °Very deer, Althottgle of hohiebirth to render him, one of thetfew:Millionaires of but being seized with it fit of coughing she Mr. Keefe hat none of that mean pride op Canada. It, S's. name is proininently men- had to be removed. Everything Was &Me much seen in tip nintoh.room aristocracy Honed in connection With the reevoohip of by a hind hitoband and an affectionate fans. of this country, and is alwavo willing, to -alit villeins for next year, mut if be Nett ily, but her time had como Alla oho had to help the poor and needy; in fact he is a the poll hewill bo eleetedby an overwhelm, ',Avg them, Iter roaming were interred in nodal matt without an enemy And it is the MO majority, And if he Oiled !onto% the OMR. 0, eometery itt Ph112011 on Weanes. earnest puller of all hio friends that ho may long be spared to draw cordwood into timnty Connell it id only a question atilt° day IT, She leavott it sorrowing father till;he oecupleo the Warden's chair, and li stoma and it, griebstriekon family to Ludo, II ' mourn her sudden demise. St.Bilarys. James Beattie, John A.dares and John Begg left Tuesday for Glitegow. Bon voyage boys and a safe return. The hotel keeper who loaded op a or - tithe wood sawyer the other day, should be • given the full benefit of the law with it matinee every afternoon. Mrs. Catharine Davis thea suddenly on Friday, hetet disease being the cause. She was an old resident and greatly res. petted by overyotte. theItxdierneenedayFletning house, They ere both good are the new blames of heads and deserve the patronage of the thirsty public. Postmaoter White was defeatea, Monday, by J. 0, Gilpin by three votes for sehool trustee. The Grits aia. it with their little hatobet. There io good Opening here fot a fire Class tirit paper. T110 jevenile publi company on Wellington street gives pain. We noW have an amateur athletic ass ation which promises well, judging the entlanehtetic initiatory mooting. T etteociatioh will further all legitimat eporte, cricket, baseball, lawn tonnis, polo eyeling, gunning, foetball &O. It is reported that the owner of the 'flatS Will take stops to room damages from the town by towns of *Victoria; bridge having been bnilt on his property -the bed of tho river Thelma. He (liaises he h of the bed of the river aed h quarry therein, geoatly to the of quarrymen who pay spetrries. The tummy titihrries, „matii boon cl000d to sports atom; thorn Moo, Om great malority,