HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-07-03, Page 10AGE 1OC1.4f 4TOr NEWS -RECORD, THURSO" JI,JLY 3 ,
ayfieldcrs enjoy
The Bayfield Lions, at the event, busy people •.
Club, held another sue, for a few hours, -Thanks
cessful "Pancake Break- out, tq the helpers
a -=fast' last Sunday- mor. and 'all -the people that
Hing, attended in snaking it
A crowd was. lined up -at another success;
the e• . door (Community Looking down the'
Centre); .before it started dons' calendar we see
at 9 u:n�,,. and by the time that, there i0 another
the . last pancake was "breakfast'''. scheduled
served at 1 pail.' 454
ravenously hungry
patrons had euffuncified ,.
their appetites. nt°
Along with over 2,000
pancakes, thecrowd also
gobbled up pounds of ,.The beef -barbecue held
sausage • and bacon, on Monday. in Bayfield by
set9era.T • gallons of St, Andrew's United
v "Bayfi<e d*' T;maple syrup Church was an, event
-and drank more coffee which pleased even the
and chocolate milk than most discriminating .-of
Break-fas—Chairmanrv---people attended . -the
Lion Steve Shanahan said dinner, sponsored -by St.
all this, translates into a Andrews"United Church:
gross take of over $1,200., The beef was supplied
the profits of which wile—by Richard Erb, of Erb's
Meat Market, who also
supplied the b.b.q.
equipment. The-- 'chef s'
got things_started by, 8
a.m.. and eight hours
for .Sunday,. August .31,
and coining up on Friday,
July 25 is, the annual
Lions Frolic and parade
featuring an.. expanded,
parade, and games the
year, spelling 'tons of
excitementl for all who
attend. •
'go towards community
-"The .crowd, which. was-
-continuous throughout ,
kept the 17 Lions working
a history.
Several Bayfieid
members of the' Huron".
County "'Branch, ..of the.
Architectaral Con-
Servancy of Ontario
attended the ..Annual
Meeting at the Falls_
Reserve Conservatien
are, n Wednesday or
alast, week, They were
_greatly impressed with
the beauty of the park
_which ich is .part of the 3,014
square:kilometres under
the jurisdiction of the
Maitland Valley Con-
servation Authority.
Alter a delightful picnic.
supper, a brief business.
meeting was held, when
reports were received
from , the LACAC 951,41,-„,
niittees . in Huron'Cdttniy--
From Bayfield it 'was
reported that the
Ratepayers' Association
has presented the Village
Council with a' list of
names for a revised
later, the 400 pounds of
beef Were ready to serve:
Five •bagsof potatoes.
werealso baked on the
grill. It was topped off
with myriads of
"o m`� tra e—pi es wird-
i d -gallons of coffee to ap-
pease the hungry crowd.
The church 'hopes to
raise $1,000 to go towards
church work. Thanks This happy group of Bayfield fisherman display
goes out from St. their catch of black bass, caught last weekend as
Andrews U.C. to all those the fishing season opened! Poor weather on
that attended or lent a-
helping hand,--..:
by Gwen Pemberton pnd Bud Sturgeon)
Saturday scared
Sunday dawned
both anglers and fish away, but
much ' better. (photo by Bud
Breezy weekend, a sailer's delight ,
Yachting Association N
The sailboaters made.
the most of the holiday
weekend, running
numerous races .o.ut of the
Bayfield Harbour. .
Sunday, thecoastguard
cutter ``Rapid" from
'rand r . - 7 Goderich was op hand as
, 0 " n
:abottt the
LYL `�' approaching storm front...,
the radar warned of an
b. e
At times,. high winds and
and Mrs. John , =son and Bill's 'friend)', weekend at the Albion through the Fitzsimons heavy- rai»t • kept the
f mil
_. _ . _• -. �' - '' ' °tel witla� their a_ - ' o+ off the lake'
Kitchener, are currently ,Latimer at their Howard Mr. and iv rs. ' yd ., -Ross surprised it. many other
sailboats and pleasure
HY m et rs
:.O.ates,......and` _son- JLm of-.. yasi.�ti._�th,G�.Land Uelemgarden..next dotZzti Lnzhen_-.....co p oto._.
spending 'another season - Street residence for three �Dieznert, Wayne, 'Rick 1'h t '"f ort
and their son Brlan, 'Their drip 'o' a airport
of "summer holidays" at days-: craft ,seeking refuge in
I was to start their son
been itionton an .
snaking Bayfield the Mile High for a visit weekend visitor with thereto Vancouver where the„ racing schedule was
their summer home since .` with the Moleman, was ." Andrew Erickson incompleted and `tas
he .is embarking on a new -
1925. his former employer Mr.. Bayfield.trophies and awards were
career, after his job in St.
Did you know that part Brownlee of Woodbridge: How goad is the food at John's, Newfoundland. handed-. ,out to the win -
of the schooner "Malta" But alas, the Mole was at,:', Hers.
the Albion Hotel in
still remains on the beach _ work so the' `visit was" The Merrills also had Winners of the Lake
at the end of Delevan short. Bayfield Well it mustiies as their _guests Beverley ' Hu r o n . Y a c h t i n g
Street? Most of the time it _., .The mattresses have . good as T.V.' celebrities Cake and her daughter Association Award in the
is covered by sand but' . been removed from the Alan Hamel (talk show Carla of St. John's, first three races of the
host) _ and -Suzanne and Mrs. Hugh every so -often part of the - Main Beach and if --a S o m in e r s (Three's .. Mr,g Bayfield Regatta.were as
hull is. visible. t garbage can were Manning were recent follows:`
Company) dined there on 1 I Racing
their village retreat. The . Driving the `'`big white D a r r y 1 Lennox , Brian on his hourney to the harbour.
"Oates family" have bus and popping in at Brucefield, was a Ed ' d `' from By. Monday -afternoon
Mrs.. Ethel Knight -has' planted at the bottom of Monday- according to'• guests at the Litt e nn. - Midget Ocean
returned to her °village, the steps, possibly the y Manning has just Class ,(MORC) . Art
home after spending the broken glass and debris reports received.
published ,a history of the
Canadian descendants of.
John Switzer of Iilcooly,.
County Tipperary,
Ireland: It is called
`Froin _ Southern Ireland
to Southern Ontario'.
past several weeks in would likewise disap 'Mr. Jim Moriarty,
Toronto pear. '
(Given and Gozzard»).
Performance Racing
Toronto and •Bayfield•, co- . Fleet ( PRF) - O Canada
Ian and . Barb After an anonymous . owt'ier of - "Bayfield (Brian Williams) and
(G.rah am)Scott of phone call on the House" ' spent the International Offshore
Surrey, British Colum- weekend, 1 stumbled weekend in the village. Rule (IOR) Showboat•
bio are " spending a 'across the street to the Guests with Dorothy (Di -k. Peeves):
couple weeks holidays at Pemberton' home, where Piner.at her village home 'The Class Awards were
the home of Pat and Wyn the family had gathered this weekend included based on the best four out
Graham, her parents. to erect and "bless" actress Colleen Collins of five races, with each,.
How was the trip from. Gwen's "gazebofor the (recent Global TV movie, class being divided into
Surrey "to Bayfield? Well 7th or 8tli consecutive I Maureen) and Nadia , an "A" and "B" group.. -
from the time they left year. It was quite an , Salnick' also• an actress, Winners and positions
lm�rne (1n B:C.) until they operation _ L both being from Toronto. '
reached "the Soo", they A reminder to all those Don Pelltier and Tom
only drove a 20 mile pedestrians wandering Cortell, both from the
stretch that it wasn't aimlessly on and across Owen Sound area were
raining. In Conclusion; I the village streets. It is a » also guests.
guess it's safe to say the village, and ' the speed Mr. and Mrs,_ Jack
trip: was wet, but then ' limit for vehicles is 50 Willock had as their
again our Bayfield k.p.h. so look before you guests last week, Mrs.
weather hasn't been that -leap. Don't treat them as is W ightm an and Mrs.
There are �'-ifidny
descendants of John
Switzer in the area and
Marymakes a. point of
visiting with , as many of
them as time will allow
while she is in.»Bayfield.
great either! if 't was a huge cam- izabeth Dillon of
Art and Mary Latimer, pground because it isn't. ronto. The Willocks
and pal Scamper are ,Even the best of drivers brought their guests to
spending a few days in can only do so much. the ACO picnic meeting
.Bayfield with Mrs. Ethel Respect their position as of the Architectural
Knight, before returning-:4wellas your own.Conservancy,. ,t the Falls
to Toronto . Sgt. Stan and Betty -Reserve Conservation
The Bayfield Fire . Smith and . Lisa, North .park at Benmill,er. »The
Department was called Bay, are . visiting for Willocks' daughter
out on Saturday morning several days w th her Ainslie was -at her
to squelch a chimney fire parents, Mr. and Mrs. parents' home for » the
at the Jim Fisher R.J. Larson. Recent July 1st holiday.
residence on Jane Street. . guests of the Larsons Mrs.Mary_ Manness __
Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Pemberton of Toronto
with their daughters,
Mary Jane and Christina
and Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Pemberton of Waterloo
with their son Martin
spent the weekend with
Mrs . Gwen Pemberton.
. Mr. and Mrs.° Wayne were thea son and was at her su nmer
Reid" and two sons of daughter-in-law, residence on Howard
Ottawa, 'visited -with his Clarence and Shirley Street for the weekend.
grandmother, Mrs. Belle Larson of London: Her soh David, his wife
Reid, on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Heather and their four
Miss Mary Pounder of Smith...Paris-and Mr, and. children, » Debbie, Diane,
Guelph,. returned to Mrs. Ed' -Rowse and Jennie and Jeff spent the .
Bayfield for a weekend family, Ldndon attended holiday with Mary. --
holiday to take' a brief the funeral of their aunt, The Rev: and Mrs. Don
hiatus from the the late Mrs. Clara Beck and son Jeff were in ,
university books. " ' Featherston on Saturday Bayfield at their cottage
'Mr. and Mrs..Goldwin, in Trinity Anglican on Monday. Willi will be
Smith, Clinton, recently Church, Bayfield,- and here for the summer and
moved into the Clan also visited with their Don will be taking his
Gregor „Apartments in niother Mrs. Beulah holiday from the United
Bayfield. -°- Smith » of the Clan Gregor Church- at Corunna from
Mr. Bernard Sturgeon,
Orangeville, joined the
remainder of his family,
wife Elaine and sons Jeff
and •Roland, in Bayfield
at their Louisa Street
cottage on the weekend,
to commence their
Bob and Lois Davidson
are visiting at the Hollow
with daughter Barb and
favorite son-in-law, •Bud
"the scoop" Sturgeon; for
several weeksr-before
they return home to
Windsor Town.
Mr. Bob suffered • an
injury to his leg Sunday
night while playing tennis
with friend Jack Poun-
der. He may be sidelined
for the remainder of the
tournament, still winless.
w �p
Mr. Talbot "Tal''
Longille, Toronto, (Ron's
Apartments. •
Sincere sympathy is
extended to Doris and
Keith Leonard and family
of Willowdale, in the loss
of her ,mother, the late
Clara (Parker)
Featherston. Mrs.'
Featherston was also the
sister of Margaret
Larson, Louise Reid,
Beulah Smith, Belle Reid
• and Bill Parker all of the
village; ,
• Mr. and Mrs. W.C.
Parker and Jennifer,
London, visited during
the weekend _ with his'
father Bill Parker.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Erickson, Luanne and
Lydia, visited friends in
_Port Huron, Michigan on
Sunday. -
Mr. and Mrs, Ron
Diemert and Karen, St.
Marys, spent the
July 15th for one month in
-Bayfield. Jeff who works
in London will. be here as
often as he can!
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Parker have taken up
residence at their
summer home. The
Parkers spend their
winters in Florida and :
return to their . London
home during the spring
months until,they come to
Bayfield for summer.
Mr. and Mrs., Albert
Thornton of Londori were
Rayfield for the
weekend with their sons, .
Paul and John, and
daughter Beth.
Mr. and Mts. Ross
Merrill had a surprise
visitor on returning from
the airport in London at
about ,1 am - last week:
They found a deer'at their °
back door! - It took off
were as follows fbr the
three c1ass.e.: - MORC
"B": third - Satin Doll
(Ken_. Dawson); second
Genf (Ed Beck) and first
Lethe (Don Wood).
MORC "A" : third,
Incredible 'Hull (Tony
Shepherd) ; second Ari
(Given 'and Gozzard) ,
and first, Jack . Rabbit
(Dave MacLaren).
PRF "B": third,
Straight Arrow (John
Warren); second, Moose .
(Finn 1 rederickson) ;
and first, Scram ' (Tom
Clemons). .
'PRF "A": third, a tie
between Felicity (Tony
Webster) aftd ; ,Wildcat
'(Bob Campbell); second
Whisper (Stu Smith) and
first0' Canada -(B
IO R "B' t ird.,.,
Paradox I (`au1
Halliday) ; second,
Seattle Slewp » (M A:ray,
Dewis) . and first,
Brigadoon ° (Neville
IOR "A" third, Mover
(Frank Dixon),; second,,,
Show boat (Dick Peever)
and first, Sandpiper (Bud
For the' "overall
honors two boats _were
tied for second, Showboat
(Peever) 'and Whisper I]'
(Smith). •
The ' f irs,t , place
"overall" ' trophy was
presented to winner Bud
Jones of London; skipper
of the "Sandpiper".
So ended .a weekend of
excitement, competition
and sportsmanship'as the
crews _did battle with the
lake: Thanks goes out t�
all who participated. or -
,helped in' •making»» .it »•'a-
highly successful event
for the Bayfield Club. --
In other sailboat news,•
we note' that -Bayfield
boats, Scarlet Fever
(George Cantrick) and
Feather (Reg Ort) placed
first in »the IOR and
MORC classes
(respectively) in the
Lake".____ "_'�"__ ar. �nw n.
Lake Huron Yachting Xachting o.
Association Series No, 1, 3, the -Grand" Bend 100,.
the Fran Merritt Race sponsored by -the Grand
sponsored by the Sarnia Bend Yacht .Club. The
and Port Huron Yacht racing gets underway
Clubs on June 20. _Saturday and they will
Final standings in the 'race - throtrgh the night'
BYC Spring Series PRF with winners being
class were . as follows: determined on Sunday.
first, Whisper II » (Stu : Good luck to our local
Smith); second, Felicity sailors, »who. will' ._be
(Tony .Webster); third, competing °against. » a
Zephrys (Larry Par- strong field of up to' 6,0
-other boats.
.-sons= -•.- fourth' -A >=�Ski �.
(Irish Ferguson)_; and
fifth, ..' Mega » (»Jim
The Spring » series',
which .. is. normally
calculated on the -best.
four out of five races was _
reduced to a best three
out of four resulting from
the cancellation of the »SS`
No. 5 race on June 8 due
to high winds. -
No results were posted
for the IOR and -MORC
This week, the skippers
and crews *`will .be
preparing for one of the.
biggest races of the.
season, the Lake Huron
The Huron County
Health Unit •
invites' you to ` attend
the Adult _ Health
Guidance Centre, to be
held at'fhe
,Tuesday, July 8/'80-
1:30 to 3:30 p.m.
»for Health Surveillance;
Anaemia Screening;
Foot Care; Urine
Testing; Blood Pressure.
14,ACAC' committee_ which
.will meet in *e near
. , The , existing . ,ACO.
Executive was returtted
to office for another year,
with . Mrs. Dorothy
Wallace, of Goderich as
president, 7 m
Guest - speaker was
• Mrs: Lobb of Clinton, wbo'
,as, a C.ollegi$te student in
Goderich had been
.engaged -as one of'.a team
'of studentsto research
the history' of Penrniller
under the» guidanceof
Jack McLaren, a Ben-
miller resident , 'Mrs
i McLaren was promoting
an idea of » the newly
_formed Huron County
Historical Soci tY-o
encourage historical
research in the secondary
schools. Charles Kalb-
fleisch, a.history teacher
at the •. Goderich
Collegiate;, -. gave his
support.to the plan, Mrs.
Lobb's ,. account of , how
first-hand knowledge of
Benmiller's history was
obtained through in-
terviewsand archival
research was n qst -in-
These attending from
Bayfield were Miss Kay.
Reid, Mrs. Elva Metcalf,
Mrs,. _ Marie Watson, Mr.
and .Mrs. Norm McHolm,
Mr. and Mrs. Sack»
Willock; Mr.. and Mrs.
Alec ' McAlister, Mrs.
Helen- Owen, Mrs. Gwen
Pemberton and guests of
Willocks', Mrs
Elizabeth Dillon and Mrs.
Lois Vii gh
McK 1 L LQ P
E-stablisheci 1876 - •
10 Main St.. Seaforth.
Ph. 527-0400
Farm & Urban Pec erties
'Ken Carnochan, R.R.N4, Seaforth
Lavern Godkin, R.R.N1, Walton
Ross Leonhardt, R.R.tf1, Bornoholfn '
JohnMcEwing, R.R.N1, Blyth
Stanley t icllwain, R.R.N2, Goderich
Donald McKercher, R.R.01, Dublin
John A. Taylor, R.R.N1, Brucefield
J.N. Trewartha. Box 661. Clinton
Stuart Wiison,.R.R.N1,'Brucefield
E.F. 'Bill' Ourst, R.R.N4, Seaforth
James Keys, R.R.N1, Seaforth
Wm. Leiper, R.14.011, Londesboro
527-0467 •
Use as much -as you wart.
Ifs free. It's all yours.
And it doesn't use gasoli.ne-
Lifetis good,Ontajk. Preserve it. Conserve it.
.Ministry ..
of Energy . -
Hon.'Robert Welch,
,,, y, ruponsnnk