HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-06-26, Page 21t 44;11. ♦ t 'Mr Ka CLINTON NEWS -RE( t , TEUR AY, J1INE 26,198 ?A 2 MINI ""Ow !M1' '*dote Oef. 961-1700' •►lion 4 io►A; N<v ► Fr pcs ,CP'4.r • HARVEY'S PLACE BAYFIELD Serviced, treed lots for sale, V4 acre. each.. 7. Real estate for Sale 9, ''Accommodation to rent 15, Tenders 15, Tenders Richard Lobb AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE . BY THE WEEK , 4uly 12 Aug, 2 , LAKEFRONT COTTAGE between Bayfield and Goderich. AJ1, appliances including dishwasher. 3 bedrooms. Also small sleeping cabin $275. per week. Phone 4$2-3893.--.-26x Ranch style red brick home on Hwy. 21. Four yrs. old. Real Estate Ltd. 565.2899 P.Q. BOX 252 BAYFIELD LAND ISN'T CE.AP ANYMORE. Clinton Phone: 452.9371 etstilenceL 52339338 . 10. Wantedtd rent NEW LISTING - Blyth, split level, brick home with family room, laundry room and insulated, heated 26 x 36 workshop. 50 ACRES farrowing operation on paved road near Brussels. Additional land available. COTTAGE TO RENT for one week in August - mature children. - no pets, Phone 482- 9573 after 6 p.m. References available. -26,27 11. Room and board A140 rr WONT GET oke./...Pett REACESTATE LTD. REALTOR. SHANGR1-LA! Your :own private,. secluded lake for swimming, fishing -or just ad- miring! Beautiful scenic property in Goderich Township, just listed, 80 acres total with 65 of farmland and • balance in landscaped ponds with control dam, stocked with trout. Small cottage. Truly a private, peateful.haven. Very, very uniqiie. IDEAL HOMESITE: 47 acres near Holmesville, natural w.ildlife abundant- among the .cedars. River frontage - opposite an island. Vendor will hold 245 RAGLAN ST: Very attractive bi-level in lovely area. Two levels completely finished. 4 bedrooms, family room with fireplace, 2 full bathrooms. Inside entrance from double garage. Many extras, includes kitchen I3uilt- ins. 10 percent Mor- BAYFIELD MARNIA VIEW: Ever wanted a house with a view? 3 bedroom raised bungalow ideally situated to get the best view from living room or sundeck. Extensive corner property, now reduced in price to mid - 60's. inground pool, delightful patio and yard. Family room with walk -out, large lot, change rooms. 1700 sq. ft. ranch with assumable 10.75 percent 405 MATILDA ST. New listing. Excellent 3. bedroom ranch with sundeck, nice lot on quiet street. Extra bathroom off master bedroom, finished family room with yoodburning stove. -Attached gar'age with automatic door opener. Assume 10.25 percent mortgage. High fifties. 29 WALKER ST: Im- maculate 3 bedroom newer ranch bungalow. Features include spacious family room Child,ren's play room. Roomy kitchen with dining area, Pool size lot with large back yard. 10 percent mortgage. Low fifties. CONDITIONING: Sleep cool in this well - constructed 3 bedroom bungalow. Electronic air filter, natural gas heat, carport, fenced yard and fireplace. Win consider offers in the FULL MULTIP1.. LISTING SERVICE. 482-3652 LEAH OR BUDD 482.7633 OFFICE 482-3766 54, ACRES near Clinton with new... home with all con- •yeniences. New machine shed. Priced right. HENSALL - 2 storey brick home on quiet street. Needs some work. Owner says sell. HULLETT TWP. 6,- 3. acres with 11/2 storey brick home and workshop. 2 ACRES - edge- of Clinton, paved road. 11/2 storey home in nearly new condition with carport, swimming pool and • many extras. Priced to sell. HULLETT TWP. - 2 acres with hog barn and good, hois'. r• D,RASTICALLY -REDUCED - Any reasonable offer considered. Owner must sell. Huron St., 2 floor 3 bedroom apartment for txtra income. NEW LISTING - 15 acre wooded property with private lake, stocked with trout. Exceptional new ranch type house with all the extras. Shown only by ap- pointment to serious clients. FARM WANTED - 100-2'00 acres set up ,for hogs for serious client relocating from Europe. Must be realistically priced. WANTED - farm listings. FOOD FOR THOUGHT Most people confuse mere attehdante with personal experience. DOWNSTAIRS BED Sitting room with private bath, including three meals a day. Holiday -Iorne, Clinton. Phone 482-3685.-26tfar DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL Tenders are Invited for the demolitionand removal of:, one two storey frame insulbrick house and foundation, three outbuildings,,Rne cottage. - The buildings are located -6m Part Lot 8, Lake. Road Con- cession, Township of Colborne. Huron, Cp nty; ap. proximately 4. miles north of Goderich on-jirw 21. Demolition and removal must be complete in accor.. dance with the 'provisions of the tender documents. This property may be viewed from 10:00. a.m. to 2:00 p,m. Thursday, July 10, 1980, when a representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources will be in attendan- ce. Tender documents may be obtained from the represen- tative on this date or from: , Ministry of Natural Resources R.R. 5 Wingham, Ontario NOG 2W0 Telephone 519-357-3131 Sealed tenders will be received until 3:00 p.m., Friday, ,duly 18, 1980,.at which time they will be open. The lowest or any tender wilt trot necessarily be accepted. RETIRED PEOPLE Vacancy now available. Holiday Home - Clinton. A'1 meals included. 482-3685 Ministry Qf Natural. Resources 14. Employment wanted SAT. JUNE 28 . 12 NOON 3 bedroom house, fur- niture, etc. for Mrs. Elaine Leddy, Gode, Rh. WED. EVENING JULY 2, 6 P.M. Tractor, trucks, fur- niture, etc. for L. Brum- sma, 11/4 miles north,3/4 miles east of Lon- desboro. SAT., JULY 5, 10 A.M. Antiques, furniture, etc. at Lobb's barn. WED. JULY 16.12:30 P.M. Jersey Club sale at Clin- ton Fairgrounds. 35 cows and 6 heifers. x�•r.•.x 8. Real estate wanted PROPERTY , OWNERS if you have a registered sub- division or lot we are in- terested either by p'urchase 9201.-26bc 9. Accommodation to rent 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home ' for rent Morgans Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-4tf APARTMENT EOR Rent downtown Clinton. Fur- nished $160. Month un- furnished $150 month. Ideal for working girl. Phone 482 - THREE BEDROOM farm house for rent. Bob Robin- son, 345-2317.-24-26 LARGE HOUSE on Bayfield kjtchens, 3 bathrooms. $250. month plus utilitjes for qualifying person. For in- formation phone 455-4857 after 7 p.m. -25,26 THREE BEDROOM air conditionep apartment, carpeted, heat supplied, available Jnly 1. Phone 482 - SEMI DETACHED 2 bedroom home on, Rat- tenbury St. E. private en- trance and drive. References required. Phone 482-9371 between 9-5 p.m. -25-28 ELIZABETH COURT Located in 0 Henson available Now, June' 1, Jullf or August 1st. bedroom available for June of -July lst. Shag carpeting throughout Laundry Facilities FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 2621.344/1 LONDON 453-2280 4S tf 12. Help wanted REQUIR A PERSON, male (Yr female to fill a vacancy on the Bayfield Fire Department. Send ap- plication in writirig to Don Warner, Fire Chief, of the Village o,f Bayfield. Closing date June 28, 1980. This is a part-time position. -25,26 HEAVY DUTY mechanics needed' at John Deere Dealership. Cbmpetitive salary, benefits. Contact Jack Dixon, Benning Porter Equipment Ltd. Box 1890, Wainwright, Alberta TOB KITCHEN fiE LP WANTED'. Experience preferred. Phone 482-9727.-26ar HARD WORK - HEAVY CASH PART TIME FULL TIME • CAR NEEDED - CAR ALLOWANCE CALL 524-2456 BAY INTERVIEW ONLY HURON COUNTY BCiA RD: OF EDUCATION CUSTODIAN at Goderich District Collegiate institute Goderich, Ontario Written applications slating age, experience and telephone number should be addressed to Mr. R. McVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron County Board of Education, 103 Albert Streel, Clinton, Ontario NOM 1LO. Applicants will be notffied 'If reqUired for an interview. Deadline for applications is Friday, July 4, 1980. D. McDoriald Chairman DJ. Cochrane Director COLLEGE STUDENT desires summer 'em- ployment, full or part time. Paintirrg, cleaning, - anything. Phone 565- ',UNIVERSITY • STUDENT, experiencec4ainter seeking summer e hiplokment. No job too large or small. Have own transportation. Phone 482-9687 or 482-9694.-26 17. Auction sales -Horse, Pony, Tack SIRIMENT SALE Sat., June 28 at Dehfield Sales Barn. ,For information Phone JOE COREY, CLINTON 482-9889 14. Services available carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn.-12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY — We will rebuild recover or restyle 'your old furniture. Top quality fabriics and work mansh ip.FCall 482-7939, 71 Princess. St. W., Clini MAN WITH TRUCK :available to clean up basements and garages. Phone George 482-3291.-19tf LIGHT BULLDOZING, landscaping, backfilling etc. 'Larry Bailey. Phone 523-4438 or 482-9210.-23tf LICENSED BRICKLAYER, Chimney repair,' cement block laid, brick houses. Reasonable rates. Jim Bell. Phone 482-3026.-24tf MUSICarOR All Occasions - Live music is begt. List of over 50 bands availabli from: Stratford Musicians Association, Box 329 St. Marys, Ont. NOM 2V0 or phone 284-1 288 or 271-1362 (Stratford). -26,27 WILL 'PAINT HOUSES, garages etc. For more in- formation phone 482- 9683.-26 interested in Numerical Control? A vacancy exists for a person with machining background to work in this area. We will train the right person. Apply in person or send your resume to: Ex -Cell -0 Corporation of Canada, Tool'8, Abrasive Operations, 89 Don Street, Box 910 Clinton, Ontario NOM 1L0 Attri.: J. Dixon Numerical Conttol Supervisor Atictioet ale - of (Like New) household furniture and Misc., items. on Thursday 04ening June 26 7 p.m. Sharp To be held in South Huron Rei..Pientre Exeter for Mr. and Mrs. Bill Baker. HOUSEHOLD FURNISHINGS: Kenmore, 2 door, frost free refrigerator, Kenmore 30" Self clean range, Kenmore washer and dryer..(all harvest gold) 12 cu. ft. Admiral Deep Freeze, Kenmore power head vacuum' cleaner,' Phillips 26" Modular 4 Solild State colour,T.V., Zenith Console stereo, 9 pc. oak dining room suite, with lg. 4 door hutch with lights, crystal- .chandelier, Sklar 2 pc. living,-rocimoy,Witegl. Sklar recliner and arm chair, rocking chair, matching coffee''ancrend tables with extra drum table, table lamps, 2 lg. wall inirrors, pictures, hall table with in- laid top, 5 pc': kitchen suite, 5 pce. Peppler Oak bedroom suite with triple dresser and mirror, large armoire, 2 night tables, queen bed with box arid matt., twin beds, chest of drawers, triple dresser and mirror, chest of dreiwers, book case bed, 2 dresSer lamps; odd lamps, Cold Spot De -humidifier, S.C.M. manyal portable typeWriter, round padded card table- and chair set, 2 ch;:iise lounges, wall clocks, barorneters, 2 brass candelabra with crystal prisms, pieces of, glass ,and china (some antique),, several pieces of wicker, electrical appliances such cis coffee magiL tea kettle; 4 slice toaster, fry pan, can opener, crock I pot, knife, mixette, pots and pans some garden tools, 8" Rockwell Industrial table saw with extension. Marfy other items. Don't miss this AuctiPh Sale of outstanding furniture, all like new. TERMS CASH Norm Whiting AUCTIONEER Phone Exeter 235-1964 4911.111, GIANT • AUCTION SALE of brand new quality furniture, gift .and, hardware items, Thursday, July 3 - at BRiNDLEY SALES YARD DUNGANNON 7:30 P.M. Partial Listing chesterfield suites, bedroom suites, cof- fee and -end -tables, diningroom sets, bed sofas, clocks, lamps, china cabinets, oil paintings, fern stands, stereos, tools, captain'slbeds, bunk beds, brass beds. box springs and mattresses plus much much more. All items are brad new and carry manufacturer' warranty. Terms: Cash, personal cheque, Chargex and Master Charge. BRINDLEY SALES YARD 1,6 OUTSTANDING, ESTATE AUCTION For Mr. Ron Littleton, in the Village of Kippen, Ontario, located on Hwy. No 4, 9 miles north of Exeter, 9 miles south of Clinton. on Satyorday,IJune 28, 1980, 1 P.M. _VIEWING FROM 12 NOON FURNITURE: Walnut dining room table and 6 chairs. walnut 6 foot server, 4 place maple bedroom suite with boix spring and mattress, tea wagon, brass fire screen, artificial electric fireplace, frig. with cross the top freezer (like new), electric itove, Fri9idaire drVer, Zenith 18 cu. ft. freezer, beds, humidifier, old radios & T.V.'s, spool table, folding high chair, etc. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS: Frigidaire 7,500 BTU air conditioner, glassware, china, cuckoo clock, vacuums, floor polisher, laundry tubs with taps, pictures, Christmas tree, lights and decorations, guitar, records, speakers, portable Underwood typewriter, T.V. rotor, bamboo curtains, etc. MISCELLANEOUS: 8 HP AllisChalmers riding lawn- mower, Evierude 7% HP outboard motor & tank, 31/2 HP Briggs and Stratten engine, electric' lawn mower, lawn roller, fertilator, insect spray fogger, 7 ft. wooden step ladder, 2% gallon sprayer, sump pump, hedge7trimmer, r electric motors, aluminUm storms & screens, hosa; fishing equipment, cross Country boots and skits, bird bath, lawn chairs, picnic table, garden and hand tools, wheel barrow, etc. ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES: Variety of COO oil lamps including a Gone with the Wind lamp, variety of old crocks and jugs, old dress form, old locks, wooden duck decoys, sealers, AVon bottles, milk bottles, Insulators, Granite ware,4 Eaton's ccitalogues, wooden wagon wheels, chamber pot, cast" pump, army bric brac . books, pressed Wats, cameras, depression, barn boar- ds, wooden shoes, tea figurines,. etc. TERMS: Cash or cheque with proper I.D. Lunch Available YOUR AUCTIOi Pat Lyon 243-2713 A SALE WELL WORTH YOUR ATTENTION AND ATTENDANCE gjdoeii BAYFIELD PROPERTY ) Desirable building lots with lake view, from an olderBayfield Estate. Held at the location Monday, June 30 at 7:00 p.m. Consisting of: 4 buildine kits - sold separately - fron- tage fite- depth 250'. Legal Description: Lot 3. 5. 6. 12 plan la. _Village .of .Bayffeki, County of Huron. Ap- proximately 4 blocks from business section. Location on a paved street in a quiet jzart of Village. For further information phone •Rathwell Associates, Auctioneers, Liquidators and Law Reserve - As property must be solck Terms - 1,000.00 down, personal cheque. Balance in 30 dadoys. aki AUCTIONEERS. LIQUIDATORS, APPRAIS.ERS (519) 527-1458 1 AUC'TIRN SALE ANTIQUES & HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS For Wm. Rodger plus other additions MONDAY, JUNE 30 7:00 P.M. THE AUCTION ROOM, 1 mile South of Gcoderich ort4llivy. 21 Iricluded are: Bow Front china cabinet, 5 piece antique Walnut setee set, high Victorian side board, square dining table, set of 5 pressback chairs, oak. hoozier cup- board in excellent condition, quantity of antique dressers, Pine bonnet chest, wail magazine rack, bedroom suite, 24 inch electric stove, odd pressback chairs, collection of old oil lamps, primatives'such as butterbowls, pine knife box, block plane, cast iron pots, large selection of crocks, selectioe of prints, pain, tings and frames, blanket boxes, round top trunk, 2 commode washstands, antique easel, parlor tables, small oil space heater, large oak barrel, large assor- tment of glaSs and china including, iron stone teapot, wash basins, platters, Royal Bayreuth, nippon, Noritake, Royal Silesia', salt & pepper including sterling silver ones, pitchers, copper kettle, chamber pots, soap dishes, cheesedish, tole ware, press back rocking chair, down draft woodstove, plus much, much more. TERMS: CASH • Marie Salm - Mike Cummings Call 524-9064 or 523-9641 EVENING AUCTION SALE Tractor, machinery, trucks, furniture, appliances, etc. to be held for LieuWe Bruinsma at Lot 22 con- cession 13 Hullett Township, 11! miles north of Londesboro on No.: -4 Highway and then miles WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 at 6 P.M. TRUCKS:. .1974 Ford '2.ton lob cab truck, V8, automatic, Power brakes, 64.3 miles, selling' as is; 1952 Chev ' , ton truck las is. TRACTORS, ETC.: McCormick Deering W4 tractor with rebuilt motor; I HC 150 -bushel manure spreader with 3 beaters; New Idea 7 ft. PTO trail riding lawn mower; Pioneer chain saw. GOATS: Milking ;fanny with one billy and one nanny kid. . FURNITURE, ETC.: Antique Bell pumw organ. rebuilt, refinished beVelled walnut front; G.E. automatic washer; Simplicity clothes dryer, 4 years old; Westinghouse square model fridge; 24" electric stave; Gilson chest freezer; new Franklin stove; Ping.pong table; Ashly wood -burning stove with thermostat control; 14" portable TV; captain's chair; leather recliner; cedar .,opest; Ricarr in - cabinet electric sewing machine) sewin'g basket; washstand; matching chest of drawers and dresser with mirror; three chests of drawers; bunk bed; good baby crib; table and pole lamp; 3 -piece chesterfield; 8 x 12' carpet; TV trays; vacuum cleaner4double rollaway bed; coffee and end table; chrome table and chairs; combination radio and recortd player; single bed and double bed; plus very few small items. TERMS. CASH Owner moving west to Alberta Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 18. Services available HOUSE PLANS MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482 3586 INTERIOR DESIGNER Having problems choosing colours, iiaper, paints or flooring? Contact: CAROLYN 524-7004 after six HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 * Lawn and Garden Equipment * Repairs * New Lawnmowers and Tillers in stock. J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR " Custom Built Homes * Renovations * Additions 482-9506 SCREENED TOP SOIL for Lawns-Gordens- ALSO *Crushed Stone *Crushed Road Gravel *Cement Gravel •Pit Run Gravel Batkhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 4824644 evenings Slaughtering ond Processing Kill Day Wednesday IMOIER'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 1111111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings * Renovations PHONE 482-3063