HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-06-26, Page 16PAGE I$LIHTON r •l gCOR.D, THU by Bioncbe peeves A large congregation ,from. Wesley -Willis United, Churcb and Holmesville United Church.gathered at Camp Menesetung,, north of Godes ieh, for their an- nual outdoor service and piic on Sunday, June V. The • worship service was, under the direction of the minister the Rev, John pestreicher. • The. 1 ill'Church. Wesew x _s u r . band and Cathie Potter on her accordion brought a joyful note to worship. The Wesley -Willis Senior Choir under the direction Of Mary Hearn and the Holrnesville Ladies Chorus 'under the direction of Hugh Lobb gave an added touch to the ministry of music. During the service, Lorna and Barry Miller presented their daughter Melissa Jean for bap- tism. MAY" JUNE o �. n1doer Following the service a potluck dinner under the leadership of Barb Hicks was enjoyed by all, The dining hall was filled to capaetty with a good. number of • people eating in the . out-of-doors. overlooking the lake, During the dinner hour prizes Were given to Mrs,. ,Anna wise. for eldest 'person present, Christine .Bosrnan l for youngest, Laureen Craig, who celebrated her birthday on the 22nd and Marie • and Gerry Black for wedding anniversary celebrations closest to the picnic date. Don Andrews received the United Church fitness award for travelling by bicycle from Clinton to. the campsite. An after dinner- story innerstory as told by Marilyn Oestreicher assisted by Barb Norman, Bill Craig and Roland Gerig brought much laughter to conclude the meal. Enterprising Seniors visit at .Huronview About 25 Enterprising Seniors of Goderich Township last week enjoyed a day at;, Huronview. In the af- ternoon, everyone en- joyed the music of Earl and Martha Heywood, followed by a delicious supper served by the staff of Huronview. The Enterprising Seniors of Goderich Township met at the Holmesville School Thursday, June 19. Mrs. Jean Lobb chaired the meeting in the. absence of John Dee es . The meeting opened with Charlotte Norman !`at the piano,. and Mrs. ' Lobb welcomed the members and two visitors. Mrs.Cudmore,- secretary, read the. minutes, and Fran Powell presented the treasurer's report. Correspondence was read by Irene Cudmore, and it was decided to join the Township picnic at the KNECHTEL Township Park July 9th, with Everett Mcllwain in charge of the program. The sick and card report was given by Blanche Deeves, and .a motion approved to meet during the evening in September and October. Mrs, Lobb spoke on Telephone network to keep seniors in touch. Now if we know someone living alone, contact them and see if they would like to have someone call them each day to see -if they are in'' need of anything. Mrs. Irene Cudmore and Blanche Deeves took over the program in the absence of Ray and Alva Cox. An: auction sale was held with Jack Smith and ,Ed Deeves being the auctioneers, and Marion and Fran Powell acting as clerks. Thi is the end of the first year of the Enterprising Seniors who will meet again in Sep- tember. WE, RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES MON. TULS. WED.9.6 P.M. THo RS. & FRI 9.9 P.M. S' I URDAY 9.6 P.M. CLOSED TUESDAY, JULY 1ST The races and games for the n�were youngand not Soy u. " young co n ductd by Belt Hoggarth assisted by '.Lart"y McCliachey,; Bud Walker, ' Bill "Dobson, Larry Rutledge and Doug Coventry Jeffrey test .reicher conducted a jelly bean guessing. contest which was won by Darryl DeRuyter. The highlight of the afternoon was the swimming With Jane Coventry and Susan. McKay acting' as lifeguards. This was the sixth year for this event which has become most popular and meanitigfyul to Wesley - Willis and Holrnesville congregations. This year's success is rjel thusiasm and work of many people as well as the co-operation of the weatherman. Rec news The recreation com- mittee is working on the swimming progra'm. Have you got your ap- plication yet? Please call Hazel McCreath 524-7436. Swimming starts Mon- day, June 30 at Vanastra. Community notes The annual Goderich Township Barbecue to be July 9 at the Township Park, Rain date July 16, the barbecue pit to be ready by 6 p.m. Miss Thelma Irish and Mrs. Ena Harvey of Florida spent. two weeks with Barb:, and! `.Alvin Bettles and. . visited friends - ndt relatives in a the area.. Ball;; news:, The midget bps of Goderich Tw .:. boys P Londesboro in ` • ah, exhibition game, and won the first ame , of the season against.Vanastra, The Goderich Twp. midget girls won over Benrniller in .a close game for the first game of the year. The opoderich Twp, pee wee goys won their first gine against Vanastr a in the first game of the season. The Goderich. Twp. squirt boys won their first game of the at- se�soan against Vanastra. n= +n uy1st, the"Aubur squirt boys play Goderich Twp. at the new Holrnesville diamond at 7 pm; . July 1st, Tucker - smith squirt girls play Goderich Twp., Holmesville school dia .pond, 7 pm; and the Goderich Twp. pee wee game scheduled against Bentniller at Benmiller June 24 has been changed to June 26. • " On July 2, the Goderich pee weevA boys play' Goderich ' Twp. at Holmesville school diamond, 7 pm. July 11, Auburn midget boys play Goderich Twp. in Holmesville new diamond at 9 pm. COnst e othin by Mary Merner Mr, and .Mrs. Jirn Preszcator, 6111,; Debbie and: ,Michael, Mr, 'and Mrs. JoJn Jewitt, Carol, Judy, Danny, Bill and Paul attended the wdR* ding of their mother and grandmother Ella. Jewitt to Bill Flood in Seaforth last Saturday.' Congratulations are extended to the. newlyweds'. ° Several people from the area attended the Ontario 1 Rork' Congress held in Stratford' from June 17- 19. Jane Hoggart, leader of the Explorers of Lon- desboro, held a barbecue at her home on Wed- nesday, June 18 for they girls. Eighteen Explorers s attended and their assistant leader Mirzey Hulley, Mr. and .Mrs,. Marris Bas,: Steven, Sharon, Kenn. Michael Andy, and KathyKaended the by at wedding reception and tion of-" P his brother Arnold Bos to Anna Marie Dewan. The wedding was, held in Lucan on June 21st.. ' Mrs, Sohn Wanunes sr, returned home on Saturday from .a six week holiday visiting„ with friends and relatives in, Holland and going on a bus tour to France, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stevenson,,- -Davis!, Darren and Luanne visited on Sunday with his _._parents, Mr. and Mrs: Gordon Stevenson of oings '. Tillsonburg, also with Mr. and Mrs. Ron :Fentie of Avon and with Mr, and Mrs. Les ' Graves and Mindy of St;1'honxas. Mr, and Mrs, John Whyte and Kerr' of Lindsay spent the. weekend, with Mrs. W. L, Whyte, Bill and Mr, Haroold W hyteR J..pyQuInoz? Agriculture Canada's. national showcase beef and dairy herds are kept at the Central Experir ental Farms' in Ottawa, They are representative of the top }quality beef and dairy Cattle produced by Canadian breeders, 9Ia4n4nWme.. .gaoat Time � GUMP URA A senior citizens' social held at the Vanastra ' ec Centre last Wednesday, June 18 proved to be a great success, and this couple demonstrated their dancing team work. (photo by Chris Baker) Coward'swlttiest comedy plays at Grand Bend What has long been declared Noel Coward's wittiest, most observant and -most ironic comedy will be presented at the Huron . Country Playhouse. It was previewed June 24 and 25 and opens June 26. This is. Private Lives, one of the world's favorite pieces of upper- class slapstick since Coward anti the late Gertrude Lawrence acted it in New York in 1931. Ian White (Elyot) and Irena Mayeska. (Amanda) will be starred Klik 12 oz. Tin LUNCHEON MEAT 1.49 Dream Whip DESSERT TOPPING..3 oz. Pkg. 35 Knechtel WHITE VINEGAR 128 oz. Jug .99 in this bubbling comedy. discover that coincidence The mocking plot of has placed them in ad - Private Lives has to do joining honeymoon suites with a couple who had of- a resort hotel, the once been married, got flame of their old at - unbearably on each traction flares up once other's nerves, thrown more, and -they "elope". things at each other, hit Though diliriously each other and so had happy to be together been divorced -- and then again, their tendency to meet again asthey start squabble also re -asserts honeymoons with a new ( itself.,r'Solemnly they cry set of spouses. • "Solomon Isaacs" to Frivolously urbane and ea4.,other whenever the cosmopolitan types, each danger -point of one of. is pretty depressed at the their bickers looms up, as prospects of marriage a signal for a moment of with a new mate of stodgy silence and cool' off. respectability. When they. • What, has' b'eeri' . con- H FOOID Seaforth sidered one of the stages most uproarious second act curtains since it first delighted theatregoers in 1931, should ' not be missed! -In addition to Ian White (Elyot) and Irena Mayeska (Amanda) as the 'scanda'lously- behaving honeymooners,, the cast will include Sharry Flett (Sybil) and Anthony Bekenn (Victor) as the ,Tates they run away frorri. The production will be directed by Bernard Hopkins. Bayfield Road, Clinton 482-9622 PATIO STONES F Icked up 3 8,i "x 18" (All Colours) 1 •80 EA. 2!8 EA. .247' X 24" (A11 Coteurs) • 25 24" X 30" (Grey) EA. a INTERLOCKING PAVING STONES $1 10 • SQ. FT. ) MARK WE LIKE TO SERVE YOU A LITTLE BIT BETTER Bicks Sweet Mixed or Yum Yums r Bounce Sheets Palmolive Liquid 32 oz. Bottle DETERGENT 1.49 GROUND COFFEE, Ib Bag 2.79 PICKLES FABRIC SOFTENER 32 oz. Jar Pkg of 20 .1.29 1.39 Jello 1EL4Y POWDERS CoinplPe Flavour Range 3 oz. Pkg,,, 3(.89, 0 PRODUCE Prices effective until Saturdal.^lune 28. 1980 P Coy tko d tit CP9** {S Qkg. o -47 •g Prod. USA Can No. LETTUCE 2/LOO • Fresh From The Tropics Prod. Hond. Chiquita ..,BANANAS' Hs/i.00 Prod. USA Con. No. 1 Honey Dew MELONS DIRECT FROM VINELAND Ontario Grown Can No. 1 .89 04 ?mt.. I, lkolss ss 66160 4/1 STRAWBERRIES Arriving Fresh Doily Weather Perisittfng Picnic White or,Pink 121/2 oz. Tin Christie CRACKERS F� • Sour Cream & Chives, Swiss Cheese., Triscui Vegetable Thins, Pizza & Escort 250 Gr. Pkg. .99 LEMONADE 3/1.00 Kelloggs 575 Gr. Pkg. RICE KRISPIES 1.29 Heinz' 4 Flavours ; t -1 BARBEQUE 455 ml Bottle SAUCES 69 ■ Post SUGAR CRISP 400'Gr. Pkg. 1.49 WHITE BREAD 5/1.98 24 oz. Loaf Weston • Highliner Haddock • FISH STICKS 14 oz. Pkg. 2.29 Camay CKnplexion White or Pink Pkg. of 4 SOAP L59 Heinz Tomato PORTLAND $ 5o 3• BAG CEMENT Every Wednesday is Senior Citizens Day! 5% Discount on order or Free Delivery (In town only) Max. Purcha,c of 550.00.• KNECHTEL DUTCH GIRL WEEK: chneiders CHEEiE WEDGES Mild, Medium, Old & Old White 12 oz. Pkg. 1.89 Schneiders NATURAL CHEESE Mazarella', Brick, Colby &.Farmers 12 oz. Block r4, 1.89 Schneiders SOFT MARINE 1ARGIb. Tub .59 KETCHUP ~� New Size 1.25 Lt. Bottle 2.19 Hellman's MAYONNAISE 750 ml Jqr 1.79' DINNER ROLLS Pkg. of 12 A9 Weston Pkg. of 8 ENGLISH MUFFINS .69 Weston Family Ch;9COLATE ROLL .69 Stuart House FOIL WRAP 25 Ft. •85 Weston Jdm Filled BUNS Pkg. of 6 .69 McCain Pkg. of 4-5" tIZZAS .Pepperoni .- Deluxe Supreme 1 f oz. 15 oz. , 17 oz. 1.69 1.79 1.89 Prices effective until Saturday; June 28, 1980 Schneiders Br ken Schneiders 175 Gr. Pkg. 4 Varieties 500 Gr. HAM SLICES .99 BOLOGNA 1.89 Schneiders Bulk Smoked SAUSAGE 1.79 Ib. Fresh Cut CHICKEN s Quarters . 77 lb. Schneiders WIENERS 3 Varieties 1 ,Ib. Pkg. 1.39 Schneiders No. 1 3 Varieties BACON S00 Pkgr. 1.39 IN THE DELI FRESH SALADS. Maple leaf Sweet Pickled COTTAGE ROLLS Potato, Macaroni & Cole Slaw Mar V V Ib. . 69 Ib• 'Schneiders tOOKED MEATS 169 175 gr. Pky. a1Ya..:. `�.s...a-�..,.���..1��.�,._:_..d.•..:�r-.�y'1as.�._5..1.. �... oar J.aa.�._. a. 9 •!