HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-7, Page 5Clandeboye.
The bride in the abduction thee, has been
removed to t thool in Toronto. in order
that she iney have A ohanee to grow in age
and wisdom before atarting house keeping.
Should any a the youths of the surround-
ing tiountry desire wedlock there are still a
few of our girls tinder fifteen who would
avail themselves of an opportunity to unite
with them. if a bad beginning makes a
good ending, surely in this OEM we may
look for glorious results.
We have an old penitentiary bird located
in our Tillage at present. He has settled
down again to big trade, though in a
different quarter.
Some of the sports of our village have
organized an athletic club, in which boxing
is to be the prominent feature. Donnelley
and the Dntchman are already eciencea in
the art. The forneer will shortly send a
challenge to John L.
.— he petty thieving still goes on in this
kty. Surely murder will out.
Gil the 24th of May a number of our
young folks went to the Bauble for a plo-
nk. They spent a very 'pleasant time, at
least two couplee did.
ocourrapeee of the „Fast week Through.
out the Neighborhood lu a Concise
How wisely events follow eikoh • other 1
just at the time when the mind of Europe
was waking from a thousand years' lethar-
gy and when means were required to spread
the resultof the inquirers which the learns
ed were making in all branches of science,
Caxton gave to the world the Printing
Press. By ib e instrumentality the discov-
ies and inventions of one land baye become
the property of the entire globe and the Ade
yam:lament of science has been greatly pro.
meted. No man of the present age has
more fully comprehended this truth than
has Holloway. The same intelleot that led
him to the studies which resultea in the
production of his celebrated Pills and Oint-
ment saw at once the immense advantage,
to himself, which might be drawn from this
Retiree. He laid his discoveries before the
world, sowing his seed broadcast, where -
ever a written language is react, and mod-
,. eetly awaited the result His confident
eetetement of his theories led men to ti y
his remedies ; their intrinsic excellence
whei . ono° tried established them firmly in
the confidence of the public of both hemis-
pheres, and Thorone Elolloway stands now,
in the estimation of the people, as the
most powerful opponent of all disease. For
disorders of the liver and stomach the Pills
are claimed to be a swift and sure specific,
and the claim is verified by an overwhelm-
ing mass of testimony. Now we all know
how entirely the bodily health depends on
the condition of these two important or-
gans. If the digestion is impaired, the
bowels disordered, Rad the liver torpid or
congested the whole fi ame suffers ; the
strength declines, the spirits droop, the
complexion becomes eadayerons, the flesh
wasted, supineness and despair takes the
place of energy and hopefulness, the sick
me rbecOmes as dead to the great objects
4,pursuits of life as if he were entombed
al1ve. Out of his self-sepulebreAts it were,
thie powerful remedy lifts him as if by
magio—a few timely doses of the Tills
bring back digestion, appetite and physical
energy. iese etrdements are too
Mitchell rill celebrate the 2ncl July
by horseracing, &o.
Mr. Henry Stennett, of Illanshard,
and Wm, and Joseph Hutton, of St.
Marys left last vveek for the old country
Everest's Cough Syrup is the best in
the country.—Duncan Pureell, Forest
• and too easily contradicted if untrue, to ad -
emit of the slightest doabt. On the con-
72.,.atraty we know them to be nothing but the
-esliteral fact . They are not founded. merely
upon common report, but upon the testileony of parties occupying high positions in
society—uien of unblemished reputation
and ulatured judgment—that likewise is
emifirmed by circumstances within our ONVD1
• inimedicite knowledge.—Iverach Telegram.
The sarly closing Movement has
been thrown overboard by the Park-
hill council,
Mr. Worsell of Clinton ha.s gathered
432 eggs from his first prise pen of six
brown Leghorn hens, in three months.
I had tried many doctors and was
given up by them as far gone into
consumption, but was permanently
cured by using Everest's Cough Syrup
—Jas. Simpson, Aberarder.
A Parkhill citizen has adopted the
fishing line and hook as a mode of
riding the garden of his 134ighbore'llens,
He .baits the hook and hauls in the
On Tuesday morning Mr. George
Adams, of Logan, and his son were
out on the farm staking a fence. Mr.
Adams was holding a stake and his sou
was driving it down with a heavy Iron
sledge-hararner when the head of the
hammer flew off and struck Mr. Adams
Just above the forehead felling him
The other day Mr. A. Innes, of Stan-
ley, met wIth a big loss by the death
of a foal. It was from his silver -medal
mare was a stallion foal, as fine a colt
as he ever bred, and he valued it at
$500. Notwithstanding the greatest
oare for three weeks, it died of what
is called joint, disease, more properly
known as inflammatory rheumatism.
The feeling against changing the
stage route to Exeter is reported very
strong in the north part of 1VloGillivray
and south part of Stephen. We under-
stand several different petitions are
being circulated by them to try to
head off this wild scheme of Exeter's,
Parkhill Gazette. There is nothing
particularly wild about the scheme, on
the part of Exeter. - We want nor ask
nothing but what is right and equitable.
Mr. J. W. Woodley, of Springbank
Farm, Fullerton, delivered on Monday
to Mr. Oke, of Exeter, what is said to
be the fiuest lot of cattle ever shipped
from Mitchell. They consisted of five
steers and two heifers (twins) all three
year olds. flee steers averaged 1,578
lbs., one monster tipping the beam at
1,740 lbs. The heifers weighed Just
1,420 lbs. each. The price paid was
54 cents per lb.
Everest's Extract of Wild Black-
berry never faals to cure diarrhoea,
dysentery, Jo.—the statements of
scores who have tried it, 25c per
bottle, for sale by all druggists.
A man givingathe name of MoFee
and claiming to hail irom Steffen was
around soliciting aid on Tuesday,
claiming he was disabled owing to an
injured leg, and he would hoist up his
pants and show a Binh that looked as
if it had been scalded. lie was re-
ferred to the naayor, but seemed re -
indent to meet him, and we are not
surpriaed, for the mayor, charitable
though lie Is, is not the one to give
assistance to a man whose breath
smelled so strong of liquor that it
would nearly knock one over. Clinton
Exchange. -
When the London train arrived here
on Tuesday morning, the usually jovial
and 'easygoing conductor, John Bally,
rushed into the office in high dudgeon
and demancled that Supt. Tiffin be
communicated with. The trouble was
this:—At Idensall a number of Luther-
an ministers, several of them accom-
panied by children, got on board.
Sonia of the passengers then noticed
that a couple of the children had the
measles, and John objected to their
presence. The children had caught
the measles while at Zurich and were
anxious to get to their home at Neust-
adt. Mr. Bailey wanted to leave them
off here, and asked the Superintend-
ent for orders. In the meantime
friends of the children begged the
conductor to take them along, as he
had brought them so far, and no ans-
wer being received from Mr. Tiffin, the
train proceeded on its way after half -
an -hour's delay, Mr. Pattison asked
the passengers if any of thorn were
afraid to stay on the train, and no one
so signifyIng, the children were allow-
ed to proceed homeward. Chnton
New Era,
To rital UDITOIL
Please inform your readers that have a
positive remedy for the above named dis-
ease. By its•timely use •thousancls of
hopelers cases have been. peinianently
cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles
of ray remedy enzn to any of your renders
Dr. Washington's Visit.
ew Filets toLticeinembered.
Dr. Washinytou is the only Throat
and Lung Sargeon in Canada devoting his
whole time to diseases of the ,air passages.'
2n5. Fle has devoted. 7 pare to his
3rd. He makes raonthly visits.
4th. He represents his own 'Specialty.'
5th. He censulte, examines, and treat%
all eiseee pereonally, and denounces the
system of doing business by "Peony."
Oth. HO gives testimouials of the most
reliable and prominent character of rest -
dente of Ontario of the MoST IVO/MR=971,
oases every rdoorded, with whom a large
number of the citizens of Exeter and vicin-
ity are acquainted.
71h. He gives the name in fall end P 0
addrosa, (riot the mere initisls whioli might
refer to any Tom, Dick or Harry) and in,
vitas any one interested to write for par-
81h. alle not yieit WedneadaY, Julie
13th, at the Central Hotel, Exeter.
9th. Dr. Washington is: a• native of this
Province (Ontario) graduating at Toronto
with honors in 1782, Also the same yr pas-
sing the primary and final examinationa of
the Council of Physicians and Surgeons of
Ontario—in 1880 taking a Speoial Polooly-
nio amuse in Boston and New York on di-
enasee of tbe Throtit and Lungs,
10th.—He resides in Toronto.
11.th --This is thennost favorable 809,8011
of the year for treating Catarrh and its
kindred diseases, wheel, if neglected, will
in 99 oases out of 100 lead to consumption.
0ousultation Free. —Ann
who , have consumption if they will .send
ine their Express and P. 0, address.
Reepectfully, Dn. T. A. SLOCUM;
a °route, Ont. 37 Yonge st,net.
t a 4
Tito council met as a court of Revision and
appeal on Saturday May 26th, The members
being all present took and subscribed the oath
a,coordiog to ..'statute and tho reeve became
chairman of tho court.
Moved by Mr, Heyroek see by A MoEwen,
that the appeals of Phoebe Sweet and 3Ken-
ningshe not sustained.
The following changes were made in the
resident roll :—Part of lot 2 L 11 2 taken from
S. Pollock and assessed to H.- Generea,n ; N
22 and S 4 23 charged to II Bappel instead of
3. Howahl; part of Ei 21 to 1 Howald instead
of II Happel;51 11 eon 7 to J Kipf or instead
013 ShuarttWi 10 L 112, to 3 Howald instead
of A Ilierenamus; park 101 E K 8 Zurich to S,
Hardy instead of A Wambolt; 101 10 W 8 Hen -
s:111 to It Livingstone as tenant, at $300; »art
of 12 LRE to If IL:wreck instead of 0 Hey -
rock; lot 3 eon 5 to J. G. and 0 Seen instead
of Joules Pickard, and tbo assessment of P,
Sipple increased to e750.
The following lots were taken from the
non-resident roll and placed on the resident.
14 eon 5 to Win. Tinneye Si2 32 S. B, to J
Pope; 81 Oicon 5 to RJ. and L Hunter and IV
-1..6 con 5 to .I.Saunders.
- Moved by Mr.Heyrock sec by Mr GMeEwen,
ihnt tho following., persons be placed on the
roll as wage earners : 8 amuel Latta, William
TvieNevin. Dan Dyer, D. Zenon I' lineliems, J.
Demme, G Bisenbach, P elisinbach, N,Leipold
o Fassold, 0 Fassold, W Rupp and George
Koch. That the following be added fie far-
mer's sons, S Martin. 0 Schelby,T Toms and A
Fuse; n,nd that IT IIolnner, Heywood and
0 Thiel be added as hens:A:elders.
Moved by Mr. Ileyrock sec by Mr. A. Me -
Ewen thee the rolls as now revised and eor-.
rooted bathe assessment rolls for the township
of Bay, for the year 18S8, and that the court of
revision be now closed.
After the court of revision, the council met
and transaotecl the following business. ,
Moved by slit Hess sec by Mr. G. McEwen
that the clerk bo instrueted to notify the
ovnieis of lots 20 L R E, and 36 8 B, to remoye
their fences off road allowance between said
Moved by Mr. 0. McEwen, sec by Mrflops
that the uso of fire crackers be prohibited in
this municipality under a fine ot not loss them
55 nor more than $20, and that a by-law be
drafted to that effect.
The reeve and trona urer were authorized to
borrow the sum of 16700 on or before the 1st
imust fa defray current expenses.
^eh WI oved by Mr. Hess sec by Mr. Geo, MeEiven
+4at patlintasters be particularly requested to
Areturn the list's to the clerk no later than the
let day or August and that the certificates in
reference to gravel lie properly filled and dilly
signed, ^
The following , accounts were passed:—G, T.
Railway Oo ,,froigh t on ear load of tile, S20;
Hamilton sower pipe Oo„ 1 caa load sewer
Pipe for eulverts $142.00; J. Williams Si; 00.,
flour for indigents.Slat() Schwartzentruber
making culvert 4.12; P Bradley work, $5,60.
The omneil then adjourned to meet on
Wednesday Aug lst St 10 a. In.
A.DviCE TO MeTurns.—Are you thee:reed at
nighttime broken of your rest by a sick child,
suffering ancl crying with pain 01 Outtinn
Tooth? If to send itt once and got a bottle
of "Mrs, ‘Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chil-
dren 7.!eothisg, Its value is
It willrolieVe the poor little sufferer im
mediately Denend upon it, mothers there
is -no Mistake about it. It cures LI son WIT
ate. Dierthcoe, regnettee tem Stem:Leh and
'8oevois,ouree Wind Coles, aofteoe brie Gums,
rednees Inflammation, and gives tone :tnd
enmity to the whole system, ,f$,it g. evina eves
Soothing Syrup', !or children teething is
p10051111 10 the taste and is the prescription
of ono of the oldest ana best female
Physicians and norses in the Milted
States, and. IS for sole by all druggists
through:nit, the World, Price twenty -eve
cents et bottle. to Mire tient ask ler"nins.
Winstew's Seoernirte otatO "and take no
other kind,
Boils, Pimples, 131otolies and. Skin Hu
more disfigere the countenanne. Parify
the blood by using Burdock Blood Bitters -
to remove the impure matter which loads
it, and the result will be a clear skin, good
complexion and perfect h.ealth.
The dead body of Thos. Clarke, age 32
was found Saturday night in an unfinished
building in Toronto. He had evidently
shot himself.
Backache, stitches in the side, inflation
and soreness of the bowels, are symptoms
of a disordered state of of the digestive and
assimilative organs, which can be corrected
by the use Ayer's Cathartic] Pills.
11 18 stated that Mr. Edward Blake's old
quarters in Ottawa have been engaged for
his occupation next session.
Mrs. Torrance Malan of Smith's Falls,
Ont., after four years' of intense suffering
with Scrofula, from which. her •head. be -
Caine bald, was cured by Burdock Blood
Bitters, after the best medical aid had fail-
( erre:god itt5 o'clockp ,m. weeneseey
OS to 100
• 0 ee to 0 70
... 5010 50
... 0 49 to 47
e 00. to 4 00
... 00 to 3 00
... 0 60 to 0 60
0 58 to 0 60
„. 0 i21g,t Is
• 14 to 0 15
... Op to 5 65
... 65 to 70
40 to 0 50
..., 0 Olt() 004
... 0 05 to 0 05
07 tom 08
▪ 0 45 to o 50
„, 0 20 to 0-30
0 80 to 7 00
... 4 00 t 5 00
5 50 to 5 50
... 6 00 to 6 00
• 0 75 to 1 40
... 0 50 to 0 70
.., 0 18 to 0 18
80010 (16
0 50 to 0 75
20 to 3 oo
SalleTimothy if
y 1,44
Oslo oase r Seed
'13;111Oulttuallslte. oPI oru
bi : s.:1101
.0Pre foe:de:Ay' pPe Flmobs.apgr b
chickens; per pr
llidesroulag, ..
dressed ......
Sheepskins etieb
0 alfskins
Wool peril) ...
Wooclper cerd
A aound body and a contented mind are
necessaty to perfect happiness. If you
wish to possess these, cleanse your blood
with Ayer's Satsaparilla. • It is perfectly
safe to take, and is perfectly reliable, high-
ly concentrated, and powerful blood puri-
The Next Total Eclipse of tho Sun
Visible in Canada will occur .Oct. lst, 1888.
Put this in your scray book. Imperial
Cream Tartar Baking Powder eclipses all
others. Absolately pure.
Barnumla handsome residence at Bridge-
port, Conn., is to be converted into a. ladies
' Mrs. Cyrus Kilbourne, of 13eanisville,
Ont., had what was thought to be a can-
cer on her nose, and was about to andmit
to a'Oancer doctor's operation, when he
tried Burdock Blood Bitters, wbioli effected
a radieal cure. This medicine cure.s all
Blood Diseases.
Pall Wheat ST: erenes
$p:Wheat ... 80
Barey 65
Clover Seed 41
4 60
Timothy.... .............. ....nee.. .. . .. 1 50
Eggs so
Potatoes per bush
Apples per;bush
Wool per lb
During the recent cold weather here I
bad three -fingers frozen. We had some
Hagyard's Yellow Oil iiu the house, and I
tried it with good results. 'Wm. elacklain,
Montreal, P. Q.
A famine prevailat Epodes
John Bright is ninch better.
Tennessee wheat is being harvested.
Miss Edith Fox, et Amhorstburg, Ont.,
baa o SeVere ease Of Quinsy. She writes :
••I tried the doctor's medieine, but got no
relief. I was told. to try Hagyerel's Peotor,
al Balsam. After taking two doses 1 pot
relief, and when I had taken three peas of
a bottle I was completely oared,"
The Art Fair at Toronto netted a little
over $1,000; exponsee $3,000.
There nave been many roma rlothle cures
of deafness mode by the use of Ilagyard's
Yellow Oil, the great hounehold remedy for
all Pain, Ipilammatiou end Soreriese, 781.
low Oil cures Rholimatienn Sore Thema,.
mid Croup, and is used internally anil ex-
ternally fer all pains end injuries.
The Tempel ots Frederick Don Pedro are
botl: reported improved in health.
Lick Observatory has betel transferred to
the California Stale University Regents.
Scott's Emulsion. of Pure Cod
LiSer Oil and Hypophosphites
De, W S Hoy, Point Pleasant, W. Va,
Hays ,,r baro Immo a {borate, to" ma:
Scott's thrall:ant in Pulmonary troubles,
and general mia..bitv6 bcen as-
tonished at tho good reshltsf and AS a
xoxaody for ohildron with tickets or Marco -
mus it „.1414intiled.
8 50
to 106
5 06
2 00
0 00
Mmeennere June 5, — GRAIN -- Wheat
quiet: Canada. red winter 97ao ; white win-
ter 98a ; Canada ageing, nominal ; No. 1.
hard Manitoba, /0. 03, No 2 do, $1 to $1 01,
No 1 Nortbern$1 to $1 01 ; Corn 670 to 68c
in bank, 75e duty paid. Peas, 90 o pet 66 lb,
Oats 43a to 44c per 32 lbs. Rye, 60c. Bar-
ley, 62o,
OfiREsE,—Iiienasom, June 5. — This
week 48 factories offered 4,690 boxes last
half May &nese. Soles were as follows : 300
at 7eo. 3,250 at 8e and 650 a sie. Eight
buyers and 30 factory men were present.
The market was active and nearly all May
cheese in this ruction has been sold,
And every species of disease arising
from disordered Zav.&R, KIDNEYS,
T. MILBURN & co.
For Sate,
A ergo one storey frame store builcang with
eellar uuderneath together with e of an acre of
land, situated in the business part of Exeter.
There is also a dwelling at rear of property
facing :William-st. 'Perms to suit pm chaser,
S'or further particulars apply to
2 mos., • THOS. HAMLIN, Exeter.
lams a worid-widereputatiou 0011 physiciari
and author. His mandrake Dandelion. Liver
(305e is a triumph of medical skill, curing
all diseases of the Kindey and Liver,
Kid.ne,y Complaint D'sh'""sthg
. ttch,,s au cl
pZins in the heel; ; a dull pain or weigh tin
the bladder or base of the abdomen ; scald -
111,11111110 often °bah:noted ; f reattent desire
te urinete. especially at night, among aged
persons ; hot, dry skin, Vale compleXion red
mud whtto depositsb drop dizziness, Sour
stomach, constipalion, piles, lIvor steal
swellings, &e,
Liver Complaint, sPaihouldeunderr bladesthe,
auudiee, complexion, a. weary, tiled
/eon n g, idili000 onevey, head. ache , dy seep .
in di go ti on , sp o te, pimple e Lee,
Aland u rt Ito and Dandelion ar n a tura' s I i ye
c tikes, and wlioi. combined with kidney tom-
ediees es in Dr. Chaves tiver ante, will most
positively cure :eilitieneyeiver trouble:a it
acts like e eb arno, stinitileting the elegged
livor, i tee n Oben rag the kidnoysan ti nye:eon
itting the whole body. Sold by all d orders at
ono dollar, with reeeipt b ook, Which alone is
worth the money,
Kidn A,/ Dr. Ohese'e Pine P,re the belly
lildneptiVer Pills made ; they
ad goo tlif yet eil'or bus, I. May
..1_11V01` 0t ' • '
0 lAt.ten darin clii; )10y -
pill, mot, They cure kidnes-.1iver
tx hies, headache .b ;Lou on esti
eeStiyeriesS SiL Ono Piita /low) 47old by all
dealers. Price 25 cents,
T. 11101VIANSON ..V6 Co.,
tlradford, Ont. Mauls.
Liver Complaint
Sick Headache
Kidney .trouble
Skin Diseases,
And. all im-
purities of the
blood from ^what
ever cause aris-
ing. ,
The Great Spring Medicine
PRICE 75 Ctse(with. Pills
—TRY --
Dr . iloclgter's
Little - Liver - Pills
I am in receipt a a choice and well.
selected stock of
Very Small ;ma.. Easy to Take.
Sold everywhere ; price 25 et&
Union Medicine Co. Props., Toronto,' Can.
Fresh Groceries
would also inform my numerous
friends and customers that I will be on
the road next week with my peddling
House & Lot
Town Hall.
rarmors, Ationti5al
Dominion Laboratory
Fiabing Tackle, Floats, Sinkers,
Reels, Fishing Lines, Cafe Rooks,
Landing Nets, ;Jointed Rods,
Trolls, Fly llooks, Tripplo hook.
And the Celebrated Cork.Flo
Bait, and Skeleton Baits.
GAMES.—Rubber Balls. Base
Balls, Base Ball Bats Lacrosse
Balls, Caps and Croquet Setts.
Japanese Kites, Dominoes,
Playing Cards, Chess, Authors, Fire
Crackers, FireCrack er Morbans,
At Toronto.tEvery Baerel Guaranteed. This Oil was used on all machinery during the
Exhibition. It has been awarded NINE GOLD MEDAIS during the last three years
t"See that you get Peerless. 71 ±8 only InS(1.0 by
S VI VIM MO a Elt & CO, TOZ1.017TO
Are You -
The undersigned woulcl respectfully infor
he eommunity that they havo le asedtb e above
inials for a torm of years; and will ho pleased
to have a call from all. Tho mill has recently
been improve cl, by the addition of new mach-
inery. It is the intention of tee subscribers to
add a set of rolls as goon ag possible ; and all
combined, the
Wood.hana Grist Mill
Willbe second to nono iu the west.
Gristing and Chopping Done
Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sale or
exchanged for oats.
Stir A TRIAL sottorrED.
J. & A. 11/eNEVIN,
The oh.eapest spot rn town for
Hardware, Stoves and Tineve.re, Paints, Oils end Glass, Lee., (en., if you '(30 1 'calf at
Merchant Tailor,
We are now offerip‘g the balanoe of our stock of Axes,
Cross -out saws, Lamps and Tubular Lanterne, at cost
We would call your attention to it few of our specialties :—
A Handsome Brass Library Lamp,
A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design
A Good Tubular Lantern -
A Good Axe and Handle
An A 1 Manure Fork
And everything et Rock Bottom Prices for Cash.
A full stook of the following lines always on hande—Barb wire, ?lain Galvanized, A
calent and. Viled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing.
---- --
Having purchased our supply of Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply
at the lowest possible price.
A full stoca of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing it spec-
ialty. Agents fax tbe B & 11 Metall° Shingle Roofing. Ask for pans. Agents for tha
celebrated Raymond Sewing Maouine.
$2, 50
$1 ea
$0 50
$1 00
te0 80 ,
Has removed to premises one door
north of Browning's drug atore, where
there' will be found a
Scotch, English,
Irish, Frenoh and
Canadian Goods.
Made up or. the
Cutting Sehoo
Y''' "4 -c.
‘. ,..„..,.., . ,c,y. ,..,..*9
; c . ace lie & e e ees e
.0. en* o.`• os'a .00ex '',' a . "i0.'-'
eff oee`e e.-c,e
,•\. 'b,c1A '.°:e•"..\Z;cc : . '
cy \ ,(3 e, '''° c_,N*
.;_s .0 Np ^e ' • .;tr9C' C;Ce' cSCC''''
4b:P .> ,<>0 .s, ° 't.•
AN;P • -So 0' 4° • \ • ‘C CN o '
V 'C,C). 641 c' •'`''' 'i.'\:1**
.e, 4??
,$ -1 -a%'.ne'SC'N
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1 (IP z>.
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1 4S
'J•'C'' 'Y\c'
cr-4S) Z
4.3f. * ,40q„,
S •
AranlItiCtUred only by Thomas Holloway, 78, New Oxfoul Street, I
late 533, Oxford Street, London.
17Z- Purchasers should look to the Label on. the Boxee wile Pots'
If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, :London, they are spurious.
A. ID I: M]
Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in-
spection to our BIG. stook of Carpets, Curtains, and those
Fancy Window Blinds, dm
When bUying Wall Paper don't forget that the Old
Established carries the Biggest Stook and Latest Am-
erican Patterns.
Lots of Fanoy :Papers.Witl".:.:•••
..Corners to matoho