HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-06-26, Page 7A
By Steve Cooke '
Hunters this fall will find that a new forMat for
famtingliclences will be used, Lod a few majer
changesWill take. place. These Changes. are
designed (from what 1 understand) to assist
biologists in the gathering of -more specific data
cenCerning wiIdlife species, make the
Pregeduie less confusing for the hunter and
.-bring everything into line with our present
•Management techniques.
The most noticeable -Change will be the
elimination ;of the tnoose-bear and deer -bear
licence. Starting this fall, the black bear licence
will be a completely separate category, If you
purchase one, it will probably be a spring bear
licence which has had its expiry date extericleclio
Dec. 31, 1980. Future .tear licences will combine *
both the spring and the falthunt and-theifthit will
410 be one bear per season. Tlui past regulations •
'allowed for one bear per licence, Which -in effect,
permitted the hunter to take Up to three bears
per year. This new r system- will allow the
Ministry' -of Natural Resources-to-moreac—
curately assess the black hear population and
determine success ratios of,the hunters.
The big change in the deer licence is one you
are probably already aware, of, The basic deer •
licence will be valid only for the taking of a deer
that has at least one antler greater than 7.5 cm (3
inches) in length. There 'will be antlerless deer
validation tags which can be affixed to the back
of the licence in some areas and these will be
available only to Ontario residents. Bowhunters
will be required to obtain an archery tag which
will be attached to the back of the licence and
validate it for use with archery equipment.
The small game licence Will be valid as
follows: Sept. L to June 15 in the Northern
Region; Sept. 1 to Aug. 31 on game bird hunting
preserves across the province; Sept. 1 to March
31 in the Southern Region. Residents,,will also be
able to purchase a summer small game tag
(formerly known as the varmint licence) that
will make it valid from April 1 to August 31 in the
Southern Region. A tag will also be available for
hunting raccoon at night with a dog.
The basic fee structure for licences will be as
follows: resident's licende to hunt deer, $15;
farmer's licence to hunt,deer, $10; archery tag to
hunt deer, $1;..resident'slicence.to hunt-moose,-
$20,-, resident's licence to hunt black bear, $10;
licence to thunt - small game, $5; resident's
summer game tag', $5; residenitls' raccoon tag to
hunt at night, $5. .
The new system should make -it a lot more
convenient for both the hunter and the Ministry
of Natural Resources. The new seasons and bag
limits will hopefilIfy produce better hunting for
everyone in the future, so if we bear with the
impositions a while, we will also rap the
New regulations concerning the Moose season
this year have been set, so if you are a yearly
moose hunter, you better check and, see what's
happened in your area. Bag limits have been
reduced, and seasoni dates have changed, scr4
make Sure you've arranged your holidays for the
right dates.
Remington hs , announced- several new
products for the coming year, so the next time
you're in a gun shoiS--, ask about them. The new
cartridge they've developed - the 7mm-308 --
should proVe to be a popular and efficient little
game getter as well as being an accurate round.
Their new system of shorter shotgun barrels will
also be interesting to the hunter.
We always seem to drag a bit behind when it
,.. comes to getting this stuff in Canada, but in .a
way that's good. It gives the Yanks lots of time to
test new products and work the bugs out so by the
time it appears here, it's tested and proven, and
most of the bugs have been worked out.
4 4'
Goderich Twp.pitin events
By. Audrey Middleton
The june recreation
meeting for Goderich
township was held
Wednesday June 18 at
tfolmesville with, all
niernbers present; Doug
Yeo, gaZ01 McCreath,,
Orant Stirling, Gerry
Ginn, Bev. Orr, Alice
Porter, Marilyn Forbes,
Walter McIlwain, Jake
Reder, and press
secretary, Audrey
Midletgri, '
Many recreational
endeavours were
discU$sed and planned,
including final plans for
the township barbecue
were approved; date,
Wednesday July • 9
(raindat6•Iluly 16) place,
Lakeside Twsp. Park on
Black Pt. Rd. The bar-
becue will be ready for
sizzling your favourite
food by 6 p,rn.
All -township res1dentsr----10--
and guests are en-
couraged to atten,so
bring your, supper and
enjoy a sobial time with
your community. The
program committee had
difficulties getting "live"
entertainment so special
a'ctivities will be
arranged instead.
Parks committee
representative Gerry
Ginn reported that the
ball park is now in use.
Material for the back -
fencing has been ordered.
He regretted to report
that the ball • park.
manager, Lloyd Sowerby
had resigned and -another
appointment is
The softball committee
secretary, Pat Rivett,
attended the meeting to
give the softball report.
-She -presented- the -pur-
chasing bill for softball
equipment, and many •
queries for the rec
committee to cpnsider for
future softball planning.
_ They Were, softball in,
surance coverage on
transportation to and
from games away, size of
the head softball com-
mittee, inadequate
climate and security
CaUSQ a bad twsp
should it happen again.
The rec Committee
thanked Pat for her
report and hoped that the
problems could be.
resolved and another
successful program could
be managed this sum-
It was decided `?,that
lyiarilyn Forbes would try
to get forms immediately
and a request made for a
Wintario grant on the,
softball equipment.
Pat • Rivett also
presented a proposal on
behalf of softball com-
mittee rnember,Art Bell,
for a softball tournament
to officially open the neW•
softball field. The
proposal had been well
plannedlfor a full day of
softball games involving
all groups in the, softball
circuit. Medallions were
be presented to the
No. 1 Barbecue
. Quality features demanded
by the backyard chef
If a new gas barbecue is a must at your place
this year, icome and check out our quality
line of barbecues.
(billade of heavy gauge cast aluminum,
no need to worry about warping of hood.
• • *dual burner with up front controls.
• • ocomplete with portable cart, propane
tank, and serving board.
• • *before you buy just -any barbecue, come
in and talk to''Bob Crawford in Blyth
or tom Arthur ih Exeter.
in. =CM
BLYTI4 523-4244
EXETER 236-1116
conditions at the
equipment building, and
the softball committees '
not clearly understanding
the rules set down by the
rec committee.
She also reported that
108 children have
registered for softball.
Games haye got un-
derway to a shaky
beginning involving a few
fights, not by the children
but by adults Who will
"the cutline'Eiievjjje
and Highway 8. $20 per
child with a maximum a
$55 per amfl
In new business, it was
agreed to make a twsp.
float for, the Cipderich
Canada Day Parade,
June 29t1. Jake Reder
volunteered to be in
charge of this. Decision
fot , float for the
Dungannon parade, Aug.
2nd1 will,be made later.
No word of the summer
games at Qmierich :had
been received by the
secretary, so no action'
could betaken here. .
The program k com-
mittee was askAed to
mernbers of the winning
teams. What Mr. Bell was
asking the rec board was
money to pay for any
deficits incurred.
After considering the
proposal at some length
chairman Doug Yeo
thanked Pat for Art Bell
for his enthusiastic and
ambitious plans.
However the board
passed a motion that the
softball conimittee
consider a limited ball
tournament for this year
(since the softball field
conditions need a little
time to mature before a
special "opening"). The
rec committee suggested
in the same motion that
this limited tournament
be self supporting, at no
cost to the twsp. one age
group only, food booths
would be-all,right-the-rec--
committee would try to
help at this event, that it
not be -advertised as the
"opening': of the softball
field. This motion was
made by Gerry Ginn,
seconded by Jake Reder.
Secretary Hazel
McCreath reported that
she had 'received only 19
Swimming applications,
far short of last years
number.. Although the.
deadline for registrations
has passed, the com-
mittee decided to accept
further registrations until
June 30. The swimming
classes will take place at
Vanastra June 30 -July 11,
9:30 a.m. - 11 a.m. The
transportation will be by
bus following a route
from the V.L.A. at 8:30
a.m., along Highway* 21,
present a fall rec
programproposal for the
next meeting. Some
suggestions were given
them; curling, bad-
minton, snowmobile club,
estate planning, ballroom
person has a request or
idea for a fall -winter
program, phone program
committee members
Marilyn Forbes, Walter
McIlwain or Doug Yeo.
The July meeting will
be- cancelled or may be
called at the discretion of
the chairman.
It was also decided to
recommend to council
that treas. Ben Whitely
prepare forms to record
and date ail volunteer
labour on township ball
park. 1
The meeting adjourned
until Aug. 20.
The 2 -year-old pacing filly Zig Zag Fortune is a top eligible starter in Sunday
afternoon's Ontario Sires Stakes feature, opening day highlight at the Clinton
Kinsmen Raceway. Trained by Wayne Jackson for breeder and_mvner_Or-
atCh-lii-Siffin t of Lambeth, the daughter of the noted sire Smog has two wins
and a second place finish in recent Sires Stakes action, including a speed
record of 2:02 1-5.
Correct information
, The Huron Home Care
program is not a division
of the Town and Country
Homemakers as stated in
a June 5 article in the
Clinton News -Record,
Home Care, funded
under the -iministry of
health, is an individual
active treatment
program to provide
health care in the home.
CNIB hold picnic
number of candiesIn the
.The Canadian National jar and Mrs. Wolfe came
Institute of the 131ind second; toilet paper,
Board-first,TifiRTidd�ck- and
for Huron and Perth
, Counties, • held their
annual summer picnic in
Mitchell on•June 18.
A large- group of
registered blind people
took part in the afternoon
games and supper. Earl
and Martha Heywood
treated guests to an hour
of music for singing and
seco4. Elia Gill; soda
biscuits, -first, Bert
Sootheran and second
Lorne Eidt; clothes pins,
Ella Francis; balloon
blowing, first, Cora,.
Youngblut and second,
Kathy Pearson.
In the men's kick -the -
slipper, Bert Sootheran
came first and Edwin
Zeale took second. In the
The ..winners in the women's contest, Cora
games included: animal Youngblut took first and
noises, first, Jim Rud- Tillie Kleinhauer came
dock and second, Betty second.
Wilhelm, Back to babk,
The oldest person
first, Cora Youngblut and present was 93 -year-old
Joyce Koch and second, Edna Cantelort and
Mary Logan and Gwen Minnie Fowler came
Watson; clothes basket second at age 86. Alvin
and balls, Tille Kleihauer Crawford had the lucky
and Katherine Byers, cup, Joyce Koch had the
tied. • •:tuoky., number and John
Leslie McKenize came Kleihauer had the lucky
first with her guess at the plate.
• •
Betty Cardno, co-
ordinator of the service,
explained that it is used
on a short term basis by
individuals in their home
who have been referred
by their family doctor.
The client's OHIP in-
surance covers the costs.
Under Home Care, the
services of yictorian
Order of Nurses,
physiotherapist, oc-
cupational therapists and
the Town and Country
1-lom.emakers are pur-
chased, according to the
client's needs. Often
several of these
professional people. work -
hand-in-hand to help the
home patient receive'
adequate care while they
work their way back to
better health. -
Do you
Agriculture Canada
experiments in Alberta
have shown that
irrigation can be ex-
tended to solonetzic Soils,
previously considered
unsuitable for irrigation.
131111.01 -NO
AT 1;30 p.m,
TH11,11SDAY,'MY 3, 1980
Cordially invited
-tto7i1anty- --
Morley .
;For Summer
Fun in the
at the
Beach, Golf Course
and Tennis Court
f \ Ma we suggest
SUMMER ItACICS- — ---k- - - - ---
Be at the Clinton Community Centre for the 150th Win-
tario Draw - tonight - Thursday, July !Enjoy a fun -
filled evening of entertainment beginning.with a variety
program at 7:30 p.m.
Join Emcee Fred Lobb with the Clinton Public School
Senior ,Choir, Blackthorn's International Ballads,
featurtig Barry Stevens, Seamus Doherty and Eugene
Bradley, The Holmesville Public School , Band and
Whiskey Jack:
Admission is $2.00 and tickets are available at regular
Wintario retail outlets listed tin page 24 of this issue.
For further ticket information call 482-3997.
Then at 9:00 p.m. join hosts Fred Davis and Faye Dance
for the live Wintario draw. Buy' a tickei, being a friend
and join the fun!'
See you at: ..
Mill Street .
June 260
Dors open at 7:00 p.m.
Concrete to repair? Do $
it yourself with this bag off
easy to use and ready to ,66 lb.
mix concrete-. . .seta ;
fence post,i pour a footing, make a
sidewalk or curb.