HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-06-26, Page 5Fa.M len ne. By Rena +Caldwell e Kippen Gun Club xnet Tuesday, Jane .l' with 28: shooters,. RO'sults .were: George Hamm, Bob Irorislde! Jack Mills, • John Grieclanus, J.ohn Andcr:son all with 25; Al - Kyle, Dan Crerar, . Paul Middleton, Bill Stewart, Bert Mahaffy, 'ramie Caldwell, 24; Jim But- cher, Bill Rousse y,. Paul Ritchie, Mety Batkin, Terry Baker, all had 23. ,,. :Q •Venner 22; Chrjn: Middleton, Harrison Schock 21 Bob Baker, Al Bell, both with 20f Jack' Bell, 19; Grant McGregor; ' Neil Colquhoun, both had lg Rich Welsh 17; • corn- 4110 pleting the list was Jim East. 11ppen WI - Mrs. Robert Kinsman s presented the . motto on, "What ' we make of our, homes is more important than whatour homes are made of", when Kippen East W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Wm. McDowell in Seaforth June 18. Carol Keys, a coun- sellor at the John Street Adult Group Home in Exeter was introduced by Mrs. Robert Bell and thanked for her in. formative address b3 Mrs. Harold Parsons. With` slides, Carol told of the different needs of the mentally handicapped and of their graduation from John' Street Group Home to James Street • Group Home to their own apartment under the Support -Worker's supervision. Mrs. James Chalmers gave current events 'atm- " courtesy remarks. anc Mrs. Robert Bell gala' several ` reading. Mrs Parsons conducted >i contest. Lunch Was served 133 the hostess and co hostess, Mrs. Win. Bel and the committee Mrs Vern Alderdice and Mrs Charles Eyre. Personals Congratulations to Mr and Mrs. Leonard Lovell and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd •j'i Lovell on their 25th and 5@th wedding an. niversaries respectively. Strawberries are being picked at Jack Bell's and - Leonard Lovells. St. Andr'ew's Church. Kippen is getting a new roof. Mrs. Percy Wright •-as entertaining her two grandchildren, the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Scott, Cromarty. Sympathy is expressed to Nelson Hood and his family in the death of Mrs . Nelson Hood." CLINTON, A THURSDAY, JUNE 26,1 PACE 5 ENTER IGA'S HAPPY BIRTHDAY CANADA CONTEST. GET DETAILS , AT YOUR. LOCAL IA Kraft, Processed Canadian Singles 1 oz. Cheese Slices, 500 g pkg, Truck tips EXETER - Traffic had to be detoured off Highway 21 for three hours on June 14 when an entire tractor - trailer load of corn had to be cleaned up. The Mack truck owned by Huron Grain of Parkhill tipped on its side as it was rounding the ramp from Highway 82 onto Highway 21. The. entire lbad of corn was spilled across the high- way. The Forest .OPP estimated damage at about $15,000. Grandma gets Grade 12 BRUSSELS-- Barb Watts of Brussels just graduated from Grade 12. That wouldn't be unusual if she were just any other high school student, but Barb is 43. She and her husband Max have six children and dne gran- dchild and she had to work around normal hdusehold duties 'and helping Max at the Watts Funeral Home. One of Barb's main objectives for getting her Grade 12 was to qualify for a course in Funeral Services at Humber College in Toronto so she could offer even more assistance in the un- dertaking business. Barb only had Grade 10 education but didn't go further in school because like many others of her days, the oldest child•went out to work to help sup. port the family. OkiSouth;' Frozen from Concentrate 160% Pure Florida • Orange Juice 121/2 H. oz. tin York, Fancy Assorted Veget b es 12-14 fl, oz. tin- Fresh, in;- Fresh, Whole Viva, Assorted Regular or Decorated Paper Towels 2 roll pkg. IGA ° White or Whole Wheat Sliced Bread 0 24 oz. loaf Canadian Queen - • Half or Quarter Boneless Ham Taillefer 1 Ib. pkg. Skinless Wieners Top Valu 1 Ib. pkg. Skinless Wieners Taillefer Store Packed Pork & Beef Sausage Top Valu 580 g pkg. Bologna, Mac & Cheese or Chicken Loaf Taillefer 500 g pkg. Sliced Side Bacon Swifts 375 g pkg. Sizzlean Top Valu 175 g pkg. Sliced Cooked Ham Top Valu 500 g pkg. Sliced Side Bacon Mazola 1 L btl. Pure Corn Oil 1.69: Sylvania Assorted 40, 60 or 100 watt Inside Frosted `Light Bulbs pkg. of 2 .69 pkg. of 4 1.38 Mountain Dew, Diet or Regular Pepsi-Cola 750 ml btl. 3/.99 (Plus .25 deposit per btl.) Voortmans 250 g pkg. Assorted or Cook esurnovers2/1 •. 29 Dole 1g fl. oz. tin, Fancy Sliced,,__ hunk or Crushed Pineaple _ ' In Own Juice / 6 Roy -All 12 oz. tin Canned .�� Luncheon Meat Stokely & Van Camp 14 fl. oz. tin Assorted Red Kidney Beans or Beans with Pork in Tomato Sauce 2/ ..88 L . Puritan 24 fl. oz. tin Assorted Stews $aico 10 fl. oz. tin Baby Clams Bye The Sea 6.5 oz. tin Chunk Li • ht Tuna 1.39 1.45 1.19 Scott pkg. of 60 Assorted Coloured Sorie�es . 59 Dow pkg. of 25 Ziploc, Ouart Size Bags .69, Glad pkg. of 50 Sandwich Bags Dixie pkg. of 100 Kitchen Cup Refills Raid 350 g can. House & Garden Bug Killer Wet Ones ' r cont. of 70 Towelettes Cashmere pkg. of 4 White or Yellow Bathroom Tissue Scotties box of 200 Sandlewood Facial Tissue Neilson 4 x 90 g pkgs. Assorted Flavours Drink Crystals . 69 1.88 2.98 1.49 .99 . 79 .99, Club House Salad Olives 12 fl. oz. jar Right Guard Bronze 200 mi cont. Deodorant. Halo 350 ml btl. Regular Shampoo 1.:59 2.29 - Baby Scott pkg. of 24-30 Toddler or Regular Disposab4le Diapers 2.79 Mustard & Ketchup pkg. of 1 Plastic 2/1 Dispensers Plastic pkg. of 1 54" x 72" Decorated Tablecover 1 .19 Lustroware pkg. of 1' Plastic Juice Decantor 1.39 Canada No.1 Ontario New Green Cabbage n4 Golden Yellow Dole Bananas Rose' 15 fl. oz jar Assorted Pickles . 88 . 59 3/.99 1.79 4.69- . 88 2/.89 Liptons pkg. of.2 Chicken Noodle • Soup Mix Jell-O 3 oz. pkg. Assorted Jelly Powders Gaines 1 kg pkg. Top Choice Beef or Cheese Dog Food Purina 4 kg bag Meow Mix Kellogg's 170 g pkg. Request or Snack Pack IGA pkg. of 8 Hot Dog or Hamburg Rolls Dempsers 24 oz. loaf Canadiana Country Grains or Whept'n Oats with Honey Bread High Liner 14 oz. pkg. Frozen Fillets.in Assorted Sauces Farmhouse 12 oz. pkg. Frozen Assorted Cream Pies • Schneiders 1 Ib. p. g Crispycrust 'Lard . 69 1.99 .99 . 69 STORE. H()t'HS MO'l .. 8:30-6:00 Tt'F:S. 8:30-6:00 WED 8:30-6:00 THt i8S. 8:366100 FRI. 813449:00 SAT. 4:30.6:00 10 lb. bag rKUENZIf Canlda No.1 ' U.S. No.1 California Hot House Santa Rosa Seedless Plugs , ib..6 Cucumbers ea..55 Att. MtPCHANorsf 1O*•, SATIsfAC0IOMC,UARANirfb PMOoUCt'UPI ACM t)0 MONtr MINNOW U.S. No.1 California Salmon Flesh Ib..69 Cantaloupes PRICES EFFECTIVE t'NTII. CLOSING SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1980. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO AY'ERAGF, FAMILY RF ILJIREMENTS )