HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-6-7, Page 3HOUSEI-10LD. The Hone. How often we may notioe that ou the death of the head of the family the remain- ing membere of thehousehold sell or let the house thet has sus lone bsen their home, dispose of the furniture or pack it away, Enid sally forth into the world., dixt of the Safeguerd of their long abiding -place, to seek their fortune or their pleasures, or to ohauge the nem> ond vary the oici monot- ony, as if for the first time they now boa a ohmic° to gratify heart's wishes long for- bidden! Strangers tread thoore and open and shut the doors and order the house; the old pictures have been turned face to the wall in Some attic, or they ornement the dwellings of other people who have become their purchasers; the thousand little things that go to make up the snserfibie of a home are put owity, and the places that knevr them onoesinw them no more. ' .. • Tbi' much that is sad in all this, look at it.in' whatever light there is. If the house be empty, whot strikes the eye and the heart of the passer-by with a quioker or keener sense of desolation than the eight of it ? And this the more especially if that passer-by once knew it when faces and, lights were in the windows and all the insignia of occupancy about it. What more ' melan- choly to those that have loved it once to think, after the fire() novelty of change nas rubbed off a little, of the place as silent, cold, and empty? .And if one conjectures the possibility of the apirit of the deported returning to the lonely scene, what weirder or sadder thought ciould be than that forlorn soul in the forsaken spot? But all this, of course, is the purely son- timental side and aspect of the case, is thought and fancy justifiable as the love of home is a sentiment, and the appreciation of all the virtues and delights of home leads to a sentimental consideration of it, and as home must always be haunted by the mem- ory, if not by the actual forms of those that have made it a living -place, and not the four walls of a tomb. But as a plain fact, and not as a sentimental consisleranion, there are _very much more important views to be taken •of the desolated and abandoned homestead. Weary of close confinement in the home of long standing ; weary et restraint at the hand that now holds the reins no more; weary of possible penury which withheld a thousand longed -for gratifications, or of just as possible extravagance that threaten- ed to waste all the family possessions; weary possibly of the cares and labors of house -keeping, or weary with heart-eick weariness of the walls that • have been Wit- neSSere wibh them of the sights and scenes of sickness and suffering and death—the wife, the daughters'leave that home of years, and depart ontheir travels, or to try the seductive charms of hotel life, or the life of the private boarder, which every one but the private boarder fancies to be such a nappy one. And the old house is left to itself. or,..tso -the strangers, and the family that h#1,1 a bonne is homeless. From that time hanceforth those women live not in rooms with chests of drawers and cupboards and closets au a wardrobes, but in their trunks, lifting out tray after tray for the •sake of a pin or a handkerchief. Instead of the liberty of a house, they are cramped into atonom, usually a single one, or at most but wo rooms, Instead of the exercise of as ma,k, hospitality as they (shoot°, they have to as a landlady's permission for the favor of • a cup of tea to a guest; and. they find all the other boarders entertaining their guest as if the guest were common property. Instead of privacy, there is publicity ; the manifestation of their ..,, i af Avery emotion s scanned by curious and nearly indifferent eyes, commented on, con- clusions drawn, and gossip created. And when sickness comes and when death comes, can the thought of dreariness and desehtte- nefis go farther than the scope affoeded either for the victim or the survivors, and that in ,, EMS.o, wo cupe of graham GRAHAM ---le spite of, the kindest intentions and best ef- tee forts on the part a those who conduct the flour, one large ta,ble•spoonful of sugar, one - inn, or what answers for the too) or any of half teaspoonful of salt, one cup of water, its departments? one cup of milk, two eggs, beat the yolks • and whites separately. Have the gem pans If all this is the way' in which the loss of well buttered and hissing hot. Bake from a, home affects those of ample means to allow twenty to thirty minutes. two tebleepoons ef floor, yolks of four eggs, one pint of milk, Deke with a Isottolia crust ; spread over the tep the whites of the eggs beofteu to a froth and sweetened; brown in the oven, Cur CAne.—One cup of sugar, three -quota ters of a cup of water, one-querter of a cep of butter, two and one-half cups of flour, three eggs, two teaspoene of baiting pettier. Beat butter and sugar together, man yolks of eggs and beat well; add water, flour and baking powder, last the beaten whites of the eggs. Boke in a moderate oven. • OINGER SN,kes. —One oup of brown sufgen, one-half cup of butter, one half cup of lard, one eup of molasses, ene tablespoonful each ofolunamou, ginger, cloves and baking pow- der, one-half cup of water • flour enough to make a stiff dough; rohl them out hitt) inS ONLY BUBO-Lin now a iererglur Feels When. Itoliblug--front Gee Leak -Book or a Noveitet. "I know how that burglar felt,"' Mad the doctor, "for I once committed lourglary my- " You a burglar, doctor ?" Yes, sir, I was a burglar for leas than an hew in my life, but I flatter myself that I was a malefacter in a good Calls°. It was in my college days, and I was youug and thoughtless then, but I •think that under m the sae provocation I would repeat the ex- periment, The ester of au intimate friend had been led bite a foolish correspondence by a schemer who was trying to ime hsr letters for blackmail. It would not do to let her lather know anything about the mat - round cakes and bake (platy. ter, and her brother, whe Was a cripple, ask- JaufLY RoLL --One cup of sugar,three ed me to meet the villain and try to arrange eggs) one enP flour ene'cluarter 01 a cur" for the raiment of the letters. I tried to dis of woter, one teaspoon ef baking powde& suade him from this project, and urged him Bane in a long, equare tin; lay upon a tow- to give the man up to the police ; but, out el and roll of consideration for his tlioughtleso sister, he elope A LA CnemE.—Six eggs bored hard and chopped fine, and stale bread. •Put in a dish alternate layers of ch,oPptel eggs and grated bread. When the dish is full, pour on one pint of boiling milk seasoned with sett, pepper and one tablespoonful butter. Bake alight brown, Bilere4.—One cup of sugar, one-quarter cup of butter, one tablespoonful of cinnamon, one-half cup of milk, one oup of flower, two teaspoons of baking powder, tvould permit him to deliver the letters up Ten ResIcs,—In one pint of new milk for Osoo and not a penny less. I wanted to dissolve cam yeast cake ; add three eggs, crush the viper on the spot, but did not dare one oup of sugar and two ounces of butter, with enough flour to roll out ; let rise; when very light meld into small cakes and set to rise; bake in a quick oven, when done cover the top with sugar, dissolved in milk. PARSLEY OMELET..—Mix with the eggs a tablespoonful of,finely-chopped parslett, and 'cook as directed. It is sometimes varied by tlae addition of a little fluely-minced shalloto, or button onions; also by mixing with the parsley swam thyme or sweet marjoram, a tablespoonful in all. antnnaPticil). 011rab19. Since the foot that consumption ie both preveotable, and in 1M eorliest stage curable, it has lost much of its terror. If the firat Hymptonis are at °nee reeoguizedt and the proper reinedY opphed, very few, if allY one, need die a consumption, whioh is really lung eorofula. Like many other dieeaoes this formidable one growo , out of intpere blood, and this, ie turn from. of diseaeecl liver. Hence, we liave the hacking cough, the palm' in chest, the inflamed lungs, and all the symptoms of llasteniug consumption, all the result of a depraved alood and a diseased liver- Tae ueo of 1)r. Pierce's Golden affediaat Discovery will arrest all suoh synrptoms, restore the liver to heeltby action, and send stespans of pure blood into every organ. Of clrfiggists, • "This is really the tour of Babe, " as the old bachelor said when he wanted round the nursery, Her Pettit, If she M 'made miserable by day and slee • would not allow the case to obtain any such less at night, by nervous headoehe, pains in pu.blicity as it would certainly have in the the baok, easily grieved, wasting functional hands of the police. Filially I agreed to disorders peouliat to women, such as prolap- •meet the blackleg or his representative, and sui, ulceration, /eucorrhea, morning sick - a meeting was appointed for ten o'olook in ems, or weakness of the etomaoh, &c., a the evening, in a prominent oyster saloon, brief self -treatment with Dr. Pierce's Fever - I found my man there, and he led me to a ite Prescription will convince her of the folly stall in the corner of the room and talked in of enduring misery that can be so easily, whispern He showed me a packet of letters pleasantly and radicelly cured. Druggists, and said that he Was meting for a friend who Wi of no twtoi f eo—f th,,e Bs elsdibslomeothat ey; oing man ionnae:omrche to, because in the first plaoe I doubted ray, "ugha. Little, "But Enough," ability to oope with him, and in the second place he mighb make a row and give the matter just the publicity that we were seek- ing to avoid. I promised to the money and meet him on the following night, ofor I knew that my friend would cheerfully pay $500 rather than let his father know that his sister had got into any entanglement with a sharper. As he left rne it occurred to me that there was an easier way to get To TUB EDITOR :—Please inform your readers that the letters and I silently shadowed him, get- Ietthsaev. e BayTeitit ;Me useremedy t hfoours thedabove vheopner re s se do adsissa. ing from place to place until at one o'cloalt have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to in the mcrning he entered his house. I send two bottles of my remedy Pane to any of your stood on the sidewalk opposite and located readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and P. 0. address. Respectfully, his room when he lit the gas and then I de - Da. T. A. Swum, 37 Yonge St., Toronto Ont, termined to burglarize the house. I rightly judged that it was a boarding-house and • What would this worldbe without women? felt sure that I would have little difficulty in A perfect blank—like a sheet of paper, not gaining access to his room, which was on even ruled. the second floor and directly over the door- way. I waited over an hour, and then see- iug that the coast was clear I shinned up the window -blind to the top of the door frame, where I hid in the shadow and waited to •hear if I had alarmed anybody. While I was lying on this ledge, a little over a foot in width, a policeman turned the corner and passed the house. eaw him safe away and then gained courage enough to tackle the window above. Getting on my knees 1 felt of the sash and found to my extreme satis- faction that it was not fastened. Slowly and carefully %raised the sashthelf an inch at a time until it was all the way up. Then divesting myself of ray shoes I slipped into the window and found myself in a ,hall room, from which an open door led to a larger room. My heart was now thumping at such Creelman Bros., a rate that I thought that it would wake a KNITTINGGeorgetown, ont,NIACHINES Bleeper, and still there was a thrill of plea- sure in my feelings and 1 felt no fear what- DATENTS procured. PatentAttorneys, and esports Eet'd 186T. Donald C lildOut Co.,, TOVOnt,O. ever. I quietly unlocked the door leading ' ORANGE Sel01V. —One ounce of isinglass dissolved in a pint of boiling water; when It is dissolved strain it, and let it standuntil it is nearly cold; then mix it with the juice of six oranges and one lemon the evhiteo of three eggs and sugar to taste; whisk the whole together' until it is white and looen like a sponge; pub it into a mold and turn it out the following day. Place the mold on ice or in some very cold place. CELERY SALAD. --One head of oabbage, three bunches of calory chopped very fine; take one teacup of vinegar, lump ot butter the size of an egg, yolks of two eggs, one teaspoonful each of mustard and salt, • a pinch of cayenne pepper, two teaspoonfuls of sugar; mix well, then pat on the fire and heat until it thiokens, stirring all the time; when cold, add two teaspoonfuls of thick cream, pour over the salad, and if not moist; enough add a little cold vinegar. CHOCOLATE Inn.—Two cupfuls of Sugar, two and a half cupfuls of sweet milk, one cupful of water, one cake of sweet starch, five eggs. Take one cupful of the milk, the water and chocolate, boll and cool, then stir; in the other ingredients saving the whites of the eggs for frosting. Bake iu shells, and when the pies are done spread a meringue on top, made ef the whiten of eggs beaten up with three•querters of a cup of sugar. Return to the oven and brown lightly. • For Breakfast, DELICATE POPOVERS.— One cup of milk, one egg, one cupssf flour, a pinch of salt. Bake in heated cups or gem pans in a very hot oven, FRIED• HASTY PLIDDING.—Make a plain hasty pudding of Indian meal ; pour it into a low, broad dish, and let it cool. The next morning cut in thin slices and fry in butter till brown. Bot with butter or syrup. them the best in travel and at pubhohouses, in what way is it that people of small means, of scanty and pinched incomes, or even of no income at all but that of earnings, are af- fected by the loss of this central spot, this shelter, this roof over the head? Sell every- thing, suffer everything in the way of depri- vation, was a dying parent's advice to chil- dren, but keep the house to be together in, whatever befall. It was sound advice. So long as those children, young or old, had a a roof, they could suffer and be strong to- gether. Their wants, their deprivations, were their own and not public property. If needs must that they starve, they could starve in silence and dignity, with none but themselves the wiser or • the worse. All their little shifte were not sub - jute of general discussion; their workwas not on inspeotion ; strangers were not able • to interfere among them or to SOw disten- sion thereby, or to alienate offection. Close together in the habitu contact of daily life, they could only be bound the more closely in habits of thought, in lovo, and in mutual 'concern. And the roof -tree was -responsible for it all. The roof -tree was the bond and the protector; it took the place of parent; it was a shield and bulwark against the world. No; the :experience of scattered and ship- wrecked families has everywhere proved • that much discomfort, much misery, might have been spared • them had they clung together in one home ; that those who have a home should keep it; it is their safe ty in worldly and material comfort. Part with land, part with jewels, part with heir- looms, keepsakes, treasures, but keep the house so long as the sticks and timbers hold together. It is a stronghold ; it is a cootie, however poor and old, Warwick Castle it- self no better for its purposes. It is not merely that " be it ever so humble there's no plum like home," but thatnt is home, the single spot where one reigns, where one is unfettered and fully one's self, where ono • has VI ',tools and equipments loosely and at eaeld obout ote, where ono is at large lib- erty, where ono exists sotiefied with the natural love of kin if other love is dented one o, placo to retire and vvithdroav in, to fed safety and protection in, to live in, and at . Is.st to the in. CREA.MED EGGS —This is a warmed over dial]. If cold boiled eggs are left from any meal, put them into boiling water and boil until hard. Prepar sauce by boiling one cup of milk, stirring in a tablespoonful of flour wet with cold milk, and add a table- spoonful of butter. Season eith.pepper and salt. Cut the hard-boiled eggs in slices and arrange on a small platter; pour over the hot sauce. HOT CAKES.—To each pint of sifted flour add one heaped teaspoonful of baking pow- der and one salt spoonful of salt; sift these together three times and with sweet milk mix into a cloegh thick enougle to rollout on •the pastry board. Flour the board and roll nritil three-quarters of an inch thick ; out out in rounds with a cooky cutter, place the griddle -iron over the fire, butter it lightly, and put a layer of these rounds on -it when well heated; when lightly browned turn and brown the upper side. Vary this biscuit occasionally by using one-half Indian or Graham meal. C000ma BALLS.—Buy the whole fish if possible. • Strip a piece of this into shreds and drop into cold water. Pare the potatoes and out into one -inch cubes. Take the fish at once from the water, and to one pint of fish use one quart of potatoes. Boil together until the potatoes are done, then dram and mach together. Add butter half as large as an egg and ono -half salt spoonful of pepper. When cool enough add one well beaten egg, or two if you 08,n afford, it. Make into flat cakes, flour them, and fry in good pork fat, turning when brown on one side.' ' To keep knives and forks in good coital tion when not -in tom, dust the blades and prongs with -finely powdered quicklinae and BEAVER LINE of STEABSIIIPS. keep them wrapped in flannel. Oil cloths will last lohger if one or two --a.attiNti Mat, BaTWAEN— layers of wadded carpet are laid untie! MONTREAL AND LIVERPOOL. them. Saloon Tick ete, 140, 150, 100. Return, 180,100 $1.10, Intermediate, 130. Steerage, $20. Apply to A solution of equal parts of gum arabic and plaster of paris contents china and 11. E. MURRAY, General Manager. 1 Cueforn Heim Sqnare, Mo'ntreal. earthenware.. •A youthful applicant for graduation at th • To make tins shine wash in hot soap-sude, Xentucky school, on being asked the other dip a dampened cloth in fine sifted coal day, " What does history teaoh?" answered, oodles, then polish with dry ashes. •" Then; the United States ha o never been A half oupful of ommonia to a pail of whipped. and never will be." Setae Tested Receipts. •water will cleanse hard finished wane nice- wee I amen cues cores in one nonete, ly. Change the water when 11 becomes 1VIAOCARONI AND CHEESE,,—Boil tbe mac- Women feel where men think," attys a foul caroni in plenty of water, well salted, till ' writer. Yes, that's what mak eo man bold. tender, drain and put in a pudding dish Paint on windows can, it is gad, be re - with alternate layers of grated cheese, poen Moved by melting some soda in very hot in enough rich milk to cover it, let it atom' water and vvagshiog thena with it, tieing a for an hour ot. room put some bits of butter soft. flonnel. top,on set the dish in a dripping pan half full of boiling water, and bake m =dor- 8triethame llonersty sometimes keeps a M9,1 from. be- • cooling rich, and civility from bemg witty. ate oven for hall an hour, • In every reepeet and attested by the testi- VOAL SALAtot—Boil a knueltie of Veal in peony of thougands that runnel:1'u Painteos —1Cheoterfield, sin quarts of water; when tondo! ropey° Corn Extractor le a sure and painlera oure enegeteles Item rieenvoin. restores grey and ded the bOACS, Chop the Meat and add the Puce, for oornS. The claire that it is juet as good hair to Its enthral color and prevent° falling cm whkh should be mostly absorbed, and two made by those enqeavoring to pales off im, Sweetening OM'S tect or coffee is generally the fleet stirring event of the day. , cups of cracker crumbs ohinamou, v6PPor itations for the gerinitie only proves the supe- people who me ob, and salt; put in a mold'. Serve cold. , riority of " Patinae's." tree only Putman's . ices to bad breath, feta OW to ogue, or any disorder of the Stomach, ten et one letifoN and grated rind of Painless Corn Actractor, $ure, safe, Paw be renoved by using no Clarke% Seeleseh Bitters -t) lemdini, one and one -halt ours Of sugar, leaf. th eld and tried toms*, Mk too Druoglit. as Meroutio tmod of his wound, •We refer to Dr. pieroe's little Pellets, which are small, swift, and sure, in oases of oh& headache, biliousness, constipation, and indigestion, Me worst of an opportunity is that few of us know how to take advantage of it until it is passed. • Consumption Surely Cured. A (lure for Drunken.ness. The opium habit, depeomania, the,morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eto., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and, loss of natural etrength, from any cause whatever. Men—young, old or middle aged—who are broken down from any of the above causes, or anycause not mentioned above send your address ensile cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of San, Books sent sealed and secure from Obt er vation: Address li. V. LIMON, 47 Wellington street East Toronto, Ont, A P. 400. Elf 43:6191•63=7 CANOES. Se Wel. EN nd for III.Catalogue GLESII,/Peterbtu:o, Ont. ERKSHIRE PIGS, with pedigree -15 00. • W. W. SCOTT, Moorefield, Ont into the hall and silently crept into the large room, where I felt sure my man was sleep- ing. I could hear his heavy breathing and that of another person, but could not discern any objects in the room. Crawling to the bed I felt around and found a chain upon which some clothes were thrown. They were women's garments. Then I crawled around the foot of the bed andfound another chair with a man's clothes upon it These I gathered up in my arms and carried into the little room and searched. I found the packet of letters in the breast pocket of the coat, and with it was a memorandum book and a lot of other papers, all of which I took. PATET° NF Sale—Illustrative deseriptive Cab I aaue free. R. Chernberlin, Toronto MONEY TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates. No delay. Correspondence solicited. 10.1V. D. nu-nnn, Financial AO., Estaldished 1860. 72 Bing-st. E., Toronto. GANGER trEnts6aftles6irk owe, Do pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L SMITH, M.D.,124 Queen E.,Torontn. liONTREAL. aints eiery ornpound • URE • :.EXTRACTS Gaily 110, -1411/4-ifivAK, e$01.11TLLY ‘Rtat,11A.rik4, .VMNal • F.-A;vOrorIci -e,7fieems eft; ' sys0werrs.0.).:e4e1;eiirefik For The Nervous The Debilitated STUMP & STONE The Aged. •URS Nervous Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head- ache, Neuralgia, NervoUsWeakness, SIX 3'ears' trial, and over e 6,000 in use has proved Stomach and Liver Diseases, and an this machine the beat; affections of the Kidneys. sizes Send for eircular. S S RIMBALL, A NERVE TON/C, •inreeter, mri Menute-eturer, 2111 677 Craig St, GEoaGE W. BOOTON. STAXFORD, CONN...says: ' P 0. Box 986, Montreal, P.Q ! For two Years I was a eniferer elven nervous eee- bility, and I thank God and the discoverer of me yaeuable remedy that Penires CErmux COMPOtIND cured me. /1 is a valuable remedy. Long may it DYEING AND CLEANING. live. Let any one write to me for advice." ----- AN ALTERATIVE.• R Parker & Co R. • AT.ONZO Aenonr, wimeson, yr., says: "I belieys Pmsn's OnrznY ()enema) eaved any life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor. Before I used itI was covered with an eruption from 759 TO 763 YONOE ST„ "head to heel.. The eruption ie rapidly healing. and Tam five hunched per cent. better every way,” 209 Yonge Street, CityOffices; 398 Queen St. West, TORONTO, A LAXATIVE. • 225 Queen St. East, A. (1 BEeN, Writen "Lynn Jersoreon, Vr. says: 100 Colborne Street Works and Head Offices : —Brantford, Ont. For two years met I have been a °A sufferer 4 Joint Street North Hamilton, Ont. from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dye. CarattY COMrOUND it seemed as though euoryttitiss Allan Line Royal Nail Steamships pepsia ana constipation. Before I began to take ailed me. Now I can say nothing ails me. Sailing during winter from Portland every Teureday and Halifax evereSeturcle.y to Liverpeal and in sum - A DIURETIC.• mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling Geonee Amory, Smoot Ores. /owe, says: ab Londonderry to land mails and passengers for "I have been using Pawn's Camay Comma) Scotland and Ireland ; alio from Balthneee, via Mil. and ithas done me more geodfor kidneys antt lame fax and St. John's, le, F., to Liverpool fortnightly back than any other medicine X have ever takenduriter suunner mouths. The steamers of the Gies' gow e.,nes sail during winter to and from Halifax liandred8 ef te8ti111°Ilials halre been reeeiVed 'I' Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during stun. persons who have used this remedy with remarhieble mer between GlaTow and idontroal weekly Glas. benefit, Send for circular. gow and Boston weekly, ond Glasgow and Philadel- Price SO.00. Sold by Druggists, •phia f or tri ightly. For froi asea e or other informaei n a 1 to WELLS, kICHARDSON 84 CO., Proprietors. ' ' P g . PP Y A. Schumacher le Co., Banimote ,• S. Ounard (Jo., • Montreal, Que. Halifax ; Shea de Co., St. John's, Nfid,, Wm. Thornp son & co., st. John, N. B.; Allen ti Co., Chicago Love is Alden, New York ; H. Borulier, Toronto ; AGENTS 2 AGENTS*: Anans, Rae 5Co., Qaebeo ; Wm. Brookte, Philadel- phia ; H. A. Allen, Portland, Boston , Montreal. OUR AGENTS fin, :ill ri riofiee :33 opPfaalrIVILibryleof Canada," Gough's "Platform Echoes," Dorohester'e "Liquor Problein," Sem P. Jcines' "Living Worde," 'The Cottage Physician," Gough's "Sunlight and MAKE MONEY Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc., Popu- lar Books I Liberal Terms I Write for ceirulars, terms ete., to Wuatem, BRIQGS., Publisher Toronto. J. &J TAYLOR - , PATENTED -- AND VALI DOORS, &O. SAF ES Toronto Safe Works. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS WE have Unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper office's. Terms, one percent. Satcsfaotion guaranteed. SN'We have now four good establiehments for sale ati a bargain, and one publieher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company, 33 and 35 Adelaide St.• W. Toronto, 'Ont. 'cycles 1.2iCD Second - Hand Bicycles and TxicycIes. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. MORONTO Curium Sornen-4 grand chance to acquire a thorough knowledge of garment outting in;a11 its branches. Now's the time to enter. Good cutters in great demand, big wages. Terms on ap plioation. S. comusoir, 122 Yonge-st, Toronto. TEM BOlIER INSPECTION and Instil, mice Company el Canada, Then I stealthily crept downstairs, put on .A -Consulting Engineers and Solleitors of Patents. my shoes in the hall and let myself out at TORONTO. the front door. As I pasted aoliceanan et O. Bess Chief Engineer. A. FRASInt See'y-Treas. half a block away I told him thatl had ob- Wre!?xt &Ma week andexpenses street. suppose t cl,me. ORK served an open door as I came down the paid. 'Valuable outfit and parEculars I he had iosedfor ; free. Ike.O.VICERIElf, Augusta, Maine. On the next day I gave the letters to my friend, together with the book and other pa pers. The book contained interesting me- morandum, which in connection with one or two of the • papers, would probably have made a good case against the scoundrel, but my friend did not want tobother him, • That night I kept nay appointment with him and he had cheek enough to try and get the mon- ey, saying that he had burned the; letters and showing me a box of charred paper. 1 told him that we had the letters and were about to prosecute him on the strength of a charge of forgery, based upon documents found in his pooket. He wilted, begged and got away. I never saw him again." Crofters tor Canada. The experiment of tranaplanting a limited number of Scotch crofters to the Canadian North-West, at the joint expenses of the Imperial Government, the Canadian Govern- ment and private parties in Scotland, is about to be tried: The modest slim of $60,- 000 is asked of our Parliament, and will, no doubt, be granted. Debt Paying Company --Limited. SI—"But, Charles dear, how do yoU in- tend to deal with those terrible debts of yours ?" He—" Oh, they're all right; I've gat a splendid idea. I'm getting up a limited company to pay 'em off ln • Even in England, which has always been very liberal in matters of art, a demand oc- casionally makes itself heard for the en- couragement of native talent. A portion of the musicol press are attacking the Birming- ham festival committee tor again giving a commissio mto Dvorak when, as they say, all % the usics. oung blood in the country is waiting for).‘Ohaime to bloedom and ripen into composers of oratorios, cantatas and symphonies. CAUTION :—Farmers wishing to avoid Lawsuit are warned against buying or news an infringing bagholder manufactured in Mid. • diesex, Ont. The genuine article is stamped l'The Dandy" and "Patented 1887" as required by a w. W. 0. ALLTIN & Co World 13uildin g, Toronto CANAIDA SHIPPING CO.—Beaver bine of Steamships. sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, $50 and $00. Return tickets, $60, $90 and 1110 according to steamer and accommodation tnter- mediate, 130; Round trip tickets, $60. Steerage, 120; Round trip tickets, $10, For further particulars and to secure births, apply to H. E, MURRAY, Genera. Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Aeents in the different Towns and Cities. Young Men SUFFERING from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; alto Mums -Acorn and OLD Mete who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over -work, and in advanced life teal the consequences of youthful excess, send fox and read M. V. Lubon's Treatise on the Dieeases of Men. The book whll be tent sealed to any address on receipt of two 3e. stamps, Addrees 2,2. V. LUBON, Wellington St E., Toronto, Ont. MERCHANTS .. BUTCHERS AND TRADERS GENERA/Lex. We want a goon kfAN in your locality to piolc up 410.411.X2IPISICIATEI • filLiTIMPION V.,.) proved sates, at prices within the reaoh of all. Scan send you a safe, made in the best manner,with Com. bination Look, and well finished in every re- spect, for $40, on de. livery at your station. Send for circular. S. S. , KIMBALL, 577 Craig St., P. 0. Box 945, Montreal, P. Q. CARRIAGE TOPS la, 11410; :5 CONROY'S • ellWilanVia an'eatiOnanterinenteeenatolinanna: When I say Cuitroli do not mean merely to Stop them for a time, and then havethenere- turn again. I MEAN- A R.A.DIOAL CI:TRE- E have made the disease of Prrs, EPILEPSY or FALLING SXOTIENESSe A lifelong sttidy. 1 reARRANT my remedy to Omen the worst oases, Because others have failedi s no reason. for not nowreceiving a cure. Send at on ce tor a treatise and a FRE E BOTTLE of my, INFALLIBLE REMEDY, Give Express and Fest Office. It costs you nothing /or a trial, and it will Cure you. Address. Dr, H. Os BOOT. 87 Yong° 8e, Toronto, Ont. --oeneatenetentenieenteenatenaneetWeentenniatteetneat Whaley,Royce Go 283 rouge Street, • Toronto. The Cheapest:place in Canada for BA !ID INSTRUMENTS New and second-hand. Agents for- ' BES SOIV " and 0164 BAND & ORCHESTRA. 14Itiero. Repriring of Baal to shramente aspeeletty f -keel nen Have all the latest improvements, and are unelquellei for durability, style and convenience. The leadine carriage buildets sell them. ASK FOR THEM and BUY NO OTHER Cook's Gem rHE greateet die- e eovery of tLe preeent age for Rego - GATING TEM Booms A.NDOuRING ALLBLO( 73, Latin AND KIDNEY COMPLAINTS. A. Per. teat Blood Purifier. A few in Hamilton who have been benefitted by its use : Mrs. M. Keenan, 192 Robert St , cured of Erysipe- as of 2 years' stand - ng ; Robert Cornell, 24 South Se , daugh- ter of Epileptic Fits liter six yea& sailer. ing ; Jennie Birreil, 55 .ouin; et., waren de weakness,- and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Catimtere St , eured of Liver Complaint and B liousness, used on y three 8 fifty-eent bottles; Kra. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St , BAKING POWDER troubled for years with Nervous Proatration to o sinall bottles gave hsr great relief. Sold at 80e. gi81.0T. li'. DALLEY. th 00.. ore:mister,. Canadan Baking Powders when you can got as good Whydo you use those Expensive American and i BREADMAKER'S YEAST and wholesome at one half the price 7 Prove it by try. big the (look% Gem. Manufactured by ALWAYS AHEAD! A EI,LIS 86 KEIGHLEY, - Toronto. Yeast took first prizes at 132 BREAD made with this Township and County Fairs in Nervous Deloility et* Ontario in Me, at such places as Flesherton, Marldiare,Whit- f or us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty. DR. GRAY'S Specific has been Med for the pas by, ctc. Over io,000 ladies have Addres 0. S. PAGE, Hyde Park Vermont, U.S. fifteen years with great SUWON, in the treatment) ofamities letters and postal cards to say that it is maperior to any Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex. yeast ever used by thetn. It ceases, over-worked brain, loss of vitality, ringing in makes the lightest, whitest,' the ears, palpitation, eto. For sale by all druggists, sweetest and most wholesome bread, buns rolls and. buclol Price el per box, or 6 boxes for On or will be sent by• • wheat caltes:Direetions in each mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet en applieetion package with full instructions. THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto, TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENTS, WILL SHARPEN the Hnite WITHOUT REMOVING IT F11.011 THE MACHINE. leo farmer should send his machine into the field without one. Sample by mail, 800. CLIEDIBET et Co., Toronto, Whenever your Stomach et BoVvele get dub of 08 der, causing Bilioushese. Dyepeptila, or Ind*estion and their ettenclant evils, tone et once a dole of Dr, ClersOn'S Stomach Miters. Best torolly medicine. All Druggists, 60 °onto t • OF THE II/DI,E—Dy CHARLES or VOSTIM. Profusely Illustrated --Sales Marvellous -- Nearly 400,000, Send 11.50 for a copY• rind go to work. Agents wanted, Address, A. G, WATSON, Manager, To rcnto Willard Treat Depeeitory, Toronto . /11WALPII linsinetts sCollege, 01.1aLtIT, ONT.-- This popular Institution, 130W in its 4th 'Year, f, 0,115 a grand work for the education ef young 'men and women in those branches, a knowledge ef 'Al& le so essential to the intelligent and succesaful management of pi actical affairs. Its graduates are eeetywhere giving signal proof of the thoroughnese of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to the monettry value el itp conrse of study. The Fourth Arnii1 Circular, giving full information., wit be inniled free, Address M. IlscCotatiog, Principal. WESTE" MACH1N ERY 14fl1t IMMENSE STOCK Of Machinery to soled from. Omni for Lists. •Et. W. Pricilliso Brantford, Out. • oottameamodesempemomm The Periection of Ifinown Food. • Johuston's loluld Beef has 4 Wide Field Of Usefulness, To Children it se. ouresa strong, muscular development. To Nursing Illothert; it is a most valuable food. Dyspepties receive great benefit from it because it can be digested by the weakest stomach. In eases of Physical Exhaustion or Hotta Over.Strain it Will he found a Powerful Restorer. Athletes use it With great beeefit when training, and to all it is The Great Strength Giver. Capital and Ilt&ds now OV6r $3,0041,000: BEAD OFFICE. " 15 TOR.ONT0 ST., TOR(NTO. A Rome Company, EstaldiShed October 1871. To this Date, Ootobet 81, 1e87, there Imo been teterne,d Tothe heira of Policy holdere (death -claims)... ... .... . . . .. ,..9,840,240 00 To the holders of matured Brodowinent Polleies........ . . .. ..... . „ .. — .... . . 00,40e 'Oe To Polioy-holdere on surreeder of Polities.. ... ....... . . . . — .... .. . ... 08,080 00 To Policy -holders for Cash profits (including those aliocelid and beinioakr,„ ...... 482,644 02 To holden of Anneity Donde. . . .. 10,067 81 Loaned to Polioy-holders oe the'Scourity Of their Policion . . .... ... 89,264 08 eLtio°,174 41 Policies in Force over l0,060. Amount over $15,4b dlett GO PRESIDENT -110X. SD& Iv, RewtAun, CJ3., 1,0„11.0. VICE.RRESIDt'NTS—WILtam Ermoxaf, EDIVABD HOOPER, Esq. 3. IL MACDONALD* Managing Dirtttoro Policies letnimielitible Alter 2 Years eta ledcleanble After 8yeets.