The Exeter Times, 1888-6-7, Page 1eteneuveeoleneeeeete, Mee:reel
London, Enron. 8.3 Bruce.
(Ionia No)1em-, paeeenger.
Loudon, depart „. „, 7.48 A. DX. 4. e5r .er
Liecen Qv:seeing 8.23 5,20
Clendeboye ...8,01 5.4
Centralia ... 8.45 5.45
Exeter „ • 8.66 5.67
Heated). • 9,08 6.00
... 9,14 6.17
. 9,22 6,26
... 10.00 7.08
eippea ..„„
Clinton ,
Come Serene,
Dlytti • 88 4.65
Ieondeeboxo' ... 7:47 4.2C1iii5
an„.• 8.07 4.45
Brueetiold *"...• 9.26 5,04
• 8.84 5.12
V. 13
eland eh eye
Lucan Crossing
8.56 ' '5133
,.. 9,07 5.45
... 19.18 5,66
,., 9,24 6.02
I)IOKS01\i, Barrister,
eitor ef Supreme Court,NotaryPublic
.hitneyancee Commiesioner, &o. Money to
Ofticie ii rallSOD'S Bleak, Exeter,
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Etc.,
EXETER, e OhlTehe,
"Officeleamwell'aBlock Hall sold office.)
_solicitor in the supreme Court of Ontario.
vonveyaucser, Commissioneri &o„ (tee Speoial
attention given to the collection, of claims in
tbe 'United State si . Patents procured, Money
• t
Block, St, Marys Ont. '
, t
Batisters) Solicitors, Notaries Publ,ic
0011VeyaDCOTS8zo, &c.
Ara'Money to Loan at Lowest Rates. ol
' B, V. ELLIOT, J, many.
.11...1.. •
OF101C.IE : over 01.1rE IL'S Illank
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction,
..L.A. •
Sam -troll's Block, Illaiwt, Exeter,
Extracts Teeth without
pain,bTfivingTTeiileYel'llngs ailoirael
. - work the best possible. Goes
, •„ le to ztexpert on last Thursday in
each month: -
r.rri UTZ D M
2 .2
k_.)1• 0 Mc oath i sr esiden c e Exeter
. P. S ,GrieduateVictoriallniveesity.Offi es
ender e sidenc em omi tie nLa bor a.tor y , Exe ter
Tin. RYNDIVIAN, ooroner for the
1 , County of Huron. Office, opposite Mr.
grling's store,Exeter.
DO. J. A. ROLLINS, M. 0. P. S
o. Office, Main St.Exeter,Out.liesiden
te houeerecently occupied by -P. aft:Phillips,
T_TENEY EILBER, Licensed Ano -
.1 -1- tioneer for Hay, Seephen, and McGilli-
vray:Townships: Sates conducted at moderate
rates. Office -At Post-office,Crediton, Ont.
TORN GILL, Auctioneer for the
El Townships of Stephen, Hay and Usborne
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
Graduates of the Ontario Veterinary College.
OFFICE : OBS door SOEtli of Town Ban,
per cent, '25,000 Private Funds- Best
Loaning Companies represented.
Barrister, Exeter,
Establishedin 1863.
This company has been over Eighteen
rears insnocessful operation in Western On-
,ario,andcontinues to insure egainstloss or
teenage by Fire ,Buildings ,Merchan di s e ,efan-
if actorieri,and all othe c de scription s ofjinsur- 1
ible property. Intending insurers have the
mtion. of insuring on the Pxemiuna Note or o
'wile System. 1
During the paet ten years this Company ,
Las issued 57,096 Polices. covering property '
o theamou utof $40,872,038 ; andpaid inlose- i
I 5 a lone$ 700,752,00 1
AosetS, 8176400.00, consisting el Cash
t Bank, Government Deposit , an d the unass-
ssedPremiumerotesonbandandin forcerne (
ne Wets:era; M D. PresideLt. c. M. Taynon, 3
1ecrotary. .7.13. t(II0IIES,IIISp00 tor. CHAS: i
NELL Agentfor Exeterandvicinity.
unamannsaleage 3
rile Great English Prescriletiietil. I
-- A. successful -Xedicine used over • - 1
80 years in thousande of cases,
kpk Cures Spermatorrhect, Nervous t
4 Weakness, Emissions Impotency t
and au diseases caused by abuse. e
BEFORE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Armee 1
11 ackages Guaranteed td Cure Own all others
, .Ask your Druggist for The Groat lEuttll•h
e' 'erietion, take no substitute, One package
1/Stx $5, by mail. Write for Pamphlet. Addreed
etetrelta Chemical co.. Detroit. Miens c
Barber Shop,
_ ,
A Hast;ngs. Prop m
, b
having and Hair cutting in the latest styles ti
f the art. o
Every attentien paid td :netting b
adies and Chdd'
rens Hair.
......._ s,
Market Square
General Store
The undersigieecl would inform the pub-
lic that he has juet received his
A full line of Dry -Goods, Hats (43 Caps, and
Crockery, Boots and Shame
Those wishing anything in tny line will
find it to their advantage to call and in
spect my gopcls and prices.:
-Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
•Te P. Ross.
Bneeiss.-Mr. 8. Malcolm:son, Of Goder-
iota, offered the Englieh estate for sale last
week, but did not get a bid high enough to
suit him, go ho deoided to advertise for
tenders -Mr. C. H. Wilson bought athoro.
bred bull and ram last week. -The Sabbath
Schools of Grand Bend circuit are arrang-
ing for,their anuriel picnic at L ake Huron,
to be held at Lake Huron on Wednesday,
June 201h. All Sabbath School workers
are invited. The Boston brass band is ex-
pected to be present. -Our people nave a
great deal of respect for your village, but,
owing to its geographical position, we can-
na favor any arrangement tmget our mail
matter distributed at your post office. -
jack Frost is out again, and has laid the
corn and bane low. -Miss Ellen Humble
is very sick with fever.
Beatles. -The Texan wont go without
shoving. -The TJnion Sohool Rouse has
not been sold yet. Many would like to see
the Council purchase it for a township hall
as it is far better fitted for that purpose
than their present hall. -The boys assem-
bled on Saturday evening for the purpose
of tailriding or tar -and -feathering but the
ame did not putlin an appearance. -A large
pig jumped into Mr. Sidney Snell's cellar
the other day, and SOMO engineering skill
was needed to gatit out. Moral: Eadithere
been a bouse-keeper there the cellar would
not have been invaded. -A new gravel pit
has been opened. on the farm of Mr. R.
Herat:earn which peomisee to pan out well.
-As Mr. Tercel Harris was helping to out
wood with e circular slaw the driving belt
broke, and one end slapped him on the
head, so that hag almoet knocked gauge -
less. -A daughter of Mr. E. Williams has
been very sick, but is now recovering. -Boy.
E. Kershaw, of Centralia, preached very ao-
ceptably to a large congregation in Elimville
Church on Sunday evg. latt.-Our Pastors
will be away next Sunday. -Two strange
boys made their appearance in the village
last week. This changes the scale; there
used to be two girls to one boy.-Prepara-
lion for the S. S. entertainment on Domin-
ion Day have been commenced.
• Hee
PEIBSONAL.-Mrs. Link and son, also Mr.
Kobb, of Berlin, were the guests of Mrs, E.
Bossenberry last week. Mr. IL returned
home on Monday last. -Mr. and Mrs. D.
Surerue, of the Bronson Line, acoompanied
by Ur. Moritz, of Zurich, left on Tuesday
morning for Dakota. Mrs. and hire. S.
intend sojourning with their sons for a few
months. Mr. Moritz, we learn, is on a
prospeoting tour. While being sorry at
losing Mr. M. as a ()alien'we hope he will
find a enitable location in Dakota. --Mrs. A
G. Dyer, of Exeter, is the guest of her sis-
ter, Mrs. Steinbacla.--Mr. and Mrs. D.
Steinbach were the guest of the latter's
brother, and our old town'iman, at Goder-
bah on Sunday and Monday.
13nrers.-We are sorry to learn that Mr.
Ed. Bossen13erry's trotting mare, Maud B.
s still in, a very precarious condition. She
s yet in Seaforth under the treatment of
Mr. Elder, V. S., of that place. We hope
o see Maud B. around in good ahem° again.
We can safely say that in a few weeks our
ittle town will be able to present AS good,
f not a better appearance than any village
f ite size in tbe country. New eidewalke
re being laid on the principal streets, new
rains are being put down, and the streets
re undergoing a thorough renovating.
What we want next is shade trawl, to be
lanted along each:side of the streets which
an be' done at a ' very small expense.
f each property owner would make a move
In this direction iu the Nitre° of a yery few
ears Zurich would present quite a nobby
ppeartmce. We notice that Mr. F. Hess
as already made preparations in this di-
eotion. By doing thie it adds greatly to
he appearanoe of town property, and also
o the value of same.
(From Haire Journal of Health.)
Bakipg powders are properly compound-
ed, and containing pure cream of tartart
re inore convenient than yeat ; aed bread
ncl peetry made with them are jest no
boloome mid far more palatabe.
We are in sympathy with the natinufac-
mere of the Royal taking Powder -who
ommenced and are Vigorbursly conducting
he war against the use of edulterated
akink powders,
Belem committing oureelvee, however,
6 made tests of a enfti cient "limber of
airing powders to satisfy oureelvee that
c eubstitution of Alum for eteam of
rtar in their opposition has tot been
er ektimated, wInte a careful examination
the Royal Baking powder confirms our
lief that Dx. Mott, the Goverment Chem -
t, when he siegied out and emtimended
is powder for its wholetonieneest did it
holly in the interests' of the public.
We do not hesitate to say tba,t the
oyal Baking Powder peoole deserve the
latitude of the community whom they are
steaming to protect.
Publisher s and Proprletore.
R. S. Hoclgin's auto -biography will be
written up next week.
The Exeter Tuens is for sale at Miss
Atkinson's book store.
Albert Carroll has been promoted, to
be standard beam:: in the Salvation- nmay,
Jack Coursey reports the McGillivray
crops as looking splendid. Re pays fre-
quent visits to the Old DUE'S Chest.
George -StanleY says he is prepared to
horsewhip the Luau correspondent to the
Teems. He is away up on his musole.
Malcom and Christopher H. held a
private interview in MoLean's barn vowing
vengeance to the Treles oorrespondent.
Leonard Fox purposes evangelizing your
correspondent, He is e very persuasive
glibed tongued orator, but he he's meaeured
hiseman wrongly,
Frank Quigley left Luoan ThureclaY
morning last to take a Position in the arra
of Messrs. niftily Bros., photographers,
London, where he Will finish his studies.
James Marr, Into reeve of McGillivray,
walked into town on Friday last, his son
Benny having visited the town the previous
Hodgins, grocer, has purchased a
bottle of Mr. Brewer's hair vigor and Bays
it is the best article of the kind he ever
Wllie Shaver spent the 24th stringing
buttons, be having the largest collection
in Middlesex. They will be on exhibition
at the LUCRE fall show.
R, S. Hedging intends erecting a large
pork packing establishment on the corner
of Main and Alice streets, Be will employ
Chinese workmen, and says he will be
able to control the Lucan market. Bob is
O pusher.
Berty Shipley arrived in town on Thurs-
day evening encased i66 an oil -skin and
otherwise disguised. Berty would not
leave the bus but was driven to the station
in post haste, so the boys would not get a
chance to road him. Your correspondent
was apprairsed cf his arrival, by telegram.
Chrittophor 31, came to town last
Thursday night The moon was hidden
behind a MondeChristopher stealthily
tip -toed in by the alleways, climbing sev-
eral board fences, tearing his pants trying
to hop -skip over the last one. Re drew up
in the rear of the Western hotel. He went
home at 2 Gs M in the morning.
There are a great many people after the
scalp of the Lucan correspondent. Your
correspondent, however, :who has had some
ittle experience in catering to the publio
n this line, presents his oopapliments, asks.
no favors, and. is quite willing to abide by
he consequences. Please buy a Times.
They are for vale it Miss Atkinson's mews
epot. Price 5 cents.
Christrapher 11.,' the solid man whgitakes
part in all our loud sports was little•known
utside his own townehip until lately.
Christopher H. has sprung into promi-
enoe by his far selling intelligence and
orce of character. He is a man of sterling
'Ivo rth and a devoted lover of sports. Chris-
opher would have lingered on the shadee
obscurity had it not been accidentally a
hain of circumstances whioh brought him
onspicuously before the public in the
elebrated sparring match which took
lace here some tei weeks ago between
orkey and Ikey. Owing to his fair and
nbiased deoisions in that fight, he was
nanimously chosen as referee in the
raith-MoLeod race, when he again
roved himself a sportsman of the first
rder. We understand that Christopher
as been invited by the president of the
aledonian society of Chicago to sot RS
afore° in the heavy weight contest, to
ake place in that city in October next,
so been invited to be a judge of old log
abin quilts at the Granton fall shop:. As
is /IRMO implies,. he is of Spanish origin,
eing a direct decendant of Christopher
olurabus, his ancestors being sailors on
oard the Sluttish Armada, which was
reeked on the coast of Ireland. Claristo-
her was born very young, but has since
creased in years and as this auto-biogra-
hy proves he is now one of the leading
orts of his township, and has a bright
nd promising future before him, and
mild no adversity mar the coming
ants; Chifitopher may yet beeetne
remier of this great and widespread Do -
of Canada. Uhrietopher feels
any rrond of the. erainence into -which
has 60 lately sprting. Exchanges please
son, 0 son, what bast thou
ne ? Thou art going to Botany Bay.
hese were the thoughts of old Sal Turner
her noble hearted pride, her joy, and
r copper colored comfort, was being
raignecl before three. of our justices of
e peace. The subjeot of this thetch,
ylmer Turner, is a copper colored youth
some 19 summere. Till within the last
ar Aedmer hag been an exemplary young
an. In fact he was at one time standard
arer in the Salvation Armty and dia.
guished himself for meekness and piety
d wee one of the leading lights at the
rraeks ; bta the tempter came in the
m of a tall jaundiced looking female
o has lately been divorced from one of
e old pioneers, who in a moment of
(Amass listened to the eiren'e voice and
de her his wife. But the pioneer
mbling to her faithfuleees discarded her
tech to her Benefaction ; but with tweet
honeyed woicle the approached the
rdant Aylmer and seduced him from the
the of virtue and right, crying "Come to
arDIS Aylmer darling, bid. your mother
d the Coons leeg farewell ; for now that
aye left my -lord, you're as welcoine as
flowers of Aylmer, being of a
eeptiblo turn Of mind, was eaeily ma-
pped and ensnared. into the devices of
evil clieposed woman, who need him as
ool to further her own sordid designs.
or Aylmer little suspeoted that she was
ying him for a Februaty ; but the
h her eon tongue and wintieg \vase'
him from tho path of rectitude, and
him to tap the old pioneer for his
the result ie that Aylnaer le now
guishing in a suite of apaetmente in the
tel a. Kelley on the banks of the beatti-
Thema, in the foteat city of• London,
etabeieting Kelley's beet skinny,
the way of the transgresect le hard.
O etas the sad tale of Batts ana
feld man Thomas',
George Robinson is a great tracer,
Betty Smith has fully tecoveeed from
the effects of his eace.
Jim Boland still wear': his overcoat.
Sunamer will ame when Jim discards it
Aylmer Turner was found guilty
larceny et London on Saturday last,
Johnny Skeet offersee100 reward for
raisoreants who amputeted the tail of
flue two year old colt one day last week.
Thos, Hall spends his Sieliday afterno
in Atkinson grove reading ugly Ike or
Duce/weer of the weetern prairies.
J, D. McColl, pollee Constable of Lend
with hie wife 'spent a few day in Im
last week.
Master Ferguson of London townsl
arrived in town on a lumber -A:Igen
Thursday last and when lea seen
travelling towards the north end of
village. MasterPsbenzine'sconntenance h
not been seen in town for some we
previously as it was whispered around
was afraid of being roasted through
Riohaiel Simpson, blacksmith of 01
deboye, perposes establishing a large fi
comb manufactory in Clandeboye,
intends utilizing the parings from
horses' feet which he has been collecting
years,. in the manufacture of the oom
Ur. Stinpson has received the 'eervices
FranCis Jones as foreman, he having serv
an eight year apprenticeship in Gernea
in the comb business. Wesley Blackw
*ill act as travelling agent for the oonoe
as he is a young man of strict bustle
Waite? and unblemished character,
doubt he will make the business a su
A very enjoyable euchre party ,a
dance took place on the Coursev line
Tneeday evening last. A number of t
elite of Lucan were present -both ladi
and gentlemen -progressive euchre bein
the principal entertainment till about
o'olook wlen a choice little lunch w
served. The principal event of the eve
ing was a dancing tournament betwee
John Coursey and joseph Rail of th
village. The Italian string band of Lo
don was present, The contestants were t
dame four differenticlances and Christ
pher H.. the old reliable, was of °ours
ohoseu as referee. The four dances wet
a Efighland fling, statue clog, Irish jig an
a well known dance in this seetion, Calle
lean on the Hodgins. Mr. Hall was th
winner of the three first dances and M
Course), singularly distinguished himse
in tbe latter, his steps being simply
marvel of grace and 13eauty. The contee
lasted 1 hour and 17 minutes and th
close Mr. Hall, who was labeling uncle
eevere attack of pneumonia, was ecora
.pletely used' up. On the referee, Christo
pher FL, declaring Mr. Hall the winner
beautiful young lady at once advanced an
pinned a purple silk rosette on his lef
breaet. Air. Hall made suitable reply an
a pleasant evening's entertainment •wa
brought to a dose. We understand th
match is again to take place some overdo
next week, Christopher H. again to act a
referee, . Mr. Coursey contends that if he
has on ehis regulation dancing jump h
cau defeat Mr. Hall with ease.
The 13 abject of this sketch, Bill Ned
Stanlny, is one of the most enterprising
men in ,Lucan. Bill Ned, like all other
illustrious men, was born quite young on
hie father's hoinestead :on the 2nd con. of
Biddnlph in the year 1842, Away hack in
those days the• settler had scarcely any of
the comforts of this progressive period, and
Bill Ned being the first arrival in the
Stanley manaien and in fad the settlement
he was the wonder of the whole neighbor-
hood, and settlers for miles around came to
see the little ouriosity. Standing with
glaring eye 061(1 gaping mouth the little
cherubim, Bill Ned, put in his best squalls
much to the satisfaction of his admirers.
At the age of ten years Bill Ned's first
achievement was the invention of a stone
boat, Ind at fourteen he invented an im-
proved leather sucker forhie father's pump,
Bill Ned unlike the immortal George Wash-
ington, who was whipped for outtin5 his
father's choicest cherry tree, spent the
earlier years of his life laying low. the
eergin forest. One day while felling
monarch: of the forest, ho encountered a
large black bear and two cubs all of -widish
he 'slaughtered with his little hatchet. At
the age of 20 Bill Nod meandered into
:Own dressed in a hickory shirt and rattle-
snake breeches. Bill Ned, being of a
commercial turn of mind was disgusted
, with rural life, secured a situation in the
store of his uncle the well known general
merchant of this town, Mr. B. Stanley,
where by his industry and close attention
to business, he soon became a partner.
About the year 11470 a craze for collecting en
ancient and strange coins tered the head
of the intellectual 13111 Ned, and he has
One of the finest collection on this conti-
nent. Bill Ned and Sootth Willie viaited
the centennial held at Philadelphia in 1876.
Bill Ned there received a bronze Medal
for his ouriositiee. Bill Ned is now the
pet and pride of the old ladies of Biddulph
08 he settles every family dispute and
arrangeo every wedding for Mil& aroinicl.
Ite the earlier days, Bill Nod had a heavy
head of curly hair; but now he sports a
tkating rink on the fop of his cranium.
Bill Ned was a member .of the fishery
conemission last year, he being thoroughly
posted in the streame which flow through
the comity of Middlesex. Bill Ned is neW
an olcl land. mark in the village and hie
cheerful phisog and winning voice are one
of the principal features of ()lir booming
little village. As a 'wire puller he hap no
equal and is an ardent Coneervativeitt
polities. He 18 now in the prime ot life
and if no unforseen accidents occur Bill
Ned his a gerund and glorious future before
him. Among the many engagements of
his life \008 the clevelepinent of the Russel
patent foxes, and a coutraetinginterest in
the binding twine market of the county.
.Beth of these he has made a grand slimes
aa he advertises himself to be manager of
100 tons of twine aoet 120 tolls uf Remo'
fence wire for the season of 1888, Bill
Nod is the corning man for the political
honors of the North Riding of :Middlesex
and from Rile day ferwerd solicite the
stipport of all true Consereatives and half
heatted Grits. It ie the eernest wish of
hie admirers whose names is legioti that he
may long be spared to tot no clueroh Ward.,
066 OD
Sandy Imvett and wife of Granton paid
Lueart visit last week.
Thos. Anderson is at tho Royal, a guest
of Mr. Isaac liodgins.
Willie Matheson will not show his
curiosities at the fall shoW in llixoter.
Court for'the revision of the asseesment
roll of this village was held ha the Council
Chambers: on the 28011 ult. It. Armitage
complained against his :assessment which
is $1,800: The Court ruled against a 1 e-
duction. Mr. Mageiro's aseeesmeut for
e1.200 was also confirnaed by the Court.
Wm, Diamond's assessment for 8500 was
also confirmed. E. Mara Wa3 struck off the
roll for dog tax, his dog having died. On
motion the aesessment roll was accepted.
G. A. Seeemxx, Clerk,
A. very remarkable occurrence happened
to M. Harry Dobbs a few weeks ago.
About a month ago he purchased a horse
hem W. J. Smith vshioh had two large
curbs on his hind legs. Two weeks ago
Mr. Dobbs started for the county of Bruce
where he is now engaged erecting the
Russell fence and when driving past the
residence a Dr. Rollins of Exeter, Iltat
gentleman's large bull -terrier dog made a
dash at the horse and completely bit off
the lour]) on the off bind leg, Mr. Dobbs,
who always carries a bottle of l3rewer's hair
vigor with him, at once applied a dose to
the wound and drove on to Clinton where
he put up for the night. He again applied
another dose of the vigor before retiring
for the night, and his amazement may be
better fret:glued than desterjbed when on
visiting the barn in the morning the curb
had Completely disappeared and a line
heavy coat of hair had completely covered
the spot where the wound was the day
before. •
Bunars.-Two daughterof Mrs. Kean-
staber of Detroit, are at present visiting
here. -Mr. Wm. Walker who has been in
the employ of Mr. John Pope has gone to
Exeter. He will likely return again in a
few weeks. -Mr. Jonas Baker is again
working at his old place Rothaerneel and
Hartleite-Mr. Henry Willert, our genial
landlord has improved the -appearance of
the Conunercial. He has had a new plat-
form and balcony made and the hone
thoroughly renovated from top to bottom
and it now will be found one of the bat
hotele-second to none -in the country. -
The post office has been removed to Mr.
Mr, Simon' s store, 385, Mr. Jo.
Snell being post master, and T. Simone,
assistant.-PrOf. Campbell, the well-known
phrenologist has been here for a couple of
weeke giving lectures and examining heads.
More particulars next week. -The Dash-
wood Roller Mill Co. have made another ad-
dition to their mill in the shape of a new
sett of rollers, style B. made by the Geo. T.
Smith Co., Stratford. They haye now one
of the beet mills in the county, and are
prepared to meet the wants of the com-
munity. If they sell the stones, they in-
tend putting in another sett of rollers,
Fenn. -One day last week the woollen
mills had a•narrow escape from being de-
stroyed by fire. It appears that sparks
from the smoke stack had ignited the en-
gine room roof, which at onoe made a blaze
but was soon discovered, and with the as-
sistance of a few hands it was speedily ex-
Bantre.-A large number of our town
folks intend going to London on Thursday
next to hear the celebrated Gilmore Band.
A rare treat is anticipated. --The Reeves,
Mears. V, Ratz, C. Eilber and H. Either,
are at Goderich attending County Council.
-Mrs. and Mrs. joseph Senior and Miss
Wood, of Exeter, spent Sunday in town. -
Mr. and Mrs. Davidson, of Exeten were al-
so among the visitors in town on Sunday
last. -Our band was out on Friday evening
last, but owing to the rain woovere unable
to hear any more than a few tunes. --The
photo of the 24t3j of May procession in Ex-
eter has arrived, and is commanding alarge
sale. It is well worth having, and reflects
great credit on the artist, Mr. Jos. Senior,
Exeter. -Messrs, Wm. Lewis and W. Jory
and families spent Tuesday at the Grand
Bend by having a family
Win. Wass is slowly improving in health.
Mr. B. Wallis returned from the west
on Saturday.
James Gerinsin has purchased a thoroug-
bred trotting horse. .
The crops are in a flourishing condition
in this section, due to the- recent rains
which made all nature look up and rejoice.
The Trues is very eagerly looked for by
the literary men, as it giees all the news,
entertaining and edifying.
The Bev, D. Beatunont lectured in the
Methodist church on Tuesday evening in
behalf of the bible society. The following
Officier8 ;yore appointed for the present year:
G. Carter, presidont; jav Grant, sec. and
Mr. Q Ironsido's teatn ran away one day
last week taking the verandah p051 166 front
of Mr. 13unt's store along with them. Mr,
1,, with the assistance of J. and W. Grant,
succeeded in bringing them to a standstill
before they reached the popular bakery.
The man likened unto a "whited sepal -
eine full of all uncleanness" don't under-
stand the aegertion made by your sereant
respectirm the stand he took in the tecent
high wheel agitation, having devoted much
of his time in the interest of ht s brother
eoon of the "Limo Xiln Olub," to the great
delight of his stepfather Ayhner. I will
therefore give a brief explanation that he
may become acquainted with the well
ehepen literature., When asked tar his
signature to a petition in behalf of a high
echool he replied: I am going to the city
to -night, all to -morrow and tny wife will
eign it for you, The ommter petition •he
Also refteeed to sign, thereby taking on
mote the nature of au opoesura then a
mana genuine shirk where the proper
spirit' is required. I now trust that thie
eXplanation wilt prove satisfactory, and
that in the future he will -be visibly and
Verily a man in word, cleedand thought.
'The MIso
coriA. ",m1-041) B TA AL T A MEV
1)ai4.3.1p Qapital
llestionnd $704
Oast% the Pnblic 4 PER, CENT , INgeFatlre
PEI/ .41011Mfor money on <
For Money in
Savings Bank:Del-km'
(Lately 14e-0rcned.
For further particillars apply at The Ban
Alain Street, Exeter.
10 aLIMP!'tIoCOEp}:fra0,13SitaS-
tur aye; 10 6,103x. :N,lap
F. :
A. A. C. DENOVAxeter,oct, 4 007.
Grand Bend.
Mr, Robt. Felton paid a phort visit testae
old home laid week. Ho is looking well.
On Sunday evg. while Mr. and Urs. Am-
brose Allen were out tidying their horse
took fright --it being a colt -and they were
thrown from the buggy, Mrs. Allen getting
her face cut badly, while Mr. A. received a
few bruises, which we hope will not prove
serion s.
George Henshaw, a young single man,
tesed 27, residing ou the 6th conceesion of
West Nissouri, was arrested Tuesday morn-
ing by deteotives Graham and Allen on a
charge of rape. His alleged vietirn is his
cousin Minnie Renshaw, who resides on the
5th concession of the Sat110 township. It
is stated that on Friday last young Ren-
shaw took -a holiday to celebrate his birth-
day and Went calling. He called upon his
cousin, and while she was alone in the
house he assaulted her. Col. Petere res
rnancled the Prisoner to jail until the 1.2th,
refusing bail,
11 te understood that the committee who
investigated the (Merges preferred against
Rev. J. B. Longley, late pastor of Queen
street Methodist church, Toronto, have
reached a conclusion, and recommended
the distriot meeting to expel him. The
verdict of the committee was unanimous,
and acted upon at the meeiing of the To-
ronto District, which took place yesterday.
Rev. Mr. Longley attended in person at
the meeting of the Niagara Methodist Con-
ference Wednesday, and defended himself
from the rumours regarding 'domestic re-
lations,' contemplated 'separations,' etc.
Mrs. Longley was also present in defence
of her hueband. •
An oftjcial statement shows that, for
11 months of the current fiscal year
there was a surplus of $2,400,000 in the
Dominion treasury. The revenue for
May, on account of the consolidated
fund...amounts to $3,232,592.73.
Three cars loaded with silk from Pe-
kin, China, via C.P.R. ifrorn Victoria,
B. C., to New York. arrived at Smith's
Falls yesterday. The aggregate- value
of the cars is $500,000. The silk •was '-
entered at the customs in Victoxia on
291h May, and was shipped the follow-
ing day, coining east on the express
The next few months will have their
11 proporbion of active politics There
are now four seats for the Commons
vacant, Cumberland, Pictou, Nicolet
and Cardwell. Colchester will be va-
cated by the appointment of Mr. Mc-
Lelan to the Lieutenant -Governorship
of Nova Scotia, and Provencher by the "
elevation of :Mr. Royal "to the position
of Lieutenant -Governor :of the North-
West. East Elgin is vacant for the
Ontario Legislature, and there are
several local bye -elections yet to be
held' in the -Province of Quebec.
There is very little doubt that :public
opinion with reference to the Scott Act
has taken a deeided turn. On Wednes-
day the county of Stanstead voted for
the repeal of the act, although strong
temperance advocates fully expected
the result to be otherwise.
by for Jure. Summer Saunteringin Span-
ish Sau Sebastian, it a charming bit of
-descrip tire from the pen of Mrs. krank
Leslie, one of the most notable women of
the day, skilful in the management of a
great business and in literary eftort, in
prose or verse, The description of the
famous old frontier Spanish town, BOW be-
come a resort of gayety and fashion, is
full of characteristic touches. A. eeurions
theme is presented in "Some Plays that
Have held the Stage," and. other theatre
goers will wonder how few dramatists
smee Shakespeare have been able to re-
tain their hold on the public. ln "The
last of the Pines," we hear theforest moan
ancl sigh over their steady destruction,
rapid enough when_ the sturdy woodman
swung his axe in the glimmering light,
but terrible now that steam comes to
effect the work and bear away the troph-
iee. Who can fail to read with interest
the sketch of Charles Darwin, the great
thoughtful man, who has so revolutionized
the study of nature, opening up new lines
of thought, and showin,g a harmonious and
progressive development. A visit to the
Trappist Abbey of Gethsemane in Ken.
tucy, seems to carry us to far off scenes
and ages. The use and growth of a great
English paper and power, is given in
"The History of Punch." The etories all
are bright, attractive and wellewritten,
and the Popular Monthly for June gives
a most attractive and interesting 113058 of
reading for the pleaeant days when travel
or a shade(1 porch invite one to road.
A. grass -widow at Pontypool, aged
50, was married the other day to a
young man aged 25.
Wm. Gerlick aged 10 of Flushing L.
I., drowned himeelf the other day be-
eatiSe his mother had whipped him.
The Hensel! and Goderich baseball
clUbs nleyeci a game of ball at the lat-
ter place on Tuesday, the Soot° result-
ihg 16-9 in favor of Hensall.
Miss Agnes Knox, the talented elo-
cutionist of St. Marys, intends leav.
ing about the middle of J une for the
purpose of Making a professional tour
through Great Britain and Ireland.
The corner stone of the new Presby-
terian church at Parkhill was laid on
May 24113. Tho edifice will be a stile-
staticial brick buitdin,g, 60 feet long by
45 feet wide, with a seasion roOM and
Siihbath school rooin 30 feet by 4510.
rho whole is platted tin a pod stone
foundation and will cost about $12,000.
The church is placed on the Site of the
ow frame church, known as Itnox
Parkhill can boast of hying
very fine churches.,