HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-5-24, Page 5DISTRICT DOINGS, occurraneos of tho vast weeThrough- out (lie Neighborhood in a concise Form. St, Marys connell faits laet meeting repealed the cow bylarr and the bovines ere now allowed to run at large. Mr. Ralph Creswell, son of Edward Creesvvell, Esq., of Tuckersmith, left for Colorado on Saturday last where he intends taking a, rancho. The supplementary.estunates which cargo downdn Parliament on Mondey contain an item of $1,500 for improve - Went of liayfield harbor. Some of St, Mary's people are agtta- ting for the erection of another bridge acros% the Thames, at the foot of Park etreet, The "Company's" storehouse at the tation, Mitchell, has been purchased Trona Mr. Andrew Forrester, by Messrs Carter ct Sen, St. Marys. Price $1000. The population of Goderich has in, creased the past year by 109, the num- bers being 4029, as compared with 3920 for 1887. Mr. Wm, Cunningham, con 1, Mc- Gillivray, sold to London buyere. on Monday, a handsome team of horses for the neat sum of $280. Mr. Sam71 Jordan, or Fullerton, while driving a steer to Mitchell ono da,y last vveek it attacked him. He eine thrown high inte the air, and some what in urocl. W4119 r"einting a house the other clay Air. Win. Marshall, of St. Marys, fell a distance Of 10 feet and injured himself saverely. Cause, a defective ladder.' Mr. A. MoD. Allan, of Gocierich, left for the North West and British Colum- bia on Thursday of last vveek as wes- tern superintendent of the Manure°. -Wren' Life Assurance Company. I had tried many doctors and was given up by them as far gone into consumption, but was permanently cured by using Everest's Cough Syrup —Jas. Simpson, Aberarcler. By the sudden collapse of a small bridge in the vicinity of Carter's mill St. afarys'several tons of coet were precipitated to the botiomof the stream. John Clark., of St. Marys, County of • Perth, has been appointed solicitor of the Supreme Court of Judicature for Oatario and to become a notary pablic in and for the Province of Ontario. Dr. Williams: of Clintou, in cense- queues of the repeal of the Scott Act in Huron;will loose his commission as Scott Act P. M, but will still remain r a magistrate for that town. Mrs. Pyne, of St. Marys, while assisting to carry a trunk' up -stairs in the house of John Walsh, last week, fell to the floor beneath and broke one of her arms, collar bone, and all her ribs on one side. She died short- ly tttterwards. Mr. Henry Smart, of Parkhill, has received. intelligence from England last week that his mother had dropped dead on the street a few weeks ago. A few clays before she died she had written him and said she was enjoying - the best of health. Mr. Wrn. Dunseith of St. Marys, narrowly escaped serious injury the other day by thougetfully jumping into the cellar, and preventing •an upper ' floor which gave way, railing upon him. Abut 200 dozen of eggs were destroyed. The annual return of Division Court business shows that in the six courts in Perth county there were entered last year 1,553 suits, the amount of the claims being $56,334.73. The totaramount of suitora' money paid into court was $21,784.83, and the amount of suitors' money paid out of court; $21,856.5L Of the sults en- tered, 133 were for amounts exceed- ing $100, There were nine jury tlials and $88.,were paid toprors. Eight months ago Elizabeth and Jennie Quinland, sisters, aged respect- ively 20 and 18, left their home in Searorth, Ont., and came to Detroi& to engage in service. They secured situ- ations as waiters at the.St. 2.1nao Hotel and up to two weeks ago are reported as having been faithful servants. Thursday night, incompany with Win. Shepard, living at 1f18 Michigan Avenue they were lodged in the Central Police Station. Sergt, Ben High states tbat the •intervention of the police has rescued them on the brink of a ruin- ous life. Ur. 'ROA. Mutton, Fullarkon, lest a fine mare and celt this week, Hie loos is at least $200. Everest% Cough Syrup is the best in the country.—Duncan Puma, Frt P. O. „ For Rickets, IVIarasnans, and all Wasting Disorder S of Children, Soott's Enuflsion of Pure Cod Liver Oil, with l'Iypophesphites, is unequaled. Tho rapidity with which children gain flesh and ,Atrongth npon it i$ very wonderful, "1 The Ooderich Signal is • opposed to „"ave used Scott's Emulsion in cases of Rickets and Maritsa -am' of long standing. , • In every Cittle the improvement was :narked. --3. M. MAIN, M. D., Now York, Put ttp in 50o apd 11 8i80. Thirty vessels aro now waiting inThander Bay for the ice to leave Port Arthur harbor. Five 'empire(' persons have been drowned by the floods -in Mesopotamia. SHE SPEAKS FROM EXI'ERIENOE. Miss Edith Fox, of Amherstburg, Out., bad a severe entie of geinse. She writes : "I tried the doctor's medicine, but got no relief. I was told to try liagyard's Pectoral Ilalsana. After taking two doses I got relief and wben I had taken three parts of the bottle, I was completely cured." Sixteen shops and other buildings were burned iti Walliteebutg, Oat., on Friday night. , • FOUR YEARS OF SUFFERING. Mts. Torrance McNish, of Smith's Palls, Ont., after four years' intense suffering with Scrofula, from which her head bacarne bald, was cured by Burdock Blood Bitters, after the best medical aid had failed. Canada 3:,4, per cent. stock was quoted at . 105i on the I.,onclon Exchange last week. Seaforth has a popalatien 01'2,046, and 694 children of school age. A 000D COUNTENANCE'. Boils. Pitnplos, Blotches and Skill flum- or disfigure the countoeance. Parity the Blood, by using Burdock Blood Bitters to iomove the impure matter which loads it, and the result will be a clear skin, good complexion and perfect health. aey other road taping that town, btit in the event 01 further railway con- nection it favors the route from Guelph via Listowel, Blyth to Goderich. Everest's Extract of Wild 13Iack. berry never fade to cure diarrhoea, dysentery, &o.—the statements of scores who have tried it, 25c per bottle, for sale by all druggists. A very sad accident occurred in Lo- gan township on Wednesday fast. A pail of boiling water was left standing on a chair, when Edwin, the little 8011 of Ur, John Gr, Rock, pulled it over, scalding him from the neck down to the feet. -He died in a short time. While gathering eggs the other day; Mr. John 13atten, of the 141h conces- sion of Logan, found an eameedingly large egg, and upon breaking it and malting an examination a perfectly developed egg was enveloped by a layer of glare surrounded by a well formed shell. • The Canadian oatmeal combination bas closed up ten mills, and pays the owners from $300 to $800 a year to keepathenn closed. The total amount paid out in this way. is $62,120. Each mill 18allowed to produce a certain quantity, and on every barrel sold in excess of the allotment the miller is taxed 30 cents, and on every barrel short of hts allotment he is paid the ;eine ataxotint, Saute last October the third son of Mr. Wm. Hudson, ofHibberttownship has been a sufferer from a sore knee. l'he bone to above the knee, decayed. Medical skill having been tried in yam it'was determined • to amputate the limb. The operation was performed on -Monday lest. The'limb was taken off midway between the knee and the thigh, and the young fellow is doing ricely, A young lady of the 6th son., Grey, performed a most skilful surgical oper- ation a few lays ago, A cluck owned by this young lady had an egg for ten days which it could notlay, and think- ing the bird would die she caught it, brought it into the house, laid iton the table, and with a knife opened the duck, took out the egg, winch Was a very large one, and had got turned crosswise in the duck; the entrals, which were out of place, she putinto their proper position and stitched up the wound made by the knife. She kept the duck in the house for two days, and then let it out, and is now doing yell. • The Mitchell Advocate publishes the following younecman who worked in our employ fornaany years, and of whose honesty we never had a doubt, sent us the following letter this week, dated North Chili, N. Y. : "During the tirue I was in the habit of • sending the Advocate to my friends ; and also taking note paper from jobs which were given me to print, as well as some visiting cards. At the time of doing' those things they appeared very small, so Ida as committma a sin was concerned, but viewed under the light of God's Word they appear very large. I have determined to live a Christian lite, and when a person •beconaes •a real Bible Christian such things must be straightened up. Find enclosed $5.00, which I think will fully cover all loss you sustained. TEN'. ORANGEMEN KILLED. At a picnic by eatim; foal tua1e with nn pure Baking powder. ,Thc Imperial Cream Tartar Baking Powder is the only safe one to use. Absolutely pure. All grocers sell it, • Fire in Portage In Prairie on S'aturdtty morning destroyed ”0,000 worth of prop- eaty, - Dr,Forest, of Mount Albert, was nomin- ated by the New York Conservatives on Saturday, ' ME COLD. Daring the recent cel(1 weather here I had three fingers 1 rozeu. We had some Hagyard's Yellow Oil in the house and I tried ib with good results. Wm. Macklain, Montreal, P. Q. Sir Charles Tuppet expeets to sail for England on Thursday in coram.- with the Vice.gegtil party. . The German Government is trying to influence the leading banking houses against a Russian loan. Malarial poisons contain the ,germs of dangerous disett=es. If these poisons ac- cummulate iu the system, Typhoid, Billoyis Intermittent or Chill Fever is sure to fol- low. • Ayes Ague Cure is a warranted specific for malaria. Emperor' Frederick has been more troub- led by coughiug the last two days, but his general condition remains good. • The unrealised statement of the Inland Revenue returus shows a total for the month of April of :ifi487,810. A curia FOR DEAFNESS. There has heen many remarkable cures of deafness made by the use of Hagyard's Yellow Oil, the great household remedy for all Pain, Int:titillation and Soleness. Yel- low Oil awes Rheumatism, Sore Throat, and Orono, and ia useful internally and externally for ail pains and injuries. The Prince of Wales has-laft London for Berlin to attend the wedding of Prince Henry aud Princese Irene. It is removed at 13e,rlin that thetariff on Russian goods imported iuto Germany is about to be raised 50 per cont. LUCKY ESOAPE. Mrs. Cyrus lirlboure, of Boansville, Onto had what NUS th011gla to be it CAM= on her eose, and was about to atibmit to a cancer doctor's operation when she tried Burdook Blood' Bitters, whish effected a radical cure„ This medicine cures all blood diseases. Here Ernpu is making a 150 tou gun for Ilio Austrinn Governmeut, [mats r&o cou. structing 150 siege guts no the same order. CunerxV, ONT., 11183' 2od, 1897. One evening last week while Mr. and Mrs, Oxtoby, of Blanshord, were sitting in their kitchen, they noticed the laritch of the door move several" times, Mr. ()xtoby armed himself with a revolver, and no sooner was the door unfastened, than a revolver shot Was fired from withcnt, the bullet passing through the door, a few inches from where Mr. Oxtoby stood, and lodging in the ceiling over his head. Oxtoby -fired at the retracing figure and in the dulness noticed him fall, though whether it was frein the effects 0( 1110 bullet; or, that he trip- ped over a pile of stones that lay in his way, is not known. Unfortunate- ly there is as yet no clue to the would be murderer's identity. Frona the report relating to .the registration of births, marriages and deaths for the year 1886, we take the following particulate relating to the county Of finron : The number of births in that year was 1557, a de- drease of 25 over the preceding year. The total ratinber of marriages, 161, a decrease or 16. The total number of deaths, 581, a decrease of 30, 283 being males, and 298 females. The average death rate in LI uron. taking the yeara 1881 to 1880 as a coMparison, per 1000 of population was 83. The mai riages by denominations were: --.Episcepaz liana, 00 males, 53 females; Presbyter- ians, 152 gild 153; Methodists. 187 and 190, Rennin Catholics, 23 and 25; Bab - Vista, 7 and 7. 70 marriages took place in Decernber, benig almost dottble that /of any other months. Of the nintriagee, '2 mates were undet the ago of 20, and 58 females; 4 Males Were Oyer 50, and 1 15105 15; intieh the largest ntlatber Were marrieri between the ages of 20 and 30, for Made 44 men were married between the eget; of 85 and 40, only 14 women were tarried et these ages. Dress -Making! Mrs. Bissett and Miss Welsh beg to in- form.the public that they are opening out birsiness, and can be found on the corner' of William and Gidley streets, - Dress -making done in all the Latest Styles. ssons on Fancy Work givon.—Stamping a specialty. Orders promptly attend- ed to. A. call solicited. THE LARGEST SCALE WORKS IN CANADA. OVER 100 STYLES OF HAY SCALES, GRAIN SCALES, FARM SCALES. rEA SCALES, , IMPROVED SHOW CASES MONEY DRAWERS eat Choppers AHD BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES trams:se az rms.., • Write for terms C. WILSON& SONg 100 ESPLANADE STREET EAST TORONTO, ONT (lection this paper every time you NOTICE. TENDEEtS addressed to the under- signed. and tautened "Tenders for Indian Supplies," will be received at this office no to neon of T.IIWISDAY, 7th .7 une..18t18, for tho delivery of Indian $lIPP1108 atallt* the ftSeal year ending 30th Juno 1889, consisting of flour, bacon, groceries, aatuunition, twmo oxen, eows, balls, agricultural implements, tools, dce,, duty paid, at various pelitt8 jn Mtilitehit and the North-West Torritorieq, Forms of tender containing full particulars relative to,the supplies required, dates of de- livery, See., may be had by applying. to the nee dersigned, el to the Indian Commissioner at Regina. or to the Indian Office, Winuipeis. Parties may tender for each description of goods (or for any portion of each description of fmods) separately or for all the goods called for in the sehedules, and the Department reserves to itself the right to reieot the whole or any Pnr at elf; fttender tendmer. Eust be accompanied. by an 00. hopted Cheque in favor 01 1110 Superintendent General of Indian Affairs on a Canadian bank for at least fiYeper cent. of the amount of the tender which will be forfeitedirtheparty ten- dering declines to enterinto a coutraet based on such tender when called upon to do eo er if he fails to complete the work contracted for. 11 the tender be not accepted the cheque will be returned. Each tender must, in addition to the signa- ture of the tendered be signed by two sureties acceptable to the Department for the proper performance of the contract. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. This advertisement is pot to be inserted by anf noWsPpor without the authority of the Queen's Printer, amino claim for payment by any paper not having had such authority will be admitted. L. VANCOUGIINET, Deputy of the Superintendent General el Indian Affairs. Doparoiltnteo,illvittC:flluany..(1,i1n8n8p,A.ft'airg, SALT! SALT! SALT ! rrhe Exeter Salt Works Company -L offer salt at the gxeter Salt Well at $2.25 por to, T.13. OARLING, Secy. The Great English Preseriptioia. g. A successful Medicine used over 80 years in thousands of oases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous • Weakness, ,ED018810228, impotency and all diseases caused by abuse. [annum] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [Arran] Six packages Guaranteed to Cure when al/ others F,ai el.Artsionky,take eotuarDriuite Druggist sftoruflir One Greatpftekngauggil 1rc..1e St. Six $s, bv mail. Write for Pamphlet. Address Plureka Chemical. Co., Detroit, ITIleho For SaIe A large one storoyfraree store building with cellar underneath together with of an aere of land, situated in the business part of Exeter. There is also a dwelling atrear of property facing:William-et. Terms to suit ninchaeer, leer further particulars apply to 2 mos THOS. HAMLIN, Exeter, Nasal Balm is a good medicine tor cold in tho head. ' JOHN NleCONN 11 LL. A despateh horn Vienna says the Gall- ciali regiments now quartered in Austria will soot be traty.forracl to Galicia. In a conflagration at Calbuzow,111Golici, four hundred liotiees and the public build- ings of thc, town hose hear burned. 1(1 chtenie diseases, medicine should be restoring and not debilitating in thole ac- tion, Tim wonderful stiongthening and curaqvc effects realize 1 from 1110 11130 of Ayer's Sat sapati'la sustain the reputation of this romedy as the most popular blood purifier, 621 a -a WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE, • OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, • OF THE SKIN, And every' species of disease arising from disozdered L117ER, KIDNEYS, STOMACH, .7301,TrE1IP `75P BLOOD. IBR&O-'"e'crs'MLUN C• r,..-c-RoF.To. Dr. CHASE FTzts 0 world-wi(lo reputation 00 5physician and author. if,. 115110001:0 Druidolion Liver Oriro is it, ttitimpli of medical skill, miring all diseases of the Eindey and Liver, SYMPTOMS OF • DI s treaSi ng s Kidney Cdrnplaint ae,neand p1w8:31 tam back ; a dull pain or weight in tb 0 b1tici.(10r or baSe tri the rbbrbnien ; peadd- ing urine ofteu obstrue(ed ; remittent desire to Urinate, especially at 019111, ttin ow; aged persons ; hot, dry skin, pa 10 cora PleXio u rod tio."n1 1.'t.ct..ch131. c otlimPti ' tllo 1(1'1,1: i 1 eop asi,z 7.111111esrs 80i0cuall. ki— 4- Pain tho swellings, SYMPTOMS OF LIVE!): u u-11-)1 plain0, blades, jaundice, sallow cOnlnleXiOn 0 tvanr , tiv(ni fooling. no tiro or energy., head aelte, dyspep. 141,, , spots, pimples &c. HOW CUBED : -Abovirattemtd. Dandelion 000 nature'slivor (1)0300 1)5 Wilo detebilled With kidney rem, OthOs, 00 in lir. 01)101'3 Live e Ruto, Vitt MOS t posil;ivoly elite all kirmoy-livou troubiss, It acts 1(110 44 charm,- stimulating the clogged liver, (100 ngbhrniin .4 the kidn eye an 1invigor. eting the whole body. 8010 by alt ,ieraers at one dollar. (01(1)100011)1 book, alone is ''Tvt(ii.*,t,111,,,M.nerrni01110../5)% P( iduey,011ass o'Pf;lls aro the only J-LILW Kidney -re vet- Pins made ; they .r itet getitty yet effectually. May V be 11111011 during any .cfnploy- Pilis moot. Thoy 51300kidmoy-liver costiveness dm. 011(0,111a dose. 8015 by all dealers, Friee 91001)1)1. T. Je.10 MINN SON 4..% (30.. • iiracIfora, Ont., 1144n1s. CURES Liver Complaint Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache Kidney trouble Rheumatism, Skin Diseases, And all im- purities of the blood from what ver cause aris- ng. The Great Spring- Medicine PRICE 75 Cts. (with Pills 91) --TRY— r. Little - Liver - • Pills, Very Small and Easy to Take. NO GRIPING. NO NAUSEA: Sold everywhere ; price 25 cte. Union Medicine Co. Props., Toronto, Can. rartifirg, Ationtin IMPI.MI.A.L MILLS 44, WOODELM. The undersigned would respectfully infur 110 ommunit y that they lisvo lease d th e above mills for a termi of years; and will be pleaSed to have a mill from all. The mill has recently been improved, by the addition of new mach- inery. It is the intentiorfof (5.0 51)1)80111)058 to add a set of rolls 58 80011 as possible; and all combined, the Woodham Grist Mill Will be second to LiOne in the West, —X—X— Gristing and Chopping Done Promptly. Fresh oatmeal constantly on hand for sate or 'exchanged for oats. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Ur A TRIAL SOLICITED, J. & A. MeNEVIN, ku J. SNELL Merchant Tailor, • LOOK OUT FOR . • . • ring atoll/ onunion 00 dohs , n h b lam in receipt of a choice and nen, selected stock of Fresh Groceries 1 would also inform my numerous friends and customers that .E will be on the road next week with my peddling Waggon. House & Lot FOR SA.LE OR TO RENT.—Opposite Town Hall. • T DAaXLrC Has removed to preraisea one door north of Browning's thug store, whare there will be found a 'V/7033 Assiratod Stook, OV Sl3RING TWEEDS FOR SUITINGS &e. —ALSO Scotch, English, Irish, French and Canadian Goods. Fiebing Tackle, Floats, Sinkers, Reels, Fishing Lines, Gaff Hooks, Landing Net, Jolted Rods, Trolls, Fly Hooks, Tripple hook And, the Celebrated CorkFle Bait, and Skeleton Baits. GAMES. —Rubber Balls, Base Balls, Base Ball Bats, Lacrosse Balls, Caps and Croquet Setts, Japanese Icites Dominoes, Playing Cards, Chess, Authors, The Crackers, Fire Cracker Morbans, an Huablers, J. W. BROWNING-, Prop QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS i 8 S 01 1.8 At Toronto.:.Baery Barrel Guaranteed. This Oil was used. on all machinery during the Exhibition. It bee been .a.wat•ded NINE GOLD'MEDALS during the last three Years f...See that you get Peerless. It is only made by a t5m:7BL moamma& co,, Tonoxwo FOR SALE BY JAS. PICKARD. 111p1e up on the SIIORTES'r NOTICE AT— — CONSISTENTLY :',OW PIIICEES A CALIJ WILL CONVINCE!. A. eITELL, OroInate, (It clevolawd. Cutting Scltoo re You Lookin The cheapest spot in town for Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Paints, Oils and Glass, do., ac., if you are, -; 1 call at BISSETT BROS. We are now offering the balanoe of our stock of Axes, • Cross -cut 5$1105, 11(11/1pe.411C1 Tubulr Lailtenle, at cost 30 D.A.:-Z8 01\1 -1.1 -2 - We would call your attention to a fewof our specialties :— A. Handsome Brass Library Lamp, A Large Glass Stand Lamp, new design A Good Tubular Lantern • - A Good Axe and Handle - An A 1 Manure Veit • And everything at Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. ad 50 3100 • $05Q 31 00 40 80 ................•••••••••••••••••••••••••14 A full stook of the following lines always on. hancl-.--13arb vire, Plaiu Galvanized, An. calent anti Tiled wire, and Buckthorn Fencing. Having purchased our supply of 'Binder Twine early we are now in a position to supply at the lowest possible pliee. A full stocit of tinware of all kinds always in stock. Eavetroughing and roofing a spec- ialty. Agents for the B d1H Menthe Shingle Roofing. Ask for priees. Agents for the celebrated Raymond. Sewiug Machine. mamo•calemmentrwssess.... BISSETT BROS., Exeter. 5. „ga aciS • caca .47,1. 605, .4)•</ ‘.6C\49 oCN. 'tv" e' • -cOo c,0 e -cc% • Or fib C;Cs ,ccs. ois• ro.C, tc, 8<e1 *. -1 scc' 'C•c' e o os cstic d 6>I3 3c. e.a.° o ica •s. b.'",z.<%. e 4:•ravv,.....marreftweam.m. e_ 4-• • 15`). a, '9 ok, kol• e •e§" 40 e •c•,. •sz•c' ,cP .,4$0 xfb' s. G0 o .4cc" • iSO' q -d" c4,$' ' :manufactured only by Thomas Holloway, TS, Now t,tvoot, late 188, Oxford Street, London. AO' Purchasers shOuldlook to the Label on the Boxes and Pots If the address is not 533, Oxford Street, Iomden,.thrfy arc spurious. L-4+ sweenanars. mowassammo MN SPRING 1888. SPRING Carpets. Curtains, A. ID I S Now that House -Cleaning time is near, we invite your in— spection to our BIC+ stock of Carpets, Curtains, and those Fancy 'Window Blinds, &c. When buying '‘;Vall Paper don't forget that the Old Established cmrries the Biggest Stook and Latest Am- erican Patterns. Lots of Fancy Ceiling Papers "wl Corners to match, Window Blinds Vai1Pae, Attng*tamPremlfteu,".40.41.4x1.11,4.-Atcment