HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-5-24, Page 41111u excla Q14411.04. THURSDAYIAY 21frn, 1888, High School QueSt1„011. Having read M last week's Tam the account of the preeeedings of the public meeting at which the establishment el a hiAt seheol was advocated, and es I al - 4 WAYS ta1i:0 (.1PP k3Y0fit in any move - Wilt that tondo to promote the -Wfillfare of my native village, I thoeght that per - 114,P2 a few remarks on the subjectmight IV Mit of place. In taking into eon 4/41,VM1011 fl16 0Q5f; a establishing and maintaining niall Wwolthe f'llrest'waY would be to oompare with a town Of about the same population, instead of towns nearly clOul?le 00,1 that arc better able to support their older and eousequentlylargerschools. Ridgeto yen has a collegiate institute with 5 teachers and Clinton, a school of 20 or 25 years' standing, bas four teachers. As Parke hill has bout the same population as Exeter I will give the figures for High School expenditure for 1887 as furnish- ed by the Secretary of the school board: Expenditurelaties Of three teachers $2,100 ; rent of building, $200 ; care- taker, fuel and etc, $204.50; total $9,5- Q4.00. Reoeipto:GovernmentandOourity ' grants, 1937.e0; fees from pupils 8564,- 50 ; from direct assessment, $1000. In referenee to the grants I may say that the amennt was considerably less than usual owing to a deduction being made on acoomit of an error by which the salmi received mom thee itwas entitled to the preceding year. The grant would also have been considerably in- creased if the school had a freehold building instead of a rented sni.e. The following is the basis on which the an- nual grants are apportioned: -The Leg- islature gives fixed grant of $400, also 10 per cent. of the amount invested in gymuasium, etc., and a mini-, mum of $90 on cendition and suitabili- ty of school building and preinises, and 50 cents per unit on average attenda‘ece of pupils.. The County is required to apportion an amount at least equal to that given by- the Legislature se it will be easily seen that should 'Exeter establish a school the annual grant would not be less than $1000. Net more than twoteachers would be re- quired for five or six yes.rs.atleast,when in all probability, OWillfr, to the increas- ing size of the town, the cost ofaneXtra teacher would not be felt any more than that of twoteachers for the present. There would also be a saving of $200 in salary paid the principal of the public school, there being no class higher than the fourth a teacher with a second class certificate, would be quite conipetent to , act as principal. The present principal, Mr, Gregory, •could be transferred to the high school. Taking the salaries and expenses of the Parkhill school as a basis, and the interest on the cost of the building furnishings, &c., at $8,000 ($400 int., 'according to Dr. •Rollins' estimate) the annual cost would. be abont as follows :-Salaries of two teach- • ers, $1,600, caretaker, fuel and ind- • dentals, $300, interest on cost of build- ing, &c., $400, total $2,300. Receipts: Gov't and county grants, $1.000, fees from pupils, say $400, saying iu public school salaries $200, leaving $700 to be raised by direct taxation. I know, of , no better -centre for such a school than Exeter, with Clinton, Seaforth, Mitchell St. Marys and Parkhill, all at a distance of twenty miles or inore from ib. If Exeter wishes to hold her own and. to compete with these towns, she must be able to offer the same educational ad- vantages. Ib may be asked whether there is any chance- for such a school • against such old established schools as • • these. We have only to look to Sca- forth school, which was established 8 or 10 years ago, with Clinton on one side arid Mitchell on the other. It has now outstripped -both its rivals and become a Collegiate Institute. There should be no difficulty in getting permission from the county council to establish a school as the southern part of the county has for years been contributing to the sup- port of the schools at Goderich, Clinton and Seaforth, from whiehil has received but little benefit. Middlesex basethreoe schools, exclusive of Jsondon, but as thee are all in the west, the county council, at its last sesSion, gave permis- sion to establish three more. Welling- ton county has five high schools. At least one-half of the hundred and ten towns and villages of Ontario support- ing high schools, have a smaller popula- tion and several of them are not half as • large as Exeter. Until better educa- tional advantages are provided, •there will not be sufficient inducements for . tradesmen, manufacturereenumsters ttc. who desire to give their children a hitrher education, to take up their resi- dence in the village. If I mistake not, it was partly with the idea of being near a high school that Inspector Tom re- trieved to Gorlerich. I am credibly in- formed that there are a number of families in -Parkhill, who came here that they might be able to educate their children. I believe that at present, as well as in • the east, eeveral young people from Exe- ter and vicinity are attending high eehool M other towns at great eepeuse, also at risk of injuring their morals when, freecl from parents.' reetraint. If Exeter had a • high Eelmol the rioney would be kept at home, end the danger tehich • parents so much dread obviated. Besides many who now will not run the rnic of sendiug their thildren •from home, or who do not care to incur the expenses, or are not able to do so, would then have an opportunity of giv- ing their children a . higher education. • Another consideration is that the greater part of the pupils, as here, where out of a henthed pupi!s sixty-five are out -shiers, would Mang a considerable gum to the town for board, books, (ec , whilst their • parents coming for them on 'Friday even ings would invest money whieh. would of ten be spent elsewhere. Even if the vile lave has to maintain the school without outside aid, it establishment will be fennel in the long iun to be, a paying in. ves ter ent. N. 13. The Government and comity eaeh give 15 per centof all salaries above $1, 500 W. F. MAY', Teacher W. R. Davis sold 72 acresUsbortne ti Saturday last for $3,350 cash. Mr. (1, oo, Hamilton,, of Fullerton, was the • p urcho se r. Addtion14.0041a. Only one or two appeals have as. yet been entered' against the asseseinent roll, The band has purchased a new fifty - donee bass horn of modern style. Gardening is the favorite.pestioMof the '"home lorin,g" family man pot now. Messrs, MeDonell & Waugh are putting en iron.roof ob Verity & So' s foundry. , The inerettee in the eirculation of the Tots$ dtiving the past few weeks has been most gretifying, Foliage on the trees is becoming general and the country has shaken off that naked appearaime-so clieracteristic Of winter. alic assessorhas completed his lithers and the population is said to be within a fraction of 2,000, The hum of the lawn mower may /10W be Ilet114 throughout the 'village. The grass has grown considerably of late. The street watering cart has 4map its eppeetenee ail.4 the .stifling tinst epee More held at- bey. It is expected that an ordor-itiscouncil will son -he passed impelling the Scott Act. • Lennard Run*, Of con, 4 Usborne is the possessor of a Reek of goslings, One df winelf has fop' 'fully developed lege. The married inea of the town challenge the single men to a game of baseball, at any tinle. The trees in the park haVo thrived Well tinting the past year and will scion afford ample shede to those visiting the reeree: tion grotmd. When a, girl worth 4150,000 marries an editor', as a Southern girl did the other day, the whole profession gets such an up, ward boost that it feels giddy. Building operations are so brisk in Exeter WS summer that the carpenters.. andENeter be noted for its large nun:her- . work overtime. • , . The Rev. Mr. Penis,of Parkhill, gaVe us a friendly'call this week. We are indebted be Mr. Follis for the report of the district Meeting held here Tuesday and Weduesday. Mr. Robt, Kerslake, of the 2nd eon. of Usborne, hes a cow, whieh, in three and a halfyearshas had seven calves,' all of which, with the'eXception :of one; have been raised, " On :Monday a new timetable came into effeet On the L. H. & B. railway In the morning the express from the northleaVes the depot at 8.56, from the south at 8.56; hi the-, evening express from the north leaves at 5.33, and from sonth at 5.57. ' During the year the Exeter school board intend fitting tuo additional rooms in the school building. There are already eix:depertments but the acommodation is inadequate, the attendance constantly increasing. Rev. ea H. Cobbledick, 1kA., pastor of the Methodist chtveh.. Galt, and a former Exeterite, obtained the degrees of M. A. and 13. D. at :the recent examinations s„.t Victoria University. Mrs. CEL1ley has for sale two comfort, - able hOuseeand two lots situated:on Gid, ley street. Will be sold Cheap. Apply for particulars to Mrs. Carley: on the premises:at the foot of said street.: It would appear from the manlier in whielS the hotel -keepers are acting by the closing of their bars against the admission of the warmest friends during , Saturday night and Sunday,' that the .Crook's Aeb Will be observed to the letter.. ' The small boy and girl: are to be brought to thne in Waterloo.. At the last meeting of the council the constable was authorized to ring the bell at 9 o'clock as a: signal -for ..thern, to he at home, .ctrid if they are caught 'Oat after :that 'hoar other measures will be resorted to, cOmmethicatitni from the pen. of NV. F. May, of Parkhill high school, relative to the high school project in Exeter, appears in s.nothen colunin. Mr. Mey is convere- ant on matters pertaining to such an instituting' -and the data contaiaed inhis contributiOn can be said to he accurate. • The Brandon Sun says. --Two young Men fioin St. Marya, Ont. :uanied Peart andAtimphries, arrived here on Saturday last: ars hoped they maY be induced:to remain here, - -Mr. W. IL Graham, .of St. Marys; Ont., who has been representing the Guelph Pablishing Company, on the coast, returned to this City on Friday last. " According to the Windsor Review, Mr, D. Bissett, a former resideet Of Exeter, Who is employed in a liveint stable there, met with an accident while out driving. The horse ran away and precipitated Mr. B. to the ground injuriog his limbs and face, The 'bit of the bridle broke r and the horse became uninanageable. The deputy post office inepector of the Londondistrict, was.:in town on Tnescley. He held *conference with the committee appointed to look after the proposed mail and stage,service, and was veil fayoeably impressed With 'the route contemplated. He thought it quite possible that the prayer of the petitioners would be pant- Mr. Frank Cornish, of the 6th conces- sion, Usborne, bad a 4200 mare stolen from his stable on Monday night. On the Same evening, Mr. Saan'l Hicks fr., 'of the 2rid con' . south, had a new tcip baggy, new sett of harnese, -whip, knee rug, and other articles stolen from his driving shed. No trace of the robbers has been got, and no person is known to have seen anyone with theproperty. It is possible that the one company were parties to both robber - Mr. R. Morrison having disposed of his property on Huron street to Messrs. Suell Bros., of this place, rdceiving therefor a good figure, left on Thursday for T3ritish Columbia to join a ptirty of Goyernment mineralogists, in a prospecting tour thro' that coun ry. Mr. iNlordsonis a mineralist of note, and will no doubt prove a valu- able acquisition to the party. His family will reside on the premises in the mean- time, having retained possession • of the house until .N.farch next. On Thursday last while Mr. Silas Stan - lake was driving up Maiot., the pole of his -waggon fell to the ground and the waggon running upon the a.Minals' heels they began kicking. Filially they became unmanageable and ran away, running as far as Ross & Taylor's --the pole pointing to the ground -where they were stopped by the waggon turning over and colliding with a tree, Both horses were injures: about the fore feet, the broSen pole in swerviug to utci fro havteg ant and bruis- ed their hoofs. Me, Staulake was not fil- tered. The committee appointed, to look after the procuring of better mail and stage accommodate/1 for Exeter, haveget fair- ly at work, Deputatiens have visited the different yillaaes interested, in the locality and the resFtlents of each 800111 to be favorably impressed with the proposed now order of things and have signed the the petitious •without any hesitation, Judging from the way inattere have gone, it seems to be a foregone conclusion tinit IVO are to have better mail and stage connectinn with the adjacent townships. And while by the 10080. re-aorange- thent of the routes, we get, eetter accom. modation, the cost of coo /eying the differ- ent mails, will, we Imo gine, be a saving to the country. • SEAVORTkr, Qut,, May 1S.-1.110 ,81 by the destruction ot' Lawrence Mur- phy'a flax mill on fire last night was $6,000; insnrance'$3,00O, Thursday night last the express train going west struck two men,nani- ed J. Quinlan and Pete e Mclvor. who were walking on the track about mile.etisb QISeef9rth, and tailed Me" Iver outright. ' At the Middlesex Assizes Saturday Allen Paton, found guilty of criminally essaulting Hannah Rowe, of Parkhill, was sentenced to seven years in King- ston penitentiary. The jury had rec- ommended him to mercy. Spring!• Spring I Spring! Boils! Boils! Boils! best MOO Pnrifier end Tonio is Dr. Carson's Stomach I3itters, The People's Remedy. Large bottles 50 co. The charge against Mr. Patton, Sr., of IVIeGillivray, for compoundingfelony was last Tuesday withdrawn before the Grand Jury had pronounced upon it. Mr. Kelly, of Parkhill, is the owner of a duck, vvhich, last week, laid a 5"2. oz., Si io, by 71 inch egg. lie challen- ses competition, • On Thursday of last week a line three-year-old trotting stallion owned by Dr, Day, of Fullerton, who had the animal in training by Mr. Fitzsimon, of St. Marys, broke one of his legs while he was being exercised, the result of WhiCh was that the animal had to be killed. The horse was a good one and will be quite a loss to the Or. “PECTORIA." for colds. " PEO'rORIA" for coughs. "PECTORIA" for the Lungs. “PEOTORIA" for Bronchial tubed', ,4'PEOTORIA" the best, the safest, the cheapest. cifORIA" the great 25 cent Cough Remedy. • -Rey. Dr. Sanderson, of Sarnia, after completing iifty.one years in the nun- istry of the Methodist Church, intends retiring from active service. It is understood that on his retirement in June, he vvill mike London his home. Parkhill property owners seern not to be favorable to naving waterworks in that town, as on Thursday last they defeated the by-law asking $15,000 for the erection of same, by a -vote of 54 for, and 75 against. One would imag- me from the number of votes polled that Parkhill is a wayside hamlet in- stead Of a prosperous town. • CONSUMPTION suria3ax CURED. To THE EDITOR. Pleaseinform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands/of hopeless cities have been" permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy rano to any of your readers who "5:ve constunetion if they will send me their Expl ess and P. 0, address. Respeotfelly, Da. T. A. SLOCUM, loronto, Ont, ' 37 Tonga street. Strayed. i to tl o p emises of the do si nod Absolutely Pure. This powder 110V er varies A marvel of pur- ity, strength andsvnolesomeness: More COOR- oinical tibazithe ordinary kinds and cannot be sold itt competitioawith the moltitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powder. Sold only in cens.-RONAL BAR- ING. POWDER co..-tgo Wall stie et N.Y Nsamsemsmors Xri:tE; 7,1A1,11 rt 0 R Are pleasant to teke. Contain ;heir oWn. Purgative. Is a safe. sure. and et:root:az! fapttoyer of worms in Children or 4,dulta Ilan Line ! ROYAL' MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Liverpool and Quebec Service, callieg at Der- • by. Days ofSailing.--•Parean, May 24. Poly- nesian. Friday, June 1. ardinian Thursday, June 7. Circassian, Friday, june 15, Sarma- tion,Thursday, June 21. Parisian Thursday, June 28. /Tolynesian Fridayjuly 6. Sardinian Thursday July 12. Circassian Friday.' June 20. Sarmatian Thursday *July 26. Parisian Thurs- dah Aug 2. Polynesian Friday Augi 10. Sar- dinian Thursday Aug 16. Circassian rriday, .Aug 24. Sarmatian, 'Thursday, Aug 30. RATES. Cabin Sm. 803,$75, according to•pie sition, Return 4100, 8125,8150. Intermediate Liverpool, Londonderry or Glasgow 30;8re- turn 4460. Steerage at lowest rates, Steerage Passengers hooked to and from Glasgow, Bel- fast Queenston or London at Liverpool rates. Puy tickets to go home, bring mit friends or relativesby.the Allan Lino. Pot further Particulars amply to JOHN SPACKMAN, Tbisonly authorizodagent in Exeter. 5th con. of lishorne, on or about May lst,-g heifers, one red arid two spotted. Any person proving property and paying expenses um,Y have the animals. . 1 mo RICK. BUNTER, Exeter P.0 PRACTICAL • Watch -Maker 4 Teweller For the Finest Steck and Cheapest Goods to be f ound in Ontario cell onC.REICHENBACII. Watch -mak• ' cr, jeweller & Optician. p. Fine Assort verware. Re all kinds satisfa, 01 or work sent to Park I. 'ment of Sib'pairing • of promptly & ily done. Ko the cities, but all exe eutedin his own establishntent. under bis personal super- vision. A trial solicited. 0.REICHEN13.6.011. The undersigned wishes to inform the Public that he is now prepared to supply them with any quantity of First-closs Drain Tile • From 2 to 8 inches. Having started work for theeseason and haying been very successful in burninee he guarantere the tile to he First -Class, and second to none in the District. PRICES TO SUIT PURCHASER. • CONRAD EURV, CREDITON, ONT. Entrance gate from Crediton Road. Everas Cough Syrup • CANNOT BE BEATEN. Try it and be convinced of its wonderful curative properties. Pries 25 cts• (Ti arle M ark ,) Try Everest's LIVER REG' 111.4 TOR, FOD Diseases of tl; e Liver, Kidney8, eke„ and purifying of the Blood, Viice di. Six bottles, $.5. For sale by all arug. gists. Alanufitetured only by 0, M. EVEREST, Chemist, 'Forest, Ont. t110 Deaf, -A person cured of Deafnoss and noises in the head of al years standiee, by a Titnple remedy. Will send a description of it tam,: to any one applying to Nicoasox 3081. Telm-St.,Itlentreel, Estray. Strayed film Lot 21, con,5,8 Welton , on th6 loth, a mity,gix bout of elate : Two steers two year old on e dark red with it few white hairs on forehead, one a yellow red ; four yearlings, one red d teer, With White forehead. one red heifer, one red andwhite spotted heifer, one will; e rind o•ey heifer with dark •heels, Any person giving information that will lead to their recovery will be suitabl reward- ed. PRANK TRID.NER, EXOtbr P. Sale of a Valuable Ir -A- IR, 11/1 in the Township of Stephen • - 1:811311SCANT to ajudgment in the Chancery ••Di'ViSi.011 of theIligh Court of Justice re English -English vs Ford -there will be sold, by andwitu she approbation of Suther- land. Malcolinson, Master at Godericlr, on the premises, on Thursday, the 81st day of 41 ay, AD, 1888, at the hour of 1:80'o'clock, p. m. Lot :number 8, in the 21s1 concession of the township of Stephen. County 01 Huron, containing 111 acres, more or less. This is a ilneittrm, only 8i miles from Parkhill, about 85 tlereS cleared, good soil,'Woll-waterecl, well timbered and well-fouce d • For further particulars apply to TORN II0S1IN, Q 0, Toronto; MESSRS. MERE. MTH & 00X, Barristers, Loudon, or to the Plaintiff's Solicitor, Datedthis 8th clay of Mitt', A. 13! 1858. S. MALGOLMSON, Local Master at Goderieh. KENNET G 0 01).111A -N, Plaintiff% Solicitor, Parklaill.f OR. Wasrungton • • Throat & Lung Surgeon, Of Toronto, will be at the Central Ho- tel, Exeter, MAY the ,15th Catarrh,Bronchitis, Asth a, Consumption. etc, permanently and effectually cured. A few Prominent Testimonials of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John McKay,. Kingston, Ont., Catarrh and Consumptitin. John McKelvy, Kin gston, Ont., catarrh. Mrs. A. Hopping, Kingston, Ont., Drench° Content ti on. Mr. 311. Scott, Kingston, Ont„ Caterrh, head and throat. • • Read W. IL Storey's Original TestimOnial, Catarrh Throat Cured. Listen to IV II Storey, Esq., of the firm of W II Storey & Son, Aoton, GlOve Manufactur- ers, also President 51tinufacturers' Association gobet ofit°a;AadaL D',y8rox, 215 Yorigh-st.. Toronto, Dian Sin. -1 ass are you I feel grateful for the radical cure you have effected in my throat trouble., and though 1 dislike having my name appeturin connection With the testimonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for those "whiri are similarly affectedas well as having a desire to recognize the reset ts of Your treatment Intake a departure in tins case. Prior to my acquaint- ance with yrn 1 had suffered for tWo yearS from rencated attacks of catarrhal sore throat each sueceeding attack being more prolonged 8.4111 vi °len t than the former. A these times 1 had violent fits of coughing, and would (RS - charge large cttanhitios of in it co n s Feeling rtued, I soughmedical skill avail- able ncludfli inga flinch -noted Specialisto and teolr' nimosI everything known to inetheir.e without experiencing a particle of relief. .Last spring 1 went to Europe. The change did me good. but' on my, retilim the old trouble was re- newed. Seeing you advertised to ViSit this place, I thought I would consult yon, although I ConfettS with not ratteh hone Of receiVing any benefit. However, I was fanorably Impressed with your cendor. and resolved to give your treatruent a trial, The sesult, I am happy to inform yese, is a complete cure, and oho so merited le its character as to surerise both my sou and my friends, From the firstyour ined- ieine seemed adapted to my,ease and gave re. lief. In two moi, I was entirely wellaind have BO continued thr_eagh the most enfevorable seee son of year, oa are at liberty, to make wit at Ilse sou piCR3C of this hitteroind 1 shall be pleased to answer any enquiries relative to my coo. YoUrs verY W. It.STOREb' A atoll, Jan.,16th,1881. faeirCONSULTATION PREgnate, CARPET& Ou stook for the season is now complete, oar immense importatione haying all arrived We ere 1101V able to show one of The Grandest Stock of Carpets TO BE FOUND IN CANADA. couifiCaNsTioehtstoofsacell. grades from the loweet priced Herap to the richest pattern0 a mans But a more important fact is that our stock of carpets stand to -day unequalled as Brogea§rts,ivivaaltrIke.etisinthenviugbewo eubougrd, Iltpersoually by our Mr. 13eattie for CASH 'in the and markecl at the elosest priees pessible, we af- firm, without fear of coutradiction that WO Call and will give you the best value far your inonpy that yen can possibly get in Cauada. Don't forgetithe New Mammoth Carpet Ho se of the West. Thos. e ttie & o's, ,76. 178 DUNDAS-STREET (East of Riclunond-st, IMONDOBT, Orirrg FARMERS & IYIT.LE.41/11E.N ONLY--•, • 1.14:000Lti'S..• • ORLEMiATED..: Lardine ilil The Old Established. :McCOLL B_ROS. & CO., tta7POR SALE I3Y BISSETT BRoS-is SOLE MAIMRS, TORONTO 'litiOt• VAS* One Door South of Post Office RAS -- A NEW AND COAIPLETE :---STOOK Boots Shoes. Sewed work a speoiality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. MASON, JOHN it RAWN, UNDERTAB.Eita, CABINET-MAKER, Walnut &Rosewood Caskets ALSO COFFINS OP' EVERY DESCRIPTION. A Complete Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISE.ED CON- DUCTED AT Low RATES. P.0-:Ee; STROWAESTe eEsr, CONTAINS NO ALUM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injurious materials. TORONTO, ONT. E. W. GE LLE'TT, ICAGO, EMeirr oftln C317_,Z52AT11D ROYAL 711A8'llf'411:Efi. • CENTRAL Dug Store A full stock of all kinds of Dye- stuffs and package Dyes, constantly 031 My stock of Furniture -hand. Winan's excelled. •Condition Powd-, ers the best in the mark- et 'and alvvays fresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exeter: TAU"I'M GIVE MR A CALL s. Kersey The Place TO Buy Cheap GOO S. SCENE L bEnterove,ll Mts. *s!snibClitlhitryi,taiVa have ' 'here, g0 to Atridon and enquire ' just finished Washing my tea dishes borrowed from you this morning, you where you bought that tea 1 I thought I would walk in and ask where Dulmage keeps and if you buy his 50 et. YOUNG HYSON pay rue back With as good as yeti TtA., you will smile more than you have to,mght, for then you can Mrs. Sensibility. -- Why, look , 13E coNrEguED.) U00 TUBS Butter Wanted J. atheson, EXETER NOLTH Our Stock is Well Assortec4 FOR TUE SEASON'i TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL :INIAINTAIN,VD GROCERIES! !• 16 lbs.'osugar $1.00;13 lbs. white sugar, 53 We can't be undersold in Teas from PG to 75e. per lb. Boots & Shoes All Styles at Low Prices & nicely assorted stack of HAIR OW .A. FORKS, SCYTHES and GT,41S8 all sieee (Cheap.) Best Maohine Oil 60e per Gal. COAL OIL AS LOW AS TTIE LOWEST IIM A nice Tea Sett of 44 Pieces, $2,7l7 A oocl suit of ready-made clothing co 46' Ordered suits got up to. Good Style Our Dress Good are marked down to, the LOwest Notch. COTTON', 20 YARDS voR ONE Douai; • A House and Lot, also a zeta). for Sale, Ap Ply to 4,40 30 EN LATiIE SON,