HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-5-24, Page 3LATEST BY CABLE
The English War Scare.—The Rest Of Eu-
rope Quiet.
Leaving, My 16 —While Beresford has
been expoeing the weakness of the navy,
Lard eVolseley has been doing AS much for
the alloy, and ineidentally expleinieg how,
beide e having a weak any, England utter•
ler lacks fortifications to keep back the
etrong arnsiee of other countriee. Hosts of
leaser lights have been making speeches and
writiug artioles to add to the panic, and even
the old Duke of Cambridge, hirnself the
cousin of the Queen and Commander -in -Chief
of the arrey, has proclaimed that things are
wrong by f,egging on every conceivable oc-
casion for more money to put them right.
Europe remains very quiet, and there
have been fewer rumors of a warlike charac-
ter than for months past. The Czer, through
his semi cffi i1 newspapers, haa again ex-
horted erring Bulgaria to come to hie arms
and be forgiven, and the invitation has again
been interpreted as a hint to the friends of
Russia to make things unpleasant for Prince
Ferdinand. There Imam been ores or two
cheerful nide into Bulgitaitt, and even some
spilling of blood, but the elaellition was only
temporary, Ferdinand has cut short his
tour, ostensibly on account of the badness of
the roads, but really owing to rumors of a
plot to assasshutte him at Schumla.
Chatelain, the traitorous French soldier
who tried to sell to Germany and Italy the
secret of the Lebel rifle, appears to take
very calmly his sentence to transportation
for life. He has made arrangements for his
mistress, Josephine 0 rae, to accomp.any him
in his disgrace ad in a letter paints a bril-
liant Picture of the ideal life whioh they ore
to lead in the Isle des Pins under a tropical
sky. The most solid erguments whioh he
used in persuading her were the: she could
oblige the French Government te grant her
a free passage, which appears to be a fact,
and that he, asaa political miininal, will not
have 1: cut; off his moustache.
A legal robbery--Poitething eggs.
Mele your bergain Mire yonshow you
"What did the Puritans come to this
country for ?" asked a Massaohnsetts teather
of his class, "To worship in their own way,
• and make other people do the same." was
the reply. .
"How many lodges did you say your
husba,nd belonged to ?" she suddenly asked.
" FifteetelS" Mercy on me ! But think of
a num being out fifteen nights a week ! I am
really glad that ram a widow 1" IS
Lady: "You will have to wear caps, of
course 1" Servant : "Caps ! I wear no one's
livery. If you're so afraid we'll be took for
each other, I advise you to engage with
some plainer person."
• Amaarican nobleman in Highlands to na-
tive -o" 'What kind of fuel do you use, Illy
man She'll burn peat." A. N..—" Heav-
ens What, a country. Burn Pete They
must be cennibals, and tell raamma.'
Countryman (to furniture dealer)--" I
want to git a bed an a mattreas." 'Dealer—
"Yea, ; spring bed and spring mattress,
nIsepose sirl" Countryman—"No, sir; I
want the kind that can be used all the year
Don't worry betause other people don't
manage their business just as you think they
ought to. Nine chances outtof ten the ren -
8011 they don't is that they are worrying
because you don't manage your business an
they think you should.
" Give me a nice polish, you little sce,mp,"
said a dirty swell, with a pipe and a pork
pie cap. "I can't give you one," said. the
lad; "it would take a cleverer 'man' nor
me to do that. But I can polish your boots,
"Barber," said the poet, "1 want my
hair cut quite short." "All right, sir; but
you said the last thne you were in that you
Intended to let ib grow a foot long." "I
know I did; but 'the poetry I sent to the
magazines has been declined."
Deacon's wife (at a late breakfast, Sunday
morning,—" Will you have another cup of
coffee, my dear ?"Deacon—" No; I've bare-
ly, Hine to get ready for church, and, be-
sides, a second cup of coffee keeps me
awake." ,
Friend ( to young author)—" How is your
book going off, Charley?" Young authro--
"It's going off,fast, rye already been °lazed
give away most of the first edition to my
friends," Friend—" That hardly pays.
This is the first .book you have had pub -
Haled, •isn't it, Charley?" Young author
(bitterly)—"No, it's my last.," '
Hawley: " Baw Jove, old thappie 1 times
are so deucedly hard, you know, that I
weelly think I muat get something to do,
Do you know Of any opening ?" Cha,wley :
"Aw, let me see. 0.d Sweetfera had his
cigar shop sign blown down lahst night.
Do you think you °Mild fill that vacancy ?"
A Heavy Weight of Smoke.
. " The investigations of a society formed in
It:mien to abate the smoke nuisance afforded
a rather startling idea of the wasteful extra-
vagance of the present synkm of cornbustton.
Here is a summary of a late report of the
Smoke Abatement Institute: The weight
of the smoke cloud over the city itt estilmated
at about 50 toxis of solid carbon and 2'50 tons
of hydro carbon and cathonie oxide gases.
From actual teats,,the value of ooal actually
wasted ahrough the obstinacy of the Cock-
neys i *257,500, or 42 per cent, of the a.
• i
monis expended tor 004 in London, that be.
ing St e' percentage of heat that eecapes up
Chimney without warming anybody. This „
waste also causes a ueolees eXpenditure ef 1
£268,720 for °tilting coal, to say nothing of 0
the wear and tear of streets and of £43,000
more for carting away ashes. Altogether,
about £2,500,000 ie yearly thrown away in
London. Add to this L2,000,000 for injury
to property from the smoke laden atmos.
phere, and there is shown a total of 4,500,.
000 which London annually loses because of
its failure to burn coal under proper condi.
• tions. Nearly all this waste and smoke
could be prevented by a general adoption ef
improved methods of constructing ohimneye,
&epitome, furnaces and heaters.'
, . t
The Irieh flag controvereey in New York
has been settled, for the present by the Board
of Aldermen passing an cirdinanee over the S
veto of Mayor Hewitt, taking the control
bf the hoisting of foreign flags out of his g
hands. The mayor, however, will not con -
el aetee himeelf beaten, and eaya the Ordinance
fie not law until anted upon by himself, and
that if requested to hoist a foreigh nag, he
Weida ICONS° and the aldermen might im•
peach him if they oho ge t� do fler.
me into this thing, and now you linnet tak° young a -inks -4' There is a milt of clotheel
You kept pecking anti ooaxing until you got A Halal Oaile All ROTIlld.
the consequences. In an hour from thie I
shall leavyouthat I've had only four months, You would
e . 1"
"Ie there anything the matter With you ?" 13ut he didn't, He was too stiff and sore thwk Ihad wen' it a year. rea zeightY
asked Mr. Bowser the other evening as ho to go,and his spino,1 column has oot got baelt hard en clothes."
suddenly looked up. p y
" No, certainly not. Do I look bad?"
"Your leeks are all right, bat you seena Her °flange.
merlon:A and uneasy. I didn't know but
your corns had come back." A quick wit, a kind heart and a long
Old Juilts—" Is it paid for, my soo ?"
" N.no, not yet,"
"Then you are not only hard on your
clothes, but hard on your tailor as went '
Len, purse are three excellent things none too
" You —you—wha t S.
often form I together, but the Church Union
edentary Hahite
"1 was wondering if you were going to has heard of ono instance, the particulars In this age of pueh, and worry, the busi-
York State to see your mother this sprnag." of whioh all good people will enjoy reading; ness man and the profeseional man are alike
"And suppose I go ?" A woman, feeble with age and overwork, unable to devote any adequate time to exer-
" Then 1 shall dean house. It is two stepped into a Now York horse -oar. She ciso. In the daily round of toil and plea
hobbled to a seat, and, depositing her bun- sure, no suitable provision is made for that
die on the floor, proceeded to fumble in her important function, and the result is that
pocket for her fare. men of sedentary habits beeorne eubject to
After much eearthing, she produced a many forms of ailmente arising from a torpid
quarter, which she handed to the conductor, or sluggith liver. Consapation, sick head-
wbo returned the change to her trembling ache, biliousness and dyspepsia are all due
fingers ; but, before ehe could put it in her , to the improper action of the liver. Dr.
home through housecleaning I'll prance Pocket',•ono of the pieces fell to the floor, ' Pierce's Pleasant Purge tiye Pellets cure
around and rake the old Harry, and you and was lost between the slate at her feet. these troubles by restoring the liVer to its
want to get me into the papers as raising a In vain she tried to find it, and with a sigh normal condition.
great fuss." of resignation she gave it up, The Emperor and Empress of Brazil have
But won't you ?" A tall man, dressed in black, at facing arrived at Venice.
"Won't I ! Don't I know that house. her, and watehed her intently as she leaned A .Graveyard °Melt,
cleaning should cisme once a year! Don't back in her seat. His hand went to his
I like it? Didmy mother ever clean ,house pocket; then stooping forward, he appear- The short, dry, hacking cough, which an
without me ?' ed to be looking for elle lost coin, and with flounces the approach of coneomption, hafi
osi may1 go aheed, and win yog help an "Ah, here it is, madame 1" he stretched been aptly termed a graveyard cough. The
his hand to the fl mr, and, raising it, depos- peril is great, and near at hand, but it on
"01 Millie you can go ahead, and it eo ited the money in her lap. be surely averted with Dr. Pierce's Golden
happens just now that I've tour or ave days He immediately left the oar. The old Medical Discovery, a botanic remedy, with -
to spare. 1'11 begin right off now." woman beckoned to the conductor, and out a peer for pulmonary, throat and liver
"You are so good Mr. Bowser. that I showing him a five -dollar gold -piece, athed affections, and for all ailm,ents which, like
years, you know, since we had a carpet
" And if I don't go ?"
I was silent.
"Look here, Mrs. Bowser," said iny liege
lord in a sharp voice, "you can't ley thie on
to me Vett want to peetend that if I aan
must kiss you. There, taka that !" him if he had not given it to her by a mis-
• " Oh, pshaw ! I'm good, of course, but take. He assured her he had given her two
no better than a husband ought to be, 111
et a stepladder and begin by taking the She could not underatand how she came
pictures down."
"I suppose you could get a colored man
to do the climbing and lifting.'
"Yes, but I won't 1 want no stranger
rambling through our house and picking up
things. tee
Be got the ladder and began work, and
from the way he whistled I think he en3oy-
ed it for about half an hour. In that time
he took down a dozen pictures and oarrien
'em up two flights of stairs to the store-
room, but as I went up with the duster he
sail: seed to a correepondent the other day.
"Why didn't I think to put an elevator "People don'tgenerally know it, but we have
into the house? And the man who made a horse in this city that is deaf as a post.
this stepladder ought to be shot 1 I believe It belongs to Walter Bresley, drayman.
I've climbed a mile or inol.e. What you The animal cannot hear a thuuderbolt, but
got there ?" is especially tractable and promptly obeys
!all commands of the whip His driver never
"The duster." • I •
"What for V'•• speaks to bu+ starts, guides, and stops
"To dust the pictures with." him entirely with iihip and 'lines, The
of the above causes, or any cause notmenttoned above
"laCm 1 Well, hand it here 1" . horse is 8 years old and has been deaf four
. send your address and10 cente in stamps or Lubon's
3 ears. He lost his hearing by 'being too
"He came down twenty minutes later,
' olose to a cannon that was being fired the sent sealed and seoure'from ol ser anon. Address if!
Treatise, in book form of Diseases Ilfan, Book
his collar all limp, his hair damp and his
face covered with dust, and me he sank into Fourth ofeJuly. I treated the animal for V. LtMoN, Welliugton street ka...t Toronto, Ont.
!three months, buttcould do him no good. A lazy fellow, lying down on the grass,
a chair with a groan I said:
"I thought it. would be too much for you." ,1 think the drums of his ears were perme.- said—" Oh, how I do wish that this Was
nently injured by the concussion. called work, and was well paid for!"
" Oh, you did 1 Well, I want you to ,
Speaking of odd things in horses, 'William IT 0
understand that it is simply fun for me. FR vOUGH OEMs cureS in one minute,
make this house look sick. before to.morrow Reed of Erie had horse some time ago, The conical high crowned hat is to bo
and I think has him yet, that wears glasses. worn another season d inventor'
, an an is at
noon, and before night we'll be all through
with house-cleaning.' IThe horse was a roadster, and a geed °me work on au extension neck for theatre.
with the one exception that he would shy. e•
"Not quite as soon as that." - I 1 goers.
"Won't we ? See if we don't. This , found the animalwas short.sighted. He could • Whenever your Stomach r B get tea of
not see an object until close Upon it, and der, causing Biliousnees. D°ystre3pewiecii,e orlardirrtestion
taking a week or ten days to do a little '
then he would jump abruptly to one side or and their atteedant evils, take at once a dose of Dr.
cleaning is played out. • I don't propose to
dilly-dally over this job." the other. I sent to Philadelphia and had a Carson's Stomach Bitten. Beet family medleiee,
consumption, have a scrofulous origin, and
also for eruptions and sores, indica,ting im-
purity of the blood. Druggists all sell it.
It is small wonder that misers are rioh.
by it, but some of the passengers could; They turn over their capital so often.
and, as she. put her hand to her face to hide Chronic nasal cetaamh—guaranteed mum—
the tears oe Joy that dimmed her eyes, some Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
one whispered the stranger's name.
He is one of the besteknown philanthro. CODSBOaliptiOn Surely Cured.
piste of New York, a member of a family To THE Enrroa •.—Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above named dm -
noted for many years, far and wide, for its ease. By its timely use timutiande of hopeless cases
countless good deeds. have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to
send two bottlee of my remedy Faaa to any of your
readers who have consumption if they will send me
A Horse that Wears Goggles. their Express and P. 0. address. B.espeotfully,
Da. T. A. Stocun, 37 lenge sin Toronto, tont.
Dr.J. B. Hemphill, of Titusville, Pa,, Most people believe in "the greatest good
for the greatest number ;" and their" greittest
number is number one.
A Cure for Drunkenness.
The opiura habit, depsomania, the morphine habit
nervous prostration caused by the tree of tobacco,
wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the
brain, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused
by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural
strength, from any cause whatever. Men—young,
old or middle aged—who are broken down from any
pair of glaseeis male for him. Had three IL g ' •
That night when he went to bed he groan-
ed and sighed, and in his sleep. he muttered pairs made before we got one that was per- When a man wants money or assistance,
featly adapted to his eyes. This was deter- the world, as a rule, is very obliging and in -
and scolded, and `about midnight he woke anddulgent, and lets him want it.
mined by driving him with one pair
me up by saying : ee 4-1- A-1.- r, 1
then e3,e Oilier: With a certain pair his hajOrnstosairso neat:tn.:oral oRoniourswourad prereetvoornetes giorenyinangdou ded
"You bet I will 1 I'll finish the whole sight seemed to be nearly perfect.
thing by noon 1 ` - entirely prevented his shying, and although' Jones--" Look at Brown over there in
Mr. Bowser acted sore and stiff next the corner," Smith—" Yes : buried in
the glassee coat $27 to manufacture they
morning, but after brea,kfast he put cn an
old suit of olothes and began work. We added $200 to the value of the horse. thought." Jones—" Mighty shallow grave
ain't it ?" ' ,
deck ed to clean the parlor first, and he , . People who are subject to bad breath ,to& coats
moved out all the furniture with a whew; '' Courtship " Among the Australian tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, ;all at ono
bay window, ripped one of the curbing two th old and tried remedy Ask your Druegiet.
Among the aboriginal blacks of Australia 1 Pitires nee, --• '
back, and in pushin the iano out he thinned . ula,tion they may be induced to re i t
• Dru gists 50 cents
.1n his whew he tore down the poles at the Aborigines. re met y using Dr. Cerson's Stomach Bitters
feet or more, upset a chair and broke the r he, but under skilful
courtship, as the precursor of marriage,
BAkING PPIDIR j8 /lees ITlom
AesoiliTE1.Vg.41(. CR mii4CiAR
, qed ANC. .50P,‘
G x;rnAcr,s
ISE STRONG.,;sePertes,e Atte Past •
. .
For The Nervous Young Men
The Debilitated SUFFERING from the effects of ea:lv ev1 habits, the
result of ignorance and folly, who find themselves
The Aged. weak. nervous and exhausted ; MI/ D/4E-AGED ond
CuRES Nervous
stomach and Liver Diseases, and all
ache,Neuralgiat NervonsWcakness,
Prostration, Nervous Head -
affections of' the Kidneys.
Gnonon W. BouTorr, Srantronn, CI:MR..64M
"'For two Years I was a entlerer froro nervous de.
WRY. and I thonk God and the discoverer of the
OLD KEN, who are broken down from the elf gti of
abuse or over-wcrk, and In advaneed life reel the
onsenuencea of youthful ey.ceHt, send for and read
M. Y. Luberes Treatise on the Dice ises cf Man. The
book will be Et /It' eraled to any address en receipt of
t 9 1 •
M. V. LUBVN, Wd/ineton St. E , Toronto, Ont.
Cook's Gem
valuable remedy that PArrin1s thmaivr OOMPQA1112 B
cured nie. .11 is a valuable remedy. Long may it
live. Let any one write to rae for advIce.9
ALOVZQ Amore, wurnson, ve., says:
"I believe Pante% antanry Coarsoram saved my
life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor.
VeVIclIsheelett. Vfagee°e'Cenrilsrli from
end I am live hundred per cent, batter every way,"i
For two years past have been a groat sufferer
from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dyS.
pepsia and constipation. Before I began to take
CELEnr 00mronsn it seemed as though everything
ailed me. now Lean say nothing ails me.
emonan /meow% Sioux errs, Iowa, says:
• "1 have been using Purrs% CELERY ConrounD
and it has done me rnore goodfor kidneys and lame
back than any other medicinal have ever token. •.
• Hundreds of testimonials have been received from
persons who have used this remedy with remaokable
benefit. Send for circular. I
Price 161.00. Sold by Druggists.
WELLS, RICHAR DSON &CO., Proprietors
Montreal, Que.
CRUM Itneturss touege, GCELPII,
• This popu'ar Institution, now in its 4111 Year,
is do.ng a grand work Mr the eduation yeung
me ) and women thole bren hes, a knowirdge of
whi.h is so eesential to the ietell-gent a d succeseful
managetnent of.practica' affairs. Ise graduates are t
eversashere giving signal pro( f of the thoroughness
of their training, and bearing grateful testimony to
the monetary value of its onn. of study. The
Annual Circular, giving fell information, will
be mailed free. Addres3 MA< ComacK, Principal.
TER S STOCK cf Michlaery to select from.
Send for Li -AL
IL W. PETRIE, Brataktf4Ardi Out.
OUR IkCENTS mrnificent Parallel], Bible
Withrow's Popular "Ilestory of
Canada," Gough% "Platforni &toes," Dorchestet's
"Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words,"
'The Cottage Physician," MAKE MONEY
Gough's "Sunlight and
Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc , Popu-
lar Books !Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, terms
eta., to Wintram, BRIGGS, Publisher Toronto.
saloon Ticket?, $40, $60, SOO. Return, $30
$110. Intsanediate, e,60. Steerage, $20. Anil',
H. E. MURRAY, General Manager,
1 Custom House Square, Montrea,
I A _ OP DIE tlirt,t—My &UAW! 1
1 tory IVOR.. IlLrg ultals I—" u Ireaatreld 1'
403,000. Send $L50 for a copyY, 1
and go to work. Agents wanted, Address,
• A. G. WATSON, Manaeer 1
all his knuckles an bro a his stiespendors at unknown. When a young warrior is desir-
ous o tocurine , he gezter
f pe o a wife ally obtains to an extent that Sale vvers the purpose I Tcrento Willard Tract Depository, Toronto..
one an e same ins an . e jumped three . . . .
and •ttli• dth
A, P. e98.
' et
e b ison in exthan e for her a gist r
p var ca e
faet high in his indignation, and as he came
or some other female relation of his own; eneaseette.
down h turned on me with: b t if h h Id b 1' 'b
on y g g
. e ,
Where in blazes is the ax, or a sledge- .
diseimaged in the tribe to which he b longs, Est'd I867. Donald C Ridont et Co., Toroolo,
this infernal piano to pieces 1'
t ere s ou e no e le daansel parriaa rti procured, Patent Attorneys, and experts.
hammer, or a maul, or something to knock
then hovers around the encampment! For Sale—Illuetrative dente Mee Om
of some othel. blicka until he gets an oppor- alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto
" Mr. Bowser I suggested that you get •
whom he has seen and admired when al-
• seien one of their " leuhres "
a man to help you."
you did 1 y n t you suggest t Id' f th f 6 H'
tumty o CANOES. WM. ENGLISH, Teterbero, Ont.
ing one o e eas m is mode of
that I get the house on fire and do the clean-
ing that way! Look' at that hand ! And
"Oh, ' d'd '
Send for Ill. Catalogue.
payinp bis addressei is simple and effica KNITTINC:er:regimetoainiitraLsi.MACHINES
e . caous. ie a blow of his war.clule he stuns
here's these suspenders gone !
I the object of his " affection," and, as she
I mollified him after awhile, and he finally paid. ALL.Val uable"oltutwiiteeakndau pdaerxtroenalaser:
his own gunyah in triumph. Another I '
WORK 707,..
recovere her senses, brings her home to ;VICKERY Augusta, Maine.
expressed his willingness to take hold again.
"I suppose the ,oarpets will go to the
beaters?" I queried. method with the wifeestealer is to ascertain rrIORONTO CUTTING Sornsm—A grand chance to
I the camp fire beside which the girl whom he •ell- rialfe a thereugh kmwleig13 ef garment cutting
"Not much 1" he iMplied. "I don't pro- ,
covets sleeps. When he gains the knowledge o Weristin rgarealtielmieluozabtihewtaimees.toenrtneirs. 0 uC4 ouopd
pO50 to pay out five or six dollars to have
he requires he creeps close to the camp on plication. S. Coanicaer, 1228.Yongge.st., Toronto,
itomeone pound this carpet for ten rainntes. I
some dark, wind ni lit, and, stretehing out
hairs in your head, and I'll show you a 3o his spear, insertsyits tarbed point among her CANGEP
, CURED, without tho knife. No
I've beaten more carpets than you've got trottedta, ULCERS,
thiek, flowing looks; turniog it slowly round, II oure, no pay. Send stamp for
On this." I
' some of her hair becomes entangled with it • pamphlet. teen SMITH, M.D.,124 Queen le.,Torontn.
pulling five or six he broke out with some. from her slumber, and as her eyes open she FIRE AND BURGLAR
thing about blazes and grabbed the carpet feels the point of another weapon against afe. I PROOF, and Vault, Doors,
0 • kept constantly in stook.
and heaved awayr The tacks came up un- 'h th Sit 'th • f ' t A number of Swoncl.hand
Sif ,s at low prices.
J. & J, T AYLOR,
He set out topull up the tacks, but after then, with a sudden jerk, she is aroused
til he reached a seem, and then there was a she nnowe well that the slightest attempt
r r.r.ip downthebreadth. This was repea,t-
• • ,at escape or alarm will cause her instant
death, so like a sensible woman, she makes i Toronto Safe Works.
e or six Imes betore e s, thecarpet
favor his back. I from which she is not released till death. W. D. RETURN, Financial Agt.,
" It s hard work," I observed, as he pant -
up, and then he piled it in the middle of a virtue a neceseity, andt rising silently,
• MONEY TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates.
No delay. Correspondence solioited.
the floor and eat down on the windowsill. to follows her captor, to begin a life of toil
ad and gasped,
"1 don't see it," he presently replied. All About a Dog.
"Even if it was, we ve got half the house In order to find the Corsica of Colomba in
done, rnd it is not -yet 8 o'clock."
Bye -and -bye he dragged the carpet out mountains -of Corte, and above all into the
all its glory ib is necessary to go into the
and hung ib over the clothesline. I had just arrondissement ef Sartene. Here out of
left him for a minute to see what ailed baby 8,000 male inhabitant], 4,400 have chitrgee of
when I heard a furioue yell.
prancing Iran hitch and various sorts against them—murder or mis
' Bowser wa� around the Yard demeanours! They do not care, and live In
and shaking one llama aloft. Be had grasped
a tack. freedom, practically oub of all legal jurisdic-
He had `fettle'. ealinad down and tam. It was here that a, Tafa,ni, by killing
eeized the carpet again to lift it over the line • h • d h h f
when he got three or four at once, and for vendetta, with the Rocohini. In consequence
five minutes there was a circus. The per. of this no less then eighty members of the
formance might have continued to this date two families have taken to the woods and be.
had I not succeeded in heading Mr. Bowser thine bandits, seven persons have been kill -
off as he came around the circle and warned ed, four wounded, one driven into exile, and
him that all the neighbors on the other man threatened wall death
street were at their windows, Then he sat y •
down on the back steps and seemed to look
nto the faraway for a long time. The red
olor had worked out of his suspenders into
his shirt, his great bulk had shrunk away
one fourth, and m his excitement his wig
had come off and been trampled under foot,
A very impudent boy on the fence asked
him how he liked it as far as he had gone,
and the driver for a oarpet.beieter's waggon
came along soon after and called but:
"Hey, old Tooled, do you want a job ?"
called Mr. Boweer pet names, and told
him how much I loved him, and how baby
vvould mourn his loss, and he grealitally re-
turned to his norrnal conditioo. When he
did he found that, he hut also lost four false
meth and 'broken the ettap to his vest,
" 13owser 1" he finally said, as he got
a rot for his aching back on the edge of a
"'Yen dear, You know I wanted you to
o away."
"And rIn gOing 1"
" Are you ?
"Never to retern—never I"
"Oh, Mr, Bowser 1"
"Don't Bowser and dear me 1 You
deliberately put up a 'villainous job on nse,
The Right House.
" Of'shur," said a tired citizen early in
the morning, "I'm (hie) loekin' f'r num'r
three-fifty.one, an' 'm blamed (hie) fi oan
find it.
"No. 351, think, is five doors above, sir
—the house with a woman looking out of
the second.atery window,"
"Yeah (hie) that's housh."
Soren Yeats
Of suffering relieved in as many days, Corns
cause in the aggregate art much suffering as
any singk disease, It is the magic solvent
power of Putnam's Corn Extractor that
makes it speedily euccessfel in removing
Coate. Take no eubstitute, however highly
recommended. Putnam's Painless Corn Ex-
tractor ia the best, Surd, safe, and painless.
Japen is evidently becorning rapidly °lei.
lized. It is stated titbit 34 new rMlwaytt are
being built iu the country at dost of over
$56,000,600, and hundreds of miks have a
ready boon built,
Astabtrehed 1880. /2 lang-st. E" Toronto.
Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of ratents.
0. Reim Chief Engineer. A. FRASER ,Setey-Trean.
tlAtfTION !—Farmers wisbing to avoid a
Lawsuit era warned against buying or USING
an infringine bagholler manufactured in 8116-
`s -L-1 diesex. Ont, The geeuine article is stamped
'The Dude' and 4'Patented 1887" as required by
law. W. C. Aterum & Co , 'World Building, Toren to
ClANADA SITIPP1NG CO.—Beaver Line of
SteamirlPs, sailing weekly between Montreal
and Liveepool. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
040, 550 and $60, Return tickets, $80, 500 and 5110
rrourding to etcamer and accommodation. Inter.
mediate, e31:1 ; Round trip tickits, 500. Steerage, 520;
Round trip tickets, 540. For further particulars and
to secure 'births, apply to H. E. MURRAY, Genera.
Manager, 1 Custom klouse Square, Montreal., or to the
imeal ezente, in the different Towne and Cents.
IT FROM TIIE mAounit. No farmer should send
hie machine into the field without one. Sample by
mail, 80e. CLEMENT at Co., Toronto.
proved Sates,
at prices within the
reach of all. roan send
you a eafetmade in the
best rnanner,with Com.
bination Look, and well
finished in every re.
sped, for 840, on de.
livery at your stetion.
Send for circular. S. S.
KIMBALL, Set oraig
st., O. Box 045,
Montreal P. Q
We want a Goon was In your totality to leek up
foe we Orteh furnished on satlefaotory guarani*.
Addret a 8. PAGE, Eyrie Park Vermont, B.S.
Second- nand Bicycles
and Tricycles.
Send for List. New Catalogue
ready in April.
R Parker & Co.
Works and Head Offices :
759 TO 763 YONGE ST,
209 Yong•o Street,
City Oinces :{ 303 Queen St. West, }TORONTO.
226 Queen St East,
100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont,
4 John Street North Hamilton, Ont,
Veva all the latest improvements, and are unequelled
for durability, style and convenience. The leading
carriage builders sell them, ASK Pon THEM and
Why do you nee those Expensive American and
Canadian Bakieg Powders when you can get as good
and wholesome at one half the price ? Prove it by try.
ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by
ELLIS 86 KFIGHLEY - Toronto.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific has been used for the pas
fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex-
cesses, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing in
the ears, palpitation, et,e. For sale by all druggists.
Price ei. per box, or 6 boxes for 85, or will be sews by
mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application
"I Er GEAT tr(r( nto.
Allan Line Royal all Steamships
Sailing daring winter front Portland every Thursday,
and Halifax ever) Saturday to Liverme audio sum..
;Ler from Qubee every Saturday to Liverpooecallinge
air Londonderry to land mails and passengers for
Scotland and Ireland : alro from Baltiencrus via Hali-
fax and St. John's, N,10., to Lise rpool fortnightly
during summer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow imws dming winter to and from Ealifax
Portiaeri, Beton and ; and during sum-
mer bete een Gla gross atd Nonqeal weekly; Glae
gow and Boston weekly, and GM, gow and Plailadel-
ptia ft rtn1ghtly.
For freight, passage or othcr informVion apply to
A. Schurnacher.a Co., 'Baltimore •, 8. collard
Halifax,' Shea 4 Ee., St. John's, Nfld., Wm Thomp.
sen & Co., $t. John, N. ne Allen s Co., ieag,o;
Lnve re Alden, New Fork; Porulier, Toronto;
All.ns, Rae & Co., Qu -bee; Wm. Brocade, Philadelz
phia ; II. A. All.n, Portland, Boktm, Montreal.
tee enereneeneeneeneteettet eats: e—ate .anotattotaaa
Nilhen I say Conn Edo not mean merely to
stop them for atimo, two then have them re-
turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL CORE.
I have made the disease of
—1-11S,, EPILEPSY or
—'1'61'3 SICKNESS
and FOst °filen.
trial, and it will euro
H, G. ROOT. 37 'range Ste sen.
Whaley,Royoe Co
• 283 -rouge Street,
The Cheapest mace in
Canada for
New- and second-hand.
Agents for,
and "ti 1G H APIP
Rep rhirg of Band In
str uments a specialty.
S end for Catalogue
fHE greatest die-
covery of the
present age IOT 'BEGET.-
mtnOtraiste MITABLO:D,
ComrtArlits A Per-
fect Blood Purifier. A
few in Hamilton who
have been benefitted
by its use : Mrs. M.
Keenan, 102 Robert
SI, cured cf Erys'pe-
as of 2 years' stand-
ing; Robert Cornell,
24 Snail St , daugh-
ter of Epileptic Pits
after six years' ing; Jennie Birrell,
55 alnut St., cured of vfeakness, and Lung
Vouble ; John Wool, 96 Cathcart St , oared of
Liver Complaint and E Doneness, used on y three
8 fifty -cent bottled; Mrs. 3. Beal, 6 Augusta St ,
ttoubled for yeare with Nervous Prostration tut,
small bottle§ gave her great .el let Sold at 58e. &'51.01.
F. F. DALLEY ix 00., Proprietors,
8RE.A.D made with •this
Yeast tooldist prizes at 132
Township and County Pairs in
Ontario in 1887, at such places
as Fjesherton,1Vlarichatn,Whit.
by, etc. Over 10,000 ladies have
sent DS letters arid postal cards
to say that it is superior to any
yeast ever used by them. It
makes the lightest, whitest,'
sweetest and most wholesome
bread, buns rolls and buck.'
wheateakes:Directions ineach',
package with full instructions:
Capital and ri dS now over S3,00o,04110.,
A Monte Company, 'Established October 1871.
To this Date, teetober 81, 1887, there has been returned
To the hairs of Poliey holders (death -claims). .... ... ...... . . .... . , 5649,249 00
To the holders of matured Endowtnent POliCieS 26,492 68
To Polley -holders on surrender of... ....... . 98,656 00
Ter Pollepheldore for Caeh profits (incincling-"
thoseallocated atid 482,544 02
TO holders of Annuity tends... ..,. . . ...... . 16,967 84
Loaned to Policy -holders on the*steurity of ...... .... . „ 82,264 08
$1,806,174 4/
Policies in Force over 10,01100 A mount over $15,600,000
PRESIDENT--Rox, Sin W. P. liOWLAND, C.D., K.C.M.G.
EuxoTT 12DwAt1ri Boort% Esq.
at.L BalActoNAILD, maittighig bitector,
Policies le chferieitable 01181 11 'Vats 4110 Rationale attet 2 YOWL