The Exeter Times, 1888-5-24, Page 1London IllerOil 4,34n
Geezer! 1\1011101--
T10.2110 11, depArt „.
Lucan Crossing
Clinton „.
Going South,
Blyth • „
Hone s 11 ...
Exeter ,..
Lucan Crossing
... 9.e
. 9,20
Loaning Companies represon e
Barrister, Exeter,
Established 1863. ,
This ,comy. awl lia.s been over Eighteen
rears in euccessfel operation in Western on-
thrio,andeontinues to insure aseainstloss or
dam ag e b -v ir o ,Buildin gs ,Ivf ermine s e , an -
ufactori mend 1111 ebbe v descriptiou SoflinFrat-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option ofinsuring on the Premium Note or
ash System .
During the past toil yearn tbis Company
basissue 07,090 I °holes, covering property
mint of lt40,872,038 ; and paid i less -
44;176,100.00, eonsistin of Cash
to thee.
013 [blob'
u Bah , GovernmentDeposit,and he unass-
essed Premium Notes On hail asAul in force, j,
W WADDEN PrOSiC101. t. . 5f. TAYLOR,'
Secretary, 3.11, FlucircaS,Inspector, OHAS,
NELL. Agontfor Exeter and vicinity,
arber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest styleS
of the art.
' Every attention paid to cutting
Ladies (ma Ohildren'.s. Hair.
VOL. XV. NO, 32.
Market Square
General Store
The uudersigned would inform the pub-
lic that he has just refeived hie
A full lino of Dry -Goods, Hats ek Caps, and
Crockery, Boots and Shaft
Those wishing Anything in my line will
nd it to their adVautage to call and in
pect my goods and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
13. ROSS.
Bumns.---Several spring colts have died
u this neighborhood.— The old hall at
Vincliehica wae sold by public auction ou
aturdety evglost.—Oolt breating is the
rder of the evening. The two wheeled
ig leas to rumble round. Bewaie of the
exan.—Miss Jennie Andrews was taken
kir with. inflammation last week—The
ailere of the fall wheat crop is making
hales yery dull for the day laborers. Farm:
rs tiro expending as little as possible, and
everal men are withal:it steady work.—Mr.
obert Wood, whOttirnethe winter in Cali-
ornia, returned home a short time ago.
is description of the country is not so
lowing as those -given a year ago. The
rop prospect was 'rather poor, as the rain -
all had. been insufficient. •
o the Editor of the .EreeterrinteS
DEAR SIT.—I do:1100110W who gave you
e sheep -killing TieW8 that appeareellin your
st issue, but do know that the one who
ave you it had better find out the truth
afore he goes scanddizing Man or clog.
y dog was not caught killing Heywood's
eep ; he Ives only seen at the carcass in
ie morning after six o'clock. As tny foam
oss corners Heywood', where the sheep
ere killed, I do not think it anything
onderfully out of place that my dog was
round the sheep. As foraerthe killing
isheetrend 'Thed. Jones,' he was sate
uzzled at the lime. 'I think that this
arson is very unfair ;he talks as if all
her dogs were innocent. I think our
grieved friends can blame themselves for
eying their sheep on the road at night,
erefore they should be a little reasonable.
HAnEar Joxxs.
sharne, May 20th, 1885.
BruErs.—Mr. John Lovett sent his name
wn to Calms', and we are proud to say it
88 been accepted.—Mr. j. Hudson, paint-
, id showing his handiwork on Dr. Lang's
sidence.—Peter is back again from his
d Louisiana home.—The man whose
eat melodious voice chiined so furiously
the ears of one of our trustees a week
o, took the delightful opportunity of
ewing his landmarks on last Sabbath
ening.—The G. T. B. section hands are
ing a good work in the station yard by
ing up the old ties and re -placing them
new once, and repairing things in gen.
al, giving Granton a healthy appearance
the traveller.—Owing to the cold, dry
tither the grass has made very little head-
y of late, and a number of farmers who
their stook out to pick a living for them
yes have been obliged to take them in
d feed them the remainder of last year's
p, which ie very wholesome with those
o have it to spare. Mr. Pl.ilip Mowbray
s gone east once more. Ilis short but
lcorne stay wns appreciated by his friends.
O wish hint the good luck to return with
rap of no small diinensions on his thigh.
=vs.—A beautiful scene was observed
in thie village on &many evg. last between
Lha hours of 9 and 10 in the evening. The
firmanaent was beautifully illuminated by
the appearance of the aurora borealis (or As
Charles Dickens and the ruittio call it, "(he
roaring bawling ale house.") The effect
produced wasmagnificent and such as would
defy the skill of artists to re -produce —A
Cland'eports anew elay pine, the gilt ef
R. S. Hodgine.
Our esteemed post master is bed ridden
with Mr. Job's comforters,
Billy Reid and Jack Hodgins meandered
home Saturday night, ,
George Staoley challenges any men in
America to stow away pie faster than he
can. (George is very pious.)
A. Carrel has left the Salvation army
and wishes it published. Ex-
changes will plasm oony.
Pitoh forks, chain lightning, and bite
ball clubs, last Thursday. Worse this
correspondent is 01100,80C1 111
steel armor.
Wm. Dann, V. S:, of thieeplace removed
a tumor from the neck of a pig owned by
Mr. Thos. Baskett a few days ago, He
was ably assisted by Billy Bell, The
temorweighed 49 lbs ancl earl bs seen at
Tertuant's office.
Our living wonder, Mr. James Langford,
Simptons Westlake John Jones' cousin,
lost hii pet cock canary last Monday night.
James wilt pay a 'thorn' reward to any:
pereon or persons restoring it to its proper
e lace
It was wafted into town astradle of a
summer noontide zephyr. it was comely
and great of stature ancl very corpulent
finked.' But no one could name it. Some
said it was Barnum's "great what is it."
It didn't wear diamonds. It was only a
clairvoyant in disguise.
Messrs. John C. Frank and Dan McCosh
have, we believe, purchased a fine water
privilege at Brecon and intend. slartingsa
large straw hat manufactory. They will
employ only female help -and as the ship-
ping facilities are fine they , will probably
be able to undersell n11 competitors. What
is Lucan's loss is Brecon's gain.
There is a man of matnmoth proportion
making preparation for a siertson's tour
througliont Canada, Ho has purchased
the canvas tenting and paraphernalia, from
the manager of the United States circus.
He has proeured several leading curiosities
from Mr. Vicker's dime museum, of Chi -
cage. Dan is well up in the business, and
will be ably assisted by his better half,
who is no little wonder in her special line.
Aucl as Mr. Dave McG. wIll officiate at the
crank of the hurdy anedy, success is assur-
ed them They will no doubt visit Exeter
sometime this summer. -
And it carne to pass that there hved in
the Village of Lucana certeth man named
Thomas, And Thomas did commune with
himself thus : Behold I have taken unto
myse f tv,o wives, and as I am now growing
oldrand=nlocics are turning white I will'
again take unto myself a helpmate to com-
fort me In my old clays. Behold I will
walk through the streets, peradventure el
will meet a damsel to my mind. And it
came to plies as he walked down a certain
street which was called Math, he lifted up
his eyes ana beheia, a maiden tall of sta-
ture and pleasing to the eye ; and he said
unto himself, behold I will take this woman
for my wife. Now the worctan was of a
goodly countenance and t11e2 old inan was
struck—which, being interpreted, means
greatly mashed—and he lifted up his voiee
and said :—"Bertha, behold here am I I a
man honest and upright, but withal lonely
in my old age, therefore I would take unto
myself a helpmate so that she could cheer
my declining days, and that my gray hair
might descend in honor to the grave.' And
,the woman Bertha lifted up her voice and
geld : 'Behold I ton also lonely, haying al-
ready burled one husband ; but if my lord
wishes to take unto himself another wife
his servant is willing to obey nay lord ; so
the matter Was settled. .And it came to
pass on a oortairt day that the man Thomas
and the woman Bertha did enter the syna-
gogue, and when they came forth, behold,
they were man and wife. And the woman
went with the man Thomae and did dwell
with him in his house. And it came to
pass that certain yoimg men did reason
among themselves, saying : "Behold, the
man Thomas has talcou nnto himself Ber-
tha for a wife, let us go down mid make
merry .and sing and dance and beat on in-
strnMents of music that the neon Thomas
May know that his choice is pleasing in
our sight.' And it same to pass that the
young men did go down, and they did sing
and dance and did -beat on tin pens, and
did blow on horns and did make merry,
Brit thei'anan Thomas wexed very wroth.
and did say unto thorn, 'depart I pray thee,
seeet thou not that the woman Bertha is
troubled and objects to nisi greeting ? But
the young men heeded him not. And it
came to pass when the clay broke that the
man Thomas did go to the Judge and said
unto him, 'behold I have taken unto my-
self a wife, and certain of the young men
come to tits, house rind did donee and
serious aficidene toelt plow here on. Friday (.11311 esid, make merry, and I lifted up nay
last.- As Mr. and Mrs. Bloke of Usborne
were driving through Kirkton, and about
to pass over the north bridget the horse
hacked up and precipitated the occupants
from the rig, Mrs. flicks having the tnis-
fortune to break her leg. The approaches
to the bradge are in a very dangerous con-
dition, speaking for the consideration of the
tiavolling public, and the general opinion of
the people is that Mr. Melee ought to ap
ply to the Comity Councils forsremunera-,
tion for the danange eustaindlitelitErs. Rieke
is progretsiug fiworably. —In your last
week's issue your correspondent omitted
to mention that among the important etre
ticlee placed under the foundation elmie of
the M. 0., for the benefit of the coming
generation, was the family 100013 04 Me.
Benjamin Jenkitison Itoadhoneo, one of
our chief city fathere. —The Holy m
vee and send unto them, deport, I pray
thee, and they departed not. Therefore
I pray unto you, enmneon them ; yea even
all of them. And the judge did as Thomas
commanded, and the young men were sum-
moned, A.nd when the judge had heard
the complaint he said unto the young inen:
'Depart I pray yon and sin no more ; se
the young men departed. And the num
Thomas (Mutineer' to dwell with his --wife
for certain days. And it came to pass as
the clayS went by that the woman commun-
ed with herself, and said, '1 have clone
wrong in that I have married- this mail, for
he now old and his clays are short ; nev-
088 I will leave him as Jo groweth
ore wroth every day and his heart is ha' -
indened. And it came to pass that the wo-
end even as She said, and she gather -
()galley' her raiments and departed and
istie sricraficn was celebrated hi St, Paul's 1ed. t
Atigeltean church on Sunday last.—Over
the lino hi tha sweet refrain" and WO find
Pete and Sim cleitg well there,
TEE SCOTT 4011,-0]8 motion of Mr. Jam-
iesen, the HooSe coecurred in the atnend-
rnents made by the Senate to his, Bill to
mond the Canada Temperance Act. One
amendment provides that searches shall be
nniclo in the tiny time, tmother provides
that a husband and wife shall be only com-
petent and not compellable Witnesees in
each other's behalf. The House, du motion
of Mr. Raggftit, assented td an amend
ments made by the Senate to 'Mr, McCar-
hy's bill to amend ' the Temperance Act.
'he amendment bos rofer0000 to the mode
ptiniing the 'ballots fot, voting on tho
• 01.
sojourned in another house on the other
ai.d0 f thd city. And the man Thomas
W very wroth, end again wont to the
Jo go and Said, Tel-Yold my wife 13e18118
hes left me, toll too, 1 pray thee, what to
,nd the Judge lifted up his voice and
let her go, Gallagher, for even as
List livo without her before so shalt
thou do agnin • for now that thine 11511 18
grayr (1 thy 1;o»es feeble thou shalt
soon " gathered unto thy fathers,' And
Thomas 1118843 319 his voice, and said, "It
Is 304fli So tile EIS111 Thelnaff dwele 111 143
4,281rend the Woman Bertha dw.ele in her
hose, 817338 1110 saying of the Judge height
be fulfilled, cram unto this day, when he
eaye "Old Men merry not ,yoting Worben,
for, behold, 18 18 vanity,"
Mr. Sbowai tem. has had hie hair cut.
T melee Cellhis nye the fruit crop loolca
wet in McGillivray.
orge Poktie, it is said, received a
bushiess letter from the Jersey Lilly.
DIsacion isastings, John Noble and Eras-
thee:Miller of Parkhill were in town on
Friday laee
Old grandpapa Calamity is all brolceu up
with' rheumatism, and is afraid he will
hale his large toe amputated. Bob Turner
is dee-tering it.
Thomaa Hawkehavr hae the fineet pair
'oryoung pigs in this sections 110 recently
pqrshased them from Jonothan Floclgins at
tleVancy prioe of 035. The porkers are
t ha° months old. .
sfithter Downam of the Lncan cheese
enftry, who has been ill a long time with
ere attack of clyspepsia, has lately much
oved in health. Mr. D. hae been
'sting entirely cio a diet of whey for
SO time, and says he thinks it the finest
ee dy for chronic clysipepera. He heart-
il emommencle it to all his friends.
mes O'Shea, one of our local shoe-
niel,kere, received by mail on Saturday, an
orAer fora pair of danchig pumps from his
teiend, General Boulanger, one of the
Fiensn deputies. James and the General
were born in the same town in France and
*ended 8011001 together in Burgundy.
jannesy has some idea of returning to his
native land, sometime through the summer
i 401INNY TAXES UTE CARE.—A walking
*tot' took place ontheagricultural grounds
teat Saturday afternoon before an over-
whelming audience of spectators. The
principals were Johnny F., of banking
fame, Lenord S, the popular esthetic ora-
tor, and jarnesy S., of phonetic calibre,
They respectively and collectively arranged
to walk a four mile go -as -you please race
for a large iced poemd cake, the winner was
to take the cake- :4i.'he cake was to be pre-
sented to tly-' 0 r by a pleasing young
din:noel witActts, „filer hair in bangs aftet
the latesf-ross-sesSt`a improved style, It was
partieularly observed that johnny F. was
in excellent condition, due no doubt to his
experienced traMer, Mr. Cousins. It is
just as well to note that Mr. Cousins ac-
companied O'Connor, the oarsman, on his
Californian trip, when he did up Patter-
son. Lenorcl S. was lame, having mudded
his left heel, and having possibly beeu over-
done in training. While Jamesy S., though
n little onthe light weight, and being lean
and lank, was in prime condition. The
Grand Stand Was filled to, overflowing by
the fair sex, from the Don 'Fon to the less
presumptuous damsels of the town. while
the fences and approaches were literally
packed by an over-anxious crowd of Liman-
ites and visitors from the back townships,
iill eager fer the coming walk ; and when
the three athletes came forward to toe the
ecratch they were greeted with an ovation
from the grand 'stand which caused the
very clouds to roll amidst waving of hand-
kerchiefs and wilcl sbrieks of encourage-
ment. A ernile could be plainly, seen to
play gracefully over each of their handsome
mugs. John F. wore a blue jersey and
flesh colored tights with the ordinary Eng-
lish walking shoes, the costume suiting his
style of beauty best. Lenord was arrayed
neatly in a red hunting cap, white jersey
and navy blue trunks. Ile did not wear
any shoos as he considered them au Mauna-
brance, as the ground was quite mellow.
Jamesy. S. was elegantly togged out : he
wore a white plug hat adorned with a bo-
quet of heliotropes; a red, white and blue
Jersey to which was attached several golden
bicycle medals. His feet apparel was made
of ordinary carpeting. There was, how-
ever, a nervous anxiety conspicuously beat-
ing and heaving -in their manly bosoms.
But when Mr. Betts came forward and in a
niild„but melodious voice, asked, are you
ready? they eaoh braced themselves up,
pushing out their manly bosoms to the'full
extent of their lung „ presenre. They an-
swered by a voluntary nod of their, heads,
and a half whispered yes, and amidst an
outburst of barrette the three started off at
a fretting pflee, JR,IlleBy leading a full lap
with Lenerd dogging him determinedly,
elosely followea by Johnnie , who Ivor° a
mill° of assurance, beating like a ray of
sunshine over his entire countenance, giving
confidence to his backers who freely offered
oath in his favor, but were not taken up.
The first quarter mile post was passed in
much the same position. The raee grew
more exciting as it progressed, and when
the mileepost was passed Leonard succumb-
ed, owing no doubt to a shortage in breath,
and retiree]; sorry,and heavy of heart. The
race was now virtually over, as the Pet ansi
berintiful jatnesy calked himself just as
he reached the 3 mile post, but still strug-
gled gamely on, but limping, The deep
lines on his face told what a struggle was
deep seated in his bosom. The crowd be-
came eo enthusiastic that they am not ob-
serve that the time-lceoper was staring into
vacancy, while he bent with -pleasing varia,
tions the Devil's Falter with his heele onthe
tune board. He, however, nroueed himself
judt in time to see Johnnie °roes the win-
ning line in 4 hours nnd 35 minutes, fonr
laps ahead of janlesy. Immediately on
massing the line Johnnie fainted and was
only resuscitated by several applications of
Mr. Brewer's hair vigor. Jamosy was evert
in a WerSe plight as he. has not regained
consciousness yet, meets noder the care of
doctors Dan and 'I'ennent. On johnnie
gaining consciousnees, he wag borne on
the shoulderof 4 stalwart Biddulrhers, in
front of the grand stand and there present'.
ed with, the cake. Ench contestant re.
ceived severe' boeucts of lovely flowers
attached to a rope during the rade., Im-
mediately after Jonoio was presented with
the cake, he wets also presented with a
numerously sigued petitiop, flaking him to
stancl for member for this 1 icling et the
next gencial election. Jon uie bore of/ the
enhe in a insilcet, basket nuclei. bis loft arm
alnidSt deafening applauSe. The cake is
now Oil exhibition 10 the winclow of old
oin•ioilty shop. Mr. Haeket hes secured
the cootract for making a glass 0180 101' it.
Ool, ,TeelcsOn end Bob Clolline dropped $25
on 1110 race, otich having backed Lenord.—
Dr. Sutton ond J, R. Crfttnt wOro interested
eppotatere at the rtlee.—Alex McFalis of
Bfildulple promieed to be present, but his
back was hone, Tio sea a letter of re.
gret.-eLettere of regret were also received
from Hone. Carling, Meredith, Clore. Good-
man and Gilmore of Cleatiteboye,--George
Catheart bad entei.ed but at the lase
moment his imart failed hien
Mr. Samos Stanley, our local auctioneer,
is one of the finest made men in Canada,
Mr. Stanley is about leaving town for
Sacramento, Onlifornia, where be has se-
cured an sngagernent with a Ant class
opera company to poss as a Romangladiator.
Itobinson Armitage, nephew of Mr.
James Armitage, one of Canada's greatest
clebatere, has been, we understand, engaged
to wear the reel °leak and bestride the
firey white steed at Montreal on the 1231i
July next. He will Also 430111101 1115 famous
lecture, entitled, "How I reified my whisk.
015" in the opera house in the evening.
The' elite colored gentry of thie place
have organized themselves into a race and
color society, Pete Ned was elected presi-
clentmnd a resolution was passed at the
last meeting to engage the services of the
Reverend Solomon Peter IsIale, the Kang-
aroo and British Baptist, of vocabulary
fame, to leeture. The entertainment „will
be by special charter held in tho Salvafibei.
Army barracks. Pete Nea, old Grand pa
pa, and the captain of the Salvation army
corps, are a committee to sell tickets; tho
price is placed within the roaoh of all. No
Bis.—Inspector Greb of the Board of
Health, has been going his rounds • this
spring, looking after the sanitary condition
of the town. Back yards are receiving a
thorough renovating. He had ten cases on
hated the past tem weelcs. Tho Board of
Health met last week : Dr. MoDermot of
Hensall, Dr. Buchanan and D.. Steinbach,
chairmen, and several others. It was de -
aided that for the healthfal condition of
the town,theopen dram fronting town
hall, and also open drain OD Main,st,
fronting Shottler's lot, lie attended to by
the council. The council will also be re-
quested to fill up the large hole in the
sohool yard. The hole has a quentity
stagnant water in it at present. and the
stench coming from it is very bad. The
sooner 18 18 Attended to the better for the
health of our little ones at sthool.--The
Canada Lutheran Senate will hold a two
week's session in Zurich, comtnencing on
Wednesday. A report of the sitting will
be given later on,—A sermon in English
will be preached in the Lutheran ohnrob
on Sunday evg. next, by the Rey, Mr,
Bninrs.--lefr. James Flanagan, of Winn
peg, who has been visititig his brother, M
John Flanagan of this place, intends to r
turn soon. --Wm. Beetham, who ham bee
home visiting his friends, intends retur
ing to Michigan next week, to work at hi
trade as lumbernean. —The milk waggo
again goes its rounds. Severnlmore chees
factories, we believe, being built in this vi
dnity.—Mr. David Cobblediok, who wa
recently hurt by a hone, is elowly recover
ing. This is the second Beyer° accident M
Cobbledick has received within a year.—.11
Adam IsleiTswife reoently presented hi
with a handsome baby girl. Muth joy
Adam. Clandeboye can at least boast o
one follower of ,Tolin L., in Mr. E. 0
Jones, he has, we believe, put up a chal
lenge to box any person in Ontario. -,.Mr
James Carter, of tbis plaoe, recently
two bags of meal atolen from his premises
It Was proposed to set a bear trap near th
remainder of flee grain, the only objection
being that the supposed perpetrator had
such big feet (12's) that he would cover the
trap. Mr. W. Williams also lost several
bags of graiu last week.—Clandeboye is
looking up. We are going to have a tele-
phone through from Clinton to London.—
lelessrs. B. Blackwell & Son seem TO be
raking in the ,,eggs. They have already
shipped nye car loads. besides having
pickled about that many.. --We can boast
of possessing one sport, in the person of
Mr.„Ira Bice. Last winter he killed seven-
teen foxes. and this spring he has already
speared fifteen hundred pounds of fish. Ira
expects -to finish the tou before he gets
threugh. Be has caught some fitle pike
and pickerel, and keeps the village supplied,
with fresh fish. He is supposed to be the
bestrshot with a spear in Middlesex.—Mr. 0
Lynn has taken untolimeelf a wife, and
yet Charlie won't tell tte who she is.—The
I. 0. F. 13eem to be malting great progress,
judging from the racket they made last
Saturdoynight while initiating two members
--Last winter a merehant of this place bar-
gained with a farmer in this vicinity for
ten cords of wood, all of which was to, be
good lioclY maple, for which he was to pay
$3.50 per cord. thing to business the
merchant was in London most of his time,
and, therefore, unable to superintend the
piling of the wood which was accordingly
done by the farmer in question. A. few
days ago the nincleant went to split the
wood, and found qo the oateides and cor-
ners that it Was good wood; but inside,
what was not rotten was hill of knots. He
has to use two axes, two mauls and seven-
teen wedges for every stiek ho Wits. He
now proposes to open a nwtul factory. The
farmer a will find it hard to get sale for his
wood next winter.—Prior to their departure
to distant lends, a eitizon of our TOW11 ghVe
a party, anti invited all the neighbors, and
a great many of them went and were toy -
ally entertained. The beverage provided
for the occasion was older, which, umiak.
ocl bynnine host, had beceme 'herd'. The
gueses partook freely of it, and in about
half -an -hour the effects became
TWO ruetics 'frotn the kinty,' became SO On-
tlansiaatic that they resolved to have
a littlo prise fight, so they piled into our
yillago shoe-malcot, with the intention, 110
C101114, of showing him the Act of boxing,
but they had mietalcen their man, which
they 'found Out to their eorrow, foe they
Went home eaddee and wieer men. When
afterwards interrogated our hero here very
calmly declared thet he Was used to hand.
ling calf•skin. Ile will doubtleesly nuke it
a prose -fight Mr them.
Bishop Baldwin Will leave for England
about June 1s1 to attelld the meeting of the
Pan•Angelican Synod in tendon, t ia
iniderstood that the annual' meeting of the
Synod of Hilton will tiot be hold mitil Sop.
tember on that aceonnt,
1 The Molsons Bank
(011 ART/1'13E') BY PA E5LtAA1JW1, 1955)
Paid up Clapltal , $2,001),Oft)
Rest Ibinct 875,000
Offere tbe I'17h11 L PEllt MINT INTETEST
PER AV NUMfor money on
For Money io
Ravings B auk D ep'ra'
(Lately Ite,Opened.
Fy1l4thO1 particularsapply n.t The Ban%
§treet, Exeter.
444k.1:, 11io: CI:: 7.S.--DENOVmAwN,
1, hp ra. Saturdays, 10 11,00, to 15.02
411. .A. C.
Dashwood. ' -
, -----
, Barere.--Mr. F. O'Keefe of London was
the guest of AEI% 3, Halleib for several
days past. He left for London tni Monday .
last, Kiss 'Ueda' ie at present stopping
St Mr, H. Willert's Conaniereial hotel.—Mr.
Zimmer of St. Agathe ii at present visiting
his sops, Zirniner Bros., our resneoted
WAROD /1.11(1 .carriage noticers.--sMr. WADI-,
bold of', Yagersville intend8 ,MoY111g. 1581'
M. Mr, Beaker's 1101128' 011 DlIfferi11hvel1110: ": -
I .?.- -aNk or s 't 'a ,' ": t 00 11' , ilttl 1 i ctl le I . ' ra.lid.Sdfb4tlirailrerlA197110' '',119'18t6 -4.1i' -:::c
erthyd a home for theni--s.firr. 'Werke ,
lif enema hoehonglit another farm eeouth.
o las:10411aq° frour„ the Canada CM;" lstaljt
r fed and werlred by Mr. F. Neel!.
y --400ea-
neOn„was held in ,the leuthenen ,,,eleurch...
11,1118t SilndhY., MoefdaY, being
leirVices ' weie!alge !held in -thee -tam , 11
cla..4-Tlie proposed- postal roete 'eaite,
Altil':`:•:Ftseeet line lately -been' agitating 1 theS-
seltigetfs,of our prosperoua and enterprising
villages ?Whether they aill get it reMaina'
to be seen.
Bitenrs.--eQuite a number of clergymen
froth various parte of the County were in!'
the village yestordey. Mr. D. D, Wilsoo,
of Seaforth, delivered a very impressive a6t-.
dresee-L-Since the repeal of the Scott Act
thenhotels,haie been closed on SaturdrsY:,
evenings at 7 o'cloele.—Quite a number of
villagers purpose attending the races at Ex-
eter to-day.—The Bengalt bae,eliall' club
sprit yery highly of the EIxeler• alb; and
when they come to this yillage we hope our
by will entertain them as courteously as
they were entertained. in Exeter. No doubt'
tliti people of Exeter had a somewhat un-
pleasant surprise at the remit of the gatne,
but, notwithstanding, the small amount of
practice our Iseys have bad, they mut have ,
handled thenaselves very well. ---There is
quite a boom in Hernial' at present, in the
purchasing of village lots.—Rov. 0. H.
Bridgemin has been holding revival meet-
ings in St. Paul's churcle for SODle time
past.-11sh ! Fish !is tho ory on the street
It 4411
Paitsox.m.---Mr. Wes. Judge of Lucan,
visite-tilde friends in Oreditou on Sunday
last. He has changed considerably since
he left here.—Mr. Jno. Zeefie of Claude -
boyo, also paid us ce-ehort visit on Sunday
last. John isa Welecnne guest in Crediton
as we have a number Of itnxious mothers
sud johnjasequite an eligible, young man.
and;AVIn. Mania* oi
Greenway, were in tciani On Saturday, last
and in company with some of our 'local
talent, discoursed some very fine music at
the residence of Mr. A. Mallin. They
have, when united, a goocl string band and
will not take a back seat from anyone.
Success boys,—We are glad to hear that
an old resident of Crediton, Mr.. Jacob
Dellenbach is again to reside,among us. Mr
D. has been living near St. Catharines, aud
lately met with a yety severe loss by fire
having had his house and shop destroyed.
Not being able to secure commodiona
quarters and there being a good opening
here, he has concluded to come back again
and we can safely predict him el1000811. It
may be mentioned that Mr. D. left Crediton
formerly on account of ill -health. He
takes the stand now occupied by Mr. A.
We are pleased ±0 118331 that Mr. D. Grant
of Seaforth, is somewhat better, and hope
he may soem recover.
The Crediton court of Foresters intend
taking part in tho 24th of May celebration
at Exeter, and have engaged our band foe
the day to accompany them. There are
also a great many others who intend going,
as a great time is expected.
Laortinne.—D. kl. Campbell,' phrenolo-
gist, who has been conducting a series of
lectures here, duringethe last two weeks
gave his closing lecture on Monday last,
and at the same time gave two prizes as
follows :—One to the handsomest lady, the
other to the honaliest gantlernan. The
prize in the 1st case, a gold ring, and in
the latter a chore, the decision of the tieket
holders to be final. The successful lady
was Miss Lydia Faint, and the successfal
(if we may use the term) gentleman was
Mr. Fred Finkbeiner, a Yankee lately
arrived. A great deal of fun was indulged
in, but everyone seemed pleased.
Exeter District Meeting.
The district naeeting of the Methodist
church convened in Exeter May 22. Dr.
Pascoe, President of the Conference, in the
chair. Meeting opened by singing and
prayer, after which the roll was called, all
the ministers of theedistrioe being present.
Rev. D. M. Kennedy was chosen geeretary
of the district. Aimee Hussar, probahooer,
having travelled feta years and oonapleted
his four years course of Study presenting
excellent certificates was recornmended by
the distriet to Conference for ordination.
The afternoon session was taken up iu
religious conversation, reviewing the work
of the past year.
Conclusion next week.
Sierne—Bilogniesinnu.---At tho Alethodi
Parsonage, Crediton, on the 10811 inst.,
by the 'Rev. D, M. Kennedy, Wm. Jonah
Simms, to Miss Eliza 13rokenshite, of
Sharon, Stephen Township,
Lvew—Gretmolin.—On the 3333 inst., at
the residenee of the bride's' father, by
Bev. l). Rome, Mr. ()Mirka F. Lynn,
of ieloGillivray, to Misq Bella (4tainger,
of linnet!,
MoDoeuren—In (Aherne, 01 1135 21st inst.,
the wife of Alex. McDonald, aged 36 yrs.
O'Snrete--In township, oft the 143811
inst., 35i11e1 O'Brien, aged 91 yeat8 and
7 months.
Senteits.—Ia St. illarye, on the iBtli inst.,
Luke Speerin, aged 78 years.
Pests—In St. ltlatyit, on the I 4tti inst,
Mary Alliguna, v 110 of Dateid Pyncie aged
leltrunur.!—In St. Marv!, on the 12th inst„
Julia, Witt of Milbasi Morphy, flood 811
---1 Jjfl )3... -
, arrleter, Scli-
e ! le ourt , Notary Public
,Convoya iss ncr, &c. Money to
Whoa in clr, Exeter,
'13aal is
leiter, Conveyancer, Etc.,
ven'snlock nun eol(1 office.)
Solicitor iii the Supreme Com; of Ontario,
Conveyancer, CommiSSiOneri &c„ &o. Special
,catentien given to the collection of claims in
the 'United StatePatents proeured, looney
to 10R11 St lowest rates. Odioe : Opera House
Block, St, Marys, Ont.
Barristers,$olicitors Notaries Public
, ;
Conveyancers Sze 'Sze.
ot..Money to Loan at Lowest Baths of
R. V. itsmor. L na,mor.
JaT1 L. BILLINas,.
0.FIFI(.7E: over 01.1rIEIL'S Zan!
Nitrous Oxide Gas for Painless Extraction.
o4... Graduate ottne Royal College of
• "". Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hay
A higfnrnished fine Dental Room
on MSIN-ST„ next door to Treble's Rainless
shop ,lexoter, where I am prepared to perform
all branches oi.the Dental profession with ease
15 'skill. ":7"MG-T...A..1i3x.,m 'wmeoiR,
usedinlittltractilig teeth. Charges, Moderate;
s.Perins, -slo
El.. •
Samwell'S Block, Main -et, Exeter,
• Extracts Teeth without pain,
by giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold
Viiings and all other dental
work the best poseible. Goes
a too to .Zmuorr ondast Thursday in
ri .C.4UT. ,D. M.. ,
.J• Ofdo eat hi sresiden ee 'E efe.r
Ll- W. BROWNING M. 0., Ai,. 0
214 -es .R . S ,GTaduateVictoriaUniversity.OtTice
an#Ireeidence,Don:Snioe Laborator v. Exe ber
DR. ELYNDMAN, coroner for the
County of Huron. Cada°, opposite Ur.
. Carling's store,Exeter.
-1-, 0. Office, main st.Exeter,Ont.Itesiden
cehouserecently ocenpied by P. McPhillips,
Etre .
HENRY EILBER, Licensed Aufa-
tioneer for Hay, Stephen, and MeGilli.
nay:Townships: Salesconducted atmoderate
t: ate 8 . 0 Mee --A t Post-offie e ,Crediton , Ont. '
GILL, Auctioneer for the 'rownehins of Stephen, Hay and ITsberne
and the Village of Exeter. All stiles promptly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
___, .........". ---- •
of the Ontario Veterinciry College. 'ha
One door South of Town Hall,
-.NA- per sent, $2,5,000 Private Funds. Best
Loaning Companies represon e
Barrister, Exeter,
Established 1863. ,
This ,comy. awl lia.s been over Eighteen
rears in euccessfel operation in Western on-
thrio,andeontinues to insure aseainstloss or
dam ag e b -v ir o ,Buildin gs ,Ivf ermine s e , an -
ufactori mend 1111 ebbe v descriptiou SoflinFrat-
able property. Intending insurers have the
option ofinsuring on the Premium Note or
ash System .
During the past toil yearn tbis Company
basissue 07,090 I °holes, covering property
mint of lt40,872,038 ; and paid i less -
44;176,100.00, eonsistin of Cash
to thee.
013 [blob'
u Bah , GovernmentDeposit,and he unass-
essed Premium Notes On hail asAul in force, j,
W WADDEN PrOSiC101. t. . 5f. TAYLOR,'
Secretary, 3.11, FlucircaS,Inspector, OHAS,
NELL. Agontfor Exeter and vicinity,
arber Shop,
A. Hastings, Prop.
Shaving and Hair cutting in the latest styleS
of the art.
' Every attention paid to cutting
Ladies (ma Ohildren'.s. Hair.
VOL. XV. NO, 32.
Market Square
General Store
The uudersigned would inform the pub-
lic that he has just refeived hie
A full lino of Dry -Goods, Hats ek Caps, and
Crockery, Boots and Shaft
Those wishing Anything in my line will
nd it to their adVautage to call and in
pect my goods and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
ter and Eggs and all
kinds of produce.
13. ROSS.
Bumns.---Several spring colts have died
u this neighborhood.— The old hall at
Vincliehica wae sold by public auction ou
aturdety evglost.—Oolt breating is the
rder of the evening. The two wheeled
ig leas to rumble round. Bewaie of the
exan.—Miss Jennie Andrews was taken
kir with. inflammation last week—The
ailere of the fall wheat crop is making
hales yery dull for the day laborers. Farm:
rs tiro expending as little as possible, and
everal men are withal:it steady work.—Mr.
obert Wood, whOttirnethe winter in Cali-
ornia, returned home a short time ago.
is description of the country is not so
lowing as those -given a year ago. The
rop prospect was 'rather poor, as the rain -
all had. been insufficient. •
o the Editor of the .EreeterrinteS
DEAR SIT.—I do:1100110W who gave you
e sheep -killing TieW8 that appeareellin your
st issue, but do know that the one who
ave you it had better find out the truth
afore he goes scanddizing Man or clog.
y dog was not caught killing Heywood's
eep ; he Ives only seen at the carcass in
ie morning after six o'clock. As tny foam
oss corners Heywood', where the sheep
ere killed, I do not think it anything
onderfully out of place that my dog was
round the sheep. As foraerthe killing
isheetrend 'Thed. Jones,' he was sate
uzzled at the lime. 'I think that this
arson is very unfair ;he talks as if all
her dogs were innocent. I think our
grieved friends can blame themselves for
eying their sheep on the road at night,
erefore they should be a little reasonable.
HAnEar Joxxs.
sharne, May 20th, 1885.
BruErs.—Mr. John Lovett sent his name
wn to Calms', and we are proud to say it
88 been accepted.—Mr. j. Hudson, paint-
, id showing his handiwork on Dr. Lang's
sidence.—Peter is back again from his
d Louisiana home.—The man whose
eat melodious voice chiined so furiously
the ears of one of our trustees a week
o, took the delightful opportunity of
ewing his landmarks on last Sabbath
ening.—The G. T. B. section hands are
ing a good work in the station yard by
ing up the old ties and re -placing them
new once, and repairing things in gen.
al, giving Granton a healthy appearance
the traveller.—Owing to the cold, dry
tither the grass has made very little head-
y of late, and a number of farmers who
their stook out to pick a living for them
yes have been obliged to take them in
d feed them the remainder of last year's
p, which ie very wholesome with those
o have it to spare. Mr. Pl.ilip Mowbray
s gone east once more. Ilis short but
lcorne stay wns appreciated by his friends.
O wish hint the good luck to return with
rap of no small diinensions on his thigh.
=vs.—A beautiful scene was observed
in thie village on &many evg. last between
Lha hours of 9 and 10 in the evening. The
firmanaent was beautifully illuminated by
the appearance of the aurora borealis (or As
Charles Dickens and the ruittio call it, "(he
roaring bawling ale house.") The effect
produced wasmagnificent and such as would
defy the skill of artists to re -produce —A
Cland'eports anew elay pine, the gilt ef
R. S. Hodgine.
Our esteemed post master is bed ridden
with Mr. Job's comforters,
Billy Reid and Jack Hodgins meandered
home Saturday night, ,
George Staoley challenges any men in
America to stow away pie faster than he
can. (George is very pious.)
A. Carrel has left the Salvation army
and wishes it published. Ex-
changes will plasm oony.
Pitoh forks, chain lightning, and bite
ball clubs, last Thursday. Worse this
correspondent is 01100,80C1 111
steel armor.
Wm. Dann, V. S:, of thieeplace removed
a tumor from the neck of a pig owned by
Mr. Thos. Baskett a few days ago, He
was ably assisted by Billy Bell, The
temorweighed 49 lbs ancl earl bs seen at
Tertuant's office.
Our living wonder, Mr. .1 antes 'Langford',
Sinaptons Westlake John Jones' cousin,
lost hii pet cock canary last Monday night.
James wilt pay a 'thorn' reward to any:
pereon or persons restoring it to its proper
e lace
It was wafted into town astradle of a
summer noontide zephyr. it was comely
and great of stature ancl very corpulent
finked.' But no one could name it. Some
said it was Barnum's "great what is it."
It didn't wear diamonds. It was only a
clairvoyant in disguise.
Messrs. John C. Frank and Dan McsOosh
have, we believe, purchased a fine water
privilege at Brecon and intend. slartingsa
large straw hat manufactory. They will
employ only female help -and as the ship-
ping facilities are fine they , will probably
be able to undersell n11 competitors. What
is Lucan's loss is Brecon's gain.
There is a man of matnmoth proportion
making preparation for a siertson's tour
througliont Canada, Ho has purchased
the canvas tenting and paraphernalia, from
the manager of the United States circus.
He has proeured several leading curiosities
from Mr. Vicker's dime museum, of Chi -
cage. Dan is well up in the business, and
will be ably assisted by his better half,
who is no little wonder in her special line.
Aucl as Mr. Dave McG. wIll officiate at the
crank of the hurdy anedy, success is assur-
ed them They will no doubt visit Exeter
sometime this summer. -
And it carne to pass that there hved in
the Village of Lucana certeth man named
Thomas, And Thomas did commune with
himself thus : Behold I have taken unto
myse f tv,o wives, and as I am now growing
oldrand=nlocics are turning white I will'
again take unto myself a helpmate to com-
fort me In my old clays. Behold I will
walk through the streets, peradventure el
will meet a damsel to my mind. And it
came to plies as he walked down a certain
street which was called Math, he lifted up
his eyes ana beheia, a maiden tall of sta-
ture and pleasing to the eye ; and he said
unto himself, behold I will take this woman
for my wife. Now the worctan was of a
goodly countenance and t11e2 old inan was
struck—which, being interpreted, means
greatly mashed—and he lifted up his voiee
and said :—"Bertha, behold here am I I a
man honest and upright, but withal lonely
in my old age, therefore I would take unto
myself a helpmate so that she could cheer
my declining days, and that my gray hair
might descend in honor to the grave.' And
,the woman Bertha lifted up her voice and
geld : 'Behold I ton also lonely, haying al-
ready burled one husband ; but if my lord
wishes to take unto himself another wife
his servant is willing to obey nay lord ; so
the matter Was settled. .And it came to
pass on a oortairt day that the man Thomas
and the woman Bertha did enter the syna-
gogue, and when they came forth, behold,
they were man and wife. And the woman
went with the man Thomae and did dwell
with him in his house. And it came to
pass that certain yoimg men did reason
among themselves, saying : "Behold, the
man Thomas has talcou nnto himself Ber-
tha for a wife, let us go down mid make
merry .and sing and dance and beat on in-
strnMents of music that the neon Thomas
May know that his choice is pleasing in
our sight.' And it same to pass that the
young men did go down, and they did sing
and dance and did -beat on tin pens, and
did blow on horns and did make merry,
Brit thei'anan Thomas wexed very wroth.
and did say unto thorn, 'depart I pray thee,
seeet thou not that the woman Bertha is
troubled and objects to nisi greeting ? But
the young men heeded him not. And it
came to pass when the clay broke that the
man Thomas did go to the Judge and said
unto him, 'behold I have taken unto my-
self a wife, and certain of the young men
come to tits, house rind did donee and
serious aficidene toelt plow here on. Friday (.11311 esid, make merry, and I lifted up nay
last.- As Mr. and Mrs. Bloke of Usborne
were driving through Kirkton, and about
to pass over the north bridget the horse
hacked up and precipitated the occupants
from the rig, Mrs. flicks having the tnis-
fortune to break her leg. The approaches
to the bradge are in a very dangerous con-
dition, speaking for the consideration of the
tiavolling public, and the general opinion of
the people is that Mr. Melee ought to ap
ply to the Comity Councils forsremunera-,
tion for the danange eustaindlitelitErs. Rieke
is progretsiug fiworably. —In your last
week's issue your correspondent omitted
to mention that among the important etre
ticlee placed under the foundation elmie of
the M. 0., for the benefit of the coming
generation, was the family 100013 04 Me.
Benjamin Jenkitison Itoadhoneo, one of
our chief city fathere. —The Holy m
vee and send unto them, deport, I pray
thee, and they departed not. Therefore
I pray unto you, enmneon them ; yea even
all of them. And the judge did as Thomas
commanded, and the young men were sum-
moned, A.nd when the judge had heard
the complaint he said unto the young inen:
'Depart I pray yon and sin no more ; se
the young men departed. And the num
Thomas (Mutineer' to dwell with his --wife
for certain days. And it came to pass as
the clayS went by that the woman commun-
ed with herself, and said, '1 have clone
wrong in that I have married- this mail, for
he now old and his clays are short ; nev-
088 I will leave him as Jo groweth
ore wroth every day and his heart is ha' -
indened. And it came to pass that the wo-
end even as She said, and she gather -
()galley' her raiments and departed and
istie sricraficn was celebrated hi St, Paul's 1ed. t
Atigeltean church on Sunday last.—Over
the lino hi tha sweet refrain" and WO find
Pete and Sim cleitg well there,
TEE SCOTT 4011,-0]8 motion of Mr. Jam-
iesen, the HooSe coecurred in the atnend-
rnents made by the Senate to his, Bill to
mond the Canada Temperance Act. One
amendment provides that searches shall be
nniclo in the tiny time, tmother provides
that a husband and wife shall be only com-
petent and not compellable Witnesees in
each other's behalf. The House, du motion
of Mr. Raggftit, assented td an amend
ments made by the Senate to 'Mr, McCar-
hy's bill to amend ' the Temperance Act.
'he amendment bos rofer0000 to the mode
ptiniing the 'ballots fot, voting on tho
• 01.
sojourned in another house on the other
ai.d0 f thd city. And the man Thomas
W very wroth, end again wont to the
Jo go and Said, Tel-Yold my wife 13e18118
hes left me, toll too, 1 pray thee, what to
,nd the Judge lifted up his voice and
let her go, Gallagher, for even as
List livo without her before so shalt
thou do agnin • for now that thine 11511 18
grayr (1 thy 1;o»es feeble thou shalt
soon " gathered unto thy fathers,' And
Thomas 1118843 319 his voice, and said, "It
Is 304fli So tile EIS111 Thelnaff dwele 111 143
4,281rend the Woman Bertha dw.ele in her
hose, 817338 1110 saying of the Judge height
be fulfilled, cram unto this day, when he
eaye "Old Men merry not ,yoting Worben,
for, behold, 18 18 vanity,"
Mr. Sbowai tem. has had hie hair cut.
T melee Cellhis nye the fruit crop loolca
wet in McGillivray.
orge Poktie, it is said, received a
bushiess letter from the Jersey Lilly.
DIsacion isastings, John Noble and Eras-
thee:Miller of Parkhill were in town on
Friday laee
Old grandpapa Calamity is all brolceu up
with' rheumatism, and is afraid he will
hale his large toe amputated. Bob Turner
is dee-tering it.
Thomaa Hawkehavr hae the fineet pair
'oryoung pigs in this sections 110 recently
pqrshased them from Jonothan Floclgins at
tleVancy prioe of 035. The porkers are
t ha° months old. .
sfithter Downam of the Lncan cheese
enftry, who has been ill a long time with
ere attack of clyspepsia, has lately much
oved in health. Mr. D. hae been
'sting entirely cio a diet of whey for
SO time, and says he thinks it the finest
ee dy for chronic clysipepera. He heart-
il emommencle it to all his friends.
mes O'Shea, one of our local shoe-
niel,kere, received by mail on Saturday, an
orAer fora pair of danchig pumps from his
teiend, General Boulanger, one of the
Fiensn deputies. James and the General
were born in the same town in France and
*ended 8011001 together in Burgundy.
jannesy has some idea of returning to his
native land, sometime through the summer
i 401INNY TAXES UTE CARE.—A walking
*tot' took place ontheagricultural grounds
teat Saturday afternoon before an over-
whelming audience of spectators. The
principals were Johnny F., of banking
fame, Lenord S, the popular esthetic ora-
tor, and jarnesy S., of phonetic calibre,
They respectively and collectively arranged
to walk a four mile go -as -you please race
for a large iced poemd cake, the winner was
to take the cake- :4i.'he cake was to be pre-
sented to tly-' 0 r by a pleasing young
din:noel witActts, „filer hair in bangs aftet
the latesf-ross-sesSt`a improved style, It was
partieularly observed that johnny F. was
in excellent condition, due no doubt to his
experienced traMer, Mr. Cousins. It is
just as well to note that Mr. Cousins ac-
companied O'Connor, the oarsman, on his
Californian trip, when he did up Patter-
son. Lenorcl S. was lame, having mudded
his left heel, and having possibly beeu over-
done in training. While Jamesy S., though
n little onthe light weight, and being lean
and lank, was in prime condition. The
Grand Stand Was filled to, overflowing by
the fair sex, from the Don 'Fon to the less
presumptuous damsels of the town. while
the fences and approaches were literally
packed by an over-anxious crowd of Liman-
ites and visitors from the back townships,
iill eager fer the coming walk ; and when
the three athletes came forward to toe the
ecratch they were greeted with an ovation
from the grand 'stand which caused the
very clouds to roll amidst waving of hand-
kerchiefs and wilcl sbrieks of encourage-
ment. A ernile could be plainly, seen to
play gracefully over each of their handsome
mugs. John F. wore a blue jersey and
flesh colored tights with the ordinary Eng-
lish walking shoes, the costume suiting his
style of beauty best. Lenord was arrayed
neatly in a red hunting cap, white jersey
and navy blue trunks. Ile did not wear
any shoos as he considered them au Mauna-
brance, as the ground was quite mellow.
Jamesy. S. was elegantly togged out : he
wore a white plug hat adorned with a bo-
quet of heliotropes; a red, white and blue
Jersey to which was attached several golden
bicycle medals. His feet apparel was made
of ordinary carpeting. There was, how-
ever, a nervous anxiety conspicuously beat-
ing and heaving -in their manly bosoms.
But when Mr. Betts came forward and in a
niild„but melodious voice, asked, are you
ready? they eaoh braced themselves up,
pushing out their manly bosoms to the'full
extent of their lung „ presenre. They an-
swered by a voluntary nod of their, heads,
and a half whispered yes, and amidst an
outburst of barrette the three started off at
a fretting pflee, JR,IlleBy leading a full lap
with Lenerd dogging him determinedly,
elosely followea by Johnnie , who Ivor° a
mill° of assurance, beating like a ray of
sunshine over his entire countenance, giving
confidence to his backers who freely offered
oath in his favor, but were not taken up.
The first quarter mile post was passed in
much the same position. The raee grew
more exciting as it progressed, and when
the mileepost was passed Leonard succumb-
ed, owing no doubt to a shortage in breath,
and retiree]; sorry,and heavy of heart. The
race was now virtually over, as the Pet ansi
berintiful jatnesy calked himself just as
he reached the 3 mile post, but still strug-
gled gamely on, but limping, The deep
lines on his face told what a struggle was
deep seated in his bosom. The crowd be-
came eo enthusiastic that they am not ob-
serve that the time-lceoper was staring into
vacancy, while he bent with -pleasing varia,
tions the Devil's Falter with his heele onthe
tune board. He, however, nroueed himself
judt in time to see Johnnie °roes the win-
ning line in 4 hours nnd 35 minutes, fonr
laps ahead of janlesy. Immediately on
massing the line Johnnie fainted and was
only resuscitated by several applications of
Mr. Brewer's hair vigor. Jamosy was evert
in a WerSe plight as he. has not regained
consciousness yet, meets noder the care of
doctors Dan and 'I'ennent. On johnnie
gaining consciousnees, he wag borne on
the shoulderof 4 stalwart Biddulrhers, in
front of the grand stand and there present'.
ed with, the cake. Ench contestant re.
ceived severe' boeucts of lovely flowers
attached to a rope during the rade., Im-
mediately after Jonoio was presented with
the cake, he wets also presented with a
numerously sigued petitiop, flaking him to
stancl for member for this 1 icling et the
next gencial election. Jon uie bore of/ the
enhe in a insilcet, basket nuclei. bis loft arm
alnidSt deafening applauSe. The cake is
now Oil exhibition 10 the winclow of old
oin•ioilty shop. Mr. Haeket hes secured
the cootract for making a glass 0180 101' it.
Ool, ,TeelcsOn end Bob Clolline dropped $25
on 1110 race, otich having backed Lenord.—
Dr. Sutton ond J, R. Crfttnt wOro interested
eppotatere at the rtlee.—Alex McFalis of
Bfildulple promieed to be present, but his
back was hone, Tio sea a letter of re.
gret.-eLettere of regret were also received
from Hone. Carling, Meredith, Clore. Good-
man and Gilmore of Cleatiteboye,--George
Catheart bad entei.ed but at the lase
moment his imart failed hien
Mr. Samos Stanley, our local auctioneer,
is one of the finest made men in Canada,
Mr. Stanley is about leaving town for
Sacramento, Onlifornia, where be has se-
cured an sngagernent with a Ant class
opera company to poss as a Romangladiator.
Itobinson Armitage, nephew of Mr.
James Armitage, one of Canada's greatest
clebatere, has been, we understand, engaged
to wear the reel °leak and bestride the
firey white steed at Montreal on the 1231i
July next. He will Also 430111101 1115 famous
lecture, entitled, "How I reified my whisk.
015" in the opera house in the evening.
The' elite colored gentry of thie place
have organized themselves into a race and
color society, Pete Ned was elected presi-
clentmnd a resolution was passed at the
last meeting to engage the services of the
Reverend Solomon Peter IsIale, the Kang-
aroo and British Baptist, of vocabulary
fame, to leeture. The entertainment „will
be by special charter held in tho Salvafibei.
Army barracks. Pete Nea, old Grand pa
pa, and the captain of the Salvation army
corps, are a committee to sell tickets; tho
price is placed within the roaoh of all. No
Bis.—Inspector Greb of the Board of
Health, has been going his rounds • this
spring, looking after the sanitary condition
of the town. Back yards are receiving a
thorough renovating. He had ten cases on
hated the past tem weelcs. Tho Board of
Health met last week : Dr. MoDermot of
Hensall, Dr. Buchanan and D.. Steinbach,
chairmen, and several others. It was de -
aided that for the healthfal condition of
the town,theopen dram fronting town
hall, and also open drain OD Main,st,
fronting Shottler's lot, lie attended to by
the council. The council will also be re-
quested to fill up the large hole in the
sohool yard. The hole has a quentity
stagnant water in it at present. and the
stench coming from it is very bad. The
sooner 18 18 Attended to the better for the
health of our little ones at sthool.--The
Canada Lutheran Senate will hold a two
week's session in Zurich, comtnencing on
Wednesday. A report of the sitting will
be given later on,—A sermon in English
will be preached in the Lutheran ohnrob
on Sunday evg. next, by the Rey, Mr,
Bninrs.--lefr. James Flanagan, of Winn
peg, who has been visititig his brother, M
John Flanagan of this place, intends to r
turn soon. --Wm. Beetham, who ham bee
home visiting his friends, intends retur
ing to Michigan next week, to work at hi
trade as lumbernean. —The milk waggo
again goes its rounds. Severnlmore chees
factories, we believe, being built in this vi
dnity.—Mr. David Cobblediok, who wa
recently hurt by a hone, is elowly recover
ing. This is the second Beyer° accident M
Cobbledick has received within a year.—.11
Adam IsleiTswife reoently presented hi
with a handsome baby girl. Muth joy
Adam. Clandeboye can at least boast o
one follower of ,Tolin L., in Mr. E. 0
Jones, he has, we believe, put up a chal
lenge to box any person in Ontario. -,.Mr
James Carter, of tbis plaoe, recently
two bags of meal atolen from his premises
It Was proposed to set a bear trap near th
remainder of flee grain, the only objection
being that the supposed perpetrator had
such big feet (12's) that he would cover the
trap. Mr. W. Williams also lost several
bags of graiu last week.—Clandeboye is
looking up. We are going to have a tele-
phone through from Clinton to London.—
lelessrs. B. Blackwell & Son seem TO be
raking in the ,,eggs. They have already
shipped nye car loads. besides having
pickled about that many.. --We can boast
of possessing one sport, in the person of
Mr.„Ira Bice. Last winter he killed seven-
teen foxes. and this spring he has already
speared fifteen hundred pounds of fish. Ira
expects -to finish the tou before he gets
threugh. Be has caught some fitle pike
and pickerel, and keeps the village supplied,
with fresh fish. He is supposed to be the
bestrshot with a spear in Middlesex.—Mr. 0
Lynn has taken untolimeelf a wife, and
yet Charlie won't tell tte who she is.—The
I. 0. F. 13eem to be malting great progress,
judging from the racket they made last
Saturdoynight while initiating two members
--Last winter a merehant of this place bar-
gained with a farmer in this vicinity for
ten cords of wood, all of which was to, be
good lioclY maple, for which he was to pay
$3.50 per cord. thing to business the
merchant was in London most of his time,
and, therefore, unable to superintend the
piling of the wood which was accordingly
done by the farmer in question. A. few
days ago the nincleant went to split the
wood, and found qo the oateides and cor-
ners that it Was good wood; but inside,
what was not rotten was hill of knots. He
has to use two axes, two mauls and seven-
teen wedges for every stiek ho Wits. He
now proposes to open a nwtul factory. The
farmer a will find it hard to get sale for his
wood next winter.—Prior to their departure
to distant lends, a eitizon of our TOW11 ghVe
a party, anti invited all the neighbors, and
a great many of them went and were toy -
ally entertained. The beverage provided
for the occasion was older, which, umiak.
ocl bynnine host, had beceme 'herd'. The
gueses partook freely of it, and in about
half -an -hour the effects became
TWO ruetics 'frotn the kinty,' became SO On-
tlansiaatic that they resolved to have
a littlo prise fight, so they piled into our
yillago shoe-malcot, with the intention, 110
C101114, of showing him the Act of boxing,
but they had mietalcen their man, which
they 'found Out to their eorrow, foe they
Went home eaddee and wieer men. When
afterwards interrogated our hero here very
calmly declared thet he Was used to hand.
ling calf•skin. Ile will doubtleesly nuke it
a prose -fight Mr them.
Bishop Baldwin Will leave for England
about June 1s1 to attelld the meeting of the
Pan•Angelican Synod in tendon, t ia
iniderstood that the annual' meeting of the
Synod of Hilton will tiot be hold mitil Sop.
tember on that aceonnt,
1 The Molsons Bank
(011 ART/1'13E') BY PA E5LtAA1JW1, 1955)
Paid up Clapltal , $2,001),Oft)
Rest Ibinct 875,000
Offere tbe I'17h11 L PEllt MINT INTETEST
PER AV NUMfor money on
For Money io
Ravings B auk D ep'ra'
(Lately Ite,Opened.
Fy1l4thO1 particularsapply n.t The Ban%
§treet, Exeter.
444k.1:, 11io: CI:: 7.S.--DENOVmAwN,
1, hp ra. Saturdays, 10 11,00, to 15.02
411. .A. C.
Dashwood. ' -
, -----
, Barere.--Mr. F. O'Keefe of London was
the guest of AEI% 3, Halleib for several
days past. He left for London tni Monday .
last, Kiss 'Ueda' ie at present stopping
St Mr, H. Willert's Conaniereial hotel.—Mr.
Zimmer of St. Agathe ii at present visiting
his sops, Zirniner Bros., our resneoted
WAROD /1.11(1 .carriage noticers.--sMr. WADI-,
bold of', Yagersville intend8 ,MoY111g. 1581'
M. Mr, Beaker's 1101128' 011 DlIfferi11hvel1110: ": -
I .?.- -aNk or s 't 'a ,' ": t 00 11' , ilttl 1 i ctl le I . ' ra.lid.Sdfb4tlirailrerlA197110' '',119'18t6 -4.1i' -:::c
erthyd a home for theni--s.firr. 'Werke ,
lif enema hoehonglit another farm eeouth.
o las:10411aq° frour„ the Canada CM;" lstaljt
r fed and werlred by Mr. F. Neel!.
y --400ea-
neOn„was held in ,the leuthenen ,,,eleurch...
11,1118t SilndhY., MoefdaY, being
leirVices ' weie!alge !held in -thee -tam , 11
cla..4-Tlie proposed- postal roete 'eaite,
Altil':`:•:Ftseeet line lately -been' agitating 1 theS-
seltigetfs,of our prosperoua and enterprising
villages ?Whether they aill get it reMaina'
to be seen.
Bitenrs.--eQuite a number of clergymen
froth various parte of the County were in!'
the village yestordey. Mr. D. D, Wilsoo,
of Seaforth, delivered a very impressive a6t-.
dresee-L-Since the repeal of the Scott Act
thenhotels,haie been closed on SaturdrsY:,
evenings at 7 o'cloele.—Quite a number of
villagers purpose attending the races at Ex-
eter to-day.—The Bengalt bae,eliall' club
sprit yery highly of the EIxeler• alb; and
when they come to this yillage we hope our
by will entertain them as courteously as
they were entertained. in Exeter. No doubt'
tliti people of Exeter had a somewhat un-
pleasant surprise at the remit of the gatne,
but, notwithstanding, the small amount of
practice our Iseys have bad, they mut have ,
handled thenaselves very well. ---There is
quite a boom in Hernial' at present, in the
purchasing of village lots.—Rov. 0. H.
Bridgemin has been holding revival meet-
ings in St. Paul's churcle for SODle time
past.-11sh ! Fish !is tho ory on the street
It 4411
Paitsox.m.---Mr. Wes. Judge of Lucan,
visite-tilde friends in Oreditou on Sunday
last. He has changed considerably since
he left here.—Mr. Jno. Zeefie of Claude -
boyo, also paid us ce-ehort visit on Sunday
last. John isa Welecnne guest in Crediton
as we have a number Of itnxious mothers
sud johnjasequite an eligible, young man.
and;AVIn. Mania* oi
Greenway, were in tciani On Saturday, last
and in company with some of our 'local
talent, discoursed some very fine music at
the residence of Mr. A. Mallin. They
have, when united, a goocl string band and
will not take a back seat from anyone.
Success boys,—We are glad to hear that
an old resident of Crediton, Mr.. Jacob
Dellenbach is again to reside,among us. Mr
D. has been living near St. Catharines, aud
lately met with a yety severe loss by fire
having had his house and shop destroyed.
Not being able to secure commodiona
quarters and there being a good opening
here, he has concluded to come back again
and we can safely predict him el1000811. It
may be mentioned that Mr. D. left Crediton
formerly on account of ill -health. He
takes the stand now occupied by Mr. A.
We are pleased ±0 118331 that Mr. D. Grant
of Seaforth, is somewhat better, and hope
he may soem recover.
The Crediton court of Foresters intend
taking part in tho 24th of May celebration
at Exeter, and have engaged our band foe
the day to accompany them. There are
also a great many others who intend going,
as a great time is expected.
Laortinne.—D. kl. Campbell,' phrenolo-
gist, who has been conducting a series of
lectures here, duringethe last two weeks
gave his closing lecture on Monday last,
and at the same time gave two prizes as
follows :—One to the handsomest lady, the
other to the honaliest gantlernan. The
prize in the 1st case, a gold ring, and in
the latter a chore, the decision of the tieket
holders to be final. The successful lady
was Miss Lydia Faint, and the successfal
(if we may use the term) gentleman was
Mr. Fred Finkbeiner, a Yankee lately
arrived. A great deal of fun was indulged
in, but everyone seemed pleased.
Exeter District Meeting.
The district naeeting of the Methodist
church convened in Exeter May 22. Dr.
Pascoe, President of the Conference, in the
chair. Meeting opened by singing and
prayer, after which the roll was called, all
the ministers of theedistrioe being present.
Rev. D. M. Kennedy was chosen geeretary
of the district. Aimee Hussar, probahooer,
having travelled feta years and oonapleted
his four years course of Study presenting
excellent certificates was recornmended by
the distriet to Conference for ordination.
The afternoon session was taken up iu
religious conversation, reviewing the work
of the past year.
Conclusion next week.
Sierne—Bilogniesinnu.---At tho Alethodi
Parsonage, Crediton, on the 10811 inst.,
by the 'Rev. D, M. Kennedy, Wm. Jonah
Simms, to Miss Eliza 13rokenshite, of
Sharon, Stephen Township,
Lvew—Gretmolin.—On the 3333 inst., at
the residenee of the bride's' father, by
Bev. l). Rome, Mr. ()Mirka F. Lynn,
of ieloGillivray, to Misq Bella (4tainger,
of linnet!,
MoDoeuren—In (Aherne, 01 1135 21st inst.,
the wife of Alex. McDonald, aged 36 yrs.
O'Snrete--In township, oft the 143811
inst., 35i11e1 O'Brien, aged 91 yeat8 and
7 months.
Senteits.—Ia St. illarye, on the iBtli inst.,
Luke Speerin, aged 78 years.
Pests—In St. ltlatyit, on the I 4tti inst,
Mary Alliguna, v 110 of Dateid Pyncie aged
leltrunur.!—In St. Marv!, on the 12th inst„
Julia, Witt of Milbasi Morphy, flood 811