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Clinton News-Record, 1980-05-22, Page 19
MW 'W M L 'pfit E ' Pi'61f A!, 161.1200 14, 4nfres. 9.. Accommodation . • 7. � Real estate for sale 12, Help wanted • ,to rent 1T TCI Apattsepsi t „© 014 v^ (Ill - -• 155u ( '1'NAT NEW ;tAOME! REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR NEW LISTING: 4 bedroom located in desirable North- East section of town, near schools. A stone's throw from new swimming pool. Franklin fireplace in family room, sundeck and lovely yard with roomy workshop plus carport. Existing low interest mortgage $47,500, INVESTMENT ' OP- PORTUNITY - We have just acquired the listing on 23 Rattenbury St. E. - 6 plex on 66' x 132' lot near core area. Requires extensive' renovation. New keen -_price- $17-r400. • Trust Company vendor will hold mortgage with 25 percent down. A home is an. excellent hedge against inflation! Now is the time to buy! Drive past these, then call us fp.r_ an ap- pointmerit:' • � 154 High . Street . - Magnificent 1700 sq. ft. ranch with pool. $89,500. 144 High Street - Charming older red brick with natural woodwork. $59,500. 142 Gordon Street - 1050 sq. ft. ranch bungalow, immaculate, 549,500. 114 Townsend Street - 3 or 4 bedroom historical brick. 535,900. 347 Townsend Street - newer ranch style in good location. 547,900. 14 Gordon Street Foreclosure sale, low forties. New split level. 18 Joseph Street - Spacious 4 bedroom brick on large lot. $35,1100_ • -- 172 Rattenbury E. - Well located 4 bedroom, 1.1,2 baths, 540,900. ASK TO SE'E OUR WIDE RANGE OF MLS LISTINGS FOR BUSINESSES, FARMS, ACREAGE OR HOMES. • CALL: JOHN DUDDY 482-3652 LEAH OR BUDD KUEHL - 482-7304 VAL GILBERT 482- 7833 OFFICE: 482-3766 9. Accommodation to rent 2 BEDROOMMOBILE home for rent Morgans Mobile Homes. Phone 482-7066.-4tf HOUSES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im- mediately. Phone 482- 3278 . -8tfa r FOR SALE OR RENT, 4 bedroom house, 11 Regina Road, Vanastra. Phone 523- 4299.-18tf TWO BEDROOM townhouse in Hensall with or without stove or fridge. Phone 262- 2014 or 262-3446.-19tfar SMALL 2 BEDROOM house for 'rent. Phone 482- 9363.-20tfa r RESPONSIBLE FEMALE person to share large upper floor, 3 bedroom apartment. Phone 482-9363.--20tfar ELIZABETH OURT Located in Hensall available Now, June 1, July 1 or August 1st. Price: '225 mo. 2 bedroom available for June or July 1st. ' Price: '250. mo. •Shag carpeting throughout •Kolvinator Appliances •Laundry Facilities . *All utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262.3448 LONDON 453.2280 3 • BEDROOM, corner lot, house in Vanaptra, ;availa'ble now-. Apply at Vanastra Horne Furnishings 482- 7922.--20tfar 2 BEDROOM house for rent, in Clinton, available June lst, ,For more information call Jim Scott 524-7891 after 5 p.m. -21,22 ONE BEDROOM house for rent. -Phone 482-9815.-21 DUPLEX FOR RENT - 2 bedrooms, central, may be decorated, private entrance, parking. Apply 110 Huron St. Clinton or phone 482-9718 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. -21,22 FURNISHED- COTTAGE in Bayfield. Available early June until. late July. Phone 565-2737 or 733-3273.--21 FARM HOUSE - Central - between Londesboro, Blyth • and Auburn. Couple preferred or with small children. Phone 527-0969.--21 TWO AND THREE Bedroom Duplex' for rent effective July 1, 1980. Laundry facilities,. garage, nicely decorated, 153 King Street, Clinton. Call 482-3698 after 5:00 p.m. -21,22 TWO BEDROOM mobile home Huron Haven village, Goderich, 12' x 60', carpeted, stove and fridge included, electric heating, $200. plus ~-- utilities. Phone 524-4758 or 524-6208.-21,23 11. Room and board RETIRED PEOPLE • HARD WORK, heavy cast. $6.Q0 per ,,hour part- time. $8.0Q: per hour full time. Car needed, car allowance paid.. Call 524-6092. By interviews only. -.-21 • VENDORS, ORGANIZATIONS to sell personalized jewellery and door name plates. Write for •ea'ta ig'ue-and•-frree key --i ing to: World of Engraving, 78 Invermay Ave,, Downsview, Ontario.-21bc WEBB PRESSMAN WANTED: 2 years or more experience. Good working conditions, good salary, company benefits, dental plan, etc. Phone 403 875-3362 Lloydminster, Alber- ta. -21 be MANAGER Variety Store Person to manage small variety 'store • - in Bayfield. Some evening and weekend work required. Applicant must be available for immediate employ- ment. Some experience in retail sales desirable. For interview write to: P.O. BOX 188 BAYF:IELD -- . or telk'phone 565-2688 - - Vacancy now . available; --- Holiday Home - Clinton. All meals included. 482-3685 12. Help wanted JOURNEYMEN * AUTOMOBILE Mechanics wanted immediately $10.50 per hour, good benefits plus dental plan, 40 hour week guaranteed. Expanding Calgary --_ satellite corn= munity. Hal Lust, Strath- more Motors, Box. 262, Strathmore, Alberta -403 934- 3334.-21bc ---•' MANAGER ARC INDUSTRIES DASHWOOD requires an experienced person to assume the management function of a well established Rehabilitation and Training Centre for 65 handicapped adults. Production includes major woodworking and industrial contracts, departments, life skills. maintenance, food ser- vices and office skill development are other ARC programs. Proven administrative skills essential. Ex- perience with the men- tally handicapped preferred. Please send resume outlining education, qualifications, ex- perience, references and other pertinent in- formation to: Personnel Dept. South Huron & District Association ' for the Mentally Handicapped P.O., Box 29 DASHWOOD, ONT.--- NOM 1NO HELP WANTED MALE or FEMALE 16 and over to work Sundays. June 29 to Sept. 28 the ,- Kinette Booth, - Clinton Raceway. APPLY IN WRITING IN- CLUDING NCLUDING PHONE NUM - ..BER TO: KINETTE c/o DRAWER No. 9 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD BOX 39 • CLINTON 15. Tenders MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING CORPORATION Tender Reference No. B05 SFT 80-85 For the installation of Chain Link Fencing at O.H.C. Family Housing Units on John Street, in Clinton, Ontario. (FP1) Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, June .13, 1980,.by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80 Dun- das 'Street, P.O. Box 5600; Terminal "A", Lon- don;' Ontario. N6A 2P3 (519) 679-7110 from whom, details and specifications may be. obtained. Details_ and pecifications may, also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48 The Square, Goderlch, On- tario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524- 2637, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. Clinton Recreation Committee requires SUMMER HELP CLINTON SWIMMING POOt1 *Assistant Supervisor *Instructor Guards *Leader Patrol Guards *Part -tune Life Guards Apply in writing, stating age and qualifications. Ap- plications will be received until 5:00 p.m., Friday, May 23/80. CLINTON RECREATION COMMITTEE, Mrs. M. Jafforsoh, Soc., treas., Box 400, CLINTON, Ontario NOM 11.0 14. Employment wanted' ' WILL CUT LAWNS. Phone 482-7318,--*l8tfn c TWO MEN WITH 14 TON looking for work. No job too small. Phone 482.966Q,-20-23 COLLEGE STUDENT desires ° summer em- ,ployment, ,full or part me, Painting, cleaning, anything. -Phone 565- 5034.-20tfnc . - 15. Tenders MINISTRY OF HOUSING ONTARIO HOUSING -CORPORATION Tender Reference No. B05 SFT 80-82 For the supply and in- stallation of 4 pairs (4 washers & 4 dryers), Laundry Equipment 1 pair to Exeter OH1 - June 20, 1980 1 pair fQ-Wingham OH5 August 22, 1980 1 pair to Bayfield OH1 - November`21, 1980 1 pair to'. Brussels OH1 -. December 19, 1980 - Tenders will be received for the above until 11:00 a.m. local time, June 6, 1980, by the Ontario Housing Corporation, c/o Court House and Registry Office, 80' Dun- das Street, P.O.Box '.5600, Terminal "A', Lon- don, Ontario. N6A 2P3. (5'.9) 679-7110 from whom details an.d specifications may be obtained. Details and specifications may also be obtained from the Huron County Housing Authority, 48' The Square, Goderich, On- tario. N7A 1M5, (519) 524- 2637, quoting reference number as above. THE LOWEST OR ANY TENDER NOT NECESSARILY ACCEPTED. - 1 TENDERS FOR VERTICAL VENETIAN BLINDS Tenders will be received for eleven (11) Vertical Venetian Blinds for the Court House. Goderlch, Ontario until 4:00 p.m., D.S.T., Thursday, June 19, 1980.. Tenders are to be sub- mitted on forms provided, and may be obtained together with specifications from the undersigned. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. B.G. Hanly Clerk -Treasurer - Administrator County of Huron Court House, Goderlch, Ont. "N7A 1M2 18. Services available HOUSE PLANS and MECHANICAL DRAFTING 482-3586 WATER WELL DRILLING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 521.1731 DURL: 591.0828 JIM: 521•4115 6G21l+e�G GODERICH PRi;jP6iell'ed19:\ Y by PUBLIC AUCTION We have been instructed by the owner to , offer for sale by Public Auction 2 new single family 3 bedroom -homes._ 1 investment property including 2 family units and 5 fully serviced building Tots in exclusive areas of Goderich. For further information please phone Rath- well 8. Associates at 527-1458. Madoell t. � 4.4oce e.s AUCTIONCERS, LIQUIDATORS. APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 J e/Gadev,CIIV 4.4oceato GODERICH BUSINESS LIQUI-DATION We .have been instructed by Paul Schutz, to sell by Public Auction all cars; inventory, and equip- ment of Schutz Motors to be held at: _-.._.41.4•-HURON'STREET.GODERICH.ON_ WEDNESDAY, MAY 28 -at 6:30 P.M. Cars: -1980 Dodge Mirada, 2 door hard -top, 4,000 km. / 1980 Streges, 4 door, 17,000 km../ 1973 -Chrysler, 55,000 miles, 2 door hard -top / Equipment: 3 hp. Webster air compressor / 2 in - floor hoists - 1 single pole, 1 twin pole / Snap On master analyser model MT650 / Snap On AVR model MT539 / Allen AVR. model., 6.30 / Air operated tire changer / Snap On tack and dwell model MT418 / Timing lights / Cibie headlight alignment unit / highn Wawner 10 ton floor jack / Highn Wawner 12 ton hyd. jack / 10 ton hyd. press / 4 axle stands. Highn Wawner / 2 hoist -stands / test tank / Exide battery charger / 2 - .6" vices / power greaser (ARO) Milwaukee wet dry vacuum / Harris Act. torches / Air pig / Buster battery kit / 4 steel work benches / steel cabinets / 3 handy wipe 'units 4 trouble light reels / Bear on car spin balancer / Bear- align- ment machine c/w electronics / Korky power washer / Fire extinguishers / 1 ton body jack and body tools / 3/4" dry socket set- / Korky upholstery cleaner / Aluminum 8 x 12 van oils / Prestons Mufflers / Tail pipes / Misc. / Wiper stands / Assorted parts / Paints library / Tires / Steel car display ramps / Micro -fish unit / Munroe Cash Register / Visa - parts record / 2 - 3 dr. file cabinets / 8 steel parts bins / 2 steel office desks 10 Vinyl office chairs / and' many more items con- cerning this type of business. This is a business liquidation and everything must be -sokL. -A 11- equipment in excellent con- dition. For further information phone Rathwell & Associates at 527-1458. PLihae// , dioca/ei AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPRAISERS 77 MAIN ST. • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO ✓/ (519) 527-1458 Mad/veil F! SLoc.al.4 SEAFORTH ESTATE AUCTION We have been instructed by the executors of the Estate of Jean Cairns, to sell by Public Auction, Fur- niture, Antiques and appliances ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, AT 6:00 P.M. at the RATHWELL BUILDING, 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH Furniture and. Antiques: Walnut 54" 3 pc. bedroom suite / 3 'pc. walnut bedroom suite with 54" bed / Mason Risch upright piano / Boshart flip top ex- tension table / Oak china cabinet w. bond glass / Flat to the wall cupboard with pie shelf / Walnut hall rock / Walnut smoker and !Soper rack / Oval mahogany table / Walnut parlour tables / Brass smoker stand / Pine blanket boxes / Mirrored front double wardrobe / Steel wardrobe / room divider / Plank bottom highchair and odd chairs / 7 pc. kit- chen chrome suite / Rogers Magnasonic 26" colour T.V. / Coffee and end tables / 2 matching lamp stan- ds / 2 pc. chesterfield suite / Swivel chairs / 10 mat- ching folding chairs / quilts and bedding / quantity of lamps / hooked rugs / mirrors / pictures and frames / Wicker pieces / Forestville mantel clock / Wood. Crokinole board / G. 'E. Vacuum and Electric broom / Linens / Glass, China & Silver: 40 pc. English dinner service / Pressed Glass / Depression / Coloured depression / Canadian Glass / Quantity Souvenir plates / Com- pote / Salters / Cups and saucers / Ornaments and souvenirs / 12 pc% setting of silverware / Large quan- tity of flatware / Various spoons and Mother of Pearl pieces / Appliances: Inglis 2 door Fridge / Woods upright Freezer / G.E. Dryer / Westinghouse Mix Master / Kitchen Appliances / quantity of pots and pans / and many more items of interest. Terms Cash - No Reserve P 0/ • A(1Cr1ONEERS, L14UIOATORS. APPRA,SEf`25 77 MAIN T • SEM `ORTH. ONTARiC) NOK 1 WC) (5191 527-1458 TUUE;CLINT.ON NEWS-RCOR !, R Y22,1980-4) L 9 YF * CO. 421 1$, 18. Services. available 18. Services available 18. Services available KENS CARPENTRY - Remode ljing renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring,- Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. PhonA 482- 7676. -Ken McNairn.-12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY - We will rebuild recover or est •led-•yea-r--old••--€ii>~ni•ttu e ---. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- AND SMALL • ton.-tfn STRUCTURES MID=WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm lanes, :ic - pa r ng 10s, repairs. Free estfr ates. Phone Clinton 482-3733.---13-22 MAN WITH TRUCK available to clean up basements and garages. Phone George 482-3291-19tf -ROOFING 17. Auction sales SUNDAY AUCTION SUN., MAY 25th 1:00 P.M. at AUCTION ROOMS 1 mi. s.,.of Goderlch on Hwy. No. 21 Included are: Set of cameo pressback chairs; cherry chest of d"ra'wers., three com mode washstand's'; 2 blanket boxes; large cast Iron kettle, antique dressers; an oil lamp;. Spon) - bed;._ -pressback high chair set of oak dining chairs; old wooden tables; 'parlor tables; Milk cans; pair of captain's chairs; ,chrome tables; chairs; electric lawnmower; •electr---c-- stoves; automatic clothes washer; 2 electric dryers; couch and chair; built in sink with cupboards; gas space heater; trunks; small drop front desk; round oak dining .table and pressback chairs; plus much much more TERMS: Cash Day of Sale . Mike Cummings Marie Salni Auctioneers Call 88/ 6352 or 524 9064 Free Estimates -call ' 524-2721 17. Auction sales Richard Lobb' AUCTIONEER Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL - -LIVESTOCK SALE SAT. MAY 24-12 NOON Antiques, appliances and general housewares at Richard Lobb's Barn for the ` E -state of Donaida Adams of Seaforth. WED. EVENING MAY 28. Antiques and funiture, etc. for Mrs. John A. Ryan at Mount Carmel. SAT. MAY 31-12 NOON Antiques, furniture, etc. at Lobb's Barn, Clinton for Seaforth and Hensall Estates. WED. EVENING JUNE 4 6:30 P.M. Antiques, furniture, ap- pliances, etc. for the 'estate of Dorothy Mutch- at Richard Lobb's barn. SAT. JUNE 14- 1 P.f;n. Tractor., truck, boat, machinery, etc. for Terry Short 1'/4 miles east of Kippen and 1/2 mile south. a�%�e�� � J4�e.4ocea�e.i HENSALL ESTATE AUCTION We have been instructed to reoffer by Public Auction property known as 178 King Street, Hen- sall on MAY 30, at 7:00 P.M. Property Consisting of: 1 2 Storey frame house / living room / dining room / kitchen / sun room and 1 bedroom on main floor with 3 bedrooms on second floor / full basement oil heat / new siding and roof f all situated on a large treed lot 178 King Street Hen- sall, including single car garage. - '2,000.00 down - Balance 30 days - No Reserve. Highest bid will be taken as offer. Property sale held at the location at 7:00 p.m. For further information please call Rathwell & Associates at 527.1458. e rr�• iii'ie/� t, 1�.4.���clae.s AUCTIONEERS, LIQUIDATORS, APPF2AISERS • SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK 1 WO ( 519) 527-1458 77 MAIN ST Er STATE AUCTION SALE NO. 2 Antiques, furniture, appliances, etc.', to be held at Richard Lobb's Barn; 289 Bayfield Road, Clinton, Ontario for the Estate of Donelda Adams of Seaforth . - SATURDAY, MAY 24 at 12 noon - • Dining table and six chairs; four pressback chairs; wooden extension table; modern three piece bedroom suite; B 8 W TV; Westinghouse 12 cu. ft. chest freezer; Philco fridge,;. Viking clothes dryer (like rtew) ; Viking wringer washer; two old battery radios Plus other radios; 2 antique dressers with mirrors, treadle sewing. machine; washstands; platform rocker; Kroehler chesterfield; davenport; occasional chairs; dressing' table; wardrobe; single bed and mattress; ..several odd chairs; rockers, etc.; mirrors, lawn chairs; planters; antique tools; copper boiler; French doors; spool bed; maple bed; table lamp, etc.;.two wheel trailer with 1926 Model T rear and good wheels; new chest of drawers; old toys; wooden wheelbarrow; commode; tea. set of bird dishes; everyday dishes; pictures and frames; new set of Kaiser aluminum cookware; pots and pans, etc. large offering of books, blankets, towels, table cloths, doilees, etc.; small appliances; 16 cups and saucers; gas lawnmower; hand push lawn- mower; sealers, extension ladder; step ladder; 9 sheets 4 x 8 ply -wood; oil space heater; plus many other items not mentioned., Urge offering. A good sale for everyone to attend. TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE Richard Lobb - Auctioneer CLINTON 482-1898 Estate or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents of sale • DISC JOCKEY STEVEN'S COUNTRY GOLD & ROCK 'N ROLL Good recorded music fpr weddings, dances, en- niverfq.ries, par. tilos, etc, Phone Brussel evenings.. 887.6159 BACKHOE CONTRACTING * ditching * septic beds * drainage CALL 482-9112 524-7067 PETER SLOTEGRAAF DRYWALL known fcir high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete- drywall service Phone 527-1,398 527-0606 TOWN and COUNTRY GARDEN SERVICE - •Lawn Rolling *Gardens Tilled - •New and old lawns tilled into a fine seed bed, Hour Rate or Job Prig J. POTTER R.R. 3, CLINTON PHONE 4$2-9290 SCREENED TOP SOIL (for Lawns -Gardens - Flowers) ALSO - •Crushed Stone •Crushed Road Gravel *Cement Gravel . *Pit Run Gravel Backhoe Work LYLE MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes * Renovations * Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE HENRY REININK' 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 * Lawn and Garden Equipment * Repairs * New Lawnmowers and Tillers in stock. A Custom Slaughtering and Processing Kit! Day G f'd.lnesda"VIM y NCR'S DASHWOOD 237.3677 .;�`i'.'SSc..i':... `�•i:i..J1+S 41S4c.::,a. a- - .`a ,+_