Clinton News-Record, 1980-05-22, Page 9• • To 411 Middleton residents atten By Blanche Deeves Lisa °Storey lit the candles at the* St. James Anglican Church service. Don Middleton and James Storey received the offering and flowers were placed in the church by Audrey Middleton., At the conclusion of the morning service, Rev. D. Pitts asked Lisa Storey to put the candles out. • Jim Middleton drove his grandmother Mrs. Fred Middleton to Stratford on Sunday morning, May 18 where they attended the service at CentratUnited Church. During the service, flie sacrament of infant THE CLINTON NE WS RECORD, THURSDAY, in Stratford to witness baptism 22, baptism was held. for Kyl...Allan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Clark of Metissing, grandson of Mr. and Mrs, Ted Mid- dleton, and great gran- dson of Mrs. Erc.d Mid- dleton and Mrs. Pete Clements. .We are pleased to hear Mrs. Marjorie Stirling is home from University Hospital, London. Edward and Blanche Deeves attended the Mills and Elm wedding reception and dance which followed in the Mount Brydges C.om- inuufeheari.tYCehriotprsee°sIn' oef foglOktsti:ign the- area planted some nsin some trees one day, but KL ASSORT Nes RECONST Realemon 675 ml bottle 1.59 ORANGE PEKOE Flowerdale Tea Bags PARBOILED Quik Kook Rice pkg of 501.39 2 -Ib pkg 1.39 ASSORTED FLAVOURS POLY BAG OF 3 71 g ENVELOPES Hawaiian Punch Crystals 79? DEODORIZERS, ASSORTED SCENTS Twice As Fresh. INSTANT, WITH CHICORY Encore Coffee POLSKI OR WHOLE Coronation Dill Pickles CHINA LILY Whole Mushrooms 25 g pkg 1.36 8 -oz jar 5,39 32 -fl -oz jar 99? 10 -fl -oz tin 89,1 „OW*. Frozen, Eviscerated 1 -lb vac pac DUCKS 4avteora5-lb 500 g VAC PAC SWIFT' PREMIUM, SLICED 17S g VAC PAC 1.29 Cooked Ham 1.19 BURNS, BREAKFAST Sausages MARY MILES, HOT OR SWEET SausageITALIAN SCHNEIDERS, SLICED, ASSORTED VARIETIES INCLUDING LUNCHEON, MAC & CHEESE 175 g pkg Dutch, Luncheon or Ftionch Onion Loaf, Bung Bologna SCHNEIDERS 1 8 9 MAPLE LEAF, SMOKED 175 g PKG COLD CUTS lb Ham Steak 1.29 BURNS, PRIDE OF CANADA VAC PAC SCHNEIDERS STEAK, CHICKEN, BEEF Bologna Chunks ibl.19 •Meat Pies forgge SWIFT PREMIUM, BROWN & SERVE 250 g PKG SHOPSYS Sausages - 1.39 Potato Salad ib89? ammusamemmamismim, ...m. YOU'LL DO betterWITH FROZEN FOOD FEATURES from A&P! ift OIi South, Frozen, Concentrated, 100% Florida 298 g pkg 1.69 White Label, Hamburg Buns or (Our Regular Price 1.39 — SAVE 20c) HIOHLINER FROZEN Fish in Batter BLUE WATER, FROZEN, BATTER FRIED Boston Bluefish 12 -oz pkg 1.49 FROZEN, PEPPERONI Totino Pizza MCCAIN, FROZEN Dollar Chips (DELUXE 370 g PIE 1.89) 350 g pie 1.79 FROZEN pkg of 12 Smelts 2 -lb pkg 79? SCHNEIDERS FROZEN, STRAMIURY OR RASPBERRY 25-01 PKG CARNATION, FROZEN " 4 -LB PKG McCain Shortcakes 2.19 Hash Brown Potatoes 99? ‘14 RAGE 9 the squirrels had their ideas also, they took them anti ate them. Audrey Middleton, Adelle Jervis, Kelvin Jervis ,attended the or- dination t Robert Neil Witmer of Ooderich at Wesley -Knox 'United Machin London. Itobert Witmer is a cousin -14 . Audrey • and Kelvin, of Chatham -and,godparents Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Middleton of. Stratfoid. It was a very happy oc- casion for the two great grandmothers and family and many guests who were entertained in the afternoon to a buffet luncheon at the home of Mr.' and Mrs.- Ted Mid- dleton, Stratford, 'PierMiddleton attended the wedding on Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton. The St. James' congregation, friends and neighbours wish to offer their very best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton whli —were married on Sat. May 17 at Benmiller. For the bus trip to Toronto, there are only a few seats left. If you wish to come along with the ACW of Middleton to enjoy a day- at the Toronto Zoo, Casa Loma and supper at Ed's Warehouse Restaurant, call 482-9838 or 482-3383 or any other ACW member. Expansion• . • - olto- In page 8 --- the new board will be to raise funds to help, the many cases' we meet that do not qualify for assistance ,from any_ other source. We had one terminally ill patient this. year who desperately wanted to be at home with the family the last days. This person was young and literally had no money saved to pay for the services. It was felt that death was im- minent and Home Cdre was arranged." , She added, "I will not go into the numbet of problems this presented, suffice to say this young person was granted the wish of being at home with loved ones, . this being made possible by using funds from the county grant, donations and fund raising." Expansion is being considered in other areas of the agency and Mrs. Young said that a Friendly, Visitors program may be established. This, she explained, would involve. a homemaker or volunteer going into the _ home to spend a few hours, to offer some conversation or help with small needs, like reading or writing a letter. The agency is also con- sidering. a telephone reassurance program, where the homebound person would be con- tacted once or several times a week by telephone. The Town and County Homemakers presently offer a variety of services and the agency hopes that future expansion will promote the program and make them better. un- derstood by the public. Mrs. Cardno said that there is some confusion about the Homemaking agency's functions. However she explained that the agency only acts as a To -ordinator 'and supplies Homemakers, Meals on Wheels, medical supplies and professional services such as Victorian Order of Nurses, physiotherapy, occupational. therapy. These services are soldto the private citizen, and other organizations. The agency offers two programs, Horne Care and Homemakers ser- vice. The Homemaking is the largest of the two but the Home Care service was started first. It began in 1971 as an in-hOme program -fbr people who were recovering •from a medical condition. The program expanded in the county and a need for homemaking services without the professional health care came about and the Town and Country Homernaters agency developed from this in 1978. .