HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-05-14, Page 7CLIkON
, MAY 15, 19-A 7
"And up through the ground came the bubbling crude," went the theme song to
The Beverly Hillbillfes. Frank Johnston hasn't hit it as rich as Jed Clampett
did, but Charlie Shaw's drilling outfit from Florence, Ontario is looking for oil
on Mr. Johnston's property at RR 2, Clinton, near Holmesville. (News -Record
Listowel doctors accepting
OH1P again
yearsn after two
return to the system.
They opted out out of
OHIP in 1978.
According to Dr. J.S.
Connors, at the Clinic, the
policy of directly billing
the patients enables
doctors at the Clinic to
provide "the kind of care
we want...it seems to be
the best way for us to go."
LISTOWE L - Aftering
opting out of the Ontario
Hospital Insurance Plan
(OHIP) two years ago,
doctors at the Listowel
Medical Centre are now
accepting 'OHIP again as
full payment from
Dr. Donald Munn of the
Centre said there are
"several reasons" why
the decision was made,
• from page 6
Meadown, owned by his
brother Bob of Benmiller:
Several 'horses from
our area were sold at the
C.S.H.S. mixed sale in
Toronto, on April 26. Two
mares ,.Consigned by M'r.
and Mrs. W.O. McLean of
Goderich were Annie
Rhythm, a 12 -year-old by
Maynard Hanover - Betty
Rhythm that went to Don
Larkin of Grand Bend for
$900 and Deep Run
Speedy, a six-year-old by
Speedy Crown - Priceless
Hanover that went to a
Quebec owner for $2,500.
Pollution, a two-year-
old filly consigned by Jim
Riehl of Goderich, that is
by Smog -Penny Tar, was
purchased by the Blue
Jay Farms, Sherwood
Park, Alberta for $5,500.
Wayne Horner of
Clinton consigned Royal.
J.R. which went to Dave
Cummings of Orangeville
for $2,000 and Notorious
Baron to Paul Loranger,
Jr. of Beamsville for
At London on Monday,
May 12, Randy Henry
was fourth with Arrochar
Ruth for Arnold Doak of
Goderich. Susie Doo
Little was third in a 2.06
mile in the seventh with
Fred List on the bike,
while Josie Doo Little
also finished third With
Ken McElroy up in a 2.05
mile in the ninth. Both
pacers • are owned and
trained•by Frank Little of
Goderich, and along with
Vandyke Linda, are
consigned to sell in the
Ontario Blooded Horse
Sales, Spring mixed sale
at Flamboro Downs,
Dundas on Saturday,
May ,17.
Gord Rapson of
Holmesville reports the
arrival of a new filly foal
from their broodmare
Sassy Dee and the
Speedster stallion, The
Sport, on Sunday, May 4.
but at present time, the
reasons are considered
"private matters."
Full billing under OHIP
went into effect at the
Centre on May 1. x
However, doctors at the
town's other medical
office, the Listowel
Medical Clinic, have no
immediate plans to
By Shelley McPhee
Resuscitation (CPR)is a.
big word, with -a.�. big
meaning, but it is a word.
that we should all know
and understand,
Essentially CPR means
saving, a -life of a heart
attack victim, but CPR is
not only/ -knowledge that.
can be'used'bymedical
professionals but by
ordinary citizenss well,
a suitpie
''Sponsored by the
Ontario and Canadian;
Heart Foundation, a
Heart Savo Program
using CPR has been set in
Clinton and public groups
Can now be taught, in a
one evening session, how
to revive a heart attack
The staffvat'the Clinton
Public3o pita'l has
already d: instructed
in the cou se and this
Junior Ag Program'
celebrates, ninth year
Junior their host farmers'
Agriculturalist Program 'homes on June 16 and
celebrates 1980 ag - its , lasts nine weeks. Host
-ninth -year- running l" %fariners k are required- to—
first, this program went" pay $6 daily for the
under the title of the number of days which a
Urban -Rural exchange:..' Junior Agriculturalist is
In the past, this
program .hs been very
successful and is laun-
ched province -wide in the
"spring of each year. This
week 10 members •ofthe
Clinton volunteer fire
department and two
Clinton police ioff&cers.
learned how to treat . a
cardiac arrest case
bef ore medical aid
Anyone Can learn how
to revive .a heart attack
victim and it is a
technique that everyone ,
should know, according
to Linda , Reid,, a
registered nurse at the
Clinton hospital and one
of the organizers of the -
Clinton courses,
She explained, that
heart disease is now `a
modern epidemic and
two-thirds ' of all heart
victims die before they
even reach the hospital.
heart attack __can.
strike any adult, at
anytime and it is crucial
to get the heart pumping
again after an attack. It
not, in a matter of four
minutes the brain suffers
irrepairable damage that
could kill the victim or
turn them into permanent
'care patients.
Reviving the heart in
that time is not im-
possible, as Mrs. Reid,
Antje Troyan from
Goderich and Dr. Brian
Baker from Clinton
shgwed the firemen and
CPR, is a combination
of mouth-to-mouth
resucitation and heart.
massages to keep the
victim alive until' medical
help arrives.
The technique is not a
difficult' one to learn and
accor;diiig -to Mrs. Retd. it
basically involves
memory work, knowing
what to do and when to do
In a four hour session
given by the three in
structors the firemen and
police officers where
shown an in-depth slide
presentation and given
demonstrations. They
practiced the CPR
routine on each other and
then' performed the entire
life saving method on
Rusi-Anne dolls, which
are human sized plastic
The Junior
Agriculturalist Program
is designed to provide a.
practical learning ex-
perience for young people
from a non-farm home
who have a serious in- year, tre endo_us
terest in agriculture and response as been
who have liad no ex- received from young
perience working on a people willing to take on
farm. the challenge and
As a Junior responsibility of farm
Agriculturalist the in- life. However, more
dividual will be placed on farmers are needed who
a selected commercial would like to participate
farm, where he or she by acting as host , far -
will perform regular mers. Farmers are en-
activities relative to the couraged to call •their
farm operation. In ad- local Agricultural Office
dition, the Junior as soon as possible in
Agriculturalist will have regards to :`the • Junior
an opportunity to develop Agriculturalist host
an _appreciation .of ,.rural farmer position,_ as the
life through living with a program's s u c c e s s
farm family and through depends upon their
participating in local 4-H, support. For a host
Junior Farmer and other farmer application ,furm.
rural programs and or more information call
activities. A Junior Barbara Moore, Junior
Agriculturalist will . be Agriculturalist Program
assigned wherever Co-ordinator for the
possible to a farm with- counties of Waterloo,
the type of enterprise in Huron and Perth in the
which he or she is most Stratford Agricultural
interested. . The duties Office at 271-0280.
involved will vary 'con-
siderably depending on
the individual • farm
operations and the
demonstrated ability of Canada's highest
the Junior temperature, 113 degrees
Agriculturalist. F., was officially
The program's work recorded at Midale and
period commences when Yellow Grass, Saskat-
the Junior achewan, onJuly 5, 1937;'
Agriculturalists arrive at -I- -f- -f-
Do you know?
dumuiles made as 'CPR
The technique.can also
be used on 4,rn:oke
inhalation, drowning and
electrical shock victims
and a similar process is
taught in the course to aid
choking victims.
. Mrs, Reid explained
that one person dies
every three days. in
Canada as a result of
choking. She stated that
these are extremely
needless" and tragic
deaths.. and usually result
when a person is eating
too fast or talking while
they eat.
She said that a choking
victim may often appear
to be a heart attack case
but th, two can be
distinguished because a
, person who"' Ts "' choking
will not be able to talk.
The prime objective in
dealing with a choking
victim is to,dislodge the
foreign object that is
,blocking the air passeage
and cutting off breathing.
If the victim is unable to
do this, himself or, is
unconscious, using back/'
blows and manual all=
dominal and chest thrusts
is the treatment taught in
the CPR course.
Mrs. Reid explained
that the choking or
cardiac arrest victim
may ' deny' there's
anything wrong, but she
pointed out, "Would you
rather be dead or em-
While many people still
must be educated in CPR;
everyone should
remember—to- _ act- -fast
operating'. similar
Starting the program is
a slow process, not
because of •disinterest but
due to the lack of . in-
structors. Despite the
time involvement, the
Clinton organizers are
willing to take the course
to any public group and
they are hoping that some
people will carry on with
the program to become.
-instructors themselves.
when • they come across
an unconscious person, a
heart attack or a choking
Acing fast is only part
of tie answer to saving a
life,,,knowing what to do
in such a case is the most
important -part. In
London the Heart Save
Progam is an, major and
well-received 'course and
it is hoped at 50,000 people
will learn CPR in the next
five years. Along with
Clinton, Goderieh and
Seaforth are also
To be-. an instructor
involves passing the first
Heart Save Program,
then studying an eight
hour .course on Basle
Cardiac Life Support and
finally, completing a two
day course.
CPR's initial begin-
nings. may take time and
a14'4 of of .effort, but it is a
rewarding and `vital in-
volvement, for some day'
you may have to save a
life -
Slicrp and
� Compare:
During our May
Home Furnishings
The fine furniture you've been dreaming of. At
prices you never dreamed possible. At. Ball & Mut-
ch Ltd. Home Furnishings, 71 Albert Street, Clin-
linton. May is a special month for big savings on fine
quality home furnishingsi, Many one -of -a -kind
items. to be cleared...so shop early to avoid disap-
pointment. Compare selection, 'quality, price and
service:You'can-buy the best -for less at Ball & Mut—
. sc0TT'S
Reg. '14.95
24" x ]R"
Regular •8.99
OF GLADS - 1 7 5 • per '2.25 dozen dozen
NOTE: We will be closed Holiday Monday. so
stock up Friday and Saturday for your garden
22 Isaac Street, Clinton
OPEN DAILY: 8 a.ni. - 6 p.m., open Friday
nights 'til 9 p.m.; closed Sundays