The Exeter Times, 1888-5-10, Page 4Ogota thuvo. Tii.u,ktsDAY, MAY 10Tti, ISS. THE ONTARIO LICENSE POLITICAL MACHINE. In several parts of ale Keevenee this year the only qualification necessary to procure a liquor cense, is being a Reformer or a supporter of Mr. Mowat. In the City ot Toronto, in Hamilton and in Windsor the most barefaced partizanship has been shown. In Toronto, there were seventyve saloon keepers cut elf, and many of Reform persuasion, who have for years been deprived a a li- cense, added to the list. The News, an. Independent -Reform „ Journal, says: One Bridaet Huges - ha a her license restored because shea.,-a. friend.ef the goy. eminent ; while Mr. Ifirby, who has kept a respectable hotel in Toronto for the past twenty years, has been deprived of his li- cense, he claiming to be a Cpnser- vative, Then in the Citye lis.ni M - on, one Culharie has b t, 'or- ‘ ed by receiving a liceie. eet many 'times previously having een, re fused because his house is near a factory. The SpectaNtor sa.ye 6o per • cent. of the ratepayers petitioned the Commissioners not to grant Cullia.ne a license; but then his political services could notbe ig- nored. Then the Wentworth coin • missioners, not to be outdone in the matter of favoring friends, granted liceese to a house on Bur• - lington Beach, known as the Bun- ' galow, where there are four houses licensed already, in direct.. opposit- ion to the protestations of the residents. The property belongs to Judge Sincla.lr's wife, which ac. counts for its being licensed. In Windsor the very same order of things was carried (lilt, Coseserva- fives being cut off. while Reform- ers were granted licenses. These are but a. tew examples of the base uses to which the power vested in the Government and their Commis- sioners a'reN-being put, and it only remains to be seen to what extent, if any, such partizanship will be en- acted in South Huron. _____—___..----------. EIDITORIAL NOTES. WHien the German emperor's physicians are „exhausting all the -resources of medical science and surgical skill to keep him alive, some of his clerical subjects are praying to the Almighty to grant: him a "speedy release from his suf. feline." There is a touch of path- .-- etic humor in the situation. 7F.TRIl -Thinlinion Parliament may. adjourn May 22. There is no ne- NeWS Notelet. -- Large crowds of immigrants continue to arrive in Montreal, on their way to Manitoba and the Territories, Over 2,000 arrived, in one day last week. The Senate committee on railways Adopted on Saturday morning the bill from the C031111103AS incorporating the river Detroit rail -Way bridge company. At a meeting of the Ontario Cabinet Monday, Mae, Drury, M, P. P., for E. . Sitneoe, was appointed to the peahen of Minister of Agriculture, an office created by the Legislature at the recent session. Sarnia Canedian—"Port Huron gro- cers have reeeived 'consignments of potatoes from Scotland, and cabbage from Germany, which can be sold in Michigan cheaper than the home-grown article." The success of the operatien perform- ed. a week ago at the Germantown hos- pital, by transplanting the corner of a rabbit's eye to the eye of Mrs. Annie Schick, is now undeniably esteblished. The return of Mrs. Sehick's vision is an assured fact. Hon•Thos. White's will, just probat- \ Riergel SPr)ing Afeeizee. The elueon Spri;g—Assizes opeued at Goderiele on Monday t \ f last week, Hon, Mr. Justice Macmalent upon the bench., Ile was presentea with a congratulatory address on behelf ofthe lot:saber, of whom there was e large repvesentation at the °peeing of the Court. The civil list was heavy and contained some twenty once. The criminal docket containing twelve cases, comprising charges of perjury, for. gore', larceny ettsault &o. Mr. Ring, ot Berlin, conducted the Croat Insinese. The first ciyil ORR was Weber TS Stein- bach, an ectien for malicious peosecution, R. H. Collins, of Exeter, for plff. Judg- ment by consent disini•sing the ease with full costs, „Henry vs Penfound. • All action for se. election II. F. Hohnstead for plte; Phil- ip Holt foe deft. By consent this ettee was withdrawn, Wilson vs Messett. • An action On a promissory note. The defendant claimed the note was obtained fraudulently, and for the purpose of stilling s, trio -deal pros- ecution for forgery. The jury, eftar an absence of 50 minutes, rethrned with a verdict tor defendant, ancl jedgmeut was so entered with full costs of snits. Killam vs McBride; et al. Action on a • ed, leaViglatie evife usnfruct of prep- promissore note. yerdict y conemt tor . F orshe ehall marry again, svhen it is 'to ed ou a promissory note, for threshing ma- be evenly divided amongst the children, chine. judgment for plff., as against de. The Property is 14rgelY mad° up of fendant Catharine Taylor for $670.70, stock in the Gazette Printing Co. •with interest fvom March 1, 188S, at 7 per An estimate of the total grain. export cent. wttli fell costs, plff. to have a lien froux IVIanitoba to Port Arthur up to ore certain lands and the master to take acceunt between the parties. li Darling vs efferman. Action on the covenants of a lease, the parties residing in the township of Tuckersmith Referr- ed by consent to Master to take evidence, as to the facts and report to the Court. _ Queen vo jaines Lennon, jr. This is a charge of perjury alleged to have loeen committed by prisoner, a clerk hi the of- fice of L. E. Dencey, Seaforth, The grand jery presented a trne bill, but on motion of Mr., Osler, Q. C., counsel for defence, the case was traversed until 'the next, owing to the absence of a material witness. Lennon entered into his own recognizance in $500, -with his father and $OMR. heendeaten piff• feP 1A55 93, with hal eosts of sett. enan ys Murray. An extion to. recov- erty Valued at 50,000 May 1st, gives the following figures :— Wheat, 5, :500,000 bushels '• wheat in flour, 700,000 bushels ; barley, 300,000 bushels; (sate and oetrneal, '700,000 bushels ; total export to date, 8;300,000 bushels. It is estimated thab there are yet to arrive at Port Arthur from Mani- toba 2,000,000 bushels coarse grain. Since it has transpired that Joseph Chamberlain became engaged to Miss Endicott, while over as Fishery Com- missioner, it is open for the wits to say that she got him on a string or captur- ed him in the net. And perhaps some- one will be foolhardy enough tosay that the Endicott is the end he caught if not sought. The Postmaster -General of the United States has completed arrangements with the Postmaster -General of Canada, es- tablishing a union in rate of poatage of one cent per ounce on all merchandise, inclucline erain, seed cuttings, bull:0, e scions and all grafts, and one cent per two ounces of printed matter in the mails exchanged between the two count- ries and now known n,s third-class matter in the domestic mails of this country. This arrangement went into effect May 1 and eemoves the objections to the recent mail convention. with Canada, which went into effect March I. The Ranlan-Kempt sculling race took place at Sidney, Nem South Wales, on Saturday last. The race was on the Paramatta River for the championship of the world and $2,500 a side. lelempt James Wilson arsecurities in $250 each. Another case arising out of the same cir- cumstances, was the Queen ys Loftus, E. Dances*, sabordination of perjury. Mr. Osler askeut that this also be traversed un- til the fall assizes, owing to the miavoid- able absence of defendant. The grand jury returned "no bill" in the Queen vs Henry Stanley, charged with bestiality, and a trne bill in the Queen ve • Joshua F. Bier, for illicit' connection un- der the Charlton Act. • The somewhat celebrate& Bayfield as- sault case, wherein two coustables were set upou while attempting to serve sum- monses under the Scott Act, was brought late Court by the Gravel jury returning true bills against Charles Meyers and Ne Murray for assaulting John Henry Rob- ertson,, a constable, while in dischatgeeof • his clay. Both defendants failed • to re - spend when celled in court, and bench warrants were ovdered to be 'issued for their arrest. A true -bin was also return- ed against John ErWin, aeising out of the sante disturbence, for assanitieg Charles „Smith and John H. Robertson, the two constables referred to. The Grand Jury returned -"No, Bill" in the Queen es John Hannon, for perjury, and in Queen vs james W. Manser, forg- ery, a truehill. • In the latter base the forgery Wes of a promissory note for Isso, dated in jenhary last, and assumed to be merle by Thomas Evans to the prisoner or bearer. The -forgery by the priscner was clearly proven and also the uttering of the- forged note, wbich the prisoner sold to a Mr. Benjamin S. Cools. The prisoner was convicted, and after a strong admonition by -His Lordship released on suspended sentence, his,own recognizance being taken for $500. The Grand Jury dad their labors by bring_ing in true hMs in the QtiCell TS Emanuel. R. Bissett, for unlawful and ina- iicto 4iielei""."-elevoes -bod- ily helm to one John Ilynclinan ; he was filled $25 with costs; in the Queen vs J. H. elynchnan, for assaulting a peace offi- cer in the execution of his duty and in the Queen VS William WatsoneJohe Hoop- er, Van Renssaber'Van Norman, Win. Harem and W. G. Nicolson, for womuliug Robert Durnion with various intents. Five true bills were also returned against Thos 0, Edmunds, late ageut of the Singer Manufacteriug Company at Clinton 3 were for forgery of money receipts, arid 2 for embezzlement of =siert and chattels. No hills seereleeittneri in the Qiieen vs Or eb l ke'ltideor, Jonas Baker and Gil; bete Deck, for larceny, two indictments, and hi the Qeeen vs Patrick O'Donolioe, for assaulting a Peace racer end apeeeen acting in aia of a Peace Offiter, two me' clictments. The Queen TS Hyndman, was poetponed to the general session, and the Queen vs Watson and others te the next State assizes. The Grand Jury submitted the Doerti of tieatsn, following: There is no more useful 'Work in which RILESDSTMENT. the herdth authorities can engage than th9 , ORTAPTO ttination of the various articles sold to oeuree.m.,eme.oe, Absolutely P re. This powder never varies A marvel otpur- ity. strength and wholesounsliess, More econ- antic/Li than the ordinary kinds anci cannot be sold in competitionwitli tlie-inultitndos of low test, short -,veighb, &luta et phosphate powders. Sold only in 01113R.—ItOYAT.4 BA- flGP0WDEI 00-106 Wall street LY truagemaseatirgramiasossraatsatti, Our stook for the season is uow eomplete, our immense importations hayiug all avrivea We axe) now able to show one of took the lead at the start. Hanlan's boat came in contact with that of his opponent before the mile post was reached. Kerapt stopped. aridlet Hau- l= pass and then went after him. When off Gaseignes Bay Ilanlan.crossed the bow of Kempt's boat and again fouled him.. Kempt got clear and pro- ceeded, winning by five lengths. They are about equal in weight. Death has taken off another member of the Commons, this ming Milanese Gauclet, representing Nicolet, Que., who died in the general hospital at Ot- tawa,. the other clay. Be has been laid tip since a couple of weeks after the ses- sion opened, and death was expected. Ris ma/ady was dropsy. Mr. Gaudet was 40 yearaage. He was elected in 1884 on the resignation of Me. elifethOt .; and in 1887 was 1:eturned by acelame- nation. as a ConservetivesNationelist. Ae a meeting of the jornahsts heit at Ottawa on Tuesday egernoon, a re- solution protesting agaiviSt elte imprison ment of Editor Hawke,. of.goncton, N. B., sentenced for two months for libel, on the geound that he had not been given an opportanity to try hirnSelf be- fore his peers was a,clopted, Another resolutioli was also carried. It asked the Minister of Justice to investigate -charges ot arunkenness 'made agaillS Judge Fraser, by Editor Hawke, 'rand appointed a deputation towalt upon the Press Gallery, and decided, as well, to appeal to the Canadian Press Associa- tion, ce.ssity for.the session lasting long- er than -that. All the businese can be completed. But the Grits keent bound to, exhibit what the Toron- • to:Globe calls their debating talent • which in ,nlain omens their' Ability to talk long and uselessly. • TIIE fact is daily becoming- more • apparent that there is only one Men that will suit the entire mess of• the Republican party as the Presidential saeclida.te of the party ; and that matt is Blaine. The Maine statesman will have greatnees thrus& upon him in spite ef himself. _ 'Two bye -elections that have taken place recently ---Kent coutity on Wednesday last and Russell 'on Monday—beth represeetatiVes to . , the Legislature, resulted in the re turn • of Liberals, for the former Mr. Campbell by 94. majority, , the latter, Mr. Edwards, by 226. Both seats were represented by Liber als. FRISENTA-111S o POWDEralle Are pleasant to take„ Cc,ptain their 0011 -Purgative. Is a, Alla effectual liessreyer ot woraes in Obt:dren ov AidultS, The Grandest Stock of Carpets TO B4 FOUND IN 0A.NADA. Carpets of all graders from the loweat priced Hemp to the richest patterns a Mal could wish, to See. But a more important fact is that our stock of cerpots etand to -day unequalled as reearae Tattle. Haying been epught personally by our Me. Beattie for CASH in the 13est Markets m the World, and Marked at the .olosest prices possible, we af- funs, withou t fear of contradiction, that we can and will give you the best value for your money that you cart possibly get in Gamlen. Don't forgeethe New Mammoth' Carpet House of the West. Thos. Beattie Co's, The lake is clear of ice at Goderich, but reports from up the shore state that considerable Ice is in sight. The .G. Kolfage, which watt ashore at Port Blake last fall, has been released and started for enderieh last Sunday, but was caught in a field of ice, where she lay several days about two miles from the shore, leaking badly. She was taken into harbor but in a badly wrecked condition. Everest's Liver Regulator has prov- ed the best medicine I ever tried for impure blood and liver complaint.— John Jones, Hillsboro, Ont. TUE Globe is not elohe ill the censure of the Dominimyereovern. merit for fixing the In eke Act votiug at a time when yuileee-,ds were impassable. Th °Ada Citizen, a temperance jo:e4t440ea1so joins in the wail. It weeed 'have been well and saved some of those Toroeto edifOrs considerable. uu netessary writing had they taken a trip through 'Huron about the time of the election, and seen, to then amazement, the excelleet Condi they report t•liet the lenyal balneg powdex . . is mister -tor to all creels in petite rind MOBE FOOD ANALYSES. Action by tbe Massachusetts SIGHT V. BLINDNESS 1110 DON, 176 65 178 DUNDAS-STREET: (East of Riehmond-St. Q • N. STANLEY'S Co1el3yated iTreik'Sioectacles 79 13.tz Srazzr, Vono1.1To, CANA1)4, 18 JEWIN Lcisnon, E. 0., 131::GLAND. ' . R Eicrs eentebeeeker,eowenere FARMERS & ----USE ONLY-- MeCOLL'S CELEBEATED ‘'?4T-4LMEN Lardme 1 achine 'The Old Est lished. 1WCOLL BROS. & CO., ezT011, SALE BY BISSETT BRO.Sla SOLE AIA_NeF'RS, • and Optician. Has the Ager cy for the sale of the above In Exeter. Nu Spectacles in the Market equal them in the TririvE RESEENIESQueeneins tney postess, or the GitzeT BASE & COMFORT they confer on the wearer.. "Their usd will in actuallry strengthen the Eye so that it does not become necessary to ohmage them tor many year st.Tuey are there tore the CEEATEST. They Are the Best in the World, They Never .tire tile Eye, And Last Many Years Without Oliange. The sight tested by our rtew Teat Card,Mtle as used by leading Oculists throughout the world. Caeitht the nubile for food, drink ,antltunedienie. The agitation for the,pagsage of laws to expose and spunish food adulterations in the United States, is being aided by action of this hind taken by the Boards of Health of several of the States. 010 and Massa- chusetts, following the cot Revenue Departinent have Published the na,n impure or umwholesom 11.131014 them aie the following branis of alum baking prAttastr : Davie Silver Star, Forest City, A. ct P.' 'er Ring, Kenton, Cook's Favorite Ge I, etc eseTetis is a )310St effectual wae• to itOp their saroas no one v ill buy an alune'baking poweer I y. elassaeliesetts snalysists have tested the verities ereame of tartar and phosphate baking pewee's soidiii that State, and e of the inlend the Dominion, es el matiy of the a tieles exainieed. teoe in which the roads were, IT IS the purpose of,the temper- ance advocates of Canada to ineet at Montreal on July 3rd to deyise methods and inaugurate work with eta view of obtaining immediate total prohibition. To our mind they are somewhat premature. It would be well to give sufficient time to alloy./ the recent defeat of the Scott Act to pass from the minds of the people. No matter what amount of si eetre no mattee -what engine may be brought I tl Kt) the prospective, fight, the result will assuredly besli,astrousfut,less however, ample time is given aed perfect motives brought futo requisition, • wholesometiese, and eontame nearly e0 per cent, inure strength than any other. The exact determetatiens as to strength of tbe seeeral brates was as followe nreeteivit znevereree senits.reeu. Cubic ire gas per oz. eo‘vtler. 126.15' 10'1.7 Slee Name. 'Royal Cleveland's Oengras Horsrat.P.3 , The official. tests in both the T,Ini;ed States and the Dominion, likewise prove the superiority of the Royal in purity, strength and wholoeoarenesp. TO \VIP., The Juroeti for our Lady the Queen beg leave to resent : That they have exam- ined the pit and find it clean and the Pris- oners have no complaints. At present there are thirteen prisc,ners in the jail -9 males and 4 fetnales.• Of the nine males one is charged with forgery axe ie await- :ing trial ; one for havieg a still ane learnt in his possevion, he is under sentence ; two for larany, both eerier sentence ; two • for vagrancy, both ureter sentence. The .remaieing three are insane. Of the four 'f ' emales two are vagrants, both under sen- tence ; the other two are insane. All the insane caster have been reported by the Sheriff and, are seating removal to the asylum. The jurors hope that the Gov. ernment will provide more asylum 500010- , odation for this afflicted class. They elso heartily unite with the members of the her in the County in Wishing yorfr Gerd, ship long bio th enjoy and honor the po• eitiou to -which the Goyernment has seen fit to raise you. They further wish to ex. press their thanks to the crown consel and minty attorhey for their courteous anl3 able n.ssistance in the discharge tbf their duties. Alt of AV10.611 is respectfully submitted. W. CLEGG, Foreman, DR. Vkiashington, Throat & I_Jung Surgeon, One Door South of Post Office —HE EIAS-- A NEW AND COMPLETE :---STOCE OF-- oots Shoes. Sewed work a speciality. Repairing promptly attended to. GEO. M&NSON, • JOHN BRAWN Of Termite, -Will be at the Cent/ al Ho- tel, Exeter, , MAY the 15th 1. Catarrh , Bron chitis Asthma, COESallIpti on etc, petinanently and effeetually cured. Atfetw PrOininent Testimonials •X EST SVOAAN DS D TIME efr, Joh e H. Certer, Corbettete Ones writee AS rollOWS ITaayaril's Yellow 011 hes stood the test tritest when all others tailed. nor house is never 'vithout i1. and it will always find A welcome spot, .ott the shelf. ' 1 o - fps be- ny go so ie it ney Nuke long ` ace an - hey o be ma - :.set Walnut ..-86Rosewoo'd..Caskets Aeso 00VEINS Or EVZ1VZ DESORIPTIOli. A gompieto Stook of Robes & Trimmings Always on hand. FUNERALS FURNISEED 6 C " Ott" Dye- stuffs and package eel/see eke' Faajc'IEST„ STrei`esitICe.E.STs BEST', CoNTAINS lo Al -UM, AMMONIA, LIME, PHOSPHATES, or any injuricou materials. " )1) s, vim .GILL.m.„1„sr, troaggoA,Goo....7L. Ztammf'rifihm CVLBREAT33031OTALYR45T.IAt7.0. • OEN TI.3,AL Dr lig f,4tore A. full stock of all kinds of DUCTED AT Low RATES. . of Permanent Cures: Mrs. John141c1Cay, Kingstoni Ont., Catarrh and Consumption. , John MeNelvy, Kin gstemOnt. catarrh. MrsA. hopping, Kingston, 'Ont.. Broncho Contutuption. Mr. E . Scott, hingston, Ont,, Catarrh, head and thient head W. II. Storey's Original Testimonial. Catarrh. Throat Cured. Listen tolIT H Storey, Earl" of the firm of Vir:111 Storey &Son, Aeton, Glove elanufaetur- ers, elso President Manufacturers' Association of(lamb,.- Dit) WASIIINGTO$, 215 Yonge-st'. Poronte, Dyes, on My stock of -furniture is un- .eb°°11 a.w8iticianantill' excelled. Por Rickets, Marasnrus, and all Wasting Disorders of Children - Scott's Etnelsion of Pure Pod. Liver Oil, with Itypoebosphites, neetermled. The rapidity wit], which children gam flesh mid strength upon it is very wonderful, "I have teed Seott's Entinsioe in eases, of Itielerte anti Meresmns of lobe mtenaing. In every ease the imptervoreeet was mareed. M, "tlAot, M, Non• Yeik„ Put up in 50e and el 817,0. L assure you 1 feelsrateful for the radical mire you haVe efeoetad in my throat troetne, an a though I dislike having my name appear in eennecton with the tostitnonial bus- iness, yet, having regard for those who are similarly affectedas well as having a desire to recognize the resul ts of your treatment.Imake 11, departure in this case. Priort0 niy aectutant- anee with yen,I had suffered for two years from repeated attacks of eatarrbal sore throat each succeeding attack being more „prolonged and. v,) el eat than the former. At these ti Ines 1 had violent fits of doughing, arid would cuss elierge large quantities of mucous, Peeling alarmed, I sought theinsr medical skill avail- able, including a much -noted Specialist, and took almost everyihing known to medicine without experiencing a particle of relief. Last sprine I went to Europe. The change dicl me good, hut on my return the old trOub I e wasre •plaI thouh t I wuld cons - newed, Seeing you advertised 111 visit this ce, goalt you , although I confess with not Much hone of receiving any benefit. however.1 ws,s favotably Impressed with Your candor. and resolved to give your treatment atrial. The result. I am happy to itforitk xotts is a complete Cure, and 010 so Merited in its charecter as to snrore both my Serif and my friends, Frothe first yeer med- icine eeerned adapted to rny ease and gee° re- lief, In two mos, elves entirely tvel Land lisiVe ett tentittl.ted fereegh the most unfavorable season of year. Yon are at liberty to make whet ORO you, please of this letter, nntl I shall be Pleased neeinwer any eneuirent relative to , Yout8 yen, truly. Aeon .1001,180. My teem Condition resseGIVE ME A CALL Powd- ers the best in themark. W. D. STOEBY Iva:CONSULTATION retEgeNiet• s. c. ersey's The Place TO Buy Chili)) GOODS. SUR, !J !J .1VVit New 11/11.1],inery DULMAGE8 Kirkton 10.41.111,Zr0 : et and always , iresh. Family recip- es carefully prepared at Central Drug Store Exetex. /f yeti reiuire e BONNET OR IIAT• in the Latest Style go to Damage's Store,' Rirkteu. • GOntS' Suits - A Specialty. A No. I fit guaranteeil. Look in at OUR stock before pirchasing I70°' X)trir.A1/1.4.C13. GiVEITZ eof, Tuns Wanted Milathes EXETER NORTH, otr Stook is Well Assortec 10011 TETE SEASON'S TRADE. LOW PRICES STILL MAINTAINED G11,00ER1ES ! 10 lbs.sagax $1.00;13 lbs. white sugar, $e We can't be undersold -in Teal from 20 40l5e. per Ile kat% STI Sitoe.s All Styles at Low Piea 4. nieely assorted stock of I—I A IR 'D "rvV: ABE FORKS, SOYTRES and GLASS all sizes (Oheap,) Beat Machine Oil 00o per Gal. ClOAL OIL AS LOW ASTM LOWEST A.nice Toe, Sett of 4/ Plates, $2.7 A oo(1 suit of ready-made clothing Po $6 Orderei snits eot up in Good Style. plir °rose, Good are maned down to the to•weet notch. COTTON, 20 YARDS Vale ONE DOLLAI Allouse and Lot, nitro a•earin. fee' Stile Apply to JorAN MATHESON'. • vittyP,