HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-05-01, Page 22PAGE 2A—CLINTON NEWS -RECORD, THURSDAY, MAY 1.198Q Londesboro s Armstrongs celebrate wedding anniversary It could be that Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong are following a family trend. Mr. Armstrong's parents lived to celebrate their 67th wedding anniversary, and like them the next generation of Armstrongs have passed half a Century of wedded bliss and celebrated their 55th anniversary on 40129. '• Family and friends joined with the Armstrongs to celebrate the special occasion with a dinner at the Triple K Restaurant in Blyth and over 27 guests Were entertained by the anniversary couple at their home in Lorirlesboro. Their son Ken acted as master of - ceremonies and proposed a toast to the happy couple. Mr. Armstrong gave a reply and several of their grandchildren, also spoke. The Armstrongs were remembered by many neigh- bors at their anniversary party and have been long- time residents of the area. The newlyweds'moved to Londesboro following their marriage inImytb, and Mr. Armstrong operated a general store for eight years. After selling the store, Mr. Armstrong was a well-known cattleman for many Otu * „ , As well as his success in business, Mr. Armstrong has led a very active life in 'municipal affairs and federal politics. He served on the Hullett Township Council for eight years as a councillor and reeve and was elected as Warden of Huron County in 1949. He was also a member of the Liberal party and ran for a seat in the federal riding against the late Tom Pryde, who defeated him. Along with her husband,. Mrs. Armstrong has also been active in the community and the church and is a life member of the Londesboro UCW. She also.belongs to the Women's Institute and the Eastern Star club in Blyth. Despite their involvement in social and community affiars, the Armstrongs also had an active home life and raised two children, Mrs. Doreen (Glen) Carter of Hullett Township and Kenneth of Londesboro. They also have several grandchildren. Optimists to mark • • respect for law week Respect For Law Week, an annual ob- --ser-vanr-e.- sponsored. by the Optimist club of Clinton has been • proclaimed by Mayor Harold Lobb of Clinton. The dates of this 'ob- servance, May 1-7, were selected to focus upon the related year-round ac- tivities of this 135,000 member voluntaryr, service organization. Through the Respect For Law program, Optimist clubs in the United States and Cana, cia have been exerting positive leadership by en- couraging citizens to become actively involved in combatting crime. According to the Optimists, the first. step in creating a climate in which respect for law can exist is through establishing. full co- operation between citizens and their local law enforcement officers. In areas where this co- operation has been ac- complished, a measurable decrease in the rate of crime has been noted. Optimist Inter- national's RespectFor Law program was initiated in reaction to _public,„apathy toward the increasing iiroblems of crime. Since that time, Optimist cubs and other civic groups throughout the United States and Canada have become actively involved in programs and projects to combat disrespect for law and public apathy toward crime. Exeter club raises 86 500 EXETER - Over $6,500 will be given to the Thames Valley Treat- ment Centre to -help crippled children. The money was raised by the Exeter Lions Club at their Sportsmen's dinner. The Lions contribution was the largest amount ever collected and more than the group had an- ticipated. The Lions had hoped to raise $5,000 and attributed the profit increase to a larger at- tendance The Optimists are quick to point out their program. does not reflect a blanket endorsement of the practices and per- sonnel of all law en- forcement agencies — but does emphasize..,the need for citizens to demand. good law en- forcement and to offer co- operation • in every possible way. Joe Atkinson, president of the Optimist Club of Clinton, has stated the club will be observing Respect For Law Week by promoting co- iciperatioi with law en- forcement officers in the discharge of their duties and acquaint the public with the duties, responsibilities and needs of law enforcement of- ficers in our community. President Atkinson asks all citizens to join with the Optimist club in this observance, "Good law enforcement cannot be the resporisibiiitY 'of police officers alone. Your help is needed." SPRING TOURS for SENIOR CITIZENS NIAGARA FALLS 2 days May 7-8 HOLLAND TULIP FESTIVAL 3 days May 12-13-14 LILAC TIME ROCHESTER NEW YORK 3 days May 21-23 OTTAWA TULIP FESTIVAL 3 days May 26-28 KINGS ISLAND CINCINNATI 4 days June 9-12 AGAWA CANYON 3 days June 24-26 East Coast 15 days July 14-28 Most meals included in above tours. Book now, don't be disappointed. Reg. No. 1890637 MAXEY TRAVEL PALMERSTON 343-3243 or 271.7741 SHELTER VALLEY TENT & TRAILER PARK • — i„1.11,1 cr:7 FOR RESERVATION: CALL (519) 524-4141 OR WRITE R.R. 2 CLINTON, ONT. NOM 11.0 Situated on the bank of the Maitland River, 4 miles east of Goderich, on Hwy. 6. • Designed for Family Camping • Modern service building - Store for your camping necessities • Swimming pool and playground • Excellent fishing - Fully serviced sites - Seasonal sites avail b e Provincial Honors were given to three Clinton area girls last Thursday night for the completion of 12, 4-H homemaking projects. Mary Ann VanDorp, left, from the Clinton 2 Club, Freda Hill from the Bayfield Club and JoAnne Sturgeon from the Bayfield group received certificates and pins at the area Achievement Program. (News -Record photo) Aimwell unit to sponsor recital The April meeting of the church on June 9. the Aimwell Unit of the Aurdey Thompson and UCW was held on April 21 Marion Snell took charge at the home of Rev. and of the program on Japan. Mrs. Scott and president Mrs. Thompson told Florence Cartwright about the Japanese opened the meeting with culture, the country's a prayer and scripture economy and the religion. reading. r Mrs. Snell explained the missionary work of the The roll. call was an- -- swered by 17 members - and two,, rvisitors, whe gave an Easter verse and WI dessert the minutes of the last meeting were read by Secretary June Fothergill. Thank -you notes were received from Alice Davidson and Elma- Jewitt. The Westminister w-e-lcomed everyone,and a weekend was discussed table filled with a variety of desserts was served. and tickets for the up- coming ham supper were Ten games of euchre given out. were played and the winners were: ladies' Aimwell is invited to a high, Myrtle Fairservice; meeting of the Berean lone hands, Jean Scott; Unit on May 12 and ladies' low, Sadie Aimwell's next meeting McDonald; men's high, is on May 21. The group Glen Carter; lone hands, agreed to sponsor Gail Annie Reid (playing as a Lear's music recital at man); men's low. Ted The Women's Insitute (WI) Dessert Euchre was held on April 25 with 14 tables in play. The, WI president Alice Buchanan United Church and told about Robert Witmer, a Goderich native who is training for the ministry. Helen Lee replied to questions answered by the children in college and lunch was served by Gail Lear and Mrs. Jewitt. euchre Fothergill. A number of draws were also mande and the winners included Perc Gibbings, Bob Thompson, Helen Sootheran, Hazel Reid, Eva Mills, Gloria McEwing, Viola Kirby, Alberta Stevens, Shirley Glousher, Vi Burns, Ramona Jamieson, Trudy Pollard, Edna Hackwell, Margaret Taylor, Ralph Horn, Rena Watt, Vietta Hoggart, Ted Hunking,' Mary Grigg, Bert Daer and Margaret Craig ofyour neighbors andfriends • Congratulations. go to Florida. April 19 after spending Mr . and 'Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. Bert, the yinter months with Armstrong, who were Shobbrook attended the his daughters, Mrs, married 55 years 01) April baptism of their great Veltn,s '(Glen)"Robinson 29. grandson, Jonathon ef LonclOtt and Mo. 8rook IVIiller at the Marjorie (Ron)* Ontario Street United MacLellan of Mount Church on Clinton on Hope. Sunday morning and Lloy Shaddick of were dinner guests of Mr. Kitchener and John surgery on Thursday. and Mrs, Rob Miller. Knowles of Dundas spent Willis Bromley was Visiting last week wttli the weekend with her ri-tari--IVI-m.----Margaret---fraytor—pa-rents3- Mr. --an Public Hospital on April were Mrs. Laurence Allen Shaddick. 24. Taylor of Victoria, B.C. Mrs. Alberta Arm - Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'and Mr. and Mrs. Jack strong of Hamilton and Allen returned home on Dodds of London. Mrs. Margaret Taman of April 27 after spending Emerson Hesk Brampton are spending a two ana a half weeks in returned to his home on Jim McEwing was admitted on Seaforth Community Hospital on April 24 and underwent Bowlers honored In the Couples Bowling league the team made up of Carl and Lena Nesbitt, Ken and Marlene Armstrong and Bev and Helen Wallace took the top trophy at the league's final night of play on April 20. The evening was completed with a lun- cheon at the church. The Wallaces were presented with a trophy, donated by Don McWhinney of the Clinton • Crown Lanes, as, thelnost- improved couple in the playoffs. Other trophieswere presented - for achievements on the final night and Dorothy Air- drie had the ladies' high, Art Airdrie had the men's high, Marjorie Cart- wright had the -ladies' low Shuffleboard winners in The winners at the April 23 shuffleboard meet were: ladies' high, Audrey Thompson; men's high, Lorne Hunking; high couple in the playoffs, Mrs. Thompson and George Hoggart. and the men's low went to Carl Nesbitt. Hidden score prizes went to Ted Fothergill, Bruce Shillinglaw and Carl and Lena Nesbitt, Next season's com- mittee was also chosen by their bowling scores. The members will include Ken and M.arlene Armstrong, John and Brenda Radford and Dave and Penny Over- boe. United hews Garnet Wright and Edythe -Beacome. welcomed the congregation at the Londesboro United Church on Synday morning and the ushers were Neil Cartwright, Bob Penfound, Donald Reid and Bruce Hunking. Barbara Bosman was the choir director and Louise McGregor played the organ. The junior teachers were Carol Cartwright and Debbie Westerhout. few days with Mr, and ° 'Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Mr.: and Mrs. • Glen Sunday supper visitors with. Mr, and Mrs. Glen Carter and Colleen were Mrs, Tom- Johnston of London, Larry Carter of Kitchener, Mrs. Jim Armstrong of Clinton, Mr, and Mrs.. Jack ArrrrstwMtn-and Mrs: - David Armstrong of Clinton, Alberta Arm- strong of Hamilton and Margaret Taman of Brampton. FOR YOUR SPRING PLANTING NEEDS VISIT movituzon cRidqe cficzel R.R. 2 ZURICH DAVID STECKLE AND FAMILY 11/2 Mt. WEST THEN 3V2 NORTH OF ZURICH See Our Selection of: PHONE 565-2122 EVERGREENS FLOWERING SHRUBS SHADE TREES ROSES BEDDING PLANTS OPEN WEEKDAYS UNTIL 9 P.M. SATURDAY UNTIL 5 P.M. OPEN SUNDAY 1:30:- 5 P.M. 41 I I ' • - '11/kIge* ....)4')5P.X1009zgypooce,....'" • • •/ ''''''',Wimsgam90,0°'2"°;44430/ 4340 -.0313,10 44! ..;a44Vx your • MEW help raise 's standard of lo 110\\ lum 11,1uch vtni cane. Hug them. Take them to the park. l'Aii()% them. "Fakynore time fol- them. nice talk and listen lot. Call them up. If t in A la%, nu can reap the benefit all \ cal Imc4, And "ill fdinik• - May is Family Unity Month in Ontario. Ontario Margaret Birch, Provincial Secretary for Social Development William' Davis, Premier 1114W., / 11)/11/1/YY OF gLiperiOr Can More selection...more accessories for outdoor cooking convenience. Delicious char -broiled flavour from Superior... the propane experts! adiana 2000 D Beautiful styling, rugged design • dual 20,000 BTU burners • twin heat controls Nat Jacuzzi ".0 Chef" • heat indicator easy -clean porcelain grill • disposable grease collector 911111111111111111111111111 We make sure everything is right. You start off with a full cylinder. We dcin't just hand you a box. We deliver. We put .it ALL TOGETHER for you... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111111iii 1 1 1 11 1 Broilmaster G-3TX-PL. • huge S26 sq. hi. cooking surface • unique ,triple - grill design • easy -clean porcelain grill Bow -Tie Burner A Broilmaster exclusive. Perfectly even heat across the entire cooking surface. le to. as Icol as Py/3 01101111 ILI iperlOr viS4 PROPANE LTD. We carry a complete line of 365 RegQflt St. 880 aCCOSSOrleg, GODERICH 5244601 visit our showroom NOW!