HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-05-01, Page 20• .""17.1r WWWIFWTIF E 2t} -CL NTON NEW WS—R50! THURSDAY, MAY IAMLY FUN by the McCiary fancily, Nagle, Juggling, humor, mUsie, unicycle riding. A little. bit of the circus onstage at Myth Memorial Hall,. Saturday,May 10, at 2 p.m.. Children $2.00, adults $3,00.--1.8,1 CARD PARTY JOOF HALL Bruoefield, Friday, May 2, 8;30 p.m. Ladies please, ---bring. 'lunch. Admission 75c. Everyone welcome. ---18 COM TEC '80 - invites everyone to attend May 7, 1980.- 8 p.m. till 10 p.m. at Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton. -18 PINGO every. Tuesday Evening at Vanastra Centre, RR5, Clinton, ¢ 8: p.m. First regular card, $1,.00, 15 regular $15, games, three share -the- wealth 'ackpot $200:00, must gol . Admission restricted to /6 -years and over.^°-52tfar. COME AND SEE Huron. County, Library's Exhibit for National Book Festival Week at Sun- coast Mall, Goderich, May 5th to 1001. Prize winners on display for Great Canadian Book n._.- Ch` ,a,c,t r ' Drawing Contest. -18 PENNY and BAG SALE - NOTICE: The annualay__. u , 1 meeting of the Huron Salvation Army Thrift Historic Jail Board. will Shop, 80 King St., Clin- be held May 14, 8 p.m. in ton. -18,19 the Jail Kitchen. Public - welcome welcome —18 HURON COUNTY FAMILY' PLANNING project invites you to attend Family Planning Clinic every Thursday from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at Huron County Health Unit, Shipley St., Clinton. Counselling and medical services provided. Counselling on Billings (natural family planning) available first Thursday of each mon- th.—eowar "QUILT FEVER" the art and joy of quilting, displaying quilts from past to present. Ontario Street United Church, Cli-nton, Wednesday, June 11, 2:00; = 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 - 9:00 p.m. Admission $2.00 includes refreshments and a free - draw on crib quilt. -18 ST. JOSEPH'S ANNUAL MINI FAIR, Bazaar and Bake Sale, Children's Booth — Saturday, May 3 from 1:30 to 5:00 p.m. at St. Joseph's Church Hall, James St., Clin- ton. -15,17,18 WHITE CARNATION, 4HOLMESVILLE is open Monday thru Saturday 12- 2 p.m. ($3.75) and 5-7:30 p.m. ($5.95) Sundays 5- 7:30 p.m, for home cooked buffet. Reser- vations requested Saturday evenings. Licensed under the LLBO. Accept Chargex- and Master Charge. Catering to weddings, banquets and private parties. Phone 482- 9228.-16tfar ' STAG for Ev. Robinson SATURDAY __..MAY 3 1980 DESSERT EUCHRE in the 'IOOF and Rebekah Lodge Hall on Princess St. on Wed., May 7 at 1:30 p.m. Admission $1. Everyone welcome. -18 PLAN TO ATTEND the Annual Dinner meeting of the Huron -Middlesex Progressive Con- servative Association on Friday, May 2 at 7:00 p.m., Exeter Recreation Centre. Dinner en- tertainment and dance with the Bradley Group of Clinton. -17,18 THE ANNUAL. dinner meeting of ' the Huron Middlesex . Provincial Liberal Association will be held at the Ltic'an Community 'Memorial Centre, Tuesday,, May 6th,1980. John. Sweeney M.P.P. for Kitchener-. Wilmot, Liberal Education Critic, will address the meeting. The hallw it l be open at 6:00 p.m., dinner 7:00 p.m. ,Dinner tickets $6.00 each, and are available from your Liberal Municipal Chairman, or from Bernard Lucan 227-4840 or Ian McAllister, Zurich 236-4034. Howard Aitken, Secretary.-17,18ar MOTHERS' DAY SHOPPING SPREE! at the Board and Batten Gift Shop, 9 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton_ We'll be open 'til 9 p.m. Thursday, May 1 and 8. A special discount for kids and dads.-18,19ar THE AUXILIARY tcfi 'the Clinton Public Hospital monthly meeting will be held in the Board Room, Monday, May 5, 1980 at 10 a. m . Everyone welcome. -18 ST. JOSEPH'S SCHOOL, Beech St., .Clinton is pleased to announce the opening of the new ad- dition on Sunday, May 2 at 2 p.m. Everyone welcome. Babysitting will be provided. -18 ,1980 A ty HAM SUPPER at :Len- desboro United Churh, Thursday, May 22`. Adults $4, children $2, Pre- schoolers free,'. 5.00 to 7;30 p:ni. Take-outs are. available. --17-19 "SE IOR° ..CITIZENS' TOUR" i;.o Scott's Oquaga Lake, May 30 to Juhe 2, 1080. Depart from Clinton. 'Tour co-, ordinator, Marg Burkhart. For further details contact Golden Age Travel, Kitchener, 1- 800-265-8996, Come along and enjoy • this very popular tour. Tour -open to anyone over 50.-17,18 STRATFORD :.i - • •� ,� ':0-- at7:30p.m.ill St. Thomas Anglican Church in Seaforth. Adults $2.50 Students $1.'4 Children under five free. -18 BINGO No. 259277 at Heather Gardens, Vanastra, Monday, April 21 and 28, May 5 and 12 - time 8 p.m. Phone 482- 3581.-16-19 GARAGE SALE, Sat., May 3, 10 a.m. Blyth Arena. On sale — fur- niture, dishes, baking, collectables. At 1:30 p.m. all remaining items will be auctioned. Sponsored by Evening Unit of Blyth U.C.W.-17,18 CLINTON Legion Bingo every Thursday 8 p.m. First regular card $1.: restricted to 16 years or over. 15 regular games of $15. $5 least on split. Many, other specials. ' Jackpot , $200 must go each week.-20tfar MAPLE SUGAR brings old time fiddling, step dancing styles from . across. Canada . to Memorial Hall, Blyth, May 7, 8 p.m. Featuring Eleanor Townsend, Canadian fiddle cham- pion. Tickets $4.50 from Blyth Centre for the Arts, Box 291, Blyth. Phone 523- 9300.-16-18 ALL ABOARD ,T to Music City USA Nashville, Tennessee on long weekend. Departs May 16, Returns May 19. Included in price: Return deluxe motor coach transportation; 2 nights first class accom- modation; admission to Grand Ole Opry and Opryland, drinks at Sunday night Get- together, guided tour of stars' homes. Registration number 1890637. MAXEY TRAVEL PALMERSTON 343-3243 OR 271-7741 tet me cookdhuier y�u! r +•V. .r�, S enjoy my TUESDAY DINNER SPECIAL' (Regular $2.55) sell-out shoo Huro'lll Country Playhouse has announced. their June 7;performance of Spring Thaw130 to be a "sell-out". Artistic ° Director, Aileen T'ay.lo•r-Smith c s announced ed ht.: a , pre S. conference on March 6 that the season would receive a,riotous send-off on June '7 with a single performance of Spring Thaw '80. Tickets for this pre- season opener have been available to subscription holders only and 'were to. have gone on sale to the general public April 28. Ticket orders to date far ity Because of this dem and, the Playhouse is extremely pleased to offer a second per- formance on Sunday, June 8 at 2:30 p.m. Tickets for this matinee p-erformanc.e are available now for sub- scription holders, and to the general public April 28. The touring revue Spring Thaw'80 stars Rosemary Radcliffe, Mary - Ann McDonald, Brenda Bradley, Paul Brown, Marvin Karon and Patrick Young. The production is a modern revival cihir fannaus Spriievig. Thawf Cshows of the 505 and.00s, the secret of which,, according to cast alumnus, Don Harron " . was Canadian- s'.,.'tremd4 us capacity. e for.. or laughingen- at th m. selVLes," (Harr. on's,. ,. popular character Charlie Farquharson was developed • in Spring Thaw), Produced . by Alan Gordon. by special arrangement with Mayor , Moore, Spring Thaw '80 promises toleave the audience weak with laughter; Goktuirming hockey team SEAFORTH - Ken Doig of Seaforth was on the gold medal winning team when he took part in the Wordl Wide Oldtimers Hockey Tournament. in Kircauley, Scotland. Mr. Doig was chosen to play on a Toronto area team. Canada also had four other entries in the tournament and Finland had five teams, two from Sweden, two 'from the United States and three or four from Britain. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT $ AO P.M. ^ FIRST SHOW AT DUSK RIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY MAY 2.3.4 Phil Potter would life to straighten�*vit his life— ' =.tics One way,, or the. other, BURT REYNQLDS ncTtn . CANDIC,E BEREEN ' ILL �C A • U '�LIIIII+■li 5 _ l.A YB R H CHARLES GRODIN W'I!JT.0AATN . HOLMESVILLE -.ST TURKEY DRESSED PORK ROAST��EE� -.ROAST OA ,. ; . 'n serving 12-2 p.re. 95 er person 5.7:30. p.m. 53,50 1214;nder 9.50 pre-school prices include salad bar & het buffet FOR RESERVATIONS TELEPHONE 4$2.9228 AFTER HOURS 524-4133 You are cordially ' finvited to attend the Cr -44k CHSS SPRING' FORMAL (F/A,,., Saturday, May 3, 1980 0/ A-; (# (iirf i1\1 :._ Theme: THE OLD SOUTH 1),I►wInu 9-1 FORMAL ATTIRE Advance Tickets: '10 per couple At the door: '11 per couple Smile Sign on wall of flight school: "Parachute lessons. No dropouts admitted." VARNA LADIES SLOWPITCH ANYONE INTERESTED IN PLAYING PLEASE CALL:. 482-7180 OR 482-9806 CARNEY 3.1 , it Starts FRIDAY! pR.1..&SAT-TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 & 9:00 P.M. SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWING 8:00 P.M. TIM CONWAY DON KNOTTS IN THE Ec IPRII7 E HI€+IT[R A Knockout Comedy! r -r. � ���lrr •'.. .. . PARK GODERICH .r'�i{�r,^•,iiYiG}.�rri: 'Mr'•d:.`�f J''.iPf�lFC4r.4C•i 01 PHONE 524-7811 AIR CONDITIONED PROG AM SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITH • UT NOTICE MAURICE IS HERE Rev. Maurice Boyd ANNIVERSARY SPEAKER at the Wesley -Willis United Church SUNDAY, MAY4 at 7:30 p.m. -Special Music - by Junior & Senior Choirs and Church Band THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY MAY •+- ,�- ""'" Yom,. BOX OFFICE OPENS AT 7:45 SHOWING AT 8:45 IN NIAGARA FALLS AFTER ALL THIS TIME, TWO MEN ARE STILL AT WAR.., HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • • PHONE 524-9981 HOSPITALITY NIGHT TUESDAY ONLY 94 Elgin Ave., Goderich -24-eTWINS SATURDAY, MAY 3 9:00 P.M.- 1:00 A.M. AT THE ARENA FREE ADMISSION "Come on out for a night of fun and frolic" LICENSED UNDER A SPECIAL OCCASION PERMIT BY THE L.L.B.O. ALL PROCEEDS TO HOCKEY IN CLINTON i. 5ondcrs' Recipe nt�c iied r� 227 MAIN• STREET $1 NORTH, EXETER A CANADIAN COMPANY Cpionoi ,render boys and grrb make it 'iinoer licki l' Wood FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, 8:15 P.M. ORCHESTRA NIGHT FEATURING: ' The London Symphony Orchestra's Sinfonic Group com- prised of 30 full time musicians will be augmented by about 50 players which is necessary for the expanded brass and wood sections. Benjamin Britten - "A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra" Beethoven's - "Egmont" Khachaturian - "Gayne Bullet Suite" Tchaikovsky GODERICH DISTRICT.COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Tickets: Adult *S.00 - Students - :2.00 at Campbell's Since this is a Subscription Series, no individual tickets are for sale.'Rush tickets will be available only at the door at 1:55 p.m. et '5.00. Sponsored by the Goderich Rotary Club under the patronage of the Sully Foundation. 0