Clinton News-Record, 1980-05-01, Page 15HQlllieSVifle A joint confirmation cerenflony was held at St. Thomas Anglican Church in Seaforth last Sunday :and included .several confirmants from. St. Paul's Anglican, in. Clinton. Back row included Rev. James Broadfoot, David Hook, Jeffrey McNairn, and The Right Rev. David Ragg. Front row, Paul B•roadfoot and Christine Dinsmore. (Expositor photo) Gardeners meet in Chesley Administration was the Mrs. Bray, the district topic of the Horticultural representative, presided Society's annual district over the meeting, which meeting, held recently in was attended by the Chesley. Some 123 president of the Ontario representatives from the Horticultural Society, 18 societies in the -district Mr. Carr and Mrs, Carr attended. and two past presidents, Mr. Crawford, past Mrs. Klie and Mr. president on the Ontario 'Crawford. Horticultural Society.,.. Itwas.repprtedthat the, was the guest speaker newest society is in and held a workshop on Bayfield and already administration.. He ex- :they have over . 100 plained the dutiesof the members. Mr. Carr president, secretary, presented, a gavel to treasurer, the board of them. directors and the various Mr. and Mrs. Fielding :,committees. of Wingham were Ike defined the word presented with the horticulture as, "the District Service Reward science and art- of by Mr. Bennett for growing plants" and said organizing two societies that society --meetings and for offering their should be educational, continous help in-- hor- not w just a social ticulture wherever .they gathering: have lived. Mr. Crawford said that After lunch, the af- his own society in Oro ternoon speaker was. Mrs. Station has a, large group!. 4arr-fr¢pm',,,Call4nder. She of junior gardeners and spoke on youth activities they prefer to work and noted her surprise to rather than listen to discover that boys could lectures. . make corsages and Clintongro4p, hear about irises Mr. McMillen of Norwich spoke to the Clinton Horticultural Society on the beauty of the iris and Mrs. McMillen showed slides of the colorful flower at. the April 23 meeting. It was learned that the name iris was first used for the Greek Goddess, meaning rainbow and the flower appeared in frescos that are over 4,000 years old. The gentle fragance of the iris is used in per- fumesi powders and toothpaste and parts of the plant will cure coughs, tumors, dropsy, headaches, stomach` disorders and freckles. An iris clump should be divided every four years and it grows easily, from Alaska to the southern climates, in every country and is relatively free from disease. The flower has over 200 varieties, among them, Dark Triwxnph, Autumn Leaves, Flaming Light, Full Tide-, Golden Apple, Silver Showers, Bride's Halo, Penny -A -Pinch, Mr. Lincoln and Sky Lab. Very soon Miss Marquis' garden will be the beauty spot of Clin- ton. linton. It was very suitable that Miss Marquis thanked the McMillens for their presentation. Jean Livermore reported that all 20 flowering crab trees were planted in four compass Sections of Clinton. Hanging pots afterall This year, the Clinton Business Association will be looking after the hanging pots and the tree 'planters. The hor- ticulturalists wish them every success. All the members en- joyed seeing Jim Fit- zgerald's large, won- derful photographs taken at the Flower Show in Toronto. The London Home and Garden Show will `be held from April 29 to May 4 at the Western Fair Grounds. On May 25, the extravaganza of African Violets will be held at. the Toronto Civic Garden Centre and the Clinton society's plant auction will be held on May 9. Door r prizes were won by Francis Powell, Blossom . Garrow, Ina Durst and Greta Nediger. arrangements just as well as girls. Mrs. Carr suggested that a youth leader is someone with a little time and an open mind. She said that children like to work and see their own gardens grow and also stressed the need of competition. •.. Ile winning slides from the yearly com- petition were presented by Mr. Bennett. Most of the winders live in the Owen Sound and Wingham area. -Mr. Carr reminded the group of the society's value and noted that the organization is the largest service club in Ontario with 265 societies and 56,000 members. The provincial con- ference will be held in June in Thunder Bay. For the occasion, the city is declaring„„ k ortict41•41 al Day, and those attending the meeting will be met at -theairport, bus terminal and train station by cars and, buses who will take the people to Lakehead University or motels. The next district meeting will be held in Hanover in April. Those from Clintonwho attended the meeting in Chesley included Miss Elliott, Miss Johnson, Mrs. McCann, Mr. and Mrs. Powell, Miss Jamieson and Marg Slom,an. Smile One sure success recipe is, to be a compulsive listener. • • by Blanclliie Moves, WI. annual Meeting' The annual meeting of the Goderieh Township Women's Institute (WI) was held in the Holruesville :School on April 23 with president Hazel McCreath in char, e; Bernice Mellwaitn read the minutes . Qf the lash meeting, • ,gave the correspondence and Members paidtheir fees. for the roll call. The bus trip:- on May 13 to . Milton to see the nursery was discussed and Alice Porter, the district president, in- stalledthe new members. The officers for the p.cami.ng _t&rm_v_e e named; past president, Hazel McCreath; president, Millie Dem- psey; first vice president, Mrs. McCreath; second vice president, Helen • Fuller; secretary- treasurer, 'Mrs. Mcllwain; assistant secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Porter;, district director, Mrs.'McCreath, The Tweedsmuir history curators are Mrs. Porter and Jean Lobb; public relations, Irene Cudmore; auditors, Mrs. Fuller and Effie Yeo; branch directors, Molly Cox and Charlotte Norman; nominating. committee, Mrs, Cox, Mrs. Cudmore and Mrs, Dempsey; pianist, Sarah Storey. Standing, committees were also chosen and they include: agriculture Playhouse develops find uron, . Country .Playhouse. has expanded their regular fund-raising endeavours for 1980 with theadditional incentive provided by the .Wintario Arts Challenge Fund. The fund was established to encourage majornon-profit arts organizations, such as Nursn -Country _ . Playhouse, to achieve greater long term financial stability. To be eligible you must be an Ontario -based arts organization with an annual operating budget in excess of $250,000. Wintario will match $2.00 for every $1.00 from the corporateiprivate sector raised over and above the yearly , fund-raising target established by the organization. The Playhouse is hopeful that this fund will increase the current level and, broaden the base of private -corporate sup- port of the Theatre. and Canadian Industries,.. Mrs. Fuller and Grace Waiters., citizenship and world affairs,, Mrs: McCreath and Mrs.Yeo; education and cultural activities, Marion Powell and Isobel Harris; family and consumer affairs, Helen Lindsay and Laura McLarty;, • resolu•tict~ns, Mrs. Mcllwain and 'Eveyin Orr, United News Brenda Harris played a hymn on the piano during cum N';}W S -R, the service at the Holtmesville 'United Churchon.Sunday, Rev, ;elm Qestreicher told the children about James : and John, the fishermen., The theme of his seri on " was, Re axe mber what time it is. Elmer Potter and Ken Harris received the of, Tering. . On Sunday night, May 5 a joint board 'meeting will be held at the Wesley, Willis Church in Clinton CORD, THURSDAY, MAY 1.,, .1080-4)AGl ano this Sunday at 7:30 pm, Rev.Maurice Boyd of London will be the guest' Speaker at Wesley,-. Willis' anniversary service. The Holmesville DCW will Meet in the church on May 6 and, a talent auction will be held. ,, Get well wishes from the community go out to Lloyd Jantzi who is in Stratford Hospital, Jim Young who is. in Clinton .hb<spital, Clarence' cers Perdue 'Owls a patient in St, Joseph's Hosptal, Londonn, and to the three little Lobbs,, :Sherri, Greg and Nancy,. The Enterprising, Seniors wilt meet in the Hohnesviile Church on May; 1. Members are aaked.:tto bring crokint►le and cheel ez, boards and ladies are .asked to bring lunch. Irene Cudmore I d Blanche' Deeves are n charge of the' -en- tertainment, en-tertainment, ANN HINZ. The Ontario Motor League and World Wide Travel in Clinton are pleased to announce that Ann Hinz, for- merly of Kincardine Travel, has joined the staff of their Clinton office. Ann brings to us a wealth of experience and knowledge of travel. - - Come in and say hello - and let Ann's experience help you with your travel plans. ONTARIO MOTOR LEAGUE (FL) wide TRAVEL AGENCY 7 RATTENBURY ST., EAST, CLINTON 482-9300 • • COMPLETE LANDSCAPE DESIGN & SERVICE Landscape Ontario Member 7 Days a week 7 a.m. - i p.m. Dungannon 529•T247 Home numbers Greg Alton 528-3540 Steve Caslick 528-6843 Huron Landscopffig Ltd. R. R. Lucknow t•UCKNOW X 4 MILES L1 HWY. # 86 COUNTY RD. ##- 1 DUNGANNON design plans and sketches patios plantings timberwork sodding & seeding tree & shrub sales .. j•:.hbr .•Crit rf��4 fyrf l.j • f ..r"y :}v ; :'••fjr•:t'r f ii PONTIAC ACADIAN CANADA'S LOW COST ECONOMY CAR Largest stock around to choose from ACADIAN S 2;DOOR ' HATCHBACK COUPE Colour - beige. Serial No. 502342.. List '4,847. SALE 4,599. ACADIAN S 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Colour - yellow. Serial No. 502568. List '4,847. SALE $4,599. ACADIAN S 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Colour - red. Serial No. 502578. List '4,847. SALE $4,99. ACADIAN.S 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Copper, Automatic, w/walls, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502316. List '5,298. SALE $4,993. ACADIAN S 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Silver, Automatic, trim rings, h. d. battery, radio, stripe package, rear defogger. Serial No. 502286. List '5,572.40. SALE $5,220. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Maroon, mats, rear defogger, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502304. List '5,636.15. ' SALE $5,1/0. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK White, mats, rear defogger, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502369. List '5,636.15. SALE $5,170. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Red, mats, rear defogger, sports stripes, dual mirrors, h. d. bat- tery, rear seat speaker. Serial No. 502793. List '5,797.35. SALE $5,306. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Dark blue, cloth trim, mats, rear defogger, automatic, h. d. bat- tery. Serial No. 502335. List '6,041.25. SALE $5,512. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Yellow, cloth trim, mats, rear defogger, automatic, h. d. bat- tery. Serial No. 502336. List '6,041.25. SALE $5,512.. ACADIAN 2:DOOR HATCHBACK Dark blue. cloth seats, mats, rear defogger, automatic, h. d. bat- tery, clock. Serial No. 502748. List '6,068. SALE $5,535. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Red, mats, rear defogger, sports stripes, automatic, h. d. battery. Serial No. 500919. List '6,103.60. SALE $5,565. ACADIAN 2 DOOR HATCHBACK Copper, cloth seats, mats, rear defogger, sports stripes, sport mirrors, automatic. h. d. battery, AM/FM radio. Serial No. 503353. List '6,258.30. SALE $5,695. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Colour . medium blue. Serial No: - 502294. o:502294. List '5.634. SALE $5,175. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Silver, mats, rear defogger, h. d. benefit: Serial No. 502618. List `5,795.15. SALE $5,311. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Dark blue, mats, rear defogger, sports stripes, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502288. List '5,884.35. SALE5,386. ACADIAN 4DOOR HATCHBACK Dark blue, cloth seats, mats, rear defogger, sports stripes, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502277. List '5,911.20. SALE $5x409. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Red, mats, rear defogger, automatic, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502398. List '6.173.40. SALE $5,630. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Maroon, mats, rear defogger, automatic, h. d. battery. Serial No. 503196. List '6,173.40. SALE $5,630. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK White, cloth trim; mats, rear defogger, sports stripes. automatic, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502917. List '6,289.45. SALE $5,728. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Custom cloth interior, tinted windshield, mats, rear defogger. sports mirrors, custom two tone, h.. d.' battery. Serial No.. 502593. List '6,249.65. SALE $5,995. ACADIAN 4 DOOR .HATCHBACK Black, cloth seats, tinted win- dshield, mats, rear defogger. ""custom -two tone, automatic, h. d. battery. Serial No. 503112. List '6,388.25. SALE $5,811: ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Medium blue, cloth seats, mats, rear defogger, sports mirrors, custom two tone, automatic, h. d. battery, AM/XM radio. Serial No. 502604..L i s t '6,458.10. SALE $5,870. ACADIAN 4 DOOR HATCHBACK Black, custom cloth• interior, mats, rear defogger, sports stripes, sports mirrors, automatic, h. d. battery. Serial No. 502236. List '6,329.10. SALE $5 930. The Acadian $ is a basic 4 cylinder car with 4 speed transmission. The Acadian 2 or 4 door is standard equipped wi'h 4 cylinder engine, 4 speed transmission, white wall radial tires, wheel trim rings, body side moldings, custom radio, twin reclining bucket seats, lighter, console, swing out rear glass on coupe. AAcG E E PONTIAC BU ICK CADILLAC GMC TRUCKS Hamilton St., Goderith, 524.8391