HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1888-5-10, Page 1London Huron 84 Bruce
Gottio Noumu- Passenger,
London.dePart ;.• „. 8.10 A. tr. 4.25P ,st
Lucan CrOSsing 9.00 8,80
Clandeboyo „, 9.10 5,25
Centralia 2,23 5.87
Exeter -9.35 8.48
7oroi:011 • 9,40 One
0 owo
... 0.81
., 6,50 0,15
- - ,.. 10.18 6.35
.. ,. 10.37 6.65
Soma. Passenger
.. .„ 7,31 835
.::. . .,. .„ 7:40 8.56
8.00 445,
... . „. ' to 8.19 4,34
... ... ... 8.27 4.42
,.. .. ... ,.... 5,32 4,48
8.47 5.02
847 5.14
.. ,.. 9.10 5,25
Crossing „ .. ... 9,20 5.29
. .. . ...... .. - ...
J, ILO-ICKSON, Barrister, Soli.
4 • eitclr of Supreme Court,NotaryPublio
Commissioner, &o. Money to
in Fanson's Block, Exeter,
Barrister Solicitor Conveyaicer, Etc,
, , , ,
bxETER, - ONT.
Office Sainwell'aBlock Call sold office.)
Solicitor in the Su.nreme Court oi Out
Conveyancer, Commis:31011mi &O., &o. on
attention given to the collection of e i
the united. States: Patents procured. Y
;Olean at lowest rates. °dice : Op so
alook, St. Marys, Ont.
'Barristers,Solicitors, Notaries Public,
• Conveyancers &, &c.
,., .
'a -Money to Loan at Lowest Bathe of
OFJFIICIE: over owrEiLl s Raul:
Igneous OXide Gag' for Painless Extraction.
ST.3-1.3-=c3i.q- 3,?nisTwxsT.
- . Graduate of the Royal College of
-sr* , Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Hav
Wag" ingfiarnishedfine 'Dental Booms
on MAIN -ST,, next 'door to Treble's Harness
shop, Exeter, where' aro prepared to verforro
all branches of, the Dentalprofession with ease ,
& skill. -sramo-mT..e...33x.eit "ur-e..oiee' ,
usedin extracting teeth, Charges, Moderate; i
'Perms, (Isl.. • •
.L.a... '
. ,
SamwelPs Block, lifain.st, Exeter,
mxtraots Teeth without pain,
, r by- giving Vegetable Vapor. Gold t
- Filings and all other, dental
,• work the best possible. Goee
• to Z1711I031 On last Thurfsdayin ,
each month:
rt 1.-11:111.' Z ; D .41. , .
. Offipeat laisresfdenee Exeter. . -
T w. BROWNING NI..D. , M. 0
e.r...f • P. 5 ,GracluateVictoriaUnivetsity.Oftlee
tridiresidence,DorciniOXILe,horatox v. Exeter f
... I
N, coroner for e
County of Huron. Office, opposite Ur. a
. Carling's store, Exeter. -
irtR. J. A.. ROLLINS, M. O. P. S
.."..., 0. Office,Main St.Exeter,Ont.ltesiden .1
oehousereeently occupied by P. McPhillips, JJ
Esq. . ,, - 6
...... ___,.....-,..........................-7--...........-
T-JENRY RILBER,-Licensed Auo'. .,,.
..1-tioneer for Ef ay, Stophen, and TeleGilli tl
Iraq:Townships: Sales conducted atmoderat7 a
rates. Office -At PoSt-ofaemCrediton, Ont.
, B
TOHN GILL, Auctioneer for the
P./ Townships of Stephen, Hay and Reborn° E
and the Village of Exeter. All sales promntly
attended, and satisfaction guaranteed. Sales
arranged at this office.
. ,
....r. ....e.4.11.. 1.`...." . di
Gra anat es of the Ontario 'Veterinary .0 allege. le
One floor South of Town Hall st,
•,......,..-.........-.--.... . RI
per cent, $25,000 Private Funds, Best
Loa tine Companies represented. .1
•- . Barrister, Exeter, l
L EIRE nisuitArton co• .• gl."1
_ 't .,,,,
Established in 1363. ... lin
• , .roi
This conieauv. has been over Eighteen /
eRrs in ulleeessfur operation in Western Ou- rat
ario,andcontinues to insure againstloss or
amage by Eire ,Builclin,gs,lVferenttudiseMan-
factories,and all otherdesorintionaollinst-
hie propertY. Intenclinn insurers have the
pti on of Insuring on the Premium Note or
ash Systord . "
Dwing the pttst ten years this Company n
a,sissued 57,096 Policies, covering property
) theant or of$40,872,038 ; awl paid in loss- Da
s aloto$7 0,752,00
Asset8,-0170,100.00, consiating o f Cosh
t3 kik, ,GftvornmentDen osit, an a the Wiese -
!sod PromiuniNotosonliandandin force. J, ,
T WAvo3Ix111' D.erPresicloLt. , nr roivr..p
.• Kt
e ceet ary. 3.13. Ittr6nES,r1IspettOr. CHAS:
101L Agentfor-ExeteraudvicieitYOENTBAL,
er Sh
Market Square
ienerai Store
The undersigned would inform the pub-
lic that lie him just received 111E;
8P1?ING tom: STOCK
• -INCLUDINGAlull line of Dry•Goods, flats tts Caps, and
• Crookoty, Boots and Shaft
Those wishing anything in niy line will
find. it to their advantage to call and in „
sped my goods and prices.
Highest prices paid for But-
• ter and Eggs and all,
itiuds of produce'.
Jr. P. Ross..
Poultry for Sale.
Choice birds for sale, Light IBramah, Black
eghorns, 1Vhite Leghorns. A. fe,w Black Leg.
horn and White Leghorn eggs, $1.50 and $2.00
per sitting. G, A.. RYNDMAN, Exeter.
The House. and Laud adjoining thereto, at
in the Township of Efsborne, lately
coupled by Mr. George Sleamon, deceased.
Solicitors, &e.,Exeterl
Notice t.
The Underslgnecl having dissolved partner -
hip, and wishing to have their business
vound up at one e, have placed all aocounts
nd notes in the hands of Mr. jas • Oke, for
ollection, with instructions to proceed with
uoh collections as he nifty deein peoper to en-
ure an effectite rosnonse.
S & S. STANLAKE, Hay P 0,
To Advertisers
A list of 1000 newspapers divided into
tates and Sections will be sent on applies, -
on -FREE.
To those who want their advertising to pay,
ve ean offerno bettor medium for thorough
nd effective work than the various sections,
f our Select Local List. •
Nowspaner Advertising Bureatt
• 10 Sprite, Street New York,
Shorthorn bull;"Prince Albert," winner of
ret prize four years in succession at Western
air London and eqtrally successful as a stook
otter. Aleo an inmorted Berkshire Boar,
Real Briton," (488) -winner of first prize at
oronto Crntario Provincial and Quebec Pro-
inoial Exhibitions in.1886. Terms -Bull $10
oar $4,a limited number of grades at $3 and
2 respectively, Choice Berks for sale. H.
W. De 81111TH, on the Lake Road, adjoining
xeter,,HaY P. 0. •mos-
The undersigned has a large quantity of
anitolut Potatoes for seed. I guarantee that
ore has been no salt orlinn used in shipping
nd will not be so long as they are kept or
ed. Parties wanting any ean be supplied at
xeter, April 5.1888.
he Royal Mail, Passenc,e): and o'reight
uto between Canada & Great Britain and
root route between the west'and all points
the:Lower St Lawrence and Bale des Cha-
r, a lso -
w Brunswick Nova Scotia
P. E. Island Cape Breton,
And Newfoundland,
ew and e/egant Buffet Sleeping and Day
TB run OD through Express trains,
assengers f or1Great Britain or 1 he Conti,.
nt by leaving Toronto at 8.00 a. an. train
ursclay will :join outward mall steamer
Hall lax a. in. Saturday.
uperior elevator warehouse and Dock ac-
moilation at Halifax for the shipment of
in and general merchandise,
ears of experieuce haveproveclthe is:ma-
mma, in connecticu with steamship
es to and from London. 1.4ye.rpool and
soow tolialifax, to be th &quickest, f might
66- between Ca,dada and GreatBritain,
formation as to Passongerand Freight
OS Can be on application 60
It 0 BERT 13 . GD ,
Western Freight &Passenger A.gent
ea P.o8siv House Block, York St. Tor. late
Ir to W. XXNG,
27 Sparks.st., Ottawa
Cbief Seperintenclent.
iwawonice, Moncton, N 13, Bfarch 25, '88.
A..1114tings, Prop.
ancl Hair on linigin tho lattst styles
of the art..,
Every attention paid to matting
Ladies and Children's Hair.
• The Moot Delightfal
/Wee° Steamers. --Dow Baton,
, Pour Tripe per Week Between
, And EvoWeek Day Between
telt° for our
Picturesque IViackinac," Illustrated,
contains Full.rortioolaro. Istratted Free.
DOtroit & Oleveland Steam Nay., 00,
D. wi-in-coone, ctN, pAsts.
terrGorr. Mice!,
For Sale.
Publisher? andProprietors.
Throe firstsclass farms -100 fteTOS each -Lon.
don Road, within one mile of Exeter.
Solieitors, &o.,,Exeter.
A. yisionof the Assessment Boll of tho
Village of 'Exeter for the year 1888 will be held
at the Town Halt, Exeter, on Friday, May 25,
at10 o'olookert, re. ,A11 persons having bus'
nesoat seid Court will govern theinsOlVes ao-
M. EA.CRE,TT, Clerk.
T__Tou$e and Lot for Sale. -The
The P70310767 01 Alex, Robinson, on
Williara-ste opposite lUr. C. Githey's. There
is a splendid well of water, a good brick cel-
lar, containing four rooms, summer kitchen,
wood shod ancl other aloes, and 'will be sold
cheap. Payment can bemade to suit the pur- •
chaser. The house can be viewed from 9 6o12,
R.111., and from 1 to 4 p. 01,
• dersigned offers for 5 sale his farm,
being lot 14. con. 5, township nf TJAborno,
two reit es and/J.)1mi from Exeter,100 acres,
about 85 acres cleared and in first Mass state
ofcultivation, the reniainder bush, in which
there is some very valuable oak and black
ash fail timber; the farm is also well fenced
and drained; there are upon the premises,
a first class brick dwelling house, with first
class cellars, two good barns; two never
failing springs an a one first ota as orchard.
Forpartioulars apply nu the premises, to
• Eiceter p, o. Ont„
• Soo fi an& thitd class non-professional ex-
• atiMVATIONS 1888.
aminations at the Collegiate Institutes and
High Sehools in the County on Tuesday, 3r8
July, 8.40 a. m. Eirst 10th, 8.40 13.01.
Candidates who wish to write at either Clinton
or Seaforth must notify D. M; Mel:LOCH, Esti,
P. S. Inspector. Clinton P. 0., not later than
the 21st of MaY,stirting which one of the two
schools they intenclto write at. and those who
wish to write at Goderieh must notify Jolts E.
Tom, P, S. InsPootor, Goderieh P. 0„ at the
same date. The notioe must be accompanied
by a fee o1185. and 181014 the candidate applies
for the First Class as loon as Second Class Ex-
aminations. No name will be forwarded to tb e
Department unless the fee accomnaniee it,
Read Masters of the Collegiate Institutes and
High Schools will please send the application
of their candidates to the Inspeetor of the
division in which the Collegiate Institute or
High School is situated' Terms of application
may be had from the Secretary.
Soe'y B, Ex's.
Exeter Ap'l 10,1888.-2 ins.
Mortgage :Sale
Will be sold by Public Auction under power
of sale contained in a Mortgage made by An-
gus R. McIntosh, Lots 12 and.13. in the 18t11
concession of the Township of Stephen, in the
County of Huron, contaiting..200 acres more
' or less, at...the Village of Creoiton. by Henry
Eilber, Auctioneer, on Saturday, the 1268) day
of May, at two o'clock, p. 01.
Bumoneas.-Frame house 1 storey; frame
kitchen. 20 x16 feet; frame barn,45 x 30 feet,
frame shop 22 x16 feet.
Sone -Clay loam ; about 70 acres cleared 130
wooded with hardwood and hemlock ; 1 acre of,
an orchard of young trees.
A spring creek runs through the premises.
One tenth of the purchase money to be Paid
atthe time of purchase; boletus() in 30 days.
Nearly all the purchase money will be allow-
ed to remain on Mortgage.
For further particulars apply to
HENRY EIL13ER, Auctioneer.
-Barristers, Ion don „Solicitors for Mortgages.
New • Receipt Book!
His Last and His CROWNING WORK
Dr. Chase's Third, Last and Complete receipt
Book aedIfousehold Physician, or the book
for the Million, contains nearly 900 pages and
sells for $2,25 in cloth binding and $2.50 in
imported oil cloth, marble edge, and is justlY
called by him.
Tbe Crownino - Work - of - My - Life.
Itis.the-work over a half a century's observa-
tion, study end experience, Yet this embod-
ies no eompiletion'of his former books, It is
•wholly 13)100' book.' .18 30 years ago ho ,could
produce a book that has had a sale ot over
fifteen hundred thougand copies, andhas made
8)18 1101110 familiar in nearly every English-
speaking 110100 10 the United States & Cannda
and thousands of homes in Europe, Australia
and South America, whatlam> of a book Could
or would he produce as his crowning life work
with more than 30 yeara-of additional practice
and experience'? The book itself answers the
Question, mulls the most valuable production
in the history of book publishing.
Cantion.-Unserupulous and pirating pub-
lishers are attempting 0 copy this hook by
taking portions of itout and palming it off on
the public as the complete work. We own the
manuscript purchased from Dr. Chases heirs.
, See that itllas our name on the title page and
ishopywrighted'by us,
Agents Wanted: Big Terms,
Main can Detroit, Mich, • Winnsoa, ONT.
How to Mao
Go and see D oupo Oo'S New Spring
Goods, See their Priu ts theit Cottons,
their Giugh AM.% their Drese-Etoods, their
Shirtieg,s, their Pantinge, their Suiting,
their Twoode,
heir Lace
Their Milli,nery.
Bought for Spot Cash from he best house
and managed by a Praetical
of Twelve `Years' experienee,
And you will be convinced that you can
eave from
10 to 29 PIM CE014T.
By buyieg geode from tis. :Highest prices
prieee pilia for Butter fund Eggs,
House and Lots for Sale Cheap.
Mr. Dan MeCosh has imported throe
fox terriers, Tiiey are perfect beauties.
George Armitage, Esq., was in town on
business last Thursday.
Mr. A, Cerro' has become a convert of
th°41avtaitsiotnheAlrunalYtter with the Irish nine ;
why don't they orgenize for the Season?
Aliso Craig's Stars are yet to be heard
1•mWrnilson 'Armitage, travel -ler for St-Truthere,
Anderson & Co„ was in town visiting
friends last week. •A.
Friday was arbor dey, and a number of
• plants and shrubs were planted by- the
0011001 children in the school yard. "
• Ur. Bryant is home on a visit from Oeh
Rosh and purposes leaving for British
,Columbitt shortly.
Mr. Ed. Mara has a new furnace in the
basenieut of his store. Mr. eoliths tilled
the 'isontract.
Mr. Wellington Hodgine has added a
fine refrigerator to hie meat market. Mr.
Clatterliam WAS the architect.
Holy Willie is horrified at the depravity
of thing e in general and purposes organizing
a society for the prevention of cruelty to
A. C. Reid, the celebrated Athlete, of
this village is now in Winnipeg, and in-
tends competing in the games there on the
24611of May.
Tom. Hoclgins, the shyloek of Bicldulph,'
has made himself prominent by his charit-
able donations to the Women's African
Missionery Society. 16 18 said Thos. gave
25oents towards the cause.
Pereey you are altogether to fly. You
went to deuce that pigeon -wing talk, or
Robert of Fulton fame, will annihilate you.
Remember he has \Vallee° at his bacic,
Whet is the matter with Slaelt'Pete, the
hero of the delapitated house. Ras he
lost control of bis blood hounds, or has he
put them to misdirected use ? Something
hi wrong, for the Bauble is teeming with
fresh .coon, And a fifty dollar haul, the
orang-outang Musses leads in the van.
Pete give chase. '
We 'understand that the Lunn Brass
Band is to be re -organized tinder the lead-
ership of MI,. WilliRDI Quigley, the old and
genial leader. He will be welcomed back
again, as the boys say, Willie .we
have missed you, •tlie whole during time."
Willie is bathing his tipper lip in a solution.
of oak bark, by way or preparation for
heavy season's blowing.
A boarder in one of our principal hotels
paid a visit to the !kitchen, a few evenings
ago, in direct opposition to the rules of the
house. Bis fun was of short duration as
he was bodily fired :through the window,
carrying away the ireme around his neck.
Hovas minuei just 52.50 for repairs..
couple of our 10641 sports are trying to
arrange a cooking main to take place here
next Sunday. Such things we belieye, are
contrary to the law, and the prineipals -if
caught will be liable to a heavy fine. This
will be a grand chance for C/onstable But-
ler to show his shrewdness and preveut the
meeting taking place. 1± 19 does take place
the guilty parties should be apprehended
and prosecuted. • We understand the fight
is to take place near the Bauble bridge at
3 o'clock. .
A PRIZED • linate.--Mr. William 1)ono.
ran of this village, has in his possesion the
silver watch worn -by the celebrated Ben-
jamin Franklin, he being the nephew
thrice removed of that illustrious man.
Tbe watch is a great curiosity i11 its way,
case weighing no less than 7:1 ounces and
the carving being very unique. Mr. Don-
ovan onlpeoeivedthe 28110 13 couple of weeks
ago and is of course -very proud of it. With
his accustomed good nature be will be
pleased to show it to any one calling at
his shop to see it.
killowing letter was, picked up in the
arelaway of the Central hotel a few clays
ago by your norreseondent. This is it true
copy, the original being too good to lose.
•• Bidclulph May 4111, 3rd coy.
• dearest Malcom.
i reseaved yure kind letter on. Tnse-
day last and what to the station to Mete
you but ,you were not thar ; what
was the matter. i have something to tell
you and will see you at chinch op •Sunday
nite, i think that new black coat of yotirs
with the tales, :is reil nice. 'Dora caught
4 fish on Saturday, pa is going to London
on tueeday and i limy go with him, Eliza
Ann wee over last nite and , Tom took her
home. lam going to have my hair cut
porepadoor to -morrow, be S111.0 and mete
me at church on Sunday nite and I will
Id ll you all the nowe. no 10010 at eresant
from your loving. * * * *
p., s. doant ware your wito hat with your
blaelc tale coat, it doant look beeorein. *
, Mr. Jonathan Hodgins of this place, who
was presented with a cliemond pin by his
friends a few days ago was the hero of a
thrilliug adventure on Friday Inst. On
Wednesday last Mr. Hodgins lefl, Lunn
for Charien Cross to purchase a team of
home. He made the purchase and on
Friday alternoon started for home and when
nearing New bury at night, the glitterlof:his
diamon4 pin attracted the attention of
three tramps on the road who made a
daring attempt to secure the gotta. Bet
they reckoned with one their bees as Par
Bodging is considerable of e John
van and inee their attack in a manful man,
er, The tiareps fought hard. Although
grettay outnumbered, Mr. Hodgins fought
with greet pluck nucl bravery and after
tbout twenty ininutee herd tussling such
coaled 311 gettieg away from his assailants.
/To arrived home On Saturday evening;
little the wane of his adventure, with his
pin safe and a magnifieent pair of black
mares, We miderstand the team cost
$175.00, bet att they aro the hatidsoniest
in this section of the conntry they are re-
markably cheep, On his allied., at Now.
bitty 1317. f1odg1lie telegraphed for Air.
Dobbs, hie brother.in.law, who at once
went down and scoured the country for the
tremps but without 5080098, my. lIodgins
intends putting hie new team it the livery
and sAye be can tern out the finest rig hi
the comity.
14,...oteere-A very enjoyable enajall and
oonceet4tinder the Anspiece 04 the Ladies'
ma Society, in eonnectiou with the Eng.
lish 01107011, 'wee held et the llov. Mr.
Downio'e on Tuesday eveting, joint
Pox was Apponned chaartimn and proved
to be the right man in the tight plaee„
The first part of the program consisting of
vocal and instrumental music lasted till 10
o'clock, when a good supper was served by
the ladies of the eociaty. After supper tho
program was continued and lasted till
nearly 12 o'clock. A large and select
audience was present and all seemed to
heartily enjoy themselves as was evidenced
by the smiling an4 handsome, goochnatured
faces seen everywhere. Mr. Geo. Stanley's
rendition of the "Bald headed man mid
the boy" was capital and Miss Lownie's and
• Bfr. Quigley's songs were loudly applauded,
The rest of the performers did their parte
admirably, in fact the entertainment was a
cl one ssn°ea eof tit! h GPI e nationalente8tvituel0
spent by a Lunn audience in a long time,
In writing the account of the concert
lately held, we forgot to deseribe the Ws -
tome of the 14rinia Donna of the evening.
As it was simply gorgeous we give it below:
She appeared before the 'elite atidience in
the superp attire of one enamored
rimonial bliss. Her apparel u as an over-
skirt of pale pink satin inerveilleux re.
Raved by a pallet of delicate rtulditnere
embroidered in silk filloselle of sweet for-
get-me-nots. Her graceful carriage and
well defined mien seemed to inspire confi-
dence as she bore down in perfect assur-
ance before her attentive hearers. She
braced herself, she strnok an ettitude aud
with extended arms she cast a ghtnee so
researching that it took in the situation
then, "0 ve gods and little fishes.' • She
swam and as her voluptuous lips parked
treble melody, swang away up, iu key G.
until the very space gave way and silenced
itself into attentiou forgetful of the part to
adapt itself to the present. She lingered
a while in key G, then she toek a rest and
there was silenoe deep as thunder far the
bravest disi not hold their breath for a
space, then she STA 111e8, and too loo
looed, so plaintively And pathetically that
the entire audience too hoo hooed.
A Deanne Cuettosery.--On Frid,iy. last
Mr:Maonorman visited the farm of a, gen-
tlemen•on the Sauble Line, (we hair° not
been able to find his name) to purchase
some hogs. The farmer was in one of the
back fields plowing, and the drover !started
to walk book, ancl while crossing a sma1l.
creek happened to notice a peculiar looking
bone protruding through the surface of the
bank. 'Tout once soraped 'away the earth
and after considerable tronble found the
skeleton of a largo. animal ,eonaPletely
petrified. The animal must have belonged.
to some species long since extinct, as its
size end shape were not known in this
section of the country. The auinial when
standing upright must ,h.a.ve been , a)1, least
18 feet high by about 13 feet long., The
bones were all intact, the skeleton isenuch
'larger than the alceleta of Jure be.'e '1111
fernier of course, oleiroedAlitt'And, ---taiiek on
Sattuday last brought it into town and"
left it at the shop of Mr, Wm. McLeod:,
This is the greatest euriesity that has been
seen in this section 08 1110 country, and
large numbers of people visited the premi-
ses to flee it on tSaturday evening, and all
clay Sunday. The luoky owner, we under-
stand, intends presenting it to the Zoologi-
cal gardens in Torouto. 2 he weigh./ of the
skeleton alone is 1,618 pounds.
• Zurich.
&Imo', 11E1.'011:v.-The following is a
correct report of tho pupils of the senior
division of Zurich public sohool for the
month of Aprir. Tho report is basedon
good conduct "and general proficiency.
Fifth class.--4Lonisa H•auelt and Rob.
Steinbach. Fourth elass.--George Bu-
chanan, 1041; Edith Steinbroli. 9E4; Rosa,
Houch. 960; Wm. Hess, 92.1; Wm, John-
ston, 357; Ramie. Johnston, SOO; ,Tohn
Kibbler, 796; Katie Zimmerman, 652; Bar-
bara Witwer, 520; Mary A. Koehler, 330;
Wm Warm, 320; Hattie Johnstone., 125.
Third class, senior. -Lydia &reuniter, 963;
John Gies, 883; Louisa Koehler, 809, Mag-
gie 7,Deichert, 737; 'Laura Williams, 700;
Annie Lipphardt, 691; Wm.. Baker, 682;
Flora Hese, 675; Carrie Greb, 660; 'Maggie
Well, 695; Wm. Derstein, 590 ; •Lizzie
Beaker, 574; Wesley Schoellig, 501; 1Ni:4:tho-
les Deicherr, 430; Albert Hideman, 446.
Third class j um...Dr.-Hort= Hardy, 311;
Nettie Well, 294; August Moritz, 287,
Emanuel Faust, 270; Alfred Moritz, 267;
Emma Zinnnerman, 244; Lydia Koehler,
224; Maggie Denneth, 222. The average
attendance for the month was 126.
• SAt.t. J. LATTA, Principal,
The stone work of the now Methodist
church is completed.
David and Joseph Kirk left for Manitoba
on Monday 7111 hist -
Mr, Wm. Beattie is serieroly 111 at tho
time of writing.
ICeekton and vicinity are agitating for a
daily mail from St. Marys, via Science Lid
and Anderson.
Spring work and trade is fairly begun,
our StMelceeporS and mechanics doing a
rushing business.
• Divitm service will be held. D. V., at
7.30 p. no. OD holy Thursday 111 St Paul's
John ausi Wm. Stinson expect to veturn
to their homes in Manitoba encl Dakota
daring the pi esent week.
Oar worthy hotel keeper, Mr. Joe Steph,
ens, has obteined license for tho ensuing
year And is running the holm° io xcelleet
The foundation stone of the new Metho.
diet chnteli will be Mid D, V. on Thersday
fleet. A. tea meeting will be held in the
open nir ma the grounds, weether petnaitt.
Our two Weal nimrods, Waiter
wood and :Robert Vickers, 911/15 Pete and
Sim, left for Miehigen on VriclAy last,
alley are IWO of our best boys, euterpeising
yet -nig follows and we wish them every
81108638 10 their new sphere,
In the spring, hundrede of pereons suffer
frern belle, earbuncles, And other oraptive
diseases, These are evidences that the
eystem ie trying to Purge itself of impurities
and that 18 1100(13 the powerful aid whick is
affei•deci by the use of Ayr's Sareaperilla.
Hon, Edwerd131ake wee oil Weenesiley
haelected 011ancellor of Toven to T3nivers
The Moisbns'Bank
Paid up Capital $2000400
BelitPutict $75,008
Offers the Pu-plie 4 -PER CENT, INTEIMST
PEU ANNIliffor money on
For Money in
Savings B•an11)ep'xia't
(Lately Be -Opened.
For further particulars apply at The Paoli
Main Strett, Exeter. .
07.1,1415 nouns
01,00iOa Sp ni. Saturdays, p a,m, to 1 p.m',
4.4.,• C. DENOVA,N,
Exeter, 063, 25, '87. Mittutoot
Usbonne CoUnCiI.
The =moil met on 81)0 5th inst., persu-
ant to adjournment. All •the Members
present. Minutes of preVious meeting were
react and signed.
Two petitious were read by the clerk and
laid on the table, One from the promoters
of the South Ontario Pacifie Railway, and
the other from the ratepayers of S. S. No.
• 10. After due eoesideration and discussion
it was moved by W. Rydcl seponded by J.
Halls that the petition with reference to
Governmeet e- ;a to the 8.0. P. R. be fyled ,
and the ,enromstructed to write the pro -
motors scheme stating that the
4 4
route of th ?ed railway as set forth
m. the petitis not sufficiently definite .
enable this council to take action thereon.
Carried, Moved by J. Halls seconded by
J. Shier that this council take no action in
regard to the numerously signed petition of
the ratepayers of.S.S. No. 10 asking for a:
change or the enlarging of the limita of
said school section, as see. 81. sub. sea. 3
'of tlie school law strictly forbids the pass-
mg of a by-law for that purpose after the
first of May. Carried.
, The following list of pathmasters for
the ()truant year was then made out viz :-
S. W. Ward, -G. Webber, D. Richards, J.
Kerslake, T. Jones, W. Westcotte R. Quin-
ton, L. Hunter, J. llowteliffe, T. Shute, J,
Statton, S. Cornish, 3. Miners, 11, Hunter
jr., W. Snell, J. Ogden. N. W. Ward, -
W. Jeckell, T. Hawkins, A. Dougall, W.
Kernicic, J. Harris, W, Reddy, J. Dew, P.
Moir, W. Monteith, E. Homey, R. Bell, G.
• Monteith, T. Passmore, T. Elleringtou, W.
Glenn. R. Morrison. S. E, Ward, -S.
Jacques, W. Brock jr. 3. Batten, R. Del -
bridge, A. Turnbull, W. Routly, J. Brooke,
S. Routly, IX Wynn, j. Copeland, T. Tufts,
A, Hawkey, T. Hazlewood, T. Gourley, j.
O'Mara, N. E. Ward, -S. Clarke, A.
Hodgert sr., R. Monteith, S. Campbell, 3
Rankin, R, Alexander, Jas. Stewart, J.
Atilltou, ,T, Harris, X. Gardener, T. Duncan,
B. Doupe, T. Rutherford, W: McGill.
Moved by J. Eralle, seconded by W. Xycld,
&bat the list of pathmasters as now revised
be adopted aud a by-law drafted confirming
the satne, Carried. Moved by J. Shier,
Seconded by J. Halls that 5150 be expended
in each ward for grading and graveling.
'Carried. Moved by J. Shier seconded by T.
Cameron that the clerk notify all the parties
having laud lying alongside the sicieroad
bet wean lots numbered 5 and 6, on the 5th
6th and 788). eons, to remove all the fences
obstritoting saidroad. Carried. ZIoved by
W. Eydd seconded by J. ICBMS that all
pathemsters be and are hereby instracted
to have all the thistles out on the high-
ways in their respective road divisiona, be-
tweeta the first and tenth of July the time
so employed to be counted as a portion of
:road lebor and that the clerk insert a
naice in the pathinststemt lists to, thst.
°fleet. Carried. .
Moved by J. Shier seconded by T. Oam.
eron that the court for the revision of the
;liar Totrn„li
ssment roll
lEfolirmtvhieYeoa2 188a8tubrdeahythe
26119o1 May at 10 o'elock a, m. and that
the clerk duly advertise the same. Carried.
Moved by J. Halls remanded by W. Xycld
that T. Brinaacombe receive 58 for the
keep of .A. Carmichael, and that G. Fergu-
son be paid 518 for 12 weeks' board of T.
Bennett up to May 538). Carried.
Moved by W. Kydcl seoondad. •by T. Shier
and resolved that orders be granted for the
following amounts viz :-D. Brown, $2,25 ;
T. Brimacombe, 58 ; Bissett Bros., 53,10 ;
G. Pollen, 50 ets; M. Barnwell (two orders)
*16; G. Ferguson, 518; W. Wtsstlake, 51;
T. Hodgson, 53.50; T. Kydd, 50 ole; J.
Cann, $1,50.
On motion of T. Shier seconded by T.
Carneron the oomleil adjourued to meet as
a court of revision on Saturday • the 2618)
inst. at 10 o'clock a m.
G. W. HOLMAN, Clerk.
Grand Bend.
Fishing has conameneed in the lake with
little stmooss.
The fanners in this vicinity aro very
near through seeding.
There ie a certain person living not ten
miledistant from Grand Bend, who had a
horse rile the other day, atid Itis believed
bz_rn_ost people, starved, Take care Mr.
We were visited last week by a couple of
young sports from Crediton who were
•armed with a dangerous looking pistol (but
it was a cracker to shoot at a target 7 ft.
by ten) They 'wended their way up the
river in search of small game, but we are
sorry to say that they came back with an
empty game bag.
We aro verysorry to record th.e death of
one of our ve • Iola esteemed and oldest
settlers, in on of Anthony Sharrow,
a colt, it scared and
.\tVtahniL tite•derfoot. He was so badly
hurt that he died a few clays afteeward.
numvs--Statutelithor will soon be start-
ing. -01.1T road commissioner will no doubt
see that defective sidewalks will bo attend.
ed. to, --The flax firin has made quite a
largo sale of flax and has already shipped a
car-loed.-Messrs. Kellerman Bros. have
had a fence pat aroand their storci aril lot.
--Mr. John Pope, our merehaut tailor, has
purchased the resideuce of Mr. A. Shottler.
As ibis property is on Main :StreeL and the
pt•ice paid for it roasoneble, We congratnlitte
18). Pope on scouting Stich a ptopeety.
Every tunnel in the village is otenpied
showing shat the plaoo is not deatl.-Mx',
ward. Morgan who has been mnployod by
Messrs. Cook and Weitzel, has just Apish ed
He is going at bridge building. Ed will
be rets MCI 08. be Wm liked by Alt who knew
hien-Me, E. Utter of 7.enich . wee in
tte,vn last 'limn -lay night.-EerceetI eases', Of
measlee 91.70 reported 111 tho villeg,e.-To.
day (Thursday) being Agoonsion day gaite
a ntun hot 11170 gone d3Wn to the lake fish-,
itig.--Miss Kate is at present, stopping at
Aft 301133 Weitzel's, -Miss Sarah Allen ie
at preeent her inany friends and
aequaintanees Atone99 here, it is two
years 11)85 370 81.1AT Satah and she is abottt
the sane as evet,
M. Hebert, the Paris artiet Who wee
earested After 111, 1Th31135, 13fellOW
411198335 a *e)1,1108 horn). libceatecl.