HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-04-24, Page 22PA f `► ,-CLZNTt NN W.S R COR , THUS A CLASSIFIED 18. Servikes available 18 rvices av l El B CAR PENT1 Y - Pemledelluug renovations, uplfOards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt- Pella windows and patio doors, ' aluminum siding, windows, door's Phone . 02- 7076. McNairn.---12tfar BYE1 S -UPHOLSTERY — We •will .rebttlld "recover. or restyle • your old furniture.` 'op , quality fabrics and workmanship. Call.482-7939, 7.1 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.- i Gn MID -WESTERN PAVING - driveways, farm lanes, parking . lots, repairs. Free estimates. Phone Clinton TAX. TIMa \X8 SERVICES Suncoast Mall G oderich • ACCURATE RETURNS GUARANTEED BUSINESS, FARM PERSONAL H. MITCHELL 482-7584 524-4433 ARMIN'S SHARPENING SERVICE CIRCULAR SAWS CARBIDE TIPPED SAWS HAND & CHAIN SAWS --SCC-S-SORS -ETA '- 565-5298 JOHN KASSIES GENERAL CONTRACTING * Farm Buildings *. Additions ,* Renovations Phone 482-3063 Omommemmassimmas J.B. COLQUHOUN GENERAL CONTRACTOR * Custom Built Homes * Renovations * Additions 482-9506 EVENINGS Custom ,Slaughtering and Processing Kilt Day Wednesday IZERICR'S DASHWOOD 237-3677 WATER WELL GRIL1LING W.D. HOPPER & SONS FOUR MODERN ROTARY RIGGS PHONE: SEAFORTH NEIL: 527-1737 DURL: 527-0828 JIM: 527-0775 HANK'S SMALL ENGINE SERVICE NENRY.REININK 1 MILE NORTH OF LONDESBORO 523-9202 * Lawn and Garden Equipment * Repairs * New Lawnmowers and Tillers hi stock., APRIL 24,1980. 26. Births COUR'TN>l Y ..., .. Hill and Karen Courtney :wish to announce the arrival ot'> heir daughter April Lynn en April 14, . ; p 1980 at Clinton li ie � Public . ,Hospital. Proud. grandparents ace Norval .d .an Verna Courtney of , AR 3 Schomberg, Ontario and Ken and Elane Brandon of RR 3 Fayfield.- 1•7nc ON and COUNTRY GARDEN SERVICE •Lawn RoWn9 •Ggrdans Titled' •Nctw and Oki .lawns tilled ,Into a fine seed', bed. Hour Raise or Job Price J. POTTER R.R. 3, CLINTON PHONE 482.9290 SCREENED TOP SOIL r -L -awn Garde - Flowers) ALSO 'Crushed Stone !Crushed Road Gravel •Cement Gravel *Pit Run Gravel. Backhoe Work LYLE . MONTGOMERY 482-7644 evenings BACKHOE CONTRACTING * ditching * septic beds * drainage CALL 482-9112 524-7067 PETER SLOTEGRAAF GEO. A. BAIRD BACKHOE SERVICE - TRUCKING - EXCAVATING & - TRENCHING - SEPTIC BEDS Geo. A. Baird Brucefield 482-3390/482-3042 Jim Elliott R.R. 3 Goderich 529-7281 R.G..RAPSON PAVING - Driveways Parking Lots LAWN ROLLING Free Estimates Phone CLINTON: 482-7582 482-3108 SEAFORTH: 527-0675 DRYWALL known for high quality PETER BAKOS DRYWALL have complete drywall service Phone 527-1398 1 527-0606 21. Personal PREGNANT - AND DISTRESSED? Married or single, free ,positive con- fidential support. Help is as close as your telephone. BIRTHRIGHT - London (collect) 432-7197 or 524-2913, 357-1769 or 392-6541.-3-52 ARE YOU TIRED of being alone? If you are unat- tached, separated, single or divorced, meet that special person. Apply P.O. Box 104, Owen Sound; N4K 5P1. Please state age. -17x 22. Lost and found LOST: 1979 Malibu hubcap. Phone 482-7126.-17 24. Business opportunities EXTRA MONEY at home, good pay, no experience necessary. Send your ap- plication, name and address to Business Opportunities, Box 657, Grand Bend, Ontario. -16,17 r ..., Deaths TILS Suddenly at her residence m Bayfield on Friday„ April 18th, 1980, 4essie G.,Hulls, in her 98th year, Beloved wife . of the late Fred Hulls, dear mother. of • Dianne (Mrs. ]3riart Grimes), Guelph, Joanne Burditt of Wood- stock, Kenneth of Dutton and William of Kingston, Dear ries- McLeod), Port Elgin; Margaret (Mrs. Bill Schildroth), Port Elgin; Ruth (Mrs. Gordon Coleman), Southampton; Dorothy (Mrs. Tom Manley) , . Southampton Harvey Sparks,' Whitby and .Jack Sparks, Port Elgin. Also surviving are eight grandsons. Rested at the Beattie Funeral Home, 55 Rattenbury Street East, Clinton. Funeral service was held on Monday, April 21st, 1980 from Trinity Anglican Church, Bayfield with Rev. W. Bennett officiating. Interment Bayfi-eld Cemetery. Memorial donations to the charity of your choice would be ap- preciated as expressions of sympathy.--17nc • 27. Deaths M1LITVII FRAmE hamoul ' ik a tuthan > a !tno s e who visited and sent cards and flowers while 1 was in hospital.: Special thanks to Dr, Newland, Dr, Lambert and first 'floor staff, Nina Era me: --x7x r. 31. Card of thanks St. JQJ inspection l rldlcnl t on Monday, April 14, 1980, Miss Dorothy Mutch, of 123 High Street, Clinton, in her er 68Ctyear. .Beloved daughter of the late William and Catherine Mutch. Pearly roved by her brother and sister-in-law, William. and Margaret Mutch of London. Also loved, by, one nephew Douglas Mutch of Oakville. Rested at the Ball Funeral. Home, 153 High Street, Clinton, after 7 p.m. Tuesday, until Wednesday, April 16, 1980,.where the funeral service was held at 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery.-17nc 28. Engagements. SWITZF R- FL.ETCHE R. Mr. and Mrs. Tom etcher are happy to announce the forthcoming marriage of ei g'Nter; aasan itiM . Jim Switzer, son of Mr, and Mrs. Don Switzer. The wedding will take place Saturday, May 24, 1980 in Wesley -Willis United Church. -17x F1 30. In memoriam FINLAY In loving memory of a dear mother, Annie E. Finlay, who passed away twenty-two years ago, Apr. 21, 1958: I miss you,more than anyone knows, As years pass, the emptiness grows, The tears I shed, I can wipe away, But the aches in my heart, will always, stay. You gave me thirteen years of happiness, Then sorrow came.and tears, You left me beautiful 24. Business memories, . opportunities That I'll treasure throughout are u doing for � rest of yo" -t 0, ? Industry, in Ontario, needs qualified workers with Metal Machining skills. To help fill these skill shortages "Conestoga College has developed a modular,system of hands- on education for Machine Tool Setter Operators. MACHINE TOOL SETTER -OPERATOR Engine Lathe Turret Lathe Automatic Screw Machine If you like working with your • hands as well as your head, you should consider becoming a skilled Maehlox Tool Setter Operator as the first step towards a well paying career in this interesting field of work. Even if you have never considered becoming a skilled tradesperson, you could soon find yourself at the controls of a Precision machine; ,learning by doing, Jat- Conestoga College. Financial Assistance May be available through the Ontario Student Assistance Program or you may be eligible for support from your Canada Employment Centre. The next starting' date is April 28, 1980 and is limited to a maximum of 10 students. We can help you find out. ere For futher information about how you could enter this new system of programs, call Student Services, Stratford Campus at 271-5700 or write to Program Inf,orifiation Office Conestoga College of Applied Arts & Technology, 299 Doon Valley Drive, Kitchener, Ont. N2G 4M4 or c$11 ,1- 800-265-8104. Ext. 203-204- 368. Conestoga College of Applied Arts ; ,/ andiechnology v Building skills today for the needs of tomorrow. Stratford Campus Phone 27175100 Dearly loved and sadly missed by daughter Jane Wlldfong.-17 31. Card of thanks MUTCH To everyone who remem- bered me in the loss of my dear friend Dorothy "Do", would like to thank them sincerely. Margaret Car- ter. -17x TIDESWELL ` I wish to thank Dr. Newland, Dr, Lambert and the nursing ,staffonthe first floor while f was a patient in Clinton HospltaL I thank. the Clinton Cemetery Board for the nice flowers and all those who inquired , pbeat me and sent cards. a tiro ats to me. Fred d e Tfdesweli,---17x •KEYES I would like to thank my friends, relatives and neigh- bours for the cards, flowers and'visits I received while a patient in the-- Seaforth hospital, also to Dr, Malkees r- -- -and-the-nnrsit g- taf f --ef -t hospital. Special thanks to the staff of Seaforth Manor for being so kind to Wilber at this time. Mrs. `Wilber Keyes. -17x The Seafort S 'o h t» hn Anibula1 ce branch meeting was. held on Thursday, April 17 with branch chaiarman Ken- neth Holmes presiding, , A discussion; took place on the plans for the an- nual Perth -Huron Inspection. It was reported; that the public is welcome to attend the inspection, It was also pointed out at this meeting that the Seaforth division also. takes in the Clinton and 'Hensall areas. A report on the financial campaigning was given to the meeting and showed that so far, •8450 have been donated discussion was adecided d sstori, it w . s to keep, the campaign open to at least the end of June. It was also'decided that if donations do not pick up, no uniforms.will be able to be purchased: this year and a1sa some training which the branch had' hoped to Mart _ will have to be put off for, a year. . It was stated, that there will be.. no, °outback in supplies to the Division and that the i,9ave A' Life Carnpaign, that is to start. shortly, will not be cut back, Superintendent James Palin gave the Division report and stated that it is with a couple of more important that he have at large donations :,least two weeks notice of he —pry ised-,-but- hat -in -yet. --a -ORIGG Sincere thanks, to everyone who sent cardsr flowers, gifts and treats and visited me while a patient in Clinton Hospital. Also special thanks to Rev. Oestreicher, Dr. Baker, Dr. Harrett and nursing staff on first floor. Edward Grigg. -17x BALL I would like to say thank you to all who'sent cards, treats, flowers and for your visits while I was a patient in Clinton Hospital. Thanks to Rev. Norman Pick, Dr. Baker, Dr, Watts,.the nurses on first floor and Huronview Good Will Fund. Clark Ball. -17 CHARTERS. I would like to thank my friends, neighbours, family .and Kippen UCW for the treats, cards, visits and flowers'while I wasa patient in University Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Rorabeck and doctors and nurses. Grateful acknowledgement of visits from Rev. D.W. Perrie. All was„ appreciated: Pearson Charters. -17 MAURICE COMES IN ONE WEEK Come.and hear our ANNIVERSARY SPEAKER Rev. Maurice Boyd at ',WOsley-Willis United Church SUNDAY, MAY 4 7 0 tP.M. ***AIL*** After y� YYa - :y�leYYngtthyy� areproperlystaffed.ffY T**TT*TTTT*TTTTT*** ELM .HAVEN MOTOIHOTEL ' Highway No. 8 West, Clinton ,* i� Pala Ottaltt41).\ "LADIES' 'NIGHT" THIS THURSDAY, APRIL 24 Appear..ing one night only — "R. J. QUIGLEY" Male Exotic Dancer Three Evening Performances WEEK DAYSONLY!' Monday, April 28 - Thursday, May 1 "JUST THE 2 OF .US" • You are cordially invited to attend the CHSS B RING FOR Saturday, May 3, 1980 R� Featuring SAN'S HARBOURS Theme THE OLD SOUTH 9-1 —FORMAL, ATTIRE— 'Advance TTT ��. R ' Advance Tickets: *10 per couple At the door: '11 per couple SPECIAL TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN TV -12's SHENANIGANS MR. SANDY HOWARD MR. D. D. DANIELLE Female Impersonators, A variety art you won't want to miss! Featuring 'comedy, song and dance, pan-, 41( 'tomime. 4 -;TUNE IN!! ' TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN THE FINE ART OF SPAGHETTI & MEATBALLS TUNE IN!! TO-ANYONE-INTERESl'ED IN SEEING STAN PROFIT, WHERIHE HAS NEVER BEEN BEFORE TUNE IN'!! TO ANYONE INTERESTED IN MOMENTOUS OCCASIONS... ...THIS IS IT... THURS. APR. 24 at7:30P.M. ON #01427E316e1'7XA1E $2.15 PER PERSON a eve Easy on your budget. 1 V in way! Easy on you. For just '21.5 per person, you can satisfy 15 or more people with "fingerlickin' good" Kentucky Fried Chicken, Salads and Grecian Bread. Everything is provided, right down to the forks, napkins - even a tablecloth. �4e 1141,11* 5 Col. Sanders" Recipe Just give us two hours notice, then come and get it! What could be easier when you're expecting a large crowd! Good chicken! 94 Elgin Ave., E., Goderich 227 MAIN STREET, tntocky NORTH, EXETER A CANADIAN COMPANY FRIDAY, MAY 2nd, 8:15 P.M. ORCHESTRA NIGHT FEATURING: The London Symphony Orchestra's Sinfonic Group com- prised of 30 full time musicians will be augmented by about 50 players which is necessary for the expanded brass and wo?d sections. Benjamin Britten "A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra" Beethoven's - "Egmont" .4 Khachaturian - "Gayne Bullet Suite Tchaikovsky tC GODERICH DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Tickets: Adult '5.00 . Students .'2.00 at Campbell's Sines"this is a Subscription Series, no individual tickets aro for sale. !tush tickets will be available only at the door of 1:55 p+m.,at 43.00. Spons rod by the Godorich Rotary Club under tho patroncsga of tho Sully foundation.