HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-04-24, Page 6PA ES—IN
The Clinton ijnior C
hockey Mustang$ held
their awards banquet and
dance last Saturday night
-ut Clinton, and Goderich
Minor Hockey
n awards
Association graduates
took hone the lion's
4hare of the prizesOary Peters took home
the Murphy Brothers
trophy for being the
tearres most valuable
player, while Steve Arbor
woil the Kerrigan foueW
trophy for being the in(iSt_
-tiediCated player.
Rob Stove', won the
Bryan Marriage trophy
for being the most im-
, Preyed. player, while Bill
Pickering Was, voted the
best defenceman and
'carried home the
Fierning Feed MW
trophy .
PhilArthur, who.k
finished second in the
league scoring, won the
.Anstett traphY for being
the Mustangs top scorer,
and Greg Flowers won
the jack Spearin trophy
most out-
standingSwedish' import
Magner 491LannsolLwon
the rookie of the year
award for the league and
for the Mustangs, and
took home two trophies
including the Don Kay I
Memorial plaque.
With summer fast approaching, Many people
are dusting off. the old camping equipment and
starting to dream about the big outing they have
Planned. Very few people, however, consider the
possibility that they, or someone in their party,
May get lost while on this trip; yet every year
there are - Massive searches organized for
someone who has just happened to stroll away
• from, camp. While it is very easy to lose your way
in the bush, there are some simple precautions
that can be taken which will ensure your safe
Getting lost in the southern part of the country
(around here) is not a very seripus situation as
most of the area is bisected by concession roads
and fences, If someone stumbles around long
enough, they will hit one,,pf these fences or roads
sooner or later giving them a line to 'follow.fo
civilization. The same technique in Northern
Ontario can be dangerous if not downright fatal.
Someone once told me that if you ever got
hopelessly lost in the northern bush, just start a
forest fire and you'd soon be surrounded by fire
fighting crews. You might, however, also be
surrounded by blazing trees, and if You have the
matches, you 'can usually spend several com-
fortable nights in the bush waiting for rescue.
The best way to become unlost, however, is to
have some idea where you are going and what
landmarks to watch for to guide yOu. BEFORE
you start out.
It is a well known fact that most neophytes, as
soon as they realize they are lost, head out in a
pell mell fashion in whatever „direction happens
to provide for the easiest travel. It is this ten-
dency which makes it possible for professional
rescue teams to find people before it is too late. A
g.00d -example would be someone -lost on -the -side ----
of a mountain._Theoretically, that person could
be anywhere "on or oVei-;-t-hat mountain, but the
easiest way to travel fast is "down", .even if it is
the wrong direction. Therefore, the bulk of the
search would be conducted below .where the
person was last thought to be, allowing the
rescuers to concentrate manpower in the area of
highest probability. _
So, what do you do if you are lost? First of all,
did you take the time to look at a map to see that
in this area, streams run east and west, a chain
of lakes runs across the northern end of your
area and a major highway runs north and south?
If you did, or if you all gottogether the night
before and discussed it over the campfire, you
probably .aren't in too bad of shape. You know
that if you find the highway you'rehome free, so
all you have to do is locate a stream to give you
an east west direction or watch the sun in the late
afternoon. Even if it's overcast, - you can
generally locate the approximate position of the
sun by looking for a faint shadow.
Just about everyone wears a wrist watch, and
if you remember how sundials work, you'll
realize that you have a pretty good compass
,right there. Just place a small twig in the center
,of the dial,line the shadow up with the hour hand
and the 12 on the dial will be pointing north. This
is also a good way to check the accuracy of that
compass you suddenly don't trust.
If you follow that old adage, "don't panic",
you'll be out again before you know it. Our
civilized eye and ear will often record things
without actually registering them. People have
been lost within a mile of a major highway,
where the hum of traffic was quite distinct. They
were hearing it, but it was such a familiar sound,
they weren't registering what it meant. Even
when you think you're deep in the bush, if you
stop and listen closely for a while'cliances are
you can detect the roar of heavy trucks on the
nearest highway. It's surprising just how far that
sound will carry.
Something else you might try is heading for a
high point in the immediate area. By slowly
scanning the horizon, chances are you'll spot
smoke from a factory, a distinct haze over an
industrial area or a radio tower of some sort.
Unless you're talking about the most northern
reaches of the province (where you shouldn't be
without the proper preparations anyway), the
signs of civilization are quite distinct.
If you ever find you are lost, use your head
instead of your feet. Sit down, think things put,
and by the time you formulate a plan, chances
are you'll realize that you aren't really lost after
all. Instead of the tragedy, it could of turned into,
it will just be an incident that you can laugh
Rob Stovel,left, who received the most impfeVed.
trophy /tom BryailVidrittge, was just one of the
many award, winners at the Clinton ' hockey
-Mustangs Fatquerla-st-Saturdar tight. Ste story
for other winners. (News -Record photo) '
Soccer starts on a good foot
Soccer season got
underway again for 11
Clinton and area boys on
Saturday, April' 19th. A
team of bantams hastily
put together by Tony Van
Dongen, took part in the
London indoor soccer
tournament held at
Wolsley Barracks.
The boys first game
was against the reigning
,Ontario champions and
last year's beaten
Canadian finalists,
London's Forest City.
Before starting the game
the Clinton boys faced
laughter and such
remarks as , "when we
knew Clinton Were
playing we just cracked
up" ands"what's a, bunch
of farmers doing in this
But before the day was
out, it was the Clinton
boys who were laughing.
In the first game, goals
by Billy Tugwell and
Colin Alexander earned a
tie with the Ontario
champs, and the boys
were unlucky not to win
as they had most of the
In their next game
against Mississauga it
was a see -saw battle,
with each 'team in turn
holding the lead. Finally
a penalty shot by Greg
Ryan put them in front to
stay. Other scorers in
their 5 - 3 victory were
Karl Krotmer with 2, Jeff
Denomme - 1, and Dave
Murray - 1.
In the game against St.
Catharines, the eventual
winnerof the com-
petition, the boys lost 2 - 1
but only because of some
poor officiating. Spec-
tators and officials were
amazed when two good
goals by Brad Forbes hd
Sean -Van Dongen were
disallowed. But the boys
didn't let this upset them.
The lone scorer of the
game was Karl Krohmer.
In their final game, the
boys came right back
with a win over Oakville 2
-1 on goals by Colin
Alexander and Brad
Forbes. The Clinton team
missed the final because
the St. Catharines team
had less goals scored
against them, even
though both teams had
two wins, one tie and one
loss for five points each.
Turn to page 7 •
golfers back on the
by CarolanneDOlt such golfer. At one time the now have more shape.
.In the last few weeks he was not the trim energy and..power and . For golf, the muscles
golfers have been. wat- athlete we now see on the are playing much better you want to develop and
ching those suntanned tour and doing. coin: with their new look, strengthen are* the
pros on. TV show is how mercials for clothing and Nancy Lopez.Melton is forearms, wrists, legs
it's done, Now it's our other merchandise. only one of the pros who and hands. SerioUs.
'Min to go out and shoot Nicklaus once weighed has pursued a shape golfers „should avoid
our best yet. We 'know much more than his ideal program since joining the doing a lot of swimming
how easy it is. After all, if weight and found himself tour. "
it .hadn't been for that tiring on the longcourses Now admittedly we're develop this
three off the tee, or that and- geripraily playing not on tour, nor are we shoulders and torso to
two Tooter that lipped poorly. Re was concerned modelling our own.line of such an 'extent that it
out...welt'we would have that losing weight might golfwear, but we do want inhibits a good golf swing,
broken I90 ages ago. decrease ow power that to improve our golf game Golf is not a sport where
'Mine to get in shape had made him such a long and one way of helping to huge muscles help.
for the golf season ahead. distance hitter, Jack do this is by getting the - Power is not the sum Of
If you only golf once a dieted stringently, played- old i'"bod" back into your muscles, but a
week Qr. • if' you come out lots of golf ,for exercise'. shape, If you know that product of their sup
every day it makes no (even jogging between you should lose some pleness. Golf reqUires
difference. You will enjoy shots) and soon was in weight tackle that in the timing and cotordination
golf, aild. any sport, more fine shape which he way most suitable to you. and requires a great deal
if yoarefit. `Ah ha!" maintains by playing" a Some of us might be of flexibility. Flexibility
you say from your cozy variety of sports and better off increasing our is' so important that you
arm -chair, where you doing special exercises exercise instead of a should do exercises to
have' just seen some for his legs, stomach and strict diet. If you can do increase the flexibility of
--pauneh-y-pre-s-hlk-a-forty—kaek--.---The-weight-lossitas-goitre-1 o-gging;--blking �r your entire body, by
footer for birdie. "He's not decreased his power walking, it not only will doing torso twists, toe
not so fit and he's making and anyone who thinks help you trim down, but it touching, side bends and
a fortune on the tour". weight equals distance in will increase your leg similar exercises.
It's true that golfers are golf only has . to see strength which is in- In addition,' exercises
often seen as pseudo- someone like Chi Chi portant for golfing. Gary to strengthen the legs,
athletes who never work Rodriguez Who hits the Player, one of -the -top
forearms and hands will
,up a real sweat, but if you ball 300 yards while touring pros is a great help. Your strong legs
have been observing the weighing in around 130. physical fitness sup- will form a solid base for
game over the last few The vvomen golfers on
years you will have the tour have also taken a
noticed a definite trend more serious approach to
towards slimmer, and fitness. Many have ad -
better conditioned pros. mitted . that they
Even established players originally wanted to lose
who are household names weight due to increased
have taken a greater • exposure by the media.
interest in fitness. Most of the sleeker
Jack Nicklaus is one women golfers feel that
_Ramblings from the races
by Lois Gibbings
Leahaven Jewell,
owned by Harry Lear of
Lon des bora, _took . a .new.
record of 2:10.3 in win-
ning her first start this
year at Barrie Raceway.
on Wednesday, April 16.
The seven-year-old
chestnut mare by Sir
Dudley Pick -Laura Lee B
was driven to victory by
Lloyd Spinks for trainer
Mac Sewers, forimerly of
Londesboro, but now
living near Barrie.
Karl T. Seelster, owned
and trained by Wayne
Horner of Clinton won the
ninth race at Windsor
Raceway on Sunday
night. The -five-year-old
pacing son of Tarport
Count -Keystone Jam was
timed 2:01.
_Surety,_ also from the -
Horner Stable, was third
on April 15 at the same
track. Deep Dive, a six-
year-old horse •by Bret
Hanover -Hidden Pearl by
Good Time, owned by H.
0. (Bud) Jerry of
Goderich was a winner in
p,. 2:02 at Mohawk
Raceway on April 18.
• Will Knight, owned by
Ken Parke of Zurich and
driven by• John Lester of
Forest, was third in a 2:02
mile at Mohawk on
Saturday night.
Randy McLean, for-
merly of Goderich but
now living in London, was
porter and he usually jogs Turn to page 7 •
two miles a day to keep in
Clinton Bantam Girls
fourth with both his
pacers, Golden Ack '"
April 16 and with C. P:
At the same track on
Monday, April 21, Gerry
Roebuck of Goderich was
fourth with Late Affair
for Carl and Grant Fisher
of Goderich and fifth with
Nancy Meadow. Ray
McLean finished second
driving Gaelic Boy for
Allan MacDonald of
Flyers win
Softball practice for girls
born in 1965 or 1966 is star -
at the
at 1:00 P.M.
If rained out, it will be on
Wednesday;--Apri 11:00- -
Beat the High Cost
of Small Engine Repair
$ 1 41,
For Only • •
(Parts Extra)
Until May 12
The Leamington Flyers
• defeated the Bradford
Blues 8-4. last Sunday
night to sweep the best -of -
seven Ontario Hockey
Association Junior C
championship series in
. straight games.
It was the third con-
secutive series sweep for
the Flyewrs, who earlier
had eliminated
Blenheim, Essex, Port
Elgin, and Flamboro.
Port Elgin had jUst
squeezed by the Clinton
Mustangs in the Central
Junior C league, winning
in the seventh game.
The Leamington team
last won the OHA C crown
in 1972.
Clean and adjust carburetor, check
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pen and balance blades.
New 4 Used Lawn & Garden Equipment
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Here are the champions of the SIIHL hockey
league. Front row left to right are Randy McKin-
non, Ron Dcsjardiiie, Percy Bedard, John Graham,
Randy Oke,. and Richard Schilbe. Middle are Glen
Nicholson, Ron Rader, Pete Posthill Mike Clarke,
Steve Bedour, Kevin McKinnon, Gerald Weido, Pat
Bedard, and Glen Zirk. Back row are Marvin
Merner, Steve Haberer, Jim Murray, manager
Carl Finkbeiner,•coach Bob Farquhar, Tim West,
Dave Cyr, and Al Wilbee. (photo by Bud Sturgeon)
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