HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-04-24, Page 2ETON N WS- RECORD, ''i'HiIRSDA'3 ', APR1 Pickings for . all thiis. week a few personal* and sortie happenings- which should prove of interest to man ,. ++ As this is being written on 'Tuesday evening, we -are glad• to -report that the' Rev. Broadfoat of St.. Paul's Anglican Church,, Clinton has; returned Mme * from . hospital where he was confined for a few days with cracked ribs.- ++ Anyone watching Channel 13 last Sunday`s p.m., on 'the Walter Ostenak .Polka Tim. would be able to pick .out •the -erc3+ Br-ownsandxh Ed Porters of R.R. 5 Clinton as they polkaed their way around the floor. The segment televised had been recorded earlier. Winner of 'the Junior C 300 Booster Club draw on April 15 was Ken 24 108 by peggy bb 4oKenzie, Brucefield. ++ The Knights of Columbus draw held April 17 at St. Columban waswon by John Paul Rau Of Zurich with a prize 'of $274. Consolation. of $50 went to Glen Thiel also .of Zurich. Mr. Rau, sold himself a the " winningf ticket and the: consolation' ticket was. scold by Mozart The following is a press. release received this week and may be of In- terest to anyone who was old enough to go hair- vesting in the 1920's. It is headed upk; "Harvest Excursionistsi Wants and reads: A University of Guelph study being done by Gordon Hak: of the History Department desperately needs to locate petple who went on a Harvest Excursion from the Huron County area during the 1920's. Each fall during the ,1920's an average of 15,000 Ontarians went West to help bring in the Prairie wheat crop, and many came from the Huton County area. "Because of the lack of written records," said MAURICE' COMES IN';, ONE WEEK . SEE PAGE 22 WISHES A HAPPY BIRTHDAY To O,n Kimberley Dixon Tracey Spencer Brent Radford Nina Potter Raquel Doer Michael Radford Corrie Broome Dale Marsh Jeffery Riley David Smith Vanastra April 22 Clinton April. 25 Londesboro April 27 R.R. 3 Clinton April 27 Clinton April 28 Londesboro April 29 R.R. 3 Clinton April 29 Clinton April 29 Clinton April 30 Clinton April 30 To Join - just come into the News -Record office; 53 Albert St. Clinton or phone 482-3443 and have your name entered in the Birthday Book and get your FREE button. itten by Kathryn MacKay Hak, "the only way to recover this part of our history is by talking to the ,people :who actually went West on, the Excursions." if you went on a Hari, vest Excursion in this period and are willing .to share your knowledge, please write to Gordon Hak, . Department of History, Upiversity Guelph, ; or . phone (519 8244120 extension 3887. Ontario's top. Arthritis Society's volunteers met at Spencer Hall in London on Saturday, April 19 to plan activities for 1980, Dr. Edward Keystone, a researcher of arthritis, for their fund raising efforts which produced more money in 1979 than ever before. Represting our com- munity were Martha and Clifford Parker of Clinton and Mrs. Joyce Chilton of Bayfield. DON'T FORGET The Merry Rags Fashion Show "Silhouettes of Summer 1980" to be held at the South Huron Recreation Centre, Exeter on Tuesday April 29, sponsored by the Huron County Unit of the Canadian Cancer Society. Be sure to read the full advertisement elsewhere in this paper - then plan to' attend this evening of entertainment for a most worthwhile cause. Entire proceeds will go to the Huron `County -Cancer Society. +++ Also a further REMINDER regarding the Huron Day Centre's presentation of Charles Hayter in "A Taste of Robert Service" the very talented gentleman who gives such a vivd por- trayal of the Yukon's most famous poet. This will take place Wed- nesday night April 30 at 8 pm in Clinton Legion Hall. Also, there will be a special performance for seniors on Thursday, May 1 in the afternoon at Huronview. All details for this "don't miss it" show are in the Coming Events column of this papers. -Smile By the time you can afford children, you have grandchildren. Cookies are to b,e• picked up' . at Wesley - Willis. esley-W.illis Church at 16 4u.i t. this Saturday, April 26 Please be there for the number of boxes you had orders for so they can be delivered to your customers right away. We hope all will co=" operate and hope that anyone who ordered cookies will be home on Saturday for the girls. It would also be a big help if most had the correct money $1.25 a box as some of our young Brownies do have trouble making change. _ - Wednesday, afternppn, ownie—Pack--- met at the Clinton Public School,. The Tweenies learned the procedure for enrolment, while the older Brownies played a. game. All money was collected for the banquet and tickets were given to pr --4. 1"^-• ^raft TO MARRY - Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of Huron Park and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Dale of Caledon East wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their children. Nancy and C hr istophet . Th wedding will take place May 24 at Calvary United Church . London, Ontario. Brownies awarded by Jane Whalen 1st Clinton Brownie Pack: Last Monday evening was test day for the -Brownies with many girls receiving badges for their work. After being tested, the girls then had a craft night. . Each Brownie made and decorated a letter holder of paper plates sewn together with yarn. We welcome our eight new Tweenies and also our new leader, Mrs. Sherri Snell to our Pack. Next week, our meeting is to be held at the Town Hall on Monday evening. Smile At town meetings why do the people who know all the answers ask all the - questions ? 1 BEAVERS SCOUTS NEWS...by Mary Freeman BEAVERS: Rumor has it a tornado went through thehorse barns Wed- nesday night. Little damage was done however, and the result was a colony of happy Beavers. Special thanks to Harold. "Hoot" Gib- bings who allowed the Beavers to see the baby colt, the newest addition to the barns. Also thanks to parents "Bud" Walker, Doug St. Louis and Craig Morley for ac- companying the Beavers on the outing. Sunday the 'Beavers Illustrated by Pamela H. "Esti;, Place for Kids BR* oi forw, sill ...i.. � "Y� •tee t� J Clues '1` Across: 1 Mery large hills 4 1t never __ _ but it pours h Canada is our COUnttiy•s 9 Shells are tintnd on a sandy ._ 11 spills ruin the shoreline II A large stream 14 Ontario and Huron are . _ _ I- In a storm .the __ __ blows Is What teachers do 211 Trawlers fish on the 21 1 arth. lire. _ and water 24 1 hr (treat Barrier 2c 1 huge one is a wave Down: I Digging in the earth for minerals is called 2 An icy floahng'mountain 1 Garden vegetables taste good in a tossed - 5 Another word for dirt 7 Granite Is a type of 8. A large ripple 10. People ski down a 12 Mine shafts arc under 15 The name of our planet IF Another word for ocean. 17 When snow melts it becomes_ 19 A hard black fuel 21 Some mountains 'have a snow_ 22 Acorns are a type of ___.._ tY I'l 1� +- # -. A Geography Puzzle CUBS visited . the Dominion Roads in Goderich. This time special thanks to John Jewitt and Bill Dobe ' for • conducting a very interesting tour. We also visited the airport and. . the Beavers xot to see first-hand aately owned jet. On their return to the church hot dogs and cookies were ready thanks to Dorothy Boughen and Florence Elliott. Transportation was supplied by Bud. Walker, Steve Maguire, Don Stinson, Gary Freeman and Doug St. Louis and we thank these parents for donating their time to our colony. CUBS: Badges were presented to Michael Tait, Blue Star; Steven Swan, Black Star; Scott Stevens, Woodsman Badge; John McKeigan again .donated cer- tificates from the Pizza Train and these were presented to John Lavis, Aaron Clogg, James Cameron, Jamie Gib- bings, Chris White, Kevin Clogg, Ronnie Calder and Jason Beddow. - A reminder to parents that the money for the Benmiller Camp must be in by May 1, 1980. Also Cubs are to be at the church Saturday, April 26, 1980 at 10:15 a.m. sharp for the outing to._ the Chatsworth fish hatchery. SCOUTS: Scouts practised ' compass bearings eaiily lin the evening and then devoted the rest of the meeting to a brainstorming session on how to raise_ funds for the Canadian Jamboree trip in July 1981. One of the ways by which Scouts hope to raise money is through the "Trees for Canada" project. Scouts and senior Cubs will be asking for pledges for each tree they plant during the "Big Day" to, a maximum per boy of 25jtrees. "Dig Day" will be April 26th for the Scouts and May 10 for the senior Cubs. Although con- centration on fund raising is a major concern, badge work continues. Tim Craig has earned his artist and collector badges, and both Rodney Freeman and Shawn Semple have earned their pet care badge. "Dig Day" is go for this Saturday 4o each Scout should bring a bucket and shovel to the event. Meeting place and time is Ontario Street United Church at 9:45„a.m. . each girl made a flag after learning .about the size, official color and the maple leaf on the Canadian flag. Invitations: were sent; , hpme for the rrioth ersQf the Tweenies asking them to come A j, i123 for, enrolment, The Golden. Bar Brownies are providing the lunch for next week with each girl bringing cookies, ,.which she has made herself, Melisa Whalen and Theresa Josling `then put on a. puppet showy "The Brownie Story" which ;.was enjoyed by all the girls. Thank -you to Melisa and Theresa for the entertainment . and thanks to the friend who supplied the flag poles for each girl to use. Girls completing their work for the Golden Bar were Gina Mustard, Dawn Powell, Theresa Josling, Angela Reid and Diane Bradshaw. Bog nlning .MAY l t 1.9 O for 13U11.DINCi .._ESMI TS. ► P � Phone, 482-7652 if'n.o answer, phone 482.795T - A,istettTJiweI!ers LIMITED 1 i,_�.BR SL,. CLINTC�N .:..4.82-39I11 . - OPEN WEDNESDAYS For Your Convenience HOURS: Monday through Saturday, 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.;' Friday nights till 9 p.m. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY Clinton Electric 0 - White Westinghouse 1- ortp_tri :.t - Appliances Sales and Service ELECTRICAL MAINTENANCE 90 ALBERT St. 482-3646 APPLIANCE and REFRIGERATION REPAIR SERVICE Jim Broadfoot 482-7032 • • • Lloyd Garland FURNITURE REFINISHING : AND UPHOLSTERY : Corner 5th Avenue and • Halifax St., Vanastra • • Phone 482-9576 : PIANO TUNING *Repairs *Rebuilding •Keys Recovered •Dampp-Chasers BRUCE PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell GAI$ER-KNEALE INSURANCE AGENCY INC. Insurance - Real Estate Investments Isaac St., Clinton Phone Office 482-9747 Len Theedom 482-7994 Hal Hartley 482-3693 C. Buruma-482-3287 JOHN WISE GENERAL INSURANCE GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS Clinton ,. Office:482-9644 Res.:482-7265 OPTOMETRY JOHN LONGSTAFF OPTOMETRIST Seaforth 527-1240 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:00.5:30 Saturday 900-12:00 Closed Wednesday BY APPOINTMENT Free parking on premises R.W. BELL OPTOMETRIST The Square, GODERICH 524.7661 AREA CODE 819 ” 482-7971 BAYFIELD ROAD P.O. BOX 788 CLINTON, ONTARIO syssc�CtAriow moi- NOM I LO DIESEL SPECIALISTS ETES 215 VICTORIA ST. CLINTON 4x2.7021 MAGNAVOX -PHILIPS – SHARP-OPTONICA Colour T.V. and Audio Components .� Sales and Service CHANNEL MASTER -.-DELHI T.V. & F.M. Antenna Systems DROVES T.V. AND APPLIANCE CENTRE 10 HURON ST., CLINTON 482-9414 *MCCLARY Laundry and Bulit-in Appliantes *CHANNEL -MASTER AND DELHI *R.C.A. 1Antatnna Systems "We service what we sell" *ADMIRAL Appliances *SHARP T.V. and Microwave Ovens *Ji;NN-AIR Bullt•In Cooking Systems ELECTRIC S 0611: c 0 tC1.elect o every • ECONOMY • QUALITY .• SERVICE "Big jobs or small, We guarantee them all." 482-7374 CLINTON DECORATING ecora±Ing dici. 33 Huron St., Clinton Box 337, Clinton NOM ILO 482-9542 529-7939 Paints, Stains, Min Wax products, Wall coverings, Draperies, Floor Sanding, Texturing Interior & Exterior Contracting FREE ESTIMATES TRAVEL THE COACH HOUSE TRAVEL SERVICE 59 HAMILTON ST. GODERICH 524-8366 OPEN: l Monday -Friday 9:00-5:30 . ` Closed Saturdays during June,July, Aug. FULLY APPOINTED FOR BUSINESS OR PLEASURE TRAVEL ACCOUNTING TRI TOWN BOOKKEEPING ' AND COMPUTER SERVICE Complete Business Ser- vice - quarterly, half - yearly, yearly. Also Farm and Individual Service. LAWRENCE BEANE ROBERT PALING • 52 Huron St., Clinton PHONE: 482-3524 Durst, Vodden & Bender CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS BOX 758 52 HURON ST. CLINTON 482-7979 37 West Street Goderich, Ontario 524-2011 MacGillivray . Associates (Goderich) Limited ELECTRONIC DATA PROCE&SING AND COMPUTER SERVICES Inhouse computer providing cash disbursements lodger, cash receipts ledger, accounts receivable, financial statemen. ts, time ' and charges and specialized reports. 40 THE SQUARE GODERICH 524-2677 people read classified CLINTON NEWS -RECORD Classified Ads 482-3443 PHOTOGRAPHY James Fitzgerald Photography Clinton • 10 years experience • Weddings, passports • Family portraits in your home 482-9502 or 482-3890 LET PEOPLE KNOW ,No matter what yaiur advertising message more people in this area will read it in Classified. Use our columns to make your news - they have tremendous readdership.,. In the... CLINTON• 'NEWS. RECORD