The Exeter Times, 1888-4-26, Page 7LATEST EUROPEAN NEWS. ,..). Win, QThien Again Looked Up—The B011 langer eeeestion—Gonip About Bum pean Monarohe, Loienew, April 21.— Wm. O'Brien, who left here on Saturday leab for Irelend, was arreeted es soon as he landed sit Kingstowni and N now in Loughrea pion, The Boulanger emotion is not only the biggest one in Europe, but it gen on grow - tog all the time. The irritating point in commotion with the whole matter is the im- possibility of forming any opinion as to the real position of the popular hero or as to what ho wants to do. His apparent attitude is one of devotion to Prelim and the repub- lics, end to et thing else. He is willing to go ts, straight, bamIinto obscurity, ho says, if France will do ;what he says about turning out ehe present Chamber of Deputies, reels. ing the constitution, and changing matters in the array ; but in nuking such au offer •he practically assumes that he already occu- pies the position of diotator. It is also aseerted in his behalf that he considers the army and revenge before everything, and Will even let the preemie Government or any other go on living if they will reetore him to the War Office. His position is a queer bne, and, keeps getting queerer. The Bonapar- • gate, Royalists, and enemies of the republid and cif radicalism generally, are known to bo helping hino and the gossips say they mist • have some grounds for their belief that the • General sympathizes with them secretly. Here is another mighty monarch who also calls for our sympathy. Alpheus?, the baby King of Spain, is teething, and as in a very bad way, as the teething process is compli- cated by very serious attendant ills. The poor little Ring lass inherited epilepsy with the throne, and may not live to uee the 'teeth Whose arrival causes hirn so much trouble. A great deal of trash is telegraphed daily from Florence regarding tho movernents of Queen Victoria. It appears the Queen is enioying herselt very much, is pleased with the dountry and with the people, who don't attempt to infringe on her incognito, that she is in excellent health, though rather stouter, rind that the Prinee of Welea has every prospeob of remaining a prince for a long time. A story is told of her Majesty preeentiog sovereigns to two little girls picking violate, in a field near the \dila. At the end of thin month the Queen leaves for Charlottenburg, where she will visit her imperial sou-inelaw and daughter. Her favorite child, Beatrice, and her pet son in- law, Henry Battenberg, will not go along, as was first intended, but will join her at Darmstadt, where the will proceed from Chalettenberg. This proves quite conclu- sively tlaX. te Bismarck has the upper hand, and up tic) the present has bested good old Queen Victoria in the struggle for snpre- ...limey. It is not likely, however, that the Quen will fail while at Charlottenburg to make a strong effort to carry out her scheme of marrying the Battenberger, Alexe.nder, to her grand -daughter, the PrusaianPrincess Vietia. The situation at present as re - garde, he comical though grave quarrel be- •••••••••••'•••••••••••..... RUSSIAN COSSACKS, Driven FrOM ifeene. The Lanese, Baring, rupt.ineipied Men who Celanese Om Czar's Body eidiateall. I you wife at tile C6f14v restaurant 140 night, ,holte i; thought you Were keeping house," Brown—" I was ourprised to see yen and A. Diformew letter lap; :—I see hero and at Jinits—nii We arii, VVe got a nice little St, Petersburg only a few seldiere in the top flee in ilarlenz, but every Monday night streetsci• d h' C k " ' ire riiing e we cline out. mad on horeebaok ere the lito of the military Brow—" Why ics that ?" for the winter. The Cossacks are the life ' guards of the Czar, ancl are the mo zt inter. esting of the many eheracters in this atrange country. , A genuipe Connie lin ne more appreoiee I Hon or dreg"( of danger then lie eas of his vodka, a terrible rum, width he drinks like watei aladothich makes betoxioation sigh. Ho was the original eoldier of Russia, the patron deteeeive and the prime epirit in meking republicen inatitutioos whet they are, Ho is devoted to the Czar, and for hie devo- tion has been knighted in the highest degree. The Aim° of the Ruesianeoldier is to become associated with the service of the Crown encl to be located about the Filen. When a soldier ie Stationed in the vicinity of the palace and it becomes known that he has been recognized by the Car, his repUtation has reached thezenith, and he instantly becomes the admiration of the entire peopN. To get a promotion 6n suits—that is, into the direct eervice of the Czar—is toacquire the highest honor a milleon Rumania eoldiere aspire to. In all the wars Russia hasfought from her organization the Cossacks have dgured most conspicuously. They especially did the bloody work when No.poleoa came over froin France in 1812and attempted to conquer the empire. Thegreat French General foupdhis men falling be* like hailwhen he was enable so strike back, the enemy always being ender ehelter. • It was continuous bush-vvhauking till the retreat began, when the Cossacks rode out 40,000 on horssebaok and shot down in cold blood almost twice their number in Napoleon' s ranks. For centuries these people ha,vebeen the predominant inhabitants on both, sides of the Volga, and the first to take up arms in all the Crimea against intruders. Nearly half a century ago the Czar rewarded the tribe by making all Cosseeke in his ser- vice his special life guard. Although the most brutal and ignorant, the Cossack isthus given the most conspicuous position in all this great army. Whenever you see Alex- ander 111. you see a swarm of Cosseeks about him, riding over pedestrians, slashing their sabres in the air, and holding high and arbit- rary authority. They have complete privi- lege and exercise it to the fullest extent. A Cossack soldier is granted complete im- • munity against punishment for all but the highest crime v,ihichis murder in cold blood. If he evantonty murders lin innocent and un - offending citizen. or companion he is court- martialled and probably imprisoned f er three or six months, but it is extreraely difficultto convict him when onoe arrested. He is fur- nished a horse, clothing and ration when stationed in a city, but is given no salary, and rations only when he cannot forage. About one -fourth of them are thus supplied by the hands of the Czar, while nearly a hundred thousand of them arepivileged to go about the country and in the nanae of the Czar pillage and plunder. They hold up strangers, commit burglary sometimes and demand at the hands of the people the best there is to live upon. It is useless to make complaints of their depredations, as theyare legalized. The people have to keep the Czar and guard his life; they must protect him and all his interests, and he holds hat they may just as well do some of heir acts for the empire's preser- tween the Queen ancl the Iron Ohinccellor t appears to be that a truce hes been declared. The engagement is abandoned for the pres- • ent, and Bismarck holds up the threat of resignabion should an attempt be made to ' bring about the marriage against his will. • The matter can well be allowed to lie der- •e...meat by all sides. ei The Commotion in France. vation directly, by maintaining a band Of marauders, as to do ttindirectly through the channel of the treasury. It does not follow that bemuse a soldier is a life guard he must be at the side of the one he is employed to protece. His field is in my spot he can locate effort to injurethe Empire or iteCzer. He is a seoret or publics detective, or a according to his purposes or desires. He goes about, when not under direcb order, n the uniform of a aoldier or the dress of a ivilian. At St Petersburg, not many days ago, I saw a Cossack in private citizen's dress on the street, walking in hot haste. He wore a long ulster, buttoned up to the chin. Ile was in the role of a detective. In a little group of men he espied his gsane—a slender youth. Hastily unbuttoning his greatcoat he drew forth a bugle. A single, short call and at his side were three or four of the fiercest-lookbag Cossacks soldiers I ever saw. They ca,me in a twinkling, wore coatsmf- mail caps, end ot their sides and in their belts were pistols, knives and maces sufficient o start a band of Texas highwaymen. The rrest was not resisted, and the display awned entirely unnecessary. Gen. Boulanger, so lately under the waves, 1 now floats buoyantly on the top of the govo 0 elemental commotion in France. Circum- stances and nos his own efforts have wrought this change in his lot; but whether his as- cension is real and not seeming, and whether he is to remain a central figure or ' soon to be swept aside like driftwood there is no telling. The German alarmist see in him the head of a majority party in favor of war. They look for a diesolution of the • present. Chamber and an end of the peace policy. • .Bat there is no clearly outlined course to be seen in any direction. The motion which t overturned the Tirard Ministry was one of a urgency for the bill revising the Conatitn. g tion. It was carried by a majority of but 31, and through recombination of extremes—. of Ratlines and Moneachiets. Those two elements would be at swords' pointe as soon as •the work of revision began. But the measure providing for revision would, it is said, surely be defeated in the Senate. Whichever way the eye looks a deadlock is in sight, and though Floquet may form a new Cabinet, dissolution and a new election of Deputies, with all the uncertain. ties of the result, are apparently unavoid- able. A new President is also among the possibilities. The connection between all this and Bou- langer is not vieible at rhe first glance. It rests in the face that a few days ago he was retired from the army by the Government. Subsequently he became a candidate for the Chamber of Deputiei before the electors of Nord, and issued what Premier Tirard de- scribed as an audacious proclamation assail- ing the political situation in general and the Ministry in particular. Iminediately there- upon the Mfnistry happened to he defeated, • and the illogical Frenoh popular mind con, genies the defeat as a Bcailanger triumph. The most that can be claimed for the dia. mounted "Man on horseback," at this time is that the the present commotion may bring to him another opportunity. Vaccination Vivace, Dr. Sanborn, one ot the New Yorkguar- andel° officials, with an assistant vaccinated the passengers of the Britannia the other day at the rate of MO an hour. When a reporteeir showed surprise et this rapid phr- • fortiance the doctor remarked : "Myawns. tant;' Mr. Hurd, is an expert vaccinator. He goes through them like lightning, and to. • my knowledge he has vaccinated 1,200 in one hour," The NroPld says that "the simple immigranth Must have /men prepared to side wondeefild things in America, bu probably nothing quite so wonderful as than And this vriectuator is not even an MD. fie is a vacoinator pure and simple rend on his lightning efforts the health of the people • of thie city depends," • • Questions from th Jury, "Gentlemen of the jury," said the Judge,' act he concluded his oharge, "if the evidence shows in your mind that pneumonia, even indirectly' wag the oause of the man's death, the prisoner cermet be convicted." An hour later a ineesonger Memo front the jury room The gentlemen of the jury, your Honor," he said " desire information. "On.what point of evidence?" "Nohe, your Honer; they want to know .1„,( how to spell pitetimonia," A Patent Ballot Box. OrrAwn, April 24, — Last session Mr. John Ps, oddell, of Hamilton, . brought to Ottawa a patent ballot box of hie invention for inspection and if possible for acceptance. The box was of peculiar construction and it simplified voting materially. One side of it faced the returning officer, while the other side stood in an apartment set apart for the voter. On entering the apartment the voter sees a feries nf levers, over which the names cf the candidates are printed. He presses down that under the name of his favourite and thee retires. Notification that be has voted is given by a bell, which sounds lin- mediately that thelever is down. At the end of the day the machine is opened, and the number of votes for each candidate are found already counted on the inside, and Ithere are no spoiled ballots. The Govern. ment have had one of these boxes made as a sample by a mechanical engineer of the Pablic Works Depertment Mr. Brown , has given notice of his intention to move for a committee to examine the box i and report upon it. The box is favour - i ably received and it is nob at all im roba ' ble that in a few pare the reformed ballot - box will be adopted. ( IAb ut 20,000,000 acres Of lend in the United States ore 16.0gr owned by aliens. WILL SAARPE.70_ the Kelfo WATI.t0t/T.Ilt. UOVING. Moat of the large tracts lie in the domain gst'!'actilule}iTtolt,f/ilelicilWitailiit7tifaonae,r V:41:e4 / aaclulted frank I'lexica'' ' man, lithe ClUelitieleT et to, TorOato, The Press in 'Japan. We feel sorry for the Emperor of Japan. Not lions ago he decided to give the news- papers in his insular empire a little leeway. The first thing the newspapers did when the mailed hand was taken from their throats Was to attack and ridicule the Goveruinent. And now the Emperor has put his big rough hand on them again, The cause of free press and universal enlightenment has thus received a severe check. Perhaps one of then days the developing people of Japan will care More for free newspapers than for an Einperon—FN. Y. World. By every man and woman if they desire to ecoure comfort in this world is a corn shell- er. Putnam's Corti Extractor shells corns in two or three day e and without discomfort or pain. A hundred hnitations prove the merit of Petnaniss Itainlose Corn Extractor, which is always sure, safe and painless. See signature of PorsoN & Co. on emelt bOttle. Sold by medicine dealer, " Jinks---" Des the fleet ileth night io eorned beef and cabbage." A Distinction. Customer: What's coal.worth ixedaY ? ^ Eeeler : Nime dollers a ton, Customer: You don't uederstancl me. didn't ask you what you asked for it, liti whab iede worth. "If a svoman is tty, To nie Ms no matter, ¢' she blonde or brunette fie she lete me look et An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever, beautiful, The peouliar dieeases so which so many of the sex are eubject, are prolific causes of pale, sallow Non, blotched with uneightly pimples, dull lustreless eyes and emaciated forms. Women so afflicted, can be permanently cured by using pr. Fieroe'e Favorite Proscription; and with the restor- ation of health cornea that beauty syhieb, combined with good qualities of head and heart, makee women augels of loveliness. "Favorite' Prescription' is the only medi- cine for women, eold by druggiets, under a positive guarratee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money will boxefuudecl, This guarantee has been priuted on the bottle•wi'apper, and faithfully carried out for many years, A brooch, probably intended for the mother of a family, canasta of au oxidized silver bar upon which appear two medal- lions, showing respectively a laughing and a crying baby's face. Crseenass Hem RENEWER restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling out. Coffee beans of gold or silver, tinted locale. trastiog shades, make peouliar sleeve links. The regular bean shape is also used, ------- Nothing 'Like It ! Every dey bwelle the volnine of proof that as e, ripeoethi for all Bleed dieearas nothing equals Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dinovo spry, Remetribee this is an old esteibliehed remedy with o, reoord I Ifr hal been weighed In the balance and found /Walling every claim I It has been tested many yeere io r thousands of cases with fiat tering euccess 1 1 For Throat and Lung troubles, Caterrhi Kidney dieeaee, Liver CorepleinteDyspepele, Sick Headoehe and all dieordera resulting from impoveriebeci blood, there is nothing like Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery , --world-renowned and ever growieg la .' favor! ROW 3 Y , -- our Liver? An oxidized silver blossom, having a gold- en heart, ie pleesing pattern in scarf pins. ,The old lady who replied, when asked, how her liver way, "God bless niet I never heard that there was euch a thing in the house," wee noted for her amiability. Proinetheua, everen ohained to a rock, might as well have pretended to be happy, as the man who is chained to a dieetesecl liver. For poor Pro- metheus, there wail no escape, but by the use of Dr. Piercehi Pleasant Purgative Pei. lets, the disagreeable feelings, irritable tem- per, ceinetipittion, indigestion, dizzies and sick headache, which are caused by a diseas- ed liver, promptly disappear. Opal and moonstones, either plain or cameo Out and surrounded with email dia. monde, are still greatly in favor for scarf pins. Conan nip ti cn rimcJy€ nred. To vie EDITOR :—Please inform your readers that I have a 'Positive remedy for the above named dis- ease. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanent*. cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my rcinedy Fan to any of your readers who have consumption if they will send me their Express and 1'. 0. address. Respectfully, DR, T. A. Swam, 37 Youge St„ Toronto, Ont. A pleasing pattern in garter buckles is a scroll of Roman gold, laving a border of flat enameled flowers sunk into the meted. Whenevor your Stomach or Bowels get ant of eir der, causing Biliousnees. Dyspepela, or Indigestion and their attendant svile, take at Mite a rlOra Of Dr. Meson's Stomach Hams. Bstst family medicine. 6,11 Bragg/elks. 66 unto. A beautiful hairpin recently observed was topped with a lidaltese cross of matched and graded (Hanlon& mounted on a coiled spring. Hue 1 Comer CORN cures in one minute. A pretty pendant for a lady's chain is a pitcher of handsomely chased gold with de- signs in enamel. The lip and bottom are of silver. People who are =Wed to bad breath, foul mate tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at ono be rolieved by using Dr. Oarron's Stomach Bitters the old sad tried remedy. &tilt 70nr DruzEist. An artistic locket charrn, suitable for small pictures, is of highly chased gold and represents an open fan. The surface is stud- ded with minute forget-me-nots in natural colors. • .• A Cure for Brunikenn.ess. The opium habit, depsoniania, the morphine habit nervous prostration caused by the Use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eto., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over.exertion of the byte, and lous of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Men --young, old or middle aged—who aro broken down from any of the above causes, or any CARES:. notanentioned above send our address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of Man, Books sent sealed and secure froM observation. Address U. V. LIFSON. 47 Wellington street East Tor:Mtn, Ont. John Bright never was at any echoed a day after he was fifteen years old. Ocean. Steamship Passengers \ Vie New York should take the Erie railway, as it is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the piers of the leading steamship companies. In buying tiokete, ask for the Erie. The new engagement ring in vogue in Patin is a revival of the old Normandy betrothal ring in shape of two hearts. A rich variation is to have one heart a ruby set with dia- monds and the other a diamond set with rubies. KNITTIN0aWnaima-4MACHINES ..ceown Ont. The Prdcat "Dandy" liagboldele will last alife-time, and costs only 25ets. Sold • by agents. some territory still open Sem- ple (free by express) on receipt of price. Ad- dress. O. W. ALLEN it CO., 67 Yonge St., Tcronto. p'Teitine BeefLER INSPECTION and Insure. je. men Company et Canada, Consulthrg Engineers and Solioitors of Patents. TORONTO. G. C. P.01311 Chief Engineer. A. FRASER ,segyerreas. MERCHANTS .'. BUTCHERS AND TRADERS liENERATiLli. We want a GOOD MAN in your locality to pick up 00.4eLretiW.21E leg for uu. °nth furniehed on satisfactory guaranty. Add r es 0. S. PAGE, Hyde Park Vermont, U.S. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS E have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper offices. Terms, one per cent. Satisfaction guaranteed. titelTWe have now four good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Coraperry, 88 and 85 Adelaide St. W., • Toronto, Out, AGENTS 8 AGENTS: Canada," Gougla's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sam P. jones' "Living Words," G'Sunlight and 'The Cottge Physician,"ough's MAKE MONEY Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc., Popu- lar Books I Liberal Terms 1 Verite for circulars, tents etc., to WILLIAM, BRIGGS, Publisher Toronto. OUR AGENTS itt 1,!, •g lI opP_raaritibryireof For The 1\l'ervous The Debilitated The Aged. ,URES Nervous Prostration, mervone Head. ach e, Neuralgia, riervousWeakness, " Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC, GEoncu W. DOOTON, STAmrOnn. 00NN,•09,374, "For two yeaxs Was a suiterer mem nervous do - Witty, and I thaw; God aud the discoverer oR the valuable remedy that PAINVO CELERY OrrucOuNI1 cured me. is a valtiablis remedY. Long mar lt nee. Let any one write 10 me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. Axiom° Annore VennoSon, VT., says: . "I believe Perim's OtmEter omenemene saved inT life. My trouble Seemed to be an internal humor. Before" usee ite was coeered with an eruption from "head to heel!, The eruption is rapidly healing, and I am five hundred per cent. better every way." A LAXATIVE. A. 0, BEAN, 'lynx= Invee Jearamon, Yr., says. • For two years past 1 have been a great sufferer from kidney and, liver troubles, attended with dye- PePete and constipation. Before I began to take CELERY CoMpOuND it seemed as thrluEIII svertithing • ailed me. Now I Can say nothing alis me. A DIURETIC. Oltonen ABBOTT. Sioux Orrx, Iowa, says: ' "I have been using PAnrgei enema' COM:POUND and it has done isle more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken., Hundreds of testimonials haveleeen received from persons who have need this remedy watt remarkable benefit. Send for circular, Fria° S1.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que. liSKi W1 Lk CI !4III ktA0*„o Wee 0,0311r#14 eiaVe PA eACi: CARlioe" tia gq.P. sieneFolerein ENGLISH Silliere, also Sinai ArtoriCan lioce Casings.. ,quality guaranteed n loin tO Snit enrceasers, Write for priees. Tag Park 032; 'clori THE ALBANY. 'STEMil TRAP CO't 7-7---1SPECIAL BUCKET ,. '''4 I gzioprkpriArtetddr.,:rimi. , filET,U,RN. TRAP. ,ap.u.ulanni's Autometie Itn zeowotro.,ti g injector, . „wee Automatic . .t: 1, _Sightnoirligit 1 )u' enteeldloei 111,8.: if; &liiticalu zstvotifroob. ; .;?-6113:111. TIMITN'.' TORONTO. CONBOT'S CARRIAGE TOPS Have all the latest improvemente and am unequelled for durability, style and convenience. 7'he OHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS BUY I'M CURER caninge builders sell them. ASK FOR THEM anoi In the ohurchof Rome, 10th edition, cheaper in priee, 880 pages. Agents, ladies or gentlemen, to sell tins mare FASCINATOR} and Talon° book. Liberal terms. Ai:mates, A. G. WATSON, TORONTO, writeite TEAM , DEPOSITORY, TORONTO. THE MARTIN MACHINE, with new improvements is away ahead of any and every Machine in America. Manufactured only by H. MARTIN & C0.,90 Mary St., Hamilton, Ont. icycles Zia 00) Feconde Hand Bicycles and Tricyclea. Send for List. New Catalogue ready in April. - MONTREAL. A. 1'. s94. ,seeeteocetweercrearerremeee,Teee.ee'''""'"'","0"'"0"'"'" reATENTS prohured, Patent Attorneys, and experts. rEst'd 1867. Donald C Ridout de Co,. Toronto. PATENTS For Sale—Elluetrattve oesiltipriv e Das alogue free. R. Ohamberim, Toronto VIONKWOALE. $30a week and expenses R paid. Valusible outilt and particulars free. P.o.vecriBUt".. Augusta, Maine. ON Elf TO LOANn 0 Farms. Lowest Re at s. 1111 No delay. Oorrespondenoe sollcited. 885 E. W. D. ItU'ilTER, Financial Agt., Atabliehed 1860. 72 Eing.st. E„ Toronto. and all other bedding and sEsNov:,:ZOP PlantS. collections will suit every one. Illustrated Oatologue Free WEBSTER BROS., FLORISTS, HAMILTON. es Specialty—PLUMS in large • 1,11136 rbPegrteginetrillnUnT A NURSERIES, Burlington, Ont. TREES R. H. HURD & SON. Proprietors: Aleo can offer a few earsited and Yellow Globebnions, ittiaueloN em - proved Safes, at prices w3thin .the reach of all. Scan send you a safe, made in the best rarolner,With Dom. bitietion Lock, and nell flubbed in every re- : pact, .for .$40, on de- livery at your station. Send for circular. S. S. EIMBALL, 577 Craig St., P. O., Box 945, Montreal, P. Q. OYEINO.AkO CLEANING. R. Parker ez Co Works need Head °Glees : 75,9 TO 763 YONGE ST. 225 Queen St East, ffices:t.teen St. West, TORONTO. { 896 Q 209 Tonga Street, City O 100 Colborne Street.. ..... ........Brant ford, Ont. 4 Join, street North Hamilton, Ont. Allan Lino Royal loll Steamships Sailing during winter from Portland every Thursday and Halifax even Saturday to Liverpot 1, and in sum- mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and 'raisin) ; also from Baltimore, via Refl- ex and St. John',, N. F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer menths. The steamers of th_e e4kis- goW lines jmil during winter to and from Halifax, Portlarld, Beaton and Philadelphia; and during sum. mer between Gla gow and Montreal weekly; Glee- gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel- phia fortnightly. For freight, pasSage er other information apply to A. &homelier As So., 13o.ltirnore ; S. Cunard s Halifax ; Shea & Co., St. John's, Nfld., Wm. Thomp- son & Co., St, John, N. B.; Allen 11 Co., 01' ieago ; leen ie Alden, New rork ; H. Borulier, Toronto; Aliens, Rao & 0o., Quebec: Wm, oroolcie, Philadel. GANGER Trx°3115' rjAnags ETC" " cum% without the Inife. No Aller, 1 ortlancl, Boston, Montreal. 9 cure, no pay. Send etatrip for pamphlet. W. L SMITH, M.D., 124 Queen E.,Toronta. IT '131' I A 1.1° C8 -A309 nitre Torgitl 2 a 000. o n o s , abouh 4 miles from Trait Creek Sjtation on the N P Railway, e.ose 0 st oo , church, 134 c ico, saw and shingle mill; there is a log house, barn, stable, ate, on it; all free from took or swailm., For forther in- formation apply to Tires. Coausay, Barrett P.0„ Ont. about 60 ares clearedim): 'n hSfl1ardwood bush ANADA. SNIPPING CO.—Beaver Line of Steamships, sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverp001. Saloon tickets, Montreal to Liverpool, 140, 050 and 860. Return tickets, $80, $00 and $110 according to steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate, 880 ; Round trip ticket% $60. Steerage, 020; Round trip tickets, 840. For further particulars and. to esoure births, apply to B. X, letmenay, Genera. Manager, 1. Custoin Bence &part, Montreal, or Go the Local Agents in the different Towns and Oltieci. er'1111101/1PII Ensiness College, Guelph, Oat. kjr The Faculty has been etreugthened, the prenl. bee enlarged and new appliances added. The Bust, nese Department affords one of the best /scenes ob- tainable, widie •the ehcgtheud Department has accomplished resUlts unequalled In the history ot shorthand. Ladies adrnitted Co ell ecivantegee Maned by the Inetittition. Students enter at any time, Mr. °Ware mailed free. M. etecomteildx, Principal. TO SELL OR RENT. nreileanifX WOOLEN MILLS, NEWMARICTilT jee Stone and Brick Building, steam and water power. Very easy terms. Good location for Custom work. Apply to 15. 3 e0ESON, Newmarket. Pid 741-3tieeteroire. BA. Farmers going to Manitoba will find it to their advantage to call upon or write to W. B. Gillett, 523 Main Street, Winnipeg, who has improved farms for sale, Information cheerfully furnished without charge. Money advanced to bona 'fide let - tiers at low rates of interest upon personal . . . property to anise them in starting. i hide sant', WTou ve l'alTI, 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thotisand miles of new rail. way, Maps, Books, showing court- try'S resources and advantages. Letters from settlers Who are thriving beyond their eupeo- tatione. Send postal °aid with your addrese to er, litilieroleiris,elialmer noun Illook,Toronto Or C. 1.1. WiennoN, Gene. Pass, Agt. St. Paul, Mina, ervouz ehility. DB. GRAY'S Opecitio had ben need for the pas fifteen yeatewith great turmoil, in the tteatmeet of 1 Nervous Debility, and all Moneta arising irom x ceases, ovelorked brain, loss of vitality, ringing hi the WWI, pal Ration, de. For sale by all drliggists. . Price in. per ox, ot 0 bone tor $6, et will be cent by 1 mail on receipt el pride. Pamphlet 011 appleicition. TIIII 613,AY NIEDICINE CO., Woronto. De,iring obtain a Businese Edneation, or become proficient a ehorthand and Typewriting, should at- tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE A d st t For circulars, etc., Address 0. O'DEA. Secretary. Cook's Gem Why do you usa those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one half theprice Prove it by try. ing the Cook's G eat. Manufactured by • ELLIS KEI0-11LEY - Toronto. 283 rouge Street, Trir.ronto. • The Cheapest ;place in • Canada for MISTRUMBTS New and secoati-hand. Agents for and "elle.;11Arel" BAein & ORCHESTRA Music. Repriring of Band To etrUmentS a specialty. Send for Catalogue THE TORONTO SILVER PLATE CO Manufacturers of the Highest Grades SILVER-PLATED TRADE MADK. PACTORTES AND SALESROOM : 420 to 420 King St. Toot TORONTO E. G. GOODERSAM, J. C. COPP, anager. See.- Pecos, litnitaMitoMoV. 'When I say Cong. I do not mean merely to stop them for a time, aud then IlLITO them re- turn again. I MEAN A RADICAL our,:E. I have made the disease of PETS, EPELEPEZ FALLIBIG SZCZENESO A l ife leng study. WARRANT my rernedy CURE the worst casese Because ethers heve relledis no reason for not now receiving a cure.. Send at on cef or a treatise andaFrtm elior.reei of my INFALLIBLE REMEDY. Give Express and Post Office. It costs you nothing :Mr trial,,snd it will cure you. Address Dr. IL G. ROOT. 37 Yong° Ste Toronto, Oen 4511EZ*747.3 Et1• INSTANT BELIEF MAL CURE. Send your address ' and ten cantata °0 stamps for Book ' Treatise- on Diseases of Man." Addree s • V. V. LIMON, 47,1Vellington-st 8.,Toron'to. Ont. 4 eels ttl 43. .t) Jenn e irre I, 65 WE nut t., cured of weaknes and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, as Cathcart Se cured of Liver Complaint and:Blhousnees, used onl eity-cient bottles;' Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta, St. troubled tor years with Nervous Prostration, tw 0112311 bottles gave her great relief. . Sold at 50c, &MOO Ir. P. HALLEY dr CO.. Proprietors. rHE greates covery of reeentage fOr 11, 2511e rut, Nows ,,ECinturstALLBLOOD IVIIR item Kingsr i =eaters. A pal ot Blood_ Pur 'ider few in Hamilton ho have been koFne tail by its use :- 44ts.x. Heenan, 192 Robert St., cured cif Erysipelas of 2 yeare tending; 'Robert Coe null, 24 • South et. daughter ()treed epileptic Fite set° 6 years' sigiaring ife,4eN; eehile Area r, ea els 0 BREADMAKEITS YEAST ALWAYS AHEAD! BREAD made with this Yeast took first prizes at 132 Township and County Fairs in. °nevi° in iS87, at such places as Flosherton, Markharp,Whit. by, etc. Over ro,000 ladies have sent us letters and posM1 cards to say that it is superior to any yeast ever used by them. It makes the lightest, whitest; sWeetest and most wholesome bread, buns, rolls and buck., wheatcalces.Dircctionsin each: peckege with full instructions.; TAKE NO OTHER. PRICE 6 CENTS; 01.0••=.111.101a.1•Maybk„ Cold in the Head, Bay Fever, etc., can poeitively be mired. .A new method. Medicine Game :vetoed to care. No cure, no pay. If you have tried other remedies that failed to care, you will not be disappointed in this. For full particulars address K. V. reUBON, 47 Welliegtoneit. E., Toronto, Can. Send 1.0o. in stamps for Book " Treatise on )is - eases of THE GLORY OF A MAN 18 HIS STRENGTH And everybody should study low they can best enure the blessing of a robust and VIGOROUS CONSTITUTR)N, The food we eat 1 -as everything to do with our physical clevelcpment and too little attention is given to the selection of nourishing food. Scicntifie Analyses hes proved that JosirisTereS nein IlEe F rote tains all the elements Of a Perfect food thet will build up a strong •oonstitution and ROUriSh BRAIN, BONE and MUSCLE. 4 Coital and fands now over $3,000,000: HEAD OFJP111:13% • - 15 TOROAIT4o ST., TOR,ONTO. A Montt. Company, Established October 1811. Te this Date, October el, 1887, there has been retuened To the heirs tif Policy holders(death,olaims). 16 To the bolders infitured Endowment Policies.. . . ..... .... ..... . .. ......2400:0 0 42042 625 To Policpbolders ou eurreeder of Policies 65088 To Folloy-helders tor (lath Indite (including those allocated and being palcr,.. • , 482,644 02 To holders of Amillity Bonde, ... „ ..... 10,007 84 Loaned to Poliey.beldets on the Seem* et their Policies 82,264 08 $1,800,174 47 P0110164 in Poree over 100060. Amount over $15,004),COO, VROIDELiT—lifon. Sin W. P. HOWLAND, CB., V1Ct-2ltE8IDENTS—Wux1An trzievr, EowAnn fl4XSPSSR, Uso, 111..' IIHIACTIONAlLIN Managing nireeter, rotottittrotliothtsold alter 2 ttealt and liseetekeible fifi0t Os*