HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-04-10, Page 21TieirolfT't 4CURIT 09 • , CLIN ON 1"kii.gWS-R COptTfitYRSDAY0 PRI •PAGE Z Ads..., yttoint, VP, It Ig IteSaltS giv. 'edit te Ocr 961.1200 Hon a 10/0.rm 6. Pets HORSES BOARDED; indoor arena. Phone 482-9960 after 6 PUREBRED St. Bernard pups for sale, 5 Months old. Phone 5g4 -4704.--15x • 7. Real estate for sale B YTtl• 'clear-dire:Tient home. This immaculate 2 bedroom bungalow has new 2 car garage with breezeway, •large lot, neVv carpeting. Available immediately. Ripley 395-1209.-15,16 DREAM' COME TRUE How wouyo ld u Mot to own a totally developed homesite at HOW= DU on a Robert Trent Jones golf course? Texas at its best. Call immediately for OA 31-87,78 , Plan to attend our slide presentation Wednesday, April 23, 1980, 8:00 P.M. at the "Duchess Room", Bedford Hotel, Goderich. - For further information call 5-24-8100 or 524-9131. ciprom.11181""91 MISIFARLANE REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR53 Main St., Exeter Phone 235-0541' BLYTH BRICK BEAUTY - 3 bedroom home in ex- cellent condition. 1.arge living room and diningroom. Sharp kit- chen plus summer kit- chen. Two baths, car- peting throughout. Large, well -landscaped lot. CLINTON OLDER 2 STOREY - brick home, 3 bedrooms, diningroom, livingroorn, • large kitchen, sunporch, on large lot. BRUCEFIELD 11/2 storey, 3 bedroom, large kitchen and living room, large lot. ' BOB THOMAS Clinton 482-3096 Exeter 235-0541 REALTY VVORLD., Hughes W.J. HUGHES REALTY LTD. Realtor , REAL ESTATE CAREER SEMINAR In the real estate business already and not making the com- missions you know you should be? Think about It. Thinking of a real estate career and definitely want to know what a real estate career is all about, because your future depends on it? Then come .on out to Realty World's Career nightea "How to be 100% Successful Without A Doubt, in a Real Estate Career", at the Bedford Hotel Duchess Room Refreshments served DM*: April 24,1980 Time: 7:30 to 9t30 p.m. Pleat* Imo on time. For reservations tall 324- 4131. rflpAci wool *,* 9. tAoccre%113thimilti" 12. Help wanted 2 BEDROOM MOBILE home for rent Morgans Mobile Homes. phone 482-7066.-4tf HOUS,ES FOR RENT in Vanastra. Available im- mediately. Phone 482- 3278.--8tfar TWO BEDROOM townhouse In Hensall. Phone 26 262-3446.-10tfar • AVAILABLE Immediately, a cosy self contained 2 bedroom apartment in a house, heat provided. Phone 5274507.-10tf COSY, two bedroom bungalow op large lot. Close to hospite and downtown. References. Phone 482-7261 or 482-3722.-13tfar 3 BEDROOM farm house, close to Clinton, combination furnace, $200.00 monthly. Available May 15. Phone 482- 7028.-14,15 4 BEDROOM SEMI detached house in Vanastra. Phone 523-4299.-14tf 3 BEDROOM bungalow, excellent location. Phone.,), 519-579-3836.-14,15 2 BEDROOM HOUSE for Phone_1187- 9024.-15 2 BEDROOM apartment for rent, partly furnished % at matn intersection. Phone 482-3901.-15ar FOUR BEDROOM far- mhouse for rent between Blyth and Londesboro, with or without berm -Please call 523-9202.-15,16 ELIZABETH COURT Located in Hensall 1 bedrooms available, now, April 1, or May 1st •ShagIcarpeting throughout •Keivinator Appliances ',Laundry Facilities 'All utilities paid FOR ENQUIRIES HENSALL 262-3448 LONDON 453-2280 48 tf 11. Room and board RETIRED PEOPLE, Vacancy now available. Holiday Home - Clinton. All meals included. 482-3685 12. Help wanted RELIABLE PERSON to babysit in my own home two or three days a week on Bayfield Line Concession. Phone 482-7105.-15 RELIABLE PERSON for housework, six hour day, once a eek or two half days. Apply .0. Box 135, Lon- desboro. 15 Avon owsogoommossaft Spring's a great time to clean up old bills Want to pay bilis? You'll earn good money selling Avon, and the hours are flexible. CALL CAROLYN THOMPSON 527-0238 CHILD'S PLAY A unique and beautiful line of children's educational books and games, needs consultan- ts and rnenagers. and Part-time) in Huron County. Free training, no 'deliveries. Home- makers, teachers, this could be the place for you. For interviews, call Mrs. Hunter ont'- APRIL 9, 18, or 11 482.3738 12. Help wanted :REQUIRED • HURON COUNTY INDUSTRIAL TRAINING COMMITTEE CO-ORDINATOR -. To administer survey to county Industries, industrial 'experience,. Interest in industrial training needs. About 3 months employment. Amtlyite CANADA EMPLOYMENT CENTRE GODERICH OR EXETER H.A.A. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED (CLINTON HOSPITAL AUX. ASSOC.) Do you have time as a professional hairdresser—to devote one Tuesday morning per month to give a perm too hospital patient? If so please contact: BARB MacVEAN 565.2412 OR MARG FRISBY 524-6404 Conestoga College ofApplled Arts / and. echnoloW We've got a lotto shlre. CONTINUING „EDUCATION • requires PART-TIME -TEACHERS These evening teacher positions are open to both men and women. We have vacancies available for the Spring 198Q term at the Clinton and Stratford Campuses.' The 'Continuing Education teachers will teach the following courses: LANGUAGE RELATED Effecthie Speaking ' Conversational French (Levels I-IV) MANAGEMENT RELATED - Data Prcicessing in a Small Business - Effective Supervision - Production AUTOMOTIVE - Basic Servicing and Repair of Small Engines .00 -IT -YOURSELF --carpentry GENERAL - - - Sewing With Knit and Stretch Fabrics - Disco Dancing Palntlng Applicants must have good communkation skills and the ability. to relate to 'adult learners. Teciching ex- perience would be an asset. Interested applicants should forward letters of ap- plication. with current resume, to the: Employment and Benefits Officer 229 Doon Valley Drive Kitchener, Ontario N2G 4M4 Competition No. 80-032 WAITRESS OR WAITER Jobs Available, full time, must be 19 years of age. Apply 80 Albert St. Clinton. Phone 482-3085.-15x EXPER-DENCED cleaning person for a private home 1 day per week, preferably Friday. References required. Phone 482-3827 after 6 p.m.---15ar PART-TIME cleaning personnel, must be depen- dable and able to work some weekends. Hully-Gully. Phone 262-5809.-15u 2 INSTRUCTORS for ADULT REHABILITATION CENTRE for MENTALLY HANDICAPPED GODERICH CERAMIC INSTRUCTOR to teach and menufac ture saleable coremi Items - finding market for same - Responsible for meal planning - Grocery Shopping Preparing Noon Lunch. WOODWORKING INSTRUCTOR to teach and manufac- ture small wooden ar- ticles - finding market for same - Assisting with present cOhfracf. Apply in writing to: Adult Rehabilitation Centre 183 Keays Street Goderich Ontario NIA IN4 14. Employment wanted WILL BABYSIT in my home or.yours. Phone 48277812.-15 SUMMER EMPLOYMENT wanted on farm by 16 year old boy, has some experience with machinery. Phone 523- 9202 after 4 p.m. -15 • WILL DO TYPING or bookkeeping in . my own home. Phone 482-9651.-15,18 15. Tenders Ontario Government Tender JANITORIAL CONTRACTORS Housekeeping a Cleaning Driver Examination Centre 70 Ontario St., Clinton Project No. L627 G. 0. 234 SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. LOCAL TIME ON MAY 6, 1980. Tender Documents may be obtained from the Ministry of Government Services, Regional Office, 400 Elizabeth Street, Guelph, Ontario. NlE 2Y1. Telephone No. (519) 822-1150. NOTE: For further infor. motion regarding this tender please call Miss .1. Robinson, at the above address. Telephone No. (519) 822-1150. The lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. Ontario MINISTRY OF GOVONMENT SERVICES 15. Tenders 15. Tenders CPuabnalicdaWorks Travaux publics INVITATION TO TENDER SEALED TENDERS for the projects or services listed below, addressed to the Financial & Administrative Of- ficer, Public Works Canada, Ontario Region, 457 Rich- mond Street, P.O. Box 668, LONDON, Ontario, N6A 4Y4 and endorsed with the project Name and Number will be received until 15:00 hours en the specified closing date.' Tender documents can be seen or obtained through the Tendering Office, 457 Richmond Street, London, Ontario. PROJECTS No. 025416 - FACILITIES FOR HANDICAPPED - WALK, POST OFFICE, CLINTON, ONTARIO. CLOSING DATE: WEDNESDAY, APRIL 30, 1980 Enquiries: (519) 679-4323 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Goderich TENDER FOR PIT RUN GRAVEL Tenders are being called for the loading and hauling of approximately 20,000 cubic yards of Pit Run Gravel. Contract to be done, betvveen May 20, 1980 and corn: pleteci by Jurete 30, 1980. Althids_mustbe ;accompanied by a certified cheque -in- -the amount of 10% of tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.. ,Closing date: 12 o'clock noon, April 21, 1980. For further particulars and tender forms, contact the address below: JOE POTTER Road Superintendent R.R. 3 CLINTON NOM 1L0 Phone 519-482-7412 tYYJiori:alei HENSALVESTATE AUCTION We have been instruited-Th sell by public auction, property, furniture and antiques for the Estate of Bruce Walker on. • April 23, at 6:00 P.M. <.PROPERTY CONSISTING OF: 11/2 storey frame house / living room / dining room / kitchen / sun room and 1 bedroom on main floor with 3 bedrooms on second floor/ full basement oil heat / new siding and roof / all situated on a large treed, lot 178 King Street Hen- sel!, Including single car garage. ,2,000.00 down Balance 30 daVs selling subject to reserve. Property sale held at the location at 5:00 p.m. CONTENTS: 4 pc. bedroom suite / cherry bonnet chest / 3'4" spindle bed / 2 pine' hlanket boxes / oak extension table / 6 oak chairs / oak buffet / walnut china cabinet / oak music stand/ 3 drawer chest w. 2 drop pales / 2 Chest of drawers / wash stand / knick knack wall shelf / 2 oak rockers / odd tables and ,chairs L..3, pc. chesterfield suite / single day bed / G.E. 2 door Fridge / Moffat 24" electric stove / small kitchen appliances / violin and case / Admiral Ell. W. T.V. / Mirrors,/ pictures and frames / oak library table. - GLASS & CHINA: R.S. German / Flow Blue, / Slag Glass / Amber Glass / Staten Shire / Eta, Glass quantity of cups and saucers / Canadian Glass / Iron- stone / Crocks / souvenirs / Jardineees / oil lamps / depression CAR: 1968 Chev V8 8,500 miles This is a partial listing. Full listing next week. TERMS CASH NO RESERVE'ON CONTENTS e(_0(//i(47,, AuCrONEERS. LIQUIDATORS. APRPA,SE,RS. 77 MA N ST • SEAFORTH. oNTARO NOK 1W'') \•••••%'.*- 519 ) 527-1458 CLEARINip AUCTION SALE , of Beef cows, young-cattle,grain, tractors, machinery to be held for Norman Wright at the farm, six miles north of Clinton on the Auburn Road. FRIDAY, APRIL 18 at 1:00 P.M. CATTLE. 15 crossbred beef cows, paSture bred to gureford-bull due from sale time 'on; 1 Hertford heifer with calf at side, one month old; Hereford bull, two years old this June; blue steer approx. 950 lbs.; 5 steers approx. 650 to 700 lbs.; 6 heifers ap- prox. 600 lbs.; 3 heifers approx. 500 lbs.; 3 young cattle approx. 350 lbs. Cows will be pregnancy checked and blood tested prior to sale day. TRACTORS Ford 860 tractor; Ford 8N tractor; belt pulley for Ford tractor. MACHINERY. Cockshutt 3 furrow 3 PTHitch plow, adjustable 12" to 14"; Ford 3 PTHitch cultivator scuffler; 3 PTHitch buzz saw; George White 36 ft. elevator like new, with 12 h.p. electric Motor; & M gravity box on wagon, three drum land roller; IHC 812 ft. trail cultivator; Woods oat railer with 1 h.p. motor; 16 ft.'flat rack on George White wagon; New Idea No 17 ground drive manure spreader; 5 section diamond, harrows and pole; New Idea 4 bar / side rake; dump rake; wagon with small wooden box; 40 ftextension ladder; quantity of steel posts; • walking plow; 2 iron kettles; weigh scale; Jack-alls jack; roll of snow fence; 2 hydro fencers; adz; approx. 7 tOrds of dry split wood; old hand turn emery stone and a few neck yokes; whipple trees, etc. plus tools and misc. quantity of scrap iron. GRAIN. approx. 15 ton of mixed grain. TERMS: CASH DAY OF,,,SALE Auctioneer: Richard Lobb ' CLINTON 482.7898 . AUCTION REMINDER CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Modern four wheel drive loader tractor and farm machinery to be held at Lot 17 & 18 Tuckersmith Town, ship 11/4 miles west of Seaforth, Ontario, on Highway No. 8 for Art Bakker. FRIDAY, APRIL 11 at 1:30 P.M. See -last -week's -paper for - full listing Owner or Auctioneer not responsible for accidents day of sale. FARM ISJSOLD TERMS CASH DAY OF SALE • Richard Lobb: Auctioneer CLINTON 482-7898 ,Aaliare/i V,..5.113ortale_s HENSALL ESTATE AUCTION We are pleased to offer for sale by public auction a lifetime collection of family heirlooms and . nostalgia items. To be held for the Estate of Mrs. Robert Simpson, a well-respected and lifetime area resident of Hensel!. Sale to be held on Saturday, April 19, 01 10:30 a.m. in the Henson Arena FURNITURE: Heavily carved walnut 3 pc. early Canadian bedroom suite ,including 7,' high. bed; large double dresser 'with matching washstand; 4 pcwalnut matching bedroom suite; 3 pc. walnut bedroom suite, all matching; cherry washstand; Victorian dresser; walnut 3 dra,wer chest with porcelain pulls; 4 drawer cherry chest Of drawers; bird's eye maple night stands; marble top washstand; Heintzman upright piano and skid! ; \ walnut trim sofa; rosewood silver chest and server; walnut china cabinet; walnut drop-leaf table (Duncan Phyfe); 6 tier walnut whatnot; 2 matching bookcases; 5 tier oak bookcase; oak parlour table; 2 wicker rockers; walnut serving table; oak ex- tension table; oak sectional bookcase; parlour love seat; Avon chest; 20" bookcase - sectional; oak hall rack; oak tea wagon; coffee andend tables; blanket boxes; cabinet sewing machine; 2 matching miniature bookcases; baby's cradle; Bentwood commode chair; small pine chest; jam cupboard; fainting couch; odd tables and chairs; walnut `gateleg table; cane bottom Bentwood chair; 6 matching theatre chairs; 6 tier sectional -bookcase. GLASS, CHINA AND CROCKS: Collection of ap- proximately 30 crocks including Brantford finger crocks; loins (westtori) Egmondville; whiskey crocks; vases; open top pitcher; butter churn; Grantham, RoyalDoulton 60 pc. dinner set; 5 pc. cruet set; Canadian glass; pressed glass; coloured depression; Nippon; salt stone; milk glass; cups; saucers; souvenirs; china platters and plates; compotes and covered pieces; copper lustre and satin glass; qu.antity of oil lamps plus matching ones; ironstone; plus more items of interest. COLL ECTABLES: Persian rug; Scottish, bride's shawl; large collection of brass bells; hand -spun bedspreads; bisque doll head; butter prints; toy cobbler; cast iron weather vane; carriage clock; hand-crafted fiddle; hooked and woven mats; 2 bracket lamps; 3 mercury reflectors; guilded picture frames;..211 . end, water colours; ap- proximately 20-'-esit iron crocks and kettles; assorted collection of bottles; child's sleigh and bob- sleigh; wooden butter churn; broad axe; fire dogs; clavers; brass buckets; wood buckets and barrels; lanterns; cookware; tinware; and a host of other interesting antique items. Large quantity of stone and masonry tools. Copper boiler; books, shotgun, quantity of interesting items. CARPENTER TOOLS: Craftsman 4" jointer; Craftsman table saw; hand power tools; quantity of hand tools. ,1 TERMS: CASH LUNCH AVAILABLE NO RESERVE This is one of the most outstanding auctions of the year. Plan to,attend. Viewing day - Friday, April 18 1:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. e 10'44, j QIii()KY rz. AUCTIONEERS. L)QUIDATORS. APPRAfSERS 77 MAIN ST. SEAFORTH. ONTARIO NOK IWO (519) 527-1458 sw0oagemommtmethavotoommsow• N AM 49 1., 4,, 9, 18. Services available KENS CARPENTRY - Remoclelling renovations, cupboards, rec rooms, carports, flooring, Hunt - Pella windows and patio doors, aluminum siding, windows, doors. Phone 482- 7676.—Ken McNairn.-12tfar BYERS UPHOLSTERY — -We---will-rebtrild-ret,over or restyle your old furniture. Top quality fabrics and workmanship. Call 482-7939, 71 Princess St. W., Clin- ton.—tfn ARMIN'S SHARPENING SERVICE CIRCULAR SAWS CARBIDE TIPPED SAWS HAND & CHAIN SAWS SCISSORS, ETC. 563-5298 17. _Auction sales FOchard Lobb AUCTIONEER- --- Clinton 482-7898 AUCTION CALENDAR Every Thursday HENSALL LIVESTOCK SALE FRI., APRIL 11,1 P.M. Tractor and machinery for Art Bakker 11,4 miles west of Seaforth.. SAT., APRIL 12 „ Some furnituTia, beef cows, machinery, etc. for Arlie Lockhart, Goderich Township. MON., APR. 14-1:30 P.M. Combine, tractor, • machinery, etc. for Roy Elliott of Varna. TUES., APR. 15-1 P.M. 4 tractors, machinery, etc. for Bill Townshend, 3rd corner west of HolartesvMe on cutline. SAT., APRIL 19,12 NOON Furniture, machinery, etc. for John Burch, 8 miles north of St. Colurnban. . SAT., APR. 26 12 NOON Furniture, antiques, etc. at Richard Lobb's barn for Mrs. Laverne Wolfe of Brodhagerk-, and- the estate of Teresa Reynolds of Seaforth WED., APR. 16 - 1 P.M. Irrigation system, trucks & dump trailer tractors & machinery for Dobson Farms Ltd. 2 miles west of Kippen. FRI., APR. 18- 1 P.M. 17 beef cows, 17 yearlings, tractor machinery, feed, etc. for Norman Wright, 6 miles north of Clinton on Auburn Rd. SAT., MAY 3 For Mrs, Adeline Bea- newies in Brodhggen. Antiques, fyrniturie, ap- pliances, power & hand carpenter fools. SAT., MAY 10 - 12 NOON Furniture, antiques, etc. at Richard Lobb's Ram' - for Wllllans �f Exeter'. AUCTION SALE for Mr. And Mrs. Frank Roberton with additions on 'hill SATURDAY, APRIL 12 at 1:30 P.M. in the Gay Lea Building, Main St.', Seaforth ' (watch for signs) SALE c ONSISTS OF: a complete lino of household effects including; Harvest gold side by side fridge and matching stove; apartment Size freezer; nearly new chesterfield and chair; day bed; beds; Boshart dresser; chest of drawers; wardrobe; electric White sewing machine; vacuum; desks; pots and pans; bunk beds; high chair; swivel rocker; kitchen table and chairs, etc. COLLECTABLE DISHES INCLUDING: Canadian; depression, wedg,wood, ironstonecrylifal, crocks and bottles, wine sets, goblets, etc. ANTIQUES AND COLLECTABLES: washstands; clock shelves; baking Cup- board; Victorian desk; blanket boxes; jam cupfloard; hall tree. FEATURING: a complete brass teller's cage; 6 ft. oak library table; railroad lanterns and collectables; hump back trunk. ALSO INCLUDING: lawn and garden tools end furniture; hand tools; odd tables and chairs, etc..' OW, Owner Or auctioneer not responsible for loss or accidents ' AUCTIONEER: TOIWPAPPLE R.R, 4, Saaiarth 527-0514 5247-0940