HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1980-03-27, Page 34The Canadian, Cancer
Society has, invested
more than .$30,000,000 in
eaneer research. Annual
expenditures have risen.
to a,pprQ.ximately
$4,000,000 per year. What
are we getting for our
Among the obvious
answers are the° "Cobalt
Bomb", developed in
Canada andiven to the
world; a drug called
VLB, recognized as one of
a select group of drugs
effective 'against cancer;
and contributions to the
control of cancer of the
cervix by mass screening
Among the less ap
--parent benefits .is f
example, an ingenious
method for counting
cancer cells, ,a --technique
considered a milestone
throughout the scientific
world. In site of this
wide acclaim, it is dif-
ficult to appreciate its full
significance since
scientists have only just
begun to exploit the
can be -detected •detested. when given to a patient and to. cancer n a r i?ci
present in - a con obtain instant access and pian, are, sensitive, to the
centration equal to one tabulation of results by amounts of varienS
teaspoonful in a 'million patient, by site of cancer, hormones produced in the,
gallons of water, • ..b.y doctor, . etc. body. In some cases the
Cancer cells, release ,, 11lleaningful' statistical tumor may stop growing
can now be and virtually disappear if
minute quantities of this studies a articular horin,on� i�s•,
special chemical into the carried but precisely and p
blood stream and it ap- quickly. absent, but renew its.
i .. ,lowing
pears likely that. the blood research scientists are growth o w tb f o It he.
test will be able to detect also studying the ability treatment 'with t.
grownthis It h'ne, .
patienteis waref of any laborator to re air horm as also been found
Patient y repair
that if . certain animals
symptoms of disease. The radiation damage.
test is the subject of a controlling growth so that get a continuous supply of
collaborative study in- all ,cells are at a given one of the female sex
volving institutions in stage in their life cycle at hormones - estrone - by
both Canada and the the same time, it has means of a pellet inserted
United States. been possible to into the tissue, they will
demonstrate that their inevitably develop cancer
RESEARCH ON sensitivity to radiation of the breast. If the pellet.
RADIATION varies from time to time. is removed, the cancer
on' l search i$ being This study may suggest ° disappears and does not
supported which is changes in the way in recur.
di-rebted towards the which radiation treat- Such results have
improvement of treat—ments are;given. convinced some scien-
ment by radiation. tists that hormones are
Having developed special THE CAUSE responsible for certain
Cobalt 60 Beam Therapy OF CANCER human tumors, such as
Units (or Bombs), one There are ap- breast cancer.
laboratory is now in- proximately 600 external
terested in new equip- causes of cancer - 600 IS THERE A
ment that will deliver physical, chemical or CANCER VIRUS?
special types of powerful biological agents capable Some of the research
in _ su orted by funds from
technique. radiations and increase of producing cancers pp
the effectiveness of the man or in animals. the Canadian Cancer
laboratory is Society is concerned with
A simple blood test to
detect early cancer of the
bowel is undergoing
intensive investigation..
This test was designed in
a Canadian laboratory
and is of particular im-
portance since cancer of
the colon and rectum
cause over 4,000 deaths
each year in Canada.
Tris `based on tfie ti -
servation that these
cancers- produce a special
chemical compound,
called an antigen, which
is not produced by nor-
mal tissue or by other
types of cancer and which
attack on cancer cells. In One
this study, as in others in studying the successive the alteration in the
the field of radiation, the changes which appear in behaviour of cells after
major problem is the the tissues,of an ex- they are virus infected.
sensitivity of normal perimental nimal from The most interesting
healthy cells to radiation the time the cancer- changes are those caused
and the 'difficulties of ,causing agent is first .by the viruses which are
sparing them from applied up to the time of called tumor viruses
serious damage. the appearance of cancer because they cause
In parallel studies, itself. The first effect is to tumors in animals. When
re s e a rc h d i r e c ted destroy a large number of mouse cells are infected
towards an un- cells. by these viruses, the
derstanding of the nature behaviour of the cells
o-€-----radiat-fon da-m-a-ge--' I –.- is followed
produced in the cell is growth of healthy cells to
being pursued. replace those damaged or
Research is also being destroyed but, dtering this
directed to the use of process, cancer cells
computers _ to improve develop .in 'different areas
calculations of the proper in .the damaged tissue.
.: dose of radiation to be Efforts are being made to
find these areas in order
to study why the cancer
develops there.
interest at present is
concerned with the
possibility of arousing the
body's defenses to make
it immune to cancer. The
exact sequence of events
that occurs during the
dNevelopment� of an im-
munity is not yet un-
derstood completely but
there are grounds for
belief that the so-called
Immune system , is: the
major natural defense of
the `body against cancer
cells as well as viruses
and other diseases.
If the cancer cells could
be altered to arouse a
stronger immune
reaction, the body might
be able to dispose of them
more effectively.
Surgery and radiation
have long been the
practical means of
vestigation - of how
compound called
,nitrogen. mustard enters
the blood cells of patients
with leukemia. It appears
th t if a cell is resistant to
the drug, it is unable to
take in any significant
quantity, This brings orte
back to studies of the
characteristics of thea .ell
These projects are just
a few of the many studies
in progress in Canada
which have been made
possible by the generosity
of contributors to the
Canadian Cancer Society
No project'"is isolated "and
few are duplicated
any _her a e- in
world.: Each represent
the contribution of one
more piece to the jigsaw
puzzle which i,s cancer.
combatting cancer, but leo respect
the use of drugs
(chemotherapy) is now
making a . valuable
Cancer has no respect
contribution. An out- for race, creed, colour or
standing Canadian wealthy. Nowadays,
achievement was the thanks to the work of
discovery SP the drug dedicated scientists,
VLB mentioned earlier. more and more effective
One research unit is treatments for cancer are
concerned with the fact being found. However, it
that tumors tend to lose does not all happen
their sensitivity to without money. This °
specific drugs. A better year, the Canadian
understanding of the Cancer Society needs
mechanisms by which $16.5 million to continue
this resistance is the search for control of
acquired may teach us this disease. Give
how to prevent a drug generously.
by changes and some of the- from, losing
It's up to
•from page 11
research and many the influence of
scientists and technicians chemicals, viruses,
have placed their faith in radiation, etc. on the
the Society's ability to
cell's large molecules
continue making called nucleic acids is
available the funds being scrutinized.` These
necessary to complete nucleic acids contain
their investigations. information which
Also, the rapid growth determines the behaviour
of research with its and future of each cell. If
demands for more space this information were
and equipment, involves altered by a. chemical or
substantial capital funds virus, it might be the
which are not readily crucial step leading to the
available through the
production of cancer.
annual Campaigns. Some . studies are
Deferred gifts, concerned with hor-
therefore, are essential to mones. Certain types of
ensure continuity and
growth of cancer •
research efforts in Take cover
Canadia, in addition to the
more direct benefits for
cancer patients and for workers
the public at large who
must be instructed on Consider this....
how to recognize cancer
symptoms and how to
prevent cancer.
The Canadian Cancer
Society needs your help
now, while you are alive,
to carry on the life -or -
death struggle against
cancer. But deferred gifts
are a means of further
supporting this great
work and ensuring that it
will go on as long as a
Single Canadian is
threatened, by cancer.
More than ever before,.
the Canadian Cancer
Society needs the
thought/111 consideration
of those who know how to
make their giving count.
In another laboratory •
The frequency of
cancer of the skin ranks
first in men and third in
women in this country.
And for a long time now it
has been known that this
type of cancer can be
caused by excessive
exposure to the sun..
Take cover, Workers....
Anyone who must work
in the sun - fishermen,
farmers, lifeguards,
construction workers...
Wear a shirt and a hat
and if you are light -
skinned meaning that you
do not have the natural
protection of pigment in
the skin, take double
infected cells later
become cancer cells. It is
hoped that an un-
derstanding of the effect
of tumor viruses on cells
will suggest a way to
prevent the normal cells
from becoming cancer
Another area of great
the habit
Feel perfectly healthy?
Great! But shouldn't
you get the check-up
habit and make sure?
You're too busy -
meetings, out with your
friends, -you like to spend
time with your kids and
besides you wouldn't
dream of seeing a doctor
when nothing is wrong.
But doesn't your good
health make all this
possible? Why not protect
it? Take time - see your
doctor on a regular basis.
Give him the opportunity
to detect problems at an
early stage and give
yeurself a better chance
for complete cure. Today
there are thousands of
Canadians who have had
cancer and who are alive
and well and cured.
Your doctor will know
the need for a "procto"
(examination of the
bowels) and if you are a
woman will carry out a
Pap Test.
Your dentist too! More
than just shiny teeth - he
can also recognise
conditions in the mouth
which should receive
prompt attention.
Demonstrate for good
health. Make that ap-
pointment today.
Clinical 'studies are
being conducted on the
way cancer drugs work.
One project has to do with
the- action of a,compound
called methotrexate,
used for patients with
acute leukemia. The
research scientist con-
cerned is comparing the
changes in the chemistry
of _leukemic cells in
patients who respond to
the drug and patients who
do not respond. The°
objective is to find a way
of predicting, in- a test-
tube, which leukemia
patients are likely to
benefit from a given
Other studies in this
field involve the in -
ew ar e
of the sun
Sunshine is great, but
too much may be
unhealthy. A glorious tan
is not always a sign of
good health. To protect
yourself, try a wide-
brimmed hat or beach
cover-up. Use a
protective lotion.
See a . doctorif you
notice . a change in your
skin condition (achange
in a mole, a sore that
doesn't heal) . Skin
cancer can be suc-
cessfully treated - but .
give your doctor an early
start just to make sure.
April 29
Theme Silhouettes of Summer
Daffodil Tea
Ontario St. United Church
2-4:30 p.m.