Clinton News-Record, 1980-03-27, Page 33uestions and answers.,: *. page 10 deaths aheadao_ f female. Figures provided by Statistics .1973;,. 18,393; Canada are, .as follows. Year ,Male• Female 1;4,57'6, Total cancer deaths - 33,969. 21. Is there more cancer among married*or among unmarried Women? No general statement .is possible. A single woman is more likely to have cancer of the breast than a married :woman who nurses her children, 1-Igwever, cancer of the.cervix (neck of the woznb)is found more frequently . in married women who'"'have - borne children. 22. Are alltumours cancer? No. The word "tumour"' really .means a lump of swelling caused by a localized abnormal .growth of cells. Those growths which are b.arml.ess are called benign;'4, Those_cells which infiltrate other tissues or spread to ogler parts of the body are "malignant cancerous, 23. How can we tell if a growth is cancer?. Only your doctor can determine if a growth is cancer. It is determined partly by the way it behaves in the body, and partly by its appearance under the oscope. ecancers inmen and women fferent? The same types of cancer may occur in both sexes, apart from those which occur in the reproductive organs. _Wr 25. Is pain an early symptom of cancer? Pain is not usually an early symptom of cancer; but in some cases, cancer causes pain at a late stage when it is_ invading bone, compressing nerves, etc. The fact thata lump is painless is no reason for assuming it is not malignant. 26. Is there anyharm in delaying the discovery and treatment of cancer? Yes. The treatment of cancers while they are still small is usually more successful than treatment of large or extensive growths. Postponing treatment of cancer, or delay in going to a doctor, may decrease one's chances of recovery. 27. What should a person do who thinks he may have cancer? He should go to his doctor at once. If he does not have a personal physician, he should go to a hospital clinic or cancer clinic. 28. Are periodic health examinations of any value in the detection of cancer? Yes, a few cancers may be discovered during such examinations at a relatively early stage of their develapm_ent_ when cure is .much more, likely_than might be later on. 29. Are lumps in the breasts likely to be cancer? The vast majority of breast lumps, about 85 percent are entirely benign, in other words, .nothing to cause concern, and they will be recognized as such quickly ;age 1 by a physician, All women should practise regular He usually charges an excessive fee for each •breast self-examination (BSE), inthis way early treatment and recommends extensive treatment, Changes- in breast tissue will be recognized, If. these - He uses .advertising, publicity and testimonials changes should be cancer, the sooner they are treated instead of reports in reputable scientific journals to support his, claims, - He discourages or refuses consultation with:, reputable physicians, claiming to be persecuted by the "medical trusts", * There is no substantial evidence that his "cured there is a type of cancer which Originates usuail in a patients ever had cancer in the first place, Few quacks are rnedieally trained, therefore they typep g or bl.ac k ,a, mole, .o f the which is flat and dark brown in colour,. When such, motes .areafoynd on the palms of have no fundaments'lowtedge about cancer," . the hands. , the soles of the feet, or on the external - They cause the patient to lose valuable time that genitalia, . they should be reported to a physician, should be spent in getting proper treatment, because in such `locations, there is danger of - The pastes,, medicines and techniques used by malignancy, quacks have no valine in curing cancer.,. 32.: Do haemorrhoids'ever turn into cancer?" No. Haemorrhoids are enlarged veins in the rectal As aireaay pointea out, ,r region. However, because of the fact that cancer is cancer are likely to be better if the cancer is treated. occasionally found in the tissue above thewhile it is still small and localized. Nevertheless, the haemorrhoids, "bleeding piles" should be examined fact. that a cancer has been bresent for a long time by a doctor to determine whether cancer is present, does not necessarily mean that cure is out of the 33. Isrectal bleeding a sign of cancer? question. Many such cases have been successfully In the majority of cases the appearance of bright treated. In other words, it is never too late to seek red-byloo-d fro nTthe ecttrm : �is-a -s of ilex; but�--it --eXPert-treatmerit--for this -disease.... -...-,---- 1 . p 49.How longwill an untreated cancer • atient live? should be reported to a doctor because occasionally p this may be the first sign of cancer of the large bowel This will , differ with each individual and with the or rectum, - location, type and nature of the cancer. 34. Is vaginal bleeding a sign of cancer? ' 50. How much cancer is preventable? . Normal menstrual bleeding is of no significance, but A recent authoritative estimate states that up to 80 bleeding which occurs -between the periods, or after percent of all cancers could be prevented if all existing the menopause, merits medical investigation. knowledge and experience could be bta.ight to bear on 35. Is bleeding or discharge from the nipples a sign the problem. Some forms of prevention involve the of cancer? elimination of specific industrial hazards, such as The majority of women who have a discharge from those associated with certain mining operations and the nipple do not have cancer. When, however, the exposure to various chemicals. But in the main, discharge is bloody, it may be a warning of cancer. In prevention requires positive action on the part of the all cases of nipple bleeding or discharge, medical whole population throughout their lives. advice should be sought. - 51. Is cigarette smoking really a cause of cancer? 36. Does blood in the urine alwaysindicate cancer? Yes. There continues to be an alarming increase in No., but its presence indicates something is wrong. the number of cases of lung cancer in Canada. A careful examination is essential. Unfortunately, this is one -of the most difficult forms of 37. How can we diagnose cancer of the stomach? cancer to cure - it is fatal in 95 percent of cases. In The best method is. by x-rays. The outline of the 1931, when Canada's population was about 9,000,000, interior of the stomach, when filled with a dense there were 140 deaths from lung cancer in men and 67 substance such as barium, will often give clues as to deaths from lung cancer in women. By 1967, this had the presence of cancer. increased to 3,700 deaths in men and 618 in women, 38. How may other internal cancers be diagnosed? although the population had little more than doubled. A study of the patient's history is useful, in addition This huge rise closely parallels the increase in to a careful and complete physical and laboratory cigarette consumption. Another interesting statistic is it_examination, aided by x-ray studies,special tests, etc. this: 25 years ago, one in every 17 deaths in Canada 39. How is cancer treated? -Worn o.11vanc rs-was-due to lung -cancer; today -the There is no one treatment for -cancer. The most rate is about one in every 5. common methods are surgical removal, x-ray or - These lung "cancer deaths occurred almost entirely, radiation destruction of the growth, or chemotherapy in cigarette smokers. the use of drugs. Various . combinations" of these - Dead rates increase in direct proportion to the number of cigarettes smoked. - Death rates from all other forms of cancer, as well as from other diseases such as heart conditions and emphysema, are much higher among cigarette smokers than among non-smokers. 52. Is there an indication that smoking Is becoming less popular? Yes There are several,_:encouraging signs that people are paying lessattention to the glib advertising of the cigarette interests. - Amongst those over the age of 15 only 2 out of 5 smoke cigarettes regularly. Amongst doctors, who are the group most familiar with the scientific evidence, there has been a major decline in the percentage of those who smoke." - Amongst airline pilots' whose livelihood depends on keeping in top physical condition, there has been a sharp decline in the number of cigarette smokers.. Amongst students attending Canadian schools there are fewer smokers among those with the best academic standing and among students who par- ticipate in sports and_other extra -curricular activities. expertly, the better, 30, Do uterine :fibroids ever become cancer? Only rarely do they undergo a malignant .change. 31. Do freckles ever turn into cancer? No,. Freckles do not turn into cancer. " However, 48, Is cancer curable only hilts early stages? This informative publication isbrought to you with the kind co-operation of the following The First Canadian Bank Bank of Montreal CLINTON WINGHAM Daffodil Tea MARCH 29 Town Hall - 2-5 p.m. Tuesday, April 8 Blitz P t methods may be used at different stages. Treatment of cancer is a complex subject, requiring the attention of medical specialists. 40. What is the difference inaction of x-rays, radium and cobalt . 60 on cancer tissue? There is no essential difference. These are all dif- ferent methods of delivering radiation which can destroy cancer cells. 41. How is radium used? Radium in hollow needles is inserted into the can- cerous growth, into the tissue surrounding it, or both, and is removed after treatment is finished. Radium in a suitable container is sometimes placed in contact with cancer of the skin. In larger 'quantities it may be used . at a distance from the body, the rays passing through an opening inthe container into the cancerous growth. 42. How is cobalt . 60 used? Cobalt -60 is a powerful agent used in the treatment of some forms of cancer. It becomes radioactive and •gives off a strong gamma ray similar to an x-ray. It may be mounted in a heavy container and used like an x-ray machine. It may also be placed in needles and used like radium. 43. Do surgical or radiationtreatments spread canter? No. Treatment does not cause spread of cancer but, not infrequently, cancer spreads in spite of treatment. In most such instances the spread has probably oc- curred before the treatment was applied. ' 44. Can the spread of cancer be stopped or retarded temporarily? Yes. Cancer of the breast and prostate have responded to treatment with hormones. Certain types - of leukaemia and some malignant diseases of 'the lymph glands have been retarded in their growth by other special chemical compounds. While complete cures by hormones and drugs still seem out of reach, there is hope that more effective chemical compounds will be developed. Constant research is going on in this phase of cancer treatment. 45. Is there any known serum cure for cancer? Experimentation is taking place in this area but no serum has yet been discovered which has any reliable effect on cancer. 46. Can cancer be "drawn out" with a salve? No. Substances advertised as drawing out cancer or otherwise curing it belong to the group of improper treatments known as unproven remedies and should never be used. - 47. How do quacks differ from reputable physicians? - A quack generally promises a cure for cancer. - His treatment is usually secret and available only frpm himself and his associates. 1:1 CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY CAN CANCERBE BEATEN. YOU BETYOUR LIFE rrcx